Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, February 04, 1910, Image 7

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Tha Kaiser's imny in sprvad ragutSrla,
1th brivid nriil ixirridge made largely
from the ix'.iti.-t.
lor llrmnrAi-.My Qnlrk Artlnn
('Id unit on a ha.
This iircs;ii.)tinn will frequently
rure the worst cold in a day's tlmn,
and It is a sum euro for any cough
that can be niri'd. "Two ounces Glyc
erine; half oiw.i'e Concentrated Pine;
put these into half a pint of Rood
whiskey and u.so In doses of tr-aspoon-ful
to a ta'l;v.poonful every four
hours. Shake hottle well each time."
Any drupglt Mas these lnKredents In
stock or will quickly get them from
hla wholesale house. The Concen
trated Pine ia n special pine product
and comes only In half ounce vials,
each enclosed In an air tight case; hut
be sure It Is labeled "Concentrated."
This formula cured hundreds lu re la.st
In Ashanti-e Is a tree which furnish
es butter.
piles crnr.n m 9 to 14 pays.
PAZO OINTMKNT la Rtiarnntrnt to cure-an. a
case of Itching-, lllind, lilwdinir or Protrudiutf
Filaa In 6 to 14 dava or money refunded. 5tic
Ijike Krie produces more lish to the
square mile than any other body of
water la the w orld.
s. 3 t,;,.:"
For Benefit of Women who
Suffer from Female Ills
Minneapolis, Minn. "I was a frreat
gufferer from femalo troubles which
caused a weakness
and broken down
condition of the
system. I read so
E. I'inkham's Veg
etable Compound
had done for other
Buffering women I
felt Bure it would
help me, and I must
say it did help me
wonderfully. My
pains all left me. I
frew stroiiKer.and within three months
vas a perfectly well woman.
"I want this letter made public to
show the benefit women may derive
from Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound." Mrs. John O. Moldav,
,2115 Second St., North, Minneapolis,
i Thousands of unsolicited and genu
ine testimonials like the above prove
the eflicieucy of Lydia E. I'inkham's
Vegetable Compound, which is made
exclusively from roots and herbs.
1 Women who suffer from those dis
tressing ills peculiar to their sex should
'not lose sight of these facts or doubt
the ability of Lydia E. rinkham'a
Vegetable Compound to restore their
I f you want special advice write
I to Mrs. Plnkbam, at Lynn, Mass.
Bhewill treatyourletterasstrJctly
confidential. For 20 years she
has been lieJpintr nick women in
this way, free of charge Don't
hesitate write at once
. QANTFn KrIUbU, Kn.raetle JSa who
1mJ cn d.rota til or part of time t
taklns order for I.CBBICATINU OILS And 0IHCA5B.H.
I fur parUculara addreaa H. W. SWllft. Cl.r.l.ud, O
What 1.1. Hill, th Grat Railroad Ma ma to,
Says About Its Whoat-Produclns Powari
The jyrmitMit need of thla country i
Ituteu ntatcH) in nnotnor Renw ra
tion or two will tie ton pro
viding 01 fiODiftti mr it
people nd producing
ufllcint for tnem. The
! du of our prominence
M wheat exporting
i country are gone, Caiv
ia is to do me btmi
wheat country."
nate la taking alvante
of tho ait nation by e
tennlve railway build
In to t how heat fields
otj.Weatoru CauudsW
Upwards off 125 Million
Bushels of Wheat
jot the three provimro of AHterta.
1 Haakittchewnn and Mnnitoha will be
Iuiwardaor uum-i imt acre.
J'ree horneatc-ari. of 1 no nrnw.
nml adjoining- pre-emptions of
Iibu arret in a J imt arrt-t, nr to
be hud la Hie iiiolrett 11h( rlcta.
Sr-hnnls conTenlcnt. r-Umnte-
IPrell'iit, Boll tlie very bent,
railway. rlmn at linml, rmlld-tna-lumber
t-lii-up, fuel eany to
IK"I. Itu'B rfu,iiuiit ill
Hater eanlly procure!; mixed
farming- a auc-t-t-na. V nto na to
SiMMtt pliu'e lor imttn-inenl, attipra
Ifiw railway Mti-a. ltkMTiiitlve illuti
It ruled "LiiHt boat V tut (wnt free
on application .and ot her informo
tion. to bup'fc of lmwlifratioo.
following Cnatllan Oov't Agenta: rL T. UolmeM.
81b Jac'lcMin 1SL. Ht. i'aul, Hlnn.. nd J. U. Ma4'LAetiln.
(tax IK, WatartawD, Houta Dakota. (Uae addruia
Plaaae aay arbera yoo aw thla advaftlaaraant.
Raarmonilr Rlrh (onnlrf I A He
RearhrJ by t Waiter Koetea.
Bolivia east of the Andes Is one ol
the richest regions of the world In
timber, rubber nnd minerals fend H has
some lino agricultural lands. It has
no outlet on the l'a. ilic coast. Vi
only outlet Is through the Amazon and
rara, and alnce peace was made with
Brazil a railroad activity In this dl
rection has taken possession of the
whole republic.
East of llolivla Is the groat Hrav.ll
Ian state of Malta U rosso, a territory
nearly three times the size of Texas.
A dozen large navigable rivers pour
northwestward out of this state Into
the Amazon. Its agricultural, mining
and grazing possibilities are very
It Is said that a great deal of thu
territory will grow as fine long staple
cotton as Mississippi or Alabama. The
Brazilian government has matured a
plan to connect by canal one of tha
tributaries of La Plata In this state,
thus opening an all-Inland water rout
from Para to Buenos Aires, a distance
of nearly 6,000 miles, saya the En
gineering Magazine. This extensive
route would reach the whole Interior
of the continent.
Turning to the west and northwest,
the Amazon Is navigable In its chlel
tributaries In Peru, Ecuador and Co
lombia to the very walls of the Andes.
One may go aboard a Kteamer at Para
and remain aboard until It has plowed
Its way up to the hill city of Iqultoa
and several hundred miles beyond.
Peru has little Pacific coast trade now
and the development of this country
must pour its wealth into Para.
But if Brazil and Para had none of
these Andean republics to draw trade
from, the development of the Brazil
ian Amazon valley alone must in time
amount to untold wealth. In the states
of Para and the Amazonas and the fed
eral territory of Acre there are near
the water's edge 10,000,000 rubber
bearing trees of the Hevea variety.
These trees If properly tapped will live
indefinitely and steadily increase their
yield. The state of Para is consider
ably larger than Texas and much ol
this state will grow excellent cotton.
7t -r
TU I ALS of the n e:di ;ms1
lilHIS IS"
HAT ailir)
nlu t Ma f EF.U
Lr.13 lane 1HE KIPS
CTiiEr:s is bopEY
1 Y-aJi
Resolved jh'aT a Cood laugh and a
Monron'n Vnrr I'aw Illla conx th
liver Into activity by gentle methods.
They do not aoour, Krlje or weaken. They
are a tonic to the atontach, liver nnd
nervea ; Invigorate Instead of waknn.
They enrich the blood and enable the
etomach to Ret all the notiilshmont from
food that Is put into It. These pllla con
tain no calomel ; tlicy are soothing, heal
ing and etlmulntinpr. For sale by nil druR
irlsta In 10c nnd "5c nies. If you n!d
medical advice, write J.lunvon's loctors
They will advise to the l-rrt of their abil
ity absolutely free of Clmpe. l V.
VO.'S. B3t anil JclTeraitn Ma., I'hll
ftdelphlA. I'a.
Miiriyon Cold Remcly cures a cold In
one d:iy. l'rloe SBc. Munyon'a Rheuma
tism Remedy relieve In a few hours and
curee In a few days, l'rlce 25c,
The 1'urls motor orniillmsos use a
mixture of i-qunl part') of iilcohol and
benzol for fuel. Tin average consmnp
tlon Is nine centilitt-ia a ton kilometer.
Tlie Aincrlcnn varieties of tho plum
ere liardicr than cither tin- Japanese
or Euioppim kinds.
The old cock and the youns hem. or
the young cock and the old liens, make
a good combination.
Never sprinkle wood uslie on the
floor of the chickeii-liouKC. as It causes
foot trouble. I'se fine coal ashes.
Young pigs should have fresh sod
thrown In to them occasionally If they
are not allowed to run out in a large
Don't forget the calves and year
lings. Don't leave thtni out In the
cold nights until tliey aie ;iliclied and
It Is natural for a hoi to root, but
if you want to prevent him from doing
so a simple ring In the snout will an
swer the purpose.
Don't Persecute
your Bowels
aaa) ajraaa'iaa, Tta ara bratal
rj. Ir
Fa-. Ira. I II . Aa
awaatr aa aW kxa.
iiiiiiiT r'"
'T .Va,K
Sktk laaaWW aaa Ud aaalaa, aa aa U
Sanadl Pill, Small Doae, Small Price
OE.M'INE Moat Dear Mlnaturci
Children's Coughs c'
Ooai Much U oaocoMory Suffer'np
Cia laataot icU auudiaa and heala tlie Lltla
llmaal aod paeveata owra aenoua illcaa. CiuUira
aika it loo ao r' "' la laka and tkca out umI
All Drug liata, 2S caala.
Pawnshops In Chile are under spe
cial regulations of the general govern
ment, enforced by local authorities.
Fujly.ma, the volcano that appears
In all Japanese pictures, is 12.SG5 feet
high and ten thousand pilgrims ascend
it every year.
Tracing the criminal by his finger
prints was successfully accomplished
at Scotland Yards, London, last year
in no- fewer than 9,440 cases.
According to the Hospital, London,
some English physicians are ordering
patients to eat oysters that have been
well soaked In sea water as a cure for
dyspepsia and tuberculosis.
As a weaver, nature is an exceeding
ly neat worker. Certain tree barks
and, leaves furnish excellent cloth,
such as, for Instance, the famous tapa
cloth used In the South Sea Islands.
In the vicinity of Coucepclon and
Talcahuano, Chile, there are more
than eighty million cubic meters of
soft coal of -fair quality within an
area of eighty thousand square meters,
or about 30.7 square miles. The vein
is 3.5 metens, or about 11.5 feet, thick.
Excellent natural pottery is manu
factured by nature in the case of a
certain cactus. Woodpeckers are apt
to excavate nests In the trunk and
branches, and, In order that it may
protect Itself against these Incursions,
the plant exudes a sticky juice, which
hardens, forming a woody lining to
the hole made by the birds. Event
ually the cactus dies and withers, but
the wooden bowl remains.
The congressional library Is render
ing a great service not only to the
other libraries of this country, but to
those in Canada, Europe and Australia,
by Its catalogue division, by Its com
pilation of rules governing cataloguing,
by its classification methods, which
are being generally imitated, and by
its duplicate cards that now go to
one thousand libraries of this country.
Four million cards have gone during
the last year.
In 1801 there were in Europe only
twenty-two cities which had more than
100,000 Inhabitants. These were Lon
don, Dublin, Paris, Marseilles, Lyons,
Amsterdam, Berlin, Hamburg, Vienna,
Naples, Rome, Milan, Venice, Palermo,
Madrid, Barcelona, Lisbon, St. Peters
burg, Moscow, Warsaw, Copenhagen
and Constantinople. Two only of
these cities had more than 500,000
London, 950,000, and Paris, 600,000.
Naples came third, with 360,000, and
Vienna fourth, with 230,000.
At eighteen Mendelssohn produced
"Midsummer Night's Dream"; Meyer
beer, "Jephtha's Daughter"; Schubert,
"Erl King"; Bach was court musician
at Weimar; Michael Angelo executed
his basso-rlllevo of the "Battle of the
Centaurs"; Da Vinci s work waa ac
knowledged by his master, Verochla,
as far surpassing his own; Iie de
Vega, the Spanish dramatlwt, and com
nosed "Arcadia"; Savage produced
his first comedy, "Woman's a Kiddle,"
and Shelley wrote "Queen Mab."
There Is more Cntnrrh In thla section of
the country than all other dlaeasrs put to
gether, nnd until the luHt few yinra wan
suppoKPd to be 'incurable, l'or a great many
years doctors pronounced It a local disease
and prescribed local remedies, nnd by con
stantly falling to euro with local treatment,
pronounced It Incurable. Science has proven
catarrh to be a constitutional disease and
therefore requires constitutional treatment.
Hull's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by K. J.
Cheney & Co., Toledo, Oblo. Is tbo only con
stitutional cure on the market. It is, taken
Internally In doses from 10 drops to a lea
spoonful. It acts directly on the blood and
mucous surfaces of the system. Tbey offer
one hundred dollnrs for any case It falls to
cure. Kend fur clreulnrs and testimonials.
Address: V. J. CIIEXEY & CO., Toledo, O.
Sold by Irus!TlBts, 75c.
Take Hall's Family Tills for constipation.
Snakes have no external ears, but
"hear" by feeling vibration of sound on
their delicate scaly covering.
lor the signature of K. V. GKOVE. Used tha
world over to Cure a Cold in Une Day. c
Apply manure from dairy stables and
henhouses; abo wood ashes If you
have them. Don't be afraid of geitins
the garden soil too rich.
Select your squash seeds from among
the earliest good squash that matures.
If you wait till later, the next year's
product will be still later.
Daffodils are perhaps the first
choice, with crocus, snowdrois and
grape hyacinths for variety, and In
shady places lilies of the valley and
some others.
The burning of a few strips of zinc
in the furnace or cook stove is said
to prove effective in moving the
soot which has accumulated In the
flues and pipes.
Eggs are injured by washing. It
gives them a frailer look. Washed
eggs will not keep so well, neither will
they hatch as well. Wipe off the dirt
with a moist woolen rag, but no more.
Have your name on every Jar of but
ter you send out. Also write the
weight on the bottom so that it will
not rub off. A slip of paper pasted on,
with these tilings written in ink, Is
a lever. He Is pull'ug his load with
the weight on the hind wheels. He
is cutting with a dull saw.
Klit of nil. grow more grasses Rnd
study how to build up the fertility of
the soil so that it w ill grow larger and
better crops of nutritious grasses. You
nay convert the grass Into milk and
Its products into flifth nnd Into manure
for grain crops, or you may sell tlie
liny by the ton. according to the facts
of your particular location.
It sounds foolish to hear men talk
ing about fanning without grasses and
land that can be made lo yield at
least two tons or well-cured hay to
the acre. The greatest thrift that we
have seen among the farmers In va
rious parta of the ten leading agricul
tural states has been on farms of
about ion Here where grass was the
basis of their farming and where this
graas was fed out to animals that were
kept on their farms.
Without gtass it Is impossible to
keep up a rational system of crop ro
tation uud build up the fertility of the
soil for future crops. A fanner can
not afford to grow half a ton of grass
to the acre any more than lie can af
ford to grow ten bushels of wheat or
corn. Such croiw will keep him poor
forever. Agricultural Epltoml.t.
BaoNciiLrVL Troches
hatantly raltava Sort Throat, Hoananaaa ani
Couch. UnaacaOaal tern clearing tha hcc. Alam
fetaly Iraa faaa aatataa aa aortllna haxmiuL
fatoa, 25 canta, 60 caata and 1.00 ftt boa.
laaanfla aasl a aatjuaat
JOHN . BROWN fc SON, Boaton. Maaa,
A a lurrnillurr Lover.
A blaze was discovered in a Wil
liamsburg letter box and the contents,
about fifty letters, were charred befort
the lire was extinguished. It Is the
opinion of the police that a young man
wrote a proposal of marriage to his
cirl and then got cold feet and set th
boxful of letters on tire to destroy hla
own. It was Ueorge Ade who wrote
this caution to young men, "Tell 'era
anything you want, but won't writ
letters." Boston Globe.
Hard l urk.
Old Lady I'oor man! What have
you done to your hand? Unemploy
able Broke my knuckles, mum, knock
In' at people'! doors askin' for work.
London Scraps.
No boy was ever heard to say at
One packer is authority for the
tateniKiit that the cost of picking
apples varies from 7 cents per barrel
where the trees are low to 20 cents
per barrel where the trees are lurge
and limbs high.
A deep pointed waist line, back and
front, ia tha feature of this dinner gown.
1 he overskirt ii gathered on in (omewhal
generous fullness, and the trimming for tin
ntire gown is the material corded.
It is a very dashing style for a tlendet
"Col. who? I don't think I ever heard
of the man. What is there bo remark
able about him?"
"By George, air. he's got the longest
beard in the Stute of Ukluhoma, and
ttet'e aaylnjr a heap, let me tell you!"
But Mamr Drop It.
A young Calif, wife talks about coffee:
"It was hard to drop Mocha and Java
end give Postum a trial, but my nerves
were so shattered that I was a nervous
wreck and of course that means all
kinds of ails.
"At first I thought bicycle riding
caused it and I gave it up, but my
condition remained unchanged. I did
not want to acknowledge coffee caused
the trouble, for I was very fond of it.
At that time a friend came to live with
us, and I noticed that after he had
been with us a week he would not
drink his coffee any more. 1 asked
him the reason. He replied, 'I have
not had a headache since I left off
drinking coffee, some months ago, till
last week, when I began again, here at
your table. I don't see how anyone
can like coffee, anyway, after drinking
"I said nothing, but at once ordered
a package of I'ostum. That waa five
months ago, and we have drank no
coffee since, except on two occasions
when we had company, and the result
each time was that my husband could
not Bleep, but lay awake and tossed
and talked hs'.f the night. W'e were
convinced that coffee caused his suffer
ing, so he reiuruod to I'ostum, con
vinced that coffee was an enemy, In
stead of a friend, and be is troubled
no more by insomnia.
"I, myself, have gained I pounds
In weight, and my nerves have ceased
to quiver. It seems so easy now to
quit coffee that caused our aches and
alls and take up Postum."
Read the little book, "The Road to
Wellvllle," In pkgs. "There's a Rea
Ever read the above letter? A
new one appears from time to time.
They are gesulee, true, mi fall
When plnworms are noticed to be
present in horses, frequent injections
of infusions of tobacco, infusions of
quassia chips, one-half pound to one
gallon of water, followed by a ca-
hartlc, are most efficient.
:':ll::ll. tin- lit-tr.T.
As tlie result of considerable trou
ble with fractious hellers I have
worked out the following method of
reducing them to gentleness at calving
time, says a dairyman. I handle the
new-born calf and then carefully ap
proach near enough to the heifer so
she can smell the odor of the calf
upon my hands. This pioduces mar
velous results, for the young mother
fawns upon me almost as affection
ately as upon her calf. Having thus
won her confidence and will, I can
usually break her to milk without
Mow to Keep (renin.
There Is no better way of holding
cream from one day to another than
to run it over a cooler immediately as
It comes from the separator, cooling It
thereby to some ."0 degrees Fahrenheit.
It will be well to skim the first lot
of cream very rich, about 40 per cent
fat. Then cool this to a low tempera
ture and hold it cold until the second
day. The cream separated on the sec
ond day may be somewhat thinner,
containing from 25 to 30 per cent fat.
This may be run directly into the cold.
rich cream of the previous day and the
two lots thoroughly mixed.
After the mixture has stood an hour
or so It ought to be tested both for
fat and acidity. If it hns a slow acid
ity near throe-tenths of 1 per cent, s
starter may be used. After mixing the
starter with the cream ripen it at 65
to 70 degrees until the acidity reaches
about live-tenths of 1 per cent.
The cream ought then to be cooled
to about 50 degrees and held at this
temperature until It is churned.
Sweet cream from clean milk ought
to keep without deterioration for twen
ty-four hours, and if this is mixed with
cream fresh from the separator the
mixture should stand from six to ten
hours, with nn occasional stirring so
as to ripen uniformly.
If you do not do this the older cream
may churn before the fresh cream
when tbey are mixed together, and un
der such conditions there may be a
large loss of butter in the buttermilk.
E. W. Partington.
Pleasant iferesiM Neiiii
Svniji i f Fir.s a;ul F.lixir of
C1UK! ;''J(-i
! to lk- cultured
and the wtll-itifui nnd ;uiil the
hc;iH1iy because its component
parts ;tre simple and whole
some and because it acts with
out disturbing the natural func
tions, as it is wholly free from
every objectionable quality or
substance. In its production a
pleasant and refreshing syrup
of the ftps of California is unit
ed with the laxative and car
minative properties of ccrlaia
plants known to act most bene
ficially, on the human system,
when its gentle cleansing is de
sired. To pet its beneficial ef
fects, always buy the genuine,
for sale by all reputable drug
gists ; one siite only, price
fifty cents a bottle. The name
of the company California
Pig Syrup Co. is always plain
ly printed upon the front of ev
ery package of the genuine.
s v 1 lyl -i.
iorria 5yrup (o.
l-'.leelrle l.ltcbta on Karma.
The introduction of tungsten lamps
Is doing much to advance the use oV
electricity on farms. It is osslble
for the farmer with a email plant,
driven either by a gasoline engine or
by damming a small stream, to ob
tain sufficient current to light his
bouse and barn with this economical
type of incandescent lamp. 1 he use
of electricity on the farm, by the way,
la growing and. as pointed out by the
Electrical World, farmers will in time
come to consider electricity a neces
sity. Then it will be found profitable
to establish central generating stations
for farming districts to take the plm-e
of the small individual plants now be
ing installed.
I'akr Hullvr.
The Kansas State food Inspector has
unearthed another "butter dodge
You may have noticed offers of a chem
ical lv the aid of which you can take
a half pound of butter and a half
pound of water and make a whole
pound of solid butter. Mr. Klelnhans
got some of the chemical and had his
wife try it. To his surprise the prod
uct was up to advance notices, and It
could hardly be told from an all-pure-
butter product. The inspector is now
going to keep a bharp lookout for any
defrauding that may be attempted
aloiig this line, and If you are tempted
by any of the alluring advertising and
claims for this chemical or prepara
tion, our advice would br! don't.
Mall and Breeze.
iniurlaiii of ;i'Hln lliillona.
In a recent experiment to determine
the relative value of oats as feed for
horses, six mature grade I'ercheron
geldings were fed on a basal ration of
clover and timothy hay, three receiv
ing oi'.ts and tlie other three corn lis
a supplemental ration. Kstinritlng the
corn to be worth 40 cents per bushel,
oats 20 cents per bushel, and hay $1
per ton, It was found that the average
cost of food per hour of work was I!.:!
cents for the corn fed horse and 4.51
cents for those fed oats. The use of
corn to the exclusion of other grain
for a period of forty-eight weeks was
found not to be detrimental to the
health cf work horses, and they en
dured hard work during the hot
weather as well as those receiving
IaaporlaaM-a of Uraaa.
In attempting to farm without
grasses tbe farmer is lifting without
Tiilierrulonlw foucettleil.
As it is the often long-concealco
tj.ira ;er or tubficulasls through
whic h It Is especially dangerous when
It affects animals that are valued, like
dairy cows, because an important ar
ticle of food, like milk. Is produced
within and is dally drawn from theii
living bodies for long periods of time
this concealed character must be re
garded as one of the Important facts
about the disease, and as too nianv
persons are li-cllned to take for grant
ed that a dairy herd is free from tu
berculosis simply because the cows ol
which It is made up look and act like
healthy animals, it seems desirable tc
clearly define this concealed charac
ter. Tuberculosis may be acute and pro
gress rapidly from infection to death,
llut this is very rare. More commonly
it is an insidious, slowly progressive,
chronic disease, the beginning and
early stages of which are rarely rec
ognized. It may attack and remain
confined to any one pail of the body;
it may attack many parts in succes
sion, one after the other, or it may at
tack several or many parts simulta
neously. Its encroachments are sc
gradual that the body can adjust o.
adapt Itself to the changes the dis
ease causes until they have becomt
very extensive, without giving exter
nal evidences of the struggle to do so,
and often the disease progresses tc
nearly its fatal termination in caltlf
without showing a well-defined symp
torn or an observable sign of its pres
ence. Farmers and Drovers' Journal
l-'olly of (uulluuuaa ('ropplnar.
A nuin near my home worked away
for months clearing up a piece ot land
that had grown up to bruhh, cutting
the green stuff and hauling off the
stone, until he had a fine lot nicely
brought under cultivation. I saw this
field after it was plowed, and it cer
tainly did look fine.
This piece of land the man planted
to potatoes, and dug an excellent crop.
Tbe owner of the farm told with con
siderable pride in his voice how many
bushels he had taken from the field.
"It paid me for all my work that ose
first crop."
Hut where he made a mlutake was
In putting potatoes on that lot tlie next
nasi, n. It seemed as if he must have
tin -light: "Now I have got a thing,
I'l: make the most of it." For three
. cs-sive years that farmer kept the
I under tbe harrow, each time
ting the same crop potatoes. The
r day I panTed that way, and I
i v saw a more completely demoral
; piece of land than that was. The
' ok for a crop was dubious indeed.
year more and the white bean
.ul will have been reached.
w, If that man had just taken off
or at most two. crops and then
Fin ed the land down it would have
1 1 i' good piece of ground for many
t ;i s. If I ever had a marked exam
pic of what continuous cropping will
do for a field it was right there. It
las to adopt a good rotation pays
tbe nan who owns the land now and
tho one who w ill be Its master tomor
row. Agricultural Epltoinl
l. . ;
i -
Pon't resolve to be better to the
world: limit your desire to be more
patient with your family and neighbors.
If Von Are a Trifle Bcnaltlve.
about the lze of your bIiom, many pHplt
wrur Himiller ahoen by lifting Allen' Foot
Kane, the Antiseptic l'owtlcr tc nhke Into
tho Khocx. It cures Tired, Swollen, Ach
liiK Feet una K'vea rewt and comfort. JiiHt
the thhiK for patent leather alioea. Sold
everywhere, CTc. Siiui(il aent K1SKB. Ad
dresa Allen 8. Ol mated. Le Hoy, N. V.
In spite of present facilities, con
tracts are out or bills asked for a dos
in new railway lines In Kimland.
Mr. Wlnalow'a Soothing Syrup (or
children teething, aoftrna tha aruma, re
duces Inflammation, allay pain, oures
wind colic. 26c a bottle.
It Is a hundred years since a bank
felled In Cbiuo.
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets regu
late and invigorate stomach, liver and
bowels. Sugar-coated, tiny granules.
easy to take. Do not gripe.
Coal of Mvliiir,
The price of beef, like the famous cow,
Will Jump o er the moon some day.
And the tariff on milk will take a leap
Clear up to tho Milky Way.
for a Dime
Why aprnd s dollar when 10c buys bos
of CASCAKETS at any drug atore? U
a directed get the natural, eaty reiulla
Saves many dollar mate' on medicine
that do not cure. Million regularly oat)
CASCARETS. Buy bos now 14
week's treatment proof ia the mora
tog. 4
CUT THIS OUT, mall It with your sd
dreaa to Starling Hemedy Company.
ChlcaKo, III., and receive a handsome
amivontr gold Hon Bon Box B'ltEK.
We t psttv aat sjA
natal l t-a,
Wataea R.t'nleman,Waab
Ichumi.Iia:. Huuk'lm. Hick
at raference. llaat raaulat.
aiaaa vmt fcnrl iipwftrriimn tiemaile taking Mf
4I&UU Vftarlrmr 'mn at hn.i ilurlnf Dtui
II m: taut htln Inipltwl V'.iigl.nh: Ilptonm ranted, pa)
ltlonolitlni ftf urveafiilMti.dnt:fft within rmoM
fall; MtlfaitloB f iiarantaed; particulars fr. UataHf
Tatorfaarj rrrMadaM Sett., beat 10 Laataa. Cm
S. C. N. U.
No.6 1910.
Despair and Despondency
No one but a women can tell the story of the sufferint, the
deapair, and the despondency endured by women who carry
a daily burden of ill-health end pain because ol disorders and
deranifemenU of the delicate end important ortfnns that era
distinctly feminine. The tortures so brsvely endured oom
plctely upset the nerves if lontf continued.
Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription is a positive cure tat
weakness and disease of the feminine organism.
It alleys inflammation, heal ulceration and soothe pain.
It tone and builds up the nerve. It fit for wifehood
and motherhood. Honest medicine dealers sell it, and
have nothintf tn urriai nnnn vmi mm ' inar aa rfrtywl '
It is non-secret, non-alcoholio and has a record of forty years of core.
Ask Your Neighbors. They probably know of some of it many cures.
If you want a book that tells all about woman's diseases, and bow to euro
them at home, send 21 one-cent stamp to Dr. Pierce to psy cost of mailinf
afy, and he will send you a frit copy of hi great thousand-page illustrated
Common Sense Medical Adviser revised, up-to date edition, in paper coven.
In handsome cloth-binding, 31 stamp. Address Dr. R.V. Pierce, Buffalo, N.Y.
1 li
. AW
a i
j-ikk iron rwy
mt I
They wear best where the wear
is hardest Made of selected
ictiuici ouctiuiiy lannca io resist
exactlv the kind of wfnr a hrnlthw fV
boy or girl will give them.
wo layers of leather are sewed in at
tip instead of one, to prevent the
kicking out. The soles are
extreme toughness.
Mayer Special Merit School Shoes
are made to fit a child's foot in a comfortable, natural way
mm win prevent ioot irouDie in later years, yet tbey are
styuin ana gooa loosing, unly the genuine have the
Mayer Trade Mark stamped on the sole.
KREE-lf tou will send ua tha nama of. d.al.r h. J . .
iaj opvci.i merit Bcnooi anot a, wt win tend youftrM( poat
paid, a bandaoma plctura, aiaa 13x20, of.Oeorrre Washington.
We also make Honorbllt Shoes for men,
reading loot Shoes. Martha Washington
aM .. r m . .
iomiori anoes, xerma cushion Shoes and
Work Shoes.
a' ) ai " , i naS
,Cu tx handled Tory ilr. Th 1rkssrsiourr1.Bndllottil1A
tu sru f table, no mattr bof "lhmmhI, krpl from lia.viAy la 4k
, vaiiit sjy aaiusi mi yn D 4vajv i I'vai svaa.
viut imierua, or iu i
it, awBiMT. dm i rwueur mwr Known tor mars la tuaL
fuarmnteed tocureonacaaa, NuanAtU a botUai band
driunrtttt aad harneaa daien. or aanl tipraa aaid b4
all forms c
One ttoUlaa
drutftr ita aaa naruM aieri. or aant ipram ald
nanufaeKirars. Cut ..bo a how to poulUoa thruata. Oar
i &nkiatKivMarTinlDsx. lxcal airot.ta aAUil. ir,M t
hurartwwlflUttaQoa twnjy iwara.
POHM MgOIOAL COaa cwstiHiiflcbto, Goshen, lndnU.t,Aa
l....ttat.M III I WIlPH
mm w
a RAYO LAMP t a high-Brad lamp, sold ol a Uweaicav
kara ara I as Da thai coat more, but there U BO belter lama at aaT
aricav Ths Bumet, tha UVk, lh Chimmry-Holcler alt are
9 . , . a . n . jrwm a ..a
rami thing la a lamp; ihete para oi tne ti i uutmr aia
aarfactlv eotutructed and there ia nothing known ia tha ait ef
iaaao-auiica that could add lo tha talus oi tha RAYO a
a lijaVl-fWing aevic.
Suilabl for any room ia a)f
irivDara. IX aoi m oara..ana
yalTa alrvalar aa Iba aaaraal Ammaj it aaa
fcUsVsjaXaiJBMaBtV 1
the table, "This U nay full
f knots a interest.