Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, September 17, 1909, Image 7

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    A A f?f ft O
" Do you know of any woman who ever received any
benefit from taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com
pound? "
If any woman who is suffering with any ailment peculiar
to her sex will ask her neighbors this question, she will be
surprised at the result. There is hardly a community in
this country where women cannot be found who have been
restored to health by this famous old remedy, made
exclusively from a simple formula of roots and herbs.
During the past 30 years we have published thousands
of letters from these grateful women who have been cured
by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, and never
in all that time have we published a testimonial without
the writer's special permission. Never have we knowingly
published a testimonial that was not truthful and genuine.
Here is one just received a few days ago. If anyone doubts
that this is a true and honest statement of a woman's experi
ence with Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound write
and ask her.
Houston, Texas. ""When I first began taking I,ydla E. Pink
burn' Vegetable Compound I vras a total wreck. I bad been
glck for thrco veara 'with female troubles, chronic dyspepala,
and a liver trouble. I bad tried several doctor's medicines, but
nothing did mo any good.
"For three years I lived on medicines und thought I would
never Ret well, when I read an ndvertisment of Lydia E. Pink
ham's Vegetable Compound, and was advised to try It.
"My husband got me one bottle of tlie Compound, and It did
me so much good 1 continued its use. I am now tv well woman
and enjoy the best of health.
"I advise all women suffering from such troubles to give
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound a trial. They won't
regret it, for it will surely cure you." Mrs. Bessie L. Hicks,
811) Cleveland St., Houston.
Any woman who is sick and suffering is foolish surely
not to give such a medicine as this a trial. Why should it
not do her as much good as it did Mrs. Hicks.
Alnzo Hire.
lie fends no burdens we may not enflure.
And nftrr labor tliere Is rnveet reload;
The midnight billows we may sail secure,
Certain of refuge and a iort of pence.
l'or nmfnrt call to "Hun who slttlns In
Tl.e circle if the heaven" hejird the err
Ol thos.' weak voices over nil the din.
And fed the ravrns. lie Is ever nU;h.
And wheu th shadows Rather like a pall.
The more Implicitly we trust In the Lord;
When perils threaten ps. we pbeuld rern.ll
Our part Is to ol.r ; (iod's to reward.
"Commit thy ay unto the Lord." and thnu
Triumphant Into por; b'.;i"i ri'lo at la.'i.
Sweet comfort in thy peart and on thy brow
The sunshine yprnkiuc of the tempest pHstf
Cnrr Iiib Iltinilles.
Everybody carries bundles, and
everybody, according to a West Side
philosopher who spends half his time
In deducing traits of character from
deeds performed and the manner of
their performance, carries them In his
wj way.
' "A "nt!in of cautious disposition,"
he said, "carries a bundle clutched
tightly in his left hand. If it is too
large to be carried that way he doen't
carry It at all. but has it tent home
In the delivery wagon. Such a man
jfnot only cautious, be is stubborn,
anTTaFnfully slow ot speech and
thought; but he is home-abiding and
f unquestionable probity. The man
who carries a bundle In his right hand
has all those qualities, but In a modi
fied degree.
"A man who stumbles up the stairs
of the elevated station with a pack
age tucked under his arm Inclining
backward and downward at a decided
angle Is good matured, but rather
pessimistic, and he might, if things
w"nt ri!.'T!)-t hitu too hard, take
"t .i;;'e In c'rink. If the bundle tilts
i n ha ta'-e-; a mire opt i""'. "tic view
of life and likes to tell stories).
' The man who carries a bundle
hugped up close to his coat front 13
jeu!i:s c.-ul inclined to be stingy.
Still, he can be managed, and If his
wife h:n the knack of winding him
around her finger she can easily be
the best dr ;se I woman in the block,
because he has the money to do It
"The man who ties the bundle he
has to take home with a heavy string
and goes along swinging it by the
loop made for that purpose Is the
most lovable chap of all, but he is
. also the most unreliable, because he
is a spendthrift, and Is so prodigal of
his affections that the many women
whom he is sure to make lovo to are
apt to pass through some mighty un
comfortable days and nights before
.hev find out white they are at."
I I old oil So,"
An old couple lived in the moun
tains of eastern Tennessee; he was 95
and she I'O. Their son, a man of 70,
died. As the old folks crosst-1 the pas
ture to their cabin after the funeral,
the woman noticed u tear roll down
her husband's cheek. She patted him
tenderly on the arm and said:
"Never mind, John, never mind:
you know I always said we never
would raise thf boy." Success Magazine."
Why He 1'nvorod Tbem.
Friend Why do you encourage these
woman's suffrage meetings? Surely
you don't approve of them?
Husband Approve? With all my
heart! I can come home ns late as I
like now without finding my wife wait
ing to ask questions. Kansas City
IU V NOW. Denver lots, high, sight
ly. Transportation; $125 upwards. $10
down, $f month. Agents wanted. Fri
liourg's Pelvldere Mining Kxchange,
Denver, Colorado.
The I.nw' lelnya.
"I understand that you called on
the plaintiff, Mr. Barnes. Is that so?"
questioned Lawyer Fuller, now Chlel
"Yes," answered the witness.
"What did he say?" next demandei
The attorney for the defense jump
ed to his feet and objected that the
conversation could not be admitted in
the evidence. A half-hour's argument
followed, and the judges retired to
their private room to consider the
An hour later the judges filed into
the court-room and announced thai
Mr. Fuller might put his question.
"Well, what did the plaintiff say,
Mr. Barnes?"
"He weren't at home, sir," came the
answer without a tremor. From Sue
cess Magazine.
Kept Her Word.
"Harold," said the young woman
resolutely, "I promised my mother 1
never would marry uny man without
asking him bow he stood on the great
question of woman suffrage. You will
have to tell me how you stand."
"I'm opposed to It, Itella," bluntlj
answered the young man.
"Well er that's all I promised
mamma; I didn't bind myself to re
fuse any good man Just because he
now, Harold, you stop that!" Chloagc
When the parlor gas is turned low, it's
a safe bet the riIit younff man is in It.
When the Orchard Hill lMUitigslys
came to town and walked down the
sunny side of Main street doing their
Saturday shopping It was ct riuia that
the Billlngslys of Crimp Heights would
confine themselves strictly to those
shops on the shady side of the street.
As will be seen at once, this caused
grumbling among the merchants of
Hunterton, for Hilling-dys and
their relations by marriage represent
ed a considerable proportion of a!l
those who did their trading In that
Questioning any re: 'dent of Hunter
ton as to the reason f.ir I ho feud was
likely to result In s:n'n'ng the imag
ination of the person seeking to give
Information, for so lung bad the
breach lasted and so deeply burled was
Its origin under a mass of later accusa
tions and counter-accusations and gen
eral gossip that no human belim, to be
strictly honest, really knew what was
the original ca'ise. Hunterton chil
dren were born in the knowledge that
the Orchard 11.11 Ilillingslys must not
he asked to the sa.me tea parlies with
their kinsmen from Crimp Heights.
They accepted the fact as they ac
repted twenty-four hours in the day
and winter flannels on Oct. lo with
out curiosity. The present generation
of Ulllingslys bad inherited the quar
rel. All thse things being so, it was nat
ural that business on Main street
should stop on the day that Leonora
Jones did what she did.
Lenora Jones was a girl from a
town eighty miles to the east, who
was visiting Cassie Billingsly. The
two had driven in from Orchard Hill
in a light cart. As they turned from
the curbing on one side of Main street
Leonora suddenly beamed and cried:
"Walt a minute!" Then she grabbed
the lines from Cassle's hands and
drove directly to where a young man
painfully hesitated on the walk.
Cassie had the lines the day she
and l-onora were driving over to a
neighboring village, so tlie latter can
i;. t Iv am:: .! of liolag entirely re
sponsible for what happened. Hut the
fact remains that Ieonora saw who
the man was approaching on foot with
g-ui aril dogs and Cassie didn't, and
when the pony nil led at a Slurrying
rabbit Leonora took occasion to scream
and clutch lit the driver's arm. Titer?
was a svcre and then a crash and
the two girls were thrown out, while
the frightened horso galloped off.
Leonora sat up with a confident
laugh und put her hair straight.
Down the road the man came running,
as she had expected. Then as she
turned triumphantly toward her com
panion she grew suddenily white and
For Casslo was neither laughing nor
frowning at the misadventure. She
lay still and the sharp stone beneath
her head was stained crimson. Ar
thur Billingsly raised her up and the
fright In his eye met the fright in
"Through those fields," he ordered.
"To the Dockets' house!"
Leonora ran for help. She had In
deed thrown Arthur and Cassie to
gether, but at what a price!
Hack In the road Cassie opened her
eyes once and smiled unknowingly at
Arthur. It was the first time In years
that the lips of an Orchard Hill liill
Ingsly had curled up Instead of down
at a Crimp Heights Billingsly and
even this smile was a bit delirious.
But It wns a smile!
When Arthur Billingsly had brought
Cassie home and actually entered the
house nobody thought much about It
In the excitement. When ho called the
following day to Inquire about her it
was too late to do anything but let
him in.
"Anyhow," said Cassle's helpless and
What la rl?
The paint on a bouae Is the eitrem
utalde of the house. The wood Is aim
ply a structural under layer. That If
as It should be. Unprotected wood win
not well withstand weather. But paint
made of pure white lead and linseed
oil Is an Invulnerahle armor sgi'nst
sun and rain, heat and cold. Such
paint protects and preserves, fortify
ing the perishable wood with a com
plete metallic casing.
And the outside of the hotfe Is th
looks of the house. A well construct
ed building may be greatly depreciate I
by lack of painting or by poor paint
National Lead Company have made
It pnos'vie for every building owner tc
he absolutely sure of pure white leu!
paint before applying. They do thl;:
by putting upon etery package of their
white lead 'heir Dutch Boy Painter
Trademark. That trademark Is a com
plete guarantee.
Hunt In IIm ii !!.
"Ho are you going to keep com
plaints from arising among consum
ers?" "I don't know," answered Mr.
Dustin Stax. "Consumers are mighty
troublesome. Sometimes I think they
takn advantage of the fact that we
can't get along without 'vox In our
business "
I 'inMiita,
1 I
Li i-HA
Honored by Women
hen a womta apeak ol her
ilent secret suffering aha
Inula you. Millions have he
Mowed tlu'a mnrk of confi
dence on Dr. P. V. Pierce,
.f liiifTnir), N. Y. Every
vhcie l!icre ore vrnmen who
bear viitncsa to Iho wonder
working, curing-power of Dr.
Tierce's I avorite Prescription
which tavca the $fferin( tea
from fain, and succeaafulif
rjpplT.n with woman's weak
oeaacs and Uublnrn it's.
ft? " 1
bk',... .. jii.n' inn mil
No womnn'a repeal w ever misdirected or her
Bdencc misplaced when ulie wrote lor advice,
H. V. 1'icrcr, President, HcfUlo. N. Y.
Dr. Pierce' Vlcn'mnt PtUcti Induce irVd natural o rl mmtmrnt one m dT-
If yon HntT'T from M.-piIIhk, Itititntr. Mlnrt
or iuotriKlinv I'Hoh. miuI me your aiMrem,
ami I will li'H you tm.v to cure yourself n'
lionie liy the new a!ii ,ii,.n tn:itnunt : und
will also ai'inl riiiiii' ,if ilil home trvmiicnt
frcp lr trial, with rrft rcuri" from your
on locality If r-n n.-it.-.l. linmiMiiilo ri
ll. -f ami pi'i tun ni-nt ruio nsureil. Sctnl no
money, tint tell oiheis of tills olTor. Wrllp
tmlny to Mrs. M Summers, Hot '2, Notre
Dame, luil.
l ln nnl Inn ( (imliiir.
"Pld you write this report on
lecture, 'The Curse of Whisky"'"
"Yes, madam."
"Then kindly explain what you mean
by saying, 'The leeturer was evidently
full of her subject.'" London Opinion.
v J '
fteaema ( aina on I i-e and Ankle
Co ii a II ii ii liief of Police otilil
Xot Wi-iir Shoi-a Ilernuae of II nil
Men 1 1 ii ic nntl ItehlnK,
"I Lave been successfully enrol of
dry ec.etnn. I was Inspecting the re
moval of noxious woods from tlie ilgt
of a river and was constantly In tin
(lust from the weeds. At night 1
cleansed my limbs, but felt a prickly
sensation. I paid no attention to it
for two years, but 1 noticed n scum
on my legs like fish scales. I did not
attend to It until It came to be too
Itchy and sore and began getting two
running sores. My tinkles were all sore
and scabby and I could not wear shoes.
I bad to use carpet and felt slippers
for weeks. I got a cuke of the Cuti
curn Soap ami some Cutleura Oint
ment. Iu less than ten days I could
put on my boots and In less than three
weeks I wns free from the confounded
Itching. Cnpt. George P. IUIsh, Chief
of Police, Morris. Manitoba. March 20.
1907, and Sept. 21, IPOS."
Totter Drug & Cbetn. Corp., Sole
Props, of Cutleura itemed ies, Boston.
Itoumanla is the most Illiterate coun
try In Lurope. The last census shows
that In a population of nbout 6,000,000
nearly 4.000.000 neithnr write nor rm.
'-si.-n i n U1 Tfrr mfUt. Tim nik ft- nt ml, an 4 all oft 19
iiii I'lim'. .'.4i.it', no n'n'irr hfvr "v t fv-1, "' k t f nun httTlnr tho di
jr.eo. i v -..mm. s iMiN-M i.ivriu niMTK ui'Ktt cvhk.
i "tin- t"ii,-'t r In t t . ,VW on tti b mI nr1 i pfHl Rrml !
m A rata In fnL
bottle: Man
flrrtja pvd r
throat. Our trm
SPOHN MEOIOtUi CO..iituidRHwt.iiiitH Cothen, Ind., U..A
'. -s,j. iv.'
JT - -, I -.V"i " mil t" i-. i .i!vt-ni! 't, t'ft r-t'"iT vtir itnown for
KL . vVv -V 7; h ' V t pmntK ..".rfi w cut . htii i-w to ponltlm thr
; " ' m ' ' I'.i r""ki t k-i n.'rrvtiiitin. I x.il aeent wanted.
44r r- t ai,.J..,",iiM- " Vhf v hoP-i rr'-iiCOy ill JMJU'iiO tWfMTu yvnr.
Only W per cr:.t
population n:e iihle
.Spain's .'.l,in.tn0
rea.l nml wri;o.
Slinkp Into Your Mine.,
Allen's Foot-Kase. It cun w p.ilur'it
swollen, smarting, sweattnit nit. Mi :.
new shoes e.my. Sold ly nil dn
and Rhoe stores. lion't ucretit any Flit
stltute. Sample Addrrsi A
(.llnisted, I.e Koy, N. Y.
A man can insure hsmiiim l in lot
teries '.villi compauv c.t The llane.
Mrs. WlnMov'n Soothlmt Kvrun for
children torttilnir, softenx the Kim,, re
iluceH tntlaiitniiitlon, nllfly putn, cures
WKinu collie. L'.Se n liottle
Fortune smiles nn some men on day
and civra thein the lninih the next.
Quirk a Wink.
If your eyes ache with s sninrtine.
hnrnlnn sensation nml ilizrinen! use I'KT-
rrr's v.w: saiak. ah .inm-nists 0r
Howard Hros., Iluffnln, N. Y.
The inipor'ntlnn of primn-uiail Boodi
into Australia is prtihibited.
u mi
. (mm
f"?V T'''s Trade-mark
Lliminatcs All
in the purchase of
paint materials.
It is an absolute
gii.irantee of pur
ity and quality,
tor your own
protection, see
tl. it it ii on the tide of
every keg ol white lead
you buy.
1(02 Tfinirr wln,. ,w fort
A little bottle of llnmlitu NVinrd (i
is n medicine chest in Itself. It can In
applied in a la kit number of painful
ailments than .iiiv other remedy kno,vii.
Accoruin i.. ,.ii o..;,i't a ; ions of a
New York bnrl.or. M per cent of the
ndult loiile population wear 1. car. la.
Chronli. dy.riMila nfl.n fiilt. from liofl-Om .Urlil
nflnekN of lnilluMtln. Avo.il truuh.o lv In k lua Inin
klilv iur uraiup. aud ll.dltw.lluu. tuc.. Hv. Jl Ujc bihm.
There aie mniy people who never
eat bread, but always eat pie, and are
healthy. There Is scarcely one In
gredient In either of these articles
that is not In the other, and yet tra
dlt'on praises bread and condemns
pie. As a mutter of fact, no longer
is pie what It was 50 years a;;o. The
pie which nourished Abraham Lin
coln, Hen Franklin, the Adamses,
Sam and John; the pie about which
Longfellow wrote, which Emerson
ate threo times a day, plo that was
once an Inspiration, a symphony, a
ripe achievement and the most sacred
performance of a patriotic duty, such
pie is no longer eaten not even in
New England.
rosUlyrlr tr9 Vf
these Little Pills i
They also reH CM
tress from Dyspepsia. Ia
Ht,YsUon and Too Vout0
Eating. A perfect reay
edy for Dizziness. Kansas
Urowslncss, Bad Tutf
in the Mouth. Ooateal
Toomin, pain In the Stdai
Tnunn liver. The
rcgtilate Vbo Bowels. Purely Vefotable.
Gsnuins Must Bear
Fac-Simila Signature
These candy
tablets do just as
much as salts or calo
mel. But Cascarets never
callous the bowels. Thevnever
create a continuous need, as
harsh cathartics do. Take on
just as soon as the troubl
. a .
appears, ana in nn hour its over.
Veat-porkrt box. ltccnta atdruf-atorea. H3
Each tablrt of (he senulnr la marked C C C
S. 0. N. U. - No. 381809.
mil If YZK rAUHl
BIA CO Uaat. lit. r.intuwulla. Mlaa. i i'
t - I . .-I Mr--
U'f t M t -l'llf '
1 1 I.e i f It i a Ipi , j 1
II tt f I.
1 l,f
llcajt UUlill"
rfi.i.llaVi. t 'iUHi
Mm (1 r' to i ity.
Urpurtawciit 1., 9,
II aflllcfed ftllb
Cyei, im
i i r a - t Hltll
fit fHI f
' ti t. kt-.l la
.No innllff
n m Xk i
v. M !
m tr
Tlie accoinpain in
lauit v little town for
" t. rri'i.rv vv n , r .r I
I A II A II II lH I I.Oolta ) O
llliigliMmlwii, htm 1 91 k
ikctih aliows
ai-iiii occasions ". i
It should suit those wlio iiave a faney foi
enijiiie lines, and a desire for the loii
waist as well.
A toft and clingy material ia tiled, and
soutache ia a pretty design form lha 1
i triiiiniiiif .
He was Arthur nillingsly and he
lived on Crimp Heights. The almost
frozen terror of Cassle's face we re
flected In the embarrassment of his.
Lenora reached out a welcoming
hand. "I'm glad to see. you again! "
she cried. "Aren't you ever going to
Visit in my town any .more? I've been
here a week and you've never come
near! I asked Cassie why, because of
course I knew you and she must be.
related, the name being the same, and
Bho said you were out of town! Hut
now "
"I read It in the paper," Cassie
broke In defiantly, her face crimson..
That a Crimp Heights Billingsly and
this particularly good-looking one, a
cousin four times removed, should
think she took even the slightest In
terest In hla comings and goings was
! Intolerable.
The young man regarded Cassie
otnewhat whimsically. She was de
cidedly pretty, a fact ho had been
traitor enough to his clan to recog
nize long ago even across Main Btreet.
Ills lurking smile further crimsoned
Cassle's cheeks. With an inarticulate
word she grasped the lines and drove
away quickly.
Leonora's indignant, "Why, t'a.-isle
Billingsly! You didn't let ine say
good by aud oti ti'-u r ppuke lo him
yourself! What has be ever dune to
you?" floated hack to the yoiiii' man
as ho walked k!o1.v away.
That was it w hat had he ever done
to her or she to lii.rn? Vet l bey were
reiptlrtd to Ib-e the sight of each other.
"Vou don't tini'.c ivt.'tnd," Ca-.ie told
Leonora. Thereupon she endeavored
to lnr.ke Leonora under uai; I until her
brealh fiive mil.
"(j.' a. I the u.iiiseiiM-!" deelared Leo
rera HIppMitly at the end. "1 never
Leaid the like! Why. Arthur llillines
ly is splell'.iill. lie v!-.i:cd u college
frlei. d In my limn' You're a Kunsr -
oked at ou nil the time! It's
to Sei; that he's dying to know
don't care tu know lilin!" said
. Mllriy. i ho memory of his eyes
fade her feel bewildered, yet
"H'm!" commended Leonora. "I'd
like to vmash a few of your gilt -edged
family prejudice! Of all idiotic
bewildered family,
be an exception!"
'Arthur seems to
When Leonora finally went home
she laughed In Cassle's face.
"What do you think of me as a dova
of peace, anyhow?" she demanded.
"I'll cevne back and be maid of honor
whenever you say, Cassie!"
And several months later she did.
Nowadays you will find the Orchard
Hill nillingslys and the Crimp Heights
Ulllingslys shopping peacefully on
both Bides of Main street, thus restor
ing the financial equilibrium of Hunt
erton. So everybody Is satisfied.
Chicago Dally News.
The 1. rafter iff Tw Kvlla.
On the llrst Sunday night of theii
visit In Chicago, a writer in the Wash
ington Herald says, the successful
merchant escorted his pareuts to a
fashionable church. Some of the
hymns were familiar, and In their
rendition tho visiting pair contrib
ute,! heavily, with tho credit for vol
ume in favor of the father.
Although not always In correct
time, aud sometimes In discord, yet
tin: joy of the good couple leaped
forth In joyous prals", and they did
nol see the glowering looks of near-by
worshipers or the Hushed lace of their
devo'ed son.
'Father," observed the merchant
that afternoon, whlin his mother was
tak'ng her accustomed nap, "in our
churches the congregation dri-s very
liltle Hlnginc; It Is left entirely to
the choir."
"I Know, my boy," j-iid the old gen
tleni'iii, as be loving., placed a hand
on his son's shoulder, "that It wan
vi ry embarrass,:ii!; in you this men,
lug but If 1 I ada't hiiik as lnmlly nn
I did the people would have heard
your mother."
A u A it inn ii i I Inn.
Oil, Mars, when ue i m li.tniv remark:
bonie day,
As wlso men say I toil we are surt
to do,
I'ray heed tills early warning. io not
"Hello, there! It Is hot enough foi
We have always thought we uoulj
hate to Bleep In a bed that had to b
untlriiMvd before we could gut luto It
What is Castoria.
ASTORIA is a harmless Biftstituto for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Brop3 and
Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor
other Narcotic suhstanco. Its ago is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays
Peverishnoss. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Toothing Troubles,
cures Constipation and Eatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates tho Stomach
and Bowels, giving healthy and natural eloep. The children's Ptaacoa-Eho
Mother's Friend.
The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been in nso for over
30 years, has borne tho signature of Chas. H. Fletcher, and ha3 been made under
his personal supervision eince its infancy. Allow no ono to deceive you in this.
All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-good " aro but Experiments that trifle with
and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment
V. r
lingUieSionuirJis aniDowclsof
Promolcs DicsUonJTke rfJ
ncss and Ri!stontain$ nciam
Opium.Morphine nonMuitrali
lnJt(ll Sttd
Hi '.ii uncltSJa
Wi" .-
Aneifext Rcmcdv ForCmsPia
lion . Sour Stnnwirh.Dlarrtiiita
nt ss and LOSS OF SLEEP.
racS'mile Sifinamrf uf
Letters from Prominent Physicians
addressed to Chas. I!. Fletcher.
Dr. T. Gerald Blattner, of Buffalo, N. Y., says: "Tour Castoria ! roM
Tor children, and. I frequently prescribe It, always obtaining the dealr4
Dr. Custava Eluonjrraeber, of EL Taul, Minn., Bars:: "I haT ntA
your Castoria repeatedly la my practice with good results, and caa reebsa
mend It aa an excellent, mild and harmless remedy for children.''
Dr. E. J. Dennis, of St. Louis, Mo., eays: "I have used and prierlt4
your Castoria la my sanitarium and outside practlco for a number of yeara
and Bnd It ta be au excellent remedy for children."
Dr. S. A. Buchanan! of rhlladelphla. Pa., eays: "I have used year Cat
torla In tht case ot my own baby and find it pleacant to take, ana hart
obtalnod excellent results from its use."
Dr. J. B. BImpson, of Chlcapo, 111., eays: "I have uood your Ctaterla Id
cases of colio in children and have found It tho best medicine ot its kta4
oa the markot."
Dr. IL E. Esklldsonrtl Omaha, Nc1., Bnys: "I fnd your Castoria to
Ctaudard family remedy. It Is the best thing for Infants and calldrea 1
fcave ever known and I recommend It."
Dr. L. H. Robinson, of Kansas C!ly, Mo., eays: "Tour Castoria certainly
has merit. Ia not its age, Us continued nso by mothers through, all theaa
years, and the many attempt3 to Jinilato it, BtrHcIcct recommetdatloat
FiVhat can a physician add? Leave it to tho mothers."
Dr. Edwin F. Tardoo, of New Yorlc City, bays: "For neveral years I hare)
recommended your CaBtora nnd thyl always contiauo to do eo, as' it has
invariably produced beneficial rer.ult.i."
Dr. N. B..Ei7.er, of Brooklyn, N. V., sr.ys: "I object to what are calleat
patent medicines, where mtiUcr alcno li:iowa wh.-.t ingredients are put In.
them, but I Lnow tho formula of your Castoria and advise its use.
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