Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, November 26, 1909, Image 5

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i if a
TJtSl fit fl
No sense in running from one
doctor to another. Select the
best one, then stand by him.
Do not delay, but consult him
in time when you are sick.
Ask his opinion of Ayer's
Cherry Pectoral for coughs
and colds. Then use It or
not, just as he says.
W publish our formula
a w Daman icono
F from our tnadloloa
W urf you to
consult your
Always keep a box of Ayer'i Pills in the
house. Just one pill at bedtime, now and
then, will ward off many an attack of
biliousness, indigestion, sick headache.
How mny years has your doctor known
these pills?' Ask him all about them.
Mado by th J. o. Ayer Co.. Low.U, M.
Local Items
Friday, Nov. 26, 1909
We have as good a stock of hard;
ware and tinware as there ever was in
Dakota City, and you will find
prices right. Schriever Bros.
0 II Antrim, wife and baby were
Homer visitors Sunday.
A baby boy arrived at the home of
George Mongars, near Jackson, on the
Julius Oiese purchased a fine new
Merrill piano Monday from Frof Carl
Raymond Broyhill returned home
last Sunday from a several months'
stay in Colorado.
Chas Hall marketed 17 porkers the
first of the week and received a check
for $155. Hogs are money.
If you wish any of that fine glass
ware at Van's, see him before it is all
taken. He is selling it below oost.
Judge Stinson united in marriage
Henry York and Miss Winnie 1U chard -son,
both of Winnebago last Saturday.
Judge R E Evans returned home
Saturday morning from a two weeks'
basin ess trip to points in Virginia and
New York.
Miss Francis Rioh enjoyed a visit
from her mother Mrs Rich, of Wisner,
Neb, who arrived Wednesday to re
main nntil Monday.
Albert Schumacher has been trans
ferred from the run as railway mail
clerk on the Burlington to a run on
the 'Milwaukee in South Dakota.
Mrs Samuel Oribble. who has been
Visiting her daughter, Mrs Belle Bar
nett, for the past few weeks, departed
Saturday fur her homo at Ooodwin,
A fair sized and appreciative audi
ence greeted the Russell Musical Nov
elty company, the first number of the
Dakota City lecture course, at the M
E church Monday evening. Everyone
thoroughly enjoyed the music and
- also the impersonations by Mrs Russell.
Hany A Wilkinson, a reporter on
the Sioux City Tribane, and Matilda
Catharine Reck, of LeMars, la, were
married by Judge Stinson Wednesday
evening, at the judge's residence. Mr
Wilkinson, who is a personal friend of
the judge, admitted that he had has'
tened his matrimonial affairs to a cli
max in order to have Judge Stinson
perform the ceremony before retiring
from office.
Quite a number from here attended
the convention of the Northeast Dis
trict Dakota County Sunday School
association in South Sioux City last
Saturday. The delegates report an
instructive session although it was not
Verv well attended. The new officers
nr! President. John Winebrenner.
Walker's Island : vice president,4 Fred
P Culbertson, Salem; secretary and
treasurer, Wm L Wolfe; South Sioux
City. Rev Geo Eisentraut and Rev D
H Heanber, of Sioux City, aided in the
carrying out of the program.
A aon was born at the Will Ochler
king home November 10.
J J Rimers returned Monday from a
land inspecting tonr of the Texas Pan
handle. Mrs Mary R McBeath and niece,
Mildred Ream, visited Homer rela
tives Sunday. .
There will b a regular meeting of
the Masonio lodge Saturday night of
this week.
Sheriff Rockwell and wife ate tur
key at the Eugene Loomis home in
Omadi precinct.
Joe McElphree was over from Sioux
City Tuesday "shooting trouble" on the
long distance phone line.
For sale several tons of alfalfa hay,
several blocks of corn stalks, and some
corn fodder. John B Evans.
A tin shower was given at the home
of Mrs Etta M Spencer Tuesday even
ing in honor of Miss Pearl Hoover.
For sale a six room house and three
lots, good location, good outside im
provements. Enquire at this offloe.
James B Sumner and Ethel V Ken
dall, both of Sioux City were united
in marriage by JuJge Stinson Monday.
T T Lindsay, father of Mrs John F
Sides, returned Thursday from a sev
eral months' visit at his old home in
Every subscriber who pays his sub
scription to The Herald in advanoe
can have the Farmers Tribune of Sioux
City free for one year.
George febeibley returned from a
trip to his farm -near Douglas, N D,
Wednesday, where he had been to look
after his share of the crop.
Hello Central I Please give me Nol.
Is this Mr Van de Zedde? PleaBe
send Harold down with a package of
that 30o ooffee and one of those nice
dishes. Alright, thank you. t
All kinds of coal, feed and hay for
sale at reasonable prices.
rntLDB & Slaughter Co.
Thio E Bliven, Manager,
Dakota City- Neb,
Loyd and Robert Sinclair, cousins,
were fined $5 or two days in jsil by
Judge Stinson last Friday for being
drnnk and disorderly. Loyd served
his time, while Robert "doughed up"
the cash.
With every can of Quaker baking
powder you buy at Van de Zedde's
you get your choice of twenty-four
fine framed pictures, absolutely free.
Don't wait until they are all gone and
then blame 'us.
Mrs H Bodenbender and daughter
Ida, left last evening for St Louis, Mo,
where they will spend some time at
the home of Dr and Mrs Warner, son-
in-law and daughter of Mrs Bodenbender.-
They will spend a few dsys in
Omaha while enroute.
The new "Radex" lens for constant
wear is superior for comfort and clear
ness of vision. It screens out the vio
let or chemical rays of light, thus pre
venting irritation .and inflamation.
Satisfaction guaranteed. W V L.ck
hart, Licensed Optometrist.
The Eastern Star lodge will receive
an official visit from Associate Grand
Matron Mrs Annie M Evans Saturday
afternoon, after which refreshments
will be served to the members of the
Star and Masonio orders at the home
of Mr and Mrs John F Sides.
School closed here Wednesday for
Thanksgiving, to resume again Mon
day. Prof Josiassen went to his home
at Springfield, fob; Miss McOorkin
dale to Wakefield, and Miss Murphy
to Homer. The remaining teachers,
Misses Rich, Robertson and Spenoer,
will spend their vacation here.
Wednesday afternoon at 4 o clock
oocurred the marriage of MisS Pearl
Hoover, sister of Mrs Sam Bouton, to
Will J Gibbs, of Norfolk, Nob. The
ceremony was performed at the home
of Mr and Mrs Bouton by Rev W R
Warren, pastor of the M E church,
and was witnessed only by the imme
diate relatives. The bride is well
known here where she has made her
home for the past few years, and is t
favorite in church and sooial circles
The happy couple left immediately
after the ceremony for Long P.ine,
Neb. where they will visit a few days
at the home of the bride's sister, Mrs
H O Smith, after which they will go
housekeeping on the groom s farm
near Norfolk. The hearty good wishes
of their friends accompany them.
Hunger makes me think of you;
Thought of you makes me hungry.
Between the thought and sight of you,
Indeed I'm always hungry
But with appetite awaiting
a nickle in hand and! V0
in store who could wish
for anything more?
Edward C Farley f Rosalie, and
Rose E Shindler of Emerson, were
married at Emorson Tuesday by Rev
Fr Burke.
Any lady nseing Chase & Sanborn's
coffee who is planning to give a party
in the near fnture may secure all the
material necessary for a novel and in
terestingjentertainment together with
prizes by calling at 8 A 8tinson,s store.
The League service at 6 :30 p m.
Don't fail to come. There was a good
ly number out Sunday last. Look up,
lift up, get up, come.
Next Sunday is World's Temper
ance day. Services appropriate will
be held at 11 a m at the Methodist
churoh. Be on hand.
Services at the Methodist Episcopal
churoh every Sunday as follows:
Preaching, 11am; Sunday sohool, 10
am! Class meeting 12 m; Ep worth
League, 6:30 p m; Preaching, 7 pm.
The Ladies Aid society of the Dako
ta City Methodist church will hold a
bazaar BDd serve supper in the City
hotel, Mr Thomas Debien, proprietor.
The bazarr will be held on inday,
Deo 10th, and be opened at 2 o'clock,
supper will be served at 5 o'clock at
25c a plate. There will be a supply
of both useful and ornamental articles,
appropriate for Christmas gifts on
sule. You are cordially invited.
Sevturday. Nov. 27tH
Dried Apricots per lb. ..10c California Raisins perlb.Jc
P,a1lnn of A 1 Bulk Sauer Kraut loC
I Ul
A. Stinson:
Dakota City. Nebraska g
pounds of New Lima Beans
off on all Turtle Neck Sweaters (this date
Ssturdsvy Dec. 4th
20c Mixed Nuts, 15c per lb
20c can Apricots, 2 for 25c
Men's and Boys' Duck Coats
One-Fourth Off
41b Seedless Raisins for 25 C
Choice 31b can Blums, 10c
25 Discount on all Silk
Patronize Home Industry buy your nnats of
N Proprietor of
City Kleat Bflsurltet
Fresh and Salt Meats always on hand
Cash paid for Hides and Pelts
Agent for Seymour's White Laundry. Basket goes on
Tuesdays and comes back Saturdays
Dan Purdy is ou the Bick list.
S A Brown drove to Coburn Satur
day. Mrs Elmer Shook visited last week
at the Qeorge Hale home .
Jim Brown is staying the Will Bloss-
iug farm while Will is away.
Mrs Mary Harris sent an officer after
one Smith, who owed her a $14 board
bill since last summer. lie paid.
Mrs George Midkiff went to York,
Fridav to visit her daughter Cora,
who is attending business college at
that place.
Miss Vera Miller returned irom
Lone: Fine Fridav.
Allie Hughes had the rmaiortune 10
mutilate the lingers of bis rigni
hand in the sausage machine, that two
fingers, the second and third, had to
be amputated . Tlie uitie linger may
have to be taken off. He isj getting
Ion or nicelv.
Mrs Lee Clement wuo maae ner
manv friends (dad by dropping in on
them last week returned to her home
at Flandreau. S D. Sunday.
James Allaway and wife Hudayed in
the countrv.
Mrs Sarah Hmitn visited at tue vuas
Davis place and T D Curtis homes last
Ralph Norris, of the reservation, lost
child with scarlet lever last weec
Mrs Lee Clement dined at the Mar-
Ten Armour home Saturday.
Mra Ed Norris has been on the sick
Hat for the cast four or five weeks.
MiBS Virginia Brown and Mrs Uertie
Sheoardson were passengers to Sioux
City Sunday returning Monday noon.
Revival meetings are being oonauci
ed in the M E church this week.
Mrs Lee Clement ate Sunday dinner
at the Joe Gorham home.
Mrs Aimed a Ream was a WulttiiU
visitor several davs last week.
Chas llolsworth and little daughters
Mamie and Bessie were Bionx Uity
dhonneis from Fridav till Suuday,
Jennie Belbv was tLe guest 01 a-
dine Shepardson over Thanksgiving
Mrs Marv McBeath came down
from Dakota Citv for Thanksgiving.
David ClapD and id uearusuear
ware Sioux Citv shoppers Tuesday
Died. Wednesdav morning, the in
fnnk daughter of John and Mamie
Harris, aged 3 weeks and four days.
The funeral was held Thursday, inter
ment being in the Omaha Valley cem
etery. Mrs Winnie Purdy, of Mankato,
Minn, came Wednesday for several
days visit with her parents, Dan Pur
dy and wife aud other relatives.
Mr Doughty, the furnace man, from
Norfolk, was in Homer this week try
ing to cot the furnace in the sohool
house in perfect working order. There
has been no school since Monday on
account of the disagreeable cold air
of the school building.
While out hunting musk rats last
Fiiday, Harry, son of Christ Ericksen,
had a very narrow escape from death.
The young man espied a muskrat and
in stepping back to get a shot, drag
ged the gun, one barrel of whioh was
discharged the load passing into the
ground. The impact discharged the
other barrel, the load passing upward
tearing a hole about eight inches long
through the sleeve of the boys coat
and other garments, passing out near
the elbow. The result a badly blister
ed arm. Very lucky that it was no
Ou Tuesday while John Murphy, a
farmer from Thurston Co, was at the
depot getting some freight, a south
bound freight passed by, frighten
ing the horses which ran away;
they crossed the north bridge right
after the train to the wagon bridge,
where they were caught by t he quick
work of our drayman, Tom Allaway.
The team could not be piloted by a
driver in better shape. The wheels of
the waggon all the way being inside
the rails of the tracks. Groceries,
eto, were scattered all along, and the
strange part of the scattering was a
large base burner stove which was
dumped out and not broken or even
A babv daughter was born to Hope
Dickover and wife lust Friday.
Jim Brown left for Homer Sunday,
where he will look after things at the
Will Blessing place. Mr Blessing and
family expect to leave about the first
of December to spend the winter in
Lee Garner and wife left Saturday
for their home at Whitney, Nobr, after
a several weeks viit at the Mrs Alice
Sides borne.
A goodly number of Salem people
turned out to hear the first number of
the lecture course held in the M E
church at Dakota City Monday even
ing. It was greatly appreciated by
The W H & F M society will give a
program Sunday evening at the Salem
Lutheran church, to wnion all are cor
diallv invited.
The farmers are making a final enort
to finish gathering their corn, as many
of them were caught by the recent
John Berger has installed a fine new
piano in his homo.
Ax Teets and wue ana james
Dauohertv of South Sioux City were
Sunday visitors at the John Bachert
Bertha Minter returned home from
Ft Dodge, Iowa, Wednesday, where
she has been attending school, for a
short visit with her parents.
Mrs H Wesley Brown returned
Wednesday from a vint at Nashua,
Iowa, with her aunt, Mrs Browuell.
Ethel Priest has been very sick with
blood poison, but is much improved at
this writing.
Born, to Mr and Mrs Bert Barnes,
Nov 21. a daughter.
Mrs Albert Scuroeder was a Hioux
Citv visitor from 1 riday till Sunday.
A card party was given at the home
of Peter Sorensen Saturday evening.
Solo being the chosen game.
A number of Fiddler creek young
people attended the masquerade ball
in Homer Friday evening. Ira Thorn
won tho prise .
Wayne Loomis, our famous Fiddler
creek corn picker, was fined $7 and
costs for the black eye Charley Priest
is now wearing.
There will be a lyceuni meeting held
at the 1-Ulo sohool house a riday even
ing Deo 3rd.
Harry Ericksen was so unfortunate
as to shoot himself in the right arm
Mrs JO Sullivan and Mrs G Hale
were oity passengers Saturday.
Rose Heeney was a Sioux City vis
itor Wednesday.
N'iplr Aimnmna nnr! familv ftnnnt
Sunday at Niss Andresen's.
Li Doxtad and sister were Sioux
City passengers Monday.
Vessie Bouder was a passenger to
Emerson Wednesday morning.
Minnie ltohde was a shopper in the
city Monday.
C Wolf was au Lmerson visitor on
For Sale
A large list of Cheyenne, Morrill,
Box Butte, Kimball, Sootts Bluff and
Banner county Nebr, lands.
Ranches, relinquishments railroad
contracts, school sections all sizes
and prioes from $6.50 per aero and up
for deeded lands.
Having a personal knowledge of
these lands I will go and show them to
those who wish to invest.
S A Combs, Homer, Nebr.
From tho Hucord
Mrs. William Pilgrim Is vi-sitlng rela
tives ut C'roftnn.
Mr. nnd Mrs. David Dorn nro
visiting Mr. Poni'a plBlrr, Mrs. I.cMlio
Norton, nt Iaurcl. Ia., thlH week.
Nois lillveti, who has eonaucii-u a
feed barn here for a number of yearH,
moved his family Saturday to the res
ervation, where they will Join the Hliv
en brothers, now farming large truct
of Indlun lands. Mr. Hllven has been
o(id citizen, ami South yioux City
friends regret his departure.
Mr. and Mrs. II. C. J Sauer, recently or
Alberta, Canada, and son, Warner, a
student at the Vermillion university,
and Mrs. P. W. I'aruialee of Kogebud,
K. D.. visited their eouHln, Mrs. H.
Uraunt, the past week. They are all
musical people, of rure tiblllty and It
was a week of Honic and cheer to Mr.
and Mrs. ltraunt. Mr. Uraunt also en
Joyed havir.K some one to shovel snow
and do nis nores wnne connneu 10 ma
home with an injured foot.
said Judge Lindsey to the
policeman, "want to save
bicycles. I want to save
From "The Beast and
the Jungle," in the
It's a big, human, well
written story. Get it and
read it.
For Sale at
Schmied's News-stand
Kstubllahed 1W)7
u " mm'" 1 iiimii" ""mi "Hiir 'i ii" imp' n 'insu'W'tji j
at the statement of a GOOD BANK
here this week.
Compare it with the statement of ANY BANK ANY
WHERE. It's different, because : Less than fifty dol
lars losses in twenty-four years.
Every Dollar of Demand Deposits
On Hand, Ready when called.
Not a single bad note that we know of no suits or
Nice, comfortable way to do business, eh?
Bank: of Dakota County &
i.ail ihiiii .
For All tKe News when It IS News
ED. IS. IL'b'r. Co.
Better HURRY ev Little
Place your orders for
Storm Sash and Door NOW!
Repair those SHEDS, and lay in a supply of Good Coal
we handle seven different kinds.
We've sold ourjentire line of Garland Base Burners, but
have more coming.
Still have a fair assortment of Husking Mitts, Gloves,
Hooks, Pegs, Etc.
Edwards & Bradford L'mb'r Co.
V. 0. Lake, Ecsidont Mgr.
Dakota City, Neb
, TO ,
Dnal direct with the largent and oldest hone
IntheWe.t. Ilutliuit priwn and liuiuiuiiata
caah iwturu. YVnu fur lrio lUt, Ua aud
full tufiiriuutluD,
v4 tt44444' 1
VV &&AlAir jjLaVcay o . -
Will soon be here. Be prepared with a nice warm I
Lap Itobo. We have a good assortment in f
various designs of pleasing colors ranging in price t
as follows: $2,80 - $4.20- $5.30. all of
Good Heavy Plush, fast colors, and very durable, j
Come early and get the best selections.
Wo will pell all last year's patterns of Plush J
and Wool Lap Robes at one-fourth off tho price X
Sttirrfcs Bros SlocrtV.8.
Abstracts of Title
A $10,000 Buret Bond
Guarantees the aocuracy of every
Abatraot I make
Successor to
Dakota Countv Abstract Co:
Bonded Abstracter