Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, August 12, 1910, Image 4

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    Dakota County Herald
. Subscription Price. $1.00 Ter Year.
A weekly newspaper published at
Dakota City, Nebraska.
Permission has been eranted for the
transmission of this paper through the
ibm is an second-class matter.
Telephone No. 43.
Political Tivnouivcc meals
t hereby annminrn myolf for tlin nnml'
notion on th.uti'iiKK'rntlo ticket for Ker
dilutive from thn Sixteenth Ki'PiPKt'iitn
tlve district, find o!li'lt your ftiiiiort nnl
Influence nt the polin tiicmiIii.v, Annum 10111
I). 11. Mi'Nuiiiiirn, 1'emler, Nelir.
I wlh fo announce myself n ft cnnlllnte
for the ut'HMKTHt lo noinliiiitloii for repie.
KiMitHtlVH from thn, the Sixteenth rtlHtrlct'
rompoxi'd of Thtirtin, 'uinliiK nod lutkoin
rou ii tit's. Kiiliji'ct to tln decision of till'
' coming prlnini leu. ntnl I solicit the vote and
In II tie nee i if the. ileinocrnttc voters.
Y . (Iai.i.ahii kh, KomiIIc. Neb,
I ncllelt.tlip ltcpnlillcnns of the Thlnl
Conmi'isloiiftl IilMiict to vote for my nom
limtlon ut the prlmiirlfs AutriiHt Itlth.
l.AWHON G. IIiiian.
T hceehy snmiuiH'K myself s cnnrihlntn fi
the republican noinliiHtloit for representii
tlve for tills, tlm Kith dlstrlcl. composed o
lmkotn, Thurston nnd t'uniliitf roil n lie
subject to the will of the republican elect
ore hi the coining primary.
Ck.imi. It. HoiruiiN.
I hereby announce myself hh ft rnmlldnt
for eon my roinniWxIoncr for the Thlnl I !om
inlsMoner lUHtrlct of iinkoln county, Mil
Ject to thu will of the repiihllenn voters a
the prlmury election. Nki.ko Kkaii
Notice of Democratic Precinct Caucuses,
It I recenimeniled by the democrntlc
count v cen trill committee tliut IhedKTeren
precincts hold their caucuses on hiitimiiiy
August lulu, at Do clock p. m., ( tho us
iihI vmlnir nliu-es for the purpose, jf select
Inn cundldutes for the different precinct
olllces. Tlionms Ashforu. (Jhttlriiimi
I'Htil Plzey. HecselBry.
Swan Olson of Waltliill, is a oandi
date for the nomination of represent
tive of this district at the hands of the
It is generally conceded that every
man who has served faithful in a po
litical oflioe is entitiled to another
term. Henator Burkett is just closing
Lis first term os a United States Ben
a tor. lie is asking for a re-election.
At td is time Nebraska needs experi
enced men to represent her in the Uni
ted States Senate. No new man can ex
pect to accomplish anything the first
few Tears. Henntnr Kurkett has the
knowledge of affairs boru of experience-
lie can do more for Nebraska
tliau any man that can possibly be sent
to represent the people, lie knows
its wants and in the position which he'
now stauda with bo many senators re
tireiug, he will step itto prominence
as one of the most able senators of
that body, If yon waut Nebraska to
take a piominent part in the progress
ive legislation which is needed at the
nexl term in congress, vote to return
Benator Burkett to Washington on
Tuesday, the 16th day of August.
'rnm ft 1 1 r Pyrrnncee
Pender Republio : John F Meyers
was down from Sioux City Monday.
Fonca Journal : Mrs Warnook Is vis
iting in Dakota City this week..,.
Chaa Ejler is doing some painting
at Yista this week.
Wynot Tribune: Mrs Antrim and
children of Coleridge have been here
during the past week visiting at the
parental home in 8t James.
Beacon items in Emerson Enterprise
Florence and Orval Warner went to
Homer last week to take in the picnic
and came home Wednesday of this
Newcastle Times : Mrs Bam Heikes
and (wo children Lola and Quraldine,
returned to their home at Dakota Citv
Tuesday after a visit here at the Al
Russell home.
Thurston items in fender Republic
Air ana Airs Harry rounds were over
from Hubbard Bunday .... Mr and Mrs
Lafe Clinkenbeard wer pasaeugers to
Hubbard Monday eveniog.
Jefferson items in Lyons Mirror: M
nd Mrs M M Warner, and friend
from Lincoln, drove through Jefferson
Sunday enroute to the Indian pow-wow
aud made a friendly call at Wilbur
Lyons Mirror: Arthur Kohlmeier
from Wakefield ia visiting with his
grandpa, John Rieaohe.. . .Mia R O
Bauer, a aister of M M Warner waa
here this week enrouta to her home in
Sergeant Blnff items in Sloan, Iowa,
Star: Mr and Mra Geo Hollenbeck
spent a oouple of days at Crystal Lako
last week. ...Mr ahd Mra John Hollen
beck left Tuesday to apend a week'a
outing with their daughter at Crystal
Pender Timea: Misses Mary Twohig
and Ruth Hutchinson of Bioux City
were gnesta of Miss Lou Hirsoh Sun
day.... John Forrest and family and
Miss Edna and Roland Wachter of
Linooln came down from Crystal Lake
where they have been stopping and
visiting in Pender.
Wayne Democrat: 'Gene Leahy was
a visitor from Jackson over Bunday.
....The Kemp and Corkey families
went to Crystal lake Tuesday morning
for a week's onting.... John Hnfford
and family spent Sunday and Monday
at Crystal lake, gnesta of the Ileckerts.
....Ueokert'a will return from Crystal
lake on Friiay ahen tha Kate family
will occupy tha oottago... ,T W Mor
an took a rnn down to Crystal lake
Sunday to visit Lis family, who are
spending a few ? eeka in tha Berry
cottage.... Good thing Rev Corkey
Las gone to Crystal lake . The Wayne
people who are so good when at home
Lava gone a fast pace at the now fa
xuoua onting place. They fish and
awimonthe Sabbath; drink colored,
fazzy water; play pool, and we beard
of one Wayne, married woman loaning
money to strangers. It appears tbat
there is something in tha lake water-
aside from horse munure tbat makes
the visitors go some.
Bioux City Journal, 8th: The pleas
ure craft of Crystal lake were increas
ed yesterday by the launching of the
tjueen, which bad been brought from
Capital Beach lake, near Lincoln,
Neb, by the owner, Joseph Oonnion
The Queen is an 18 horsepower, Jlglass
bottom motor boat. It is 40 feet long,
10 feet wide and can develop a speed
of fourteen miles an hour.... A large
flock of Owls from thn Bioux City nest,
No 1210, gathered at Crystal lake yes
terday afternoon and evening for their
first annual picnic. A similar affair
will be held every year hereafter,
The picnic dinner proved to be the
feature of the onting. A quartette
and an orchestra furnished music dur
ing the afternoon and evening.
Emerson EuterpriHe: Sheriff Rock
well was in town on business Tuesday.
....Qus Girluch was in town Bunday
visitifK friends. Ho is working in a
butcher shoD at Winnebago.... Mrs
John Groves returned to her home at
Bloomfleld after a pleasant woek at
the home of Chas Varvais. . . .Mrs An
na Wa'luce Bge 50 and M T Doran
age 73 will be married at the Sacred
Hoart church by Rev Father Burke
as soon as he returns home. Mr
Doran for the past few years has been
living with his eon in South Dakota
and other relatives but this does not
take the place of his own home and
becoming lonesome his thoughts turn
ed to Miss Anna Kelley, a little girl
lie had known in old Ireland. Miss
Kelley bad married and came to this
country where she lived at Dubuque,
la, until after the death of her hus
band, when she went to live with her
daughter in Bioux City. They will
reside in Mr Dorau'a home in the north
part of town.
Winnebago Chieftain; J W Rey
nolds was at Homer Saturday. . . . Mrs
James Foltz was on the sick list this
week. ... Harold Buokland waa in
town over Sunday... .Sam Deering
tas been on the sick list the past week.
Misses Alable and Mamie Clapp,
of Homer, drove down yesterday....
Miss Ida Anderson, of Bioux City, vis-
tea at the John Ashiord home this
week .... Omar Killbourn waa up to
Homer Wednesday afternoon, seeing
the races. .. .Sim T Huber, of Bioux
City and Marshall Chas h Bates, of
Homer, were in town on Monday....
Mr and Mra O S Lake, of Homer,
were down last Sunday, spending the
day at tie home of Mr and Mrs T T
Harris. . . .Mrs Jacob lieikes, of Wake
field, came on Tuesday for a visit at
the home of her sister, Mrs Sam Der
ing. She went to Dakota City yester
day to visit other relatives. .. .Sher
man MoKmley is the new barber at
Meronre's barber shop. Mr McKinley
needs no introdnction to the majority
of people in the vicinity hereabout, as
he barbered at Homer several years
ago. He and his family recently re
turned to Homer from the Nebraska
sand hills," where he has proved up
on his claim... .Mrs It J Jones and
little daughter, of Omaha, in company
with her mother. Mra James Harris,
and the formers sister-in-law, Mrs Em
Harris, and Miss Lulu Harris, all of
Homer, were visitors on Wednesday at
the home of Mr and Mra T T HarriB.
Mrs Jones, when she was Miss Sarah
Harris, waa a lormer oompositor on
the Homer Free Press when it was our
lot to publish that sheet. She made
the Chieftain oflioe a pleasant call
ith her friends.
Bimx City Tribune, 8th: Following
the South Sioux City town council's
service of notice to atop sellind beer
and operating money gambling ma
ohine at Bobby Black a cafe, Crystal I
lake, Saturday morning, Sheriff J P
Rockwell, of Dakota county, served
similar notice on the proprietors of all
similar plaoea on the lake Saturday
afternoon. The resort waa free from
beer aud slot maohines yesterday.
Since about a half dozen men conduct
ing lunch rooms and refreshment par
lors at the lake are said to have been
selling beer and operating money-pay
ing alot machines in open disregard of
the law the lake has come to be fre
quented largely by a rough class and
parties of drunken men and women
have been commou sights. The pro
prietors of all the places have declared
that their particular places of amuse
ment were coudueted in good order
and that other places then theirs were
responsible for the evil conditions. Each
proprietor blamed the otheis though
he did not single out any particular
competitor. South Bioux City people
became so disgusted with the situation
that the town council held a special
meeting Friday night and Instructed
Marshal Waddell to order Bobby
Black, proprietor of the Black cafe, to
stop selling liquor and operating slot
muuhinos. Waddell vimted Black's
Saturday morning and delivered the
councils order. Mr Black complied.
lhe UUck oale was the only resort
over which the South Sioux City coun
cil could exercise any authority, it
being the only resort on the lake that
waa within the South Sioux City town
limits. Sheriff Rockwell, learning
mat Houtu Bioux VllJ had ordered
Bobby Black to stop violating the law,
took the aame action with regard to
the other places in the afternoon. He
visited Joe Saunders, proprietor of the
Island Beach hotel; Alfred Savage,
proprietor ol a lunch room and confee
tionery stand, and Dennis Finnerty,
who conauota a boaiuouse and is al
leged to to have sold sold considerable
beer on the aide, and told them all
that they must sell no more beer and
not run gambling machines. Tbey
'all promised obedience. The aherift
also aerved similar notice on Bobby
Black, but he already had ceased do
ing the things of which the people Lad
complained. Sheriff Rockwell said
today: "There wasn't much dispoul
tion to bother those places as long aa
they were so far from South Sioux City
and nobody went to them except peo
ple who wanted to goto such places;
but they got so strong tbat the drunka
bothered South Sioux people. South
Sioux went after Black, ao I thought
it only fair to make the others stop."
For Sale 200 acrea of Lay, one mils
south of Coburn Junction.
JMDavey, Ponca, Heir.
Fred Bartela was iq the city Tues
day. Mrs Bert Cobleigh and children vis
ited Saturday and Bunday in Dakota
City at the Ernest Triggs Lome.
Joe Hagen returned last Friday
from a several weeks visit through
Ohio, Illinois and New York.
A dandy new line of dishes for har
vest and threshing, at Carl Anderson's.
A dance is planned for next week in
the new hotel.
Mrs R Olson returned Lome the
first of the week after a Week'a visit in
Sioux City and other points in Iowa.
Ella Thornton returned to Ler Lome
in Bioux City after a two weeks visit
in Hubbard aud vicinity.
Jack Beacon? waa a sonth bound
passenger Tuesday morning.
New work shirts for fall wear at
Carl Andorsou's.
Anna Andersen came Lome Snnday
after a week's stay at the Hans Knud
sen homo.
John Dnggan gave himself a little
exercise Tuesday by going out In the
country and seting up a windmill.
John Ilogan and wife were Wake
flold callers one day last week.
Ex-Sheriff Hansen waa a Dakota
City caller Tuesday,
Overalls in all sizes and grades at
Carl Auderson'a.
Tom Heffernan ia Laving an addi
tion built to Lis house just north of
Bessie Thorn returned from her visit
at Wayne last Monday,
Mra WintLer -returned to Ler home
in Kenasha, Wis, after a two months
(tay at the James Hendricksen home.
Mra Hendricksen accompanied her as
fr aa the oity, .
Remember we can save you money
on groceries, in any quantity. Carl
Mr Hirsh of Nacora waa a Hubbard
caller Thursday.
Several farmers marketed Logs here
Mrs Patrick Duggan was a Sioux
City shopper one day last week.
Mrs Maloney was in Hubbard a
couple of days last week.
A dandy new line of dress goods and
furnishings at Carl Anderson's.
Mary Timlin was an over night visi
tor in Jackion Friday.
William Flege, the man who mur
dered his sister near Wayne, passed
through here Sunday in Lis automo
bile. The Infant child of Mr and Mra
Eble was quite Biok last week, but at
this writing is getting along nicely.'
The ball game played here here last
Sunday turned out a tie in the 8th in
ning whon the Wakefield boys Lad to
catch the train.
You are missing a good thing
if yon don't try Millar's coffee, sold by
(Jarl Anderson. There is none better
for the price.
Anna Andersen went to the city the
first of the week to consult an ocoulist.
D O Heffernan was an over nisht
visitor in Jackson last Friday.
Johnny Hogau waa a soutu bound
passenger last Friday.
Nellie Heeney of Nacora spent last
week at the J Harty Lome.
King Horse gloves for Larvest and
stacking, at Carl Anderson's.
Qeorge Hale and wife and It R
Dyer and family were visitors in the
city Wednesday.
Mrs Christensen and son, Joseph,
left Weduesday for Ilolstein, Iowa, on
a few week'a vacation trip, where they
will visit relatives.
Tom Long Lad a car of Logs on the
market Baturday. Tom says it waa
tha nicest load Lo Lad ever shipped.
We want your cream, butter and
eggs and all farm produce, and will
pay the highest market price. Carl
Roy Wilsey and wife, Joe Leedom
and wife and Mr Garret and wife
witith their families,, spent Baturday
and Bunday at Crystal lake.
John Myers, brother of Mra R D
Rockwell, and John Ketzenberger, I
coutiiu, luft lor their homes at Watot
loo, Ind, Tuesday, after a week a visit
hereabouts. R 1) accompanied them
as far as the oity.
New shoes in endless variety, just re
ceived. and we can fit any member of
the family in any style of shoe desired
Carl Anderson.
The separator belonging to Joe
Leedom and E Anderson burned up
Sunday night. No one seema to know
the origin of the fire. I here waa no
insurauoe on the outfit and the loss
will be huavy on the owners. Joe
Leedom and John Oreen went to Lin
coin Tuesday aud will bring back
new separate
D J Kennedy of Sioux City, auditor
for the Atlaa Elevator Co, waa in town
Mrs John Lilly and children of Sioux
City are visiting relatives here.
The Misses Mary and Julia Barry
of Belmoud, Iowa, are guests in the
home ot their sister, Mrs R N Ryan,
Nora Buckley, who spent the past
month with relatives in Chioago, arriv
ed here Saturday. Miss Buckley ia a
student in St Catharine aoademy.
Olive Bellinger of Sioux City is
spending a few weeks vaoation with
Margaret and Minnie Keefe.
Mrs Krause of Dixon, Nebr, spent
Baturday with her aister, Mra Lee
Hall, She waa acoompanied Lome by
Mr and Mra Hall who remained over
Mrs Clara Banseof Sioux Oity, was
an over Sunday guest in the M Heffer
nan Lome.
D J McDonald of Sioux City, waa
tranlacting business Lere Monday,
Enid Buatty of Blair, Nebr, arrived
Lere Monday for a visit with relatives
and friends.
Dr B J Leahy and wife and John J
Ryan departed Tuesday eveuing lor
Denver and ether points for a few
weeks outing.
The little sii-year-old eon of Horace
Dugan and wife came home Monday
from St Vincents hospital, recovering
from an operation performed on his
J Butler and wife of South Sioux
City spent Sunday in the Peter Bryan
home, they formerly lived here.
Bennetts Oill is spending the week
in the George Thompson home at Wat
erbury, Nebr.
Ed T Kearney, wife and little son,
Edward, and their guests, Mr and Mrs
Edson Harkness of Berkley, Calif, au
toed to Yankton, 8 D, Saturday, re
turning Tuesday morning.
D F Waters and wife are enjoying
a family reunion this week, their
eleven children all being home for the
first time in a year. Their son John
D who is in business at Early, Iowa,
arrived home Tuesday and attorney
Ed J ia homo from Omaha for a week's
Mary Barry returned Saturday from
a visit in the Norris home at Rock Val
ley, Iowa-
llerjjan and Louis Roost and Lue P
Beacom delivered about 4,000 bushels
of corn to the Saunders- Westrand ele
vator here, this week.
Mary Timlin of Hubbard is visiting
the Misses Margaret and Minnie
Mrs Frank Reed visited in Emerson
last week.
H M Wheeler, of LeMars, Iowa,
visited over Bunday in the Alfred De
maray home.
Bennetta Hall returned Lome Wed
nesday morning after an over Sunday
visit with the Misses Mary and Nelly
Mrs Jacob Heikes of Wakefield, waa
visiting relatives hereabouts the past
week or two.
Clay Armbright made a run to Rock
Rapids, Iowa, last Friday with his
auto, taking Dr Roost there to see a
George Miller and wife visited over
Sunday at Coleridge at the Lis Bri
denbaugh Lome.
Tho Embroidery club Lave taken a
. . .
couage at urystai lake and are en
joying a week's outing.
Mrs C E Barber, mother nf E H
Cornell, died at her home at Ponoa
Monday. The funeral was held on
Wednesday, and was attended by sev
eral from this neighborhood.
Salem lost another of its pioneer res
idents Tuesday night, when Perry
Learner passed away. The deceased
was one of our oldest and most respect
ed citizens, and his death, though not
unexpected, was a shock to the entire
George Hirsohback. wife and son
left Tuesday on a western trio, and
will stop at Julesburg, Col. where thev
will take a look at their farm near
that place. From there they will go
to Montana for a visit with relatives of
Mra Hirsohback.
Mra Albert MoConnell and daughter
of Gentry, Okla, are here visiting Mrs
McDonnell s two sons, Will and Claud,
the former working at Fred Culbert
son's and the latter at Hugh Graham'a.
Mr MoConnell is in Canada looking up
land .
A fine 7f-pound boy came to glad
den the home of Mr and Mrs John
Miller Thursday.
D4ve Hilemann came in from Jules-
berg last Saturday and will spend a
month at the old home here.
Miller Bros and Lonie Rasmnssen
are busy hauling sand for their new
Chaa Dodge and wife were Sunday
visitors at the John Labahn home.
Mra L E Priest oame Lome from
Grofton, last Saturday where she had
been visiting with her son, Clifton,
Fred Wilkins and daughter, Clara,
went to Lyons last Saturday to make
arrangemont for Clara who's going to
attend the high school at that place.
Gua Wilkius went to Manning. Iowa,
lust Thursday on business.
J N Miller came home last Monday
from Lake View, lo, where lie Lad
been visiting for the past week. He
is. thinking about' going to Montana
to take a homestead.
itobt j-iuesuorinii took his boy home
from Bioux City Monday, and he is
getting along as well as can be expect
ed. lie lias lost the sight ot the eye
that was injured .
Ed Rockwell and family were all on
the sick list last week.
A ball game was played at Xela
Anderson's last Sunday between Plum
Grove and Fiddler Creek score, 3 to
2, in favor of Fiddler Creek.
Mrs Malingter of Emerson, visited
at tho Ed Maurice home last week.
Aioeri jiooertson and lamuy were
Winnebago visitors Sunday.
Fred Kipper and Garret
drove to Emerson Tuesday.
Sherman McKinley ia having
old barn torn down to niako room
a new one.
Mrs Ilelou Weeks of Rosebud, S D,
visited Mrs T U Curtis and other
friends between trains Wednesday.
Mr Cook and family of Wisconsin
came Wednesday for a visit at the
Chas llolswortli home. Mrs Cook is
a sister of Mrs Holsworth.
Mattie McKinley, assistant editor of
the Star, left Thursday for South Soo
City, where she will join Mamie Chris
topherson and accompany Ler to Crof
tou for a week'a visit.
August Wilkins and wife were pass
engers to Manning, Iowa, Thursday
for a visit with Chaa Scheuneman and
family, former residents of this place.
Wm Armour of Sioux City, waa vis
iting with Lis children in this county
several days the past week.
Fred Barnes of Walthill, waa a vis
itor at the Buckland home this week.
Bert Kinnear departed Sunday for
the soldiers Lome at Hot Springs, S D,
Mrs Marvin Armour gave a very en
joyable pionio party Thursday morn
ing. Jennie Selby, 4 niece from fcuu
City, being the guest of honor.
May Altemua of Dakota City, waa a
guest of Ler aieter, Mra Audrey Alia
way, the past week.
G J O'Connor started a second crew
of Lands to Lis Lay ranch in Cherry,
Our te
Uuy Your House Furniture of Us.
C0C-G08 Fourth St.
county last Thursday. Among them'
was Col Hamilton, war correspondent
ior the Star.
Sam Blanchard, mail clerk on the
Long Pine run out of Omaha, with his
family are visiting at the Jas Blanch
ard and Billy Buckland homes.
John Collins and wife of Blyburg
were in the western part of the state
last week looking over their ranch.
Beth Barnes went to Omaha Friday
to visit his wife, returning Monday.
Fred Wilkins and daughter, Clara,
went to Lyons Saturday.
Fifteen or twenty of Rev Phillips'
flock accompanied him to Homer Sun
day and brought a picnio dinner with
them, among the number we notioed
John Hazlegrove and wife and Will
Mason, wife and children.
Mrs R J Jones and daughter Velma
returned to Omaha Sunday, accompa
nien by Mary Harris.
Died, Monday, August 8, Everett
Shook, aged 14 months, the youngest
ohild ot Elmer Shook and wife. In
terment was in the Omaha Valley
cemetery Tuesday. Rev Hammond
of the English Lutheran church offi
ciating. Ray ManBileld and wife were guests
at the Wm Clapp home over buuday.
nomer's Comets played ball at Oak
land Sunday.
Harvey Queen and daughters, Gol-
die, Bessie and Mra Bud McKinley
were sonth bound passengers Sunday.
A little child of the Goff family who
live in lhe Mrs H B Smith house is
very ill with bowel trouble.
George Johns and Wellington
Smith, spent several days the past
week at the lake fishing.
Mrs Phil VanJOleve of Blybnrg, left
early last week for Kansas City, Mo,
to visit a married daughter.
Maloom Smith was operated on at
St Joseph's hospital, Sioux City, last
Friday for appendicitis. He is recov
ering nicely.
Chaa Gurcsey of Emeron preccinct,
now owner af the Webster place, was
a Homer visitor Baturday.
Mra Bauer of RoBebud visited
frienda in Homer last week.
Miss Jennie Brown and niece, Na-
dine Bhepardson, were Sioux City
shoppers, luesday.
Will Learner and family, Aud Alia
way and wife ot tbia place, and Rhue
Altemua and family of Salem, were
guests at the Will Rockwell home
Sunday. It being Mra Rockwell'
Misa Gertie McKinley returned
from Belden, Monday. Miss Mattie,
who was a guest for several days at
the Tod Christopherson home in Crof
ton, accompanied her home.
Mrs Annie Shull is keeping house
with her daughter Helei, in Des
Moines, lo.
Walter Cleveland, veternary waa a
Sioux City visitor Friday of last week.
Jim Allaway is building corn cribs
on his farm to receive the bumper
'crop this year.
Mrs Nelson Smith and guest, Miss
Dorothy Smith, of Montecello. Iowa,
and Mra T D Curtis, were Sioux City
visitors i nday of last week.
Tom Christopherson, of Mabel, Minn,
an old resident of Homer, has been
visiting frienda and relatives in Homer,
Lmerson and Bancroft. Mr C is the
owner of a creamery in Lis Lome town.
lie accompanied his sister Mrs Bringe,
of Bancroft, Lome she having been
on a visit at his home.
Mra Sarah Smith, widow of the
late "Uncle Tom" Smith, reached
the age of 87 years on August 3rd.
A good and lovable woman, full of
kind acta for all. She is spending the
summer at the home of her daughter,
Mrs Will Jastram, in franklin, Nebr.
She waa kindly remembered on her
birthday by a "shower of postals" eto,
from many loviug friends who all hope
she may be left with us, yet many
more years. Greetings, Aunt Sarah
from all Dakota county.
Kroni tho Keooril
miss Anna l.ageu was taken to a
Sioux City hospital Tuesday where she
will uuilcro an operation for appendi
The foundation for the new tenant cot
tace to be erected by John W. Hazle
grove on the lots east ol the S. B. Lopp
residence has been started.
George L. Boals last week finished
painting the residence of Mrs Mary Boals
which freshens up the nptearance of the
Boals home.
Mrs. M. Johnson of this city and
Miss Lulu lohnsoti of Akron left this
for a visit with Mrs Johnson's son, H. J
L. olinson m N.otta lilult County.
During the storm Tuesday evening
lightening struck the barn at the J. W.
De Forest home on Walker's Island and
two ot Mr De Forest's cows were
killed. A third cow was uninjurtd aa
were the horses. No serious damage
was done the barn except to shingles on
the root where the bolt passed down
ward. J. W. Hazlegrove of the Farmers
Mutual adjusted the loss.
Money refunded
Everything in the line of
Harness si rid Horse Goods
Whips, Fly Nets, Saddles, Sweat Pads,
Lap Robes, Stable Blankets, Etc.
Kepair Work Given Prompt Attention
FVcdricIcGcsn GBi Son
You Can Have a
Cool Kitchen
No matter how hot the weather, if you use a Gas or Oil
StOVe, They apply the heat, . only where and when
needed. Our line are all "quality goods," fully guaranteed.
Take, for example, the "Insurance" Safety Gasoline Stove,
it is safe, simple, durable and economical. We can show
you why.
Edwards& Bradford Lbr.Co.
Are Doctors Any Good?
Foolish question! Yet some people act as if a medicine
could take the place of a doctor! The best medicine In
the world cannot do this. Have a family doctor, consult
him frequently, trust him fully. If we did not believe
doctors endorsed Ayer's Cherry Pectoral for coughs and
colds, we would not offer it to you. Ask your doctor.
No alcohol in this cough medicine. c.Ayer Co.,LoweUMa
If we did not believe doctors endorsed Ayer's Fills for constipation, biliousness, sick
headache, we would not offer them to you. Ask your own doctor about this.
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