Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, July 01, 1910, Image 7

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    Appropriate Hymn.
The worshipers In a certain churcft
kad some trouble to keep their faces
straight a short time ago. During the
service some com motion was caused
by a gentleman who accidentally Ig
nited a box of wax matches In his
pocket, and was trying to put them
out, while his alarmed neighbors
truggled equally hnrd to help him.
The minister, being short-sighted,
could not make ont the reason of the
disturbance, and thinking to diplomat
ically cover the Incident, he innocently
"Brethren, there Is a little noise
going on. t'ntll It Is over let us sing
'Sometimes a Light Surprises.' "
He Gets "Commercial Extra."
"Don't you touch that sprig of cel
ery!" commanded Mrs. Ileckpen.
"Why not?' asked Mr. Ileckpen.
"Ain't it good?"
"Good? Certainly It's good It's the
best there Is. I'm keeping that for the
Give a man health and a course to
steer, and he'll never stop to trouble
about whether he's happy or not. O.
Bernard Shaw.
1' II
. ........
XVfcgelable Preparation for As
similating iheFoodandRegula
ling the Stomachs and Bowels of
Promotes Dr&stion,Cheerful-
nessand Rest Contains neither
Opium.Morphine nor Mineral
Not Narc otic
flmjft tfoidOrSAfnatrmfOt
'MxStmnm '
A nerfect Remedy forConslipa
tion . Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea,
Worms .ConvulsionsTeverish
ness and LOSS OF SLEEP
T Simile Signatureof'
Tux Centaur Company:,
Guaranteed under the Food aw
Exact Copy of Wrapper.
Low RSpd Fares
New York Central Lines
Lake Shore, Big Four Route
Michigan Central
New York, Boston
New England, entire Atlantic Coast and
other Eastern Summer Resorts
Ticket! will be on tale daily during June, July, Aupust and Sep
tember. Many free Mop-over privilege!, and optional beat trips
on Great Lakes, St. Lawrence and Hudson Rivers.
We will be glad to tend you full information as to fares, berth
reservations and routes, and on request will send copies of our
new 1910 summer booklets and folders.
' WARREN J. LYNCH. P avenger Traffic Manacer. Chicago
Think of Last Slimmer-
You can remember days when the heat inside your
kitchen was so great you could hardly bear it. With the
right stove you would have made a better hostess. Save
your health. Don't put up with the drudgery of a coal
range. You can have a clean, cool, pleasant kitchen. The
m mm
LWJr?. fa lit,
Caatlmarytfote! Be euro
you get Una etcva sea
that the neme-plata
reads New Perfection."
i Caatlmary tlote! Be sura I
Mj, with 1 4 and 3 boroare the I end S burner itovea can be had with or without
XTerj dealer erery where. If not at roan, write far iieecrlptlTe Circular to the uearett agency of the
Standard Oil Company
' (Incorporated)
m The bent Rtomacn
' .. I 1 I ...... t ; 1 1 - Lnnwn
null I urn nun .
and a positive and
speedy cure for Con
Stlpntlon, Indigestion,
Jaundice, Ltlliousness,
four Htomaoh, Head
ache, and nil ailment
arising from a dlsor
tiered stonuieh or slug
gish liver. ,They con
tain In concentrated
form all the virtues and values of Man
yon's Paw-raw Tonic and are made
from the Juice of the Paw-Paw fruit
I unhesitatingly recommend these pills
as being the best laxative and cathartic
ever compounded. Send us a postal or
letter requesting n free package of
Munyon'a Celebrated Taw-Paw Laxa
tive Pills, and we will mall same free
and Jefferson Sts., Philadelphia, Pa.
Wn taea K.rnlmn n,Wuh,
reierenoaa itm reeuluh
mm o i
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You llavo
Always Bought
Bears tha
For Over
Thirty Years
tut (irrue aoiiMMT, new Yea env.
ok - stire
does away with all drudgery ot
cookinjj. Why should you be a
slave to a coal ranee when you
can have on Oil Cook-Stove that is
cheaper than coal, cleaner than coal,
doesn't "smell," doesn't smoke, lights
instantly.can be put out Instantly, leaves
no aches, and doesa't bejt the kitchen.
With or.e of these eiovcs you can boil,
balie or ror.r.t tlie rr.cst el-torate dinner.
You can change from a 6low to a quick
fire, or the other way about, by simply
turning a wkk. An :y a match, and in
stantly the heat from an intense blue
flame Ehtxits upward through the tur
quoise -tlue enamel chimneys to the
bottom cf pot, kettle or oven but no
where elce. The Btove has eve vy conve
nience that can be thought' of : Cabinet
Top with shelf for keeping food and
diLhes hot, drop shelves to hold coffee
or teapots, towel rack; in fact every
Convenience possible.
Th nlcktl finish, with th bright blue of
the chimneya, makes the stov ornament)
end attractive.
av m-w w- 4rw
And Though It Wasn't a Very Elegant
Animal, and the Carriage Was
Rickety, Little Girl Was De
lighted. "If I only hnd a pony," organ the
little girl. Then she stopped. That
pony had ' been the subject of her
dreams and her waking thought for
weeks. It had become so much of an
all-absorbing subject that It had been
frowned upon In the family circle, but
suppression only made It more Impor
tant "If 1 only had a pony."
The littln girl hnd planned It all
aut. She hnd told father and mother
the plans. Father had looked troub
led and mother had seemed sorry.
The tittle girt couldn't understand
this, for to every little girl a father al
ways has money, for ho has means of
earning it that little girls lark.
"Some day," father had said, and
on this foundation the little glil had
built the dreamB and the plans. It
was all arranged. There was a nice
shed to keep the pony In, and she
had gathered grans and put It In a
soap box In the Btall In case the pony
.should come.
She would drive to the office for
father every day of the world, and
when mother wanted something from
the grocery in a hurry all she would
have to do would be to jump on the
pony or get Into the little cart that
comes with all ponies and get It In
no time.
How the other little girls would
envy her as she drove past! Some
of them she would let ride with her,
but some of them no, they were
mean and shouldn't even come near
the pony.
Mother told father all these things
at night, and father would do sums In
mental arithmetic In the dark and
postpone the solution to another time,
for all sums cannot be worked out
right away.
Then mother took a hand.
"John," she said, "can't we get some
kind of a pony for her? Anything
will do. She don't need a fancy pony
and cart or anything like that Just
something she can drive." Father
61 d he would see.
And a few days later he drove home
behind a small and very tame appear
Ing animal that might have been
called a horse by courtesy. The
buggy was old and rusty, but a coat
of paint would settle that, and It
would look fine.
"My pony!" said the little girl. That
was all. She could say nothing more
for at least an hour, ot even when
she was taken up to the buggy and al
lowed to drive all by herself.
"It cost only 20," father told moth
er when they were together that
night, "and the buggy Is about to fall
to pieces, but she will have just as
much fun out of It."
"You're a dear boy," said mother.
"Nonsense!" said father, gruffly.
"She had to have it." Galveston
Back In the Fold.
"Family pride Just about reaches Ita
Jmlt with the Biddies of Philadelphia."
eald a man who bails from the burg of
scrapple. "To be a Biddle In Phila
delphia Is sort of like being an arch
angel In heaven at least from tho
point of view of the Biddies. One of
the women of that numerous family
married a man who was quite her ae
rial equal, but who was afflicted with
the somewhat commonplace name ot
well, say Robinson. They have a
little girl, who la now about six years
old, and the child Is never permitted
to lose sight of the fact that her
mother was a Biddle. In Sunday
school a couple of weeks ago her In
fantile mind was expected to grasp
the problem of salvation according to
the doctrine that we must be born
again. When she reached home she
ran to her mother, exclaiming: 'O,
mother. I have such good news for
"What Is It. dear?" asked her
" 'Why, when you die and go to
heaven,' explained the little girl, 'you'll
be a Biddle again!'"
Edward's Interest In Medicine.
In particular, the late King Edward
was interested In the promotion of
everything that might tend to bring
the best aid of medicine and surgery
within the reach of all, and In the
wide employment of any scientific de
velopment which might mitigate or.
haply, prevent the spread of danger
ous disease, lie was saved from
typhoid fever death by the great Sir
William Jenner In 1872. In 1902 Sir
Frederick Treves, the great Scotch
surgeon, operated on the king for an
absceBs around his appendix. In 1896
the king saved Guy's hospital from
financial collapse. King Edward was
Fellow of the Royal College of Phy
sleiuns of London and Fellow of the
Itoyul College of Surgeons of England,
and was the Intimate friend of a nuru
ber of doctors.
Couldn't Fool That Boy.
An uptown minister, interested In
social work, la still laughing over a re
cent experience with one of the small
boys whose reclaiming Into the paths
of virtue be makes his cpeclal prov
It was a freckle-faced little urchin
whom ho had In hand, the leader of a
gang of tiny terrors. With a saucy
leer, tho youngster asked bitu what he
did for a llvin'?"
"I cm a messenger of God," replied
tho minister, solemnly.
The uichln looked skeptical.
"Where's your blcyclu?" he said.
Philadelphia Times.
Grasping the Situation.
"1 want to exchange these," said the
.'ustomer, handing a long box across
;ho counter to the saleslady. "I never
could wear anything that compressed
me so, here," placing her two bands
Just above her waist lino.
"Oh," responded the saleslady, after
deftly encircling the customer's waist
with a tape measure, "you need
larger size. These are too tight
across the diagram
Mr. William A. rtmlfnrd will nnnwrr
ipirnttona anil Klvi- mlvlrp THICK OK
COST on all mibjpi ta wrtnlninic to the
Miilijirt of hiillJniK for tlio re.nlrrs of
thin papr. On ui-coiint of Ills wlilo pe
rlnr as Ktlltnr, Author ami Manufur-
turnr, lio I, without tlntiht. t ho highest
authority on nil tli-o Riilijcrts. AiMron
all Inquiries to William A. Itailford, No.
!H4 Fifth Ave.. Chlra.no. III., and only en
close two-cont utaiiip fo- reply.
There Is no form of construction
better stilted to the dvmani'.s of artis
tic taste and economy than the con
crete block. In the first plnce It Is
portable and easy to handle. The de
velopment of the block In the past
two years has been marvelous, and the
material of that nature produced now
In accordance with the accepted rules
nd regulations Is all that could be de
sired both In durability and appear
ance. In fact. It Is superior. There
has been more or less objection, and it
apparently has been well founded, to
the sameness of the concrete block.
One was Just like another. But now
In many parts ot the suburbs of the
largo cities and In country towns beau
tiful houses are to be seen. In which
this objection has been overcome
There is a variety of faces, and the
courses alternate so that the monot
ony Is relieved.
The concrete block house is cooler
In summer and warmer In winter than
a house built of any other material.
The bugaboo of dampness also baa
been overcome. All that la necessary
Is to have a block In which plenty of
cement has been used, with a good wa
erproofing compound, thorough mixing
In well-graded gravel or crushed atone,
and sufficient curing! This assures a
block that will be moisture proof,
If you are going to build a concrete
block house the ber method la first to
get your planB and then consult a
contractor who Is familiar with the
subject. Insist in the specifications
that the requirements for the blocks
be such as laid down here as to the
method of their making. If you do thla
there is no doubt about the result
Now you can see that a concrete
block house will cost very little for
. . ... i ,
, '
i , , , " ' ' x ' ' . '
rw - --tm,. uj y', ,
Kitchen J
Tlol '37X1 o'or Ji
Living Rm.''tL
1 j
g wb3 Porch
a C
Tint Floor Plan
maintenance. No paint Is required,
and no repairs will be necessary. The
house shown In thla connection is a
fair sample of what may be done with
the concrete block. It is ot attractive
and substantial design and well adapt
ed for the needs or requirements of a
small family.
The size of the house Is adapted to
almost any size lot. It Is 23-feet 4
Inches wide, and 24 feet long. The
design Is enhanced by the treatment
But Capitalist's Little Mistake Was
Turned to Good Account by
Alabama Governor.
Former Governor "Tom" Jones, now
United States Judge in Alabama, has a
joke on a Philadelphia capitalist whose
name he never has told. While gov
ernor he used frequently to rise early
and smoke a cigar on the capital steps
before breakfast. There the northern
er and his wife, stopping only a few
boura In Montgomery, found him.
Governor Jni'S has not always been
the tidiest man about his personal ap
pearance. The stranger looked at him
and then said:
"My good man, can you show us
about the capital?"
The governor courteously took the
pair over the old building, giving them
the hlBtory of the many objects of In
terest it contains. The capitalist was
so ably entertained that when ho and
his wife left he presed a silver dollar
In the governor's hand.
"Tom" Jones thanked him and ac
cepted it. It was about that time that
the Alabama chapters of the Daugh
ters of the Confederacy were strug
gling to raise a fund for a soldiers'
monument A few weeks later the
Phlladelphian returned home and re
ceived a letter from Governor Jones.
The letter Intimated that a gift to the
monument fund would be moat accept-
X V X M3 ii it,
under the eaves, commencing with the
base of the second story windows.
There Instead of the blocks cement
plaster Is to be used on either lath or
expanded metal, with a panel effect.
The strips used here can be painted or
stained a dark color to mark a strong
contrast with the cement. First a
coat of lime paste should be used, and
Second Floor Flan
on this, after It is scratched to make
a holding surface, a coat ot cement
mortar Is to be applied.
It will be noted that the central part
of thla design is the living room. The
parlor has not been thought of. It la
a bouse to be lived In all over. This
living room Is entered off a wide porch
which extends partly around the front
and the right side of the house. The
living room la 13 feet 9 Inches by 12
feet In dimensions. . Another attract
ive feature is the cozy nook off this
room In which a seat is provided oppo
site a fireplace. The bookcase can be
placed here. Imagine the attractive
ness of this nook on a cold winter eve
ning when the wind and storm are
howling outside. It is the provision of
homelike features like this that makes
any plan attractive. Back of the living
room Is a good size kitchen. This has
been planned with a view to conve
nience. As a matter of fact 'every
house should be planned from the In
side and not from the outside. For the
wife and mother must be there all
day, and her work must be considered.
If the duties of keeping house can be
made lighter by the arrangement that
should be provided for before any oth
er consideration Is taken up.
The second floor Is reached by a
stairway that extends from the living
room. On the second floor are two
bedrooms and a bathroom.
Island of Many Names.
The political rechrtstenlng
-"" " " luo
case of the island of Reunion, which
outdone by
changed Its name four times in just
over half a century. In 1793 It was
Bourbon, as It had been for a century
and a half; but the convention then
changed It to Reunion. Under the
empire It became He Bonaparte, at
the restoration It reverted to Bour
bon, and finally In 1848 It became
Reunion one more. So the septuagen
arian Islanders of this last year could
recall an unparalleled series of com
pulsory Vicar of Bray changes. They
must have thought themselves lucky
a few years later when the second
empire refrained from Bonapartlzing
tills island again.
able and that If the visitor of a short
time before wished to add anything to
the dollar he bad given the governor
a short time before the governor
would never "tell" on him.
A liberal cheek came by return mall
and Governor Jones has never told.
Philadelphia Times.
Shall Children Go Hatlets?
Many parentB think it a good Idea
to let their children go bareheaded In
summer. There may be some ad
vantages in this, but the objections
fully offset them. At least two are
very strong ones.
The first is that the head Is unpro
tected from the sun. This is a serious
danger to children, as they are pecu
liarly liable to he affected by Htrong
sunshine falling on the uncovered head
sunstroke has often been caused by
The other objection Is the want o!
Bhade to the eyes. It Is painful to see
the amount of suffering caused to lit
tle children by the carelessness ol
those In charge of them in allowing
glaring sunshine to fall directly 011
their eyes.
Mothers and nurses seem In innn)
cases quite oblivious to the absolute
torture that may In this way be inflict
ed on Infants who cannot raise theli
bands to their eyes to protect them.
A shady hat In one of the first neces
sities for every child in summer.
IS- I M 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 , i i ) ;
v& ffl,r
A Bed Rm.
j iooxioo- 1
Hick kidneys give unmistakable sig
nals of distress. Too frequent or scanty
urinary passages, backache, headache
and dizzy speUs tell of disordered kid
neys. Neglect of these warnings may
prove fatal. Degln using Doan'a Kid
ney Pills. They cure sick kidneys.
Mrs. M. A. Gam
bill), RuRsellvllle,
Ark., says: "I was
In such bad shape
from kidney disease
that I gave up hope
of my recovery. I
could rest neither
night or day, the
pains in my back
nearly driving me
frnntln TKn..
nf 1 Ml li Mil J . . ..... . . , . in i u
decided dropsical symptoms auch as
welling or my feet and ankle and my
heart palpitated violently. After doc
toring without benefit. I began with
Doan'a Kidney Tills and when I had
used two boxes I was as well as ever."
Remember the name Doan'a.
For sale by all dealers. 50 cents a
tox. Foater-Mllburn Co., Buffalo, N. T.
Miss Caustlque My friends should
be very thankful to me.
MIsa Antique For what?
Mlsa Caustlque At the very great
number of disagreeable things I think
of, but don't say.
"Cutlcura did wonders for me. For
twenty-five years I suffered agony
from a terrible humor, completely cov
ering my head, neck and shoulders, so
even to my wife, I became an object
of dread. At large expense I consult
ed the most able doctors far and near.
Their treatment was ot no avail, nor
was that of the Hospital, during
lx months' efforts. I suffered on
and concluded there was no help for
me this side of the grave. Then
beard of some ono who had been cured
by Cutlcura Remedies and thought
that a trial could do no harm. In a
surprisingly short time I was com'
pletely cured. S. P. Keyes, 147 Con
gress St., Boston, Mass., Oct 12, '09."
Face Covered with Pimples
"I congratulate Cutlcura upon my
speedy recovery from pimples which
covered my face. I usee! Cutlcura Soap,
Ointment and Resolvent for ten days
and my face cleared and I am perfect
ly well. I had tried doctors for sev
eral months but got no results. Wm.J.
Sadller, 1614 Susquehanna Ave., Phila
delphia, May 1, 1909."
Or Scrambled It.
Shirts of the "boiled" variety are
often very refractory, and It takes
more than courage and patience to put
one on. Mr. Jones, one evening, strug
gling into bis, which was fresh from
the laundry, remarked to Mrs. Jones
that It was a foolish custom.-thls wear
Ing of stiff shirts. A writer In Tit
Bits tells the story.
"We've got plenty of time, dear,"
said bis wife. "I guess the only trou
ble Is that the girl boiled It a little
too long."
"Looks to me as if she had fried it!"
said Mr. Jones, as his head emerged.
Youth's Companion.
His Approach Heralded.
The pet cat, wearing a bright red
ribbon around his neck, was chatting
democratically with a stray cat.. on the
back verandah. "I wonder what's the
matter with me, Maltese," said the pet
rat- "I ran't stalk a mouHB euccessful
! f "B ' A. - ccessful
ly to save my lives.'
"No wonder," said the stray cat, dis
dainfully, "If all your neckties are as
man, "I have succeeded In having my
poetry taken seriously."
"How did you manago It?"
"Put it Into the love letters on
which a breach ot promise suit Is
now being based."
Hard Task, Indeed!
Little Helen was at the seaside with
her aunt, and In the house where they
were Maying was a telephone. One day
she heard her mother talking from the
city, and she was so terrified that she
burst into tears.
"Oh, auntie, auntie!" she sobbed,
"bow shall we ever get mamma out of
that little hole?"
Adversity is sometimes hard upon a
man; but for one mun who can stand
prosperity there are a hundred that
will stand adversity. C'arlyle.
H rl. Weak, Weary. Wnterr Eyra.
Rellcvfil Hy MuiiiKt Kye Itmnedy. Try
Muilne For Your Kye Troubles. You Will
I.Ike Murine. It Hoothta. 60c at Your
DriigKlKla. Write For ftye Hooka. Free.
Murlim IJya Ht mpily Co.. Chicago.
The prune and the strawberry are
nearlng the neck-and-neck stage.
Not Sisters
A Ipiis M Mory-
Now and again you see two women p(t
ing down the street who look like aiatera.
You are aatonialied to learn that they are
mother and daughter, and you realize that
woman at forty or forty-five ought to be
at her fineat and fuire.t. W hy inu't it soP
The general health of woman ii to in
timately asaociated with the local health
of the enentiully feminine organs that
there can be no red chocks and round
form where there is female weakness.
Women who have suffered from
this trouble hay found prompt
relief and our in the use of Dr. .
rieroe'a Farorite Prescription. It giv ngor and vitality to t!t
organs of womanhood. It clear th complexion, brighten tit
yea end reddens the checks.
No alcohol, or habit-forming dings la contained in "Favorite Preacripcloav.'
Any sick woman may conault Dr. Pierce by letter, free. Every Utter Is
acid at sacredly confidential, and nnawered ia plain envelope. AddraMI
World's Diapeoaary Medical Association, Dr. R.V. Pierce, Pres., Buffalo, N.Y.
Protestor's 8omewhet 8tartllng Re
quest Student PhilosophyCare- "
ful Wife's Warning.
A new Herman professor In a girls
college wishing to detain one of th4
students, said: "Oh, Miss , may t
hold you a minute after class T"
This advice was given by one of the
students to her mates: "Girls, take
all the courses you can with the me
professors, for the women of the fao
ulty try to find out how much yoo
know, and the men try to show off
how much they know."
The wife of one of the profesaore
warned him as he went off to officiate
at a funeral one rainy day: "Now,
John, don't stand with your bare head
on the damp ground; you'll surely
catch cold." Life.
After dlpnnlvlna; one or two Allen's Foot
Tabs (Antiseptic tablets for the foot-bath)
In the water. It will take out all soreness,
smarting and tendernens, removo foot
odors and freshen the feet. Allen'ri Foot
Tabs Instantly relieve weariness and)
sweating or Inflamed feet and hot nerv
ousness of the feet St nlnht. Then for
comfort throughout the day shake) Allen's
Foot-Kasn th antiseptic powder Into your"
shoes. Sold everywhere 2So. Avoid nub
stltutes. Samples ot Allen's Foot-Tb
mailed FTtKK or our regular slie sent by
mnll for 2.V-. Address Allen 8. Olmsted.
IHoy, N. Y.
"Foot: Tabs for Foot-Tubs."
Tongue Twlthter Thlmplified.
"Some of these tongue twisters are
really very hard to enunciate, for In
stance: 'The sea ceaseth, and It suf
flceth us."
"Tbat'th eathily thald," llthplngly
thmlled Mithth Ellthabeth. "Youi
thimply thay it tho: 'The thea theath
eth, and it thuffltheth uth!'" Life.
ReTentreat Year the Stamdauret.
Prescribed and recommended for
Women's Ailments. A scientifically
prepared remedy of proven worth.
The result from their use Is quick and
permanent. For sale at all Drug;
The Modern Youth,
Uncle Henry So you are going to
school now, Willie. Do you love your
Willie (aged seven) I should say
not She's too old for me.
By Lydia E. Pinkham's Veg
etable Compound
Chicago, 111. "I want to tell yort
what Lydla E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound did for me. I was bo sick:
that two of the best doctors in Chicago,
said I would die if I did not Lave an
operation. 1 haa
already bad two
operations, and.
they wanted me to
go through a third
one. I suffered day
and eight from in
flammation and a
mall tumor, and
sever thought of
seeing a well dar
again. A friend
told me how Lydia
etable Compound had helped her, and
I tried it. and after the third bottle
was cured." Mrs. Alvkna Bperijno
1468 Clvbourne Ave., Chicago, 11L
If yon are 111 do not drag- along- at
home or in your place of employment,
until an operation Is necessary, but.
build up the feminine Bystem, and re
move too cause of those distressing
aches and pains by taking Lydia E
Pinkham't vegetable Compound, made
from roots and herbs.
For thirty years It has been the stan
dard remedy for female ills, and has.
positively restored the health of thou
sands of women who have been tronbled.
with displacements. Inflammation, ul
ceration, fibroid tumors, irregularities,
periodic pains, backache, bearing-down,
feeling, flatulency, indigestion, dizzi
ness, or nervous prostration, ' Why
don't you try it?
II ,el.i. f
Leefci Ail Seaiee.
Uftrie at t.
ptkl et .fN, wlU
evt Ml or lajore tap-
(Mtlt,. Well aMUre-
t MB t prepeM tor Ma. .
maui.a some
1 1 llaK.lk .h.
ear Sriitlf. lert'i
Choice quality; rrrla and roaua,
whleo fat-re or lingua bought ou
ordrra. Tena of TboUHauds tu
nelert from. tiatlnfaclton Unur
utenl. Correepoudence Inrlied.
C'uuie and aec fur yourself.
National Live Stock Com. Co.
At either
KaaaaaCity.Ma. St. Joaeoa. Me. S. Omaba. Mea.
M. Spiesberger & Son Co.
Wholesale ..illinery
Tha Beat In the West OMAHA, NEB.
W. N. U., SIOUX CITY, NO. 27-1910-
uir 111 a 1 hi tin
I VT JaV A & AVA 1
SrIJi-1 ?J ami J 0 In B B
I" 1. Ml 1 1.'.' 'IMC!'!' 'I
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MOTns- ajr, Ii iiaot mWHi 1 ueje" 1' 'mrfm . jfoww I "wiiej ai '