COUNTY SCHOOL NOTES T T 1 L juocai items T?riAar lull T r imn Our deputy state iuperlntemlpnt, Frnnk S. Pi-rJup. will give nil uMms 5t the Hlli nianicliool house Bntimlny eveninu. July lfltli, at : o'clock, explaining the consoli dation of ruml school district! for the pur pose of organizing ft rural high school. All patrons of school district numlwri . , 8, 12, and 12, should make It n point to le pres ent. Nlnety-nlnc eldhth grade pupils took the examination this sprln and forty-four of them received diplomas. . All teachers whoare behind In their ex aminations should avail themselves of the opportunity of taking the special examina tion for life certificates which will be of fered on Wednesday, July 27, and Thursday. July 2S. No examination In life subjects will lie (tiven this week. Twenty-six rural pupils applied for hlnh School admission certificates thlsyear. The number In each district Is as follows: No. i ( Merldlan)elht, No. 17 (Shull) seven, No. 11 (Welnle) three, No. IS (HUeman) three, No. 11 (Parker) one, No. W (Plum Grove I one. No. 20 ( Hale) one. No. (H (Rlume) two.Z BTiTf or Omo ctrr or Tolioo, I Lucas Couxtt. f Tramc J. CHrxcr mskM oath that lis II wnktr partner of the firm of , J. chinet A Co., dolus; businHM in the city ot Toledo, County and Stat mforeeaM, and that said firm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLAKfl for each and every ease ot C atarrh that cannot be cured by Ida um of Uall a Catahhu Cum. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subscribed In my preMDoa, this 6th day of, December, A. 1., ISS6. t . I Not art public. Hall s Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally and set directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces o( tba system. Send fur teatlmonlals, free. .. F- J- 'HKNEY & CO.. Toledo. O. Bold by all Druggist. 75c. , Taka Hairs Family ruts for constipation. You will find good line of sweat pads (or borne:, whips, machine bolts, and a very good line of hardware, tin1 ware and graniteware at right pricee, at Schriever Bros. Lincoln Sanitarium Sulpho-Saline Springs Located on our own premises and used In the Natural Mineral Water BATHS Unsurpassed In ths treatment of Rheumatism Heart, Stomach, Kidney and Liver Diseases MadtraU Charges. Address DR. 0. W. EVERETT, Mgr.. Lincoln, Heb. Undertaker County Coroner Go to the Dakota City Tharmacy for your Tans Green. Mrs D II llaeer went to Wakefield Wednesday to visit her sister, Mrs Lettie Hampton. Dr C II Maxwell and family will oo enpT the VauRhman cottage at the lake for a few weeks. Mias Blanche Robertson lias gone to Lincoln to, enter a hospital and take np the work of a nurse. George Sheibley went to Yankton, S V, Monday to work on the govern ment river work as watchman. The Dakota City Pharmacy will fur nish you Taris Green in large or small quantities, and the price will be right. Martin Syverson and Ethal Haskell, both of Sioux City, were united in marriage Wednesday by Judge lleffer- nan. A B Thorn returned to his home at Ooheyedan, Iowa, Saturday, after a few weeks visit with relatives in this county. It pays to trade at ans, and be sides be will give you, free of charge, a handsome chromo in the course of time. Go and see him. Fred W Way of Grand Island, Neb, and Hone Banian of South Sioux City, were united in marriage by Rsv War ren last Friday evening. Howard Rockwell has accepted a position in Jalge H E Evans' law of floe as stenographer, and will read law during his leisure hours. Mrs M Long and Mrs Mary Lattin were down from Allen a few days the past week visiting relatives and f rien is. They returned Wednesday. Mrs Minnie York and little daughter went to Lyons, Nebr, Monday to visit with relatives a few days before re turning to their home at Afton, Okla. The T & W Envoys lost to the John sons at Crystal lake Sunday, score 12 to 0. The Whitfields won from the 8hepardsons at the same place, score 8 to 3. W H Ryan of Homer, and John Bolerof Jackson, were here Monday in attendance at ihe meeting of the exec utive committee of the Old Settlers association . Fred Schmidt came down from his claim near New Underwood, S D, on Wednesday, and will spend a few weeks here helping to harvest the bountiful crops. Mrs James Fueston and daughter, Mrs Agnes Hartranft, returned home Thursday mt.rning from a two weeks' visit in Kock countv. Charley Smith and family accompanied them home. One of the heaviest rains of the sea son visited this locality Wednesday night and Thursday morning, when nearly three inches of water fell. The potato and corn crops were greatly benefitted . Edward Anderson and Alfhild Hjem- dahl, both of Beresford, S D; and David E Ferdig and Enimeline Wooi ey, both of Yankton, S D, patronized the matrimonial branch of Judge Hef fernan's court last Friday. Lost A bay mare, 6 years old, let ter U branded on right shoulder, right hind foot white, wore halter with rope dragging. A reasonable reward will Oe paid for return ol animal, l'bone or notify Thos Debieu, Dakota, ,City, Nebraska. Boyd S Leedom, editor of the Os mond Republican, was a visitor here at the home of his parents list Friday and Saturday, going from here to Wy not to visit a daughter over Sunday. Boyd learned the trade in this place about thirty years ago. The world's most 'successful medi cine for bowel complaints is Chamber lain's Colio Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedv. It has relieved more pain and suffering, and Baved more lives than anv other medicine in use. In valuable for children and adults. Sold by all druggists. Mrs Frank Mehan, of near Ponca, daughter of Sheriff aud Mrs Rockwell, was taken to St Joseph's hospital in Sioux City lust Thursday ' for treat ment. A tiuv babv Kirl was born to ht-r, which only survived uutil the fol loninK dav. Airs Mehan is slowly re covering. The notorious Mary Ryun, who was arrested at South Sioux City lhurs day of last week on a charge of con ducting a house of prostitution, was tried before Judge Heffernuu Monday and sentenced to pay a fine of $50 and costs, amounting in all to about $65, which she cheerfully "dug up." Mrs V H JSauguman entertained a few of her lady friends at their summer cottage at Crystal lake Wednesday in honor of her sister, Mrs Toohterman, and niece, Mrs Craig, of Oklahoma. Those present were Mesdames George Barnett, J W dibble, Ed Frederick, Mary R McBeath, Paul Kinkel, John H Ream, and Geo I Miller. Teething children have more or less diarrhoea, which can be controlled by giving Chamberlain's Colio Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. All that is necessary is to give thejresoribed dose after each operation of the bowels more than natural and then castor oil to cleanse the sytem. It is safe and sure. Sold by all druggists. I Guy Cheney, son of Mr and Mrs Wm Cheney of this place, was married on July 6th to Miss Marie Leona Mul vihill, of Seattle, Wash. Guy has A Good Clothes Line, for 10c ? been in business in Seattle for the past . e . e sr 1 Ae or six years, and has certainly A ol 1UC corn, lor - made good. They will make a short A highly periumed loilet boap, lor OU visit here at the home or tue grooms a f on. 1 Z parents the coming week, while on I tail Ji J- awi n-un iui -a . -v. . . , ,. . c or -n i T) 1 e ! their wedding tour. A rati nf 2hc Hnlcinpr PnwHrr fnr ZZllC .. .... .... , vvniie replacing tue crossing on ' r IT -11 T CM 1 PI! i . . . IOC Oil ou an iuw oiiocs uuu ouupcis B I main street in Iront of Van s corner Tuesday, the workmen found a small B tie1 v. . iKr pocketbook with the Fraternal Order I I of Eagles emblem on the cover. Be- Tellv Classes each 2lAo. I sides containing a number of receipts , . rti I I the book also contained a pair of gold One Gallon Can of Apples 3UC . rimmed glasses in good condition. Xaw Beans, per pound C I The receipts, however, crumbled to Ponr nnnnHs Sppfllpss Raisins 2.5a I dust when the book was opened, and w, lr, -T ,, T ,-, . a0m neither the name nor numbet of the l our IN O. 1 or l0. & ump uimueysi tor ac lodge could be made out. iNo. - cuiu x.i tu.., xi m The funeralo! Louis Berger, who . wa9 drowned in Crystal Lake on the t I evening of July the 4th, was held from I tiy t'a nnln.l.Llnfl n..lnH in 1IODIWVI B UUUDIllftiUK J'.IIUt. . U Sioux City last Saturday afternoon The members of the city league teams turned out in a body to honor their dead comrade, who was pitcher for the Whitfield team. "Heine" Berger, a pitcher for the Cleveland Amerioan team, and a brother of the dead man escorted the remains to Indianapolis, 15. F. Sawyer Jackson, Nebraska Bargains at Van's every day, W L Ross and family have moved in from Foyea park. Regular meeting of the Masonio lodge Saturday evening of this week. A nice batch of cement walk has been put down lately, but some of it is most all-fired crooked. John Welker of Homer, was a busi ness visitor here Tuesday, looking af ter his fruit tree business. If you haven't got time to do your own shopping call np No. 1, and he will deliver the goods promptly. The Sons of Herjian will hold their annual picnio at Emerson July 20th. A good time is assured all who attend. The Detroit gasoline and coal oil stoves the best safe, durable and clean. For sale at Fred Schriever & Co.'s Nellie DeBell, daughter of Dr E J DeBell of West Point, Nebr, was a guest of Helen Orr several 'days the past week. Mrs Ernest Triggs and children left Tuesday for Ft Dodge, Iowa, to join Mr Triggs, who is working as fireman in the yards there. The MBA lodge of this place will hold their annual big picnio at Crystal lake on Saturday of this week. A royal good time is anticipated. Mrs Anna McAfee and son Carl and daughter Claire departed Tuesday for their home at Dalton. Ohio, after a month's visit ffith relatives in this county. Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets gently stimulate the liver and bowels to expel poisonous matter, cleanse the system, onre constipation and sick headache, bold by all drug gists. Voters ought to attend the demo cratic mass convention held t Dakota City July 23rd. If you are against county option, initiative and referend um, attend ; if you are for county op tion, initiative and referendum, attend. D C Heffernan. The matter of the petition of Fred G Stanard for a saloon license was np before the village board at their meet ing last Saturday evening. A remon strance was filed to the granting of the license, and the hearing on the remon strance was set for Saturday evening of this week. When the stomach fails to perform its functions, the bowels become de ranged, the liver and kidneys congest ed causing numerous diseases. The stomach and liver must be restored to a healthy condition and Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets can be de pended upon to do it. Easy to take and most effeotive. Sold by all Drug gists. A case was filed in the district court here Thursday by Attorney A Van wogtnen of Sioux City, involving the title to several thousand acres of ac cretion lanJ lying east of the Omaha creek in what was formerly the Mis souri river channel. Catherine M O'Connor and others vs Ada M L Pet ty et al marks the title of the case. L P Hall of this place is one of the defendants in tre action. I Abstracts of Title , , t nBM7' I Dakota County Abstract Co. A $10,000 Suretv Bond " ... . . Bonded Abstracter I m Guarantees the accuracy of every fl Abstract I make J. J. EINERSI I You Can Have a Cool Kitchen No matter how hot the weather, if j-ou use a GilS or Oil Stovfi. Thev aoolv the heat, onlv where and when needed. Our line are all "quality goods," fully guaranteed. Take, for example, the "Insurance" Safety Gasoline Stove, it is safe, simple, durable and economical. We can show you why. Edwards Bradford Lbr. Co. Hubbard Nebraska ! SATURDAY SPECIALS! 1 i is I A Stin Miss Grace Marrall Las gone to Madison to enter the employ of ex Senator Wm V Allen as stenographer. No matter how you make it, No matter how you bake it, No matter what it costs you, You can't beat Tip Top Bread, Made at Metz' bakery, For J Van de Zedde. Guatave Uerlach was up from Win nebego Monday calling on friends, He is in the employ of John Alam, in a meat market. Soreness of the muscles, whether in duced by violent exercise or injury, is quickly relieved by the free applies tion of Chamberlains Liniment. This liniment ia equally valuable for muscu lar rheumatism, and always affords quick relief. Sold by all druggists. Paul Tizey, wife ond baby daugh ter arrived home Tuesday from a two weeks visit at Randolph, Iowa, with Mrs Pizey's parents. Get married and have your wedding photos made at the De Luxe, we make the latest styles and our prices are be low all. For group or school photos, see us first. De Luxe Studio, 405, 4th street, Sioux City, Iowa. Lizzie and Harold Van da Zedde and Willie Lor en z returned last Sat urday from a week's visit at Norfolk at the Sam Bouton borne. Kozy Studio has moved to 3rd and Jackson streets, Sioux City. Making photos in all sizes and at a very low prioe on cabinets. Now is your time to bring in the babies. Our prices al ways the lowest. Work guaranteed. All kinds of coal, feed and hay for sale at reasonable prices. Fiixds & Slaughter Co. TmoEBliyen, Manager, Dakota City, Neb. State Boundary Line Questioned A suit that promises to attraot the attention and consideration of the state legislatures of both Iowa and Nebraska was started today by several land owners near Homer, Mob, through their attorneys, A Van Wagenen and J A an Wagenen. The dispute is over tractjof about 1,771 acres of land near Homer, Neb, and was brought np by the wanderings of the Missouri river. Litigants ou the Iowa side of the river claim tnat by accretion they gained possession of the land many years ago and that a recent move of the stream, which cut them off from the land, did not takeit from their possession. The Nebraskaos olaim the river did not make the sudden jump claimed by the Iowans, but mov ed over to the Iowa side slowly, and gave tue property back into their pos session bv accretion. Litigation over this land is of long standing. Many years ago Iowans had their title to a large tract of the land quieted. Since then portions of the property have changed hands sev eral times. Recently Leary P Hall, wishing to sell some of his land, tried to make a deal with Eugene Purdy, of Omaha, Neb, but Purdy desired a clearer title than Hall could give him, and this started litigation again. Hall had his title to the land established in the district court in Woodbury county. But the Van - Wagenens will make a move by which they hope to have the action of the distriot court here put at naught and get all of the land in dispute for the Nebraskaos . Neith er appeared in the district court to con test the claim of Hall to the land, but on the other hand, ignoring the court's action, they will bring a suit in the Nebraska court asking that the title of the Nebraska land owners be quieted. The suit will be filed at Dakota City Neb today. The burden is on the attorney to prove that the river did not make the jump the Iowans claim it did, and that the land belongs to those on the other side of the stream by accretion, A quick jump of the etream does not change the ownershnhip of land, but if the river changes its course slowly, someone is bound to lose land and someone else bound to gain it. The land that was lost by the NebraBkans when the river slovly changed its course years ago was extremely valua ble, and the farmers suffered a big loss. As a direct outoome of the case, should the Van Wafreuens win, it will be np to Iowa and Nebraska to decide where the boundary line of the two states is. The question will be wheth er it changes with the river or remains in the origiual bed of the stream, in spite of the wanderings of the Missou ri. It will be necessary to determine this to tell which of the conrts, the Iowa or Nebraska, l ad jurisdiction in the matter of quieting title. Ibis matter will be for the states them selves to decide. Nebraska has a conditional recipro cal law, by which it agrees to let the Missouri river alwavs be the boundary line, providing the adjoining state does the same thing. Iowa has no such law. It is thought as a result of the land litigation the two states will get together and make some kind of a provision for determining the state boundary . COMMITTIES NAMED For aoth Annual Reunion of the Plo ncers and Old Settlers of Dakota County, Nebraska. The executive committee of Pioneers and Old Settlers association met at the court hotiite in Dakota City Monday afternoon to formulate) plans for the coming annual reunion and picnio to be held at Clinton Park, Dakota City, on Thursday, August 25th, 1910. George Wilkins, clerk of the district court, and a born and reared Dakota county boy, was appointed secretary of the association to fill the vacancy make by the resignation of Rev W C Eokhart, who contemplates moving to California in the near future. Following are the ofllcers of the as sociation, and the committees that were selected to look after arranging for the big picnic: OFFICERS. A. It. ltnkor PrM,nt. K. H.Orthlile Vlco l'rvM.lent. ivol no Wllklns Scorotnry. W. L. Kws ANtnnt Swrt'tnrjr. M. UrlbMt FlimnrlHl Kvorvtnry. Ui-o. T. VS'ckxN Tri'itxurer. M. M. Warner-HMorlnn. J. r. lUvkwi'll-rlit.-f Marshal. AoHlstnut Mnrshnls Jim M. l.fpilom. Trfu- Is ifcHMlst-ll, :hnrU WndiU'll. .(Hini't Kuvs- ion, Jomi ij. inizh'Krove, O. J. Ynli'iUlne. COMMITTEES . Kxpcutlvp Jolin Holor. J. J. Klmers, L. II. AritihrlKht. V. II. Hynn. Plillo McAfee, H.'ll Homli'Mon. Tliomu Jmii's. Jnlin l'. Hmltli. Invltntlon )i'orK Wllklns. Y. E. Voss, t. U. Kvans, W. L. Hois. Sneakers John Holer. Wm. P. Warner. J.J. Klmers, K. K. Kvans. TrniisDortatlon R. K. Kvnns. M.O. Avren. J.J. Kliners. W. 11. Kyim. Registrar Mrs. Fnnnle Crosier. Mary A. Knstuii. KlUttheth limine, Mrs. Mnry t'rlU. Privileges A. H, linker. UeoraeT. Wnoils. Barney t.rtbble. Amusements M.O. Ayres. lr. 0. 11. Max well, W. H Miinon. John 1 1 ovruli, lr. (. J. Leahy, alter smith, Hen Uonderson. John II. Ileum. Membership Mrs. MnUrlhhle, Mrs. Mary PrlU. Anna Kai tlett, hvai'lstn Kyan, Mar (finet Qvilnn, Kntu Diiukiiii, UrUtxle Hayes, Mrs. teuton renuio, .Mrs. it. A. t'iuiiDlx'11. Alice HetTerimn, Helen KiH'kwell. Badges Mrs. Fannie Croler, Mrs. Eva L. Orr. Grotinils H. P. Wool, Barney Urlhhle, 8. A. Stlnso'i, Henry k runiwletle, Hernmn r . Mroy Hill, v. H. Ki nin, A. 11. Bilker, Walter Cheney, W. L. Hons, J. J. K liners, Kimnett iinemnn, J. f. hoc u well, John Koltz, 8. W. Koltz, H. E. Kvans, V. U. Lake. Reception w. A. Morgan and wife, Ben Bonilerson nml wife, Huns Nelsen nml wife, 8. 1. Mikesell, Jerome Hollmnn, J. M. Huckney and wire, John C lMneen, Hen rr Hlernitinn. Freil Heermann, sr., Mrs. Tina BrlilenlHitigh, Mell A. Kehniled and wife. Oliver Usher aim wire, jneon r. Lea rner and wife, Pnnl Pliey anil wife. L. H. Armhrtght and wife, Mrs. Allee Hides, Ml linn Orr, Jacob Sides, Mrs. Kva L. Orr, Mrs. Nellie Mason, Mrs. ;uo i. mpeneer, nurry H. Adnlr and wile, w . i.. uoss unci wire, Kllznlieth Manse, Perle Stlnson, 1). M.rsels wnnger, Mrs. Mary K. Mc Heath, Herman Fonts, (ieoige vt lison, neniricu mesninit, I.lbhlo Snvldge, K. K. Church and wife. W. H. Rynn and wife, K. h. Wilbur anil wife, J. J. Kyan. Bonnie Hurry, Helen O'Neill, Frank Havey und wife, Ed T. Kearney and wife, James Casey, Matt McKlveigun, Mag gie Twohig, Michael Hencoin und wife, J. O. liuggan and wife, John C. Collins, Martin Voss, Mary Kenlnger, Plillo McAfee und wife, Aaron I.lnafeller and wife. Nellie Hee ney, Mrs. John Connors, Oertrnde Mike sell, Oeo. H. Hnnse, Herman fctolze and wife, Fred Illume and wife, Mnry Timlin, J. P. Beucom, linnlel Hartnett and wife, I'nvld Cliipu, Jas. M. King anil wife, Well Combs, v. J. O'Connor and wife, Thomas Aslifonl und wife. Ucxyo of Trsxvcl txrc Here "The Bank that ALWAYS treats you 'RIGHT" is prepared, with Steamship Tickets, for all the best lines, Travelers' Checks and Foreign Drafts. You would scarcely think that we sell tickets to parties from Sioux City and other towns but it is so. And we sec that they are Treated lfclgllt aboard ship. EwarytHtnrf In DtKnlctntf Hmr; II i. 1 1 Insuriknot Bank, of Dakota County t"Sn-.fc.lHl""li"ll-l ifcrt i Jsvekson Nsbr. I WatcHtnelProgrcss of Farm Development in Wyoming The Richest Undeveloped State in the West. Go with me on one of our personally conducted landseekers ex cursions to THE DIO HORN BASIN the first and third Tuesdays of each month, and see what the farmers are doing on these new lands where the Burlington is building new lines; where new towns offer splendid business openings in all lines of trade and profession. Examine these Lands Personally with me. I will help you to pick out the best. I am employed by the Burlington railroad for this very purpose. Our Homeseekers' Ticket allows you 55 days with stopovers everywhere in homeseekers' territory; ample time to examine the lands and spend a few days fishing in the mountain streams if ou like. See the irrigated lands where the ditches are built by the government and also by private companies, and the Mondell 320-acre FREE homesteads all on one trip. Specially Prepared Wyoming Literature just off the press. Write for it today. D. Clem Deater, Gen Agt Land Seekers Information Bureau, 1004 Farnam Street, Omaha, Nebr. iiul!iiH j -. son Dakota City, Nebraska Joe n. Leedom Resigns as Deputy Sheriff. Joe M Leedom, who has served in the capacity of deputy sheriff under Sheriff J P Rookwell since the first ot April, on Tuesday tendered his resig nation to his chief, to take effect at once, touowiug is a copy 01 meres iguation : Dakota City. Neb., July 12, lulu. Hon. J. P. Hockwell, blierltr, liukota Coun tv. Neb. )enr Hlr: Oruteful for the position of deouty to which you nmmluted me on the 1st of April ; still, owliiK to my private In terests, 1 feel that 1 run no (oiiKcr serve us such deputy sherllT. The salary Is Hiunll not euouuh to enable me to maintain my family, and my oblixutlons to my family are paramount Willi me, I must therefore Im'K leuve to temler you my resiKiiutlon wlilc ti I now do, to take effect at once. Thunkliiic you for expression of conn' deuce, 1 um, Respectfully yours, J ok M. I.EEDOM. Joe Las demonstrated his ability as a rustler since taking the deputyship, and has always been Johnny on the spot" when there was anything to do. lie is in a position to make consider Lie more money in his private busi ness, and has already returned to his home at Hubbard and will immediate ly tit np Lis steam threshing outfit and put it in readiness for tue summer ana fall threshing. Sheriff Rockwell has named no one as deputy yet, and may dispense with one for the time being and do tue work himself, with the assistance of NEBRASKA Here are some concrete facts about Nebraska that should be made known to all men : The extreme length of Nebraska, eaBt and west, is 415 miles; the ex treme bredth, north and south is 205 miles. The gross area of Nebraska in square miles is 77,210. The gross acreage is 49,606,400. The cnltivated acreage in 1909 was approximately 16,000,000 acres, or less than one-third tho total .area of the state. On this 16,000,000 acres there was produced in 1909 the following crops: Corn, 169,179.137 bushels; market value $98,123,871. Wheat, 50.313.600 bushels; market value $45,642,234. Outs, 59,653,479 bushels; market value 123,801,389. Barley, 2,820,632 bushels; market value $1,269,277. live, 1,227,332 bushels; market value $780,399. Alfalfa. 1,971,770 tons; market val ue $17,745,930. Tame hay, 2,647,839 tons: market value $21,182,712. Potatoes, 7,386,497 bushels; market value $5,909,202. No account is made of miscellaneous crops, sucn as speitz, miuei, sorguum, cane, sugar beets, kailir corn, onions, general garden truck, etc, which would add many millions more to the total roduction . LESS THAN ONE-HALF OF THE ACREAGE THAT MAY PROFITA BLY RE CULTIVATED IN NE LRASKA IS BEING CULTIVATED AT THE PRESENT TIME. f rom tue pasture lands ana trie grain leea raiseu in neoraska was produced $35,000,000 pounds of but ter. $18,000,000 worth of eggs, ajd $40,000,000 worth of poultry. From these pastures and grain neldj Nebraska produced aud shipped to market 1,118,518 beef cattle; 2,807,502 hoes; 76,274 horses and mules, and 554,505 sheep. The total value of the surplus shipments of live stock exceed ed $120,000,000. The total products nf Nebraska in 1909 agricultural, live stock, dairy iug manufacturing, eto, exceeded $640, 000,000 an average of opproximately $600 for each man, woman and child. No other state in the Union made such showing. Dairy farming in Nebraska is in its infancy, ret Nebraska is today one of the leading producers of daily pro ducts, and is ft rging ahead by leaps and bounds. The inducements offer' ed to dairy farmers by fiebraska are beyond computation. Taking into consideration fertility of soil, healthfulness of climate, access to market and surrounding creature com forts and advantages, land in NebraB' ka, improved ar.d unimproved, is to be had more cheaply ana on better terms than anywhere else in the republic. Fifteen million acres of fertile land await the activity of husbandmen. Nebraska with a population of less than a million and a half produces more than is produced and purchased by Japan, a nation of 35,000,000 people Nebraska offers greater inducements to homeseekers that any other state in the Union greater than any other similar areaiu the whole wide world Mark this copy of your local paper and send it to some one ia the east who mav be lookinK about for a new looation. Let us all work togethe for the building up and development iOlLS OILS V Lubricating or Illuminating j evn Oil for Every Pxirpo&e I Mowing Machine Oilers, 5c to 25c a I Ice Cream Freezers, Hammocks, and Lap Dusters at Close Out Prices. Edwards & Bradford Wr Co. Dakota. City, Nb. 5fr j (J) HARNESS I j iY 43M$?J j I " This lK-in. Coucord Harness No. 76 f t J no collars $31 ' ' t X fT1 Our No. 179, VA-n. Concord, with ,A I X flat backs, a better job $35 if m Sturgeo Bros. ; f HARNESS (D PAUL PIZEY, Dakota Citvi Nii. Bonded : Abstracter Lawyers ALFRED PIZEY, 608 Metropolitan Blk. Sioux City. Iowa M Patronize Home Industry buy your meats of j Wrrv LrORBBJZ, Proprietor of City Meat Market i Fresh and Salt Meats always on hand ffl Cash paid for Hides and Pelts Agent for Seymour's White Laundry. Basket Tuesdays and comes back Saturdays goes on DAKOTA CITY NEBRASKA Ind, for interment. Marshal Jas Fueston. of Nebraska.