DAKOTA COUNTY WEKA JIOTTO AH Tlio Nctts When It Is Notts. irr it.SUte IIist0'ical Society VOLUME a in y DAKOTA CITY, NEB., FRIDAY, FEllilUA 11 Y H,-x1910. NUMBER 24 WORLD'S DAILY NEWS' CAREFULLY COLLECTED AND CONCISELY STATED ARREST OF DR. HYDE must ANsvi:n von pkath op MILLIONAIRE SWOFE. til res Bond of Fifty Thousand Dollars -Physician I'IcnicIh Not liullty When Arraigned Preliminary Hearing Sot Down for February 17. Ah a climax to the lengthy investi gation ot the mysterious death of Col. Thomas It. Swope on October 3, 1909, Dr. It. C. Hyde, husband of the late millionaire's niece, wns arrested in Kansas City, Mo., Thursday on the charge of murdering the ned philan thropist. The warrant upon which the arrest was made was issued at the request of Attorney John G. Paxton, executor of the Fwope estate. First degree murder is charged. The warrant says that Dr. Hyde with felonious intent administered strychnine to Col. Swope on the day of his death. In a crossback of the complaint filed by Mr. Puxton asking for a war rant, Prosecutor Virgil Conkllng wrote above his signature: "I hereby In dorse this complaint." Dr. Hyde surrendered quietly. He learned that a warrant was beliiR sought and w'th his attorneys went to the prosecutor's office to await the re turn of Mr. Conkllng. He submitted to arrest without demanding to hear the -warrant read. The party went to Independence, Mo., where Dr. Hyde was arraigned before Justice W. F. Loar. The physician pleaded not guilty. He was released on a bond of $50,000. His preliminary hearing was set for Feb. ruary 17. TO PRISON FOU FRAUD. .Sugar Trust Employe Receiver a Two Year Sentence. v "The sugar trust made a scapegoat of me. It deserted me absolutely. It pounded and ruined me after I had served it faithfully for twenty-nine years." Oliver Spltzor, former dock (Super intendent of the American Sugar Re fining company's plant at Williams burg made the foregoing declaration Thursday after he had heard a sentence of two years in the Atlanta prison imposed on him by Justice Martin. . Suitzer was convicted for conspiracy to defraud by underweigh ing sugar. In broken tones Spitzer bitterly ar raigned the sugar trust, saying: "I started with the trust in 1880 as a boy and by industry worked my way, step by step, until I became superin tendent of docks at Williamsburg. "It has been reported that I was receiving big pay from the trust. As a matter of fact I got a salary of $55 a week. The expense of this trial have cut Into my savings and left me practically a ruined man. "In the alleged fraud prosecution che government cried for a Victim and the sugar trust answered by sacrific ing me and four $18 a week checkers. None of us was guilty of any breach of the law, but somebody had to go to prison to save those "higher up." FOR RKJ LAND FRAUDS. Mxty-Four Defendants Are Arraigned at 1-ander, Wyo. Sixty-four defendants in alleged coal land frauds against the government appeared Thursday before the United States land office in Dander. Wyo., in cases which have been brought by the government for the cancellation of their titles to coal lands, which are said to be the most valuable In the etate. The cases involve 9,500 acres of land lying In the mineral district north of Dander, and have been ap praised by government experts at k value of nearly 1. 600, 000. The government alleges that these lands were filed upon by "dummy" entrymen for the benefit of the Owl Creek Coal company and the North western Coal company, which are con trolled largely by New York capital ists. The two companies are reported to be associated with the Chicago. Burlington and Qulnty railroad. The cases are commonly known as the Gebo coal land fraud cases, as Samuel W. Gebo, George W. Daly, Ru fus P. Ireland and others were al leged to le Instrumental In securing the titles to the lands Involved. The cases have been under investi gation by federal land agents for three years and various actions have been brought In court. Nloux City Uvo Stock Marke t. Thursday's quotations on the Sioux ntv live Btock market follow: Top beeves, $6.20. Top hogs, $8.55. Biz Fire- at I.ancuKtcr, Pa. A fire which threatened the business enter of Lancaster, Pa.. Thursday caused damage estimated at $400,000 It started with an explosion, presuma bly of gunpowder in a hardware Bture, Eggs Drop at Cleveland. Storage eggs have vanished from the Cleveland market and the price of fresh eggs has dropped from SI cents a dozen wholesale ten days ago to 24 tents. DR. IIVDK IS HL.UIKD. Millionaire Kwox- Died of Strychnine Col. Thomas II. Swope came to his death by reason of strychnine adminis tered In a capsule by Dr. H. C. Hyde, husband of the millionaire's nlcice, ac cording to a verdict of the coroner s Jury in Independence, Mo., Wednes day. Whether the drug wns administered with felonious intent, the Jury said in its verdic t It was unable to deter mine. The Jury was out but little moro than an hour. The greater part of this time wns devoted to discussing the case. Put one ballot was necessary to agree upon a verdict. Although there were numerous and hurried consultations between attor neys for the state and Dr. Hyde and his legal advisers and rumors regard ing probable prosecution were plentiful Wednesday night, the case stands Just as it did when the coroner's jury re turned its verdict. Prosecutor Virgil Conkling refused to discuss his plans for the future. He said positively, however, that he would confer with his associates in the prosecutor's office before he took any action. The suit that Dr. Hyde has pending against Attorney John O. Paxton, Dr. Frank Hall and Dr. Edward L. Stewart for damages for $600,000 for alleged libel will be dismissed if Dr. Hyde is pressed for depositions In the case now specified. It is expected that the depo sition contest which waged so fiercely last week will begin anew, now that the coroner's inquest is over. RKi FIRK IX HOSTOX. Reef Supply or City Menaced by the, Fla nics. Boston's beef supply was nearly "cornered" by a tire which destroyed approximately half a million dollars worth of property at the Brighton stock yurdstf early Wednesday. The lire is thought to have originat ed in the engine room of the New England Rendering company's build ing, connected with the Brighton abattoir on North Market street. The blaze spread to the cuttle shed of the Boston Packing company within a few minutes and threatened for a time to wipe out the entire abattoir plant, which covers nearly twenty acres of ground. By hard work the firemen succeeded in confining the llames to the building of the rendering company and the cat tle shed. SIX 31 EX KILLED RY EXPLOSION' Relieved to Have Run Into Gas Prick et, Wlilfli liiimiw Ignited. An explosion in mine No. 1. of the Stearns Coal company, at Stearns, Ky., Wednesday killed six men outright It is thought the victims ran into a pocket of gas, which ignited when it came in contact with their lamps. None of the other workers in the mine were' Injured. The explosion took pluce in one of the innermost re cesses of the workings, and expended its force upon the men in the imme diate vicinity. The hoisting machin ery was not damaged and no difficulty was experienced in recovering the bodies. Hits at Slave Products. Cocoa, which is made by slaves should not be allowed entry into this country, is the opinion of Represent tlve Cocks, of New York, who has of fered a resolution authorizing the president of the United States to re fuse entry to that product under those conditions. ' Rig Fire In Mexico City. Fire Wednesday in the yards of the central branch of the National Rail ways of Mexico at Mexico City, de stroyed property valued at $150,000 gold. A number of loaded box cars and a gus plant that cost $45,000 were destroyed. Children Burn to Death. While Mr. and Mrs. James Elbergrr, prominent residents of McCluskey, N D., were attending a funeral in a near by church Wednesday, their two sons Arthur, aged 6, and Willie, aged vearj. were burned to death in a tire which destroyed their home. Tragic Knd of a tilrl. Miss Mary Irene Ryan, of Mason ville, seven miles west of Manchester, la., burned to death Thursday even lug from using kerosene to start an emberlng coal fire. The girl was 1 years old, the dauhter of Thomas Ry an, a prominent stock buyer and grain lealer. Weavers Return to Work. , As agreed at the meeting of the weavers Friday night, the 300 persons who had been out on a strike, return ed to their machines in the Northville, Mass, cotton mills of the S. Slater Sons corporation Monday. Robbers Blow a Safe. Robbers blew open the safe of the State bank at Wistef. Okla., Sunday, and escaped with $1,740 In cash and $900 worth of sc hool warrants. Citi zens heard the explosion, but were il'rald to interfere with the robbers. I XuiimiI by Tuft. The president sent to the senate Wednesday the nomination of Grant I". Trent, of Te nnessee, to be uil tts lociate Justice of the supreme court jf the Philllpplne islands. RooM'veltV rrlcucl Named. Seth Bullock, of South Dakota, an ntimate friend of former President toosevelt, was Wednesday confirmed y the senate for another term as United Stales marshal. PF.AItV tilVF.X 310.000. Pole Finder Handed n t'lui-k by Cox. Hughes. Before i.n au, Hence of more than 4.0uo pe,3c In thc Metropolitan op era house, In New York, Tuesday, Commander I Vary, discoverer of the north pole, was presented with a $10, 000 check, on behalf of the citizens of New York, but Instead of retaining It for himself, the commander an nounced immediately that It would be contributed towards the south pole, expedition as planned by the National Geographic society. The check was presented to the commander by (iov. Hughes, of New York, as the tlrst na tional testimonial 'n the explorer's honor. Accepting the gift, Peary ad vanced to the front of the stage and said: "Here Is a check for $10,000. This check will be deposited tomorrow as a Joint contribution of the members of the audience, the oft'.cers and commit tee of the civic forum and myself to- ard an American antarctic expedl- on for the purpose of exploration and scientific Investigation and to enter the stars and stripes) In a splendid, manly, International rare for . the outh pole with our British cousins. than whom there are no finer foemen n the world." The audience which greeted the commander was representative, and enthusiastic. The gathering was held under the auspices of the civic forum. President Taft telegraphed that he was sorry he was unable to attend, but said he sinc erely hoped that "con gress would take some substantial no tice of the great achievement of Com mander Peary." America has decided to seek for iouth pole Inurels, similar to thoso won for her by Commander Peary at the north pole. The National Geo graphic society Tuesday resolved to send an expedition In search of the Bouth pole, provided the necessary funds can be raised. It Is not be lieved there will be any lack on this score. Commander Peary was notified mmediately of the action. MEAT SOARING IX XFAV YORK. In sonic Cjft-e Prices Arc Higher Than Rcforc Aiitl-Ment Agitation. Meat prices were higher than ever In New York City Tuesday. Dropping for a time while the agitation for elimination of meat from the diet was fresh, quotations, both wholesale and retail, have mounted to figures equal to arid in some cases above thoBe pre vailing before the movement began. Indications ure, prominent dealers said Tuesday, that still higher prices are coming. " Increased demand accounts for some of the tendency to mivuncp. The re tailers i attribute this increase to the cold weather. Short supplies are be lieved by wholesalers to have more to do with It than anything else. They believe the agitation has "blown up." Investigation of cold storuge condi tions, with the resulting remedy of ul- leged evils, which worked to keep prices up, is the chief remaining re liance of the agitators for lower prices. This movement is still in force in Manhattan, while across the river In New Jersey It is apparently Just be ginning in earnest. KPID1CMIC OF DISEASE Stoniuch and Rowel Trouble at Peoria l.ald to Embalmed Beef. Health Commissioner Rex Sholl, of Peoria, Dl., has ordered an immediate investigation us the result of what is declared to be widespread epidemic of stomach and bowel trouble, the cause of, which is thought to be em balmed beef. Jr. noll was In con ference with Beven physicians recent ly who expressed their confidence that the beef was the cause. These seven physicians have forty sevt-n cases in c harge. Dr. Sholl esti mates that there are at least 2,000 cases of stomach or bowel illness in the city at present. To Make Peary a Itcar Admiral. A bill making , Commander Robert E. Peary, V. S. N., discoverer of the north pole, a rear admiral was passed by the United States senate Wednes day. Indications are that the meas ure will also receive the approval of the house. For Giant ( hlcugo Subway. A plan to relieve Chicago's congest ed traffic system by the construction of a 90-mile subway was believed to have been furtherd when it was an nounced that Myron J. Arnold had been appointed the city's subway en gineer to prepare plans. One Killed in Wrec k. One employe was killed - and twe others Injured Tuesday when a north bound passenger train on the South em railway struck un open switch at Wuddy, Ky and crashed Into u freight train. Mayor Gaynor, ot New York, woula abolish personal taxes In New York state. In a letter he suggests public heurings on the subject with a view to rc medial legislation. Seven Locomotives Burn. Seven locomotives and several cart at the roundhouse of the Bessemer and Iike Erie railroad were destroyed by fire at Greenville, Pa., Tuesday. Loss, $200,000. Prominent Elk Expire. A nrlef illness of lung trouble causca the death of C. K. Williams, of Pious. (., widely known in connection with the Order of Elks, of which organize tiuii he was grand tyler. NEBRASKA STATE NEWS Doings of the Week in Condensed Form KIXKA1DERS TAI.ING PATENTS. llonieslciiclcis Who Filed FIo Years Ago Now Slaking I I mi I Proof. Numerous homesteaders who filed tinder the Kinkald imc-mccIIuu b'rt' several years ago, rtr-' now making five-year proof on their claims. The increase In value of real estate since settlement . was made has made many of the claims more valuable than was hoped for itt the time of filing, and many of the settlers have reason to re joice because of having taken up claims. There are numerous home steads, however, that are good for lit tle else than grazing, while portions of many of the sections r.ui be used for farm lands. It Is surniNed that within a few years much of the land will be embraced In large ram In s. Not a few of those who himiesteaded In western Nebraska tinder the Kiuknld law. are pretty well used to meandering around In new countries and other goals will bcken them on In time. Some prosperous localities have been developed In the last live years by the "Klnkaiders." and country stores, churches and schools tend to give an air of modernity to what ft few years ago was a wilderness and the home of the coyote and sand liz ard. Star mall routes now thread the prairies and the settlers are looking for every convenience that can be hand ily mustered. Though there are set tlers who have had a hard time, have been set back by hail storms and drouth, have been "up against it" In various ways, many are prosperous nnd getting a start of stock and have produce to exchange for coin of the realm and the necessities of life. K FX DA 1,1 AS DKATII RY Sl'KTBF Note lit Pocket of Man Pound Dead lit Fnlon (Tears Mystery, loiter developments following the Investigation of the death of Robert Kendall, of Union, whose body was found In his barn Monday evening, prove conclusively that it was a case of suicide. Sheriff Qutntun nnd Cor oner Clemens went to the farm Tiies .day night a.nd-heldyui indue);, the. ver-1 diet1 being that Mr. Kendall came to his death by his own hand. An examination of the body brought to light a small book In his coat pock et, and in the book he hud written a note stating that on account of ill health he took this method of ending his life. There is no suspicion what ever of any foul play. It is now known that Mrj Kendall's health has been rapidly falling, although he had said little about It. , He had no finan cial' or family trouble, being owner of a large amount of land and personal property. He has a wife and three children to whom he was devoted. He was a member of the Ancient Order of United Workmen and the funeral will probably be conducted by that order. WOMAN WAS RADIA' Bl'RNFD. Clothing Caught Fire When Too Weak to Fight Flames. Mrs. Jennie Johnson, an old lady who has been making her home with Mr. and Mrs. John Grirfln in West Beatrice, was probably fatally burned Sunday afternoon at the Griffin home. During the absence of the Griffins, her clothing caught fire frwm a stove in the k'tchen. Being weak she was In capable of helping herself nnd her predicament was discovered by the 8-year-old son of the Griffins, who extin guished the flames with a bucket of water. Mrs. Johnson was removed to a local hospital, where it was ascertained that she had been frightfully burned on her right leg from the hip down. She Is 68 years of age nnd In a weakened condition. It la Ihought she can not recover. ApMuls Case Again. , Harry Vertress, of Union, who was awarded damages of $100 by a Jury In district court for Injuries sus tained by the collapse of a county bridge, tiled a motion asking for a new trial. He alleges, among other things, that the verdict of $100 Is wholly in adequate to compensate him for the Injuries sustained. This case, which has been three times tried In district court and twice taken to the supreme court, has cost the county about $1,500 for legal talent and additional court costs. The committee appointed by the rounty bourd of York to make an esti mate of expenses for the year brought in a report amounting to over $00,000. ! This does not include school taxes. The- I largest Item is $22,600 for bridges. $5,000 for court and jail und $3,000 for i books and stationery. Sc hools Are Clocncd. Owing- to the prevalence of scarlet fever and diphtheria the Sutherland schools have been ordered closed for tt period of two weeks, while church services, entertainments, etc., will be discontinued. York Man Dies on Train. While enroute to York D. C. Wrst fall died on the Norfolk passenger while the train was between Tsrnov and Plutte Center ROOSTS FARM TOPICS. Think Farm Subject Slioul le Taught In School. W. H. Melior. secretary to the state board of nvrlc iilture, has an Idea that people are moving from the farms In to the cities beciiiise of the lack of agricultural education taught In the schools. ( Mr. Mcllor got an opportunity to present his Ideas to a number of school people anil others, malrrng up an audience of t',no at Hebron last week. Along these lines he said: "One of the best Incentives for im proved agriculture in Nebraska would be to turn from dead poets, dead gen erals. chad klngn and Beyond the Alps Lies ltal.' subjects, and im press lipon the minds of the school teacher the advisability of having the pupils prepare essays on 'Weeds that Grow In Thayer County and the Best Mvthnd of Destroying Them,' 'Root Crops. The ir Selection and Uses,' 'What Vegetables Should Be Grown, and Why,' Description of drain Grown on mr Farm,' Mow to Tell Different Kinds of Fruit Trees,' 'What Writ-tics of Apples We urow, with Description, 'Why the Kind of Ponl try Raised on Our Farm Is the Best,' 'Is the lHlry Cow or the Beef Breed Type the Best for This Section of Ne braska,' 'The Kind of a Farm Horse We Should Have.' To these subjects might be added, a thousand others touching seeds, preparation of the seed bed, planting, cultivation, con servation of moisture, soil fertility', gathering and storing the crops nnd numerous other farm subjects. "(Jet a score curd f :r live stock and teach the pupils bow to Judge the good equalities from animals exhibited before them at specific intervals, l.earn to distinguish breeds of horses, how to tell Shorthorn cattle from Red Polled, Aberdeen-Angus from Qallo tt'uy, a Poland-China -hog from a Berkshire, a Southdown sheep from an Oxford and so on through the nu merous vital matters of importance with which the farmers of Thayer county should be thoroughly con versant. "It 1st strange that a chihl grown In an agricultural Vomiff,:iity sucTi as is found all through this part of Ne braska, knows so little about the very things which are matters of every day contact." MAY Cl'T PRICKS. Nebraska Mci'cliiinls to Consider Plan lit Meeting In Onuiliu. - Retail merchants of Nebraska have called a meeting to consider co-operative methods for .reducing fixed charges; losses on bad accounts und produce which are costing a sum an nually added to the price of the ne cessities of life and here alone is a saving which, the merchants them selves suy, will uftcct the high prices and have a tendency to bring them to lower levels. , Fred Dlers. of Madison, heads the movement and the meeting will be held in the near future In Omaha. More than 2,000 merchants in Nebras ka are now Iteing Invited to attend and Omaha businessmen will enter tain the entire party. ASKS 10.004) DAMAGFS. Mrs. Stui k, or Norfolk, Claims Her Af fedloiiN Were Wrecked. Mrs. Minnie Stark, of Norfolk, has filed suit against Julius lluhl, a prom inent politician of Pierce county, for $10,000 damages for alleged breach of promise. While Mrs. Stark was keeping houBe for Kuhl at Pierce, he, she claims, promised to marry her. While she was absent, Kuhl slipped away and married Miss Uraclle Berts, of Hos klns. Sensational developments are prom ised at the trial. Mrs. Stark formerly lived at Poiica. l4.se Millions on Corn Crop. Gruln deulers and elevator agents in ull parts of the stute are predicting big losses for Nebraska farmers on the 190H corn c rop. The bulk of the yield was snowed under by the severe Dec ember storms und the resumption of the pick, made possible by the re cent thawing weather, disclosed seri ous damage. Oinului Firm IoiiicIh Contract. The Baker Ice Machine company, ot (imaha, landed the contract to place ill, Ic e machine in .the Lincoln asly !um for the Insane. The contract nice Is $3,985, while the approprla- Ion was $1,000. An eastern firm bid gainst the Omaha concern. Poultry Plant at Fall City, A large poltry plant employing from .verity-live to 100 men. is soon to love to Fulls City from Atchison. lOiiuincrutoiK Scurc c. Although 12 men are required to ,.;Ue the census of Wayne county, only ve took tlie examination at Wayne ..turduy afternoon. Reports from Ighboiing counties show that they . red no better than Wayne. Bujik Robber 1 'la fed on Trial. The frlnl of Hurry Joyce, one of the ulleged Hudur bunk robbers, began at Pierce Monday. Morrison, his pal, was convicted and sent to the penittn tlury a few weeks ago The Week in Congress has paved the way for n settlement of the differences exlstlaR with France. The Senate devoted the greater part and Canada, of Thursday to consideration of the I It seems certain nor, that the busV postal savings bank bill, agreeing to ness interests of the UnHcdStatos may several amendments. The Lodge price look forward to a period of peace In of food Investigation resolution was the commercial relations of the conn reported rrotn the committee on try. To obtain this rusult. Secretary; finance, and the factthat It received Knox and his adviser Is the Stat so much more prompt attention than Department, as well as the tariff the resolution of Senator Elklns on board, wero compelled to abandon the same subject wns Interpreted by their demands for concesslotin on the West Virginia Senator as a dls- American live cattle and meat prd crimination against him. He made a ucts and for the modincaUon of tl speech complaining seriously of the German customs rules fiwrernlng draw treatment and asserting that it was In- back of duty allowed oa Hour when tended to protect the trusts and the exported from Cermanj. tariff against the Inquiry. The House A promise was obtained, however. passed the agricultural appropriation bill, carrying appropriations aggregat- Ing nearly 13.r00,000, a net Increase of over $400,000 over last year, this Incrense being chiefly for the forest service, made necessary by the addition to the national forests of 26.522.439 acres. Consideration of the diplomatic and consular appropriation bill was wgun. ' In the Senate Frldny Mr. McCuniber of.North Dakota delivered a prepared argument to prove that the farmer '.toes not obtain his due share of the prices paid for food products. Mr. Ucyburn of Idaho concluded his speech In opposition to the postal savings bank bill. On account of the death of Representative Lover Ing of Massa- chusetts the Senate adjourned earlier than usual and for the first time this session failed to adjourn over Sat- I urday. Practically no business was transacted In the House and an early adjournment was taken because of the death of Mr. Lovering. The Senate gave the greater part ot the day Saturday to the question of constitutionality of the extradition of criminals from one State to another In cases In which the prosecution is' ac cording to the process of "informa tion.' " No action was tulcen. The postal savings bank bill was also up for a time. The only important action taken wbb on a bill opening to settle ment the unallotted lands In the Pine Utdge Indian reservation In South Da kota. Early In the day Senator Al drlch reported from the Committee on Public Expenditures a bill creating a penjftiiit.ommlsaton for th.'.regutJ-i tion or methods or government ex penditure. He failed to obtain the unanimous consent asked to have the measure acted upon, Senator Elklns objecting. The House was not In ses sion In the Senate Monday Senator Hey burn bitterly opposed a loan of tenta by the government for use at the an- nual encampment of confederate veter- ans at Mobile, Ala., next April and strongly condemned the acceptance by Congress of a statue of Robert E. Lee as a contribution from Virginia to Statuary Hall In tho capltol. The bill was passed unanimously except for Mr. Heyburn's vote. Mr. Itayner In a Lapeech attacked the constitutionality er the proposed postal savings banks law. The Senate passed a dozen bllbj for the establishment of flsh hatch- ery stations in various parts of the country. The President's federal In- corporation bill was introduced In the House and was opposed by Represent- atlve Carrelt, of Tennessee, on th, ground of unconstitutionality. Th, House devoted two and a half hour. . . . . to a discussion ot one of 1U rules re- cently adopted for the purpose of fa- cllltatlng business i , HIH..JH,. The postal savings bank bill and the bureau of forestry were under discus- slon In the Senate Tuesday. The pub- lie expenditures committee was also taken up In debate, some Senators seeing a poBsiuie imenereuie vii mo regular committees because of the conv prehenslve powers given the public ex penditures committee. "Joy rides," wine and other personal extravagances of living were charged against the Im migration committee In the House by Mr. Macon, of Arkansas. In discussing the expenses contracted by the commis sion on Its trip to Europe last sum mer. Tariff and high prices were de bated by Mr. Henry, of Texas, and Mr. Boutell, of Illinois. FROM FAB AND NEAR. Earthquakes were felt at Imperial Valley points In California. No dam ate is reported. Fire destroyed the First Church of ' B0U8" relief from tho charities ae Chrlst, Scientist, at Kunsas City. The partraent, an Increase of more than s loss Is estimated at $75,000. I per cent in Ave years. There wer Fire destroyed tho mill building ng of W'usp mine No. 2 at Lend, S. D. The loss Is l'J",000; Insurance, $25,000. Speaking at a Tokyo dinner. Paron Slilliusawa asserted that two-thirds t American prestlKe was due to the character of tha people, und he said he was especially Impressed with the Im portant part played by the Y. M. C. A. My a majority of 814 In a vote of 8, ,504 prohibition was defeated at a lo cal option election In Joplln, Mo. Wom en served free lunch at the polls. Cundlducy of Congressman Butler Ames for the Putted States Senate to succeed Senator Henry Cabot Lodge wus formally announced In Boston. Informed by the "Answers to Cor respondents" department of a psychto muguzlne that he was due to die on Thursduy at midnight, John Wege, aged 35, of Cleveland, vanished at that time In his night cVitbes and ha. nof since been seen AGREEMENT WITH CEEMANT, Commercial War AwnrUrd and Doo Opened for Other Settlement. By the tariff agreement with Get many announced tha other day the United States has not only avoided s commercial war with the empire, but that the German government would discuss these matters) dtptoroatlcally with the United Statca. As German goods now will enjoy the benefit ot minimum rates of dotr. the French government must seek like treatment for Its products, many of which com pete with those of Germany. Other wise the market here will be lost t them. I If an arrangement be made with Franco as expected American good will enter French territory upon pre- clsely the same ground as those or other foreign countries. This wlit mean that the FrarrcCanaian reel proclty treaty will be of small benefit to Canada, and the toiler probably, will decide, In view of Use elrcuiiV stances, to accord to American lrn ports treatment equlvaleol U that OS fered to those of Franc. ELEVEN DIE IN 1IESE BLAST, " Gas Explodes in Pnjrlmnia Coal 1 Worklnes 110 Held Prisoners. One American and ten Hungarian furnished the death toil of a gas ei plosion the other day In No. 2 slope ot the Ernest mine Of the Jefferson and Clearfield Coal Company, five mile north of Indiana, Pa. The explosion occurred in a heading; where twelw workmen were located, and one of these. Andrew Krazcer, escaped by crawling a quarter of a mile on his tomach to evade the noxious gaae. Hl Inabil ity to speak English prevented lucid explanation of the cause of the explo sion. Some of the dead were found near the entrance to the heading. otV ers jhty along the track at abort db aiiLa.'fjou;, cMcjh other. ulznarX at the face of the coaf. Two bodtea nearest the face were burned slightly about tan face and arms. The position of tho bodies showed the men had made des perate efforts to crawl away from tha heading. One hundred nnd ten rue working In the same elope escaped through other headings of the mine, although they were held bat for about ten hours by the black damp nntll resCue party of twelve mine bosses reached thera TRUST IN BREAKFAST FOODS! I c-(a Manuflicttlirerm pu t0 rormj( a Holding Compear. ) Several of the largest cereal mann facturers In the country plan to form a holding company to take oner the bis factories, thus forming a trust to breakfast foods. It la understood thai om Ui to he edr Justed, the deal Is practically eloaed;. The '""owing ; concern, win probably b n cmbne' ccorflJ Th? Nrtbwe8t9rn Cereal Corpe- T "fr1 li,," Milling Company; the Freen Wheat MllUng Company! th.Mlnne- pau, Cereeiaiim Ma,u y,u Food Company Seattle Creek, Mich.; the Pettljohn Fure Food Company. the Iowa UnUed CerMl Company q, ,t WM further declared qj ,eveB whUo flour mn- , M,nneapoIbj wonM b6 , the merger and that two of tho . Jftrge bakery concerts of tMt cKy would also be Included. CONSEQUENCE OF BIO EICE High Cost of Living in Yew York Cause of Suicide. Effects of the Increased cost of U ing upon the working classea are shown In the largely expanded num ber ot applications to the city of New? York, for aid as disclosed in figure made public the other day. The rising; tide of inability to make Income kep pace with living expenses Is Indicated) In the fact that during the last twelve months more than 60.009 persons, 32,995 applications In l'J04. In sevesj years, the number of persons seeking shelter In the city lodging house ha Increased until last year 102.400 per sons applied, an Increase of more than) 100 per cent for the period. From 111 In 1906, the dally average has rlue.? 1 three years to 281. Suc(ces have In creased nearly 50 per cent from 1S0 to 1909. (ongrraanila Lovtitif lai4. Representative William C. LoverlnX of Massachusetts, died at bis rwldenos In Washington. He waj H years old a Republican, aud cotton Diaaufao turer. ' Fctir fblltlrea t'rsuatMl. Four children named Taiam, ran Ing Is age from 3 to 16 years. burned to death at the home of thai? grandfather near Dover, Deis.