Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, March 11, 1910, Image 7

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Lydia E. Ffa.tham's Vegetable Compound
What is the use of procrastinating in the face of such
evidence as the following letters represent? If you are a
sick woman or know one who is, what sensible reason have
you for not giving Lydia K. I'inkham's Vegetable Com
pound a trial ? For 30 years wc have been publishing such
testimonial letters as these thousands of them they are
genuine and honest, too, every
Mrs. S. J. Ilarber snys:
I "I think Lydia E.
iPinkham's Vfce-
Itablo Compoumi
lis thfl iK-st nu'dt-
leine in the world
Ifor women and
I fuol it inv duty
to let others
know the pood it
has dona for me.
J'hree years atro
I had a tumor
which the doctor
I said would have
to be removed by an operation or I
could not live more than a year,
or two, at most. 1 wrote Mrs. rink
ham, at Lynn, Mass., for advice, and
took 14 bottles of Lydia K. Pink
liam's Vegetable Compound, and to
day the tumor is pone and I am a
perfectly well woman. I hope my
testimonial will be of benelit to oth
ers." Mrs. S. J. Hard eh, Scott,
Mrs. E. F. Hayes says:
1 "I was under the
doctor's treat-
ment for a fibroid
tumor. I suffered
with pain, sore-
Iness, bloating,
and could not
I walk or stand on
my feet any
length of time. I
Iwrote to Mrs.
Pinkhara for ad-
Ivice, followed her
Idirections and
took Lydia E. I'inkham's Vegetable
Compound. To-day I am a well
woman, the tumor was expelled and
my whole system strengthened. I
advise all women who are aillicted
with tumors or female troubles to
try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound." Mrs. E. V. Hayes,
1SU0 Washington St., Boston, Mass.
For 30 yenrs Lydia K. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound has been the standard remedy for
female ills. No sick woman does justice to
herself who vrill not try this famous medicine.
Made exclusively from roots and herbu, and
has thousands of cures to its credit.
rTte Mrs. Pinkbam Invites all sick women
L- to write her for advice. She has
guided thousands to health free of charge.
Address Mrs. Jirikhfur. Ivnn. Man.
Chest Jfjzx
For sore throat, sliarp pain
in lungs, tightness across the
chest, hoarseness or cough,
lave the parts with Sloan's
Liniment You don't need to
rub, just lay it on lightly. It
penetrates instantly to the seat
of the trouble, relieves conges
tion and stops the pain.
Here's the Proof.
Mr. A.W. Price, Fredonia, Kan.,
ays : "We have used Sloan's Lini
ment for a year, and find it an excel
lent thing for sore tliroat, chest pains,
colda, and hay fever attacks. Afew
drops taken on sugar stops cough,
ing and sneezing instantly."
S loan's
is sasier to use than porous
plasters, acts quicker and does
not clog up the pores of the skin.
It is an excellent an
tiseptic remedy for
asthma, bronchitis,
and all inflammatory
diseases o f the
throat and chest ;
will break up the
deadly membrane in
an attack of croup,
and will kill any kind
of neuralgia or rheu
matic pains.
AH drurjjlt keep
Moan's IJ ulinenU
Pries 25c, 60c, 4 $1.00.
Dr. Earl S. Sloan,
of all TarletlM
ueruiiQiut It
enreci In a tvw
tlayi without a
or 4tentlon from burin. .Nu iy will I
aorited until the patient la eompletelj
OureU. Write or call uu
ssn 601, f 1 1 I Blag., Sioat City, It.
'Vm.on P.C i,l-min,w Hti
No Man is Stronger
J nan his Stomach
A trorif man is strong all over. No man can be
irons! who is suCc-ring from weak stomach with its
consequent indigestion, or from some other disease
i,l the stomach und its associated organs, which im
pairs digestion and nutrition. 1 or when the stomach
is weak or diseased there is a loss of the nutrition
ccntuined in food, which is the source of all physicul
Ltrcngrh. When a man "doesn't feel jur.t right,"
nil-n li n Hwhn't s!.n well V. 1 a a . n f L. 1
..v ....... . - - ..., " . uiikuiuiui itauio
feeling in tho stomach after eating, is languid, nervous, Irritable and despooj.
cat, he is losing the nutrition needed to make strength.
SucA a man mbould use Dr. Pierce' u Golden JUtdlcmt
VlMcorcry. It cure dlaeauem ot (Ae mtomach and other
oriana ot dliemtion and nutrition. It enrlchea tbe blood,
Javltoratea tho llvtr. atrenitheaa tbo kldneya, aourlaaaa
Yoa can't afford to aocept iter ft nostrum as substitute tor this boo
aloobolie medicine or known composition, not even though the urgent dealer,
may thereby make a little bigger profit. Ingredients printed on wrapper.
one ot them.
Mrs. !porfrn Mny snys t
'No one knows
I what 1 have suf
fered from fe
male troubles.
neuralgia pains,
kind backache.
iMy doctor said
j'.ie could not givo
too anything to
leure it. Through
Ntho advice of a
: 1 1 i. - n
1 uriiu u r k a u
to use J.ydla IS.
Pinkham's Veco.
table Compound, and the pain soon
disappeared. I continued Its use
and am now in perfect health.
Lydia E. l'inkham s Vegetable Com
pound lias been a (iod-send to mo
as I believe I should have been in
my grave if it had not been for Mrs.
llnkham's advice and Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound."
Mrs. Okoiuie May, bO 4th Ave.,
Paterson, X.J.
Mrs. W. K. Iloush says:
"I have been
completely cured
of a severe fe
male trouble by
Lydia E. Pink
ham's Vegetable
Compound, and
want to recom
mend it to all suf
fering women. "
Mrs. W. K.
IIoush, 7 East
view Ave.. Cin
cinnati, Ohio.
Eecause your case is a dillicult
one, doctors having done you no
good, do not continue to suffer with
out giving Lydia E. Pinkham's Veg
etable Compound a trial. It surely
has cured many cases of female ills,
such as inllanimation. ulceration, dis
phf ements, fibroid tumors, irregu
larities, periodic pains.backache, etc.
The Kin ill Tent.
"Doctor," asked the patient, who.se
eyes had been undergoing treatment
for a period of six months or more
"do you think that my eyes are all
right now?"
"Yes," said the oculist, "I think J
can assure you, Mr. Pinchnickel, that
your eyes are cured. Hut there is oni
more test I should like to apply. Sei
if you can read that at a distance o
twelve or fourteen inches without
Whereupon he laid his bill befon
him. Chicago Tribune.
with AV.tu t .iiny llittatn. t ln )Htiul.tr famtlT rom
ivlv. It rnivs her' oltlt'r rt'UH'dlos lull. All Ucik'
rrs. ik itli'.fl.CO Kittles.
Orlwln ot Vhle Itace.
The disi'iission of the precise locality
where the primitive man developed
into the white race is by no means
settled as yet. The old theory that the
Aryan or white race began in Asia
is still held by many high authorities,
but other" authorities equally high
maintain that the original "white
man's country" was Europe and that
from Europe the race spread to other
parts of the world. It Is safe to say
that the last word upon the subject
has not yet been spoken. The debate
is still open and will probably mnaln
so for a very long time to come.
New York American.
PAZO OINTMENT Is g-uaranterd to cure any
catte o( Itching. Hlind, IJleedmir or Protruding
tiles in 6 to 14 days or muuer relunded. Sue.
Spider Web n a My pile.
A spider's web, an old cure for bleed
ing, Is an uncleanly application, as It
Is generally procured from the most
neglected corner in a room and is con
sequently laden with dust. The earli
est reference to this remedy In our
language seems to be in a translation
of that curious encyclopedic work of
tho middle ages, "Do l'roprleiarlbus
Rerum," where we read, "Coppe webbe
that is white and clean staunchyth
blood." But as I have seen It applied
to a cut finger it lias been anything
but white and clean. There is another
reference in Shakespeare's "Midsum
mer Night's Dream," when Bottom, the
weaver, says to his fairy Cobweb, "I
shall desire of you more acquaintance,
good master Cobweb; If I cut my fln
ger I shall make bold with you."
As a styptic, however, it must be ac
knowledged a spider's web as some
what effective. In a case of excessive
hemorrhage after the extraction of a
tooth a dentist applied a cobweb with
most satisfactory results. Hospital.
Mra. TIeu-lieiiH Ahsiilom. we nre out
of coal. Is your credit ut the dealer'
bad a (ta 1 n :
Mr. Hewllffiis Not "again," Amanda.
Still! Ch leu iro Tribune.
If Mf
4 oni A.lie. Up Worth Snvlna.
In ninny sections of the country coal
is the principal winter fuel used '
rarmers and a large quantity of ashes
result w hich' are usually looked on :n
waste, but nn authority says there s
more value in coal ashes than U ge.i
?rally realized by the farmer. Tor the
amelioration qf heavy flay land they
ire exceptionally valuable. This is
particularly so with the ashes of soft
?oal, as such usually are reduced al
most to a dust. Coal ashes have a
fertilizer value. This opinion, how
ever, is not held generally. Tho coil
beds contain phosphorus, potash, nitro
gen and lime, as well as the other less
Important Ingredients. When the ord
inal trees out of which were formed
the coal beds were reduced to coal the
mineral elements remained In thein,
and consequently those same elements
go with the ashes.
One reason why people have formed
an Idea that coal ashes contain no fer
tility Is that the trees now grown
have In them less carbon than those in
the old days Rnd thus the percentage
of other elements to carbon is prob
ably greater now than then, which
gives a larger value to our wood ashes,
but does uot annihilate the value in
the coal ashes. Ashes can be used o
advantage without sifting, but large
quantities of half-burned coal are by
some considered a detriment to the
.oil. Rural World.
llitlnu Sheep Knrcllvrly.
To rid sheep of external parasites or
the scab mite they should be dipped in
some effective dip. Coal tar dips are
effective, nonpoisonous and do not.
ordinarily Injure the wool. They are
inererore considered among the best.
Before using all dips should be tested.
Mix one teaspoonful of dip with fifty
to seventy-five of water, according to
directions. Wrap a few ticks or bed
bugs In a gauze and dip them in this
mixture for thirty seconds. Then
place them uuder a tumbler, and if
they are not dead in six hours the dip
U not strong enough. It should he
made Btrong enough to make a thlrtv-
second dip effective. Sheep are to be
kept, in the dip one .minute. Place tho
dip in the tank befoTe the water, ?o
the mixture will be uniform.
The best time to din Is when th
wool Is one-fourth to one-half inch
long, so that the din will adhere to
the fleece. If the ticks are present at
shearing time the whole flock should
be dipped at once to prevent the ticks
'rom getting to the lambs.
Heavy Seeiln tiive Iloxt I'lniil..
To obtain a good stand of grain
It is necessary to use the largest and
plumpest grain for seed. Small or
shrunken grain gives weak plants.
many of which will tall to mature In
an unfavorable season. A sudden
change in temperature, a prolonged
drought or a Blight frost Is more like
ly to destroy the weak plants than
the strong. The increased yield at har
vesting time Is quite a consideration.
In the Illustration the heavy and light
samples of barley ABC and D pro
duced plants as indicated with corre
sponding letters above.
Keep Inv I'lirm Arruuata,
Farmers who visited the Ohio State
University were interested in the sy.i
iin of accounts used on the farm.
vVhile the land is not tilled for the
ame experimental purposes as the
:ields at the Agricultural Experiment
Station at Wooster, a certain amount
of experimentation has to be done In
order to determine the most profitable
nethods of handling the land. These
-'xperlments are the same in kind as
;hould be conducted by farmers gjn
rally. Tbe accounts are kept in such
orm as to show tho results of the dlf
( rent methods employed on the dlf
'crent fields.
I'otnah Content of lay toil.
According to a recent bulletin of ihi
N'ew HampHhire Station, the clay an3
lay loam soils carry sufficient potash
or the production of maxiu.m yield:
of hay, and that a large part of the
potash applied in fertilizers Is lost so
far as the crop Is concerned. In other
words, tho addition of commercial
potash to such soils is unnecessary.
When barnyard manure, which con
tains a large amount of potash, li
added, the value lies, not In the pot
ash, but. in the other fertilizing ele
ments, and in large part In the Im
provement of the physical condition of
the soil.
1 in portn nee of Itemlliis; Matter.
The up-to-date farmer needs a good
litiiary as well as any other profes
sional man. The progressive man
rcadB some at all seasons of the year,
but there Is more time for rending In
winter than in Biimiiier, especially of
long evening, (let good books of all
kinds and read them. Every dollar
spent In good iooks will bring $10
actual return, not counting the pleas
ure and general Information derived
from the reading.
Good Hoar Nenae.
It la not a good plan to take all the
plgi from tbe sow, unless one or two
i of then can be turned with her some
hours afier, to draw the milk ,he will
have at that 1 1 in a. and ni;ilii, s;iy after
a lapse of twenty-four hour. The pre
fer; ed way is to leave about two of I he
smallest with her for sever. il dayj.
land, after that leave etily one for pyj
'i" three days more, by which time he
I'ow of mill; will have be,n so snd
i imIIv diminished that no Injury w .ll
i( suit to the sow by keeping th"in ,n
tlrcly away from her. Tiiis exlra sup
ply of milk helps also to .ir tie
smaller pig along in growth and put
them more nearly on nr- cMiulity In
size with their thriftier mates.- Co
burn's "Swine in America."
A Con etilent Cult Tronsih.
A farmer mar I'aullina, Iowa, has
been using an Ingenious method for
feeding his calves. It was suggested
to hi ui by the fact that he used a
manure rpreader In his sheds and con
Betiuently all obstructions that extend
ed out a foot from the wall were In
the way. As calves require a low
manger, one can be hung on hinges so
that when It Is turned up It will not
occupy more than live or six Inches of
space out from the wall. It may be
any length, but it Is better to have It
made in sections about six feet long.
The accompanying Illustrations show
the trough when It Is all ready for
feeding purposes, and also when it Is
hooked up close against the wall.
iilllvntlon for I'oreat Tree.
The young farmer forester should be
experienced in the art of stlnnilatln!;
tho growth of trees in natural groves
by cultivation. When we come to think
how hard the ground is In soma wood
It Is really strange that trees get
enough moisture to support them
selves. The difference in the amount
of rainfall absorbed by a level-plow.d
field and hard-baked hillside Is very
great, and it is wonderful how an oak
or hickory growing on a hillside ever
attains to great height and Blze.
1I (Ten-nee In T)iea.
The man who has been accustomed
all his life to raising the lard type of
hog will have his troubles when he
revnes to shift over to tho bacon breeds.
This has nothing to do with the merits
of the breeds In question, but the feed
ing habits, the general character and
make-up of the two types are different,
and some time and possibly boiuo ex
pense Is necessary before the ex
perienced feeder of the one type cat
shift over and beca.:ne a successful
feeder of the other.
Selling A nine of Town.
The North Carolina experiment sta
tion proposes a plan to place a buying
and selling value on cows on a ba!s
of the yield and quality of their milk.
According to the brief account of the
plan it lays down a rule to fix a price
for a cow at the rale of $12 per gal
lon of milk given per day that shows
3.5 per cent fat. To this add or sub
tract $1 for every one-fourth on 1 per
cent fat which is above or below the
I!. 5 per cent.
Keep I'm Onion I'roaen.
Most fruits and vegetables are In
jured more or less by freezing, but the
onion may be kept all winter In
a frozen condition without Its eating
qualities being affected. To keep them
In a frozen condition, first let them
freeze solid and then place them In a
cold loft of the barn or other build
ing protected on both sides with a
heavy covering of hay or straw, to
maintain' an even temperature.
I'roteetlitir Tree Trunks.
The trunks of fruit trees may be
wrapped with paper to protect them
from mice and rabbits, the paper be
ing tied on with a cord to hold it in
place. Old newspapers may be used
for the purpose, the care necessary
being to see that the paper entirely
covers the trunk of the tree high
enough to prevent the rabbits reach
ing tho exposed portion above the
I'owiieas Hiirlch Soil.
Not only have cowpeas been found
valuable as a soil-enriching crop, but
they have proved to be most excellent
feed for live stock used as a forage and
cured hay. The hay used Is compara
tively rich in protein and makes good
dai'v feed, and Is likewise good for
young stock and work horses, fed In
limited amounts.
enllliilloii anil KajaT Fertility,
A common cause of the failure of
fertile eggs to hatch Is lack of suffi
cient ventilation The fresh air supply
depends to a greater extent than Is
generally known on the difference In
the temperature of the air Inside the
machine and that of the room In
which the Incubator stands.
Potato Itiiu lleslroyer.
There appeared In some parts of In
"dlaiia last season a small bug with
variegated wings which destroyed
thousands of potato bugs, A half
dozen bugs will quickly kill 100 or
more of the potato bug on a single
plant. Specimens have been sent to
the government for examination,
l.eaaou of I lie Hull Weevil,
Agricultural teach rs have urged
diversified farming for many years,
but with little effect until 1 lie appear
ance of the boll weevil. This Insect
made cotton farming very precarious
and ha led to radlcul modifications In
the systems ot (arming prevailing in
that section.
Italalne? bleka Urat Principle.
The feeding and growing of little
chicks g an art which everyone must
learn before they can wish for lucceaa
In poultry raising. However, It It
worth the trouble.
Tenth I nit Ital.y te Walk.
Never t-ncourase a baby to try to
walk If he seems unwilling to learn
The sockets of the joints are very shal
low In tiny children and the hones so
feebly connected that they are easily
dislocated. Besides, bowed legs are
cry much easier to avoid than to cure.
nd standing before the legs sre si rone;
enough to lenr the weight of the body
may result In permanent deformity.
Simple Imt IVinrrfiil rreaerlpllon
for l henmitllaiii nnil l.nnie llneks.
This whs previously published her
mid cured hundreds, "tiet one ounce ol
syrup of Sarsaparllla compound and
one ounce Toils Compound. Then get
half n pint of good whiskey and put
tho other two Ingredients Into It. Take
a tablespoonful of this mixture before
each meal and at tied time. Shake the
bottle each time." (iood effects ait
felt the first day. Any druggist bus
these Ingredient on hand or will
quickly get them from his wholesalt
Illooil Money t
"One day," nl,l Mrs. Ipsllng. "1
nv u man thrash n big, brutal tenm
ster for li.atltiK his horses. If I had
my way about it he should have a
share of the Carnage hero fund."
silti-hi-a. etc.. ..,. anil nit. ai all ilruugiata.
An til.l,-nt Iiok.
Schnapps Is a dachshund, and the
people who know all about the breed
call the queer looking animal hand
some. In the house In New York
where he Is the pet he Is credited with
more than ordinary dog sense and with
understanding every word said to him
In Kngllsh or Centum. In order to
demonstrate his sagacity his master
said to him a few evenings ago:
"'Schnapps, tho young people have
been here long enough. Co down and
tell the boys to go home." liownstnirs
lie waddled and, standing before the
vlsltlns? youths, barked and howled,
then ran to the front door and back
again and kept up the performance
until, as his proud master explained,
"the young men heard and saw the
poinlv Pretty smart for a dacha, eh?"
natnicicd with
Stre Eyes, use
AceoroiUK in Kovelunieiii. report.,
2.1100,000 cattle die every year In UiIb
country from dlspime, exposure and
Children Who Are Sickly,
Mot hers Fho jld never be w ithout n tmx
or A1otliir Cray h Sweet Powders fur Chil
dren. Tliey break up colds in JM hotiiH,
cure Kcverlshuess. Constipation, Headache,
Teetlilnir J l; orders und Stomach Trou
bles, over 10,000 testimonial)!. At all
lJniKi;IM!. I'iie. Ask fo-rinji. Sample mulle.:
KKKK. Address, Allen S. Olmsted, l,e
ttoy. N. V.
rn rlh I an Shot.
. "I regret very much that we cannot
Use your story," snld the magazine ed
itor, handing back tho manuscript. "It'a
astonishing bow much really good liter
ature we are compelled to decline."
"It's more astonishing, though," said
tho disgruntled author of tho story,
"that you never let any of It get Into
your m a gn z In e."
Take LAXATIVE HHOMO Quinine Tablets.
pruiorisiH refund money if It laiU to euro. . W.
(.HUVh'S amnatura Is on each box. iSc
I Hele Allen.
"Ton may not be as good aa David
or as wlso as Solomon," said Uncle Al
len Sparks, "but If you know how to
train children you've got the bulge on
both of "em. Kach of tho two had a
boy that went wrong."
A. II. C. T1JA
l a perfect Laxative and blond purifier.
IarKU puekage litic all ileulers.
Cavalry officers in Italy undergo a
course of instruction In pigeon truln-
lng for military purposes.
Mrs. Wlnslow's Sonthlnfr Syrup for
ennui-en iteming, Hortenx the arums, re
duccx lnflumiiiHtlon, allays puln, curei
Kiiiti cone. uc a noma.
There are three women among the
nominees for tho next Norwegian Par
liument. One was chosen by the Liber
als und two by the Socialists.
Constipation causes and seriously
aggravates many diseases. It Is thor
oughly cured by Dr. Pierce's Pellets.
Tiny sugar-coated granules.
Many musk ox robes are In use In
the province of Ontario for cold weath
er driving. They are rare and too cost
ly to be common.
Catarrh Cannot Be Cured
irlth I.OCAI, APPMCATIONS, as they csn
ot reneli tlie aent of the rlUraxe. Catarrh
k a blood or constitutional dlwaae, and In
rder to cure It you muxt take Internal rem
lles. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Inter
tally, and arts directly on the blood and
nucoiis surfaces. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is not
I quark medicine. It was preMcrllied by one.
f the best physlcluns In this country for
fears and la a regular prescription. It Is
omposcd of the next tonics known, combined
silh the bext blood purifiers, aotlr.it directly
in the murous surfaces. The perfect roin
tlnatlon of the two Ingredients la what pro
luces such wonderful rexults In curing C'a
arrh. Hend for tesilm, minis free.
1". .1 CIIKNEY CO.. Toledo, O.
Bold bv DrugKlKis, price 7,v.
Tuke lIulTs Family Pills for conKtlpatlun.
A 2 000,000-ton bill In Cincinnati Is
being moved threo miles to muke a
rullroud fill.
'ree to Our Heodera.
Write Murine Eye Itemedy Co., Chicago,
for 40-paue Illustrated Kye Hook Floe,
yvrlln all about Your Kye Trouble und
they will advise as to the proper Appli
cation of the Murine Eye Hamedles in
,?,ur kr'"' Case. Tour rjruKKUrt will
tell you thut Murine Kelieves Sore Kyes,
MreriBthens Weak Uyex, Uoean'l Smart.
V. 'V t,y H,"" "n1 fr & 'J'ry
It In Your Kysa and In bahy'a Eyes for
Eyelids and Oranulatloa.
a. i - a iua. -s . a.
talar sm ass arit star aaa laalsr catoa Bus hi
mmw safaai shmu DJStaa aaan.
t, flu in '-Uirr raxli ltit prUfM i. . i r 1 1 nnr few-torj ti fmrntrnt grtmiDf piano
ntamifikcturtui Im-ipr In lh luitd HttM, M foiivwti
FIRST IMUZK-OMK etoe.OO SI lirltaTRrfM ritKO to the on ko SMds la ' 1
1 II Y' X -$ .&00 00 wilt 1 dir Irtfil In amount- f mm t"H
inrnif n p'urrt mnr fitwarim me iiun-iinne or amy;
I M 11 II I AN T - No one hha lien ftmanlr rt
in tin corneal. '"'j ine swwwer win ie roi tea rroiu
anyone in ine i nutni ninin.
Weant iieu1iiiif a fort una each Tear In arlrerllnint
11 M ntt uier h It h . after n il. I the ver beet awlverUHCintnt auti we I u tend to aoromiub in on jr
Uiati;ifctiirerH tiave taken fWt vearn to tin.
Upton h petit a milliott tl.iiare in atvertl(ni the
ui nut ic. TiMtnf het lieraldfl by the frowned lieaite of
iipo wnen four irKMii are rip lit. nitre pianoe
in uic coiintrr aim our plan apteaii to tn tninaing mi
iwi-irs to nome, which (kinninarrt an mimlieman p proni.
hivery contestant will he anwerod hf mat), ixit Itm aura an J ancloan a telf add reeled aavalopa a
your aaru win not be miweiu or uwtin Uim mail.
How a Doetur Cured Neelp Dlaenae.
"When I was ten or twelve years
old I had a scalp disease, something
like irald head, though It wasn't tha'..
I suffered for several months, and
most of niy hair came out. Finally
they had a doctor to Bee me and he
recommended the Cntlciira Remedies.
They cured me In a few weeks. I
have lined the Ctlticura Remedies, also,
for n breaking; out. on my hand and
was benefited a great deal. 1 haven't
hud any more trouble with tho scalp
disease. Miss Jegtde F. Huehnnnn.
R. F. 1). 3, Hamilton, fia., Jan. 7, 1909."
Kept with llnruiini'a Clrrna.
V. T. lUtrnum, the famous circus
man, once wrote: "I have had the
Ctlticura Remedies iwnotit; tho con
tents of my medicine chest with my
shows for the last three Reasons, and 1
can cheerfully certify thut they were
very effective In every case which
called for their use."
Tlioimlil Ilr llnil.
Ppenklns; of the boycott of beef hava
yon ever tried horse incut?"
"O, yes, 1 preaunie so, und front meat,
too, I dure say. I've eaten in ull aorta
of restaurants."
l-'iiriU.'r h. a . u,iun,
The man who was Kolngr to St. Ivea
had Just met the seven wives.
Their combined liicKiifre, Ha has been
narrated, consisted of forty-nine sacks
contulnliiK in the UKtrrogute 343 cuts
and 2,401 kittens.
"Ah," said ho, pleasantly, "what have
we here? A traveling eat show?"
"No, sir," they explained; "we are
anawerliiK a want nd."
Thus, one ly one, does scientific re
seal'Oh continue to solve the mysteries
of tlie apes.
Trlnl Kidney It fined y Free.
Th proprietors of Doan's Kidney
Ifeniadr offer in another imrt of this
paper n free trial of their renowned
.specific for Kidney diseases, lly cut
ting out the coupon in another columt,
and sending. It to Foster-Milburu Co.,
Buffalo, M. Y a trial of the remedy
will be Bowt without charge. This
shows the confidence of the proprietors
In the efficacy of the remedy,, elsE
they would not undergo this great ex
pense. Jitrt-et X antra.
Paris' street with the longest namo
Is La Rue des Piestres-Salnt-Germaln-l'Auxerrols.
In Urussels Is La Rue
de la Mantagne-aux-Herbes-Potagerea.
The Belgium metropolis ha a suburb
bearing the name Ongeschuperdeall
vercokkernoljestratt. Holland eclipses
these with AlblasBerdammerlandaren
opsteckersverKaderlnlokaal, which sl
nlfles "the meetlns: room of the street
lamp lighters of AlbIasserdamJm.,
slmitattxtg thcFoodantfRfduta
ing (Jtc Siomadis aiulftjvsaf
lromolcs DiScsltonflif erfii
ncss and Ifcstronlaln j nelitur
0Tium.Morphinc norfliocraL
Jhmnnint -
h'rrm Strd
Ctmtfkil Suijnr
h-'yrm Han".
ApcrTerl Remedy forCortsftpa J
lion , iour Momacu.uiarnioca
Worms ,f onvulsions.Fe vensh
ncss and Loss of Sleep.
Facsimile Signanire of
Exact Copy of Wrapper.
7 .
ssi him ! 11 os M
aiBaiBaw vaaae'
alfcar 4
00 to lif rvoHlnf to merit. The awanfe
new iilnno in our more.
In ny tf r former ronfe will be etlfthf to
any una laruiiy.oiuer ine tut; cod lea t im I;
tba WWIFUPTlinM HA NO direr from ihe
product tt hie manufacture. Wine t titp arm
Kurope, prK'llmwl the King mprt-haiit. Li tr
wnoifwaie eixl retail inan hit nth or manitractunnff
vera uu account ol cnir eystviu o: neilinf tttanua ati
What Govarnor Denoen. of llllnolsj
ay adout its
j' . ' Hfcw1 ' "TT-l UT luntQ, Ol II 1 1 an I, fTWTfV sjsjajs
' ' .i f 'nnntsi fin km akX ia.
ita intorvivwt
An an Attkt lean X am
doliRhti'ti to av ibo t
nmrknlla proar t
Viwtfrn Cani'la. Oar
the lHun(anr fta thoatv
MHnrla, and I ham not
1ft Ol
n had
cni wtio admtttaai
hn bad mnde iaitke
i i
7 I
Ihvy are all tlotnar '
Thorw la em ror!
tnunlr? In tno Middle
i- r a 4
8LntM that ha
not a mrrnMtitatlT In
hiinkHtc-huwaa or Albexta.1
125 Million Bushels cf
Wheal h 1S39
tT(tnrn Cna1n finM tteora Una-
1 will ni!r vti'M to4et
vr 1 7i.(V4)i,()(M.() n rnwli
1 ni llolIl(t4MUlOt IMh
'iiVK t;' 1 Bni1
nml i)ri-4Mii.itloii of I tV4)
f .1,0(1 tin Hrrti. llAilwar awd
nd CornpunleM havo land foramto
r'Mannuliln urto. AliaiiV fNita
rra hnve piilil for thvir titnal out
)f tho tiriMiMNla of one rrtmp
Vilill(l t-llMiiito, rcw1 aritMoU.
cio4M.Mit ra.lwny riu'lllUe,low
n'tctit mton, AfMHl, witicr mmA
iiiiiImt cn-Uy otitialne-trl.
Jror iini.hlot"I.nNt Heet WeeJt,"
rnrttcuh.rH nn to auttabl lomUMi
ami lovr erttletV wu ipy to
Hun't of lipmiiirntion. Otlaw
K. T. tlKluifN. MU J. kr.on ht.. Kt. l aiil. H1r. aasval
J. M, Mad jtt'hlun Hon ur,Watcrtowa, buatat lakl.
i.wrvautiruraiioaroHi jruu.i
l'lenie nay a hera you eaw thla arerllaaaaast.
is tho word to remombeif
"when you need a remedy
JJ2QO tw "nd "Panlsnan l rnxla kOclac w
tlm.i l.n.litln.linrli',1 Enllli: tllploaia araatod. s
Htnri. llht.ltiM.1 lraiiwH.r..l.i..ilM.h. - .
"fnmiry 'rmf4rmn SiIimI, Itapl. 1st, 1
Mother's raillx
will supply the
baby laxative enough, if!
she takes a candy CascareftJ
And the laxative will be naturaLl
ienlle. vegetable just what bakyj
needs. Try one and yoall knoW-
why millions of mothers use then.1.
Val-pocat k, 10 casta at ilra atai
mvim dw aa a auiuoa bax.a
K. C. X. U.
Mo. 11 191.
For Infants and Children,
The Kind You Havo:
For Ower
Thirty Years
ti aiirraua u.hi. aiw aa mm.
emm .tat MM
II'I'IlIt i
i a ii VtawBll haBiia!aai
I WHHtEalalBB-al
M i IS
the A.
' Use
m n
aa mm mm a HHHal U