Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, June 10, 1910, Image 5

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$ Auction Sale HLwg i3
We have placed on sale 500 Auction Sale Rugs, and will continue until all are
sold. Greatest Rug Bargains ever offered. You would simply be wasting money to
buy Rugs elsewhere.
$14.50 Value Brus- Q r
sels Rug, sale price Hy.0U
$16.50 Value Brus- in
sels Rug, sale price 1 U. J
$28.50 Value Brus- 1Q
sels Rug, sale price 1 O. 0
$3.25 Value Axmin
ster Rug, sale price
$30 Value Axmin
stcr Rug, sale price
$4.85 Value Axmin-
ster Rug, sale price.. w.Zu
Big Bargains In Lace Curtains IVZ&lilXZZXJXflX
50c Ruffled Muslin Q
Curtains, special, pair 1 "C
Porch Shanes, size
8xS; special Ipl.v)
$12.50 Haramo Tort,
Furniture Specials SEfe1,
for Yourself.
ia trousers made ci oafc, nice
ly fiuished, top 40 in. long, 18
in. deep, 4 drawers, Frenoh bev
el piaie mirror, iu in, in.
regular style aud Prin
cess, special.
$5.00 Iron Bed a full
filled, white color,
special at
size well
$0.00 Go-Carts All steel frame,
large, roomy bood, best leather
cloth, adjustable, with brake
and dashboard, CA QC
special, at t.UJ
Iloosicr Kitchen Cabinets.
4 ti
$1.50 Dining Chairs made of
solid oak, cane seat, full posts,
braced to seat, golden QQp
finish, special OuU
$3 50 Cotton Felt Mattrenses
made np in good ticginpr, guar
anteed not to become ffC QC
lumpy, special price. .. fJ"3J
Orders Promptly Filled
I Anderson IFrniire (Do
j 000-60S Fourth Street. Sioux City Iowa g
Screen floors and Screen Windows
Put them on before fly time that is put them on now.
We have a good line of doors at reasonable prices. Let
us know your wants in screen windows, as we will fill
all orders promptly.
Edwards& Bradford Lbr.Co.
5 &
S Patronize Home Industry buy your m?ats of X
-Proprietor of-
City. Meat Market
Fresh and Salt Meats always on hand "
Cash paid for Hides and Pelts
for Seymours White Laundry. Basket goes on
Tuesdays and comes back Saturdays
gj Agent
Bonded : Abstracter
608 Metropolitan Blk.
Sioux City. Iowa
Saturday, June lltH
A No. 2 Cold Blast Lantern, for.
One pound of Starch, for
One Gallon of Peaches, for
Lemons, per dozen
7 pounds Steel Cut Oats, for. . .
A good Clothes Line, for .
S.turd8k.yt June 18iK
A nice Rice, per pound 5c
Three Cans of 15c pears 35c
A 25c package of Oats 2()C
One-pound Can of Salmon IOC
Three packages Yeast Foam ; IOC
Six packages of Figs 25C
Everybody's Friend IOC
S.A. Stinson
I Dakota City. Nebraska j
County Coroner
-;''. ;"'"i'f,i '-'.
15. F. Sawyer
Tackson, Nebraska
All kinds of oottonwood lumber, free
from knoti. and checks. At Herman
Boost (arm, U rushy Bend.
Jamea Barnett,
Dakota City, Nebr, Route 1
Local Items
Friday, June io, igio
Ion will find a good hoe of sweat
pads for homes, whips, niuchine bolt,
and a very good hue of hardware, tin
ware aui granuewnre at rigut prices,
at Bchnover ttros.
Art Nordyke was over from the citv
Sunday .
Bee i' (j Stanurd for heating, plumb
lag and lighting.
Mrs H L Bro?hill was over from
Sioux City Suuday viuitiog relatives
George Sheibley went to Des Moines
Tunsday t: attend the old soldiers re
ii you navou t got time to do your
own slioppiug call up No. 1, aud he
will deliver the goods promptly.
J P llockwell and wife went to Des
Moines, Iowa, Tuesday evening to visit
a sister of Jeff's, Mis Alice Walters,
and also to take in the OAR encamp
Walter Cheney, Master of Omadi
lodge No 5, and Past Grand Master 11
Evans, went to Omaha Monday to
attend the ression of Masonio grand
a 1 isai .L t i mi
toago ueia mere tuia wees, iney re
turned home Thursday,
Some good work was done on the
streets this week with the new road
Mrs Era L Orr returned home Mon
day from the hospital where she under
went an operation for a tumor.
The Dakota City Pharmacy will fur
nish you Paris Green in large or small
quantities, and the price will be right.
A dozen girl student friends of Ve
nice Schmied came over from Sioux 1
City Saturday to spend the day with
It pays to trade at Vans, and be
sides he will give you, free of charge,
a handsome ohromo in the oonrse of
time. Go and see him.
A B Rich of DeSmet, 8 D, was here
over Sunday visiting his wife, who is
spending a few weeks at the home of
her parents, Geo Ii Niebunr and wife.
Have you tried that Tip Top Bread
yet, at Van's, cf course? it is the finest
you ever ate. lie gets it baked to
order every morning, arriving on the
first train.
Esther Ross and Marjorie Spencer
went to Peru Monday to attend the
summer term of the state normal, after
which they will enter Morningside col
lege, Sioux City.
An ice cream and strawberry social
will be given by the Ladies Aid society
in the Salem Lutheran church ou the
evening of Wednesday June 15.
Everyone cordially invited.
Henry Niebuhr, of Winnebago, is
seriously ill with pneumonia. His
sister, Mrs Ashley Londrosh, and sister-in-law,
Mrs Geo Niebuhr, spent
several days the past week at his bedside.
From the amount of "fliin" going on
and the deep interest displayed by one
of Sioux City's pushing young men, it
begins to look as if one of those June
brides you read about would soon oc
cupy a cottage in "our" ward .
F H Forrest writes us a card from
Kalauiuzoo, Mich, saying that be is
havinir a cood time visiting relatives
and old boyhood friends; tliat the
erons are slower there than here, and
that the peach crop there is a failure.
Go to Fred Bartels, Hubbard, Neb,
to buy your young lambs to feed, for
be wants to sell las old sueep lor
mutton sheep. He is selling the lambs
at a low price of 50? a head. 11)13 is
cheaper than they can ever be bought
for again.
A A Sunde of Soldier, Iowa, was
... . . .
a business visitor nera Bionuay, lie was
accompanied by .his father-in-law,
John Manning of South Sioux City
Mr Sunde was demonstrating the fea
tures of a new automobile, the "I II C,'
for which he is agent.
In the list of graduates from th
Peru state normal school this year ap
nears the names of Neva Best, of
Homer, Carrie Hansen, ot liuDUaru,
Emn' WilkiuH. of Homer, and Mil
dred Spencer of this plaoe. The lat
ter is merely finiBhmg her work oi last
C E Doolittle was pretty badly in
iured iu a ball game at Crystal luke
park Sunday, lie was uu on me
head twice while running bases the
first time just above the forehead and
the labt time, just below the left eye on
the cheek bone. It was thought for u
while that his cheek bone was broken,
but the only visible effect to his ap
pearance now are a badly swollen face
... H 1 1
and a snaniy attornment on lis eye.
C D Reed, who operated a gasoline
launoh on Crjstal lake last summer
and who left in the fa'l for Nuw Or
leans, writes from Missouri City, Mo.
to J F Leedom under date of May 20,
1910, that they left Kansas City re
cently for St Louis by boat and were
swamped iu a bad storm; that Mis
Reed swam ashore with one cf the
children and he with the other two;
that they lost everything they had and
ere left destitute iu a strange laud.
He also adds that a 2-pound baby giil
was born to them.
The following is taken from the
write-up of the commencement exer
cises of the Verdigre high school in
the Citizen, published iu thai place,
and which is highly complimentary to
Prof J A Chicoine who has been elect
ed to the principalship of the bcIjooIh
in this p'ace; "Next on the program
was a selection Loves Old Sweet
Song" by the Military Baud, then im
mediately followed the address of
Principal J A Chicoine, who held the
attention of the audience for almost an
hour, his subject was "Tlio Needs of
Our Sonools and a High Standard of
Education." Although young in yeirs
his knowledge in educational work
would do credit to any university pro
fession in the land. "Prof Chicoine
goes to Dakota City, but we would of
been glad to have kept him here with
u next year. In our opinion Prof
Chicoine is one of the best school men
in northeastern Nebraska, and we pre
diet that in a very s'lort time be will
rank with the foremost educators of
our state."
Bargains at Van's every day,
Go to the Dakota City Pharmacy
for your Paris Green.
Jos Clements and wife arrived here
from Colorado the past week.
Mrs Harry Hill cf Allen, visited
friend? bere last Friday and Saturday.
Mrs W C Eckhart .has been seriously
ill the past 'veek, but is now improving.
Bort Brasfleld went to Owanka, 8
D, this week to hold down his claim
for awhile.
Misses Maggie DeLong and Jeanette
nail of Sioux City, were guests at the
ii 1. l.vans home Sunday.
Mrs Martha Adair spent the past
week in Wayne at the home of her
daughter, Mrs O L Culler.
a t a
jrrana aiemeyer is expected here
from Chicago Sunday, for a short visit
with bis father and friends hereabouts.
Elmer Lucart and Cylista Eirk, of
Winnebago, were made one by the
magic words of Judge Heffernan, on
Miss Mildred Burkett on Tuesday
entertained Misses O'Connor, Becker
and Berrington, teachers in the Sioux
City schools.
Mrs R E Evans, grand worthy ma
tron of the O E 8 of Nebraska, went
to Battle Creek Monday and instituted
new chapter.
The I O O F lodge of this place
elected T W Gribble, noble grand, and
Jas Fueston, vice grand, for the ensu
ing six months.
Miss Mary Maxwell, who is a student
at Trinity oollege, Washington, D 0,
arrived home last Saturday to spend
the summer vacation.
Omadi lodge No 6, A F & A M, of
this place, will install officers at a
special meeting to be held Saturday
evening of this week.
County Treasurer Evans redeemed
two more railroad bonds the past week,
which leaves nineteen bonds still to be
paid by Dakota oounty,
Henry L Parker and Mrs Ada M
Rishor, of Yankton, S D, were joined
in marriage Tuesday by Justice D U
titinson, at his residence.
Alfred Seymour and family have
moved to their town residence from
the Jndge Evans farm. John B Evans
is now occupying the farm ,
Bud Dryden, a bookkeeper with the
Cudahy packing oomjiany, of 8ioux
City, is boarding at the Mull A
Schmied home in this place.
U S Deputy Marshal John F Sides
returned home last Thursday eveuing
from Blairsville, Pa, where he went the
week before to attend the funeral of
his mother.
W L Best, a former teacher in our
schools, but nffur teaching at Chadron,
Neb, was visiting friends here last Fri
day aud Saturday, while enrontn to
Sioux City, on business.
Misses Nellie Lindsay and Maude
Orr arrived here Wednessday from
Phillip, S D, for a visit with relatives.
They lfft Frank Orr in charge of their
Uotd business at i'hillip.
Fred Wood visited at Woodbine, Io,
the past week at the home of his sis
ter, Mrs L W White, and also witness
ed the weddiug of his nepbew, John
White, which occurred Wednesday.
John L Huzlegrove, of Honth Hioux
City, is wieldiug the rxzor iu the Don-
little barber shop this week, while
Barber Doolittle is recovering from
injuries received at the ball game Sun
F II Forrest, manager of the local
telephone cilice, left last Saturday for
Kalamazoo, Mich, to spend a week's
vacation at the home of his parents,
whom lie has not seen for about seven
Get married and have your wedding
photos made at the Oh Luxe, we make
the lutnst stales and our prices are be
low all. For group or school photos,
see us first. De Luxe Studio, 4u5, 4th
stree Sioux City, Iowa. 1
The statemeut of the village treasur
er of Jackson. Neor, appears iu this
issue of The Herald. James Barry,
who has been treasurer for several
years, makes it a point each year to
show the people where the funds go.
At Wayne an editor has been wor
rying over the matter of how to get his
shirt on over his wings when he reachos
paradise, wheu bis ungodly contempo
rary suggested that his reaKdiflioulty
would be iu finding how to get his hat
on over his horns.
Deputy Sheriff Leedom went to Em
erson Wednesday with Aug Gerlach,
to obtain siguers to a bond of $5,000
for Gerlacli's appeorance for trial at
the next term of district court for the
killing of Joe Lee at Emerson. Uer
luch will likely be released todiiy.
l'liilo McAfee was down from Pig
eon Creek precinct Saturday and turn
ed over his assessors books to County
Assessor W W Reuinger. His books
show the following personal propeitv .
526 horses, 1320 ctile, 1402 hogs,
305 doz. chickens, 36 cream separators.
Sheriff J P Rookwell went to Her
man, Nebr, Moudav in charge of Auk
Gerlach, who went to obtain signatures
to a $5,000 bond for his appearance to
the diotrict fjr trial in the murder
case, for killiug Joe Lee at Emerson
last winter. Judge Graves having fixed
his bond in that amount at. the ad
jourued seBsiou ot court last week.
An exchange says that there is i
conten'iou as to whether man evolut
udfrom a camel or moukey. A cnmel
will work seven days (v itliout drinking
whilo many's the man who drinks sev
en days without working. If ipuUch tlonx
count man descended from a Kt, for
they are th only creatures that chew
tobacco, eat anything, wear whiskers,
and butt in.
The corps of teaohers in the Dakota
City schools for the coming year has
been completed. Prof J A Cliie. i
of Jeffeison, 8 D, will be ttie piinci
pal and Miss Julia Power, of Wayne
ussistant principal. 1 he grade touch
era are Misses Bess Robert son and
Mildred Spencer, of this place. Miss
Loraiue Murphy of llniuer, and Miss
Clara Jeppersou of Plninview, N- br
buperintendent Win James of Dor
cheater is busy reserving space in Ag
ricultural Hall for Couuty Collei tiv.
Exhibits for the coming Sf..t Fair,
Sept 5th to 9th. This department "I
our Fair is acknowledged to be the
best in the United States. Fair ofll
clals of other states never fail to ex
press astonishment at the maguitude
of this part of Nebraska's annual show
All kinds of coal, feed and hay for
sale at reasuuable prices.
TaioE Buvf.n, Manager,
Dakota City, Neb.
No matter how you make it,
No matter how you bake it,
No matter what it costs you,
You can't beat Tip Top Bread,
Made at Metz' bakery,
For J Van de Zedde.
I art here to stay, '
I'm glad to say.
With lUwloigh'a goods the Best,
Satisfaction or No Sale.
Phone 18, 8 n Moork,
"The Rawleigh Man.
Report of the Village Treasurer of
Jackson, Neb., for the year ending
April 30r 1910.
May ft Frank Ncnllnrd warrant 2T2
elenniim crominirn f in on
" 10 Tom Sullivan, war. clerk
nnlary lt 86 no
lo loin Nuuivnn, war. 2M. for
election Imllut 8 i8
Jolin Kjriin, ki'IkhiI treasurer
district No. 4. wnr.HH MO 00
June iiiko rmiiivnn, war. SKW, nt-
tenilliiK Hie In durliiir niiitrantlnn. . 4 00
July I 'liii.irln, war.i'."7, watclilinr
Kennedy lire at iilirht ISO
Ii) iin iu-k, war. watch
ing Kennelly n nt night 1 60
" 'MS M Uranium, wur. sal, lor X
I t 100 00
at jii Kennelly, war. )Mo, mow
ing weed in on
Aug 8 J H Smith, wiir.SM, dlNpoglntf
oi rftiTHJiNtt, ui n imrni nortca sou
" II Pukota bounty Herald, war.
S.V, publishing treas. statement.... 8 76
" 11 John HelTernnn, war, 2K, for
mni'slinl for two mouths 8(1 IX)
11 Mike Hulnn, war. work
on street leveling dirt after hitulern 11 00
11 W Ii Mc.KKiixie, war. r for
Frank Invcy Hide walk Jfl 00
7 80
ISO 00
" ii jonn iieuernan, war. tw, as
salary for marshal lo Aug. II
" 17!r H J Irf'ahy, war. Jrtu. haul
Ing 1000 yards dirt onto Main street
" lit Harris and Mccormick, war.
27(1, hauling 17S yards dirt 4.1 (SO
" ll Mlko Qulnn, war. S71. work
on Main street leveling dirt SI ll
" V Hruoe 111 y an, war. i(7-2, mow
ing weeds 4 00
" ! U K Sawyer, war. 'Til, culling
weed i. and marshal badge 8 7fi
Sept. Do Joe Taylor, war. '7I, ditch
ing on street 1 no
Nov. 17 James Mcllorinle, war. SITfi,
dragging and grading street SI Ml
" 17 Dennis Harris, war.'.Trt, grad
ing street and rond l!i 00
' 17 Sam Kurfer, war. '277, 8 days
work on street ft on
Dec H F Sawyer, war. !f!H, three
month salary lis marshal 40 On
vt Dr HJ M'ahy, war. 271), money
advanced In settling sidewalk dis
pute with Mrs K J Mullally 4.H 81
Feb. a D K Waters, w ar. a. supplies
to I. Hicks while slck.v IK
8 H V Sawyer, war.), xmonths
salary as marshal to Jan. 1. IWIO 80 00
" 12 lirHJ Irf-ahy. wnr.SMl, lllcUs
drug bill during quarantine 20 00
IJ Dennis Harris, war. Ptt.plow-
Ing una ditching street.. . X 00
Anriift inhu I iclouglicry. war. iJXi.
election nonru i mi
" ft lt lllcky, war. sua, election
hoard 00
" ft John Hums, war, !i7. election
Iward 00
" ft Win HI ley, war. im. hall for
holding election 6 00
" ft 1J Donnally. war. SHI. elec
tion Itoard....1. S 00
" ft Tom ltiyan, war. SKI, election
Trsxvcl )
the best
Hhc UcxyD of
tvro here
"The Bank that ALWAYS treats you
is prepared, with Steamship Tickets, for all
lines, Travelers' Checks and Foreign Drafts.
You would scarcely think that we sell tickets to
parties from Sioux City and other towns but it is so.
And we see that they are Treated llight aboard ship.
ErrytKlri In Dsa.rklf IIr.
IIaa.Il Inturitnes
Dank, of Dakota County &
Estimates. .
Repair Work Promptly
Attended to
Ilesvting, Plumbing and Lrlgkting
Haven't you ever heard of the
Ideal Lighting System? ' I
If not let us tell you about it. A card will se
cure a demonstration and descriptive matter.
Phone No. 55
Northflld 4j Hrsidwivr
Ut. ltK nd It3h
Dakota City Neb.
Total expenditures II2HI 2N
Apr. tHy balance on hand.. I x 75
May ft By J J McHrlde, for li
cense moo uu
Aug. 11 lly W J Manning, Co.
leas a.4 iw
April 80 By balance 141 fS
Total $I2S1 28 12H1 28
Apr. 80, ltHO To Itnlnuce duo Treas... 144 i8
J. M. Harry, Itelng llrst duly sworn depos
es anil says the ahove statement is correct
to the Is'st of his knowledge.
(Signed) J. M. Barry, Treasurer.
Hntw of NehrnMkft. I lakotil 4 lotlli t V ss.
Sworn ami subacrllied to before, me, this
2Hlh day of May. A. 1). 1W10.
Hd T. Kearney. Notary Public.
Soread so well
Is the universal expression of our
customers who, come
back for more
Minnesota -Paints
Very few other pnints will spread as well under thd
brush and cover ns much surface to the gallon a9
Minnesota Paints
Figure three-hundred square feet, two coats, to
y the gallon and you'll probably have
some paint left over.
There are many other good points in its favor.
Call and ask us about them.
Edwards & Bradford Lbr. Co.
Dakota. City, Nb.
St Patrick's Parish of Jackson, Nel,
io account with I be Town Hoard, B I
Leahy, Tom .Sullivan", J M BraDuan.
vVm Ililey aud J M Barry, acting as i
committee for the Ht Patricks clmici
pro erty, to have cement aidewalk
put itown around same, which cost as
Aug.fl, 07 Hl feet of1 walk at lfie f Wi 00
Aug. V, 07 Ml feet or walk at 15c 6VJ 70
H leet of 4-Inch tile 1 0(1
7 loads of dirt ii
1H7 loads of dirt at c 74 HO,
Interest on balance un
paid llrst year IS 84
To balance acct Nl
By t'allforola (lenient do I HO oil
John cuiieii z
' Kd wards A Bradford Co.. 'JO (a)
' Oerald IHIIon W ml
' John Kyun oo
Win Hie key
J M Barry 20 i
' J W Hyuu ''
' J M Biaouan i
' Kd T Kearney l 00
' (I 11 (loodfeliow SO 00
don Keloughery..., 5hl ui
Thos Kiilllvnn H
Jus Fly mi i (
' J T Haley o (
' T J llai tuett SO
' B l-cahcy 20 00
Win llai tuett
' J J Mclirlde SO 00
' H W O'Neill SO ill
Mrs K Mullally 20 do
' V J McDonald 20 00
(J K HclTci niin 2u oo
J .1 Kyau ai l
John Klaonery, Jr 20 no
John Holer I ft on
Mis I A Hall.. 1ft
M Qulnn 10 III
T K ilMonnors, 10 (
' H K Hawyer 1 oo
' .1 J Hulllvan 10 00
1 T H hulllvnn 10
Htora B ew Ing do 10 00
' Fremont Brewing do 10 00
' M is Belle Kcollaril 10
' Win lllley 10 on
' Pal lice nan ft 00
' John llelTei naii ft on
' John Hlckey 6 on
' John llogau ft 11
' M Holer, sr ft (
Mary Helougheiy ft
' HiiiiH Kuiulseu ft 00
' Win llogitn ft (l
' Mary K iiimper ft "
' M II Holer 6
' Nick Hyau '
' Joe (illl 6 oo
' KolK'i t Ki lach ft OO
' Sum Hniiioamaii ft "'
' J W Unncll 6 OO
' W r Hurtle it ft (
' Michael HelTeiniiii..'. 6 00
' Jas Timlin ft "
' A I) dlllToll ft '
' Mike M.tchell ft (
' j.ee d Kearney ft ("'
' I. I Ki liwh ft "
Jus Hoguu ft "0
' Louli IVriuut ft 0"
T V Bianimii 6 J
' Thos I 'cigiiiiu . .. ft 00
' .1 M Kennelly ft oo
' Frank Budkee ft
' Peter sulllvan ft
' .1 l n Fliuine. y, sr ft '
' li. uiil . llogau ft 00
' Joe lleeiiu i 6 00
' Hole of old fence to J T
luley. WOO
' Kugeou Kennelly..' 2 Ml
Tol.ils $ Vt l
inn. I . I'.jiii llv luilance ou hand.... M
.1. M. Harry, lifting us treasurer for ulsive
1 liill.ee. II. I UK II UUiy nwoill lieinisr
a ..I -inn i he ulsive sliilenient la eoireet lo
the ls lol his knowledge. .1. M. Hurry,
s. . 1. 1 ., it i..,.,ku. luikolit county. is.
Ku..i'ii iiii.l -iii.k.-i iU'.i to Is. fore mc, till
vu, i. f,i Mm'. A. I '. ItO'i.
Kil i. Kearney, Not liy Pulillc
$100 Reward, $100.
The rMdrra ol tlila MDrr will b plaurd to rm
that thnr w at leul one Uremwl dlsnaaa tliat tctnum
tama twg alii, to cure lo all na simim. aud tliat at
Caiarrb. Hall's aiwrb euro Is Uia ouly puaitlva
cure uow known id tlis mental lrau.ri.lly. Caurrb
belnc a oouititulioiial diwmia. nsiulrta a couatitu
tiunal treatiimut. lull's (aUrrli Cur Is taken Iu
trrnally, artluK dlrnvtly upun ll.a bloud aud mucous
surface ol the syaU-m. tnereby oir.,yu.i uai
touiidatlon ol the diaaaar. aiul Klvlnc U oatlenl
streiiKta by bulldlnf up ton euniinuttoa and aasku
liil nature In dolus Iu wurk. I lia proprleiura liava
so Durb faith In lis eurallva powers tbat tney oOar
On llundrwl ltoliars lor any caas Vliat It talis W
Cur.. Hand lor Hal ol tMtlmonlala
Addrass T. J. CHKNEY 4 U. TotsdO. X
Bold by all Pnurgisu. TM.
! tUU't aiuu ruis (of coafUpaUot),
of lEJiicxirsiosiL Kates
To thO East: Unusually low and attractive summer tourist
rates are in effect every day to New York, Boston, Atlantic
Coast and Canadian resorts, Niagara Falls, Detroit and vicinity.
Also lor desuaDle t,ake tours with M day limits, and 60 day di
verse tours of the East, including coastwise ocean trip. These
rates afford the best chance in years to make that long desired
i t .
'.iiilCIU IUUI,
Western Tours : Very desirable tourist rates daily all sum
mer to the lJacihe Loast; for instance, ?G0 round trip, and on
special dates only $50. A complete scheme of tours Through
Yellowstone Park for any kind of an outing journey; low excur
sion rates to Scenic Colorado, Big Horn Mountains, Black Hills
and Thermopolis, VVyo., one of the greatest hot springs sanitar
iums in the world.
Call or write describing vour trip and let me helD vou nlan
w l J x
it, including all the available privileges, etc.
W. K. Snethen, Agent, Dakota City, Nebr. '
L. W. Wakeliy, O P A, Omaha, Neb
1004 Farnam street.
-M-M-f -f -M--- frf 4-f44
This lK-in. Coucord Harness No. 76
no collars $31
Our No. 179, l-in. Concord, with
flat backs, a better job $35
Sturgcs Bros. 4s'
Pearl St
Sioux City
.as -' a,
Abstracts of Title
A 110,000 Surety Bond
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