Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, September 17, 1909, Image 4

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    Dakota County Herald
Official Paper of the County
Subscription Trice. $1.00 Per Year.
a weekly newxpnper published at
Dakota, City, Nebraska.
Pormiflflion ha been granted for the
irannmiseion of thigpftpcrtlirough the
Bftiia as eecond-cla's matter.
Telephone No. 43.
for .TuMln-s of the Supremo Court:
Tor Uepetits of the Stale t'lilvorslty :
For IlPKcnt of the Slate 1'nlvernlt y :
(To Fill Vacancy)
Kor County Clerk:
W. I.. ROSS.
For Conntv Treasurer:
For Countv Sheriff:
For Countv .Turtle:
For Clerk District Court:
For Countv Superintendent:
For County Coroner:
For County Commissioner, 2d District:
For County Commissioner, 3d Dlntrict:
(To Fill Vaoancy)
The Ponca Journal tanned a hand
oma boom edition last week, which
wan a credit to the town. It waa re
.plete with up-to-date cuts and udver
lining. If Judge, Sullivan fails of an election
to the nprcme bench he may be able
to got a fat fee out of his case aguinst
the corporation tux. The law in this
tata is the product of a democratic
legislature. If he is able to undo what
bis democratic) brethren have done io
Nebraska it will be a strong recom
mendation for him in a larger suit at
tacking the corporation tax law jnst
nacted by congress. Perhaps the
voters will decite to leave him off the
bench in order to give him free rein
in behalf of the corporations. Fre
saant Tribune.
Items of Interest ' I
I from our Exchanges
Pender Republic Frank Birsch,
-wife and daughter of Rioux City visit
rtd with Mr and Mrs L L Ream and
Hiss Lou Hirscu over Bunday
Hornick items in Bloun, Iowa, Star:
JTohn tiartlett aud sister, Miss Anna,
of South Sioux City, were guests iu
the 11 L Sherrard homo the latter part
- of the week.
Pender Times: Dan James went to
Dakota City yesterday W VV
Pounds went to Ilubbard, Wednesday.
... .Fred Early went to South Sioux
- City Tuesday.
Herceant Bluff itema in Sloan. Town
Star: The Black Kuighta defeated the
local team 2 to 0 at Urytal Lake Suu
day. Cj trite a uumber from here at
tended the game.
Wyuot Tribune: Guy Nelson and
- wife went to Homer Saturday for
; few days vist with his wife's folks. . . .
Martin Overling and wife returned
fUturday evening from Laurel, where
Mrs Osterling had been, called there
by the sickness and death of her
mother, Mrs JasEby. Mr Eby return
ed home with them for a visit here.
"Winnebago Chieftain : Miss Lillie
lieam cams on the noon passenger
Tuesday. ...Mrs Fred Brassfleld, of
Homer, visited in Winnebago Tuesday.
....Merril Brastield, Seth liucklaud
and Omar Kilbouru attended the dance
in Homer Thursday eveuimr... Mr
Harry Chamberlain and baby and Miss
nargaret unn were over Sunday visi
tors in juanoia city.
Ponca Leader: Mrs H II Dines was
a passenger to Coburn Saturday after
noou....Vill F Mikesell was a pas
aengor to South Sioux City Monday.
Ma mie Hogosoh went to Jackson
Baturaay aiternoou. Hue teaches in
Dakota county this year.... Miss Etta
Bauer and Mattie Wendte went to
Soatk Sioux City where they teach in
tna tiigu scuooi. fcSouool began Mon
"Emm-son Enterprise; Mrs Ernest
Foyeof Iowa is visiting at the home of
B ft . Va T i .....
ner aum, Airs ja ireiana . . . .IN el lie
Kern in left Tuosday morning to re
sume her studies at tlia Jackson Acad
'oy....Miss Auna Liewer unt to
Jackaou Tuesday where she will at
tend school. John Liewer aocomoa.
nied her.... Editor aud Mis Kroeseu
visited Sunday with Mrs Kroesen's
parents. Mrs Kroesen remained for a
few dy visit with frieuds. . . .Glen
" Smith left Sunday evening for a two
weeks vi-it with relutives iu Ilock
-oouuty. His brother Walter who has
-- an interest iu t tie harness shop is in
charge during his absence. .. .Henry
rranuisco or Jackson spent a few tUya
the first of the week at the home of his
cousin Jake Francisco. Juke acoom
pauied him to Crofton where he is fig
uring on bu) icg a farin .... Last week
while tryiug to catch a ride irom Naoo
a to Emerson on on a freight Arthur
Johusou wss thrown to the ground and
his shouler badly dislocated, lie will
belaid up for a mouther more....
Herman Stolta went to bioux City
Thursday and acompaniud his brother
Chas home irom tho hospital in the
cveniog. Chas is feeling much better
uoce the'operation and if nothing else
develops w ill soon be himself aguin.
BiiMix City Journal, Hth: The call
ing of John Shea, "old offender," on
-aa intoxication oharge in the police
court yenterday did not cause eren
ripple on the smooth conduct of affairs,
ami lie waa unea io or nye aay in
jail with no attached reprimand .... W
W Stevens, of Botith Bioux City, Laa
purchased the "conrthonse," which
waa built fifteen yeara ago when South
Bioux City aspiied to be the countv
seat of Dakota county, Neb. Binoe
the structure waa erected it ha expe
rienced a varied nan and lnsllr waa
being used as a dwelling house. For
several yeara it baa been in private
hands. . . .Progress in the damage suit
by Wm McNamara against Mr and
Mrs J J McAllister cannnt be contin
ued until the Nebraska ranchman puts
nn a bond of t'250 with the clerk of the
district court on the ground that Mc
Namara is a non-resident of the state
in which the case is to l.e tried, and it
will insure payment of costs of the
trial should judgment be made against
him' A year ago McNamara's wife
sued for a divorce and MoNamara has
brought suit against her parents on the
charge of alienating bii wife's affec
tions. The case probably will be tried
at this term of court if McMaroara puts
up the required bond.
Republican nominee for Sheriff of
Dakota County, Neb. Mr. Rockwell
has made a courteous aDd efficient
officer during the two years be lias
served as sheriff, and his re-election
will meet with little opposition.
K M 0ton ft WJfM m)WM,
nans Nelson was in the citv last
Sheriff Rockwell was a businntia vis
itor here last Friday.
Peter Hansen of Balix. Io. is visiting
at the Chris Mogensen home.
Rov Wilsev's sister and her hiiHhnnd
were over Sunday visitors here.
Tho Lutheran Sunday school child
ren enjoyed a picnic given last Satur
day. In suite of the mud the littln
folks had a good time.
Fred Berrv and wifn hus been tm.lt.
ing an extended visit at the Mrs Mulo
ney home.
Peter and Georare Jensen and T.nnia
Knudsell shiooed a carload of boas nun
day last week.
Our stock of shoes is comnlete in
every line, and we can tit yon in jus.
what you need, and for every member
of the family. Carl Anderson.
Atlee Smith went to Jackson luBt
week to remain at the Dr Leahy home.
Joe Uagan is intending to put a new
set of buildings on his farm, to be oc
- m W F
cupied by his tenant. Mr Hogan the Mercy hospital to become a train-
l.i..L.itin.t. - . I I...1L1
ku.umq v Miua bu bnntj n lent iruiu iiaru
Heck Nelson and Chas Dodge ware
Sunday diners at the Haus Nelson
wuai tins locality needs now more
than anything else is help laboriug
men. a nunnrwi men could nnd em
ploymont iu this precinct.
Dulcie Leedoin and Muoirio Thorn
were city shoppers Mondav.
Mike Timlin is doing the farming
Btuut ai iviiae rarroll s
George Hale was a county seat call
er me latter part of last week.
Bring us your farm produce, butter.
eggs, cream, eto. We can use all,
ana win pay the highost market price
Carl Anderson.
Mr Blenkiron came out from the
city the first of the week to look over
the lraprovenu'nts that are beiu put
on ins iarm. tie now lias his place as
well improved as as any of the farms
in this vicinity.
Mr Renze sold the balance of his
stock of hog last week to Dave Leap.
L Sorensen and Mrs Pedersan were
among the city passengers last Friday.
Mrs H Nelson visited at the Chas
Dodge and Sawyer homes last Thurs
day. Agent Whitteoar drove over to Jack
son Sunday,
Are you anxious to obtain the very
best results from your farm? I know
you are, aud to help you out I offer you
tho best tool on the market, tho Inde
pendent Harvester company mauure
spreader. If properly handled it will
. i i. i ... .
uuuuio juur ut crop, ana win inei-.mu,.
uy piuuteu or 6owea orop. V C Heff
.!. .
The chicken thieves that have raided
u iubuj piaces iu lias vicinity are
"roosting" low of late. Some buckshot
is awaiting their uext visit.
Fathors MoCarthv and F.nu1ih
iu the city together last week.
The throe young children of tho late
Airs XUulIen Kail timn luuvo r,.
orpiianago at Ueuson, Nebr.
Fr O'Connor of Sion r1;
- w a v v I lOtlCU
rr ftnglish Tuesday.
Cornelius Shea. who has linen h.rn tn.
a few weeks fixing up his property aud
.urn. ii i i .. - ." l .
ouomuH 4uaiuiaoces, departed
Wednesday for his home at Los Angel-
es, Cal.
If you want to buy your sroceriea.
etc, at wholesale prices, we hare some
thing in store for von. nnil wn
you butter goods for cash prices than
you can get of any traveling grocery
agent, aud save you nionev. If tl,
goods don't suit you need not tak.i
them. Carl Anderson.
Georare Hav ea went ihiurn 4a n.'t
Wednesday .
Mrs II O Hansen and daughter. Car
rie, wore shopping in the city lavt Fri
day. Fred Schumacher will t
ion of the pohtofllce October 1st. Mrs
Mundy who retires from tho ofllWl
ill visit relatives and friends herea-
Issuts a few weeks, after which she and
er daughter. Johanna, will leave for
Oermany to reside.
Amil Anderson and wifn HtindTd
at the A L Anderson home.
Joe Leedoin is now interested In m.
threshing outfit and is shelling out the
grain io ueac ine oanu.
Carl Anderson Las been sick and
haidlv able to attend to his atom busi
ness the past week.
Joe Lcedom sold his drivinor team to
Tref Dcroin for $400.
We have just got in a new assort
mert of Enameled ware that is sironlv
iine. Get your choioe before the best
is taken. Car Anderson.
Clifton Priest and Katie Dale were
married the first of the week. They
will make their future home at Ban
croft. Among the changes which will take
place among the renters in this vicini
ty before spring will be the following:
Ham Ferris will move from the John
Ilarty farm to the Audy Leahy farm
now occupied by "Doo" Hale; Lesoberg
Bros, will move onto the John Harty
farm; Mike and Pat Green will move
to the Tim Howard place, and "Doc"
Hale will move to Allen.
Mrs N Hansen of Sioux City visited
Isst week at the home of her daughter,
Mrs Chas Dodge.
Mary O'Connor and Marv Timlin
drove over to Jackson Wednesday
Tom and Jack Heffernan. Barber
Tague and Ernest Panlson drnvn to
Crystal lake one day last week.
Baruey Gribble went on another
land hunt Tuesdav of last week, re
tnrning on Monday of this week.
A L Anderson and wife enioved i
few day s visit from their daughter
and children from Pender the nnst
There will be an ice cream sociabde
given by the Lutheran lad ies Tuesday,
Sept 28, in the Woodmen hall. Coffee
and cake will be served. Everybody
A J Nordyke will move his family ta
Sioux Uity in the near futuro.
Erin Maun was over to Hubbard
Sunday .
Mrs T M Cullen is on the sick list
this week.
William Kooney, of Sionx City, is
visiting at tho Portia home.
Are you going to buy a wagon or
wagon box this fall? If so it will pny
i al . - - .
you to lane a iook at the Mandt or
Peter Schuttler. We handle both nlsi
a full line of wagon boxes of different
kinds, and the Mandt manure spread
er with roller bearings. We have a
few Heenev buccies left which wn will
sell at redaoed prices. We have a big
stock or ehoveliug boards of different
kiuds at reasonible orices. Call an.l
see us before you buy, and see a new
dock of the latest and most up-to-date
line of implements in the county.
llenze & Green.
Mrs D J McDonald of Rionx Citv is
Tihitiug in tho John 11 van home.
Neil and Joe Ryau departed Wed
nesday for St Louis where thev will
attend school tho coming year. They
were accompanied by their mother,
Mrs E J Mullally, the girls, Pearl and
iine, Having preceded them.
Mabel Itilej left Wednesday for
Des Moines, Io, where she will enter
1 uu uuiae.
hi aggie jveni. or 1'erry, Iowa, is a
guest of Mary Quiun this week.
Mamie Dillon of Sioux City spent
over ounday witu her parents, M J
Dillon aud wife.
Marin Goodfellow expects to leave
next aionday lor Liinooln to resume
her studies at the university.
Edith and Mariuu O'Connell of Pon
ca, attended a week-end house party
i it i vr .
bi ueien Kearney s Saturday.
E J Mullally and wife, Mrs Marga
ret Brannao, and Mrs J M Barry at
tended the funeral of Mrs E J Carey,
at nioux uity last i; riday.
Constance Cavanaugh departed
Wednesday lor Kearney, Nebr, to re
sume her studiei in the Normal there
Born, to Mr and Mrs John Hiokey,
oepteniuer 11, v'J, a sou.
Ruth Love went to Omaha Wedncs
day to spend a few month's with her
sitter, Mrs C W tlawes.
Charlev O'Neill, nf TCanao.
rf 1 - V'J
was visiting relatives here the first of
Mil) tvAitlr I
Helen Kearney entertained a comim
ny of frieuds from Sioux Citv. Snndav
si uinner.
-i i: '
John Flannerv had a load of linca nn
ii.. f.
ue oioux vuy market neduesday.
Lightning struck a stack of hav bn
longing to Horace Dugan Saturday
nigui, burning it to the ground.
Mary Ryau was a guest of friends in
Sioux City Wednesday night
A large class of children received
their first Holy Communion at the
Catholic church in Vista, last Sunday.
Mrs J M Branuan went to Sioux
City Monday to spend the week with
i rank McCabe, Homer Davey aud
Charley McCarthy, of Ponca, attended
41.-..... I. I .v. . . i.
iue unuue uere last r ruay night
C K Heffernan had a load of cattle
on the Sioux City market Wednesday
. - l
1 he birth of a-son ih rennrtu.l nt 1
-- -- --i . ...
I U ) III il r f r I i ii .. i . I
September 12, '0!). They live near
... u v., liiniliu Ul'MUI'lll HUtl W H.
Uood win
J M Barry had a load of black Poll
en caives, mixed steers aud heifers on
the market Tuesdav that sold to a
feeder at 15.25.
Mrs S A Brown is on the sick list,
Hand Rockwell purchased a bran
new up-to-date auto while iu th af
aud expects it to arrive soon.
Bert Lake came home from Ttlinniu
Wednesday. Oscar Lake renminbi
visit irieuds.
Jennie Brown came homo rrnn.
Gothenburg. Neb. VmlniH,)tt. ,..
I i . . - J "i m
long visit.
lieiia Wilkins returued from Man
mug, Ioab, buuday.
Mrs Hert liake and daughter, were
rtioux uity visitors Saturday and Sun
Baruey Gribble was down from the
county seatIast week and built a gran
ary on one 01 uis iarms. uick .uroy
hill did the carpenter work.
Georee McBcath attended the Bank
ers Association meeting at Cheyenne,
last week. Mrs Marv McBeath of
Dakota City came down to keei her
daughter-iu-law company while Oeo
was gone.
"Hand" Rockwell and wife returned
from Indiana Friday.
Uncle Geo Rockwell retnrned from
Illinois Saturday.
Louis Rockwell and wife went to
Sioux City Saturday returning Sun
Mrs Vern Lake and children came
down from Dakota City Saturday.
Vern came down Sunday and accom
panied them home.
Mrs Sarah Smith went over to Geo
Harris Saturday to visit her sister.
Mrs Dolly Harris, for several days.
Cora Midkiff is attending business
college at York again this year.
A J Parker and wife of South Sioux
City were gnests at the James Foltz
home a couple of days this week.
Cliff Priest returned Friday from
his visit at Croltou.
Mrs B McKinley, who for the past
month has been visiting relatives in
Illinois and Iowa, returned Saturday.
M iss Deneen, primary teacher went
i.i . . . . . .
to uer nome in morningsiae F riday.
Married, Saturday September 11.
1909, Miss Olga Fredrickson and Rav
mus Nelson, both of Oiuadi precinct
Mrs Alice Bolster returned from Des
Moines Tuesday. A stock of millinery
preceded her.
Mrs Louis Rookwell departed foi
California Tuesday. She goes to visit
her father, John Johnson and family.
ac raio Alto,
Mrs Christy, who has been visiting
here for several weeks, left Tuesday
(or Omaha where she expects to visit
for about a week and then retain to
her home at Long Beach, Cal.
Tho M E ladies will give a general
supper next Saturday night, plenty of
chicken. Come out and help them to
raise something to pay on the ministers
r 8 Berry and wife were guests at
the Heeney home Sunday.
Mrs August Zastrow returned to her
nome at lanktou, 8 D. lust Friday
after a week's viMt with relatives here
She was accompanied home by her
sister, Margaret Simmons.
Alvina Sohwartz was a passenger to
Emerson last Friday.
Bertha Anderson went to Emerson
Saturday evening for a few days' visit
with her sister.
Frank Heeney and wife of Emerson
were visitors at the James Heeney
home Wednesday.
Quite a number of the ladies called
at Mrs John Zastrow's home last
Thursday to help her celebrate her
birthday. An elegant 6 o'clock lunch
eon was served aud the ladies reported
an enjoyable time.
Nick Simmons and J W Heeney
were imorson visitors Monday.
A Schwartz was a iiassenunr In tho
city naturday.
, . o - ' . . . ,
Joe and Ed Hartuett. of ITiibl
passed through here Tuesduy evening
enronte from Concord, where the lat
ter purchased a tine team of mules.
Mrs Louis Rockwell left fnr
with her father at Palo Alto, Califor
nia, last Friday.
Ed Maurice is eniovinir a viuif. frm
his mother, brother and niece, all of
Mrs Freeman Rockwell and Mm M
O Thorn went to South Dakota last
week to visit Mrs L MoEntaffer Tf
must be hard for Coon to Imteh bn
don't worry over Freera, he knows how
io turu nip jacks, you bet he does.
Joe Maurice came home nn n vimi
Sunday, returning Monday to Carroll,
Mrs N F Hansen wsr visiting at. tl,Q
Chas Dodge home last week.
Miss Helen Rockwell went.
the bottom Moudiy where she is to
teach iu the Ueikes district this term.
A dance was given at the Innmn
Bros home Saturday night. All had a
very enjoyable time.
Threshing is going at full blast on
Fiddler Crk
The enrollment in the hij-h aelmni
Lias ner.n increased to 45.
A quantity of new books and dIith
loal apparatus has been ordered fnr
the high school.
A teacher's meeting was held Mmi
day evening and. besides transacting
such business as nertained b tin.
. - O
school, it was agreed upon to do tue
reading circle work this year.
the bovs have reorganiz-irl th..ir
ball team for the coming year.
rri. ii .
iuu rieveuiu eraae will at nn
soiia geometiy this year.
Ihe grammar room has an enroll
ment of seventeen .
Everyone manifests nlentv of inter.
est and an industrious spirit.
The pupils at Present are much in.
"i- in ma uiiiiuui sural) uooss
1. ..;.,. ..,.i .; '
terested iu the biography scrap books
mn,s m.,,1 ii ui nig uunuiuK exercises.
Kiiim the Kecoril
Miss Itcssie Miller k-nvrs Tm-Kitnv l,.r
Mount St JoM-ph college nt Di hiKjuc.
Mr mill Mis (ieorue Kohl-neire
jver Sumliiv visitors tit Warn held.
Noah Koss of Lnuicl w.is here Mini, In,
looking lor n family to work on one iif
his fa mi h.
Isiinc I"outs cas been rontineil In 1,
home this wc.k wilh a severe attack of
pa ralysis.
Miss ltessio Krvger conimeiK'cd n
course in Shoi ilmiul at n Sioux City
sihool this week.
lurtlHc I' lii 1 1 us cvliirls to h'.ave in u
short time to lie-in hlc as a student in
t lie stnte university.
Mrs Win Ostrmt-vcr who was ooerntnl
on in a Sioux Citv hospital last week,
is getting ulonjj nicely.
liuoh KuniTiiel celebrated his Hsi
hu I Inlay Siiinlav and a iiiimher of Ins
liieii.ls called in and helped him eck lnair
the oecasiou.
llievrvstal l iikr Distil erv li.-m imr.
thased the cntiie output of alialla Irom
the Wassotn fnrm nn V'nllirra Island.
$S per ton in the shock bring paid.
M M Warner and son of Eureka. Cali
fornia, were the guests this veck of Mr
end Mrs J W lie Forest on Walkers Is
land. Mr Warner is Mr fel'orest'l.
kov Sherwood hna hnnuht of Mrs M
Ft Slncnm nnrt nt thr vq, nnf I. if enst of
J S Uncon's home. This is a move in
right direction for a youni; man to
build a home in South Sioux Citv.
Leonard Lnmnson and Miss Kather-
ine Curren were married in Sioux Citv
Monda, nt the Cathedra of Kpiphany.
The crrnnm i ui.'ll Lnmun l.i(i...ili iinnv
City and is engineer at the Star Laundry
i ney win make their home in the city.
Cards were rereiven her ntmnnnrini?
Uie marriage on September 8th at Spo-
sane oi Miss litnma Ncighhnrs and Mr
Alfred C Archer. The bride is the dauh
terof.Mrand Mrs II S Neighbors for
merly of this city and spent her girlhood
nere. mie is n voung lanv of sterling
worth nnd her husband won a prize.
Mrs A 1. Mflf liwitf enf prfn inpil n tium.
bcr of the little tots Thursday afternoon
in nonor of her daughter, Ulanche, who
celebrated her fifth birthday. Dnintv
rcfreshmenis were served the Bmall
guests nnd a delightlul afternoon was
spent playing childish games, Mrs F S
Macomber and Mrs Geo Kohlmecir
helped entertain.
It can no longer be said that to
conic from the city here after night is
like stepping into a bottle of ink. After
working at odd spells for something
over a month the Service company
turned on the new electric lamps. The
south end ol town is now well lighted
and residents in that portion of the city
say the lights are one of the best im
provements South Sioux City ever
mede. ho far as the JKecord knows no
one wnnts to go back to the old way.
The lights in the north part ol town are
not as yet in running Flint but if the
Service company's men keep up the
gait they have been working the past
few days, next week will see the entire
tows lighted from the Omaha depot to
the Combination bridge.
One of the old relics of bygone day
in South Sioux I it y passed out of ex
istence this week. For years at the
home of C I) Smiley the first street car
ever used in this city reposed in his back
yard. I ntil it became too old it was
imrli bv Miss Helen n n ntnvhniiGe lint
of late the Nebraska windsand rain have
heen getting the best of it and the car
had fast been falling into decay. While
moving to his new home this week Mr
Smiley tore the car to pieces nnd will
use the wood tor kindeling purposes.
There are many people in South Sioux
City today who well remember when
the car made its first trip tip from what
was then Covington. Horse power
furnished the locamovive power. The
car saw constant duty lor hve vears
hefore it was replaced be the present
trolly system.
For Sale
A large list of Cheyenne, Morrill,
Box Butte, Kimball, 8cotts Bluff and
Banner county Nebr, lands.
Handles, reHnquishments mil road
contracts, school sections all sizes
and prioes from $0.50 per acre and up
i . . i
ior deeded lauds.
Having a personal knowledge of
these lands I will go and show them to
those who wish to invest.
S A Combs, Homer, Nebr.
Interstate Fair Notes
Highland Park college of Des
Moines, has reserved space at the Iu
terstate Live Stoc't Fair. Rinnr Pit
September 20-25, for an exhibit of the
i ..i i
worn oi uie scuooi.
E B Babcock. tho new nnnarinfatiil
ent of the poultry department of the
interstate ijive Htock lair, says the
exhibit of poultry of all kinds at the
fair this fall will be much larger than
ever before.
Old soldiers and children under 15
will be epeoial guests of the Interstate
Live Stock Fair association on the
opening day of the fair. Admittance
will be by ticket. These tickets will
be given out at the Fair oflice in the
Americau block on September 11.
Th e exhibitor of the best ten ears of
corn at the Interstate Live Stock Fair
Sioux City, the week of September 20
will receive as a side premium a rius
loviug eup, gold liued, valued at 100.
The cup is presented by the Sioux
City Seed aud Nursery company and
is ou exhibition iu one of t'le show win
dews of the Will tl Beck jewelry store
in Sioux City.
Thirty-flve head of standard bred
draft horses will be iu the herd which
Finch Bros, of Joliet, 111, will exhibit
at the Intestate Live Stock Fair in
Sionx City the week of September 20
11 O MoMillen, of Bock lUpids, will
show a large number of Percherons,
nod Held bros, of Hinton, Iowa, have
reserved stalls for a string nf tin,;-
ported coach horses.
Tho Dukoirt Citv Emmaniml T iul...,i.
:in church aud Sunday school vill ob
serve September 19th as Billy Day.
Every member present is our aim.
On Saturday afternoon previous to
rally Sunday at 3:30 p m a cradle roll
reception will bo held. Babies, par
ents and niends are invited.
Itall.y Day Sunday school at 9:45
a m. Ltraduation exercises of gradu
otes from beginners and primary de
partmeuts at 3 :30 p m. Church snru
ic s at 8 v m.
A cordial invitation is exteniU.t
all to uttend ajy and all of these serv
ices. Lome and help make them
blessing to yourself and to all.
Report of the Condition of
The Hubbard State Bank
of lluliliaril, Nehr., charter No. 71:1. Incorpo
rated In the state of Nelirnskii. lit the close
of Imiinesa Allnu-t Ml. lunw.
- ; :
I a ill na it ml ii lifiu ii I m i
! 1S.77W nn
i ivenii'iiiis. secured nun llilsi ciil'i'il
lliinkliiK House, furniture nml fix
i.l.'m ini
471 io
4'UVi 71
Current expenses ami tuxes pnlil .
Cash 1 1 - it st
luie from national, state nml pri
vate Imuk
Currency 11..!:! nn
t inlil coi n Mil mi
Silver, nickels ami cents. ;n ;i
4.411 :ui
1.1 A HI I I I IKS
apltal stuck Paul in
ii.4l7 7'1
I In. i) mi
!) mi
l,;.-.l ;n
'.iriilus fuiitl
I'niiu lilcit iirullts
1 IK 1 1 X til nil I deposits sUll-
Jeet t" check I :i7.:i.S :U
lii'iiianil ccrlttlf ales of
ilcnn-.lt l.e-.'l 6W
Tunc ci rllllcateit of de
posit Kl.tMf fi
HI. 171
STAT K iik" VVV f .
1il ..I . Illlt II? Til
I lining i'i "."i..j - ...ii hi. i .iiii-rs.
ciistilcr of the hImim' naincil lunik, tin hereby
swenr t hat the alsive statement is a correct
unit true copy of the report mmle to the
state iNiukliiK Isuiril. Mli'HKi. W.vikkh.
Attest K. .1 . Heeney, iMiei lur.
i. K. SVuiers. I'lieclnr.
siulisciilieil nml sworn to Is fme uie this
'.! Ii ilay of si ptciiits r.
.V. N an Wauknkn Notary I'ulillc.
t s . a 1. 1 In nml for siilil V i ii m 1 1 hi ry county.
n'.uull I a I Xlli.li.i.l tl',..-..
I Hubacribo or the IlertiKl, on It tl.
Thursday, Sept. 23, 1909
Kov. VV. S. Oberholtzer will spII various kinds of
Household Goods aid
Pcrsotal Property
at the Lutheran parsonage, Dakota City, on above date
PAUL pizey, r
Drot Cm. Nib. j
Bonded : Abstracter '
Are You Going
tn Iniv n now liontrr tlii fnIP Tf sn tnt tit-no in
- - J "- .- . " " -
tllinl: it nvr-r nnrl vnn will
what you want first. It is the first consideration
in the
Garland, I'rize Oak and Illinoy Heaters
We can supply your wants
Edwards& Bradford Lbr.Co.
3 Patronize Home Industry buy your maats of
J Proprietor of
I -City Meat Market
Fresh and Salt Meats always on hand
Cash paid for Hides and Pelts
Agent for Seymour's White Laundry. Basket goes on
Tuesdays and comes back Saturdays
Lrow ILsntes
TO tllft Nflrtll WftSt Plinnn
... . i v. -""t' vy.ii-.ydjr X-UIU1113L 1UIC3 LU IIIC
ISorthwest. Puet Snnnrl nnrl PnH
- o"
ber 15th; daily through trains
rsortliern; also via the Northern Pacific. To California, daily
w.uy., wuiiH biuepcrs via
Lake Citv.
KOUnd Trin to Vcfr.
. - "
ltornia round trip excursion
-.. lliv. ia3l. uiauiu iu ouiain inese etieap rates for the great
est railroad journey in the world.
K lStbound: Special round trip rates to Chicago, Kansas
City, Lincoln, Omaha, St. Joseph, St. Louis, September 11th
to September 10th. Dailv 1 f)v tlnrtv 1 a ir mnni-l ir!n . . r
- j v.ir ULIIJU lliu lULCb 11U111
Chicago to Atlantic cities and resorts.
September is the last mnntli fnr tlio cnr.;nl . : A .
Colorado. Homeseekers' excursinn? Snntpmimr 741, oi,
Consult ticket agent; he has
" '-! .
-No Chill On Dakota, County"
The sun of agricultural prosperity is gloriously sl.inin
Us rays are fulling upon the farmer; there is no chill in lh '
atmosphere of his industry. 1 lhc
IJuy an Independent' manure spreader, don't allow
your boys to shake manure with a fork when you can buy
a tool that will spread it more effectively Sun tl, k
the balance of the family wi take care Vt.uts ,v 6 .y
an Independent Manure Spreader and be happy
D. C. Heffernan,
Abstracts of Title
A fU'.OuO Suri'ty lined
OilHrautefd the ttcourai-y of ovetj
Abhtract I uiako
608 Metropolitan BI k.
Sioux City. Iowa
" - wvf 1. 1 11111V I VJ
rlnrirln tliaf- ninlitxr ic
for Autumn
-u.uwia, wv-pitmuu J.UL11 LU VJLIU'
to the Northwest via the Great
uenver, bcenic Colorado and Sal
C,nnat - .Var i,., ci i
...v. v.. y lull ucaiuc aiiu V,itl-
tickets on sale during September.
latest advice of special rates.
W. E. Snethen. Ticket Agt, Dakota City, Neb
L. W. Wakelky, G P A, OraaLu, Neb
SiiccPbsor to
I'akota County Abstract Co. '
Banded Abstracter