Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, January 07, 1910, Image 5

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    R R Time Table
C, St. P., M.A O.
Trains leare Dakota, City at the fol
lOTing time:
5:55 pm Omaha.... ...7 58 am
10:03 am Oman 5.13 pm
3:38 pm Norfolk 8:3 am
9:28 am Norfolk 5:18 pm
7 :38 am Newcastle 10 :18 am
2:05 pm 5:55 pm
12:13 pm Omaha 2:30 am
3:38 Norfolk B :KJ am
9:28 Norfolk 5:13
C B ft Q
No. 91 Loral FreiRht1 7:15 am
17 " passenger, Omh La
an J Lincoln 12:47 pm
No. 92 Local Freight 2:25pm
16 Local Passenger. ,6:i 7 pm
dailj. daily except Sunday.
Railway Mail Clerks Wanted
The Government Pays Railway Mail
Clerks $8oo to $i,aoa, and other em
ployea up to $1,500 Annually.
ITnclo 8nm will hold opriiift examination
throughout the country for Hallway Mnil
Olorks, OiiBtoni House Clerks, Stenograph
ers, Hookkeoperi, Departmental Clerks and
other government positions. Thousands o(
appointments will ho made. Any'nmn or
woman over 18, In city cr country can get
Instruction and free Information by writing
at once to the Bureau of Instruction, 80 J
Hamlin Building, Rochester, N. Y.
Vis- '''t',Fv-'? Fresti, Reliable, Pure
-'V-e'''&'f'V Guaranteed lo Please
MrW .UWjlK-!"')'1 I,luiitfrtw.MWtettlie
Vi i' lif -"i i i," 7 Minerlor merits nf Our
i 'I " :fy NortlierntirowDfceeils.
YjJ$i'& n'' '" "'"J potlnll
1 b. '1-.mm-. Vftrrf
AIM IU Wrirlk. t(.ol.lor Nutli
, f I M
Writ tyt p.tvl ll) rnU a h.lp pf irtf and
parking ih il rw.M. ttRl..v. "F.irn,. Cnl)ctn.n." q.
y.th.r ilh our N-w .nd T-'.lrnrllv. :rt.n 4iiit.
Gltl'.AT NOU'l'UKKN St K.I ).
BM lt( Kt. Korkfiiril, Illinois
Track Mark
Copyrights Ac.
AsTnne flirting a sketch and fleserlptlon "is
Quickly aacortflin enr opinion free whether ao
Invention Is probnbly pstentnhlo. Communica
tions strictly nonrhleiittal. HANDBOOK on Patent
sent fre. OMfii.t sironcy for securing patents.
Patents taken throneta Jtunn & Co. receive
RvrKI noticf,. without charge. In the
Scientific Jlmericam
A hnrtsorrely lllnntrnted weekly l-nremt dr.
ira.Mion of any sotentido Journal. Terms, $3
year: four month. L Sold by all rtewsdnalerfl.
ftlUPJN & Co.3C,B"-d-'- New York
n-, r v flu Washlnston. D. C
r i ship your
t FURSe,c.
f ITiililtik
Established 1)07
Deal direct with the largest and oldest house
In the West. Highest prices and immediate
cash returns. Write for price list, tugs and
full information.
County Coroner
1 y y v. :, I .va
B. F. Sawyer
Tackson. Nebraska
Mads ta balld New nnalsraa. A trial wUl
v.111 our uermaueut customer.
Prize Collection !"'' "
11 tba tlncwi j Taralp. 1 splsn0.a : O.I... S DTK '
Ues, iuapri.K.awrri.s Huib-i TanetifS la all.
1 ' Mra, 13 .iiiu.i " ,
Write to-day; Mention this Paper.
to tyyrtr potMt rl pckinf and rciv thU valaabl
. oullocwon or f'a fHiiiia, iuftner wun my Dig
, IniLrUi'UVth unuuiimi nrru mho -iin nuuai i
1 cirht iti d lur Myir. K rft i t fit. limplicity and
rel. ability ntai.v " y..is. s"!l' " 'arlj
vrv rit'vanil tunn in L'niletl St.itrs ana
' l aniJj. or I'v mill diruit. Mure t"
i tiun
,,ii,rr make kend lur Iree
; catalogue.
irr fathion
it.... .hirT.li.r tlun anv otli
nwearine million a ""'. n"uir.
ol'styirs, p.iiun.i, tiii'skiiiakini;, millinery,
I plain scwir.K, mc V nicilli wurk. Ii judr.snnj;,
sliuucltc, l!oJ ttories, etc. Only W rcnli a
Year (norlli double), inc lndl lJf a lite pjllrrn.
tuUbcnbo toilay, or senJ lor suniulecopy,
m to AKnts. Postal tiring premium caUlojue
and new cash priae ollcn. Aildic.s
TU McCUL CO.. K ! tU W. I7(k SL. NEW V01H
Your Hair
Is it inclined to run away?
Don't punish it with a cruel
brush and combl Feed It, nour
ish it, save it with Ayer's Hair
Vigor, new improved formula.
Then your hair will remain at
home, on your head, where it
belongs. An elegant dressing.
Keeps the scalp healthy.
' Does not change the color of the hair.
formula with aaoh bottle
Shew it to year
Ask him about It
than de as ha asys
We certainly believe this, or we would
not say so. Ayer s Hair vigor, as now
made from our new improved formula.
is a great preparation for the hair and
scalp. Stops falling hair. Cures dan
druff. Promotes the Growth of hair.
-Wads by the J. C. Ayer Co., Lowell, Viu.
Local Items
Friday, Jan. 7, 1910
We have as good a stock of hard
warn and tinware as there ever was in
Dakota City, and you will find onr
prices right. Hohrievor Bros.
S H Moore and family were Homer
visitors Sunday.
M J ilynes. of Vista, was a business
visitor here Weduesday.y
M. M lieacom, of Hubbard, was a
county seat visitor Tuesday.
M M Ream and wife were over from
Sioux City for New Years dinner.
Earl Frederick and family have
moved out to the M Q Learner farm.
Frae Entraken, of Sioux City, was
ths guest of Aileon Btinson Saturday
A baby daughter was born to Mr
and Mrs Del Sanford last Friday after
Clifford Jurid and wife, of Sioui
City, ate New Years dinner at the Wm
Cheney home.
Mrs George Whaley, of Homer, visi
ted at the Jas Cooley home from Fri
day last until Sunday.
Get two ears of corn to grow where
onejgrew before by attending the Sioux
City Short Course, Jan. 17-22.
For sale a six room bouse and three
lots, good location, good outside im
provements, Enquire at this office.
Mm J F Stahl, of Madison, 8 D,
spent a few days here this week, the
guest of her brother Mell A Schmied.
Mrs Wm Adair went to Mapleton,
Iowa, lant week to spend a few weeks
t the home of Ler daughter, Mrs John
For information and particulars of
ioux City Short Course, address Capt
WLASrcitb, chairman membership
committee, Sioux City, Iowa.
What is the use of going out in the
cold and storm when you can call up
Ho. 1 for anything in his line, and be
will deliver it to you promptly.
Wood for sale, on Walkers island,
opposite Feldman's boat yard cot'on-
wood tops, partly dry, by the arm,
agon or car load. Geo Barnett.
Julius Quintal and wife and Richard
uiutal and wife went to Jefferson,
D . Saturday to-visit relatives and
attend the big New Year celebration.
Grant Minter, of Buffalo Gap, Neb,
and formerly of this place, waa broght
to a Sioux Citv hospital last week for
treatment. He was accompanied by
his wife and sister-in-law.
For Sale A few Duroc Jersey male
pigs, ol spring larrow. iuey are goou
ndiviuuals and good breeding, ' iSotu-
ng for sale after January J Oth.
Geo C Blessing, Homer, INebr.
Harry W Church and Georgia Whit-
tecar were granted a license to wed
Saturday by Judge Stinson. The cer
emony was performed at l'-merson
Sunday by Nelson Foauto, justice of
tbe peace.
Howard Rockwell left Saturday
morniug for Grand Island, Neb, where
e will take a Bhort course in suort-
band and typewriting at the Graud
land business college. Clell Maul-
ding, of White Lake S D accompanied
him from here.
Robert Chenay and wife, of Leslie,
S D, came down last week and spent
a few days at the Wm Cheney home.
They were passengers to Lincoln last
Thursday, returning Friday, and re
mained here until the first of this
week before returning home.
J F Leedom returned Monday from
a few dayB visit at Dallas. S D, at the
homes of bis sons Fred and Wash,
His little granddaughter, Lyda Lee
dom, accompanied him home to stay
the remainder of the wtnter. He also
brought back the news of the arrival
of a baby girl at the Fred Leedom
home on Deo 29th.
Rev W R Warren and family re
turned this week from a vit-it at Bel
grade, at the parental home of Mrs
Warren, and at Teksmau, with Rev
Warren's brother. He will fill the M
E pulpit Sunday at the usual hours.
The family report Having bad a very
pleasant visit, and they wish also to
extend Now Year's greetings to all.
Invitations have been issued for the
marriage of Raymond A Voai, son of
Mr and Mrs Chas Voss of Oniadi pre
cinct, to Miss Rebecca Knox, of Elk
Valley. The wedding will bo solemn
ized at tho home of 6 Kunx. a brother
of the bride, in Pigeon Creek precinct,
on Wednesday, January 12, l'JIU
The young couple will reside on the
Wiukbaus farm, iu Omadi precinct.
The Suleji Telephone company lias
the material ou the ground to parallel
th-ir line with another circuit. As it is
now they have twenty-eight phones on
the two rural lines connected with the
Dakota City switch board, and it is
almost an lmnoxsiinlitT for anybody to
t connected with a person on either
' ue lines, owiug to the fact that the
lines are in almost constant use be
tween the patrons liviug iu the country
By adding auotlier line to the cirouit
and putting Might phones on the new
line and ten on each of the old ones, it
is hoped thereby to relieve the conges
W II Rvan, of Homer, was a bnni
ness vii-itor here Tunadsy.
Anna M til 1 ins, of Allen, is liere on I
visit at the Van de Zcdde borne.
Ernest Harris and L J Good.sdll, of
Homer were tip on business Monday.
Seth Barnes and S A Combs drove
np from Homer Wednesday on business
Philo McAfee of Tigeon creek pre
cinct, was a business visitor Leie last
Donald and Willie Best were np
from Homer a faw days the past week.
visiting ralatives.
Neva Best left Tuesday morning for
Peru, Neb. to resume ber school woik
at tbe State normal.
G F Broyhill visited from Friday
until 8uuday at the August Wilkins
home in Omadi precinct.
Frank Davey, of the American Mon
ument Co of Sioux City, was transact-
fug business here Wednesday
Robert L Landis and Eth.l Rounds,
both of Sioux City, were united in
maniage Tuesday by Judge Stinson.
Julius Quintal went to Elk Point,
S. D. Mouday to look after the dispos
al of his corn the rent from his farm
Every subscriber who pays bis sub
scription to The Herald in advanoe
can have the Farmers Tiibuue of Sioux
City free for one year.
Live and lot live" is ..my motto.
Why not Gallon No 1 through jour
phone and give bim an order, be will
deliver it free of charge.
Chas Adams and family have moved
fiom Walker's Island this place and
are occupying the Henry Wood boose
just west of Dooliitle's.
Found, in the office of the clerk of
district court, a fouutnin pen. Owner
can have same by proving property
and paying for this notice.
- Bert Andrews, of Santee Neb, a
step son of ill Biggs, a former resi
dent of this county, was a visitor here
Saturday at the J P Rockwell borne.
When you come np town, don't for
get to stop at the corner of Broadway
and Fifteenth streets acd see what
there is iu store for you. Van will be
there with a broad smile.
Miss Sue G Malloy, of Sionx Falls,
S D, a former Dakota county school
ma'am, who taught in tbe O'Connor
district a few years ago, was married
to E M Salmouson of Sioux City
Try the Hnllev Three Dollar and
Fifty Cent Razor 10 Days. Satisfac
tory, remit One Dollar and Twenty-
Niue Ceuts. If Unsatisfactory eturn.
Write, C. E. Holly, Ypsilauti, Mich.
The local ice harvest began here
this week. The supply is being tsken
rom tbe river, which is much better
for home use than the lake ice, as it
oontaiLB less vegetation and foreign
All kinds of coal, feed and bay for
sale at reaauuable prices.
rivLDs & Sladohteb Co.
TbeoEBliven, Manager.
Dakota City, Neb.
M O Ayres. in company with his son
Edgar, left Weduesday for Miami,
Honda, where they will spend a few
months in a warmer climate and escape
some of the rigorous wiutry weather
we are having.
Mrs Ben Bayha and daughter Louise
of Niobrara, Neb, spent a few days
here lst week at the A T Haase borne.
T'ecv formerly resided here and met
many old friends who were pleased to
see them again.
A can of bakiug powder and a band-
some gold framed picture for 50 ceuts
at Van de Z ddes. This may be
your lust chance to get one of those
elegant paiutings absolutely free. Ono
would make an excellent A runs gut
The case of dray and Squires vs the
C St P M & O R R, has been appealed
to tbe supreme court, and Geo Wil
kins, clerk of the district court has
been instructed to prepare a transcript
of tbe case. The case was decided in
favor of Gray and Squires at a recent
term of the district court.
The next event on the lecture conrse
will be tl e entertaining appearance of
Robert O Bowman, the character por
trayalist Mr Bowman is a recog
nised artist in his chosen field, and it
is to be hoped tbe local publio will
come out and hear bim. He will be
with us on the evening of January 21st
'iO at tbe M E church
W E Voss, county superintendent
elect, .was up from Omadi precinct
Thursday, and took the oath of olhoe.
His predecessor in oflice, Miss Mary
Quiun, refused to turn ovei tho keys or
cive possession of the olhco, conse
auently ouster proceedings will be be
enn by Voss, and the courts will be
rescrted to to settle the controversy,
Robeit nnson writes us from SnO'
bomish, Wash, to send bim The Herald
for a year, and adds that tury are hav
inn lots of rain and a little enow occa
sionally, but that everything is fine
there. He says the last lie saw of
Sum Nelson, who accompanied bim
wan in July, and be supposed that he
hud returnd to Nebraska. Yes, Sam
returned to good old Nebraska early
in the fall and has been busking corn
to beat the band ever since.
Maurice O'Connor, an old resident
cf Nacora, Neb, aged 40 yearn,
at a hospital in Sioux City Wednesday
afternoon. Mr O'Connor went t3
Sioux City a short time ago to visit bis
two sisters. He was takeu ill only a
few days before bis death, and at the
advice of a physician was taken to a
hospital. Death was due ta pneumo
nia, which developed iutobeait trouble.
Mr O'Connor was a retired farmer.
The body will be tnken to Hubbard to
day for buu.il. Mr O'Connor never
was raarriod. He leaves two sisters re
siding iu Sioux City and two brothers,
Charles and John O'Connor, of Nacora.
Iu remitting Lis subscription to the
Herald for "ell the news when it is
news 1 red ueiry writes as iohows:
"Please send the Herald to me atTein-
pe, Arizona, uutil further orders. Mrs
Berry and I spent Amus la Old Wexi
. .. . .. mi
co takinK in tue siguts. xuey are
having their Fiesta in Chiuang, Old
Mexico, which is a thirty days nation
al holiday. They have bull fights,
cock fights, and racing, and every
thing ia wide open. Mrs Berry and 1
will spend the winter in Salt River
valley in Arizona, which ia the fluent
winter climate on earth, aud we will
think of you people living in the cold
and snow drifts while we are busking
in the sunshine amid tbe roses and
rip oranges. Regards to everyone."
Pres Foita and wife have moved in-
10 uie ueorge oueiuiey nnuse.
uoy a goort arm on tne Dakota
county bottom. 1 nave it. timers,
Paul McAllister was down from
Bnrbank, S D this week vinitng bis
Mell A ficfiroied left Wednesday for
Mason City, I.iwa, to attend a meeting
of the auditing committee of the M B
A order.
The high schol boys will give an
oyster sociable at the Geo Barnett res
idence next Friday evening, Jan 14th,
for the benefit of the high school ball
team. Everybody come.
Nels Smith and wife and Off Harris
and wife were southbound passengers
on tbe Burlington yesterday, enroute
to their homes at Homer from a ten
day's ViBit at Cherokee, Iowa.
The new "Radex" lens for constant
wear is superior for comfort and clear
ness of vision. Ii screens out the vio
let or chemical rays of light, thus pre
venting irritation and intlamation
Satisfaction guaranteed. W C Eok
hart, Liceci-ed Optometrist.
D C Ht ffernon, county judge elect,
aud D G Evans, eouuty treasurer elect
took the oath of office Thursday morn
mg and are now in possession of their
respeetive offices. The retiring oflioers
Judge D C Stinson and W J Manning,
have made excellent records in their
respective ciffioes, nd we only hope
their successors will be as faithful to
the interests of tne county and the poo
pie ia general.
Plum Turned to Lemon .
The contest proceedings instituted
by John C Uogan against W L Ross
over tbe letter's election to the office
of county clerk was decided iu the
county oourt beforo Juge Stinson
Tuesday. A recount of the ballota.
occupying Monday and Tuesday, re
vealed several errors iu thecouut made
by tho election boards. The result of
the recount gives Ross a nisjority of
twenty-eight over Hogmi, instead of
six, as returned by the official count.
Paul Pizey and John V Pearson ap
peared for Hogan aud R E Evans for
Ross. FredStauard and lolm Ryan
were chosen by the contestants to keep
Following is a comparison of the
official count by precicois as returned
by the election boards, with that made
at the recount :
Offl- lUi- Offl- lte-
cliil. count clnl. count.
Dakota 160 1G0 63 63
Ht. John's.... 25 3D 108 107
Pigeon Creek. 39 39 30 29
Omadi. 147 143 99 99
Hubbard 67 60 112 107
Summit 11 13 Ml 107
Covington ...161 167 125 121
Emerson 82 82 38 38
Totals C82 689 679 661
It will be serin by tne above table
that the principal changes in the re
turns were found in St John's, Sum
wit and Hubbard, where Ross gained
ten votes and Hogan lost ten. Each
contestant lost f ur votea in Covington,
Hogan lost one in Pigeon and uoss
gained one in Omadi.
At the conclusion of the recount tbe
attorneys for Hogan dismissed the case
without prejudice
Short Course In Sioux City
The Iowa State College of Agricul
ture will give a abort course of instruc
tion in farming and domestic science
in . Sioux City from January 17 to 22,
iuclusive. The course will be open
not only tD the men and women and
boys aud girls of northeastern Iowa,
but to residents of nnrtheustern Neb
raska and southeastern South Dakota.
The indications point to almost as
many students from Nebraska and
South Dakota as from Iowa.
The teachers in charge of this short
course of instruction are specialists of
national reputation acd every farmer
in this territory owes it to himself and
to his wife and children to take advan
tsge of the opportunity which will be
afforded by their lectures and demon
strations. Prof. P. G. Holden, the
greatest oorn expert the United States
has produced, will be on band with his
assistants to teach about com and oth'
er grains. Prof. R. K Bliss and Prof.
George Godfrey will teach animal hus
bandry. Household Economics will be
demonstrated by women teachers
The latest devices in farm machinery
will been exhibition and the partiou
lar efficiency of every ono of these will
demonstrated by experts.
Samples of the leading varieties of
corn grown in this territory will bo on
displiiy, and the methods of testing
and storing seed corn will be explained
The information tlua taught is espeO'
ially valuable to every farmer.
The scholarship fee for the Agricul
tural department of the course is $3,
and for the Domestio Science course
Tassed by Dakota City Camp No 4080,
M W A, upon the death of Howard P
Whereas, Dakota City Camp No
4080, Modern Woodmen of America,
! bas been called upon to suffer the loss
by death of its leading officer and one of
its truest members, Neighbor Howard
P Ciozier, who for three years previous
to bis deatb was venerable consul of
our camp, and
Whereas, In tbe deatb of Neighbor
Crozier Dakota City Camp No 4080,
bas lost one of its truest members, the
community one of its best citizens and
Lis wife a devoted and loviug husband,
therefore bo it
Resolved, That tbe deepest svmpa
thy of Dakota City Camp No 4080, M
W A be extended tho grief stricken
wife and relatives; that these resolu
tions be spread upon the records of our
lodge; furnished the papers for publi
cation uud a copy presented to the
Mell A Scbraied,
E II Oribble,
L 11 Armbright.
Judge Guy T Graves 1ms fixed the
following dates for holding court in
the different counties of the Eighth
judicial district for the year 1910:
Cuming .Innimry 111 Kepti-nilier li
1'nkotu Keliruury U Si pteinls r art
Klantou Murcli 7 Oetolier 15
lednr Mitre h 14 Novum I' r 7
I Ui,n March UK Novetnls-r KM
Thurston April 11 OrtolsT 17
The first day of each term Is set for bear
Ins appllcatluiu for cllUeuntilp papers.
Death Claims Another Pioneer
Mr, Matil(U Warner, passed to that
other world last Friday morning at 2
o'clock, December 31, 1009. Her do
mi e occurred at tlio borne of her
brother, John Brnbaker, in Allen,
Neb, in whose home she had been vis
iting for the past two mouths. She
bad been in comparatively good beslth
for a woman of her advanced age, un
til the day before ber death, when she
was taken with a severe attack of
kidney trouble, which with other com
plications incident to old age was
niore than her frail constitution would
The deceased woman was in her
80th year, and had been a resident of
Dakota oouuty since April, 1867, com
ing here from Riobland, Iowa, wi b
ber husband, the late Gideon Warner,
and bad lived a greater portion of tLese
years at their comfortable farm borne
on Omaha creek, alxmt Ave miles
southwest of Dakota City.
Her husband, Gideon Warner, pre
ceded her to that other world iu Feb
ruary 1903, at th home of their son,
D W Warner. In Alberta, Canada.
The deceased woman is survived by
eitiht children, four sous and four
daughters. Daniel Webster, of Alberta,
Canada; William P, of Omaha; Geo
O, of this conntv; Elmer and Mrs
E'.la Cobnrn, of Great Falls, Mont,
Mrs Jane Ward, of Dixou county, Mrs
Alie Bevins, of Omaha, and Mrs Em
ma Ruthbnn, of LaCrosse, Wash.
The funeral services were held at
Alien, Neb, Saturday morning from
the borne of ber brother, John Btu
baker, and the remains were shipped
from there to Homer aud were laid to
rest by tbe side of her late husband
and compauion in the Taylor ceme
tery Saturday afternoon.
From the Kecortl
II. U. Heinstreet, of Emerson, culled
lit the J. M. Johnson homo Tuesday.
Mins Amber Cnrlock Is home from
SerRonnt Uluff, where Bhe viwlted a
Mrs. I,oul Jeep left Tuesday for Ly
ons, where she will visit relutlves over
New Years.
Mrs. A. A. Sunde, of Soldier, In., la
the truest this week of her parents. Mr.
end .tlrs. John Manning.
J. M. Woodcock Is home from his
claim In Ttock county for a few weeks
visit with his family here.
Leon Johnson and Misses Lulu John
son and Thekla Hansen, of Akron, la.,
spent Christmas at the J. M. Johnson
Hev. J. L, Phillips wns a visitor at
the home of his parents In Lyons Mon
day till Wednesday end at Pender,
where his wife la visiting.
Mert Knowlton, of Huron, S. !., wns
here this week spending the holidays
with his parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. Knowl
ton, and his brother, Watt Knowlton.
W. V. Steutevlllo returned Tuesday
evening from his visit to Hrownsville.
He left here Friday and did not arrive
at his destination until Christmas eve
ning, having been blockaded by snow.
Rev. J. L. Phillips and sons, Jesse
and Clnrence, enjoyed Christmas din
ner with their son nnd brother In Sioux
City. Mrs. Phillips wus a visitor with
her parents at Pender.
Mrs. J. L. Kroesen left Tuesday for
her home at Cedar Falls, la., after a
visit at the home of her son, Hurt Kroe
sen. Editor Charles E. Kroesen. of the
Ute, Ia., Independent, and family, were
also Christmas visitors at the Kroesen
Mr. nnd Mrs. Al Flesher, who have
spent three or four months tit th Geo.
Li. lion is nomo, lert this week for Hone
steel, S. V. After visiting there a short
timo they will go to Oakland, la., and
from there will return to their home at
Loomls, Cnl. 'Mrs. Flesher Is a sister
of Mrs. Geo. L. Hoals.
The young men of the Crusaders
class lit the Methodist church, accom
panied by their girl friends, enjoyed a
sleighing party out to the hoiue of Mr.
and Mrs. C. K. Kline, on TueHdny eve
ning. The ride out and back was an
enjoyable one. Games and refreshments)
furnished the pastime end all hud u
line time.
On tlin 2Cth, Rev. J. L. Phillips per
formed the ceremony at the Methodist
parsonage which united Vernon Ar
wood, of Sioux City, und Miss Nora
Antrim, of Dakota City, in the bonds
of wedlock. The bride Is one of Da
kota City's nicest young ladies and the
groom Is a young man well spoken of.
They will live in Kloux City.
South Sioux City teachers nre en-
Joying their vacation this week. Pro
fessor nnd Mrs. II. Rnutmch nre at
Tekatnuh; Miss Lizzie McGlusshen
went to Indiunapolis; MIhs Ruth
Francis to Crawford; Miss Kllu Tiauer
and Miss Mattiu Wendte to Ponca,
while the Misses O'Neill, lUtrtlett and
Jeep are at their homes here.
Reported by J J Iiiiners, Bonded
Abstrccler, Dakota City, Nebraska.
K A Roberts end wife to Thomas
Chew s'a eVi sec 12-J9-7 wd $4..u(0
E R Bycrley and wile to D M Tollinger
lot 4 lil it 15 Central .South Sioux City
wd $G00
Harriet Cain to John Cnin w'a ne 14
ne',4 sec "J 21 J wd $800
Harriet Cfiin to Ilottic Coin c'a ut'i
ncVi sec 2H-27-9 wtl $H()0
Fred S Kerry to Nell Davev Berry un
divided V'i interest in w Vi nwVi sec 4-27
0 wd $1
Fred S Kerry to R V. lvvaus undivided
'a interest in wVi nw'4 sec 24-27-6 qc $1
Stewart B Brown and wife to Fred S
Berry w Vi nwVi sec 24- 27-6 $4400
Herman Ropken nntl wile to Jnmes L
Taylor e'j se'4 nwVi and
sec 20-2H.6 wd $1500
e Vi nc'4 w4
Daniel T Oilman nnd wife to Arthur F
Teets, lots 4- 5 & fi, blk 81 Covington
wd $400
Peter Sullivan trustee to Xfary Cur-
ren, Bridget T Curren and Thomas II
Curren s Vi seVi sec7-2U-7 C $1
C StP M & O Ry Co to I H Burke lots
1 2 3 4 5 G 7 H U 10 11 12 blk fiH and
lots 4 5 G blk 30 Covtngtou, except
right of way (jc $1
Snrah L Fellows to Ora M Fellows
ne nw'i nw'i sec 22 29-0 qc $1
W illiam B Palmer and Chnrlea 15 Pal
iner and wives to Frederick W Lhhr lots
3 4 5, sec K8 47 wd $9500
Arthur II Forbes to Consumers Ice Co
undivided 'U lot l.Sec 32-29 9 wd $100
Libbic A Forbes and lion Forbes nnd
wife to Consumers Ice Company lot 1
sec 23-29.9 wd $300.
I united Real 1. state ; Trust Co to
Harry 11 Adair lot 10 blk 172 Dakota
City, qe $25
C1I Kilbotirn to M Autonttte Kil
bourn se'i i w Vi sec 27 ami k t 2 sec 3 V
7-27-H wd $1300
Chouncey I Brown et al to C II Kil-
born se aw'i ace 27 and lot 2 sec .'14
7 27-9 wd $1200
Alma R MePherson to Henry Md'licr-
son lots 1 2 3 blk l"i nortn ml to Ivmcr
son wd $1
Lewis J Goodscll and wile to Frrdiii
andJOchunder lot 11 blk 5 Homer
wd 8750
J bimers and wile to the Hank o
houth Sioux City n 22 teet of e 132 feet
of lot 9 blk 10 SouthSioux City wd $150
William Frszier to Catherine Frazier
lot Lec 34 29 9 wd 81U0
A Happy Kcw Ifccxr
To You and to yours.
May it bring Health, Happiness and Prosperity in gen
erous measure, and to Good Old Dakota County Boun
tiful Crops and Good Prices.
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Bank, of Dakota County & rV."0"
Start that Savings Account ' TV T ""N "T 7C T
IS. f& IB. HfoV. Co.
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A good stock, Rigiitly Priced, is getting us the Business.
Call and sec us. We 11 Treat you Right. ,
Edwards & Bradford L'mb'r Co.
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After this date
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Will soon be here. Be prepared with a nice warm
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Come early and get
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th reader of this paper the beat opportunity
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