Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, August 13, 1909, Image 5

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Does Not
Color Hair
Ayer's Hair Vigor, as now
made from our new Improved
formula, does not stain or color
the hair even to the slightest
decree. Gray hair, white hair,
t!;nJe hair is not triad e s
: !.uuc darker. But it certainly
ic?3 stop falling hair. No
r'r.stion about that.
H-ci finl ehimer the rnlor nf the hair.
formula with aaoh bottia
Show it to your
A.k him about It,
then do as ho says
T-n;eJ, we believe it will stop every case
c ' : ; 1 1 ri hair unless there is some very
urM:sn:l complication. something greatly
ntl. !? tlis general health. Then you
1 f.h t consult your physician. Also ask
ao at the new Ayer's Hair Vigor.
' - "fc . O. Avar Cn..Lowtll.Mail.
Local Items
- Friday, Aug. 13, 1909
We have as good ft stock of hard
warn and tinware as there ever was in
Dakota City, and you will find our
prices right. Schriever Bros.
Subscribe for the Herald, only $1.
Bay a good farm on the Dakota
county botUm. I have it. Eimers.
Oeorge 8heibley pnrohased the J
McKernan property the past week,
paying $525.00 for it.
Mabel Cheney went to Cherry Creek,
8D, last Friday for a visit with her
sister, Mrs May L Spurling.
If you wish any of that fine glass
ware at Van's, see him before it is all
taken. lie is selling it below cost.
Mabel Critcbfield departed Monday
for Omaha for a visit with her mother,
before returning to her home at Kan
sas City.
CL 'Williams, of Norfolk, Nebr,
agent for the Midwest Life Insurance
company, was looking after business
here Monday,
Mrs Griffey Jay and little uon ar
rived her Monday from Spokane,
Wash, for a visit at the home of Mrs
Jay's father, W A Niemeyer.
O D Bedger and wifp, of Omaha,
spent their honeymoon at the Brasfield
cottage at Crystal lake. Mrs Bedger
was formerly Hazel Leslie, and was
martied in Omaha about three weeks
Mrs Martha Moore, mother of Mrs
Geo Pranger, came np from Lincoln
Saturday evening for a few days visit
with her daughter. She expects soon
to remove from Linooln to Coleridge to
reside again, that being her former
Mrs Ben Newsome returned to her
borne at North Riverside Saturday
after a short visit here with her daugh
ter, Mrs Lewis Larson. Mrs Lena
Bapley. aunt of Mrs Larsiu and sister
cf Mrs Newsome, accompanied by her
daughter Loie, spent a week here, re
turmg to their home at Sioiu Falls, S
D, Tuesday .
Albert Schumacher and Hazel
Schmied sprung a surprise on their
friends here Monday when they an
nounced that they had been married
at Liucoln that morning at 10 o'clock,
by Judge Cosgrave. Their many
f Hands join in extending congratula
tions. Mr Schumacher is in th rail
way mail service with heudquarterj at
Lincolr., where they will make thtir
home after the first of September.
What Is
Old Line
It is insurance based on statis
tics. Each policy is a separate
contract. Eaoh stands by itself.
It cannot depend on new busi
ness or lapses.
We sell that kind of business .
Norfolk, Neb.
Midwest Life
Of Lincoln,
SaiturclBk.yf August 14tK
Child's and misses' Hose Supporters, velvet grip, sold
for 15c and 2()c, rubber a little damaged, per pair. . . .5c
35c bottle Tickles. . . .20c 1 pint self sealer Pickles. .15c
1 lbs Sugar . . . 50c Bales chop Pickles, 3 bottles for . . 25c
Ssvturday, August 21st
On all Low Shoes, men's, women's and children, 50 cents off
On any pair of Overalls 10 cents oil
Everybody's Friend, cleanser, 15c seller 10c
7 brs Beat 'em All Soap . . 25c
S. A. Stinson !
Dakota City. Nebraska
For Sale A nearly new Marsh mo
torcycle, at a bargain. G F Broyhill,
Dakota City, Nebr.
F W Swingle was down from his
farm near Nacora, last Friday looking
after business matters.
C L Caller and wife came down
from Wayne, Saturday and spent over
Sunday here with relatives.
John H Gribble and Curg Ayres are
home from their trip with a gang of
Nebraska telephone linemen.
Van is selling out his glassware be
low cost, at 60 a dish. Ga in and see
lr your self and be convinced.
Mrs Ed Frederick and children vis
ited from Friday until Sunday at the
James Barnett home in Brushy Fed.
Sarah Dnesohl, daughter of Mr and
Mrs John Dneoohl, of Mapleton, Iowa,
is here visiting her grandmother, Mrs
The Edwards & Bradford Lumber
oompany is building a 30-foot addition
to their storeroom, all on acoonnt of
the increase in business.
J C McElhinney, wife and Slaugh
ters, Kate and Luoile, and Mildred
Mann came np from Lyons Tuesday to
spend the a week at Crystal lake.
Stalls ior a herd of Aberdeen-Angus
oattle have been reserved at Woodland
Park, Interstate Live Stock Fair
grounds, Sioux City, by W A MoHenry,
of Denison, Iowa.
All kinds of coal, feed and hay for
sale at reasonable prices.
TkoE Bliven, Manager.
Dakota City, Neb.
Lycurgus E Ayres and wife left Sat
urday for Denver. Colo, to try a change
of olimats for Mr Ayres' health, as he
has been suffering with a bad attack
of asthma for the past two months.
"Well Mary, where did you get that
nice dish, aint it a beauty ?" "I got it
at Van de Zedde's with a package of
ooffce, for only 30o". "I'll Phone
John and have him bring me a pack
age when he comes home."
Nellie Einkead left Sunday for
Atchison, Kansat, after a eouple of
months visiit with relatives in Dakota
county. She expect to resume her po
sition as saleslady with Emery, Bird,
Thayer & Co, iu Kansas City.
Attorney Panl Pizey and wife left
for Randolph, Iowa, last Friday on a
visit at the home of Mrs Pizey's par
ents, Mr and Mrs Wm Antrim. From
thert- they will go to Otis, Col, to
spend a few weeks on the Antrim
The exhibit of farm machinery at
the Interstate Fair, Sioux City, the
week of September 20. will be the
largest in the history of that organiza
tion. A large number of gasolene en
gines will be installed to keep the
machinery in motion for demonstration
The land that belonged to the late
William Winkhaus, consisting of three
hnndred and twenty-four acres in a
body, in township 27, north oi range 8
east, is to be sold at publio snlo by
referees in partition on September 4,
1909, at the court house in Dakota
Julue Sides writes from Enumolaw,
Watthington, under date of August 5
"Spent four days at Seattle exposition
and think it fine; we are spending the
week here with Rasmus Christionsen
who formerly worked for us in Nebras
ka; will leave for Portland Monday;
please seud me the Herald there".
Services at the Methodist Episcopal
church every Sunday as follows:
Preaching, 11am; Sunday sobool, 10
am! Class meeting 12 m; Epworth
League, 6 :80 p m ; Preaching, 7 :30 p
in. Preach in Grace church every
Sunday at 2 :30 pm. Yon are cordially
invited to any and all these services .
An Old Settlers' Jubilee picnic will
he held at Newcastle, Nebr, August,
19th; and a Pioueer picnio will be held
at Pouca August 24 Then comes the
Pioneers and Old Settlers' picnic of
Dakota county to be held at linton
Park, Dakota City, August Q6th.
This i-t the biggest picnio of them all,
as the entire couuty joins in making
it the event of the soason.
George Barnett pulled his new
threshing outfit out to Guy Sides'
placo Wednesday afternoon and started
the threshing season. Mr Barnett has
just pun based a brad new separator,
made bv Gaar-Scott & Co, of Rich
mond, Ind, the oldest, manufacturers)
of threshing machines now in existence.
This firm has been making machines
for seventy-six years, and their im
has been to turn out the best. This
new outfit started off as smooth as
grease, and is doing fine work for a
Following is a list of the petit j irors
selected for the term of district court
which convenes here on September
27th; Charles E Jordan. William
Goertz. H R Altemu, O J GoodMlow,
Michael Heffernan. Roy Armour. F B
Culbertson. Alfred Demaray. C Ii
Guernsey, R A Campbell, R A Tunni
cliff, Alfred Hevmour, William O'Dell,
Charles Manning, R A Vohs, William
Rung?, John D Thacker. Krl Ander
son, Odoar Htamm, W I Davis, Charles
Waddell, William H Orr, Carl Larson,
and Jesse Graves.
Jelly Glasses, eaeh 2c
The Herald fur News when it is
Frank Haaae was down from Emer
son over Sunday.
Mrs Joe Me El puree, of Sioux City,
visited with Mrs Pranger Wednesday
Lee McPhenton is spending a few
weeks at the C E Bliven home at
Oasis, Nebr.
The fronts of the 8chriever store and
the saloon building were given a coat
of paint the past week.
Mary Easton spent a few days visit
ing at the Wm Goertz home in Hub
bard precinct this week.
Carl T Iwers and Hilda Larson, both
of Sioux City, were married by Judge
Stinson on Saturday of last week.
Mr Etta Billiard has moved over
from Sioux City and is oooupying the
house of her brother, John Foltz.
Fred Wood wont to the Henry Wood
raneh in the westers part of the state
on business the fore part of the week.
Found A lady's Oxford shoe, on
Jaokson road leading to Crystal lake.
Owner can have same by paying for
this notice .
Fred Farker and wife came down
from their claim in Rock county last
week and will remain until after the
Old Settlers' picnio.
Iryl Cook and Gladys V Campbell,
of Homer, were granted a license to
wed on the 4th inst, and the knot was
securely tied by Justice of the Peace
Louis J Goodsell.
Hello Central I Please give me Nol.
Is this Mr Van de Zedde? Please
send Harold down with a package of
that 80o coffee and one of those nice
dishes. Alright, thank you.
Mrs Wm Wallwey sr, of Emerson
precinot, was taken to the Norfolk
asylum Wednesday for treatment for
temporary insanity. Sheriff Rockwell
and wife aooompanied her on the trip.
John W Hazlegrove and wife left
Monday with a party of Nebraska Mu
tual Insurance officials foi a tour of
the ooast and to attend a big gathering
of insurance people at Seattle on the
D J McDonalJ, of Sioux City, ad
ministrator of the estates of Gerald
Dillon and Catharine McDonald, and
Fred 8 Berry, of Emerson, were at
tending to business matters here
Mrs Henry Bartels was seriotrsly in
ured Sunday in runaway accident
The buggy was tipped over and the
horses became tangled in the harness
and trampled upon her, injuring her
quite seriously.
Your opinion about what you see is
determined partly by how yon see .
Very few people have normal vision.
Only perfectly fitted glasses will give
both relief and normal right. W C
Eckhart, Licensed Optometrists
Several hundred members of the M
B A order iudulged in a basket picnic
Clinton Park, Dakota City, on
Thursday of thi week. The usual
good time, whioh this society is noted
for having at its social gatherings, was
eDjoyed by all present.
The Kozy Studio is making special
low prices during the spring months.
Cabinets $1.50 up; also 24 small Pho
tos 25c, 12 postals OOo. We ' lead in
low prices. All work guaranteed.
304 Douglas street, Sioux City, Io.
John Biermaun, the 14-year-old son
f Mr and Mrs Heny Biertnann of
Brusuy Liend, died last Saturday after
short illniss with pneumonia, Ihe
funeral was held Sunday, the remains
being Inid to rest in the Taylor oeme
terv. The sympathy of the communi
ty is extended to the bereaved family.
Have you seen our latest production
in photos? We are now making some
of the finest photos made anywhere
for the money and prices very low.
For groups, wedding or baby photos,
see us first, and save money.
Dk Luxe Studio,
Next to 5 and lOo store, 4'j 4th, Sioux
City, Iowa.
Walthill will hold her Iodiau carni
al this year during the week of Au
gust 23 to 28 inclusive. They are
making preparations for a big pro
gram and an immense crowd. The
armval will be similar to the one held
there last year. There will be three
S3 a races, six ball games, free stree
performances, two bands and the In-
tan encampment. The Iodian en-
ampment this year will without doubt
be the largest that has ever ocoured on
the reservation. The Indians were
veil pleased with the way they enter
tained them last year and are all anx
ious to come back this year. I hey are
providing rations for 1000 of thtm for
the entir week. . There will be two
camps of Indians; the eld time Indians
and the Mescals. The latter is a pe
culiar religious society. It performs a
strange religious ceremony under the
influence of a tea made with the Mas-
cat beaus. The old-time Indiats will
sing and dance each day of Ihe carni
val and feast according to ancient
cui-tom. The Mescsls will hold meet'
ucs each night. Miss Amanda Clem
eut will umpire the ball games. Far
mer Bums and G A Taylor, of Moult)
Dakota will wrestle Friday the 27tn.
For Sale
A large list of Cheyeune, Morrill,
Box Butte. Kimball, ScotU Blnff abd
Bnner county Nebr, lands.
Kaucues, rn'mquishments rail roan
contracts, school sections all size
suil prices from 6 50 per acre and ur
for deeded lauds.
HaviDK a personal ki owledge ol
tin Bo lauds I will go and show them ti
those who wish to invest.
K A Comlis, Homer, Nobr
Democra' ic Mas Convention
Agreeable to a request fiom a uun
bet of Democratic and Iudepeuile: I
vo e s for a mass meeting for the pur'
poi e of selection cuuili lute to be voteii
on at tbe primary election for the
uflicfs for which no one has tiled a e
hereby issue u cull for a mass conveu
tion to hn held at Dakota City, at the
court house, on Monday August 10,
190'J. at 1 o'clock p m.
It is t he understood tuat tue nanus
of the parties selected by this conveu
tion will be written on the primary
balk ts by the voters.
It is important that the chairmen t
the sevenl precincts attend this mett
Dated this 10th day of August, 1909
Thomas Ashford, CI airman JJemojrat
io County Central committee,
Paul Pirey, Secretary
Pioneirs Soon to Gathtr.
Arrangments are about completed
for the twenty-eighth annual reunion
of the Pioneers and Old Settlers' asso
ciation of Dakota county to be held at
Clinton Park, Dakota' City, Thursday,
August 90, 1909.
The engagement of Hon Wm V
Allen, of Madison, Nebr, as speaker of
the day is a son rce of gratification to
the committee on speakers as welt as
to thoss who enjoy an interesting talk
by an able talker.
Heed's band of Sioux City will dis
course musio for the occasion, and no
better drawing card could have been
secured tham this, as everybody loves
good musio and Heed's band surely
furnishes it.
The usual attractions will be on
hand including a big steam merry-go-round.
Two good ball games are be
ing arranged for at the ball park ad
joining the picnio ground, and several
good races will be pulled off at the
traek just east of the park. A big
dan co in the new Ayres-Ernmwiede
hall,, following the band concert on the
court house lawn, will be the closing
feature of the day.
Don't fail to come and enjoy the oc
casion .
10:S0 A. M.
Music by Herd's Bund , of Hloux City, Iowa.
Prayer by the Chaplain,
Address by the President, John Holer.
Annual Address, by Senator Win. V. Allen,
of Madison. Neb.
: P. M.
Memorial Ut'port.
Short Addresses by Plomwra and Froml-
Iio nt Visitors.
Business Meeting ami K lection of OfTlccrs.
Sports Knees nt thu rncn track adjoining
picnic grounds.
Baseball games for purses, at the grounds
Just east of Park.
Ounce at Hall In the evening.
Minis will bo nerved at thu Park.
Joiik B01.BK President.
T. Wihtvott Vice President.
Kahrv H. Adair-Secretary.
W. Ij. KoHS Assistant Secretary.
A. H. Ba kick Financial Secretary.
Hko. T. Woods Treasurer.
M. M. Wabner Historian.
omenta or mi! day.
J. P. RncKWKM. Ohtef Marshal.
Assistant Marshals J. M. Brannnn, Wm.
Biermaun, IjOUIs Uoodsell, James Fueston,
Urant Castor, Joe M. Leedom.
Executive L. H. Armhrlght, W. H.Kyan,
J. J. Klmers, John J. Kyau, John O. Smith,
Thos. B. Jones, Ben Bonderson.
Invitation W. L. Koss, Mary V. Qulnn,
Georne W'llklns, I.enu Wllklns,
Speakers President John Boler, Wm. P.
Warner, U.K. Uvans, J. J. Rimers.
Transportation K. K. Evans, M.O. Ayres,
J. J. Elmers.
Heglstrar Mrs. Kannle Oroiler, Mary A.
Kaston, Lizzie Hanse, II. P. (Jrozler.
Privileges Barney Urlbble, Geo. T. Wood.,
A. II. Baker.
Amusement M.O. Ayres, O. H. Maxwell,
M. M. Keum, W. II. Mason, John iiogan,
Dr. B. J. I-ealiy, Walter Smith, Ben Bonder-
son, Archie Easton.
Membership M rs. IilaOribblo, Mrs. Mary
rltz, Anna Bartlett, Kvniistn Kyan, Mar
garet Uulnn, Kate imagim, Bridgle Hayes,
Mrs. Nelson reauto, Mrs. K. A. CAiiipls-ll,
Alice HelTernan, Helen Rockwell, Mrs.Kred
S. Berry.
Memorial S. A. Ooinbs, John H. Heam.
Badges Mrs. Fannie Urozler.
Urounds H. I. Wood, Barney Orlbble,
S. A. Stinson, Henry K rumwlede, Herman
Biermaun, O. F. Broyhill, O. H. Beam, A. H.
Baker, Walter Cheney, H. P. Croxler, W. L.
Koss, J. J. Klmers, Enimett Hllvman, J. P.
Rockwell. John Kollz. H. W. Kolu, Krnest
Trlggs, K. E. Evans, Vern O. Lake.
Reception Thos. Ash ford and wife, C. 3.
O'Connor and wife, Nell Comlm, Margaret
Murphy, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. King, David
Clapp, Daniel Hartnett and wife, J. P.Bca
com. Mary Timlin. Fred Blume and wife.
Herman Stol.e and wife. (ieo. II. House,
Fred S. Berry and wife. Nellie Heeney, Aa
ron lilnofelter and wife, I'liilo McAfee and
wife, Mary Renlnger, Martin Voss, John C.
Collins, J. (1. Duguun and wife, Michael Bea-
om and wife, Maggie Twonig, Matt .Vlc-
Kivergan, lame Casey, Kil T. Kearney mid
wife. Frank Davey and wife, Helen O'Neill,
Bonnie Hurry, J.J. Kyan. E. I,. Wilbur and
wife. W. H. Ryan and wife. K. K. Church
and wife. I.lhbie Savldgo, Beatrice Blessing
eorge Wilson, Herman Fouts
Mrs. Mary
It. McBenth, D. M, Nelswanger, Perle Stin
son. ElizalH th Hanse, Marry ji. Adair ana
wife, Mrs. W. L. Ross, Mrs. Ktta M. Spencer,
Mrs. rselllo Mason, Mrs. Eva I-. llrr, i.mian
Orr, Mrs. Alloc Sides, I.. 11. Armhrlght and
wife. Paul Pizey and wife, Oeorge W. Ienm-
Oliver Fisher and wife, Men A, Sahmled
and wife, Mrs. Tina Brldenbnugh, Fred
Beermann. Jr.. Henry Biermaun. John C.
IMneen.J. M. Plnckney and wlfe.S. P. Mike-
sell, Jerome Hollimin, Hhiis Nelsenand wife.
Ben Bonderson uud wife, w. A. Morgan
and wife.
Official Proceedings of the Board of
County Commlsloner.
Dakota City, Neb, Aug 7, 1909.
Board of uojnty commissioners met
pursuant to adjournment. Present
John Sierk, chuiruian, Ed Morgan. J
H Bonderson
Ihe following c'aims were allowed
in the county geneial fund;
Klopp & Bartlett Co, suprdles aw 0
Oeorge v iiKins, court ices is in
Henry Krumwlede, mdse H U4
Wm Blermanu, snlary 40 nil
P Rockwell, salary wi no
liHvhlson Bros, mdse ' 1H Si
Burroughs Adding Machine Co, stand. 10 im
Arthur Rymlll, freight on repairs 8 IS
The board proceeded to seleot a list
of sixty nam -s for jurymen for the fall
term of district court.
Board sojourned to Aug 29.
W L lioss, clerk.
R R Time Table
c, bt. p., M.a o.
Trains leare Dakota Citj at tbe fol-
lomng time :
55 pm Omaha....... 7:58 aiu
10:13 am Omaha 5.13 pm
4 :38 im Norfolk. 8 :23 am
J.28um Norfolk 6:13 pm
7 x'SH am Newcastle 10 :18 am
2:U5pia "' .6 :55 pm
12 :13 im Omaha 2:30 am
3:38 Norfolk 8:23 am
9:8 Norfolk 6:13
No. 85 Local t reiKlit 7:15 am
17 " PaHouger, OuihliB
an.l Lincoln 12:47 pm
N'o 8H Local Freight 2 :25 pm
1C. Local PnHriengpr". .C;i 7 pm
daily. daily except Sunday.
Sioux Cit.T. Crystal Lake & Homer
7 10am
J aOam
11 15aia
0 85um
8 30am
10 30ura
12 am
2 15pm
4 30pm
6 15pm
30 pm
15 pm
Saturday and Sauday nigbU
First publication July ?3 Sw
Notice for Tax Deed
To Carrie K. Onntt and W. If . Nicholson
in whose unities title to the real estate here
inafter descrllKMl appears of record in the
office of the county clerk of Dakota county,
Nebraska; and to l-lla May Woedeock, the
person in the actual occupancy of said real
You and each of you are hereby notified
that on the 4th day of Noveinlsr, Iwf. lot
six ), In block twenty-four (44), of Railway
Addition, IXtkotn county, Nebraska. Second
Plat, was purchased by the undersigned, J.
M. Woodcock, at a public) sale of lands and
lots for delinquent taxes held by the Treas
urer of Dakota county. State of Nebraska;
that said J. M. Wiwslcock Is the owner and
holder of the certiorate of purchase Issued
pursuant to said sale; that said real estate
was sold for the taxes of the years svl to
Inns, Inclusive, and was taxed for said years;
that said real estate was not assessed In the
name of any person for tbe years isvl to lsva,
Inclusive, or for the years IHW to llf. Inclu
sive; that said real estate was assessed In
the name of Carrie K. Smith for the years
IHiiT and 'wis; that after the expiration of
three months from the date of the service
of tlds notice, application will be mode for
a tax deed for said real estate.
... J. M, Woodcock, Purchaser,
By Alfred Pley. II is Agent.
By Virtue of an on order of tJin dlwt rlt
court of Nebraska, In and for Dakotacounty,
oi i niiMn real estate to inane partition,
rendered on the lith day of July, lusi. in a
suit for partition, wherein Anna C. Shull Is
platntltT, and Mary Voss. Fred Schriever, Jr,
and Vt llllam Schriever anil Marguerite
Schriever, minor heirs of ElUals th Schrie
ver, deceased. Fred Schriever and Charles
It Voss. are defendant. w th uiifi.ri, ...
ed, refereesln partition duly appointed and
commissioned In said suit, qiiiillllled 'and
acting, will on the 4th day of Heptcmls'r,
liS, at 11 o'clock In the forenoon of said day,
sell at public sale nt Ihe front .loi.r of II,..
court bouse at Dakotactty. county of Dako
ta anil state of Nebraska. Oiu liiMiislnif ill..
scribed real estate, to-wltt
I ne southwest quarter of the southeast
quarter l sw of se i) of section five (ft ,
containing forty-four 44 acres: the east
half of the northeast quarter (e hi of ne i4)
of section eight (hi; the northeast quarter
of the southwest quarter (ne of sw l and
the southwest quarto' of the northeast
quarter (s((n( iw1,), and the northwest
quarter of the northwest quarter In H of
n w V, k and the south half of the northwest
quarter (s Sof nw ll of section nine (; all
in township twenty-seven it!), north of
range eight (SV east. In the countr of Dalco.
ta and state of Nebraska.
The terms of said sale to Iw cash, or not
less than or.e-thlrd cash with mortgage
hock on the land sold or other equivalent
security for deferred payments and Inter
Dated July IV, lunv.
W. I,. Rosa.
W. H. Ryan,
Referees In Partition.
First Publication Aug is 4w
Order of Hearing and Notice on Petition
for Settlement of Account,
In the county court of Dakota county, Ne
braska. Hate of Nebraska, Dakota County ss.
To llanora Howard, and John J. Howard.
and all persons Interested In the estate of
Timothy Howard, deceased:
On reading the petition of Hanora How
ard praying a final settlement and allow
ance or ner account men in tnis court on
the IKth day of July, IMS), and for her dis
charge as administratrix.
It Is hereby ordered that you, and all
persons Interested In snld matter, may, and
do, appear at the county court to lie held in
and for said county, on the 4th day of Sep-
teinls'r, A. D. Bow. at 10 o'clock a. in., to show
cause, If any there lie, why the prayer of
the petitioner should not be granted, and
that notice of the pendency of said petition
ml that the hearing thereof be given to all
persons interested In said matter by pub
lishing a cony of this order In the Dakota
County Herald, a weekly newspaper print
ed In said county, for four successive weeks
prior to said day of hearing.
mrai. County Judge,
First publication Aug 1 4w
In the county court of Dakota county,
In the matter of toe estate of Annie Mul-
lins, deceased.
Notice Is hereby given, that the creditors
of the said deceased will meet the adminis
trator ot snld estate, iM'fore me, county Judge
of Dakota couuty, Nebraska, at the county
court room in said county , on the Hnth day
of November, lvsai, on the Hist day of Decem
ber, lunu, and on the Hist day of January,
lUl, at 10 o'clock a in. each day for the pur
pose of presenting their claims for exam
ination, adjustment and allowance. Six
months are allowed for eredltors to present
their claims and one year for the administra
tor to settle said estate, from the Hist day of
July. I'.rnu. This notice will be published in
the Dakotacounty Herald, for four weeks
successively prior to the Slst day of No-
Witness my hand, and seal of said court,
this Hist day of July, A. D. I mm.
sral County Judge.
First publication Auk l.f 8w
In the matter of the Ksttite of (
I.ul Hi'lxvr, a minor.
Notice Is liiTt'hy kIvimi thiit In pursuHnre
of mi orrterof the Honoriihl Huy T. Hrnves,
Judueor clie dlHtrlctcourtof imkoliu'ounty,
Htiiti of NoortiMkA, miKle on the lith tiny of
July, A. I. USUI, for tin- sale of the reiki rs-
tnle herelniifter leMcrltel, mere will ne sold
nt the front door of the court houxu nt
kolti City, NehriiHkn, on the ilnl diiy of Hi p
tcinljer. A. D. ltaiu, nt i o'clock r. in., lit pub
lic vendue to the hluliKht bidder, for cash,
the followUiK descried rem entitle, to-wlt:
An undivided one-fourth Interest In Unit
pnrt of the nortlienst quarter of the north
west quarter of section twenty-one (31),
tow nsiitp twenty-nine (v). north of ramie
nine (10. eait, described ns follows: tUiin
iiienclntf nt n point twenty-six (W) rods
south of the northeast corner of the north
west quarter of snld section twenty-oneiVI I,
thence west thirty CHi rods, thence south
fourteen (11) rods, thence east thirty ;mi
rods, thence north fourteen U4I rods to the
place of heiOnnlmr, conlallljim Hlxmt three
(S)aeres. Alsoln lots seven t7).eimitiN), nine
(VI, In hloult forty-four (44), In the village of
(lovlUKton. uud lots seven (7. nine (K), ten
(in) and eleren ( 11) In block ninety-nine (win.
In the vllhiKe of OovlnKtoii, and lots eleven
(ID In block one hundred (limi.ln the village
of Covlnttton, said Covlnuton now bcluii
within the col porate limits of the vlllmte of
South Hloux City. Alsoln lot twenty (i),
In block four (4), Hecond addition to Mouth
Hloux Olty, also In lots two (HI, three (Hi,
four (I), five (Al, six (01. seven (7), eltcht (H),
nine (V). and ten (10), In block twelve (12). In
Moan A Hunt's addition to South Hloux
(llty, Klsorli lotsone (11, two III, three (11),
eleven (11), and twelve(W), In block eleven
), In Moan A liuut'saddition to noutn
Kloux City. All of the forcKoluK real estate
lieliitfln I inkota county, Nebraska. Alsonn
undivided live-twelfths Interest In the fol-
lowtnn ilescrllsid real estate, to-wlt: Thai
portion of the northeast quarter of the
northwest quarter of section twenty-one
(l), township twenty-nine (, north of
rniiue nine (V), east, nescrns'U as ionows:
(iiiiiinieiicliiii at a nolnt forty ( rods south
of the uorthenst corner of the northwest
quarter of said section twenty-one ( 21 ), run-
ill on thence west twelve nuniireu seventy
(1,270) feet, thenee south twulve (12) risls,
thence east twelve liunurea seventy ii.khj
feet, thencu north twelve' 12) rods to the
place of Im'KIiiiiIiik. heliiir alKiut five ami
seventy-live one-hunilred ths ( R.76I acres; In
lots seven (71. clidit (XI, and nine (W), In
Mock forty (CO. In said CovliiKlon; in lots
ten (ID), eleven I 111, and twelve (12), In
block seventy-two (721, 111 snld CovliiKton;
In lots thirty CO), In block forty-seven (17)
In Joy l'lace. an addition to ,outli Hloux
City, and In an undlvld u .hree-lourllis In
terest or Hint portion or vmh iioi uichii quar
ter of the northwest quarter or siua sccuon
twenty-one I VI I. desertls-d ns follows: Com-iiii-ncliiii
nt a nolnt fifty-two (M) rods south
of the northeast corner of the northwest
qunrterof said section tweuty-onel21), run
iilim tlienee west twelve hundred seventy
(1.270) feet, thence south ten ( HI ) rods, thence
viut twelve hundrel seventy (1,270) feet.
thence north ten ( In) rods to tn place ol
Isnlnnlnu : all of the foregoing leal extnte
l'inu In the count v of Dakota, siate of Ni
bnikka. anil lii inn s.iaiice of snld order, and
on the mime term, at the front door of th
court houxe In I'oucn, Nebra-.kli, on said ilnl
day of Kept Is'r, A. I. luhi, nt II o'chs-k
. in., thi-rc Will IK! hoi.i IO ine lilKIiet Old
der. for cash, the follow lint cb sci tls d real
estate, to-v, It : Ixits thirteen (1,'H. touitceii
i It). fifteen lift), sixteen (Ml, seventeen (17),
anil eluhteen I IK), ill blis'k nine (ID, In tin
town of Kiiiei'sou, (irlKliuil I'lat, In said
county of 1 ilxon. Said sales will each re
main open one Hour.
lialcd AiiKiist u. t J.
JMahy A, l.KHHKNirll,
(iiiiinllnu of Louise Hel.er, a minor
Acme Joint Mower $ 45.00
Acme Sulky Rakes 25.00
Bain Wagons 80.00
Will trade any ol above ma
chinery for young horses or cows
Hubbard, Nebr.
Subscribe for Tub Herald $1 pe
SerLd TKcxt New Mcxxx
to us if he wishes to borrow or deposit.
We've some extra inducements for him cither way.
This week our deposits have leached their highest
mark during the twenty-four years.
But they're going much higher.
"The Bank that ALWAYS treats you RIGHT"
Rank, of Dakota County &
Always hungry for MORIv business.
IB. egt is Kfoy., cd.
Seasonable Goods
for Leas Money
Special Prices for Saturday, August 14th
Lawn Mowers
$3.50 values for $2.0S $6.50 values for $4.42
4.00 values for 2.SS 10.00 values for 6.69
Saturday, August 21st
Ioe Cream Freezers
3qt size, $2.75 value for $1.72 4qt size, $3.25 value for $2.03
Gqt size, $3.75 values for $2.75
Above prices are for cash and good only on day and date
of sale as advertised. We've cut the price just a trifle
below actual cost, but our policy is not to carry goods over
from one season to another.
Edwards & Bradford L'mb'r Co.
V. 0. Lake, Resident Mgr.
Get Free Lrctnds While
BIG HORN BASIN This rich land is fast settling up with
homesteaders taking up the choicest Government irrigated tracts.
The Big Horn Basin will soon be served by the Burlington's new
main line through central Wyoming; products will have direct
access to the best markets in the west. Land values are fast in
creasing, uet noid ol a larm in
350 ACRE LANDS This is the size farm you can home
stead in east and northeast Wyoming, Colorado, etc. Some of
the finest .lands in the west, with 18 inches of moisture annually,
can be taken under the Mondell Act. - These 320 acre home
stead tracts are a new thing in the distribution of government
lands, and deserve your attention.
I personally conduct excursions the first and third Tuesdays
of each month to these lands, and am employed by the Burlington
to answer all inquiries, and to assist you in every possible way
to locate along the Burlington lines. Write me.
fllffirlPf:fJtJ-.r.il D.
Land Seekers
(onderful displays of
Uve StockjricullureMachinerij'
Splendid Racing
Lib eratis Band and
Grand Opera Singers.
Pain's Bailie in the Clouds'
Svith Airship
AihlellcMeel - Carnival - BascBall
for information. Premium List. or Lhtry DanhsvritCsA
-SZxnxKm W.K JlelIor.i5eyfT?.r'. ,
"V:$ LINCOLN. WEB: fe"
For ThirtySeven Years
Minnesota Pmiiia
We carry a complete line of Minnesota Paints, Colors, Oils,
. and Brushes. ,
Edwards&, Bradford Lbr. Co.
Abstracts of Title
A 1 10,000 Surety Bond
Guarantees the accuracy of every
Abstract I make
i r
Jaskson 11
Nabr. If
Dakota City, Neb
the uasin beiore it is too late.
Clem Deater. General Acent.
Information Bureau. Omaha, Neb.
SI -mi-rf
have been made in Minneapolis by
the Minnesota Linseed Oil Paint Co.
Best prepared paints has been their
life work. They do nothing ehe year
in and year out. They are experts
trained from boyhood up, to make the
best paints, that can be made. It's
small wonder that it has become the
standard by which others are judged.
A gtnrit-f'if1 MIbbmoU Paint stock is now on wrshahr
awaiting your arcUr.
mmm w jimm
Successor to
Dakota County Abstract Co.
Bonded. Abstracter