Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, July 02, 1909, Image 5

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    I 'Jure Your
. ny? Because it is annoying,
.itijy. And mostly, because
a 'most invariably leads to
ner.s. Cure it. and save
r, yuur nair. Oct more, too, at
fiiC sometime. All easily done
? s ;'.! Aycr's Hair Vigor, new
v i: i,rovcd formula. Ston this
r; i:-non or dandrurt
ft.,, vl r'nn the mint nf lh hnir.
A 1
Mjers 4?
formula with aach bottle
Show H to your
afc him about It,
3 do as ho aaya
", ..j r.cv: Ayer's Hair Vigor will certainly
tu tins -vurk, because, first of all, itde-:-ko:?,
the norms which ore the original
c.i'.ie :if dandruff. Having given this aid,
mri:r completes the cure. The scalp is
r e.-iou .l to a perfectly healthy condition.
..Jo U'eJ. C. Ayer Co., towoll, Ma.
County Coroner
'' r .. I-''' . f
Local Items
Friday, July a, 1909
15. JF. Sawyer
Jackson, Nebraska
Thysician and Surgeon.
Calls promptly attended
All kinds of ooal, feed and Lay for
ale at reasonable prices.
Fields & Slaughter Co.
TheoEBliven, Manager.
Dakota City, Neb.
We Lave as good a stock of bard
ware and tinware as there ever was in
Dakota City, aud yon will Dud oar
prices right. Schrievcr Bros.
Mrs EstolU Wurtzberger is looking
after her business affairs here.
Margaret Nicbnhr viHiteil at Tender
this week with relatives and friends.
Everett Easton, wife and little ghl
left Wednesday for Council bluffs, Io,
to reticle.
A marriage lioenso was issued Tues
day to John Sohn and Minnie Eier-
mann, both of Brushy Bend.
Frank J Pechacek, of Sioux City,
and Nellie Jordan, of Lmerson, were
married by Fr Burke at Emerson on
Mrs Earl Frederick and little son
went to llawardeu, Iowa, Wednesday
to spend the Fourth and visit with rel
atives until a week from ounday.
The announcement oame here this
week that Myrtle Bates would be mar
ried Sunday, the 4th, at New Itich
tuoud, Wis, to Edward Hoover, a prom
inent young man of that place .
It has just come to light on the mar
riage record that Leo 11 Le Seur and
Mayme Clancy, both of Sionx Uty,
were joined in marriage by Justice J J
Eimera in South bioux Lityon Way
I have now, with my new stock, a
fine assortment of queensware, and
anyone who wants anything in that
line can get it as cheap or cheaper
than they can buy it in Sionx City.
Try me and see. Van do Zedde.
At the annual school meeting held
Monday afternoon at this place W L
Ross and S A Stinson were re-elected
members of the school board. An es
timate of f2,200 was made for all
school purposes for the coming year.
Miss Claire Schleiper, who has bpen
stenographer in Judge Evans' office
for several months past, leaves tomor
row for het home at Ida Orove, Iowa.
She enjoyed a visit from lier sinter
Helen, the past week, who will ac
company her home.
Fire broke out Tuesday evening at
about 7 o'clock in the Erio Ansues
house occupied by Hal O Blacketer
and family, and destroyed the contents
of the kitchen aud damaged the build
ing to the extentof about $1C0 before
the flames were extinguished by the
bucket brigade. The fire originated
in the kitchen from an over heated oil
stove. The household goods were re
moved to the home of Mr Blacketer's
mother in the east part of town.
?e Mighty Mississippi
starts as cv. Tiny, Trickling Stream
Thus are great and small fortunes founded.
Pennies Pave the Way to Prosperity.
Dimes Deposited Today grow the Dollars of Tomorrow
and assure Old Age Comfort
This good bahg the oldest in-the county pays four percent inter
est on Havings and keeps your money
It has depositors in many states, and wishes more. Be one yonr
self just once that you may know the way of a GOOD BANK
"The Bank that ALWAYS treats you RIGHT '
Bank, qf Dakota County i..,on
m)!; - 'aaf 'i a 1 "1iiii'iiaitlir ,aalrli'1'li'i1 n '" ' l Ultl ilH "atkM'i "
I Come and see the new - -mf i
I Detroit Gasoline 3
They are the best in the
market and absolutely safe
If in need of
WsvsKing Machines, Etc., Etc.
Fred Schriever &, Co.
Lowest Prices Guaranteed.
Dakota City, Neb.
Sixiurdivy, July 3rd
5c Finishing Braid, 2 for 25c 3ibs bulk Soda Crackers, 23c
31bs 3 Crown Raisins, 25C All 20c Candy, per lb, 15c
4 packages of Condense d Mince Meat 25c
Saturday, Jxily lOth
Oil, per gallon 10c Prunes, per lb 7c
Flake Rye, perpkgc 12c 4 cans Corn 25c
Seven 5-cent Cigars. . . .25c
S. A. Stinson !
Dakota City. Nebraska
Genevieve SUnr.nl returned Satur
day from a month's stay at Homer.
Buy a good farm on the Dakota
county bottom. I have it. Elmers.
Lester W Miller and Clara Davis,
of Homer, were granted a license to
wed Monday,
E J Smith and family, of Homer,
have located in a cottage at Foyo's
park for the summer
Vern L Baker and Mre Hattio Ouen-
ther, both of Bioux CitT were married
by Judge Stinson last Saturday.
Miss Mary LTierscho has gone to
Sioux City to spend a few weeks at
the homo of Mr and Mrs Frank Lean,
The kid ball team played the kid
tram of Jackson at the Cryst al lake
ball park Satuday, defeating them 1
to 2.
Harry Ailair and wife departed Sun
day for Seattle, Wash to see the upo
sition aud to visit friends in that local
ity for a month.
Toe Bird, of Jackson is circulating a
petition to have his name placed on
the primary ballot as a democratic!
candidate for sheriff.
A display of fine glassware, that
looks as nice alraoxt as any cut plans,
and sold dirt cheap; your choice on
the center table for only 10 cents, at
Van do Zedde's.
Mrs George Franger left Thursday
for St Louis to spend a mouth with hi r
sister, Mrs George Sto'ne, wife of one
of the St Louis American ball play ere,
and a Coleridge boy.
boot tiockwcll left Monday over
the Burlington for bis claim near
Akron, Col. The case of blood poison
on his thumb, which necessitated Lis
coming home, has about healed up.
Regular preaching at Salem next
Sunday morning at 11:00 o'clock
Sunday school at 10:00. Preaching
at Emmanuel church, Dakota City ht
8:00 pm. Sunday school at 9 :4o a m.
Clifford Judd and wife, of Sionx
City, were Sunday visitors here at the
M M Beam home. Air Judd a band
that was injured last week while oper
ating a laundry machine, is getting
along nicely.
Ilavo you a farm to sell, or ex-
chance? It coals only a cent n word
per day, to run n advertisement in the
OraaLa Bee. It will reach over 40,000
subscribers and is almost sure to find a
buyer. Write today.
Misses Ferle and Bess Stinson leave
Julv 16th for a six weeks' tour of the
Pacifio coast. After taking in the
Seattle exposition they will return over
the Canadian Paoitlo and stop off iu
North Dakota for a short visit.
Your opinion about what you see is
determined partly by how you see .
Very few people have normal vision,
Only perfectly fitted glasses will give
both relief and normal fight. Y G
Eckhart, Licensed Optometrist.
Remember we handle a full and
complete line of overalls and jackets,
and it will pay you to oall and look
over our stock, whether you wear over
alls or not. Prices are what talk, and
our goods speak for themselves. Van
de Zedde.
Conductors, motormen and trainmen
wanted for trunk lines and city street
railways in every large ciiy of the
United States at wages ol from $bU to
$200 a month. For free information
write to the Officials Office 613 Sharp
Rldg, Kansas City, Mo,
Mell A Schmicd met with a serious
accident Wednesday while watching
the work at his new residence. The
derrick used for hoisting dirt out of
the cistern tipped over and one of the
heavy timbers etrnck him across the
buck causing a bad bruise. He also
received a badly sprained ankle,
U S Marshal W F Warner, Judge W
H Munger and Clerk George II Thnm
mel of the federal court at -Omuha,
spent a low days last week fishing at
Crystal lake, returning home Saturday
evening. Mr Warner will briug his
family np this "eek for a month's stay
at the lake, and will occupy one of the
Henry Wood cottages. '
The Herald is iu receipt of a commu
nication from Jackson, Nebr, bearing
principally on some ones family troub
les The article was unsigned and of
course was pigeonnoiea, as we posi
tively cannot publish such articles
without knowing the author; ana be-
ides we have troubles enough of our
wn without mixiug up in someone
A fellow happened into town last
Friday evening and in making a pur
chase of some goods at Van de Zedde's
tendered a f 15.00 check issued in the
ame of John Gribble. When an be
gan to get suspicious the fellow disap
peared, aud next turned up at the Ed
wards & Uradford store wlie'e be
bought $5,00 woith of goods and ten-
red a check for $12.00 lfsuert by
Thomas Gribble to George r.edemun,
whioh was accepted by O Lake,
manager for the company, and the
$7.00 in change given him. The fel
low was very particular in buyiug the
goo.ls as to the quality, etc, aud left
his purchiisn at the store saving lie
would call for tliem during the even
ing. Mr Lake became suspicious
after the fellow left aud the next moru
iner phoned out to Tom Gribble who
nformed him that the check was a
forcerv. No trace of the fellow has
been found yet.
District court which was in session
here lant week and part of this week
deposed of several important cases,
among them being the Berry-McAllister
contest cuse over the county attor
neyship. The case was finished Satur
day. Judge Graves decidiug in favor
of McAllister. While the recount held
in Judge Stinson'a court last January
showed that iu Summit precinct
alone there was a difference of
f leven votes in the count of the elec
tion board and that of the recount, in
favor of Berry, the court held thai be
twueu the two dates there was a poosi
ble chance that the ballots might have
been tampered with, and consequently
would not recognize them as evidence
in the case, and as that was the only
tangible evidence to re bad there was
nothing else to do. Mr Berry will ap
peal the case to the supreme court
Mert Davis, who was held on a charge
of highway robbery on a complaint
tiled by Amelia O'Neill of South Sioux
City, was brought before the court
bututdav and plead guilty. 114 was
sentenced to 5 years iu the penitentia
rv, aud was taken there Mouday by
Deputy Sheriff Bierman to begin Lis
Sold in
I 10 Years Ago 3 m
(m Thousands bought JK r0?" M
Uneeda Biscuit
because they wondered y& TO
what they were. jMMW W
Jm To-day I
l2-- Millions use them because
f- they know them to be . M
The World's Best Soda Cracker M
Mrs Emmet Hileman is visiting with
friends iu Chicago this week.
Ben Hull and family have moved to
the 11 E Evana house north of the
Omaha depot.
On acoount of the rain Sunday the
cbildrcna exeroises at the M E church
Were indefinitely posponed.
Mell A Schmied left Thursday af
ternoon for Mason City, Iowa, to serve
on the auditing committee of the M B
A order of which he is a member.
The Dakota City ball tossers will
pluy the Black Kuights at tho Crystal
lake ball pnrk Saturday morning at 10
o'clock. Uiiiton aud the Kuigbtw will
play iu the alternoon
Quarterly meetiDg at the M E
church Sunday morning at the usual
preaching hour. DiaUict Superintend
ent, the Bev Dr Tindall will preach
and Administer tho holy communion.
It you need help of any kind, tell as
many people as possible, J.nere are
more than 40,000 people who subscribe
for the Omaha Bee. lou can tell them
all for one cent per word per day.
Write today.
Lady demonstrators are wanted in
all large department stores in every
ctty in the United States, You are
taught and placed in a position free,
Write at once to Big Sales Co, 18 E
11th Street, Kansas City, Mo.
The social at Salem church lust Fri
day had a liberal patronage by the
citizens of the place. All xpreBsed
themselves as having had a pleasant
evening ur.d a royal feast on strawber
riei and cream so nicely served by the
Do you want to sell, or exchange
your business? The Omaha Bee will
run an advertisement for you at one
eeut a word por dav. There will be
many out of their 40,000 reuders w ho
will answer your advertisement, Write
Pat Jones, one of the staid old farm
ers of Hubbard precinct was trnnsact
iug business here batuidny. He also
paid his renpects to tho Herald wlulo
iu town, He says the crops in hia lo
cality are looking line, even if they are
little the worse for weeds.
Those who appreciate the very bettt
instrumental and vocal music will be
pleased to bear that the Liberati New
York Ci'y Concert Band and Grand
Opera Singers have been secured to
give several concei ts each day at the
Nebraska state i sir, Sept, Cth to 10th,
Don't forget that handsome glass-
warn at an tie euuos tno glass
dishes that he will give you with each
purchase of one dollar. It is well
worth going after, (uite a number
are taking advantage of this offer. It
is for every day in the week.
Services at the Methodist Episcopal
church every Sunday as follows:
Preaching, Ham ; Sunday school, 10
am! Class meeting 12 m; Epfforth
League, 0 :30 p m ; Preaching, 7 :30 p
in. Preach in Grace church every
Sunday at 2 :30 p m. You are cordially
iuvited to any and all these services.
The last nuartorly conference for
Ibis confernce year will be held Satur
day afternoon at 4 o'clock at the Meth
odist church. 1 Ins is the most impor
tant business meeting of the church for
the year, and it is desired that every
official member of the church be pres
ent at this meeting as butanes of vast
importance for next year it to be trans
acted at this time.
The Herald for News when it Is
Mrs William Triggs and little
daughter went to Allen Monday for a
few days visit with relatives, .
Mrs O B Howard was called here
Tuesday from Malvern, Neb, by the
sickness and death of Mr and Mrs
Fred Schlieve's baby.
Mrs Etta M Spencer and daughter,
Marjorio, departed Monday for Seattle,
Wash, to vibit relatives and take iu the
exposition. Marjorie goes also as a
delegate to the Epwortn League Na
tional convention. -
Allen Boyd and Mildred B Stnmm,
both of Sioux City, were married by
Judge Stinson Wednesday evening, and
Leou E Griggs and Mrs Abigail M
Carr, of Lake City, Iowa, wore mar
ried by the Judge Thursday morning.
The Kozy Studio is making special
low prices during the spring months.
Cabinets $1.50 up; also 24 small Pho
tos 25c, 12 postals 60c. We lead in
low prices. All work guarantied.
Kozv Studio,
304 Douglas street, Sioux City, Io.
Mr aud Mrs Fred Dueosiug of this
place, and Mr and Mrs Jasmes Fisher
of Walthill, went to Sioux City Mon
day evening to atteud the exercises at
St Joseph's hospital, when Mr a ad Mis
Duensiug's daughter, Miss Lena Snnt,
received her diploma as a graduate
Have you seen our latetst production
in photos? We are uow making some
of the finest photos uade anywhere
for the money and prices very low.
For groups, wedding or baby photos,
see us first, and save money.
De LrxK Studio,
Next to 6 and 10c store, 40J 4th, Sioux
City, Iowa.
I shot an arrow into the air, it fell
in the distanoe, 1 knew not where, till
a neighbor said it had killed bis calf
and I had to pay him six and a half.
I bought some poison to kill some rats
and a neighbor swore it hud killed his
cats, aud rather than argue over the
fence I paid him a dollar end twenty
cents. One night I sailed a toy bal
loon and hoped it would soar till it
reached the moou, but the caudle fell
on a farmer's straw and I bud to cough
up or go to law. Aud that is the way
with a random shot it never hits the
proper spot and the juke you spring
that you thiuk smart, may leave a
wound iu some fellow's heart and he'll
coma along aud put you to sleep with
jolt that would make the angels
weep. Ex.
" What is a home without a paper?"
A heme without a newspaper is no
home at all. It is a kind of a dreary
den a rendtzvous of bedbugs aud
fleas, where the inhabitants live in
blissful ignorance of what the world
is,doiug. It is inhabited by a class who
do not kuow who is president or what
he is president of who never find out
that a thing has happened until iong
after everyone else has forgotten it.
The children grow up in rags and dirt,
while the wife gonerally finds consola
tion in darning aocki aud lugging a
pipe loaded with long, green tobacco,
and the man generally lives because
he can't die aud be is too lazy to kill
himself. He goes out on election days,
and does not know who he is voting
tor, but just takes the ticket bearing
the name his great-great-grandfather
voted for. lliceville, (Minn,) Leader.
... Satisfaction ...
1f You get entire satisfaction whenever you buy goods
bearing the E. & B. Label. Among the many lines car
ried by us bearing this label and deserving of special
mention are the following:
IS. CO. B. Special Hand Saw svt $1.
Made expressly for us by one of the largest manufac
turers of saws in the United States. Don't pay $1.75
to $2.00 for this same saw under a different name, but
buy the E. & B. Fully warranted.
E. & D. Ball-Bearing- Sowing1 Machine,
at $22,50
A better or more durable sewing machine cannot be built
at any price. Why pay $10 to $05 for a sewing ma
chine when we will place this machine in your own home
along side any of the so-called superior makes and leave
you decide for yourself. In fact it has decided improve
ments over some of the "Old Line" machines which are
peddled from house to house, and the extra expense in
curred by this method of selling must necessarily be
borne by the purchaser. . ,
E. (a B. Rubber Roofinfj
Not a cheap composition of tarred felt and discarded
wedding gowns, but a high grade article, moderately
priced and made to withstand the action of the elements.
Remember 1 You can't go wrong on E. & B. goods.
The label is a guarantee of quality and unlimited satis
faction to the user.
Edwards & Bradford L'mb'r Co.
V. 0. Lake, Kflsidcnt Mgr. Dakota City, Neb
Special SxafrkYrLcr R,dtcs
Exovir?iiorv Rates Easts Daily low round trip
rates, with thirty days limit, in effect early in June to New York,
Jersey Coast Resorts, Boston, Montreal, Portland, Me., and other
prominent eastern resorts. Somewhat higher round trip rates
daily, with all Snmmer limits, to New England, St. Lawrence
River, Atlantic Coast and New England resorts. Also desirable
round trip rates to Wisconsin, Michigan, etc., including Lake
Journeys from Chicago to Buffalo and return. Rates, details,
destinations, etc., may be had of your nearest ticket agent.
Excursion. Rates Wests Seattle Exposition,
California, Pacific Coast Tours,' Denver and Colorado Resorts,
Black Hills, Big Horn Mountains, Utah, Yellowstone Park circuit
through scenic Colorado and Yellowstone and Gardiner gateways.
Homeseehers ratts first and third Tuesdays. You can reach all
western summer resorts on very desirabit rites this summer.
Call on nearest ticket agent for special publications covering any
western tour,
Subscribe for the Herald, only f 1 .
W, E. Snethen, Ticket Agt, Dakota City, Neb.
L. W. Wakelky, G T A, Omaha, Neb