Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, December 10, 1909, Image 4

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    Dakota County Herald
Official Paper of the County
Bubacription Trice. $1,110 Per Year.
A weekly newspaper published at
Dakota City, Nebraska.
Permission Iihr been jjrantpil for the
trannmisRinn of this paper through the
mfeiie as Becond-cl(u matter.
Telephone No. 43.
ed to wed by Jndge D C Stiaaon.
when akeri whether or not the r. port
wan true Judge Htinaon refused to
admit or deny, explaining liU reticence
with some remark about not wishing
to break faith. Forrentur refused to
Rive out any information. Inquiry at
the Farmers' L an and Trut compo
ofTmes brought out tlffi fact that Mins
AgDCs' rf-Hignnlion, rffectiye Deo 1 waa
tendered November 1.
uems ot i merest
from our Exchanges
Newcastle Times: Minn Katie Run
aell visited part of the week with her
ant at Dakota City.
East Silver Creek items in Ponca
Leader: Mr James Sutheland from
Jackoon ate Thanksgiving dinner with
home folks.
Pender Times: John 8everson was
down from Sionx City, ye3terduy ....
Miss EHther Larson is vinitinR at Sioux
City with her sister, Mrs Mell Nie
buhr. nomick items in Sloan, Iowa, Star:
Edward O Sherrard and wife upent
Thanksgiving with the latter's parents
in South Sioux City, Nebr.. . .Byron
Dorn of South Sioux City, Nebr, vis
ited Friday and Saturday with bis sis
ter. Mrs E 0 Sherrard.
Sloan, Iowa, Star: Mr and Mrs
Aaron Olson returned last week from
a visit with their daughter, Mrs Hub
ert McFarland, at Hubbard Neb, and
other relatives in that vicinity. They
state that the farmers in that commu
nity have enjoyed good crops this year
bnt have been delayed in corn picking
by the prevailing inclement weather
the past few weeks:
Pender Republic: J II Smith was
here from Hubbard over Sunday with
bis family.... J B Walden left this
morning for Los Angeles, to see hia
wife who is reported to be in very poor
health. Frank Oreenough will look
after his real estate business during
his absence,. Mr Walden has recently
bought out WE Stndnicka'a interests
in the firm of Walden and Stndnicka.
The latter will go on the road for an
insurance Co.
Ponca Journal: El Darker was at
Jackmn Monday ....Harry Cltrk wax
at Jacks' n yehterday . . . .John V Pear
son was at Dakota City Saturday....
Marie Rogosoh returned to Jackioti
where she teaches school .... M rs Jas
King returned to her ho ne at Homer
Saturday noon after spending Thanks
giving at tli J It Pomeroy home....
Little Miss Jessie Bit ton bunder enter
tained a number of her small friends
at her home last Friday evening . Lit
tle Mamiw King of Homer was one of
the out of town guests. Mrs Hitten
bender assisted by two masqueraders
amused the little folks until the hour
of bed time when each guest was start
ed on her way borne. The evening
was enjoyed immensely . ...At the
home of the bride, on Tuesday evening
at 6 o'clock, Warren L McCool was
married to Clara A Wilbur. The
brido is the youngest daughter of Mr
and Mrs John A Wilbur, was born in
this conuty, has lived- her whole life
here, and is known as being one of
Dixon county's mott popular yonng
ladies She was dressed in pale blue
messaline, heavily brocaded iu back
and front and finished with pale chiffon
garniture of the name, and made a
handsome bride. Warren L McCool
is the youuger son of Rev Wm C Mo
Go l,'who was formerly the beloved
paster of the Lutheran church in Pon
ca for many years. He was dressed in
conventional black, and made aro less
handsome groom; as to the strains of
Lohengrins wedding march, rendered
by Miss Anna Rahn, the young couple
marched to the bridal altar in the spa
cious Wilbur parlor where they were
united in holy marriage by the Rev
George Bray, the vows being audibly
given and the ring service being used.
Osmond Republican : B S Leedom
and wife returned from Elgin on Mon
day, having enjoyed a visit with friends
oi the long ago. We in company with
Rev Wigton and wife formerly of this
place, were entertained at a 7 o'clock
dinner at the country home of Recent
Geo II Copeland and wife, of the state
university, wnnre a pleasant eveDing
was spent in recounting incidents of
pioneer days h Madison, Antelope
and Wheeler counties.
Winnebago Chieftain: Will Odell
of Ilomer was a caller in Winnebugo
on Monday ... .Mrs T 0 Bristol, of
Homer, was a Winnebago visitor on
Thursday.... Dr D R titidworthy of
of Homer was a business caller in Win
nebigo on Monday.... Will Ream
came in on the the evening passorjger
on Wednesday to visit old friends iu
and around Winnebago .... Miss Veila
Shore, of Homer, was a passenger to
Winnebago Thnasday. She will work
at the P O McFarland home.
Emerson Enterprise: Joe Harris is
in Ponca this week serving on the jury
....Prof Carl Sohriever installed
fine Merrill piano in the Ernest Enke
home last week. . . .Mm It B Hatcher
visited in Crofton the first of the week.
Mr Hatcher is brakeing on the branch.
....Wm Niomeyer, the Dakota City
painter is adding the finishing touches
to the Farmers State Bank oflico.
The banking room has been torn np
for the past three months bnt when
the painter takes hii leave they will
they will have oue the nicest banking
houses of any bank of its size.
Ponca Leader: Time is drawing
near when the contract for couuty
bridge work will be let. Dakota coun
ty makes a big urotlt every year by
doing their own bridge contracting.
They do not let contracts to big bridge
concerns and let them do the work at
an enormous profit. Has not Dixon
oatinty as competent men as our neigh
boring county? Iuvariably our bridge
bills are cut when Dixon and Dakota
counties oonstruet a county bridge to
gether. Don't you think this i a mat
ter Dixon county commissioners
ought to consider when they let the
bridge contract for tho year 1910. If
Dakota county can construct their own
bridges J cheaper, why can't Dixon
Sioux City News, Deo 4th: Miss
Maud Agnes, a pretty stenogragrapher
employed by the farmers, Loan and
Trust company since last April, and
Julias Forrester, have married and
gone to housekeeping at C17 Main st,
according ta a statement made this
morning by Mrs J M Agnes, mother of
tho girl. Forrester denied that the
marriuge bad taken place, but said
that they will be married. The
report is that the pair hied themselves
to Dakota Citr and there were licens-
Sioux City News, 2nd: When did
Henry Bodenbf nder, of Dakota City,
Nebr, become Count Heinrich Boden
bender, of Bavaria, Germany? That Is
what is puzzling friends in Dakota
county, where ho was born and grew
np from boyhood, and that is what
probably will puzzle fiiends in Sioux
City whe went to school with him at
the Sioux City Business college and
who were associated with him when he
was a clerk in the Great Northern
freight office here. The startling news
comes in a clipping from the Wichita,
Kaa, Beacon a "Slug head" story
under the caption, "German Count a
Clerk Here". It in told how for seven
months a well dressed young man has
been making his way to the general
oflicos o the Missouri Pacific railroad
and there doing routine work as pri
va.e Seoretury ta A II- Webb, division
superintendent at Wichita, whereas
all the while he "belongs. to one of the
oldest families in the kingdom of Ba
varia, and is heir to one of the richest
estates in southern Germany." Friends
of young Bodenbeuder up here think
some of his aeociates have been plating
a joke on both him and the newspaper,
Certainly the newspaper does not give
any evidence of treating the matter us
a joke. The article tells how the
"count arrived at Wichita last spring
and how up to the time of the UiboIoh
nre in its columns but three men about
the station learned his real identity
Even the superintendent did uot know
his clerical work was being doue by "a
real count." It is explained that "the
count" has been in the U. S. several
years studying social economy and
American business methods. That
the count" is not hunting an American
heiress is assured by the article. It
says: "Iu fact, he is unusually niodcjU
when ladies are about. But in spite
of this he is a great admirer ot Ameri
can women. Neither is he seeking no
toriety. At his work he is industrious :
in his private life he loves good books
and quiet. He goes out but little from
his boarding place. There is no trace
of accent iu his spoech. Ho converses
Uuently in five languages besides Ger
man and Eoglish," Henry Boden
benders mother and Miss Ida Boden
bender, his sister, live at Dakota City
their native land. Mr Uflling will go
to Holland and the three former to
Denmark. They will return in the
Mrs A Larson is again slightly on
the mend after her recoDt relapse.
Ed Green was a city caller Monday.
Grandma Rooney is again as well as
usual, after her late illness.
Mary O'Connor left for her homo in
Atlautic, Iowa, Sunday evening. She
expects to be gone about two weeks.
Chas Dodge is tusseliug with an at
tack of the grip.
Among those who will have publio
sales before New Years are Mrs Molo
ney, Andrew Pederseu and Herman
A good many farmers around Hub
bard are left with a pile of corn in the
field yet to be husked.
Examination for rural carriers on
route 2, will be held in Dakota City
Saturday Deo 11.
Anna Anderson shopped in the city
the latter part of last week.
We are pleased to annonnce that
Mrs Sawyers is slightly on the mend.
Mr and Mrs Nelson, Mr and Mrs
Chas Dodge and Wm Dodge expect to
spend Christmas in Cherokee, Io.
J N Miller enjoyed a visit last week
from his brother, of Lake View, Io.
i,il jjong will remain Iiome over
Christmas, after which he will return
to attend school again at Spanlding,
Nellie Heeney was down from Naco-
ra last week seeing friends and rela
Mary Timlin was in the city Satur
day. Mrs James Hogan was a city shop
per last week.
Joe Smith spent a few days visiting
friends at Nacora the past week.
Mrs Walters returned to her home
in Wisconsin last Thursday, after sev
eral days visit here with friends and
Mike Timlin is the new employe in
the Edward's and Bradford lumber
Mrs Joe Leedom was somewhat
uuder the weather last week, caused
from a bad cold.
First Publication Dee a 4w
Order of Hearing and Notice on Petition
for Settlement of Account.
In the county court of Iinkota county. No
lrHUn. Hnteof Nrhrn1ra. Dnkotn County ...
I n Corn li. U'donniir .Shock ry. Catherine
Atiinnrin O'Connor, iinil A lice Uriv-e 'Con-
nor. iiml fill ikthiiii. lute rexleil In t lie estate
of C. J . '( 'minor, ,1 r., ilecoaed :
in reiKlliiK the nt'tltlnn of C. J. O Connor
prnylnti n Mnnl set tleiuenl mid allowance of
bl account filed In till court on the l.t ilny
of lii'ccinlier, I mn, and for li 1m discharge as
It Is hereliv ordered Hint you. mid nil
persons Interested In snhl matter, tnny, nnd
do, appear nt tin-county court to lie held In
and for said county, on the Hlxt day of He
ce in 1st, A. li. Itniu, nt 10 o'clock a. in., to show
cause. If any there lie, why the prayer of
the petitioner should not lc granted, mm
that notice of t.lu rwndmicr of said Petition
and that the hearlnx thereof lie (riven to all
persons Interchted In said tinnier iiy puie
llshlnit a copy of this order In the Iinkota
'ounty Herald, a weekly newspaper prlnt-
I In said county, for four successive weeks
prior to said day of lienrlna.
srai, County Judfc-o.
Mrs Thos Casey and little son, of
Cleveland, Ohio, arrived here last
week, nailed by the illness of her moth
er, Mrs Catharine Reilly. She found
her mother much improved.
The M W A will hold their regular
meeting in thoir hall Satuiday even
ing, Deo 11, to elect officers and also
initiate three new members.
A It Thompson has gone to Milford,
Nebr, to spend the winter.
Margaret Quinn returned to her
school work at Homer Monday after a
weeks absence with throat trouble.
Wednesday being the feast of the
Immaoulate Conception, was a holy
day of obligation in the Catholic
church. Masses were - celebrated at
8:30 and 10:30 a m.
lire li D u carrier is experiencing
lota of grief these days trying to serve
his patrons. lire roads iu
pluces being so drifted and in almost
an impassable oondition.
Mrs Frank Dayey of Sioux City is
vesiting her sister Mrs LllaMaloney
Ella McUenry, of Plainview, Nebr,
is a guests this week io the C II Good
fellow home.
Ed T Kearney,caahier of the "Bank
That Always Treats you Right re
turned Monday from an over Sundae
visit with relatives at St Cloud, Minn
W E Schuyler spent over Sunday
with friends in Sioux City.
Mrs Bollo Scollard returned Sutur
lav from a week's visit with lelu
tives in Poaca, Nebr.
Joo Bryan who had his finger severe
ly injured some weeks ago isn't getting
well as he should. Drs Leahy and
Roost lanced it Tuesday and scraped
the bone.
Loo Hnilger and wife, of Lancaster
Wis, arrived here Wodnesday and are
guests in the J A Hall home. Mr
lloilger is a nephew ot Mr Hall. Mr
aud Mrs Ileiliger aro on their honey
The wrestlers were practicing Tues
day evening.
E Nordyke has sold out bis saloon
interests here. Mr Nordyke was here
Tuesday for the purpose of invoicing
The buyer in a Mr Yongu, a former
Ponca saloou keeper.
Tho rural mail carriers were some
what snowbound the first of the week.
Carpenters uro busy finishing np
the inside work on the Joe Hagsn i
Geo Eblo was out on the Chris
Smith place lust week hustling up
work on tho new barn, which .Chris
is having built on his farm.
Grandma Duggan has been very
poorly of late.
"Vigo Anderson, Chris MaJbon,
Jacob Jacobson and Frank Ufling all
left Tuesday morning for a visit to
E Flecher and family spout Sunday
with friends at Bancroft.
Asuins Swartz, was a passonger to
hraerson Tuesday.
Chas O'Connor has been quite sick
the past week .
Iltio neeney arrived home last
Thursday ufter several month's stay
with relatives at Minneapolis Minn
She was accompanied homo by Mary
Myers, of Dallas, Texas,
Roy Varvia departed for Sioux City
Monday morning, where he has
accepted a position with one of the
leading orchestra's. We all joiu in
wishiug him success.
Dr Evans, of Emerson, 'vas here on
business Tuesday afternoon.
Mary IIolL left Tuesday morning
for her home in Clinton, Iowa. She
was accompanied home by her sister
Mrs Nick Simmons.
Myron Skinner and J Beck were
Emerson Passongors Tuosday.
lhe lleruld lor JNews whon it is
Follow, the Crowds
and Be Convinced
Of the Farmers Elevator Company of
Hubbbrd, Nebraska.
We, Thos. Tonir, John Howard, Fred Bnr-
tels, I'nrl Anderson, M. Orccn, IxhiIm Ktiuil
sen, and Ham Knox, do hereby BtiorlHte
ourselves together for the purpose of form
ing a eorporntlon under the Ijiwh or the
xttite of NeliriiHka, relating to corporal Ions
formed for tho trnnMiellon of business here-In-nfler
descrllied :
Artlele I.
The name of thin eoruoratlon shall tie the
Farmers Klevator (Joinpiiny of Hubbard,
Artlele II.
The nrlnelnnl nhiee of business of the cor
poration shall Is- nt the Village of Hubbard,
In the county of luikuta and (Slate of Ne
Artlele III.
The oldeet and tinrmwe for which this
corporation Is formed shall lie to buy and
sell Krnln. live stock, coal nnd other com-
miHlltlesn may hereafter Is- decided upon
by said corporation: also the purchase or
rection nun imiiuienance or sucn nun iiiiks
and structures as may lie deemed neces
sary, nnd the purchase of the real estate
necessary lor the com ucllntt or tne busi
ness of said eorporntlon.
Artie e IV.
The amount of caollal authorized by t lie
corporation shall lie Twenty Thousand Iol-
lars (l-n.ooo.m), which shall lie divided into
two thousand shares, each at t lie par value
fir Ten I'oiuirs, and non-nssessanie. jnree
housand Hollar of said capital shall is1
fully paid up and certificates of stock Is
sued thereto, before this corporation shall
Ih kIii business; but no one member shall at
any one time own more than ten such
Artie e V.
The blithest amount of Indebtedness to
which this corporation shall at any time
subject Itself shall not exceed two-thirds of
the paid up capital stock
Article VI.
This eorporntlon shall Is'uln business on
the lilt li day of Novemlier, lnu. nnd shall
terminate on the l:lth day of Novemlier,
lirjn, unless sooner discontinued by nt least
the lciral number of the corporation.
Article VII.
The business of snld corporation shall be
onductcd by alionrd of seven directors, to
lie elected by the stock holders at the an
nual ineetliiif.
Article VIII.
The otllcers of the corporation shall be n
President. Vice-President. Secretary and
Treasurer, who shall ls elected by the
Isiard of directors from their own numlier
Immediately lifter the annual meeting of
the stockholders of the corporation.
Article IX.
Kach stockholder present nt any meetlnct
of this eorporntlon shall le entitled to one
vote at sucn meetlnK, nnd it snail require
not less thnn llfteen meinls'rs of this corpo
ration to be present nt any nieetinn to con
stitute quorum for the transaction of
business, but a less numlier may adjourn
any meeting from time to time.
Article X.
The manner of holding tho meeting of
stockholdurs (or the election of directors
and the method of conducting the business
of tlie corporation shall tie provided for In
the by-laws adopted by this corporation nt
the annual meeting, or at any special meet
ing called for that purpose.
Article XI.
Tlieso articles of Incorporation may be
hanged or amended at any annual or spe
I'll meeting by n majority of the votes of
III! the meiiilM-rs present.
In witness whereof, we have hereunto set
our hands this l:ith day of November, liiutt.
TllOH. liONO,
t'ABI, Anoebson,
M. tiiif.es,
John Howard,
Ham Knox,
Kkkh Hakiklh.
First Publication Dec 2wks
Administratrix Sale
The undersigned will sell lit Public A ne
Hon under the order of the county court of
liakota county, eiinissa, nil or me person
al Properly left by the late MlchaJl J, Mn-
loney, as a part of his estate, together with
the increase of said property.
Iinld sale will take place on the farm of
the late M iebat l J. Mnloney. '." i miles north
east of Hulilmrd, Neb., iimlS.'s miles south
west of Jackson, Neb., on
Tutsday, Dgoimbar 14, 1909,
when the following described property w 111
bo olTercd for Mile :
1:10 head high grade HMrefords, and one
thoroughbred Hull, I ilspiitatlon, No. irtii
will Is- Included In t his sale.
27 grade Hereford cows from four to 7
years old.
HI grade Hereford heifers :! years old.
17 grade Hereford heifers 2 years old.
12 grade Hereford steers iyears old.
grade ll-year-ohl steers anil heifers mix
ed in Iced lot.
:iO head grade Hereford calves, (Jood lines
H head milch cows, 4 to H years old. 1 hese
cattle are all young and useful, the older
ones have all Is en culled -.out aud sent to
marki t every season. N
line span black mares, matched, full sis
ters, 7 and X years old, weight iKtun lbs. H.-st
pair matched draft mares In Dakotacouuty.
line span nay nurses o nmi n years old. lull
brothers, and inati-hed, weight MUNI lbs.
Ine black mare 1 years old, weight l:u) lbs,
line gray horse years old, weight lfii lbs.
One bay mare 1 1 years old, weight Hui lbs.
I Ine bay horse 15 years old, weight 14(NI lbs.
Hue bay mare : years old, weight Hl lbs.
One bay mare ce.lt 2 years old. very choice,
weigui n"i ins.
One spun liny colts 2 years old, wt. HM II
t ine yearling colt, a goisl one.
i Ine Kiicklng colt.
One bay pony male, n good saildler.
One bay cattle pony.
' Hons
02 head of lions nnd shouts. Including a
minlier or very choice lteglsler.il liuroc
Jersey bred sows, and one thoroughlircd
lniroc Jersey stock hog, Keglstered.
One Heering self binder.
oi,e Heeling mower, new this seawin.
One MctUirtiitck mower.
One lieere sulky hay rake, lllft., self dump.
One I 'nln liny stacker.
Two Until hay sulky sweeps,
thiol 1-foot Urown seeder.
One Moline i.retchen corn planter, with
chock wire, new tins year.
One Moline l.lsler.
One Moline lil-lnch sulky plow.
I Hie Urn nil Dot mi r walk I ng plow.
One Avery walking cultivator.
One Kaclne smtley walklngcultlvator.
One tongueh ss cultivator, new this year,
i ho :-ruw cu Itlvator,
One Hock Island disc,
i ine :t-sectlon harrow.
I lue 1 1 in n 1 1 re (.premier.
I lue funning null,
one baud corn shelter.
WAiiONS, HI (.(..I KS, F.TC.
Four lumlicr wagons.
One family carriage, two seated,
one surrey, two sealed.
Two single liugles.
mi- cutler.
One hog nick.
Two new hay racks.
Three sets double work harness.
I lue set double driving harness.
Two sets slnwle UrUiiig harness,
Oue good Kiddle.
MISi'Kl.l.AN Furs AUTH'I KS.
l:to Ions of liny in stack.
H. fio bushels of corn.
I . 1 sa I hutiels of mils.
one iel.nvele cienin separator, new this
i iile Old Trusty Incubator, new this year.
i me lai ge refrigerator.
One sickle grinder.
on,' grind siore.
Three patent end gates.
tine doeii pairs of hore blankets.
Two sets of tly ni ls,
1 1 in- riiuue.
'I wo healing sieve,.
I Hie cro-s cut iw.
one patent luniel churn.
Some household ! u nil m re, shovels, spades,
scoop shovels, pilch lurks, straw forks and
potato fork.
Sido.en chickens and some gieso nnd
And other articles too numerous 4o men
tion. , ,
Mile to commence at 10 o clock a.m. sharp.
Terms of Sale: one year's time at Id per
rent Interest on approved notes. All prop
erly lo Iw sett led for Is fore Is lng removed
from tin n. l ol. Pal Mcl nlie,
'd. T. Kearney, t ol. H.o, Horn,
t'lerk. Auctioneers.
Mas. Fix A II. Mai.onkt,
Administratrix. ,
Awful Rapidity!
Christmas is hero again and we must buy Presents
Choose your Present and be satisfied, from the following list:
It will pay you to visit our city and make your purchases from US, Freight prepaid
G0G-G0S Fourth Street.
Sioux City, Iowex.
Ready for Christmas
Will H. Keck Co.
C6 Sioux City Jewelers, and Diamond Merohanis.
yNOTHER Gift-Giving Season is upon us. What to buy and where to buy are all
important questions. We want to tell our friend in Dakota County that we are
Better Prepared than ever to give them what they want.
, We Certainly Are Headquarters for Watches, for Diamonds, for Jewelry, for
Silverware, for Cut GlaSS. for Clocks, in fact for everthing to be found in an
Up-To-Date Jewelry Store.
To the Forehanded we would suggest that selections may now be made and
Reserved till X-mas.
Our New Catalogue is now ready and will be mailed upon application.
X 9T C6 Old Reliables 9? S?
Mondamin Hotel Corner
Sionx City, Iowa
First publication Dec 10 4ws
Order of Hearing and Notice on Petition
for Settlement of Account
In tlie county court of Hiikotfi county,
Ktntf of Nebraska, Dakntn county, ss.
To (ilnf V. Htii'liuiiu, and unknown heirs
nnd all persons lnti-rrstt'cl In tho estate of
Chan. . Hurl mini, leccn.sed :
On readlnif the petition of Will. V. "War
ner praying a final settlement nnd nllow
uuce ol Ills account Illed in this court on thu
Ttli day nf liecemlM-r, 1WHH, nnd for his dis
clinrttf ns administrator.
It Is hereby ordered that you. and all per
sons Interested lu said matter, may, nnd do,
appear at the county court to be held In and
fur said county, on the;(lst day of Deceinlior.
A. 1 1. l!m, at loo'clock a. in., to show cause,
if any there lie, w hy the prayer of tlie pe
tloner should not lie g rallied, and that notice
of tho pendency of said petition and that
the hearliiK thereof Ik-itlven to all persons
Interested In said matter by publishing a
copy of tills order lu the Dnjiotn County
Herald, a weekly newspaper printed In said
county, for four successive weeks prior to
said (I ny of hearing.
I). O. Htinhon,
hai.1 County Judjre.
First publication Dec ID 4ws
Order of Hearing and Notice on Petition
for Settlement of Account.
In the county court of Dakota county
State of Nebraska. Dakota county : ss.
To Chas. Yum, Dora Yum, .John K. Yum,
Mary I,. Kohn, Sophia 1,. Y'urs, Fred V.
Yurs, K: in ii in M. (iehl. Minnie li. Yurs, I,enn
S Yurs, in id Win. O. Yurs, and all persons
interested In tho estate of K.C. Yurs, de
ceased :
nil reading the petition of Win. 1. War
ner, praying a llnnl settlement anil allow
ance of his account filed In thlscourt on the
7th day of liocemlier, limn, and for his dis
charge as administ rator.
it Is hereby ordered that you, and nil per
sons Interested lu said matter, amy, and do,
appear at the couuty court to be held hi aud
fur said county, on theaistday of December,
A.D., l!iu, at 10 o'clock a. in., to show cause, If
any there be, why tlie prayer of tlie peti
tioner should not be granted, ami t hut no
tice of the pendency of said petition and
Unit the hearing thereof Ik- given to nil per
sons interested in said matter by publishing
a copy of this Order in the Dakota Count y
lleruld, a weekly newspaper printed In sale
county, for four successive weeks prior to
sum mi) ui ueui lug.
r 1. C. Ktinkon,
Iokai.J County Judge
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the book; STATE WHE
you Intend tobuy.and
we will send also a act
of Measuring Spoons,
postpaid. ADUULbS
Malle'iblr Iron TtantcCo,
lieuvcr IXxm, H uconsin.
The "Stay Satlsfactory'Range
fc aMlfca tlfciiia,fl. Ml
H The top is Malleable
iron. Does not crack, warp
or break. The thickness re
quired in other iron is not
necessary. Heats quicker,
cooks more evenly and
uses surprisingly less fuel.
rfnovd with I;
?out dlrt-nlokl piml-
In won't larnl.h.
Sized and arraneed to suit every family need In city or country, hotels or public institutions.
Call and see why they save fuel and repairs. They show it.
Edwards& Bradford Lbr. Co.
First publication Dec 10 Inn
Order of Hearing and Notice on Petition
for Settlement of Account.
In the County Court of Dakota County
Stale of Nebraska, Dakota countv, ss.
Io Marie beiiottu Holiinder, Francois
jeiiuiiel, I'lerre Menolte lireauil. I'lerre
l,eon Ureziuid, Jeanne Marie Madeline 1 ire-
.nun. nenoiie Marie Ann lie Jeanne lire
ziiiut. Marie C and ne l.ue. .Icinm.. l,,n.,
Louise Claudlne Marguerite lire.iuul, Morel
Krancolse ilrezauil, Claudius Jeandet, and
all other persons Interested In the estate of
John 11. Arleaux. deceased:
l)n rending the petition of Wm Var
ner, praying a linn! settlement and allow
ance of his account Illed in this court on t he
i in uny oi iieceiniMT, I!J, i.nd for his dis
charge as administrator.
It l hereby orden d that you and nil per
sons iineiesieu in said matter may .'aud ill
appear at the county court to In- held in
nun lor siiiii couniy, on tlie Illst day of D
cenim r, a. 1 1. imw. at in o clock A. M.. to
snow cause, li any There lie, why the praver
of t he petitioner should not Is. grunted, and
that notice (.f the oi mlenev of miIiI i,. ini..,.
una me Hearing lllereol IS' glM Il to all per
sons intereoteii 111 s.iid nmiler by publish
ing a cony of this order lu the Dakota Coiiii-
ly iieruai. n weekly nwspupei printed in
said couniy, lor lour successive w cckti i..i-
iu nni nay ot neiu ing.
D. C. Sun. sox,
1- K A I.J t ounty .1 iidr
J t v., J.
r. , 5 z
Mil- "
i.'.AiK.ta i an ilk
Ksuil:lisi,ed ltr
u .. TO ,
TVttl il.rsw.t ivifl. ililnf uni u ...4 .,l.i..ctk....i.
- Mi.ui,t "on "iw --" - ,nw "Mu si unugr
In tdt; Host, llik'lu'si lr.ruJt uml iimiii'tiiale
1'iist. rv'urrig. Writ for yrico li'., Ufc ulJ
fuli iuIoriuMtiun,
$ Patronize Home Industry buy your nvats of
Proprietor of
D!iy Meat Murk.et
Fresh and Salt Meats always on hand
Cash paid for Hides and Pelts
Agent for Seymour's White Laundry. Basket goes on
Tuesdays and comes back Saturdays
Winter E&a,y
Will soon be hero. I'.e prepared with a nice warm
Lap Kobe. We have a good assortment in
various designs of pleasing colors ranging in price
as follows: 2.80 - $1,20- $5,110, all of
Good Heavy Plush, fast colors, and very durable.
Come early and get the best selections.
Wo will Fell all last year's patterns of Hush
and Wool Lap KoIod at one-fourth oiftho pricu
Stiares Bros SliJiri.Tol!
Dakota Citvi Nib. I l nfiftnvm
Bonded : Abstracter
603 Metropolitan 61k.
Sioux City. Iowa