Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, March 04, 1910, Image 4

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    Dakota County Herald
Subscription Trice. $1.00 Ter Year.
A weekly newspaper published at
DftkotA City, Nebraska,.
rcrtninsion lias been granted for the
transmission of this paper through the
mitiig as second -class matter.
Telephone No. 43.
K 4
8 t
k 4040 ?() 40MI 0W X
Tender Ti.ces: Sid Gravo was down
from Nacora jeatcrday.
Tonca Journal: W T Bartlrtt of
Biour t'ify was in Tonca Thursday
evening in the interest of some real
estate deals.
Allen News: Mrs Mrvin Armour,
of Sioux City. viBited few days at
the Will Aimonr home here the latter
part of last week.
Whitina items in Sloan, Iowa, Star:
Rev Joel A Smith and daughter, Miss
Ethel, are conducting union revival
mwtines at the opera house this week.
Miss Smith aids her father in taking
charge of the singing. You are invited
to attend.
Ilornick items in Sloan, Iowa, Star:
Mr II O Dorn. of South Sioux City,
Neb, visited Wednesday and Thnrsduy
with her daughter, Mrs E O Slierrard.
E C Slierrard and wife were the
guests of Hie letter's parents, Mr and
Mrs IIO Dorn, in South Sioux City,
Nub, over Sunday.
Lvons Mirror: Mrs John Nnnn, of
Winuehago, van a guest of the Mirror
home t'iit week... .Mrs MM Warner
who bus been routined to her bed the
puHl f inr weeks with an attick of
rheumHtirtin, was presented with a
bouquet of beautiful llowers by the W
It C which, was highly appreciated by
ber. .
ToDca Leader: Father Moore was a
Jackson victor Monday afternoon ....
John McKivergan was transacting
bniuet)8 at Jaukftou Moniay after,
noon Will F Mikesell is expected
boiue the latter part of this week from
Sioux City, whero he has been bed
fust with a seige of the mumps the
past four weekB
eloping couple came to Bioux City to
be marriod, Newman telepnonea um
police to stop the ceremony.
lln message came to too laie, am me
police were not asked to make an ar
rpst. Newman asked Sheriff llock
welt to take the couple into custody.
Tender Republic. Miss Mable Nie
bnbr was over from Winnebago visit
ing over Sunday with Tender friends.
. . . .The case of W E Voss in Lis con
test for Co Snpt of Dakota County will
probably be decided by the supremo
court some time in Maroli Mrs
Bert Miller was down from Sioux City
visiting over Sunday with her partnts,
Mr and Mrs W A Mutz. While here
she received word that Mr Miller had
had been hurt while at work on a
str-et car. Something went wrong
with the motor, he put his head out of
the car to see what the trouble was
and came in contact with a telephone
pole. He was knocked off the car,
which at the time wan on: the oombina
nation bridge, and just barely escaped
falling to the ico many feet below.
Mr Mutz was np to see him Wednesday
and reports that he was badly stiaken
m but will rrobablv got along all
Bloom&eld Monitor: Mrs HE Evans
of Dakota City, Associate Grand Ma
tron O E 8 of Nebraska, was in the
city last Monday evening inspecting
the work of the looal order and found
but few if any corrections to make.
Three condidatei were put through the
order. A six o'clock dinner was serv
ed and abont 50 plates laid for the
accommodation of tbs visitors and
Newcastle Times: Father O'Toole
was a pabsenger to Jacksou Saturday
afternoon.... J.ie Oryan was transact
ing business In Jackson last Saturday
afternoon.... Mrs John Marshall has
been enjoying a visit with her mother.
Mrs Sundt; of Jackson. Mrs Sundt
returned to her home Saturday....
Harry Smith who has i been taking a
few days vacation visiting bis parents
here, returned to his job as operator
near South Sioux City. Saturday after
noon. Harry ia a dandy good boy and
we are glad to see htm getting along
10 nicely.
Wakefield Republican: J II Hamp
ton has leased the Shumway building
south of the postofflee and will move
his store there -about the middle of
March. He expects also to start a
first-class restaurant there. .. .Verne
Heikes, George Miller, Frank bides,
Olive Stinson, Esther Boss, Yira Bau
gons aud Madge Heikes were up from
Dakota City last Saturday night to
ace the high school play Mr Bob.
They expeat to put on the same play
at Dakota City.... Died at Wakefield,
Nebr, February 20th, 1910, of diabetes,
0 MoFadin late oi Uarrold, S D.
lie was born at Enfield. Ill, April 2d,
1883, married Nancy Barto, Ootober
2d, 1904. Mr McFadin was a mem
ber of the Baptist church of Victor,
111. He is survived by his wife and
three small children.
Emerson Enterprise: Mrs Oeorge
Stallbanm and Louis were in Dakota
City Monday nn business. . . .Mrs Mary
Gicear left lhursday morning lor
two weeks visit with relatives at North
P.ivcrnide....Ed Waldman has moved
his family np from Dakota City and
will work on the railroad. He is fore-
rnnu of the west section. . . .Geo Liua
felter who has been visiting at the
homo of his brothers H C and Aaron
Linafelter'retnrned Wednesday morn
ing to his home at Woonsocket, South
Dakota. ...tiuuday evening the fami
lies of John Bresnnai, John Watson,
Maurice Killey and Erneht llarngfelt
enllml uuitnnounccd at the Brookdale
farm whero a pleasant surpriso party
was given on Mr and Mrs Herman
Stoltz. Refreshments were served
anJ the evuuing spent in a very pleas
ant mmncr. Mr Stoltz was presented
with a beautiful lockinR ' cliair as a
token of the gratitude his neighbors
owe him for bi4 ten years nervice as
director of the school district and many
other ;mattors in which he was the
leading spirit. ..'.V B Teeter passed
away at the home of bis daughter Mrs
W Y McLaughlin Monday evening
about d o'clock. Mr Teoter has been
alllicted with rheumatism for muny
years and bis sudden death was caused
when it reached the heart, un bumuy
Mr Teeter made the remark that he
waa feeling fine, and as a matter of
fact has been enjoying better health
lately than for tome time, but on Mon
day morning he was not feeling so well
although he was around all day the
same as usual. About 5 o'clock he de
cided to go out and do a few of the
the chores and while putting on bis
rubbers complained of a strange leel
iog in his chest and gasped for breath.
Mrs McLaughlin thinking that he was
fainting helped him to a chair stand
ing near, and bathed bis face in cold
water, but in a few moments be was
dead. Mrs W Y McLaughlin occom
nanied the remains to Goloinn, Mich,
Tuesday where the grief stricken wife,
one daughter and a son are waiting to
reoeive them. Mr Teeter has lived at
1 he McLaughlin borne for the past
nine years as bis health would not per
mit him to reside in bis old borne at
wife has been suffering from a severe
oold the past week. At this writing
the little one is somewhat improved.
Carl Anderson was a Sunday guest
at the Chris Mogensen home.
Bring in you harness and have them
oiled before the mud becomes too
sticky. We have a new oiling tank in
oporation now. Car) Fredrickseu &
Joe Leodom was a county seat visi
tor Monday. Joe will soon be our
next deputy sheriff.
Art Hale and his parents, R D Hale
and wife, have moved to Allen, where
Art has purchased a farm,
Calicoes in all the latest patterns
at Carl Anderson'ss
Chris R Smith moved this week to
his farm near Vista, that be recently
purchased from Mrs L J Mnllally.
Neckties and gents furnishings for
Eueter, at Carl Anderson's .
Chas Dodge and wife were visitors
in the city Saturday.
Throw away that- old cap and invest
in a new hat. Carl Anderson has
everything in up-to-date styles.
Peter Sorenaen ana family were
Sunday guests at the Jessen home,
Carl Anderson Las the cleanest line
of staple and fancy groceries that mon
ey can buy, and at prices that can't be
A L Andersen was a business visitor
iu Dakota City the first of the week
A L Andersen bought, a IGO-acre
farm near Waterbury. Ilia son, Art
will farm it this coming season.
A new and complete lino uf shoe
for men, women and children, at Carl
Curl Fredricksen & Son have the
best equipped harness shop in this
part of the state. They are prei arud
to do any kind of work, as they have
up-to-date machinery for all kinds of
work in their lino. Give them a trial
and 60C" how prompt your work will be
It bad been planned for some time
to organize a WOW lodge in this
place and Monday was set for tho&e
who had applied for membership to
present themselves for examination,
but only four of the sevonteen who had
made application for examination,
consequently the date for organizing
has been postponed.
We are expecting a car of Superior
grain drills in a short time and have
but a few left that are not spoken for,
aud if you are in the market for one
you must get your order iu early.as the
factory has never been able to supply
the demand for these drills, for when
ever one goes out it stays, and always
sells another lhats the Kind or. a
drill the Superior is. Ask those that
have need them and they will say the
same. "We can give dozens of recom
mends here at home. We handle the
Superior fanning mill and seed oorn
sorter, vith a full line of the Moline
flow company s goods; Mandt mannre
spreader 5 ; Peter Bchutiler wagons;
Ueeney buggies with almost a com
plete line in stock. Every arsiole yon
buy here is guaranteed as is also our
price against any dealer in the same
line of goods. Give us a trial, for we
can save you money on nrst-olass
goods. A trial will convince yon..
Henze Green.
years previons to going to UJNeill.
Kathleen Hrannan and Blanche Riley
attended the funeral which was held
at WaterbHry Thursday.
Anna Jepnon came home last Thurs
day evening for short visit. She
has a very sore wrist,
Mrs f reeman Rockwell was an over
Sunday visitor at Winnebago.
Chas L Dodge went to Omaha oi
day last week.
A Bancroft and family were all very
sick last week, but are all better at
this writing.
t w Bwingle of Hionx City, was
out on the farm one day last week.
N L Crippen was a Dakota City bu
siness caller last Saturday.
Christine Miller was a Sioux City
passenger Saturday.
Louis Wilkins spent Saturday otd
Sunday In Lmerson .
Alma Ericksen came homi from
Sioux City Saturday, returuiug Mon
A surprise party was given at the
Nels Hansen home Saturday evening,
all who attended had a nice time.
Among the passengers to Sioux City
Monday, were John Jessen, wife and
daughter, Sina, and George Jensen
aud wife .
The basket social given at the Hale
school house last Fiiday evening was
a great success. The amount realized
was 27. CO. It was alo the last meet
ing of the literary society. All enjoy
ed a fine time.
At my farm one-half mile north of IIomcr( NcLrv
Saturday, March 12, '10
Winnebago Chieftain: Art Dermit
bought a $125 hog' at the iWm Otapp
Mle....Judd Odell, the Homer mar
shal, was a Winnebago otller on Tues
day.... Miss Mabel Niebuhr was a
visitor in Pender from Friday until
Honday....nhas Antrim of Dakota
City, was visiting in Winnebago the
firot of the week . . . . 8 H Moore of Da
kota City was in Walthill Monday,
closing out his business... .J F Bum
Lead returned from Homer on Tuesday,
where he has been plastering a house
for Joe Odell of that place.... Mr and
Mrs A L AnderBen is again able to
be abont.
II Nelson and wife visited Friday at
the Chas Dodge home.
Annie Anderson has been suffering
from a severe cold the past week
Bring us your produce and get the
highest market prioe. Carl Anderson.
John Labahn and wife were passen
gers Saturday to Sioux City.
Mrs Anna Shull will move up to
Emerson to reside for the present.
Her daughter Helen leaves
Moines, Iowa, where she has
tending school for seveial
past . '
Chas Olson, of Sloan, Io. has rent
ed the Connelly place for the coming
season .
' To those who are owing me on book
aooonnt, I would urgently request
that you call and settle, as I need the
money. Joe m ljeeuom.
Roy Wilsey and George Jensen went
to the city Monday.
Rubber boots for the sloppy weather
that is now with us, at Carl Auder
The Methodists bold . regular servi
oes every Sabbath. Sunday school at
10, preaching at 11. Rev Romioh
Mrs L J Wilsey left Wednesday for
a month's visit at Goodrich, N D.
Some of our farmers are just finish
for Des
been at-months
Mr. Audrey Allaw.y and Mis. Rose MDg hu8k,n8 tLelr rn
Smith, of Homer, were guests at the
borne of Mr and Mrs M S Mamfkld
over Sunday.... Miss Clara Stewart
viaited with Miss Nettie Cain at the
b'.me of Mr Chet Lake of Hornet from
Sunday evening until Wednesday ....
Ye editor and family are indebted to
the hospitality extended us by Mr and
Mrs 8 P Barnes and E J and Dr Nina
Smith during the last few days of our
sojourn in Homer, just prior to our
moving to Winuebago.
Bionx City Journal, 25th: At last
John G Newman, of Jackson, Neb,
father of Mrs Herman Smith, formerly
Miss Vanda Newman, who eloped
Tuesday with Herman Smith and was
married at the court bouse in Sioux
City, is reoouciled to her act, aud she
hM been reoeived back into the family.
Both Mr and Mrs Newman were
liighly incensed at their daughter's
otioc, and Wednesday Mr Newman
went to Dakota City and beseechod
SWiff Jesse Rockwell to arrest the
runaway couple, thinking they were in
KJoni City, Sheriff Rockwell attempt
ed to persuade him to think different
ly, but Newman appeared to think Lis
wife would never listen to such a thing,
lie left late in the afternoon for Jack
sua upon learning that his daughter
find ber basband bad returned to the
Lome of the latter's parents. Mr and
Mrs John Smith, who livs on a farm
adjoining that of Newman's. He went
to itee Lis daughter, and ft reooncilia
iwa followed. On Tuesday, when the
11 Nelson was a city passenger Tuca
Dave Deroin moved to Jackson this
Now is the time to buy your summer
uuderwear. and we have a bran new
line of all grades. Carl Anderson
Barber Tague was numbered among
the sick last week.
Mrs John Sullivan was in Sioux
City last Friday.
Chas Thompson and wife were
sjaong the Sioux City shoppers last
A fine new stock of ginghams at
Carl Anderson s.
Mrs Tom Cullen was on the sick
list Thursday and Friday.
Patrick Duggan and wife wore Jack
son visitors one day Jast week.
Charley and Roy Olson were brsi
nees visitors in Hubbard the first of
last week,
I have pasture for about fifty bead
of horses. Good water and plenty of
feed. L J Wilsey, Hubbard, Nebr.
Quite a number from here were in
attendance at court again this week.
Little Augusta Larson baa been
suffering for some time past with the
rheumatism but at this writing is con
siderable improved. ''
Mrs 0 IUsuiussen is planning a trip
to her native land. She expects to
leave some time in April.
The Infant child of Geo Timlin and
Eugene Garner and wife expect to
move out to D O Beaoom'a farm next
week where Mr Garner will farm this
Rev Felix McCarthy, of Vista, spent
Tuesday with Rev Father McCarthy.
Robert Thompson, wife and mother,
Mrs Carrie Thompson, moved to Wat
erbury Wedneaday where Mr Thomp
son has rented n farm for the coming
William McGonigal returned Satur
day from a week's "visit iu the home oi
his aunt, Mrs C r Uarvey, at Uatring
ton, Nebr,
Dr T D Boler came np from Omaha
Sunday evening for a few days visit
with his folks.
Joe Cryan of Newcastle, was in town
several days last week to organize a
lodge of the Catholic Order of foresters.
Among those who delivered oorn to
the elevator thiB week were M R Boler.
1500 bushels; John Sieverson, 1300
bushels; DF Waters, 1100 bushels,
and Cullen Bros, 1200 bushels.
Frank Rush attended the horse sale
in Sioux City laat Friday.
Mrs Beacon), of Sheldou, Iowa,
spent over Suuday with ber daughter,
Gertrude, who is a student in St Cath-
DMinn'o n sin A kTTV
niiurjs nvnuviuji
George Hayes, one of the prosper
ous farmers of Hubbard, was transact
ing business here Monday,
Axel Lind and family, who have
boon visiting at Peter Anderson's the
past month, moved to Waterbury
Tuesday, where Mr Lind has rented a
farm .
George Asbury, wife and two chil
dren, came down from Waterbury
Monday to work for C K Htffernan on
"Old Homestead" this summer,
E A Leahy returned Monday from
an over Sunday visit with his pareuts,
at Omaha,
Tom E O'Connor, of Waterbury,
spent Sunday iu town. Mr O'Connor
is "teekettlud" to death about the
prospects of the Burlington road put
ting on a Sunday train to' Sioux City,
lie can then take iu the ball games
when the season opens.
Ed T Kearney attended the auto
show in Sioux City Thursday.
Mrs C A Barrett, of Sioux City, ar
rived here Tuesday evening for a visit
with ber parents.
Mr and Mrs Horngreen, and Misses
Clara, Anna, and Mame Wiedmann,
of Sioux City, were over Sunday
guests in the J Richter Lome.
Anna Anderson, of Hubbard, is
speuding a few weeks in the Lome of
ber sunt, Mrs Hans Knudsen.
M J Dillon and family moved to
Ponoa Monday to the farm of Mrs
Belle Scollard. Their son John re
mained here to continue his school
work in the high school. for the re
mainder of the term.
Word was reoeived here Tuesday of
the death of Columbia Dennis of Mar
tinsburg, Nebr, who is attending the
Sisters academy, at O'Neill, Nebr, of
rheumatiim of the heart. She was
well known here and bad many friends,
having attended school here for two
(Doosistasg of 5 ESrccl Sow
Sired y the great Show and Breeding Boar, Missouri Gold Finch, and other boars of note,
and bred to Missouri Gold Finch, also to Springdale Banker and the great young boar
Red Chief. I am putting in this sale some of the choicest sows of the breed and the best
of the Springdale herd.
John Johnson and son were Sioux
City passengers Wednesday.
Fred Walway and family returned
home Inst Friday after a to weeks
vinit witu friends at Council Bluffs.
Nellio Ifeencv was a pussetigur to
EmerNou Wednesday.
Vul Hcbiudler moved to LeMars, Io,
Cl"m Simmons anived home from
iierrick, S D, Monday after a few
weeks viidt thero with friends.
Will Mes.sersemidt bought the Rob
ert Heed farm last Saturday for iSG I
per acre.
Frank Simmons is visiting at Le
Mars, Iowa.
Martin Voss and wife were Sioux
City visitors lastSutOrday.
Job a Chamberlain is on the sick list.
Mrs Bert Kinnear returned from
Uumloldt, Iowa, Wednesday leaving
her mother much better.
Mrs Tom Allaway is on the si ok list
Lulu Barnes went to Sioux City
Monday to visit several days with Flor
ence Lewis before going to Omaha.
Mrs Barnes departed for Omaha
Wednesday and Setu will go in a few
days but will return and be in Homer
most of the summer.
Lena Wilkins went home with Miss
Talbot Saturday remaining the most
of this week.
Fred Tjrasfleld enjoyed a visit from
bis aunt, Mrs Hensley, of Denver, over
from his Bister, Mrs Billiard, of Morn-ingside.
Grover Davis and wife are visiting
relatives in Homer.
Chas Bristol's have moved into the
house they recently purchased of Seth
Geo Thacker has moved his family
into town, having bought the Chas
Bristol place.
Rasmus Fredricksen and family de
parted Tuesday for Newell, Iowa.
where they will make their future
home. Miss Ella will finish the school
term here before joining them and
Miss Nana will fiinsh the school she is
teaching in the Combs district.
Roy Orippin has taken np bis abode
io the Chris Christopherson house.
Tom Baird has sold bis farm to Stid
worthy and Buckwalter. and Judd
Odell will farm it this year.
Last week John Nixon shipped five
hogs that tipped the balance at 2,380
pounds, and got 8 gO per hundred.
Will Learner visited his father at
Salem a oonple of days this week.
Mrs Nettie Selby, of Sioux City,
came over Wednesday to visit her
friend, Mrs Gertie Shepardson.
Mrs Oscar Crawford, nee Maggie
Hanson, wbs buried in the Omaha val
ley cemetery.
Tom Murphy was shaking hands
with his many friends on our streets
E & B auditor n A Monroe depar
ted Tuesday for Kalamazoo, Mioh, to
visit relatives. Mrs Monroe accompa
nied him as far as Sioux City, remain
ing to visit friends for several days.
Geo Ashford passed the party on the
road Tuesday who had forged the
check on the Security Bank drawn on
O C Vrum. He iuformed constable
Ooodsell and belay in wait for him at
the bridge, having a warrant for his
arrest. He was taken before Justioe
Curtis, after having stopped at the
cafe where he bad the check cashed
and refunded the ten dollars. He was
let off with the costs as no one ap
peared to prosecute, He has a wife
and five children who would have been
county charges if the case had been
4;-: " 'X:X -l-Xr
Springdale Critic
pTTSlVfQ OTh A 1 cn monts' tmie wm" ke allowed purchaser giving an
1 JLlvlYlvJ vJT Or LIL approved note, bearing S per cent interest.
A. IRA DAVIS, T. C. CALLAHAN, Auctioneers. W. II. RYAN, Clerk.
First Publication March 4-(w
Order of Hearing and Notice on Petition
for Settlement of Account.
In the county court of Dakota county, Ne
braxka. Bate of Nebraska, Dakota County ss.
To WlUiehntnu HuKKenU-rKer, Walter O.
IlUKReiilxtrKnr, Viola 8. HuiiffeiilwrKer,
Ottti t). HuKKiiolwi-Ker, Arthur I. JIutrKt'ii
IwiKer, Hainiii-1 K. HuiocenlierKer, Klllu K.
HuKXenlMMver. Lena 1. HiiiwiiIxtkit, and
all portions Interested In tlio estate of Otto
HiiKKenlx'rmT, deceased:
On readluK the petition of Wllhelmina
HtJKurenbertier praylnir a flual settlement
and allowance of her account filed In this
court on the iitli day of IVbruary, ldlo. and
for her discharge as administratrix of said
It is hereby oMered that you, and nil
persons Interested In suld matter, may, and
do, appear at the county court to lie held in
and for said county, on the 'Jstli day of
March, A. 1). 1911), at 10 o'clock a. in., to show
cause, if any there t, why the prayer of
the petitioner should not le granted, and
that notice of the pendency of said petition
and that the hearing thereof 1m given to all
fiersons Interested In said matter by puh
Ishlng a copy of this order in the Dakota
County Herald, a weekly newspaper print
ed in said county, for four successive weeks
prior to said duy of hearing.
D. C Hkffeknan,
hrai. County Judge,
Servioes at the Methodist Episcopal
church every Sunday as follows:
Preaching, 11am; Sunday sohool, 10
am! Class meeting 12 m; Epworth
League, 6 :30 p m; Freaohiug, 7 pm.
Subjeot next Sunday at 11 a m "The
Three Fires." In the evening a ser
mon on the theme "The Scarred Face
and the Angel Faoe."
Be out and get what is going.
We are here to help you.
Frayer meeting at Mrs Spencers at
7:30 pm.
Don't forgot the League at 6 :30 p m.
Let us build for eternity.
Seed Corn
I have 2,000 bushels of fine Iowa
Gold Mine seed corn, crop of 11)08, for
tale, Thomas Graham,
rostoflloe, Jaoksou, Nebr.
Residence 2 miles north of Uublard,
Klrst publication Kebld 4wks
To the unknown heirs of Charles Tldd, de
ceased: Charles Tldd, Mark Tldd, John
Tldd, Martin Tldd, The Fidelity Umn and
Trust Company of Sioux City, Iowa, The
Fidelity becurltles Company, Kh.alx'tli
Thurber, H. Frank Antrim, Mary Tldd
OralMir and Amanda Tldd Cummins:
You and vm-h of you will take notice that
Sarah J. Uurnsey, plaintiff, on the llih day
of February, A. D , lvlO, tiled iu the District
Court of Dakota county, Nebraska, her pe
tition against the above named defendants,
the object and prayer of which are to quiet
her title to the northeast quarter of the
northeast quarter of section fourteen (II)
township twenty-seven (27) north, of range
seven (7) east, of the Ath P.M. in Dakota
county, Nebraska, and remove tiie clouds
cast thereon by reason of defective
proceedings In the settlement of the estate
of said Charles Tldd, deceased, ami of the
sale of his realty under said proceedings ;
also to quiet the plaintiff's title to said real
estate and remove the cloud thereon, caused
by a certain mortgage given to one 11. F.
Antrim, who is the same person as
the defendant, 11, Frank Antrim,
on the Hrd day of Novemler, lsif)
and recorded In mortgage book ' u" at page
lltlof the records of said county; also to
quiet plaintiff's title to said real estate and
remove the cloud thereto caused by two
mortgages to Fidelity Loan and Trust Com
pany of Hloux City, Iowa, made on the 2)lh
day of DecemlH-r, Isnii, one for $Xui and one
for (li.Hn, said mortgages lHiug recorded In
the records of said county In mortgage Imm ik
"I,", one at page 6--'7 ami one at page 6-H;
also to remove cloud to plaintiff's title to
said real estate caused by a certain mort
gage tt the defendant Kltzalx'th Thurlier,
mule on the Kith day of Decenilwr, IstM. for
the purpose of securing the payment of tm,
said mortgage Is'lng recorded In the rec
ords of said county In mortgage lxok "4"
at page W; aud to quiet the title against the
clalini of the defendants, diaries Tldd,
Mark Tldd. Martin Tldd, Mary Tldd CralsT,
Amanda Tldd Cummins, John Tldd, the
said Fidelity Loan A Trust Company and
the said Fidelity Securities Company; and
to quiet ami conllriu the plaintiff's title
against the claims of each and all of said de
fendants. 1'lalnlilT also prays for general
equttahlc relief.
You and each of you are required to an
swer said petition on or before the 2SUi day
of March. A. !.. It'll).
Dated February lrtth. Iltlo.
ISarah O Uurnsey,
It Is hereby ordered and directed that the
alxve notice Is' published for four weeks In
a legal newspaper published In I'akota
county, Nebraska, aud w hen so published,
Is hereby approved and declared to be a
sufficient notice of the pendency of this ac
tion to the heirs of Charles Tldd, deceased,
and to each aud all the defendants In this
action. Juy T. (iraves.
Judge of the District Court
rfftp HIDES
sTH isTfcM iMMats
Deal direct with the Unrest und oldest hnuM
la the West, iligheat prics and immediate
cash return. Wriw for prion list, ua ud
full iufiiriuutloo. 9
TRUTH has one good friend
left anyway, Time.
Time is the revealer of truth, as
well as falsity, Time proves the
truth and exposes the faults.
And you can ride down any country road in
this country, or any village, town, or city street
and see for yourself what Time has done to
bring out the facts about paint. Over there
you see a muddy, bleary-looking housedull
eyed, as it were- low vitality, paint that is
dying dead, may be.
And "there in a stone's-throw away, one that fairly
gleams with the reflection of living light, bright, clear,
with that brilliant sheen and radiance of gloss that
tells you the story of what's in it just as truly as if you
were looking into a mirror to see your own self.
Time has proven absolutely that Horse Shoe Brand
. House Paint, manufactured by the Mound City Paint
- and Color Company of St. Louis, is the truest paint -manufactured
in this country or any other country.
It's the one paint that does what good paint ought to
do, and so much more than you expect that any paint
will do. This is because it is made of nothing but the
highest quality white lead, zinc, and best aged linseed
oil. One gallon goes twice over a surface as high as
a six-footer and 50 feet long and stays there at least
three years and sometimes ten.
It pays to know what's good in paint. It pays to know where to
get it. All wc have to say is that we know absolutely that Horse
Shoe Brand Paint is the straightest, highest quality, honest priced
paint for honest work that wc can git hold of. Made by the same
house for twenty-six years. Sold on its merits; on its character.
Remember, too, the Mound City Paint & Color Company manu
factures a complete line of the highest quality paint specialties a
Horse Shoe Brand paint for every use: Floor Paint, Barn and Roof
Paint, To-Wauk-On Stain, Screen Paint, Wagon and Implement
Pair.:, etc., Grecian Enamel for the Bathroom, Iron Beds and the like.
And so we claim it pays to know that there's one paint store in this
town where you can get good paint advice: and there's some color
cards you ought to have, too, if you're going to paint they're
free to you here at the store come and get them.
Dakota City Pharmacy
Before the Cold Spring Rains
Strike you is the time to repair that Leaky Roof, and
the Best way to do it, is to cover it with "E. & B.
Special Rubber Roofing" the Roofing that is Best
by Test, and guaranteed.
You Know How Busy you are going to be later
on, so Do It Now I
Samples and Prices, at
EdwardsA, Bradford Lbr. Co.