Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, April 22, 1910, Image 8

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    Farmers !
Act Quickly and Snap
Every farmer in Dakota and the surrounding counties
should read weekly, the Farmers' Tribune, of
Sioux City, Iowa, and learn how to increase the yield of
his land. You should be securing the greatest possible
revenne from every branch of your work, whether you may
be doing grain farming, raising pure-bred live stock or
poultry, or growing fruit, or feeding. It is the most Com
prehensive as well as the most Practical Agricultural and
Live Stoek Journal published in the United States. It
treats liberally at all times, every phase of farming. It
is worth many times its subscription price to the farmer.
Its editorials are thoroughly reliable as well a9 in
tensely practical. Its editors are successful farmers and
breeders and therefore dish out the food which the Practical
farmer can easily assimilate.
Its one endeavor is to elevate its already high stand
ard and to increase its present prestige
one of its subscribers to renew promptly and it desires
EVERY farmer within a radius of 50 miles who is not now
a subscriber TO BECOME ONE. We are, for a short
period only, making the following very liberal offer.
Farmers' Tribune
Dakota County Herald $1 J:;i
We have made arrangements with The Farmers' Trib
une for a limited number of subscriptions at terms which
enable us to make this EXTRAORDINARY subscription
offer. We urge our readers to take advantage of this offer
immediately as it will be good for a Brief Period Only.
Call at this office, or write us at once.
Send All Orders to
akota County Herald.
Dnkotiv City. Ncbr.
11 BSaHBU,
I 11 ..
, To Jan.
Cot oat n4 tend this slip (or mantlon this papsr) with $1.75
for The Companion for toio and 70a will nceive
All the issues of The Companion for th remaining wwki of
1009, Including tho Holiday Humbert; alto Ths Companlon'a
"Vtnttian" Calendar for 1910, in thirteen colon and (old.
Tben the fifty-two Issues of The Companion for 1010. BS
JV0 Subterlptlont for Tha Youth'
(That Necessary Magazine
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first, because it it a necessity that is
the rule in magazine buying of Am
erica'! intellectual aristocracy. It is
indiapentable to the busy business
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time, because it gives him the real
newt of the day in concise, readable
form; it is invaluable to the llunlting
man, who demand only the truth
and then draw his own conclusions,
because it give him just plain.
straight fads. -
t! It is hel'f'J to the whole family.
Ia it you will find a montlJy picture
OUR 1909-10
at aB Amtncaa magazioea Is a nooey
year wshot but aering a.
maximum magaiino value (or Ibe Weat
i The Review of Review Company, New York' J
Attention ! !
Up this Splendid
Bargain. '
FIVE hundred thousand
families read The
Companion because
it is entertaining and worth
while The 1910 volume will
contain, among other things
50 Star Articles
250 Good Stones -
1000 Up-to-Date Notes
2000 One-Minute Stories
Send for Sample Copies of the
Paper and Illustrated
Announcement for 1910.
Companion ttem'umi at thU Office.
for the professional man
' a year)
of men and affair by Dr. Albert
Shaw, in his comprehensive editorial,
r-t i .1 iffr 1 1
"rrogress ol tr.a world;" a clever
cartoon history of the month; book
reviews ; the gist of the best which
lias appeared in the other magazines
and newspapers of the world ; pithy
character sketches; and interesting
articles on the all-important topics of
the day. Authoritative, non-partisan,
timely and very much to the point.
1 it's a liberal education,1 is the way
ubscribets express it"
aver. You cu1) afford to otdW lor'i
of 1 R
It You appreciate tuperiui auenrv axrvica. and d-mrwt
dullaia, write (or today. It' free to YOU. S
Carmatk's Convicted Slayer Par.
doned by Governor Patterson
Retrial tor Son.
Action of Tennessee Executive After
Adverse Court Ruling Opens
Political War.
Colonel Duncan D. Cooper, sentenced
ast year, with his son, Robin J. Coop
jr, to twenty years in the State peol
:entl;iry upon conviction of the killing
)f former United Stateg Senator fid
ward W. Carmack in Nashville, Tenn.
S'ov. 9, 1908, was granted a full pardan
jy Governor Patterson a tew minutes
ifter the Supreme Court had affirm'd
lis sentence. The court ordered a ne-v
rial for Robtn J. Cooper. Colom-l
hooper was released soon after his par
Ion was signed. Ills son is at liberty
indnr $25,000 bonds, and his friends
'reely predict that he will not again be
trraigned for trial.
Governor Patterson's action has
roused Nashville and Tennessee as
lothing ever did before. There Is tin
nost intense excitement throughout
he city. The street corners, hotel '.ob
)les and other places where crowds
longregato have been the scenes of the
nost violent discussions. Rumors o?
:he Governor resigning, of an attempt
td assassination and of a plot to lynch
Jolonel Cooper have filled the air Blnw
he pardon was issued.
Governor Patterson, in the pardon
which he wrote for Colonel Cooper,
laid: "In my opinion, neither of thJ
lefendants Is guilty, and they have not
lad a fair and impartial trial, but wero
;onvlcted contrarv to the law and tho
(vldencfi. The action of the Supreme
Jourt In vacating the Judgment as to
lobfn Cooper, leaves the sentence of
Inal conviction as to his co-defendant.
fhe proof showed that Robin Cooper
tilled deceased and that D. B. Cooper
lid not flro a shot. Without reflection
ipon the court, it is inconceivable to
ny mind and repugnant to every prli-
tlplo of Justice that a man Bhould be
ound guilty of murder who was not
n a conspiracy to kill and who, in fact.
lid not kill."
The Supreme Court's reversal In the
iase was based on the assignment of
irror In the trial Judge's failing to
harge the Jury as to Robin Cooper's
heory of self-defense, linking the di
ense of the two defendants together,
ixcludlng testimony of Governor Pat-
erson as to talks-with Robin Coopar
ind other points.
. T. Twyman, Important Witness
for State Passes Away Suddenly.
Death has entered the trial of Dr.
8. C. Hyde, who is charged with huv-
Ing by the use of poison killed Colonel
Thomas Swope in Kansas City. It
was Just after City Attorney James A.
Reed had concluded the opening state
ment for the State when the an
nouncement was made that Dr. G. T.
Twyman, one of the principal wit
nesses for the prosecution, had died.
Dr. Twyman was taken ill Saturday
ind it has been announced that he
probably would be the first witness to
bo called by the State. His death was
ittrlbuted to acute diverticulitis.
Tho opening of the case was marked
by a sharp clash between counsel for
the State and defense, the latter ob
jecting strenuously to Mr. Reed, as
special counsel, making the opei.ing
itatement. The objection was owr-
few York Provision Men Look for
Decline in Beef and Fork Values.
Close observers of the food products
markets In New York expressed expec
tation of an era of low prices for food'
stiffs. "The wish In some degree may
be father to the thought," said ono
provision man, "as lower prices would
help us as well as tho consumer, but
;he tendency of prices now is unmis
utkably downward, it seems to nie
reasonablo for people to look for a
iecroaso in the retail prices of beef
and pork in a short time. The plenti
tude of grain has compelled the farm
r to feed It to his cattle, which are
waxing fat, and which must be put on
the market." Other provision men
jxpresscd similar views, based largely
upon the decline In the grain markets
and predictions of bountiful crops,
both here and abroad.
laalaaliipt Mobe liana; Ulaclc Killed
In J nil, Then Met Uodjr A Ore.
Tom O'Nell, a negro, who shot and
silled Jailer Temple In Meridian
I Hiss., was shot and killed by the offl
;ers in a fight ia the basement of the
jail. A crowJ of nearly 2,000 people
Look the body of O'Nell, who was dy
,ng, from tho officers, carried it to a
:elephone pole and hanged It. After
;ho body had been lowered the throut
was cut and the clothing saturated
svlth kerosene and set on fire.' The
sody was rescued from the mob after
:be clothing had been burned. Temple
a'as killed by O'Nell when he went to
'.he assistance of a deputy whose re
volver the negro bad seized.
llupreme Tribunal tit .Mluneaota Maya
Anllt'hauce liw In .Not Violated.
In an opinion In the case of Attor-
ley-General Simpson vs. the Sperry-
lutchlnson Company, a trading stamp
Iioncern, the Minnesota Supreme Court
lUmlbsed tho writ In a suit to enjoin
he company from continuing the Usue
I if its stamps. The court held that
radlng stamps did not contain a suffl-
dent element of chance to bring them
Irlthln the prohibition of the statute
hfalnst gift enterprises.
Opening" League Games Are .Played
in Eight Cities.
Big doings the other day on the
ball lots of the National and American
leagues. Smiling skies prevailed ev-
elsewhere, eight umpires eafh "tossed
out a new white ball," eight umpires
each in his finest voice cried "play
ball," and in eight cities the sporting
writers chronicled that "the game was
on." At least these quotations have
done service from time immemorial
and there Is no reason why they
should be discarded at this late date.
It was the-day when all the teams
were equal and that marked the Initial
puncture or the initial Impetus to tho
hopes of several million fans. What
will the end be? Call around In Octo
ber and the answer will probably be
In the American League the rapid
development last year of Philadelphia
and Boston and the hard tussle that
Detroit had to repeat for the second
time her pennant performance, makes
the picking of a championship team
this year the merest guess work.
About the only thing that does seem
assured is that the first division teams
in each league will not differ material
ly from those of Inst year. Pittsburg,
Chicago, New York and Cincinnati
again look to be certainties In the Na
tional for the upper tier, while in the
American, Detroit, Philadelphia and
Boston appear reasonably safe, with
either New York or Cleveland having
a good chance to wrest from Chicago
her berth In the upper division.
And added Interest in the National's
race this year is the adoption of a
strong policy regarding the umpiring
and the protection of the umpires.
President Lynch bids fair to follow the
example of Ban Johnson, of the Ameri
can, In this respect, and It Is predicted
that the day of umpire baiting is for
ever past.
Cracksmen Wreck Melrose Park
Station and Escape.
Cracksmen wrecked the safe in the
Melrose Park (111.) postoffice with dy
namite at 3 a. m. the other day and
escaped with $500 in currency and
$200 worth of postage stamps. The
terrific explosion shook the building,
shattered windows and tore away part
of the flooring. The entire village
was aroused and thrown Into excite
ment The safe-blowers escaped by
boarding an out-bound freight train on
the Chicago St Northwestern Railroad.
The Chicago police were asked to
search for the robbers and several de
tectives were hurried to the Western
suburb. The cracksmen are believed
to be Chicago crooks.
hoota IIIntaeK Before Family.
A. Clyde Irons, manager of the Pal
aco Vaudeville Theater, in Steuben
vtlle, Ohio, in the presence of his wife
and young son, shot himself through
the head in the theater. He probably
will die. Financial trouble caused the
Seven Die In Exploalon!
Seven persons were killed in a terri
fic explosion In a building In the bond
ed warehouse district of Hamburg.
Three great warehouses were set ou
fire. Many casks of oil were stored In
the building. The fire burned furious
ly for hours.
Clerk llaa SZ.SOO.OOO K.lale.
Charles Ferdinand Hoffman, known
as a confidential clerk for Brown Bios,
bankers at 59 Wall street. New York
died a vear aco. He left an putnto
valued at about $2,300,000. He worked
for Brown Bros, for more than fifty
Eaeav from Indualrlal School.
Klna of the inmates Of the DMn
Girls' Industrial School at Delaware
were reported as missing to the Co-
lumbus ponce. ucueved that the
nuia Wkd for Columbus.
Fl rat Boat Paaaea the 800 and Ki
rnmliin Steamers Make Heady.
Reports to the effect that the first
boat has gone through the Soo, cou
pled with the manning of Chicago's
excursion steamers and the issuing of
newpllot charts of the great lakes by
Hydrographieal Department of the
United States- yesterday, signified the
active opening of navigation on the
great lakes. v The first boat to enter
the Chicago harbor was the City of
Traverse, on March 13. On March 6
the ice had disappeared from Lake
Michigan, according to reports In the
weather bureau. The average closed
season of navigation about the Chi
cago harbor Is from Jan. 7 to Feb. 27,
and the closed season in Sault Ste.
Marie usually is from the middle of
DecenTber to April 30. A report from
Sault Ste. Marie stated that the
steamer J. E. Upson, in charge of
Captain J. B. Wood, the first up-bound
boat to pass through the Soo this sea
son, had signaled for landing.
Pronreaa of the Pennant II ace In
ltue Ball I.enuue.
W. L.
2 1 Cincinnati
Philadelphia 2 1 Brooklyn .
Pittsburg ...2 1 New York.
Chicago 2 2 St. Louis. .
V.'. L. W. I..
Cleveland ...2 1 Boston 1 1
Washington.. 2 1 New York 1 1
Chicago 1 1 Philadelphia. 1 2
Detroit 2 2 St. Louis 1 2
W.' t. W. L.
Toledo S 1 Kansas City.. 2 2
St. Paul 2 1 Indianapolis.. 2 4
Columbus ...4 2 Milwaukee ...1 3
Minneapolis. .3 2 Louisville ...1 5
The Maryland I.cglBlature passed a
resolution favoring the adoption of the
federal income tax amendment to the
Federal supervision of speculative
exchanges was recommended by W. 13.
Thompson, president of the New Or
leans Cotton Exchange, in an address
before the Republican Club of New
York City.
East and West will lock horns In an
unusual struggle for control of the ap
polntment to the Supreme Court bench
in succession to the late Associate Jus
tlce Brewer, according to predictions
heard in congressional circles.
The portentous political develop
ments of the past few weeks and the
general discontent with the Federal ad
ministration that appears to exist n
many States will form the subject of
a party conference soon to be held by
the Republican leaders in Washing
With a brass band parading the
street, and with the great auditorium
of the Y. M. C. A. packed to the doors
with enthusiustlc citizens, lies Moines
closed one of the most remarkable cam
patens ever fought in any city of tho
United States for pure government and
freedom from the yoke of corporations".
There were comparatively few prl
mary elections held In Wisconsin this
spring, in moat cases the party nomi
nees being unopposed. . The Wisconsin
law makes the cost of cundldacy o
htKh that in the majority of cases con
tests were settled without reference to
the ballot.
The Stalwart Republican leaders of
South Dakota profess to be not at nil
alarmed by the enthusiastic reception
given Governor Vessey at CentervlMd
on the occasion of the opening or the
progressive Republican primary cam
paigns. They point out that Center
villa is in the heart of the progressive
Women Disapprove of Speech by
Taft at Suffrage Meet
President Taft was hissed while de
livering an address of welcome at the
convention ot the American Woman
Suffrage Association in Washington,
The manifestation of disapproval was
not unanimous, but it was pronounced
It interrupted the President's speech,
but did not disconcert him. He wait
ed a few seconds for the feminine sibi
lant of reproach, to subside and then
finished what he had to say.
The President was describing the
two conditions he would Impose in
granting suffrage to any class. "One
Is," he said, "that the class should be
intelligent enough to know lta own
Interests. The theory that Hotten
tots or any uneducated, altogether un
intelligent class is prepared for self-
government at once; or should Imme
diately take part In self-government, Is
a theory I wholly dissent from but
that Is not appllcablo to the present
situation. The other qualification is
that the class should care enough for
their own Interests to take part In
the exercise of political power if it Is
conferred upon them. If they do not,
then it seems to me that the danger
is that the power conferred may be ex
ercised by that part of the class least
Heavy Damage in Iowa, Where Tern
' perature Drops to 22 Degrees.
Secretary Wesley Greene of the
Iowa State Horticultural Department
estimated that the damage to the Iowa
fruit and vegetable crop from the
freezing weather will be between $5,-
000,000 and $10,000,000. -He asserts
that early fruit, cherries and plums In
particular, have' been destroyed, but
vegetables may be replanted, thus re
gaining a part of the loss. Snow has
been falling in many parts of Iowa.
temperature of 22 above eero was re
ported from the southern part of the
State. Temperatures ranging from 27
to 33 above zero, accompanied by flur
ries of snow, represented the weather
In Western Missouri, Eastern Kansas
and Southern Nebraska. In Illinois
frost has greatly damaged fruit at
Galesburg. Springfield and Central
Illinois were visited by a heavy snow
fall and budding fruits were killed by
frost. A cold, drizzling rain fell
throughout Southern Illinois and hard
rains fell in Southern Indiana and
Western Kentucky, washing away
many bridges. '"
20-Vear-OId Mother Slaya Her Tm
Children In Ohio.
"The spirits kept bothering me," is
the only explanation offered by Mrs.
Rosa Marquardt, 20 years old, of Ak
ron, Ohio, who killed her 2-year-old
daughter with a club and so seriously
Injured her 1-year-old baby that tha
child's death is expected. The woman
was committed to the Masslllon Stats
Blow Safe and Get IO,O0O.
Robbers blew the vault of the Fir.H
National Bank at Spring City, Tenn,
and escaped with an amount exceeding
$10,000. Bloodhounds boo were placed
on the trail, but thus far the safeblow-
ers have not been apprehended.
Fnar Drowned Fordlnst niver,
While attempting to ford the Bush
River in a wagon Mrs. Thomas Loard
a widow, her two young children and
her sister-in-law. Miss Elizabeth Leard
were drowned near Fort Smith. Ark.
Three other occupants of the vehicle
Five Dead, live Hurt, la Wreck.
As the result ot a wreck on the Great
Northern three miles east ot Spokane
at least three men are dead, five in
Jured, and two thought to be dead
are misslDg.
firvan. Trip Ended, Points
Chances in South America.
William J. Bryan, who has just
made a tour of South America, re-
nrned to New York the other day on
board the Red D. Line steamship Car
acas. Mr. uryan talked or qui trip
to the newspaper men. He was en
thusiastic over the possibilities of
Soufh America to be developed by the
opening of the Tanama Canal.
"South America is bound to become
the great market for the products of
this country," said Mr. Bryan. "Here
tofore our merchant and manufactur
ers have been kept busy with the home
markets, but now they are reaching
out for the trade of the countries to
the south of us, and they will gain
It In time. The Increased sale of our
poods within a very recent period dem
onstrated that we are already begin
ning to see the necessity for reaching
out and grasping the opportunities
hat lie all ready to our hand in the
South American countries. The open-
ng of the Panama Canal, which will
not be delayed later than 1015, in my
opinion will lead to a marvelous de
velopment of trade relations with the
countries on the west coast of South
"During the next fifty years," con-
tlnjed Mr. Bryan, "between 25,000,000
and 50,000,000 emigrants will find a
homo In South America, and the so
cial and economical changes that wl?
be brought about by this shift in pop
ulation will bring up for consideration
wholly new and probably difficult prob
Mr. Bryan would not discuss the
letter sent by him to be read at the
Jefferson day dinner in Washington.
British Consulate Only Foreign-
Owned Building Left Standing.
In the rioting in Chang Sha, China,
in which not less than 24,000 persons,
Including the governor of the prov
ince of IIu Nan, have perished, a'l the
foreign-owned buldlngs in the city
have been destroyed by flro except the
British consulate. All the buildings
rented by foreigners have been looted.
The Chinese officials as long ago as
Thursday issued a proclamation that
they were unable to protect the lives
and property of foreigners, and there
upon all foreigners made haste to
leave the city. So far as is known no
foreign resident lost his life.
The missionaries attached to the
American Episcopalian Alliance, the
United Evangelical Church and the
Wesleyan and Yale missions, number
ing forty-one in all, took refuge In
boats. They lost all of their effects.
The destruction of all foreign prop
erty, including the Japanese consulate
and the British warehouses, followed.
The fate ot the Standard Oil Com
pany's new tanks 1b unknown.
two Bandits Hold Up China-Japan
Fast Mail in California.
The China-Japan mail, which left San
Francisco over the Southern Pacific
Railway for the East at 9 o'clock Sat
urday night, was held up by two
masked men at Sprig, two mlleB east
of Benicia, Cal., at 12:30 o'clock the
other morning and robbed of nine
pouches of registered mail.
ter. Four of the Douches have been
recovered, but the robbers rifled the
umeiH huu nuw uitf luuiug iu me uiiia
and canyons between Martinez and
Oakland. Sheriffs' posses from two
counties, detectives and postoffice in
spectors on horses and in automobiles
are engaged in the man hunt. The
robbers wero well armed and a battle
is anticipated.
The passengers on the train were
not disturbed and several of them did
not learn of the robbery until the
next morning. After getting the mall
sacks the robbers cut the engine loose
from the train and sent It wild, throt
tle open, down the main track to tha
Minnehaha Goes on Rocks, but Pas
sengers and Crew Are Safe.
. The Atlantic transport steamer Min
nehaha, which sailed from New York
on April 9 for London, is ashore on
the seal rocks at the Scllly islands,
near Bishop's rock, according to a
wireless message received at Lloyd's
signal station at the Lizard. The
wreck was caused by a dense fog.
The passengers and crew of the liner
landed on Bryber island, one of the
Scilly group.
The Minnehaha sailod from New
York with sixty-one cabin passengers.
The boat is a cargo carrier of 13,443
tons, with limited accommodations for
cabin passengers only. It was built
in Belfast in 1900. The Scllly Islands
i aM ,1ia DnnthwAot undot fit lTnrrlanA
bout thirty miles from Land's End.
Qalla I'olplt for Polltlca.
Firmly in the belief as minister o
the gospel he was living In a realm ol
fanciful theories and impractical
ideals, Charles H. Braden, formerly
pastor of Grace Baptist Church ol
Spokane, Wash., has abandoned ths
pulpit to enter national politics. H
is an active candidate for Congress
from the Third District of Washing
ton. filrl Strangled by Iter Hair.
Ella Pohl, of Berlin, a student ii
the New Mexico Agricultural College,
while plckntcking climbed a cliff, lost
her hold and plunged over. She was
caught in a crevice. Her hair acted
as a noose and she died in a few
New Ban on Tnberenloala.
If persons suffering from tuberculo
lis can be proved to be a menace to
the health of others, boards of health
may compel them to give up their em
ployment, according to an opinion
given by the attorney general's departs
Lincoln, Kelt., Remains Dry
At the special referendum election
Lincoln, Neb., voted by a majority of
slightly more than 900 to continue the
policy of no license, Inaugurated a
year ago.