it li ill M I ! i I ! j f ! Some Useful Men's Combination Tic and Scarf j Pin vScts jl.UU Men's Combination Tie and CI OH Hose Sets jl.UU Men's Combination Suspender nCmk Sets 5C Men's Gloves, in Kid, Pearl Gray, Reindeer Buck and Saranac rn 7c &t) nn Driving Gloves $I.0U $1.1 J $Z.UU Men's Shoes, button and lace, in . Gun Metal and Patent, Leather. . . $4.UU Men's and Boys' Sweater Coats all sizes Men's fancy and plain Silk Hand kerchiefs.. OUC Men's Military Brushes, in Lcath- er Case $1 .DU Our line of Men's and Boys' Duck, Cor duroy and Sheep Lined Coats is complete. famous La Grecque $1.00 $1.50 $2.00 S. A. Dakota County Herald Official Paper of the County J08K H. I. AM, PCBLISEZB. Subscription "Price. $1.00 Per Year. A weekly newspaper published at Dakota City, Nebraska. Permission has been granted for the transmission of this paper through the maud aa second-clans matter. Telephone No. 43. Merry Christina and Year to all. a happy Now J H Bonderson of Emerson precinct, county commissioner from the third rliHtrii-K tendered his resignation to the board at their meetiog last -Saturday, to take effect on and after that date. The reason given for resigning is that he expects to move about the first of the year to th McLaughlin farm Just Booth of Emerson in Dixou county, which he recently purchased. He wus appointed lust May to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Fred Blume, and at the fall election was elected to eerve the unexpired term. The county treasurer, chirk and iuilffe. whose duty it w to rill the va cauor. hve appointed Nelson Feuuto, an old resident of Emerson precinct, to fill the vacancy. EXCHANGE ITEMS. South Creek items in Ponca Journal; Otto Loth and John bcollaru wore transacting business in Jackson Situr day. Ponoa Leader: Tom Gormallj of Uooiwin was a Ponca visitor yester day.... Pat MoCube cried an auction sale in Dakota county Tuesday. Pender Republic: T F Sides, deputy U S marshal, was in town Tuesday on business.... Miss Mabel 'Niebuhr was here from Winnebago over Sunday visiting with friends. South Creek items in Ponca Leader: Thomas Jonea of Vista was a South Creek visitor Sunday. . . .Myrtle liar- ney has returnedjto Jackson, Nebraska, where she will attend school. Lyons Mirror: R O Bauer and wife of Alberta, Canada, were Lyons vis itors this week.... Our co isiu, Harry Soott, of Wakefield, visited at the Mirror home from Saturday to Monday except the time spent over some at traction in the south part of town, Can it be that he is on the brink of matrimony V Emerson Enterprise: Harry Emil DeSimple wus born November 23rd Ready for Christmas Will EE. Beck Co. C6 Sioux Cttjr Jwlr, and Diamond Merchants. NOTIIER Gift-Giving important questions. Better Prepared than ever to give them what they want. We Certainly Are Headquarters for Watches, for DiamOtldSi for Jewelry, for Silverware, fr Cut GlaSS. for Clocks " fact for everthing to be found in an Up-To-Date Jewelry Store. To the Forehanded we would suggest that selections may now be made and Reserved till X-mas. Our New Catalogue is now ready and will be mailed upon application. WILL, Mondamin Hotel Corner and Attractive Christmas Gifts Seen at 0ir Store Ladies Dutch Lace ,c " C1 nn collars 75c and $1.00 Ladies' Back Combs and Bar- - cttcs very latest in Jet ZOC OUC Handkerchiefs. 10C 1 5C 25C 35C 50C Ladies Silk Scarfs 75c Ladies' Elastic Belts with Jet Clasps OUC Sofa Pillows, in several very attractive patterns. jZ I S HES We have a complete line of FANCY DISHES Chocolate Sets Berry Sets Cracker Jars Tea Pot, Creamer, Pie Plates Sugar, Spoon Holder Bread' and butter Cups and Saucers Plates Etc., Etc. Children 'silver Sets. . ..$llmd 2.25 Also an assortment of Silver Spoons. S TIN Dakota City, Nebraska 1909 died, Deo 6 1909.... Mr and Mrs F 8 Berry visitied the first of the Week at the Davis and Fuller homo.... F 8 Berry left for Omaha Wednesday where he is trying a ease in the feder al oourw. ... airs Hurt AlclDtafiur is CDioyinR a visit Irom her Bister Mrs Joe janhlbanm, of Goleridga. . . . John Uogan moved bis household' goods up from Hubbard on Tuesday and will accept a petition in Weinandt's saloon. - CreightcTn Liberal: I just had a abort visit with Geo' Stone, the famous left fielder of the Ht Louis base ball club. Many residents of Creighton will remember Stone, who plyed one or two games with the Coleridge team some twelve or fourteen years ago. Though Stone is paid a salary higher than a congressman, yet as soon as the baseball season is over he returns to Coleridge and assists regularly in the Commercial State Bank . One of the tew men following that profession who ea'es his money he is now fast ap proaching the position where he Can be independent. Mr Stone is a brother in-law of Mrs Geo Francer, or this place, and has made many bo qnaiutanoes during bis visits here. J Ed. Winnebago Chieftain: Henry Nie bnhr returned from Omaha on Friday evetiup .... ur U li Stid worthy was a Winuohago visitor ou Sunday .... M ins Lillie Ream is visiting at the Johu Nunn homo this week .... Frank Buck- waiter was a business caller In Wiune bftgo on Tuesday . . . .Judd Odoll and Unary Skidmore were down from Homer on Tuesday returning in the evening. , . .Miss Nettie Cain was a passenger to Sioux City Friday even ing. She returned to Homer on Satur day, coming home Sunday noon.... Sidney Graves, of Nacora was a Winnebago visitor on Monday. Mr Grayes was here lookiug at land with a view of locating here.... J F Burk has purchased the former residenco of F E Combs, two miles south of Homer, and will move the same to Winnebago to be used as a residence on his proper ty here. Still we can't understand why he should need a larger house for so small a family. I CORRESPONDENCE f FIDDLER CREEK Margaret Smith visited at the L E Priest home last week. Chas S Doilge and wife Were passen gers to the city Thursday. ' Max Nelson and wife visited friends near Dakota City last Monday. Ed Simonson, who has been helping his brother, Paul aud J N Miller husk Season is upon us We want to tell What to buy our friend in " J-i. r Vh Old Reliable f 1 I I 2? I S ON i corn, left for his home, in Lake View Iowa. Joe Maurice came home from Car roll. Nebr, last Thursday, to spend Amas with bis parents. Died, at her home Saturday ewpnine Mrs F A Sawyer. It is very sad news to all her friends and relatives. The Miller brothers, and their sister, Kristir.e, were passengers to the city lust Tuesday. People have been very busy shelling corn on Fiddler creek this week. Mn ler Bros shelled 800 "bushels, and Paul Simonson 10UO bushels. SALEM Mrs Eva Moy. Hazel Moy, and son. Ray, of Sioux City, visited over Sun day at the Cornell home. ' , Ray Hock oame home from Dee Moines, Iowa, last week, where he is attending a business college, and will spend the holidays at home. The farmers are stioking at it in ati endeavor to get their corn out. Some, however, are going to wait until spring as they think there is too much under the snow that will be lost if husked now. W J Jones nd family, who resided on the AI G Learner farm the past year, departed for Blair, Wis, whore they will make their future home, n Wesley Brown is down from Her rick, S D, visiting relatives and friends and looking after hia property inter ests here. Cassie Booth, OraandKate Rigby left Mouday for Elkhart, Ind, to re side. They have relatives living there Miss Ida Anderson and Mrs Emma Loving are spending the holidays a the home of their sister, Mrs M G Lea mer. Xnias exercises were given at the Brushy Bend school house ou Tburs day evening and at the German Luth eran church on Friday evening. iarl i-ridorick and wile have ao ccpted a position with Col M G Learn er, and Will occupy the house vacatet by W I Jones and family the first the year. of ArehieJoyce came down from Or churl, Neb, to spend Christmas at home and to be near his mother who was operated on for a tumor. W J Hunt came down from North Dakota to spend the balance of th winter visiting his sister, Mrs Fre Little, iu Sioux City. HOMER. Mrs Hans Anderjon is ou tho fie list. Chas Jordan's children have the whooping cough. Walter Smith, Homer's up to date harness maker, drove to Ilubbard Sun day and from there by train to Emer and where to buy are all Dakota Lotinty tnat we ire Sioux City, Iowa son, where he also runs a harness operated by his brother, Glenn. shop Two of Wra O'Dell'a children are on the rick list. lUlnii and Howard Bancroft time home Sunday. II A Monroe and family were guests at the Mart Mansfield home in Winne bago Sunday. Mrs Rue Alremns visited Pa and Ma Allaway Sunday between trains. Grover Davis came home Sunday to spend the holidays. Cora Midkiff returned Friday from York, Neb, where she has been attend ing business college, to spend the holi days. The Midkiff and Learner families drove to Sionx City Monday Mrs John Rockwell came Tuesday to visit her sister, Mrs .Bud McKinley. Phil Van Cleave and Jasper O'Dell, went to Oklahoma Wednesday, to visit relatives during the holidays. Newt Crippen went to Cherokee, lo, Wednesday to visit relatives Mrs Off Harris and baby, Mrs Nel son omitn ana son, itaymona, are coinc to Cherokee. Iowa, Sunday to visit relatives. Ira Aldrich and family are visiting relatives around Homer this week. The wedding bells will ring Friday night, listen for them. Mrs Chas Rockwell and Mrs Art Bliven visited relatives here from Sun day till Wednesday. Tom Jordan, an erstwhile resident of Blyburg, was in Homer this week. Chas Bristol bought the Bancroft residence property. Consideration $800. How about values in Homer being on the increase? Silvia Rockwell went to Sioux City Tuesday to visit her brother till Bun day. Thomas Murphy, of S D, dropped in on the folks Tuesday, to spend the holidays. Tom Ashford and wife went to Sioux Citv Tuesday to meet their daughters, Mary and Margaret, who returned from school to spend the holi days. Lnla Hirsch returned from Sioux FallH, Weduesday, where she was at tending school. , Nell Combs returned fjom Lincoln Wednesday. Irve Rockwell and family came over from Sioux City Satnrday to visit at the1 John Church home. Bessie Church accompanied them back to re' main till Wedneday. Jud O'Dell, village marshal, left Wednesday on a vacation o( several weeks, for Nowuter, Okla, to visit his mother, whom he had not seen' for 20 years, and to visit relatives in Perry nd Coffeeville. Jud expects to have the time of his life and is just the boy to have it. J C Larsen has been worn in as special or depnty marshal during Jnd's absence. Grace Lake, who teaches in the Holsworth district had a runaway some where between between her place and the school house. Grace, the bnggy, and the horso, were flying at such a rate that Jane said, Off said, that Grace, said that it was most like being in a living machine. Grace landed at home, the buggy iu various places, and the horse ou the reservation. Two obildren of John Mouery, who live on the creek bank are seriously ill. The mother is worn and tired with the constant care of them for the past few weeks and as the family is in destitute oircurustances, the good people of Homer ure doing what they can to relieve their immediate wants. The evangelist very kindly went to see them aud ascertain their needs then took up a collection iu church which was used for provisions and medicine. The husband says he will work at what ho can get, so it you have a job to give, him, now is your chance to kill two birds with one stone get your work done and helo the needy. The justice of the peace has written to the county attorney on the subject of relief for these people but got no an swer. Now it euems to be up to some body to see that the sick are taken care of aud the man put to work. HUBBARD. Those from bore who were in the city Thursday to see Santa Claus were Mr and Mrs Chas Dodge, Wm Dodge, Christ Ericksen and daughter, Mrs Sharp, Mrs Jordan, Ed Morris, wife aud Tiaughter, Max Nelson and sou, and Mike Furrel. John C Smith was in Dakota City and Sioux City last I riday. Mrs Johu Green was lu the city Thursday. An elcgaut stock of candies,, nuts, eto, for tlio holidays at Carl Ander son's. Annie Anderson returned Saturday evening from her stay at Morningside. To iu Graham and M C Orein were up to sue Santa Claus last Friday. The infant child of Emil Andersen and wife hus been quite sick tho past week. Hermon Benze and son, Frederick, visited in Omaha from Friday until Monday. Christmas is almost here, and if you have not made all your selections yet you should drop in to Carl Anderson's store, where you can find anything you want iu the line of useful for Xmas gifts. Delia Timlin spent over Suuday at her home here. Prof Jenulngs drove over to Jackson Saturday. Our tcachtre will all spend the holi days at their homes Miss Hogun at Jackson, Miss Mulady at Moruiugside. Miss Timlin in Ilubbard, Prof Jen nings at O'Neill. See our display of china, glarsware, etc, all appropriate for Christmas gifts, and cheap too. Carl Anderson, Miss Bridgie Uasse visited in the city last week a few days,.. She was au over night visitor at the Geo Tim lin home Sunday. Some of the Geo Eble children had severe attacks of croup lately. John Harty was a Sioux City shop per Monday. Mrs Campbell nd little aon were up to see Santa Claus Tuesday. Herman Nelson's sale is dated for January 7. ' Taul Sharp is Buffering severe pain - tassaEBxacman Awful Christmas is here Choose yaur Present OAK and MAHOGANY ROCKERS. CHAIRS. , MORRIS CHAIRS. .LEATHER ROCKERS. ROMAN SEATS. FOOT STOOLS. MAGAZINE RACKS. PLATE RACKS. IIOOSIER KITCHEN CABINETS. It will pay you to visit our city and make your purchases from US. Freight prepaid G06-G08 Fourth Street. S!oix City, Iowa. aOC from a bruize on hi l shoulder, caused by a fall. He has been making regu lar trips to the doctor in the city for the past week. Mr and Mrs G F. Smith ate dinner Sunday at the B K Dyer home. - Joe Ebel has been out painting at the Nels Andersen place the past few dayo. John Mitchell his been enjoying a visit from a cousin from Omaha. Mrs Mary Rnnze visited from Tues day until Wednesday of last week at the Mrs Thornton home in Sioux City . A rug from our Holiday Assortment will make a useful, as well as beauti ful Christmas present. IjMwards & Bradford Lumber Co. Frederick Benze will leave for Oma ha after the holidays where he expects to take up a business course. Annie Anderson is suffering from a severe case of tonsilitis. Al Chaillie shelled several hundred bushels of pew corn last week. Carl Fredbiiokson was down to the city Monday, on a shopping expedi tion. Monday evening while Nels Ander son was drving home he got out to fix something about the wagon wheu the team started np and one wheel passed over him, breaking hia shoulder blade. Chas Dodge and wife and Hans Nel son and wife left Fri jay for Cherokee Iowa, to spend Christmas. JACKSON. Metry Xmas nd Happy New Year to you all. James L Barry arrived hosne from tho'Blees Military academy, at Macon, Mo, Saturday evening to spend the holiday vacation. E J Mnllally aud wife hive gone to St Louis, to spend the holidays with their children. uorn, 10 i ai union ana wile Uec 15, a son. Mrs M Quinn departed Wednesday for Lairbury, Nebr, 10 visit her daugh terttV Mollale. Mary McMahon, who spent the past threo months in home of her aunt, lira Jane Lilly, left Tuesday for her home at New Brunswick, New Jersey. Edward T Kearney and daughter, Editlia will spend Christmas with friends in Omaha. John Pvichter and family moved Monday to the Mrs Maloney farm, Mrs Maloncy and children are now at home at 421, 8tli street, Sioux City, Hose Gill is spending the eek with her sitter, Mrs Geo Mougar. near Pon oa, Nebr. Mrs Chas H Buck arrived here Fri day evening to visit her brother, Sam Brannaman. The 11th grade pupils took examin ations Friday aud Saturday. Chet Smith was called to Pen der, Nebr, Friday by the illness of his brother William, who is laid np with a case of blood poisoning in his leg from a rusty nail , The schools closed here Wednesday lor ttie holiday vacation, a nice pro gram was rendered in the academy by the pupils. School will reopen again Jan 3 Mrs Chester arrived here from Oma ha Monday for a few weeks visit wih 'her parents, D O'ilanlon and wifo. Minnie Keefe's school closed Friday for the Christmas vacation with an en tertainment. A nice program was given by the pupils. MargarAt Waters, who is a student at the university at Madison, Wis, is exnected home the laet of the week. Madeline Mc Mullen of Waterbury, is visitiug Helen Riley. A very sad and distressing accident happenod to F Morgan, manager for the Edwards & Bradford Lumber Co last Thursday, When cutting a piece of wire it flew back striking him in the b.ill of the eye injuriug the eye severe ly. Drs llocst and Leahy were called and kept him under an auesthetia until Friday when he was taken to St Vin cent's hospital where he is receiving medical attention with hopes of saving the eye. At present hoisiloiug nicely, but they cannot tell yet whether he will have to undergo an operation to have the eye removed or not. Michael Q iiun, a student at Creigh ton college, Omaha, arrived home for vacation Monday. A graud holiday dance will be given in Kiley's hall Tuesday evening, Deo 28th . NACORA. Jim Smith of Hubbard, spent Sun diy with friends were. MrsL Simmons, Clem and Eattie Simmons were Sioux City visitors Wednesday Will, John, and Anna Fey, were city pnssengers Tuesday. Johu Rhode was an Emerson visitor Wednesday. Rapidity! again and we must buy Presents and be satisfied, from MUSIC CABINETS -LADIES' DESKS. CENTER TABLES. BOOK CASES. CARPET SWEEPERS . RUGS. PICTURES. PARLOR ( SUITES. BRASS BEDS. When You See these cold days it means that he is happy because f his home is well heated with a Garland Base Burner We have a few be happy, too. left. Edwards& Bradford Lbr. Go. Hubbard Winter. IQ)a,y i2 Will soon be here. Be prepared with a nice warm Lap Kobe. We have a good assortment in various designs of pleasing colors ranging in pricfe Y as follows: $2.80 - ,$4.20- $5.30, all of Good Heavy Plush, fast colors, and very durable, j Come early and get the best selections. We will sell all last year's patterns of Plush J ana wool Lap Koierf at Sturcs Bros, f !l JEM' Yal Scliindler shipped a car of hogs to Sioux City Wednesday. Aug Voss and John Denker, shipped five car load of cattlo to South Omaha, Thursday. Mae and Jim Ileeney were Sioux f City passengers luesday MrsGus Lester Was a City passenger Sunday. Official Proceeding- of the Board of County Commissioners. Tlie board of county commissioners met pursuant to adjournment. Present John Slerk, chairman; KJ. V. Morgan, J. II. Honderson and W. U. Kohs, clerk. The following bonds were approved by the board: T D Curtis, justice of the peace, Omadi precinct; John D Welker, justice of the peace, Omadi precinct; George N Georgensen, road overseer, district No 6; Dallas G Ev ans, county treasurer. Clerk ordered to write warrants as follows ; Oeorue H Hayes, poll tax refunded on roud district No 1(1 t 2 Wl Win Krumwlede, on road dlst No 19.. i ou The following claims were allowed on the ;ounty general fund: Nebraska Telephone (Jo, phone rent to April IMt) -i to National Otllee Supply t), Hitppllcx.. -J7 15 Klopp & Hartlett Do, supplies 12 2, Win Hiei'uiiinu, salary iiMhi J H ltuekwelK- salary XI M Mary V Quinn, ciliary 215 fin IVrkins liros Co, supplies 2 2 Hurt Kroesen, supplies n 50 U H Maxwell, medical services ren dered Jd 01 K Ji H I.brt'o, mdse 79 71! WJ Maiinliof, postiiue.enveUipes.etc 62 CS Claims allowed on the county roud fund: Dennis Quinn, road work ;W 60 K W lilerniaiiu, Imlancc due ou road work 40 ! Hi inith, road work 711 .1 W Koltou, same 4 oil Kcllx Cliappell, ,-aiiie 7 ( IIiiiih Honnlckson, same 12 25 Nlss Andersen, siiinu 7 511 Claims allowed 011 tho road district fumi: I.uke Q11I1111, road work, dlst. is ,"!() Thomas Union, same, ' IS 27 tl Martin noun, same is :l 511 fat (Oil, same, ' 7 aoiKI V 111 I.eatncr, same, ' ' 5 IS 75 Thos HimIkIus, same, Is ou l.eo K Rockwell, same ' (1 1)511 II Hrow u, same, ' lu 7 on Henry Fow ler, same ' IS 10 50 J (J Sinltli, same, " ID 22 5'i ltesiguation of J II Bonderson, com missiorer of the third district, to take effect on and after Deoember Id, 1K0D, accepted by the board. Board adjourned siue die. - W. I.. ItOSS. Clerk. First publication Dec 10 ws Order of Hearing and Notice on Petition for Settlement of Account. In the County Court of Dakota County , Nebraska. State of Nebraska, Dakota county, ss. To Marie lleiinlte lloliinder, Francois Jrambt, I'lerre llenolte tire.ainl. 1'ierre l.eon (iieaud, Jeanne Marie Mud. line (ire zaud, Kcuoitc Marie Ameiie Jeanne (,re 11111I. Maiie Clamliiio I. uc, Jeanne Marie Louise (iauiline Marguerite (.ri uu.l. Morel Frani'olse lireHint, ( lull II 11 Jennilet, and nil other persons Interested in tho estate of John K. Ai teaux, deceased: on rending the petition or w 111. r, War ner, praying a II1111I settlement and allow aticetif his account tiled In this court on the 7th day of Deci inls r, lim, and for his dis charge us ml mi ills 1 rator. It is hereby ordered that you and all per sona Interested lu said matter may, and do, appear at the county court to Is- held lu ami for said county, 011 t he illst day of lsi- 1 ilior. A.' D. lull, at lo o'clock A. M.. to show cause. Ifuny there Is', w hy tho prayer of the petitioner should not In' granted, aiul that notice of the pendency of said petition ami the hearing thereof In' given to all per sons Interested In said mutter by publish ing a copy of this order In tho I inkotii Coun ty Herald, a weekly newspaper printed iu mid county, for four successive weeks prior tu attld day of healing. 1). C. Ktinsok. Isial County Judge. the following list: I a Man Smile Better get one now and Nebraska one-lourtli oil tlio price t Street Iowa. First publication Dec lO-i-ws Order of Hearing and Notice on Petition for Settlement of Account. In the county court of Dakota county Nebraska. htate of Nebraska, Dakota county: ss. To Chas. Vurs, Dora Yuih, John V. Yurs. Mary I,. K0I111. Mnnliln 1. Vm,-., w'.o.i u- I Yurs, Kmmii M.Gehl. Mliinln livm-i r...,i f Yurs, and Win. O. Y urs, mill nil persons . - . ... inw.LU VJl . 1UIH. III!' ceased : on rending the petition of Wm. P. War ner, prayliiK Muni settlement and allow ance of his account tiled lu this court on the 7th (lay of Hccenilier, llni, and for his dis charge as administrator. It is lie re by ordered thnt you, and nil per sons interested in said matter, may, and do, appear at the county court to be held in and tor said county, on the :11st day of Dree 111 1st. A.D., How, at 10 o'clock n.m., to show cause, If ni)y there lie, why the prayer of tho peti tioner should not lie granted, nnd that no tice of tho pendency of said petition nnd that the bearing thereof Ixt given to all per sons interested In said matter by publishing a copy of this Order In the Dakota County Herald, a weekly newspaper printed in said county, for four successive weeks prior to said day of hearing. r . D. Ct. Ktinson, tSRALJ County Judge. First publication Deo 10 4ws Order of Hearing and Notice on Petition for Settlement of Account In the county court of Dakota county. Nebraska. State of Nebraska, Dakota county, ss. I'oOlaf K. Hartman, and unknown heirs and all persons interested in tho estate of ( has. (i. Hartman, deceased : on reading the petition of Win. P. War ner praying a II mil settlement and allow aiice ol bis account died lu this court 011 the th day or DecemlHT, Hon, and for his dis charge us administrator. It Is hereby ordered that you, and all per sons Interested In said matter, may, and do, appear at the county court to be held in and for said county, on llielilst day of December, A. D. amy, at loo'clock a. 111., to show cause. If any there lie, why the prayer of the pe tloner should not lie granted, and that notice of the pendency of said petition nnd thut th(hcarlng thereof Is. given to all persons interested in said matter by publishing a " :''Py ' Hi!" Order in tlio Dakota County Herald, a weekly newspaper printed in said county, for four successive weeks prior to viiij 01 ueiiuiig. r , D. ('. Ktinson, IKKALJ County Judge. First Publication Deo JI 4w Order of Hearing and Notice on Petition for Settlement of Account. In the county court of Dakota county, Ne braska. Sato of Nebraska, Dakota County ss To Cora I,. O'Connor Shockley, Catherine Amanda O Connor, and Alice (irace o'Con nor, and all persons Interested in the esttti e of c. J . ( 1 Connor, J r., deceased : on reading the petition of C. J. O'Connor praying a liuul settlement and ullowanceof his account tiled In this court 011 the 1st day of Deceinls r, Hum, anil fur his discharge as administrator. ' It is hereby ordered that you, nnd all persons interested in said matter, may, and tin, appear jit the county court to lie held lu and for said county, on the Hist day of Dc-i-emlier, A. D. lu o'clock it. ui., to show cause. If any there Isi, why the prayer of the petitioner should not m granted, and that notice of the pendency of said petition and that the hearing thereof l. given to all persons Interested In said matter by pub lishing cony of this older In 11,.. l,i...... County Herald, a weekly newspaper print ed in said county, for four successive weeks prior to said day of hearing. r , D. C. Stinsos, lHKA,-J County Juilue. I 1 SHIP TOUR &m HIDES FIRS etc. Kstublinhed lwi7 D.BERGMAN&GO. ST. PAUL. MI!NIN. Tal direct with the larrestitnd oldest houte lo the West, llighuat price mid iaiiinsimie cu return.. Write for jirice li.t, ug. aud full iufuriuaUua,