Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, February 04, 1910, Image 5

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On December 27, '09, we suffered a loss by fire in our warehouse.
A large part of the stock is in good condition and we are selling sauie at prices REGARD
LESS of COST. A Trip to our City to Buy your FURNITURE will be Profitable.
$12.00 Oak Dressers at $5.98
10.00 Oak Chiffoniers at 6.25
6.00 Oak Rockers at 2.45
3.00 Center Tables at 1.25
1.50 Plant and Lamp Stands at ' 59
7.00 Kitchen Cabinets, SzrJSrASrrr "Y1.- r1 2.98
Mall Orders Promptly Filled
60t-608 Fourth Street
Sioux Cityv Iowa.
Mead's Flaked Rye....lOc
3 Pkgs Corn Flakes. . . .2oC
Feb. 5tK
4 Bottles Catsup 30c
25c Bkge Oats 20c
Ssxturdcvy, Feb. lltK I
20c can of Apricots, 2 for 25c 1 gallon Oil 9c .
30c can of Pineapple 20e lib 25c Coffee 20c
4 No. 1 or 2 Lamp Chimneys for 25c f
S.A. Stinson
Dakota City. Nebraska I
Local Items
Friday, Feb. 4, 1910
u w &a kUa
Lowest Prices
Best Materials
Quickest Service
Largest Stock
and not In the
Hundreds of people in this state, many of thm your neighbors,
are ready to testify to the merits of the HAFER PLAN.
Wt have filled their Lumber and Material orders with bottor goods,
lii quicker tlmo, at lower prices than their local dealers could give.
You have never had as good a chance to buy the best at right prices.
Our independent policy will save you money. Tou can get a better
assortment of high quality materials than you can find in fifty line yards.
Wo are Independent of the trust, and sell at prices which our great
buying;, manufacturing and shipping facilities make possible.
This Is YOUR Great Building Opportunity
Get your local dealer's bid then get ours. The prices will be lower,
'quality better, service more satisfactory.
We want to tell you about our
method of doing business Direct.
If you will come here and buy a carload we will pay your round trip
railroad fare up to 150 miles each way, also your hotel bill. We pay
freight on carload shipments. Remember our South Omaha branch office.
: Winter EDays
Will soon be here. Be prepared with a nice warm
Lap Kobe. We have a good assortment in
various designs of pleasing colors ranging in price
as follows: $2.80 - $4.20- $5.30, all of
Good Heavy Plush, fast colors, and very durable.
Come early and get the best selections.
We will eell all last year's patterns of Plusli
and Wool Lap Kobes at one-fourth off tho price
Sttxrgea Bros
411 Ps.Bk.rl Street
Sioux City, Iowa.
and Coal
A good stock, Rightly Priced, is getting us the Business.
Call and see us. We'll Treat you Right.
Edwards & Bradford L'ral'r Co.
V. 0. Lake, Resident Mgr.
Dakota City, Neb
We Lave as good a stock of Lard
warn and tinware as tbere ever was in
Dakota City, and yon will find our
prices right. Schriever Bros.
Galen Hatheway and wife visited
friends in llomer Sunday.
Henry Francisco, of St John's pre
cinct, was a business caller in town on
M M Ream and wife were over from
Sioux City Monday visiting relatives
and friends.
Mrs R E Evans went to Lincoln
Tuesday to attend a session of the
grand chapter O E S.
Seven head of good horses and
mules will be offered at the J W Ha
zelgrove sale Feb 10th,
J Van de Zedde and familv went to
Homer Sunday and spent the afternoon
at the Fred Ochander home.
II you naven t got time to do your
wn shopping call up No. 1, and he
will deliver the goods promptly.
Lizzie Van de Zedde and Mabel
Boutou went to Fonca last Thursday
and vwited over night with friends
Ed M Phillips came down from
Carrington, N D, the first of the week
for a visit with relatives and old time
Have you seen those beautiful new
disheB at Vans, that he is giving
way with coffee? It is no drawing
you have your choice.
Mrs Lettie Hampton, of Wakefield,
visited relatives and friends here a
few days laBt week, returning to her
home Sunday evening.
Wni Berry and wife, who have been
isiting at the E II Cornell home for
the past three weeks, returned to their
home at l'onca Wednesday.
Carl Anderson, Chris Rasmussen,
Louis Knudsen and Carl Fredeticksen
were down from Hubbard Saturday as
witnesses in the Geo Nelson insauity
Geo L Lillie arrived here Wednes
ay from Marion, Iowa, and will spend
few days with hi) family, who are
visiting at the home ot Mrs Lilhes
parents, Judge and Mrs D C btinson.
GeoF Nelson of Hubbard precinct,
was adjudged insane by the board of
insanity last Saturday, and will be ta-
entothe Norfolk asylum as soon as
the superintendent can make room for
im, tbere now being eleven commit
ments ahead of his.
Mrs DrDeVore of South Sioux City,
who was recently ireleased from the
Insane asylum at Norfolk on parole,
developed a bad case of insanity last
week and on Monday was taken to the
hospital at Norfolk for treatment.
Deputy Sheriff Wm Bietman and wife
had charge of her on the trip to the
The tire of Tuesday morning dem
onstrated the need of a little fire ap
paratus of soae sort in this place if
nothing more than a few ladders and
buckets. If these had been available
the hotel building could probably have
been saved, for when the fire was first
seen a few pails of water would Lave
extinguished it in short order.
Mrs Carl Bund surprised her hus
band Tuesday by inviting in about
twenty of their friends to help cele
brate Mr Sund's 65th birthday. The
ladies spent the day quilting, ud were
joined at supper time by the men folks
when a bountiful repast was served.
All thoroughly enjoyed the occasion
and wished the hosj many more such
nappy events.
Thos J McCann, who been a resi
dent of this connty since 1870, died at
the county poor farm Tuesday morn
ing at 3 o'clock. He bad been a county
charge for about fifteen years, being
a sufferer from paralysis and unable
to take care of himself. The deceased
was born November 29, 18.r0, in county
Langford, Ire., coming to Nebraska in
1870 and locating at Jackson. The
funeral was held Wednesday afternoon
from the Catholio church at Jackson,
interment being in the cemetery at
that plaoe.
A land case of considerable import
ance to Dakota county people was set
tied in the united States court in
Sioux City Monday. The case in
volved the title to 155 acres of land in
Brushy Bead belonging to John G
Gribble, and which hai been all swal
lowed up by the Missouri river with
the exception of about three acres.
The S B Land & Cattle company
claimed the land as accretion after the
river changed its channel and left the
the land in question high and dry.
For over fifteen years the case has
been fought in the different courts
with the result that lit Gribble comes
into possession of his original tract of
land, also about 90 acres of accretion.
See F O Stansrd for heating, plumb
mg and lighting.
Wm Lorenz returned Thursday from
uia trip to Michigan.
Fat Duggan was a business visitor
here from Hubbard Monday.
Ida Quintal is visiting friends and
relatives in Jaokson this week.
uene iNordrae and lamny. oi bioui
City, spent Sunday at the Mrs Mollie
Broyhill home.
Ovid Fark want to Lincoln Tuesday
to took alter a position as brakeman
on the Burlington.
Judge It E Evans transacted legs
business at Fonca Monday, returning
lucsday morning.
Emma Frederick leaves today for
Dallas, 8 D, where she is employed
in the News office.
Oscar Sayre, of Ferkios, la, and son
Eric, of Sioux City were visitors here
a few days this week.
Roland Orr was at Fonca Wednes
day and Thursday looking for fancy
horses for the market.
Found A ladies' hat pin, Ownrr
can nave same by proving property
and paying for this notice.
lir-1l r ri
viu ueuierkinc, oi nouiu eioux
City, has been dangerously ill the past
two weeks with pneumonia.
Sixteen head of thoroughbred Red
polled cattle will be sold at the J W
Uazelgrovo sale leu 10th.
Why not trade at Vans? He don't
charge any more than anybody else,
and handles the best of goods.
Wm A Niemeyer returned home
Thursday morning from a two weeks'
visit with relatives in Chicago.
' Art Nordyke, salesman for the Amer
ican Monument Co, of Sioux City, was
a business visitor here Monday.
For sale a six room house and three
lots, good location, good ouUirfe im
provements, Euquire at this office.
Mrs Ruby Vaughn of Sioux City,
spent a few days here this week at the
home of her aunt, Mrs Mollie Rroyhill.
M O Ayres went to Cody, Nebr,
Tuesday to visit at the home of his
daughter, Mrs Homer Skeen, return
ing Thursday.
Mrs H Bodenbender and daughter,
Ida, returned Wennesday from a
month's visit with relatives in St Louis
and Witchita, Kan.
The one great musical event of the
season! Don't miss it "The Modern
Musicians, " at the M E church tomor
row, Saturday evening.
It pays to trade at Vans, and be
sides he will give you, free of charge,
a handsome ohromo in the course of
time. Go and see him.
Ira G Gates of nenry, Colo, and
Muy F Ekdale of Burlington, Iowa.
were married by Rev J L Phillips at
South Sioux City Monday.
Will Kinkead and wife departed
this morning for their home at Burge,
Neb, after spending a greater portion
of the winter in this locality,
Mrs Ella Everett of Lyons, spent a
few days hern tho past week visiting
relatives und old friends. She re
turned home Monday evening.
Bert Woods has purchased the.Cro
zier carpenter shop and lot where the
building stands, and in the course ot
time will remodel the building and tit
it up in good Bhape.
All kinds of coal, feed und hay for
sale at reasonable prices.
Fhtldb & Slaughter Co.
Thio E Bliven, Manager.
Dakota City, Neb.
To my customers: If you are in
debted to me on account, pleuse come
in and settle, and if you can't pay all
pay a part ot it, and you will greatly
oblige. Yours Truly. J Van de Zedde.
Like a friend who bears acquaintance
those who know best the quality of en
tertainment aflbrde;! by "The
Moderne Musicians" speak most high
ly of them. They are to appear at the
M E church tomorrow evening, Feb. 5.
Harry W Robinson and Miss Edna
M Kemp, both of Wavne, Neb, were
married by Judge Heffernan on
Wednesday. Louis D Zentlwre and
Ida King, both of Sioux City, were
joined in wedlock by the Judge Thursday.
The new "Ra lex" lens for constant
wear is supeiior for comfort and clear
ness of vision. It screens out the vio
let or chemual rays of light, thus pre
venting irritation and intlamation.
Satisfaction guaranteed. W O Eck
hart, Licensed Optometrist,
The seating capacity of the M E
chutih is limited. Come early Satur
day evening and secure a favorable
position where you may enjoy to the
full the splendid and cultured enter
tainment furnished by the finest musi
cal aggregation that has ever favored
a Dakota City audience, The Moderne
Chas Adams moyed his family to
Sioux City last week, where he has a
position with a wholesale furniture es
tablishment. Mrs Margaret Adams
and son Harry moved their household
effects into the Henry Woods house
vaoated by Chas Adams, Tuesday
morning after the fire which burned
them out of the hotel.
The two year old baby boy of W J
Manning and wife of South Sioux City
died Tuesday evening, after an illness
of about three weeks with a complica
tion of ailments resulting in pneumo
nia. The funeral was held from the
Methodist church in South Sioux City
Thursday afternoon, interment being
in the Dakota City cemetery.
Services at the Methodist Episcopal
churoh every Sunday as follows:
Preaching, 11am; Sunday school, 10
am! Class meeting 12 m; Epworth
League, 0:30 p m; Preaohing, 7 pm.
For Sale
A large list of Cheyenne, Morrill,
Box Butte, Kimball, Scotts Bluff and
Banner county Nebr, lands.
Ranohes, ruHnquishments railroad
contracts, school sections all izes
and prices from $6.50 per acre and up
for deeded lands.
Having a personal knowledge of
these lands I will go and show them to
those who wish to invest.
S A Combs, Homer, Nebr.
Farmers in Session
The annual meeting of the Dakota
County Farmers Institute convened io
the court house at this place this
(Friday) morning, with a very fair at
tendance for the opening session. Fol
lowing is the program for the two
days' session, as furnished ns by Sec re
tary Geo I Miller:
nni-Kiiterlnof Kxlilltits.
10 am Htindllnii mid marketing of Apple.
II am Tho Wnetlt of th Silo.
1 pin-Potato Growing. K. W. Hunter, of
nyracuse, M'lir,
i pin-Ilcuxlon by local growr-rn.
3 pin What Women' Institutes are )oln
in Ontario, Mrs. Thos. hliaw. llcgpelcr,
lcvrmmi suns ion
:-N moVilim Worth While, Mrs. Ktiaw,
S:mv-Co-operntloii Hvtwecn thcICoiintry
0;! Bin Ite.t Method of Needing Wheat.
linn linrtnett, John Holer, fcjliner Hless.
InK, and others. , i -.-.
10: am Poultry for Profit on the Ksrin,
r. M . iiohis, Mrs. Inelircnncr. ntul Chas.
1T0 pin Improving the Com Crop, Wm.
;rnt, 1 ecumicli, Nebr.
J::m pin Tho Draft Horse for Farm ami
iUiH kel. if. r . Miiusley, Hii.tlngs, Nebr.
:-A ltoynl American, Mr. Klmisley,
:. The Improvement of Our Ijind, Mr.
The Institute will award prlxcs as follows:
. i.en
. sum
. 2.ii
. 2.no
. !!.
. '.'.ml
. S.eo
I. no
I .Oil
solicited of lller-
(lorn. 10 Kars
Wheat, Spring...
Onts. White ,
Potatoes. Due reek.
11 u nil
oilier Varieties
Itreml. tine lonf
Hotter, 1 pound
Sncbil rrl7.es nre ln'lnir
chnnts In linkotii und Sioux City
I o IN- euiiiii'ii io ex i n It for tir na vr.ii
must have grown the exhibit or have made,
the bread or butter, Alluriilii iim.l l.. ii.
rrop of lln.
All exhibits revert to tho exhibitor mil,...
ot herwlse stated.
Corn will lie Judged by Neb. score eard.
Wo hope to make this the Is'st liisiint..
session we have ever had. U'lid us your
assistance and conic one and nil.
e expeel io nave oilier sneakers for 11...
forenoon sessions.
H. M. HoAi.s. President.
WKo. I. Mii.i.kk. Secretary.
Cnp Qoln A half interest in a fine
I Ul OdIO imported stallion. Will
ell for cash or trade. Inquire at this
omce lor particulars.
Old Landmark Burns
Fire broke out in the roof of the old
hotel building in this place Tuesday
morning shortly before seven o'clock,
and before the bncket brigade could be
organized for effective work the build
ing was mass of flames, and being
nothing but a shell it was soon con
sumed . The buildiug was oooupied
by Mrs Margaret Adamses a boarding
house, and by the quick work of those
who answered the alarm the contents
f the house wcro saved, The hardest
part of the light was to save the ad
joining buildings It 1, lvaua I iw
oflice on the west and the r red Beer-
man building on tho east, the latter
being occupied by Fred Q Stanard
as a work shop and storage building
for his hcatiug, plumbing and lighting
business. Everything was removed
from tlieso two buildings, but by the
use.of blankets Hud carpets and a lib
eral supply of water they were saved
from burning.
The lire is supposed to have caught
from a chimney in the rear of the
building into which the kitchen stove
pipe entered. There was a small
amount of insurance on tne building
which burned, enough probably to
cover the loss, but none on the adjoin
ing buildings, owing to tho high rate
The building which burned was
built in 1870 by Joachim Oesterliug
and was used by him for a hotel for
seventeen years. Later it was pur
chased by Miss Julia Truxes, who with
her parents conducted a hotel for sev
eral years. After they vacated it the
building has stood unoccupied the
greater portion of the time until a few
months ago, when Mrs Adams took
possession of it and started a boarding
The owner of the building, Miss
Truxes, has been an inmate of the in
sane hospital at Sioux Falls, S D, for;
several years, and the property has
been looked after by her agent, Mr
Bryant, of the firm of Daugherty &
Bryant of Sioux City.
Mr Evaus, whose oflice adjoined the
structure that was burned, handed us
the following card of thanks for publi
cation :
Dakota City, Neb., Feb. 11, 1910.
I wish to thank my neighbors fur
their kindness aud for what was al
most superhuman efforts to save my
property this morning. I ws absent
but feel that more was done than I
could have suggested or helped do if I
Had been present.
Uratefnlly and sinoerely,
RE Evans.
Notice to Rural Route Matrons.
Postmaster John II. Ream is in re
oeipt of a letter from Fourth As
sistant Postmaster Oeneral De Oraw
in reference to patrons of rural routes
placing loose coin in their mail boxes.
The order reads: "In view of the ex
tent to whioh the practioe of placing
loose coins in boxes by rural patrons
has grown, and the delay in the deliv
ery and collection of mail and the
hardship imposed on rnral carriers in
cident thereto, you are informed that,
commencing February 15, proximo,
rnral letter carriers will not be required
to collect loose coins from rural mail
boxes. Patrons should enclose coins
in an envelope, wrap them securely iu
a piece of paper, or deposit them in a
coin holding receptacle, so they can be
easily and quickly taken from the box
es, and carriers will be required to lift
such coins, and, where aooompanied by
mail for dispatch, attach the requisite
statu pi."
Charity Hart to C I) Smilev and M C
Smiley lots X 4 5 0 7 K 13 14 J 5 16 17
lllk !i First Kailwav Ad to So Soo Citv
W I) 2-'0.00
Ketturn Frost et nl heirs ol lot! Frost
deceased to Henry F Hinst lot 15 blk 2
Dakota nd to l-.nierson W I) 1,300.00
Charles M Lind and wile to f A Fove
Maud Foye and A Fove jr pnrt ot lot
3 Crystol Lake Fark W I) 500.00
Honjjt Hondcraon noil wife to Julius II
Hondi-rsou el 4 iw ',4 sec 20 and c1 a lot 2
sec '35 27 0 H C 1.00
Julius II Ilonderson and wife to llrtigt
noniierson w v lot 2 sec 3.1 cast ol K K
in T 27 K6 OC 1.00
t.eo i l mane to Geo T Woods lots 30
1(1 41 42 43 44 45 in Dakota Citv C
Alary u Woodlcton and husband to
Frederick Ducnsmg lot H blk ISO Duko
taCity (JC 25.00
.TJUimersand wife 'John Shrove lots
i l 20 21 blk 11 Railway ad to So
ooUty WD 120.00
Harper's Weekly of July 17, 1909,
tontalns an article under the caption,
The Truth About Prohibition la
Maine. Mr. Hoi man Day Versus Cer
tain Fanatics." The article is im
portant because ft quotes an Inter
view with Mr. Day. who is a promi
nent editor of Maine, in which he
gives the particulars of an interview
had with Mr. Roosevelt, the latter hav-
Ing called Mr. Day to Washington for
a conference. This Interview shows
clearly the attitude of Theodore
noosevelt toward statutory prohibi
tion as Illustrated by the experience
or Maine. The article Is well worth
reading und Is as follows:
"The grand Jury of Cook countv.
Illinois. In session at Chicago, has
found an Indictment for criminal libel
against William P. F. Ferguson, edi
tor and publisher of the National Pro
hibitionist, published in Chicago. The
complainant is Holman Day of Maine,
whose articles on prohibition, recently
published In Harper's Weekly, elicited
the libel for which Ferguson has been
Indicted. The Harper articles at
trncted much attention throughout
the country and were widely copied
and commented on. The facts pre
sented by Mr. Day havo not been im
peached. Ferguson, In an editorial
utterance, stated that the conditions
as pictured In the articles existed In
Maine, since Mr. Day was In a posi
tion to know whereof he spoke; and
then the editor of the National Pro-
hlbitlonist proceeded to make a wan
ton attack upon the moral character
of Mr. Day. Imputing to him offenses
so ridiculously and shamefully false
that the state of Maine, of which Mr.
Day hns been a widely known and
honorable resident all his life, la In.
dignant on his behalf. Among the
mends ot Mr. Day who wrote from
all parts ot the country to urge him
to take steps to punish such reckless
vlliflers was Colonel Henry Watter-
son or Kentucky, whose name ap
peared in the libelous editorial as
one who felt that Mr. Day needed
the endorsement that Colonel Wattet
son had given htm In the Courier.
Journal. At the suggestion of Colonel
Watterson Mr. Day engaged H. II.
Huffaker, Esq., of Louisville, an able
attorney and a personal friend ol
Colonel Wattorson's, and with him
proceeded . to Chicago armed with
complete refutation of the charges
contained in the organ of the prohl
"The Indictment followed promptly
and the case has been marked for
trial In the early fall of 1909;- 'Jn
taking this step, snya Mr. Day, I
am not actuated by any mere Bplrlt
of revenge. I nm not conducting n
campaign against prohibition, as a
cause, nor do I hold any brief In de
fense of the whiskey Interests. I was
asked by reputable publishers, anx
ious to put facts before their readers,
to describe conditions in Maine after
nearly sixty years' experience in at
tempting to enforce tho prohibitory
law. On the appearance of my first
article President Roosevelt summoned
me to Washington and, in Interviews,
continuing parts of two days, com
mended my manner of presenting real
evidence before a grand Jury com
posed of the thinking people of the
United States. He urged me to con
tinue the presentation of the case, In
view of the great Interest of all the
states In the question, and said that
he had beerf recommending my ar
ticles as the best exposition of the
evils of politically nursed prohibition.
When I expressed my unwillingness
to subject myself to any more of the
abuse that the radicals and fanatics
had begun to pour upon mo, he urged
me still more strongly to go straight
on and not mind them. In their fail
ure to find arguments to meet my
pitiless facts the bigots who are mak
ing a profession out of prohibition
have been slinging their mud at ma
I have picked out the most heinous
offender, a man whose attack Is the
climax of slanderous invention, and
propose to find if there la law enough
In the land to protect a writer who
asks only the privilege of free dis
cussion of an open question.
" 'I have more to say upon the sub
ject In a novel that la to be Issued
later by Harper & Brothers, and by
clearing the atmosphere with this Suit
for criminal libel I would like to as'
Sure myself that enterprising fanatics
will not begin accusing me of murder
or treason when my book appears.
Having la my discussions carefully
refrained from all personalities,
though sorely tempted by striking ex
amples of prohibition malfeasance, 1
am invoking the criminal law to as
sure to me like respect a respect
that a more Just and courteous and
less desperate antagonist would grant
without being choked Into such a con
dition of Brace.'"
Crime Epidemic In Alabama.
(Portland Argus.)
The report of the attorney-general
of Alabama furnishes authoritative
evidence of the sort of progress this
southern state it making under its
new prohibition regime. It Is not of
the sort to encourage belief that tha
state's new departure will usher In
the millenlum. Contrarywlse. There
Is a marked Increase In criminal of
fenses fof the two years covered by
the report over the previous, of any
pther like period of time, for which
the attorney-general is unable to
offer a satisfactory explanation. A
marked Increase In criminal offenses
this Is the cold fact in Alabama's
short prohibition experience but
waves of hysterical sentiment are not
stopped by cold facts, (or i time, at
WhenYou I
Take Cold
One way is to pay no attention
to it: at least not until itde-
jjvelops into pneumonia, or
bronchitis, or pleurisy. An
other way is to ask your doc
tor about Ayer's Cherry Pec
toral. If he says, " The best
thing for colds," then take it.
Do as he says, anyway.
W publish car fbrnalM
from our modiolus
Wo urffo yon to
oonault your
When the bowels are constipated, poi
sonous substances are absorbed into the
blood instead of beinedaily removed from
the body as nature intended. Knowing
this dinger, doctors always inquire about
the condition of the bowels. Ayer's Pills.
"' bv th i. O. Att Co Lowell, Vui.-a
Railway Mail Clerks Wanted
The Government Pays Railway Mail
Clerks $8oo to $1,100, and other cm
ployes up to $1,500 Annually.
I'nclo 8nm will hold gnrlnB examlnntinii
throughout tlui country for Itnllwnv Mil
Clerks, Custom House Clerk, Stenograph
er, Hookkpepem, Departmental Clerks and
other government position. ThoimnmU nf
appointments will bo made. Any ninn or
woman over 18. In city or country pun at
Instruction and free lnformntloc by writing
atom-etothe Durenuof Instruction, SO J,
Hnnilln Hulhllntr, Rochester, N. Y.
County Coroner
Lecture Course Dates
The Modern Musicians,.
Saturday, Feb 5, 1010
It L Kemple.. Wednesday, Mar 23, 1910
To lntrcHliicH our very complete Spring
llnu of U-autlful wool huUIdkh. wuah fulirlc.
fancy witlntlniis, atlka, i-u-., Ixlkfa, liw eo hih!
DcUlconts. All up to (Ittlt) N. V. Citv l-i. r.
terim. Uncut line on tliu nmrket. Ik'ulhiK
direct with tlie mills you will ttuil our price,
low. l'rollts, lum) to IID.IIU weekly- Hum
pics ftiul full Instruction packed Inn, neat
sample case, shipped eiprcas prepaid. No
money rtMjuircu. cxfiimive territory
Write for particular. Be llrst tn iit.nl v
Htundard Hress liooU Co., !t'pl. V. 1.
111,. I.i. i. it. .11 N V
15. F. Sawyer
Jackson , Nebraska
Having rented my farm, which is
miles west and 1 mile north of Dnkn.
ta City ; 4 miles east and 1 mile south
of Jaokson; 1 mile east and mile
north of Ooburn Junction. I will anil
the following described property
THURSDAY, FEB. 10, 1910
Commencing promptly at
10 o'clock a. m.
Mors, 7- II(k.d
1 Bay Horse, w'g't, 1200, ago 0 years .
i uray 1300.
1 Gray " 1250,
IBay 1250,
1 Black " 1150.
1 span brown mules, 2100,
CatttI. 16 IICh.d
3 Red Polled Bulls. C&n hn rpo-icforo,!
9 cows, coining fresh, some giving milk.
i ooaiing yearlings.
All thoroughbred Bed Polled oattle.
Alfalfa hay 10 tons, more or less.
500 bu Seed oats fllecnnrnt01
ish select.) '
;1U0 bn Kershon oats.
Potatoes, 300 bn, more or less.
potato planter
potato digger,
potato sprayt-r.
potato cutter,
hay rake,
1 harvester.
manure spreader.
4-section barrow,
2-row cultivator.
1-row cultivators.
1 disc gang stirring plow.
1 Blackhawk corn planter) ,
1 endgate seeder.
1 fanning mill.
1 band corn shelter.
2 hay racka.
1 De Laval cream separator.
1 wide tire wagon, complete.
2 narrow tire wagons.
1 new ton-bus-ffv.
1 buggy.
1 set bob sleds.
1 cutter.
1 set double driving harness.
1 set single Harness.
3 sets farm harness, 1 concord & 2 pad.
1 band-power horse clippers.
Some household furniture and other
things too numerous to mention.
lerms: an sums unaer $10., cash.
All sums over tlO.. bankable notes.
one year at 10"o
13 lg free lunch at noon,
11 O Dorn, Auctioneer,
Geo Boucher, clerk.
J. W. HAZLEGR0VE, Owner.
V )r ' ;v -. t ' 1,V sV rrn, KtlllDIt, rut
lOvery Oardrnitr rd
rUulrr.hould ut Hi.
. 11 1.41 rt... iiitf.il... f I In.
North-rati row n
special. oFrcsx
will truil postpulil our
e-aiuirtite rri 1 rrn rs M
I t. ro nr t..u , ... . -
I n. rililm k.dl.k . . , , IU.
I k. :M.r.la. t .krf . . . Km
I .W, Mrl; lrrw.k.wl CkluM . , .It.
I pkv. tHlLi'lua fcl.rk.- Ult... , . . Io.
11m II twlali.. 1'k.U. tfesw Sm . . 1 .
l vtt
Writ, trftsfl Sn4 It CMk tn K.I. p.y iimUs. au
pui-hiKf .nil tc.n III. .(m.i. "Fbum,... CoHmciim." w
.tb.r with uur . .nil In.lrtirltv. o.,rit.n lend..
1.IIKAT NOKII1KKN Kl l ll '0.
BO! ltim HU Korkfortl, Illinois
""lllllli III! I -' -"ill L