Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, June 03, 1910, Image 5

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f. .u -K t .t. ,s ,i ,i ,u s -1 .i u
Axsction Sale of
We have placed on sale 500 Auction Sale Rugs, and will continue until all arc
sold. Greatest Rug Bargains ever offered. You would ' simply be wasting money to
buy Rugs elsewhere.
$14.50 Value Brus-&n rn
sels Rug, sale price 4 J. JU
$16.50 Value Brus
sels Rug, sale price
$2S.50 Value Brus
sels Rug, sale price
Pig Bargains IrvLaco Curtains Sy.-yr, .taii'iS,; XJZtSXVlSZSZ
YT hjiiij .. i Crt!1 Our Darwin Offtrtns art Otnu
a urniturc opccictls .. for .... a
$15 Dressers made of oak, nice
ly finished, top 40 in. long, 18
in. deep, 4 drawers, French bev
el plate mirror, 16 in, x2t in.,
regular style aud Prin- TQ Qfl
oess, special HJ.UU
5.0i Iron Beda full
filled, white color,
special at
U GOG-GOS Fourth Street.
Screen Doors and
Put them on before fiy time
We have a good line of doors
us know your wants in screen
all orders promptly.
Edwards Bradford Lbr. Co.
1 Patronize Home Industry buy
Proprietor of j
1 DHy Iy3ea,i Iy3a.rk.ct I
fj Fresh and Salt Meats always on hand
j Cash paid for Hides and Pelts
Agent for Seymour's White Laundry. Basket goes on
$ Tuesdays and comes back Saturdays
Dakota Citt. Nil WV gfS 608 Metropolitan Blk.
Bonded : Abstracter- Sioux City. Iowa I
Stvturdcvy, June 4-tK
3 Cans of Tomatoes, for i 25c
3 Cans Extra Standard Corn, for 25c
1 Gallon of Syrup, for J5c
A 20-cent Can of Salmon, for 15c
A nice Bottle of Olives, for 10c
3 Bottles of Horse Radish, for 25c
One pound Good Starch, for 5c
S&tturday, June 11th
A No. 2 Cold Blast Lantern, for 75c
One pound of Starch, for 5c
One Gallon of Peaches, for ,...40c
Lemons, per dozen 30c
7 pounds Steel Cut Oats, for 25c
A good Clothes Line, for lOc
Dakota City.
County Coroner
11. F. Sawyer
Tackson, Nebraska
AU Mnds of cottouwood lumber, free
from knots, and checks. At Herman
Roost farm, Brushy Bend.
James Barnett,
Dakota City, Nebr, Eonte 1
u ,n -; ir i.-v.-V.' -k"
$3.25 Value Axmin
ster Rug, sale price
$30 Value Axmin
ster Rug, sale price
$4.S5 Value Axmin- q
ster Rusr. sale price.. J.w
$0.00 Go-Carts All steel frame,
large, roomy hood, best leather
cloth, adjustable, with brake
and dashboard,
special, at
Hoosier Kitchen Cabinets.
Mail Orders Promptly Filled
Screen Windows
that is put them on now.
at reasonable prices. Let
windows, as we will fill
your msats of i
You will find a good line of sweat
pads for horses, whips, machine bolts
and a very good line of hardware, tin
ware ana graniieware at rigut prioes,
at Hclmever liros.
Bargains at Tan's every day,
Sue If (i Stanard for heating, plumb'
tng and lighting.
Mrs Mar? R McBeath spent a few
days visiting relatives at Homer the
past week.
The T & W ball team lost a same to
the Beney's at Crystal lake park Sun
day, by a sooie of 8 to 2.
1 V a. . . . .
11 you naven t goi time to do your
own shopping call up No. 1, and he
will deliver the goods promptly,
F A Wood returned home Tuesday
from Woodbine, Iowa, where he bad
spent a couple of weeks nt the home of
his sister, Mrs L W White. lie ij
greatly improved in health.
Theodore Bliven and family left
overland Thursday for Malvern, Nebr,
where they will spend a few months
visiting with Mrs Bliven's parents and
with other relatives in that locality.
Local Items
Friday, June 3, 1910
Vt .-"-.k .n-v.-V-"J:.- -.ic" 1u-Vfc-Vt
ELwgs $
50c Ruffled Muslin
Curtains, special, pair
Torch Shanes, size n
8x8; special $lfJ
$12.50 Hammo Tort,
special .
$ 1.50 Dicing Chairs made of
solid oak, cane seat, full posts,
braced to seat, golden QQf
finish, special OoU
IS 60 Cotton Felt Mattressos
made np in good ticging, guar
anteed not to become ffC OR
lumpy, speoial price... yJ3J
Sioux City Iowa
Ben Ilall returned home the first of
the week.
Town Marshal Uelsingerof Herman,
Neb, was here on business Tuesday,
Julius Quintal went to Elk Toint
Wednesday to look after his furm in
teres ts.
Chus Toung was over from Walker's
Island Tuesday attending to business
Ross Johnson and wife of SionxCity,
were Sunday visitors at the Geo Bar
nett home.
L P Ilall. who was operated on for
appendicitis two weeks ago, is recover
ing nicely.
Don't eat old stale bread when you
can get good fresh bread every morn
ing at Van's.
Mrs Joe Leedom was down from
Hubbard Wednesday and Thursday,
visiting her husband.
Fred Blnme, John Hansen and Osoar
Johnson were down from Emerson pre
dict on business Tuesday.
Mrs A B Rich of DeSmet, S D, is
here on a visit at the home of her par
ents, Qeo Niebnhr and wife.
Do you keep an eye on Tan's black
board, if not yon had better as he al
ways has a bargain listed there.
The hearing in the inebriaoy charge
against Ghas O'Connor, of Nacora, has
been continued nntil June 23rd.
Mariorie Spencer leaves next Mon
day for Peru, Nebr, to enter the state
normal school for the summer term.
The Dakota City Pharmacy will fur
nish ybu Paris Green in large or small
quantities, and the price will be right.
A If ted Seymour and family expect
to get moved into their residence in
town the coming wek from the Evans
farm north of town. .
It pays to trade at Tans, and be
sides he will give you, free of charge,
handsome chromo in the course of
time. Go and see him.
John W Tnrnbull, druggist at the
e Dakota City Pharmaoy, went to
Nebraska City Monday, to look at a
drug store proposition in that place,
Mrs Eva L Orr went to the Samari
tan hospital in Sioux City Sunday
where she will undergo an operation
for a cancerous growth on her breast.
Tlie matter of the appointing of a
guardian for Con Deloughery which
was set for May 30th, was continued
until June 30th, in Judge Heffernan's
Have you tried that Tip Top Bread
yet, at Tan's, cf course? it is the finest
you ever ate. He gets it baked to
order every morning, arriving on the
first train.
Prof J A Chiooine, of Jefferson, S D,
who was recently elected to the prin
cipalship of our schools, was a visitor
here Wednesday afternoon, while n
route to Wayne, where he will attend
the summer term at the normal school.
Kozy Studio has moved to 3rd and
Jackson streets, Sioux City. Making
puotoB in all sizes and at a very low
price on cabinets. Now is your time
to briog in the babies. Our prices al
ways the lowest. Work guaranteed.
Qo to Fred Bartels, Hubbard, Neb,
to buy your young lambs to feed, for
he wants to sell his old sheep for
mutton sheep. He is selling the lambs
at a low price of 504 a head. This is
cheaper than they can ever be bought
for again.
James Clark was taken suddenly ill
hnnday evening, threatened with ty
phoid fever. His sister, Mrs Ida
Stallborries came over from West
Point to care for him. Mrs Stallbor
ries and son will probably remain here
Abont one hundred and fifty people,
including the members of the South
Sioux City GAR post assembled at
the cemetery in this place Monday to
pay tribute to the departed dead. Ap
propri&te services, including a memo
rial address by Rev W R Warren
made up the program.
Mrs Anna McAfee and son, Carl,
went to Waterbury, Nebr, Monday to
visit relatives in that locality. Miss
Claire McAfee, who came down to
meet them on their arrival here last
eek from Ohio, aooompanied them to
Waterbury. U be Herald was niiatak
en last week in stating that Mrs Mc
Afee and son had come west to reside
ss they are only here on a visit.
John P Davey, son of Frank Davey
of Sioux City, in company with Fred
b Berry, was coming from Sioux Uity
Tuesday morning in Davey anew auto
mobile when they met some travelers
on the road, and in passing by them
the machine ran over a dog belonging
to the strangers. One of the travelers.
Peter Green, struck Davey in the face
with a heavy whip, making an ugly
wound under his eye. Davey filed
complaint against Green and he was
brought before Judge lleffernan and
fined (25 and costs for assault. He
I was iioou vu Mcuueouay upuu yj
1 1 XTT .1 I
Go to tho Dakota City Pharmacy
lor your raris Ureen.
Arthur Forbes is "cutting the mus
tard with a bran new automobile.
Mrs John Sides his been Lounod np
tne past week wita a sprained ankle,
Mell A Schmind is having his old
residence remodeled and flxod up for
A son arrived at the home of Mr
and Mrs WE Snethen, of this place,
last Friday.
Mrs D H Hsgor went to Wakefield
Monday for a week's visit at the home
of her sister, Mrs Lettie Hampton.
Mildred Spencer went to Peru. Neb.
last Friday, where she will attend the
summer term of the State Normal.
Mrs Joe McEIphree and danehter
Frae, of Sergeant Bluff, Iowa, vhited
friends here a couple of days the pst
The children of Mr and Mrs Ed
Frederick have been undergoing a
siege of the mensles for the past two
Gretohen Baughman has recovered
from a mild attack of diphtheria, and
the quarantine on the Baughman home
has been raised.
W L Ross and family and Mios Effie
Z Engelen on Tuesday took up their
abode at Foye's park, in the latter's
new summer cottage.
Mary Maxwell, who is attending
Trinity college, Washington, D O, is
expeoted home Saturday of this week
for the summer vacation.
John White, son '-ef Mr and Mrs L
W White of Woodbiue, Iowa, arrived
here from Seattle, Wash, Tuesday on
"business of importance."
Prof J S Josiasseu, principal of our
schools for the past two years, departed
Tuesday for Madison, Wis, where he
will take a course at the state univorsi-
County Superintendent Wilfred E
Toss went to Lincoln Monday evening
to attend the State Teachers meeting,
which was in session there all this
DrDK Tindell will preach in Da
kota Methodist churou on the 12th of
June at 11 am. The quaiterly con
ference will be held on Saturday the
11th at 10 a m.
All kinds of coal, feed and hay for
sale at reasonable prices.
r'tTLDB & Slaughter Co.
ThioE Bliven, Manager, '
Dakota City, Neb.
Mins Frances G Rich and Miss Ma
mie MoCorkindale, teachers in our
schools for the year just closed, left
for their homes last Saturday, the for
mer at Wisner and the latter at Wake
field. A big trammel net full of fish was
found moored in Crystal lake one day
the past week, which Roes ' to show
that violators of the game and fish
laws are still, "doing business at the
old stand."
Ralph Goodwin and wife returned
home Saturday from a four "months'
trip to the Pacific coast, where they
went to visit relatives and old friends.
Thoy report having had a very enjoya
ble time.
Mrs F II Forrest returned home
Sunday from Moville, Iowa, where
she had been at the bedside ot her
mother, who has been seriously ill for
some time. She left her mother much
Ed Bliven came in from Burse. Neb.
TuVsday and will look after business
the Fields & Slaughter elevator
while his brother Theodore, manager
for the company, is away with his fam
ily on a vacation trip.
Get married and have your wedding
photos made at the De Luxe, we make
the latest styles and our prioes are be
low all. For group or school photos,
see us first. De Luxe Studio, 405, 4th
street, Sioux City, Iowa.
County Supt Toss has reoeived no
tice of the semi-annual apportionment
of state school funds from the state
uperintendent, for May. The amount
apportioned to the oounty is $1942.37;
the number of children iu the county
entitled to share is 2,225.
M O Ayres and son Edgar, Harry
Adair and Frank Broyhjll drove to
Omaha Sunday in Mr Ayres' automo
bile. Harry Adair and Frank Broy
hill returned Monday by train, while
the others made the return trip in the
auto Tuesday, being delayed by rain.
The remains of Ann Reed, who died
at the county poor farm September 17,
last, were dis-interred and removed
from the cemetery in this placeto the
cemetery at Emerson last Saturday.
J as A Leyda, of Quimby, Iowa, a
nephew of the deoeased woman, was
here to superintend the work of remov
al which was done by Wm Evans of
Wonder Whose Saloon It Is.
The baggagemen of Sioux City rose
up in wrath yesterday afternoon when
one of the local wagon men was called
iu to haul a load of goods for a saloon
keeper to Crystal lake. The man
wanted $2.00 for the job and the man
who wanted him to do the work refus
to pay that price. lie got a farmer to
haul the load for $2. George Furring
tou, aoting for the baggagemen, com
plained to the police, who informed
him the license nnder which the bag
gagemen were working did not pro
teot themlin matters of this kind.
The baggagemen attempted to re
strain the farmer from taking the load,
and a squabble occurred. The bag
gagemen say they will take the matter
up and fight it to a finish. Sioux City
Journal, 2'Jth.
We take it from the above that there
is a saloon in operation at Crystal lake,
even though there is no record of a h
cense having been issued for that pur
No matter how von make it,
No matter how you bake it,
No matter what it costs you,
You can't beat Tip Top Bread,
Made at Metz' bakery,
For J Tan de Zedde.
Wire Crossed
L II McLaughlin finished the work
of counting noses in Dakota Precinct,
Tuesday evening. This precinct was.
given to him in addition to the on as
signed to him. He sent bin reports in
Wednesday. Emerson Enterprise.
The Enterprise has been misinform
ed in regard to Dakota precinct, as
Rev J L Phillips finished taking the
enumeration in Dakota precinct sever
al weeks ago and sent Lis reports is
May 15th.
On the morning of Jtiue 1st, '09, the
stillness of the "perfeot day" was bro-
keu by the sound of wedding bell
which announced the marriage of
Frank O Carpenter and Anna Good
fellow. It was one of the prettiest
affairs ever witnessed in the village of
Jackson. ,
Promptly at 8 o'clock the bridal
party marched np the aisle to the
sweet strains of Mendelssohn, to the
foot of the altar, where the solemn
Vows were taken. The ceremony was
followed immediately by the nuptial
mass, celebrated by Father Roach.
The altars were artistically dcoorated
in carmine and white the class colors
of the brido.
Anua is one of St Catherine's well
loved daughters, having entered aa a
boarder in the first year of the insti
tution's existence. From there she
was graduated with honors in the class
of '04.
The bride wss besntifnlly attired in
a creation of white French lawn and
carried a large bonuet of American
beauties the clans ilower. White
rosebuds, intermingling with foi ls of
her veil of silk net, added a deiicate
touch to her becoming costume.
The groom and groomsman, Thomas
Beacora, wore the conventional black.
The brida was attended bv her cous
in, Mary Waters, who also wore a
gown of white, the pleasing effect of
which was increased by a flowing veil.
Alter the niaBs the bridal party, ac
companied by immediate relatives, re
paired to the home of Mr Waters.
uncle of the bride, where a five course
breakfast was served. In the beauti
ful home bright flowers peeped out
from every ngok and corner to pro
claim the joy of the occasion. On the
center of the table the bride's cake
rested on a bank of ferns and colum
bine, from whieh semicircles of carna
tions stretohed gracefully out. The
corner of another room was made at
tractive by the display of many well
chosen and beautiful gifts. It these
manifest the high esteem in which the
brido is held by her many friends,
more words are not necessary.
Aooompanied by an abundance of
noe and an equal amount of good
wishes, Mr and Mrs Carpenter depart
ed on the noon train lor Omaha on a
short wedding trip.
District Court
An nlJourncd sons Ion of DUtrlct Court
was held here on Tuesday and Thursday of
this weok, by Judae Uuy T Groves.
Herman W Poinrehn and Jens Hansen
were admitted ns citizens of the United
Stateson final hearlniiof their applications.
The cases agnlnst Lnrry Knttnn and Sam
Nelson, sent here from Homer, chanted
with furnishing liquor to Indians, were dis
missed by Judge Graves on motion of Ooun
ty Attorney McAllister, who stated to the
court that tho two men were not profes
sional bootleggers, but had committed the
act In Ignorance of the law against giving
liquor to Indians. The Judge Inferred Mint
they had had punishment enough and or
dered them discharged.
The cfese against Mabel Moore (Big Mabel)
charged with running a house of prostitu
tion In South Sioux Olty, was dismissed, on
motion of County Attorney McAllister, as
was also tho coses against Herb White and
Chas E Kills for bootlegging.
I amVere to stay,
I'm glad to say.
With lUwleigh's goods the Best
Satisfaction or No Sale .
Phone 18, S H Moore,
"The Rawleigh Man."
From tho Kecord
Waldo Jeep is at Omaha this week
on business.
Alvn C. Davis was called to Oto
Iowa, last week by the death of his
mother. -
Frank Combs has moved from the
O neill bouse into the new Blanch Doug
las place.
Mrs Clint A. Manning left Wednesday
tor UanKior Michigan where she will
visit with relatives.
Miss Clara Keiss ot liuuDnru was a
visitor at ttie home of her Irier.d Miss
Kate Kiclilie over Sunday returning
home Monday.
John W. Hazlegrove had a new
cement walk placed about his new
residence last week. Mr. Hazlegrove
is fast getting his home iixed up in
permanent order.
Arthur Peterson ol Carroll Nebr. and
Miss Ernestine Domberger ot Wayne
were married in the Parlors of the
Mondatnin hotel in Sioux City Thurs
day noon: Rev.J.L, Phillips oliiciated.
Work on the big 40 foot tubes for
the new pleasure boat to he put on
Crystul Lake b, Stamm & Mathwig is
about completed. The platform and
engine room will be constructed at Cry
stal Lake.
The house recentlv purchased bv Clint
A. Manning from C. J. Geister is being
removed from its present location on
Omuhn street to the lots just east of the
John McKinney house on Farnhnin
street now occupied oy Mr ana Mrs
Manning. Henry Pilgrim purchased
the lot where the house now stands.
A "Watch South Sioux City Grow
Club" has been organized. 25 cents is
required to be initiated into the myster
ies of the order. This 25 cents and nil
its companions will be used to pay for
on advertisement in the Sioux City dail
ies. It will contain the line "Watch
South Sioux City Grow." This is a
move in the right direction and every
man who owns property in South Sioux
City should contribute 25 cents month
It so that the ad may be as big and as
prominent as possible.
The South Sioux City schools closed
Friday for the long summer vacation
l'rof. II. Kaubach will spend most of
his summer in Institute work. He will
be at Springview In Kaha Paha county
and at Columbus in Platte county.
Miss Elizabeth Mc Glashan will spend
the summer at her home near Homer.
Miss Alice Oneill at her home iu Sioux
City. Miss Ida leep at her home here
and also Miss Anna Bartlrtt who will
studv music at Morningside College.
Miss Ruth Francis will go to htfr home
at Crawford. Nebraska, and will take
uo residence on brr claim near that city.
Miss Mattie Wendte and Miss Kt'a
Bauer went to their home at l'on.-a.
It is said that these two popular young
ladies will be very busv until sometime
in June when each will begin to instruct
a class of one.
$100 Reward, $100.
Th TtAcrt of this mm will bt f)lcu4 to Vara
that Ukcir. si st twst oil. dresurd dlMuo Uut wleoco
hM bei abla to eura la all IU lam, and tiial Is
Caurrh. Hall's CaMrrb Cure Is Ui. oaf puutlvs
cur. ouir kuown Us ih. m edict I trabmliy. Catarrh
I'.il soiiallluUonal dlsvaM, requlrta a eomlllu
tlonai treatment. lUm Catarrh Curs Is taken In-
Mu.uy, sc'iiuir directly upon th. blood and nmoous
surlao ol th. ayitm. Uiereby deMrorUui Um
luundaUoo ot th. dlx'aao. and slvlnf Uia patient
tiremiln by building up Ui. conitliutloa and aaaiat.
Inc uatur. In douiM Its wtrk. Tua proprietors bavs
so murb faith In Ita curatlvs power that Uty oflrr
On. Hundred Dollars lur any eaa. that It UU M
mirs. u na lor lint of tmtliuntiiaia
Address F. J. CHKNfcV A CO., Toledo. O.
bold by all DruioUta. 7 Sc.
U4 UaU't f amily run lor cooatlpaUoo.
The Good Clean. Statements
of Good Clean Iarks
(Such as all the Dakota County Banks for instance)
speak volumes for the wealth, fertility and prosperity
of our county.
This good bank takes pride in living here
among the safest class of people (and
borrowers) on earth FARMERG
"The Bank that ALWAYS treats you RIGHT"
Bank of Dakota
Ilc&Uing, Plumbing and LigHting
Haven't you ever heard of the
Ideal Lighting System?
If not let us tell you about it. A card will se
cure a demonstration and descriptive matter.
North Sia tf Drtidwar
t. 'Strm and ion a
of a,cs3ilc&2n TibSrs
To the Taciflc Coast: From Tune 1st onlv $fif) mnnri trin
direct route, and, on special
ano aaaiuonai via tonasta Koute.
To tho East: Ask nearest
rates to be in effect, commencing May, to principal eastern cities.
YellOWStOIie Park: All kinds of tourist r.ntp.; tr til Js wnn-
derland, including diverse tours
stone ana uarainer entrances; also to Cody (eastern entrance), in
connection with Holm's personally conducted camping tours
through the Park, July 29, Aug. 19 and Sept. 9. Apply early:'
Mountain Tours: To Denver, Estes Park, Salt Lake, Hot
Springs, S. D., Sheridan and Ranchester, Wyo., (for the Big
Horn region), and Thermopolis, Wyo., the coming wonderful san
itarium eigliteen million gallons of hot water daily at 150.
Call or write describing your proposed trip and let us advise
This 1,3 -in. Coucord Harness No. 76
no collars : $31
Our No. 179, 1-in. Concord, with
. flat backs, a better job $35
tM- M
I Abstracts of Title
I A 110,000 Surety Bond
Guarantees the accuracy of every
Abstract I make
County Nr.on
Repair Work Promptly
Attended to
No. 55
Dakota City, Neb.
read so Well
Is the universal expression of our
customers who come
back for more
Minnesota Paints
Very few other paints will spread as well under the
brush aud coVcr as much surface to the gallon as
Minnesota Points
Figure three-hundred" square feet, two coats, to
the gallon and you'll probably have
some paint left over.
There are many other good point In lt favor.
Call and ask us about them.
Edwards & Bradford Lbr. Co.
Dakota. City, Nb.
dates May, June and July, only
aeent about the various snprinl
through scenic Colorado, Yellow-
you iuiiy.
W. E. Snethen, Agent, Dakota City, Nebr.
L. W. Wakelkt, G P A, Omaha, Neb
1001 Farnam street.
-" -t
Bros 4s'
Pearl St
Sioux City
. H,MHf'
mem m
SaooeflBor t0 i
CUUt1 Al)StraCt Ci J
!- I I .1 a
onaea ADSiraCier 1