Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, November 26, 1909, Image 8

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professor Brown had a constitution
al disinclination to refusals of any
kind, from denying a despairing stu
dent another chance, to turning away
canvassers, tramjui and agents, and
these hint, with the ready Ingenuity
of a kind-hearted man, he turned over
to hla wife. Tramps rarely came
through thin well-regulated little col
lege town, but agents and canvassers
poured In a Bteady stream through Its
portals, and Mrs. Crown often said,
with vain regret ..for wasted hours:
"It aeenu to me that I never get
ready to try on a drees or make a
pudding or go diwntown tluit Henry
doesn't call itio to protect him from
Bomo agent or other."
To-day Is was marmalade, grapefruit
marmalade, the most difficult of all do
mestic tasks to do well. Professor
Crown put his head apologetically In
side the door.
"Mary," he said, with an Insinuating
smile, "there's a man, a florist' agent.
In the living-room waiting to soc you."
"Cut, Henry, I can't eae him!" pro
tested Mrs. Crown, In dismay. "I'm
Just beginning the marmalade, and I
don't like to leave Dagma to watch It;
and besides, you said last night that
you'd got to be economical this spring.
Suppose you tell him "
Professor Brown, however, was al
ready assuming the attitude of one
who suddenly doparts.
"I haven't time, my dear. I've an ap
pointment with the dean," he answer
ed. "He didn't ask for me, anyhow.
He wanted the 'lady of the house,' and
Tm not that, I'm sure; and besides,
you don't need to buy anything. Just
let him down easy, that's all."
Mrs. Brown rolled down her sleeves
with exasperation, and prepared for a
militant Interview.
"It would serve Henry right if I
ordered everything In the catalogue!"
she muttered.
But what angry spirit can maintain
Itself against the appeal of flowers and
the delightful possibility of seelngone's
UUle white cottage a bower of bios
soma? When Professor Brown return
ed at noon In a most pacific frame of
mind, he met a radiant wife on the
"My dear," she said, enthusiastical
ly, "I wouldn't have had you send that
agent away for anything! Why, he
told me Just why our peonies wouldn't
bloom, and I ordered a-dozen of the
new varieties; and, you know, we
didn't have the right sort of crimson
ramblers or clematis or or anything.
And so cheap! Here Is the duplicate
order I gave him. Why, I feel as If
I'd entertained an angel unawares!'
And on the buoyant wings of imaglna
tlon she flew off again to measure the
peony border.
Left alone, Professor Brown ran his
hands through his hair In unhappy
perplexity as he thought of all the
books that those elusive, unlucky thir
teen dollars would have bought. Then
be said, halt-aloud:
"Next time 1 think I'll entertain
that angel unawares!" Youth's
Rwh Courf Procedure,
t ij . i r ii
loiienng 10 a ran oyer
Her Remarkable Trial
for Murder
It Is "la chormeuse Stolnhell" again.
A. bas la Court des Assizes!
The trlnl In Pnrls of Mme, Marguer
ite Stelnheil, charg"d with the mur-
ler of her husband and her mother.
Mme. Japy, threw the Trench capital
into a condition of excitement not
quailed since Ihe historic Dreyfus
ase. No other niyBtery of recent yoars
bas so disturbed the Trench nation as
.his double murder. In which a strange
woman, with a shady past, was coupled
not alone with the victims of the trag
edy, but also with the tragic death of
:he President Of tho French republic.
Political parties were plunged Into
'.he case, the Dreyfus affair was resus
jitated, and the charge was made that
jovernment officials shielded the worn
in, so that the affair was more like a
political campaign than a capital case.
A French trial Is a strange sight to
in American or Englishman, familiar
with the English common law and tak
ing its principles as a matter of
Kurso. The English law says: "A man
s Innocent until he is proven guilty. V
rhe French law says: "A man is gull
:y until he Is proven Innocent." And
:hls is the distinction that has arous
sd France to a storm of bitter protest.
For years the law has stood unchal-
enged and hundreds of supposed crlm-
nals have been browbeaten by magls-
rates playing the rolo of prosecutors
ind sent, under it, to prison or to
leath. The French people have been
iroused to the need of a change. Now
he conservative press of France la de
manding that the law of decades be
:hanged. The criminal code must un
iend. French court procedure is tot
erlng to a fall.
Dramatic and, to our American
nlnds, outrageous as were the scenes
ittendlng the trial of Madame Stein
lell, that which accompanied her ac
lulttal was the most dra.niatlc and
tensational. Few there are who are
tcquainted with the career of this
woman who do not believe her capable
f the frightful crime of which she
was charged the murder of her hus
)and and that of her stepmother.
Madame Stelnheil was a woman who
mcceeded in numbering among her
id mi re rs men high In social life and
?overnment circles. Even a former
President of the republic was but a fly
n tne wen sne spread ana sne was
ilone with him when his heart failed
ind he passed from life. It is believeil
n some quarters that fear of a nation
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al scandal alone prevented the produc
tion of proof that the President died
of poison.
Vile, cunning and unscrupulous as
she was, her woman's charms affected
not only the Jury which tried her, but
swayed the emotions of the multitude
so that when acquittal came there was
such mad demonstrations of Joy as
would have been denied the rescue of
a national heroine from a dire fate.
Tears, protestations, appeals, supplica
tions, somber garments suggestive of
crepe these and, more than all else,
the pathetic simulation of an Innocent
woman in distress, had their effect,
and anything short of an acquittal
would have meant a riot.
To be sure, the prosecution did not
produce absolute evidence of guilt,
says the Utlca Globe, and no Jury
could have convicted on the woman's
vile record and the damning circum
stances alone. An acquittal was com
pelled, but that this meretricious fe
male should have been crowned with
the halo of popular approval is an out
rage on decnt womanhood.
Gambled with Company's Cash and
with More Stolen Funds Pur
chased Silence of Blackmailers.
Speculation with other people's
money a not uncommon phase of the
modern mania for acquiring wealth
has proved the undoing of another
trusted official. The victim Is Charles
L. Warriner, the local treasurer of the
Ulg Four Railroad Company at Cin
cinnati, who Is held in 20,000 bonds
on the charge or stealing JG43.O00.
The stealing had been going on for
yenrs and might have continued with
out detection were It not for his fail
ure to pay blackmail any longer to a
woman who possessed knowledge of
his guilty procedure. In a spirit of
revenge she informed on him to the
railroad company and an Investigation
was started.
' Warriner accompanied Vice Presi
dent Carstenstn to New York, where
he made a full confession of his crime
In the general office of the Vanderbi'.t
lines, after which, without being ar
rested, he returned to Cincinnati,
there later to be taken into custody
and held In $20,000 bonds for the ac
tion of the grand Jury, which later
returned an indictment against him.
The defalcation of Warriner created
a sensation not only in Cincinnati, but
throughout the country. His habits,
it has been said, were correct. He did
not drink, nor smoke, nor, we are as
sured, associate with questionable per
sons of the opposite sex. Yet, on his
own admission, he was the victim of
a woman blackmailer. He accounts
for the disappearance of the vast
sums he stole In four ways: Through
speculation; through efforts' to recoup
his losses; through blackmail levied
upon him by a former employe, who
claimed to know of his irregularities,
and through blackmail levied upon
him by a woman friend of that em
ploye. Warrlper, according to his admis
sion, began taking money from the
company immediately after he became
treasurer at Cincinnati, with which to
speculate. When he lost, he appro
prlated more money in an endeavor to
recoup himself, and thus gradually
sank deeDer into the mire. Then he
paid other large sums to the black
mailers with which to purchase their
While a Jarge part of the stolen
money went to blackmailers and in
speculation on the stock market, yet
Warriner made a number of shrewd
Investments. He purchased a chem
leal factory in Kentucky, a pullley
works in Ohio and land in various
places. The sole object of his life
seemed to be to pay back the money
that was stolen. With that one idea
in mind his speculations became more
desperate as the deficit grew, and dur
ing the last year he permitted nearly
half of the entire sum of $643,000 to
slip through his hands.
The method which he adopted in
stealing was to cover his defalcation
in the Item, "cash In transit." At the
Mont Human Helnsa of 2B Ilav Con
traded Dlaeaae That Will Kill.
Few indeed are the men and women
of full age say 25 who have not yet
contracted the malady that will kill
them, according to that distinguished
scientist and physician. Dr. Felix Reg
nault, says a writer in Current Litera
ture. Normally, as contemporary in
vestigators are beginning to find out,
It takes twenty years for a fatal mala
dy to kill a patient. It may take thir
ty years. The popular Impression Is
that a man may die suddenly or that
be may only requqlre a year to die in,
or six months. To be sure, a man may
be killed or a child may die in a few
months at the age of 1 year But,
ordinarily speaking, all deaths are
very Blow Indeed and about per
cent of civilized adults are now strick
en with a fatal disease. They do not
know it They may not suffer from
It In due time they will have their
cases diagnosed as cancer or as tuber
culosis or diabetes or what not. Dut
so inveterate are current misconcep
tions of the nature of death that the
origin in the fatal malady In time
will be miscalculated by from ten to
thirty years.
In the case of human beings, death
barring accident is nearly always
caused by some specific malady. This
malady is as likely as not to be cured
what is called "cured." The "cure,"
however, no matter how skillful the
treatment or how slight tho disease,
bas left a weakness behind it in some
particular organ of the body. One of
the organs is, if not prematurely
worn out, at least bo worn that its re
sisting powers are greatly diminished.
All of us in this way when we have
reached a certain age possess an or
gan that Is much older than the rest
of the physique. Even if we live to be
very old indeed, we shall not die of
' "old age," but of weakness of the
lungs or of the kidneys or of the liver
or of the brain.
Miss Fletcher of Leicester, accord-
tig to the London Sketch, "holds the
English women's swimming champlon-
ihlp. At Manchester she reduced the
world's record for 100 yards from I
nlnute H seconds to 1 minute 12 Vi
N international racing contest of universal
interest was the one hundred and thirty
first English Derby. Great Britain pinned
its faith to Minoru, the horse of King Ed
ward. Trance was represented by Louvlers,
ridden by the noted French Jockey, Stern.
America stood confidently by Sir Martin,
the best 2-year-old of the American turf last year,
ridden by tho American Jockey, Martin.
Great Britain finished first by a nose. France was
second. America fell at the historic Tattenham Corner.
When Sir Martin was thrown America lost a chance to
show Great Britain that she could beat her at her
own game of breeding and developing race horses. In
cidentally, when Sir Martin fell, probable winnings to
the amount of $3,000,000 went glimmering.
Several leading American owners shipped horses at
the close of th-j season, with the idea of having them
thoroughly acclimated by the time the racing of the
year began. The Britishers simply said: "Oh, another
American Invasion, don't you know!" and ostensibly
took no further notice of the coming of the American
horses. It was soon evident, however, that they had a
wholesome respect for American horses, for as the
handicaps were announced It was aeeu that the Weights
assigned to them were so heavy that the sporting writ
ers of the United States felt Justified in pointing out
that it looked as If the Britishers were trying to keep
the American invaders from starting.
There was great curiosity to see Sir Martin on the
part of the public. The race was at a mile. Sir Martin
carried 130 pounds, a formidable weight for a 3-year-old,
and was conceding as much as thirty-eight pounds
to some of his opponents. "Skeets" Martin, the noted
American Jockey, was up. The bookmakers gave odds
of 7 to 1. There was a loyal American delegation on
hand and they backed the American horse patriotically.
The Britons had plenty of chance to see him run, es
pecially at the finish, for he came home with lots of
daylight between him and his field, galloping easily in
the fast time of 1:38 3-5. A length and a half back was
a 4-year-old to whom he was giving twenty-nine pounds.
Sir Martin came back to the paddock in no wise dis
tressed, and stood the mobbing to which he was sub
jected by a great crowd with superb disdain.
Immediately Sir Martin's odds in Ihe Derby were cut
squarely in two. Before the race they were 10 to 1;
after the race 5 to 1 was the best the bookmakers would
give. All at once Britain buzzed like a beehive over Sir
Martin and his Derby chances. Though the list of prob
able starters In the Derby numbered twenty, the convic
tion suddenly became all-pervading that the great race
lay between Sir Martin and King Edward's Minoru, the
favorite at 5 to 2.
To appreciate what the prospect of an American horse
winning the Derby means to a Briton it Is only neces
sary to take a glance at the race as a national instltu
tlon. For the Derby is a national institution. Its his
tory for more than a century has been no small part of
the history of England.
A Matter of Pronunciation.
A conductor and a brakeman on a
Montana railroad differ as to the prop
er pronunciation of the name Eurelia.
Passengers are often startled upon ar
rival at this station to hear the con
ductor yell:
"You're a liar! You're a liar!"
And then from the brakeman at the
other end of the car:
"You really are! You really are!"
Everybody's Magazine.
Italy levies a Kraduated income tax
uuw. a. Huiit. us well as a direct tax on land and
It was one of the freshman clas bouses. Small incomes are exempt
who, meeting the Janitor of the build- Srom taxation. The minister of
ing in which he had rooms, indulged Inance estimates that the income tax
In a callow Joke. "Pretty near winter, :or this year will amount to about
William." he said. Jovially. "The trees 49,600,000. while the land tax will
are getting nearly as black as you." rlng in $3G,000,000.
"Dat's true, sah," and William sur-
The patent office is some $7,000,000
ihead on revenue from patents, nearly
11,000,000 last year alone. Consider
ing the Rietiauruless. multiplied mil
lions of blessings and dollars from in
ventions, and considering the silent
tragedy and despair of poor inventors,
this seems like seething the lamb in
its own mother's milk.
veyed the elms thoughtfully, as one
wins them for the first time. "Na
ture's wonderful, sah, no mistake.
Come spring, de trtea'll be almost at
gieta as you, sah."
Last year about thirty thousand per
ions visited the birthplace of Shakes
Smoking was a penal offense at one
lime in Turkey.
Once a candidate, generally a can
If you have a lot of poetry notions,
get rid of them.
The trouble Is all of us have such a
lot of fool habits.
Every man believes his buslaess is
the most monotonous.
Show less indignation behind the
backs of people, and be bolder to their
There Is one fortunate thing about
mistakes; many of. them are easily
It is bard to tell which is the more
worthless business, prospecting, or
working on inventions.
Of course women are not mercen
ary, but gambling seems a greater Bin
to them when you lose.
Fat men are lazy, but you can't
help admitting that there Is some
thing likable about them.
If people were as afraid of hurting
their stomachs as they are of catch-
I Ing cold, they would live longer.
You can account for very few mar
riages. If you want to take a prize for un
popularity, act superior.
Every time any big bill is presentod
to you. It looks like robbery.
if a woman can get her first man,
she needn't worry about her second,
or third.
A man and woman going 6a a wed
ding trip try hard not to look happy,
and on their return try just as hard
to look happy.
There Is plenty of cooking as good
as "mother's," but very few appetites
llko a boy's.
When you bear a smart saying by
a child, it is a sign the child has a
smart mother, and that she made It
When a mother shows her baby's
picture she always says: "The baby
moved, or the picture would have been
Two brakemen were arguing to-day,
and one of them said to the other:
"I don't believe that Produce your
end of each month there are consider
able sums of money on their way to
the treasurer at Cincinnati from the
station agents and others. It was by
Including In this item the money
which he had In fact stolen that War
riner was enabled to conceal hla de
With modern antiseptics in surgery
6 per cent of amputations result fa
An inch of rain Is rain falling at
the rate of about 100 tons to the acre.
There are thirty-nine miles of books
on the shelves of the British museum.
In a month a caterpillar eats food
weighing 6,000 times its weight.
At an elevation of 2.000 feet the at
mosphere is free from microbes.
A Hungarian washing machine
makos use of electrified water.
Canada produces nearly one-half the
world's supply of maple sugar, about
18,000,01)0 pounda annually.
If the Congress of' the United Stntos
should, by any chance, pass a bill that
hns been lying before It for action for
fifty years, and if the Supreme Cot.rt
of the United States should declare
such action by Congress to be legal
and constitutional, there would te two
States on the Pacific const within an
area where there is now but one.
Tliere would be consequent great re
joicing In the southern portion of that.
Stnte and, proportionate chagrin in the
northern portion. 'The area Is Call-
U ttH
ft V IS
the actfon of the equalizers been taken
before things began to hapien. There
was an Immediate protest. An organ
ization of business men was formed
and before a meeting of that organiza
tion, former State Senator Uolxrt N.
Bulla advocated In a sieech the crea
tion of a new State to be known as
Southern California, lie was greeted
with cheers. Other prominent south
ern Californians, Including K. W. Hop
kins, assessor of Los Angeles county,
rallied to Bulla's standard, and for
several weeks there have leen numer
ous organization gatherings and mass
meetings of taxpayers at which State
division 'has been warmly advocated
and ways and means discussed.
To put the agitation on a delinks
basis, a committee of ten was appoint
ed to take the proper steps for calling
a convention to take the lnatter prop
erly before Congress. The principal
arguments set forth have been based
on the conflict of Interest between the
north and south, alleged unfair ex-
f penditure of taxes and partiality in
distributing State Improvements.
Can Congress or can't Congress?
That la the question over which the
south is struggling right now.
question centers around that bill that
has been before Congress since 1859.
fornla, a strip of land on the Pacific
ocean, 200 miles wide, covering about
156,000 square miles.
The existence of that division bill
now lying before Congress, until rec
ently all but forgotten, has been made
a subject of heated discussion from
one end of the State to the other, as a
result of the eighth outbreak in the
history of California, of bad feeling
between the north and the south. Just
what Is at the bottom of the un
brotherly feeling that has, for half a
century, existed between the peoples
north and south of "The Techachapl"
has never been well defined. In the
eight instances in State history there
has always been some specific condi
tion or event that has brought the 111
feeling to a head. Whether It Is di
versity of interests and Industry, the
location of the capital, sectional Jeal
ousy, a combination of all, or some
thing entirely different, the fact re
mains that the feeling exists and so
far as the south is concerned, Is at'the
boiling point right now.
The State Board of Equalization
started the trouble only a few weeks
ago, a Los Angeles correspondent says,
by raising assessed valuation in south
era California cities notably Los An
geles Increases amounting in some
instances to 100 per cent. Hardly had
J f
The bill proposes to divide California
along the northern line of San Luis
Obispo, Kern and San Bernardino
counties about the line of the present
This bill was passed by the legisla
ture, voted for by more than two-tihlrds
of the voters of the State, signed by
Governor Milton S. Latham and pre
sented to Congress. At that time the
Civil War was threatening and the
bill was sidetracked as its passage was
thought to mean the addition of an
other southern State.
Bulla and his followers declare that
all that is necessary is action by Con
gress."' He Is opposed In his views by
former Governor Henry T. Gage, who
declares that State division can not be
accomplished without an amendment
to the national constitution.
Horae Thieve In New Vork Steal
Hundred of Animal Yearly. .
For the last few weeks New York
detectives have been rounding up a
gang of organized horse thieves who,
according to the authorities, have been
working in that city on a scale un
known even In the days of "horse
lifting" in the west. It is estimated
that as many as 800 horses, worth
$300 each, have been stolen In and
around New York within the last year.
The horae thieves In the city ope
rate either as "rig-hoppers" or "stable
breakers." The "rig-hoppers" are
those who Jump on vehicles left by
drivers before the door3 of business
houses and drive off. These men usu
ally work In pairs, one man, who doe3
the head work, selecting both the
horses to be driven off and the time
to do It. His associate is generally a
tool, with more( daring than brains,
but with cleverness enough to dress
the part of the driver whose team ho
is about to take.
Detectives say that a thief never
takes a horse worth less than $300.
The horse thief, after seizing a
team, usually drives about -20 blocks
before daring to unhltah the team.
He is pretty sure by this time to
have eluded the rightful driver, and
the police, for the time being. From
the start the horse-stealing business
must be conducted, to be safe and
successful, with the help of confed
erates at every stage. As soon as the
team is unharnessed it is taken di
rectly to the stable of a confederate
a stable ostensibly kept for hiring and
boarding horses, but in reality for
receiving stolen horses. Then they
are shipped to confederates In other
Only a few weeks ago two detec
tives captured a car loaded with stolen
horses consigned to a confederate,
after the train had actually started.
Nobody does anything well that
they cannot help doing; work is only
well done when it is done with, a will.
It is not possible to Becuro distant
or permanent happiness but by the
forbearance of some immediate grati
fication. Johnson.
W. R. Skinner, 35 years old, a rail
road switchman, stood with his foot
caught in a guard rail and fought
vainly to free himself until a train
crushed him to death in Franklin
Park, a Chicago suburb. Skinner
threw his lantern In the air the death
signal of all switchmen but it was
not seen by the engineer and fireman
of the train which bore down upon
him around the curve at that point
He was switching cars at the curve
when his foot became caught. H
wrenched and struggled desperately,
and his shouts for help were lost la
tho roar of the approaching train. Just
as he was thrown down by the train
he tossed his lantern high in the air.
His rocket signal was seen by the oth
er members of the crew, and. the train,
stopped. His body was found beneath
the train.
Crushed newspapers are splendid t
clean lamp chimneys.
Wet In water they clean out the
stove oven splendidly.
They can even bj used for an iron
holder In an emergency.
Irons not much soiled can be rubbed
on old newspapers and thus made fit
for use.
To wipe up spilled water or grease
from the floor they save the wringing
out of a cloth.