Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, October 15, 1909, Image 5

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    Colds on
the Chest
Ask your doctor the medical
name for a cold on the chest.
He will say,"Bronchltls."
Ask him if it is ever serious.
Lastly, ask him if he pre
scribes Ayer's Cherry Pec
toral for this disease. Keep
in close touch with your
family physician.
We pmblUh our formulas
We btnfsh Alcohol
from our mdtoint
Wo uriro you to
consult your
VC'hc :i you tell your doctor about the bid
taste i.i vour mouth, loss of appetite for
breakfast, and frequent headaches, and
when he ser. your coated tongue, he will
saw " You are bilious." Ayer's Pills
work well in such cases.
It-arta D.7 tho 3. C. Avar Co.. Lnwall. Hml
Local Items
Friday, Oct. 15, 1909
We have as good a stock of hard
warn and tinware as there ever was in
Dakota City, and you will find our
prices right. ScbrieYer Bros.
The Masooio lodge will hold its reg
ular meeting Saturday evening, Octo
ber 23rd.
The Odd Fellows 'conferred two de
grees M"Dtay evening and enjoyed an
yster feed.
Jay Roberti-on snd Jas Clark went
to Hubbard Wednesday to bnild a
house ior Mike lieacom.
If you winh any of that fine glass
ware at Van's, see him before it is all
taken. He is selling it below cost.
J J Eimers returned Wednesday
from a trip to Key Paha count r, this
state, where he went to look at a land
proposition .
Mrs W J Forrest of Kalamazoo,
Mioh, is here on a two weeks' visit at
the home of her son, Frauk Forrest,
manager for the Nebraska tolephone
company .
Deputy U 8 Marshal Sides went to
Omaha Bna-lay evening to be on .hand
Monday at the arraignment of the
overland train robbers who were taken
before the U 8 court.
'LW White came up from Wood
bine, Iowa. Tuesday to look after the
housing of Lin luunches at Crjtal lake
for the winter. He expects to spend
next summer at this favorite resort.
John Ream, son of 0 II Ream and
wife, pot a couple of bad cuts Satur
day night while in a mixup with some
potato diggers in the rear of the sa
loon. The fellow who did the cutting
made his gettiway in tbe dark.
Bert Ream, who bus been employed
on the construction work of the Tana
ma canal for the past year, arrived he'e
Monday for a short visit, being enroute
to Lis home iu O-epion. He says the
big ditch is not finished yet by a jug
Birney Oribble returned Monday
from hi trip to Houth Dakota, where
he went to see his brother, Sam Grib
ble, who has been laid up with a cou
ple of broken ribs, caused by falling
down a cellar way. Joe Jackson, who
accompanied him on the tri , returned
to his home at Meadow Grove, Neb,
Tiof M A Fennell, of Pender, was a
pleasant caller here Monday between
trains while enroute to Walthill. He
is the republican candidate for county
superintendent of Thurston county and
is well acquainted with Wilfred E Voss,
who is a candidate for the same office
in this oonntv. and he remarked that
Dakota county would be" highly com
plimented in electing eo able a man as
Mr Voss.
1) Van de Zedde met with a bad ac
cident Friday eveuirig when returning
from tjionx City on the Foye car. He
alighted from tho car as it was pasung
his home, not waitiug for tue motor
man to stoo the car. and niiased his
footing and Ml, istrikiug on hio shoul
der and breaking one of the shoulder
bones. While the accident is not of a
serious naturo it i very painful and
will keep him out of mischief (and also
out of tho btore) for neverul clays.
A letter dated Sept '28th, from Carl
Frei'ei icksou, who went to Denmark
in August to visit his purents and old
tir?e fiiemls, runs as follows: "I am at
home iu Belle Mollebanke with my
father and mother uud am having a
good time, but am ready to leave al
most any time for our good old USA.
Denmark is a fine couutry, but oh, it
is small Dakota county seems like a
bigger place than all Denmark. I
have now traveled from one end of
Denmark to the other. I am going to
for nnblmrd. Nebr. about Oct
10th. over the Cnnnard line from Liv
erpnol. R -girds to all, eto."
We have made
We can sell "protection"
or call it that for less
money than we charge for
our insurance.
The reason we charge
what we do is to make our
Of Lincoln, Nebr.
C. L. Williams, Norfolk,
Henry Cain of Hubbard, was a busi
ness visitor here Monday.
Boy a good farm on the Dakota
county bottom. I have it. Eimers.
W L Ross went to Lyman county,
S D, Wednesday on a deal for piece
of South Dakota land.
Mrs Gertrude Dest and sons, Wil
liam n 1 Donald, were tip from Homer
ovei Sunday visiting relatives.
W E Snethenleft Monday for Exeter,
Nebr, on a months vacation, where
he will join his wife who is visiting
her parents.
Arthur Harrison of Sionx City, and
Delia 0rens of Dead wood, S D, were
joined in marriage Wednesday by Rev
W R Warren, M E Taster.
" Mr Carbon, relief agent for the Bur
lington road, is looking after the com
pany's business here during the ab
sence of W E Snethen, tho regular
Hello Central 1 Tlesse give me Nol.
Is this Mr Van de Zedde? Please
send Harold down with a package of
that 30o coffee and one of those Dice
dishes. Alright, thank yon.
Brown's Tenne see ministrels showed
to a small crowd in the Ayres Krnm
wiede hall Monday evening. The
show came unannounced etcopt for a
few dodgers and a noisy brass band.
All kinds of coal, feed and hay for
sale at reasonable prices.
& Slaughter Co.
Thio E Bliyen, Manager,
' Dakota City, Neb.
The Lutheran choir of this place
went to Sioux City Sunday to sing at
the funeral of Mrs Sarah Einkead,
whose funeral was held from the chap
el at Westcott's undertaking parlors.
Henry V Brown of Sioux City, and
Harriett U Reasegien of South Sioux
City, were granted a license to wed on
Wednesday, and were joined in mar
riage the same evening at South Sionx
"Well Mary, where did you get that
nine (lis ti, nint it a beauty ?" "I got it
at Van de Zedde's with a package of
coffee, for only 30o". "I'll Phone
John and have him bring me a pack
age when he comes home."
Your opin'on about what you see is
determined partly by how you see.
Very few people have normal vision.
Ouly perfectly fitted glasses will give
both relief nnd normal sight. W C
Eckhart, Licensed Optometrist.
Judge Graves came up from I'ender
last Friday evening and heard argu
ments for a new trial iu the case of
George Foster, who was convicted on a
charge of bastardy at the recent term
court. A new trial was granted and
the case will be heard next week. A
special venire of jurymen will be sum
moned for the case.
We will bold u Special Sale and
Demonstration o' the National Biscuit
Company's Inner Heal Trade Mark
package goods on Saturday, October
23rd. All 10 ct nt packages 3 for 25c,
and all 5-cent packages 6 for 23c
on that day and date ouly. Come in
and take advantage of this sale.
S A Stisson.
Paul Kinkel signal foreman at the
Burlincton tower, reoeived word
lust Saturday that his sister had been
ki led ut St Paul. Minn, by being run
over by a patrol wagon. Mr Kinkel,
wife and son Wilfred, left bunday
for St, Paul to attend the funeral obse
. - . -. . . . v m 1
(lines nir Kinnei reiurneu luesusy,
his wife and son remaining for a weens
visit with relatives.
Richard T Quintal and Miss Ida
Elacketer were united iu marriage
Wednesday morning at the home of
the bride's mother in this place, Rev
W R Warren, pastor of the M E
church, oflioiuting. Both these yotmg
neonle are well known in this commu
nity, where they have a boat ol menus
who loiu in extending congratulations
Thev will make their home hete for
the preseut.
lii nt O D Reed, who operated two
launches on Crystal lake the past sum
mer. has taken his boats from the loko
and laauohed them in the Missouri
liver at the foot of Broadway. Ho
has converted bis 50-foot stern wheel
launch into a house-bot and will start
down the river soon with his family
to snend the winter in a warmer cli
mate. In the meantime he will look
for a new field in which to operate his
George Cummings, the eldest of the
two burclars who were being held
here awaiting a hearing on a charge
of breakine into the res.dence of Nel
son Smith of Homer, last week, took
French leave Wednesday tjveniug about
8 o'clock when Deputy Sheriff Wm
Bierman trusted him out of bis sight
long enough to go out back of tbe
eouri house for some kindling. 0ing
to the crowded condition of the jail
at present the prisoners have been
given more liberty than usual, and
this fellow had beeu allowed to bring
iu water and wood during the evening,
and it was on bis third trip out that
he failed to return. No trace of him
had been found up to last evening,
other than that a fellow unsweriug his
description had ridden into Sioux City
on the 10 o'clock Traction car on
tho night of the getaway.
The Lincoln State Journal is certain-
ling after uew business when it offer
to send that big daily paper without
Sunday from now uutil January 1,
l'JIO for only 50 eouts, or with Sunday
for 75 cents. Almost every family in
the state will want t take advantage
of this big cut in lui-e in order t j com
pare The Journal with any other daily
they know about, lhisis just what
Tho Jontual folks want and why it
makes such a cheap price. Its pub
lishers feel that if a family gets The
Journal habit no other paper will ever
till the bill after that. I lie Jo.irnul
not only is a groat uowspapnr iu a
strict news sense, but stands for many
of the principles that p.re being fought
for by Nebraska. It sin the forefrou
of the battle against the saloon am
refuses to print liuu r or pantry medi
cal advertising. Send in a half dollar
aud see what a lot you get for yon
money. They guarantee to stop the
paper when the time is up.
Hunger makes me think of you;
Thought of you makes me hungry
Between the thought and sight of you,
Indeed I'm always hungry
But with appetite awaiting
a nickle in hand andf you
in store who coyld wish
for anything more?
New apparatus arrived this week for
the physicb class.
Harry Broyhill has been absent the
past week.
Nellie Sacford is in school again
after a week's absence.
Mamie McCorkmda'e spent Satur
day and Sunday at her home in Wak i-
Official Proceedings of the Board of
County Commissions.
Dakotr City, Neb, Oct 5, 1909.
Board of county commissioners met
pursuant to adjournment. TreHeut
John Sierk, chairman, Ed Morgan, J
U Bonderson.
Board ordered the county treason r
to accept the origiual tax, let-s interest
and advertising, on the following lots:
Lots 4 and 5 in bloc'i C8; lot 9 in
block 83, and lot 2 in block 113, Cov
ington. The treasurer is ordered to ucofpt
County Coroner
The 5th grade is drawing ndt the principal, less advertising and in-
moulding maps of South Americu.
Pupils neither absent or tardy dur
ing month: Willie Towell. Ada Broth
erton, Elsie Krumwiede, Irene Lake.
Harriett Ayres, Lloyd Moore, Harold
Antrim, Dora Olsen and Henry Krumwiede.
Received new readers and supplies
this week.
1st grade have finished first crayon
landscapes this week.
Reoeived our kindergarten cnairs
this week.
Charlotte Warren entered the bright
eyes class Monday.
Wilfred Kinkel has been absent this
week having gone to fet Paul.
The 2nd and 3rd grades are having
interesting disoussions of bees in then
For Sale
A large list of Cheyenne, Morrill,
Box Butte, Kimball, Scotts Bluff and
Banner county Nebr, lands.
Ranches, relinquishments railroad
contracts, school sections all sizoN
and priceB from 0.50 per aero and up
for deeded lauds.
Having a personal knowledge of
these lands I will go and show them to
those who wish to invent.
S A Combs, Homer, Nebr.
Wednesday Literary club will meet
I Ui MIhh Kmfeleii Octnher HHIi, lit which
time the following program will lie iflven:
Hoi I Cull. KcsiHiiihCH ulMitit American
History Study. Uli. St, 4, ft. . Mrs. Mcllcalli
Paper, "Hide I. mills on the KximtIc nci'S
ol colonial i.iie" .irs. mason
M Uslc
Current Kvcnts Mrs. Kvims
K. Knirelini, Secretary.
Services at the Methodist Episcopal
hureh every Sunday as follows:
Preaching, 11a m ; Sunday so'jool, 10
m! Class meeting 12 m; Epworlu
League, 6:30 p in; Preaching, 7 p in.
Lcctura Course Dates
The Russell Novelty Co
Monday, Nov 22. 191)
W I Nolon Friday, Dec IT, 1909
R O Bowman.... Friday, Jan 21, 1910
The Modern Musicians
Saturday, Feb 5, 1910
R L Kemplo .Wednesday, Mar 23, 1910
tereNt. ut one-half the assessed value
in full payment vt taxes, on the fol
low icg lots, for the reason that said
lots are fraeti 'rial kts, are crossed by
railroad, tml have been nsseshcit as
full lots: Lots 4, 5 and 0 in block
113, Covington.
Tito following reports of county ofli-
cers were approved by the board:
To the board of .'oniity commissioners,
Dakota c-miitr, Nebraska.
ReiKirt of fees earned in the county
clerk s oflico in the 3rd (luaiter of the
year 1909. endinp; September 30, 191)9.
Fees for recording r-17 70
Third quarter salary il lie
Total 1-117 7"
W L Ross, county clerk.
Subscribed and sworn to bofore
Oeorco Wilkius. clerk of the district
To tlio lion, board of county commis
si. Hers
Amount of feen collected by DC
StiiiHon, as follows;
July iwm. total l!tt
AiiKiixt. It ii, total lal 7fi
SepleinlHT totnl 1"8 4i
Total for three moiitliH 17" 46 I
D C Miiison, county judge.
Statement of fees collected in the
oflicc of tin- clerk of the district court
of D iKnl.1 county, Neb, for tho quar
ter choieK Kept 3d, 1909.
To the honorable board of county com
Fees collected In July Jlf.l l'
Fees collected In Aumlst t,M Ml
Fees collected III hcplcliilier IS 7"
h:U4' -A V-iV.t1t
IBxsmLper ii (Drops
as always in
li. F. Sawyer
Jackson, Nebraska
Candidate for Re-eleotton.
ik'Ti,.fl ! BO YEARS
mm. Wli
Trade Mark
'fjT.W.t-tfi'V Designs
' tlivS Copyrights Ac.
innnn r..,mi'i n nkptrli nnd lcrlptlnn m
aul"kly naeiTOiin nar mhiiioii f rue "ImHmr u
iiivcnllc.il in pr.ihuliljf p.iliietiilile Uliiniunlrft.
..i , ... I v .1UIIO..11I lul. HANnmOK in I'M eat
bi-mt. I ten. 'H1: t iiifniicy fur ium-uiuik pulaaln.
J'uO'liOl in.iMl lllltiuKU muni. i.
r. i ll fiutirr, wlilmut chnrito, lu Hie
Scientific American.
A Imnrtno-Tiolr lllildtratoil wkoiit. i.riw rir.
tl Htll.tl el jiliTH'tPTiiiiiw i.iun.ni. vv .
...ix- l.ur nionllii, U Sold hf all ner1olm
WM &Co.3CIBd"'- New York
I,.-., j inn.- Tl r Pt WHhlumuo. I. u
R R Time Table
c, St. p., m. a o.
Trains leave Dakota City ut the fol
lowing time :
:r,o im Omaha 7:fiH am
10:0.'! am Omaha ...,,.i.'i pm
3:.-8 jim Norfolk K ;-j:t am
).'2H am Norfolk 6:1.1 pin
1 :'M am Newcastle 10 :1H am
2:00im ....... it. bb im
12:13 piu Omaha 2 :".0 am
j:;M Norfolk H:M an,
'J:'H Norfolk 5: ID
Total ft el collected forllrdcir fcMI It1
(ieorg.- Wilkins, clerk district court.
Hubsci ihed uud sworn to before I)
C iSiinson, county j'idge
John Manning was appointed by t'.ie
board to nerve on the old soldiers re
lief fund committee in plaoo of J M
Tho following claims were allowed ;
(iKNiruAi. nN n
K l Staiiard, hoard for Mrs U'tir.
l.urier I 21 '.'ft
I'ci k i Hro- 1 1o, iinlles
11.1 Leahey, lu-ioilty hoard, ca-e of
l in liiiiver
i K Waters, lumiier
It T Sawyer. hurlin Mrs U.-ed,
I'hilm m
1 1 amnion. I A Steven- i 'o, ui.lse
Scot t Duncan. OikkIiik m ave for M rs
el kiliK Hi os t !o. mil se
V I. Itni, uuiktUK tin 11..1, salary,
e x iieui'M, etc
Art Ityinlll
Iteile I'.ai-liert, carliiL' for Mis Iteed..
nil I. line he it , hi iat 'I I nit pull oe rs ..
Kl'eil Srhl II VIT, Mill I'
Iin Sierk. siilarv
This means PROSPERITY for one and
all for all follow the farmer
Come here for best in Banking Insurance Loans.
"The Bank that ALWAYS treats you RIGHT"
Darvk. of Dakota County
If mbr.
Dakota Citvi Nit. laW6rS
Bonded : Abstracter
608 Metropolitan Blk.
Sioux City. Iowa
IS. (L IS. IL'foV. Co.
cm q
No, s:i Lioeui c reiuut v:ioam
17 " passenger, OinitLu
and Lincoln 12:47 pm
No. 8ti Local Freight 2 :25 pm
10 Local PaS"senger. .C:''7 pm
daily. daily except (Sunday.
in no
(ll oi
:tfi ivi
r. :
fl oi
:i :
r. 17
! nil
'l nn
4 i fl"
fil '
1 1 '
ei '
1 1
I 11 llonilermio, alarv
Aiislln Se l r n I 'o. riialrs ....
I lelil l-'e I Ik I II.-. si i In r , e o-
I 'ii r-j A y re-, luoll IT
I I' KiM-k m-II. Mila r.y
Win I '. . e i ina n n , -n liny
lln. t hfnesi n, Miij).n s
k' .V It l.hr ( o, IiiiiiImt
John sierk, fri-nh. on tile
Ii H Heat ty , III lilii.. wol k
l!OA Ii KI'N Ii.
Art Hymlll.road woik .Ms mi
lin t n niSTe.ii'T kiin n.
(leo W Tlincker, until work.iliHt. N
Hny A rmon r. aiie-
W in I .en nn-r. -nine ' '
I in hits'riy, same '
t ii-ii 'I'harke r. same 1 '
(eo M i.lkltT, Kami- 1 1
1 1 ml
7 1
W .Vi
Hoard ttiliouriied to Oct 10. 1909
W L Hons, eluik.
Subscribe for Tijk Heuauij tl per
Nerve energy is tho
force that controls tho or
gans of respiration, cir
culation, digestion and
elimi nation. When you
feel weak, nervous, irri
tahle, sick, it is often be
cause you lack nerve
energy, and tho process
of rebuilding and sustain
ing life is interfered with.
Dr. Miles' Nervine has
cured thousands of such
cases, and will we helicvo
benciit if not entirely
cure you. Try it.
"My nervous iivitem gn.v awny
comi Icti lv. nnd l -il m on the verca
of the k' U". 1 rl"d Hl.illed r'K'
clun hut pot no iiernmnent icier.
I nut mi timl I had to Kiv tin my
lnihiniM. 1 isrnn tuMiiK Jr. Mil.-i
lu stur.iilvo Nn vine. In a few l:iy
I much luttcr, nnd 1 continual
to lio.Mivn ti ti 1 i I entirely cuied. I
em in hiiin' im un, and never nn'S)
ii n opp"! luim v to l ecomineinl t ni
remedy." MI'.. ,!' ,'a .l!lu'.
Myrtlo fJ.i-ek, ori-Kn.
Your clrunaist tells Dr. Miles' Nerv
ine, and e anthorle him to return
price of first buttlo tonly) If It tails
to benefit you.
Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind
The most complete line ever brought to Dakota
City. Garland Base Burners the Worlds Best.
Monarch Malleable Ranges Better than Ever.
No matter what your requirements are in the
Stove line, we have an endless variety from the
cheapest to the best. We meet all competition
and then go you one better, we deliver them, set
them up, and start them going. Can also fur- j
nish repairs for almost any stove manufactured.
Odd size pipe, furnace pipe and fittings made to
order. General Repair shop in connection.
Edwards k Bradford L'mb'r Co.
V. 0. Lake, Hcsidcnt Mr.
Dakota City, Neb
Scvttirday ,
Sardines 4c per Box
Ladies' Belts 5c each
Men's 50c Shirts
Oct. lGtK
Climax 45c per lb
3 pkges Mince Meat. . . .20c
i . . for 45c
Ssxturdsvy. Oct. ?3rd
Men's $1 50 All Wool Sweaters 51. OO
Men's $2.50 Duck Coats, $2 Sweet Potatoes. . . 3c lb
I pair Men's Faced Husking Mittens 25c
(1 lbs New Tan Cake Flour 25c
A 50c Gallon Can of Peaches 4Qc
II member oar Uneeda Iiincuit Demonstration and Sale on this date
1 A 0
' Dakota City. Nebraska I