4' 0 n Tli t:dnrard C.roerr. "Siy. mister." mid (he mnH boy, breathlessly, "tnfce down Hits order ukk ; I grf to go to school. Two pounds of cufTVp nt 45 cents; three and ne-half of suamr at 7 cents; six boxes f cocoa at '21: two dozen pkk at 32, nd four pounds of buitor at' 40 cents. Ilow ranch dm It come to?' "Four dollars and eighty-three cents, y little mini," mild the grocer. "What address, please ?' "Gee! Thank '" mid the schoolboy s he made his escape. "That was the only one I couldn't dot" Success Mag-line. No Kxart F.qnllnf. "It would 1'0 correct to sriy, then, that you are on I he water wagon, wouldn't It?" asked the reporter. "No," anirl the distinguisher actor; "that hardly expresses it. 1 have merely quit drinking nfTe and taken to more wtiotaome beverages. You might miy, perhaps, that I nin on the milk wagon." SDFE -ONEYEAR Cured by Lydia E. Pink hara'sVcgetable Compound Milwaukee, Wis. "Lydia E. Tinfc liam's Vegetable Compound lias made 711110 a wen woman, - 1 4 3 ari(l I would like to 5 ,- ' j tell the whole world of it. I Buffered fromfemale trouble and fearful painsin my back. I had the best doctors and they all decided that I had a tumor in addition to my female troublo, and adTiscd an opera tion. Lydia E. riiikham's Vegetable Compound made mo a well woman nikl I have no more backache.' I hope 1 can help others by telling them what Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vepetablo Compound has done for me." Mns. EmmaIjise, t33FirstSt, Milwaukee, Yv'is. The ehovo is only one of the thou sands of grateful letters which are constantly being received by the l'inkham Medicine Company of Lynn, Mass., which prove) beyond a doubt that Lydia E. Pinkham's'Vejrctable Com pound, made- from roots and herbs, actually docs cure these obstinate dis eases of women after all other means have failed, and that every such suf erinff woman owes it to herself to at least give Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vegeta ble Compound a trial before submit ting to an operation, or giving up hope of recovery. Sirs. Pinkliara, of Iiynn, Mass., invites all sick women to write lier for advice. She has frulded thousands to hcaltb and hex advice la free Food l! Products LSkocI By Tho VIkaio FamSFy You will never be disap pointed if you use Libby's Plcklos and Condi' nt o n Is on your tabic. Libby's have the right taste, which is always uniform, and you can depend upon Libby's as being absolutely pure. Try these: Mixed Plakles Fancy Olives Sated Dressing Strawberry Preserves Currant Je!!y Evaporated FJlllk Libby's foods are the best because they are made from the best fruits and vegeta bles, by the best rrethods in Libby's (treat Enameled Vh It o Kitchens Insist on Libby's, and you i depend upon it that you will get food prod ucts which are the most satisfactory , from the stand- Hi Point of taste . 'J fi i Im and purity. & OR ID WEAR J !Ir Liilliilii r- k.,li. i! f 9 MiB SflfcttM 3oo 5K0ES 350 ThtReison I MmVc indScll Hart M'n't $3.00 tad $3.50 Short Than AnyOihtr MinulirluiM Ib bcu I (iv th' rr t.i innt ml ikm KMt coi)ti-t rgAiri!oa mf tii4 x ptU svntl iliHtd iiu"! ..an Im thm rovintry. TlkMi.actioDof Ih ttrra lor Mchptrl ol theihot, u4 vrv detll ! tht m:u$ '.n ry dpi tmrcl, ll tMk4 af-r mj h tliociiiftttni la It ibo lBttiutry. It 1 eould tkw ya haw euclnllj W L. why Um)t koi 1 their tttMt At toiler, tad tu lucr Lho ut afcar icsvka. AieuivJ .. i utiHiHf (Hi Sotts mukts tktm Mart u4 )! ikiw. ft 00 mMMa A r tff'V tVr.irtnf IHmH mV ttMfrt, rtioe for fr.vvry Mintr f lh Fmnllr, aUttu. lioy, Voin-ii, MiHfit Hn) I liiliircu BlllTinil t u,t Hmtuliiti without V . J,. PouilM iAU I lUI dmi mi'l ir1' KUtnp'l oit bntw.nu 7Mt Caiar Sfaitwi iud aictuaJr CaUloM MaJW4 rra AFTER i iVj 'v' V ' , mi xsm P I n fcya u o i WHfiiJir 'js i. v 4 -WWMSM, FANCIES- V'lien 1 Wonmrt nt Ilrr llea f "If It Is not a paradox," pays a man, "I like a woman best while she Is still a girl, while she still retains her frank Innocence and freshness, the bloom which the world so soon rub off. The girl 1 her tfena Is simplici ty Itself at:d simplicity Is woman's f rsntest charm." "A woman Is nt her best when she has Just become en gaged," another says. "She sees everything coulrur de rcs.e ttven. The whole world Is bright and beautiful. Everybody seems kind to her, and she feels on the best of terms with every body. Sue becomes bright and ani mated. She achieves things, launches out lti ways that nobody supposed her cajvjble of." j.- - "A ttc::mii id at her best during the earlier years of married life. Dur ing the engagement she has perhaps been selfishly wrapped up In her lover, and has only striven to cultivate that side of her character which most ap peals to hiin. After marriage, though the glamour of romance still lingers, she Is Installed In a home of her own, where the more practical side of her character Is developed. Her outlook Is broadened, her sympathies deepened. The sacred duty of motherhood has claimed her, but she has not reached the trials and anxieties that too often age 5 Tom'itu bTfofe her time. "I think a woman is at iv best In the bloom of young motherhood. Her sympathies arj readier and deeper, her whole nature Is softened and made beautiful.' Another suggests that tho mother of 33 or so, with three or four young children. Is even more at her eenith. "She has passed the empty foolishness of youth, she has learned the grandeur and nobleness of bring ing up children. But she Is still young enough to enjoy hereelf. She has enougii children to make her happy, but not so many that they overtax her strength." "The woman between 1!5 and 40, mat rled or bingle, still retains some of the freshnesH of youth, tempered by the ripeness of maturity. If she In married, rhe is tho guiding light of her home, single, she Is that splendid thing, a mother of many mothers' chil dren. She Is lenient and charitable in her views. She has learned to know human nature and adapt herself to circumstances. She knows that a woman needs more than personal beauty. At SO and upward tho beBt side of a woman's nature shows to the best advantage and It Is then that har attractiveness Is at the zenith of her power. And Hhe has a repose and rest fulness about her which Is delightful In these hustling times." "I think a woman Is at her best between 40 and 50," says one reader. "A woman at that ago has learned the true value of things. There Is some thing wonderfully attractive In thtt face of a woman who has profited by the lessons which life teaches, who has 'come through tho furnace." At that age, married or unmarried, she is the most useful member o. society." ServU-ctilde Ilunlneaa Hut. Thle simple but attractive model Ls an Ideal sug- looklng and prac thai, as In Its construction 1 1 employs only ma terials which can not be harmed by sun or dampness. The hat of the fashionable bucket shape may be had in almost endless variety of straws and braids, and for trimming there is used cue of the new silk scarfs so attractive In their pretty colorings as well as soft one-tone ef fects. Directly In front ls placed a huge bird. Its bill Just peeping over brim. IVrullar Sm Color. There is a new color that one does not know how to classify. It la not brown and It certainly ls not gray, and It docs not belong to the greens, but It has tints of all three colors. Tht general tone is us much like putty as anything else, but It ls not putty color. pihnra 'that Hurt. Women with narrow heels frequent ly have trouble with ready-made foot wear. The shoe rides up at the heel and a painful blister occurs, which f- iw IN wi n I MP jSesmj Jy I mm mi h f J 1 WW7MJ iiiifflB Mil il VJWf,H sestlon for the yWt i ' fy business girl. It is modish, good- 3 focti'dy cripples one for tho time be ing. This Is especially true of low shoes. To prevent It with your next pair cut a few Inches from a piece of old velvet, or get a bit of velvet rib bon to fit between the heel and the shoe. It can be either tacked Into place or pasted. This renders the heel com fortable without lessening the size of the shoe, which Is the disadvantage of the felt sole. irk .we (. .V - w- - Thera are over fiuO women students of medicine In French universities. Last year Mrs. Kussell Sage mado public gifts amounting to $l,r59,rP,". Statistics show that out of every twenty greenhouses In this country one Is managed by a woman. , Countess van JJooa Farrar is to build a home for tho children of criminals at Spring Valley, N. Y. Ada C. Sweet, formerly United States pension agent In Chicago, was the first woman ever appointed as dls- EASILY MADE bursing agent for tho United States government. . i Hed morocco case3 containing 2'1 va rieties of cigarettes are bought by the queen of Spain for presents to the la dies of her court. There are 7,070 woman postmis tresses In the United States govern ment employ, some of them receiving more than $1,800 a year. Six towns and cities of Colorado have elected women as treasurer In the last few weeks. Two women have been elected as town clerks. Women writers of l'arls and Lon don are raising a subscription fund to erect a monument to Mine, de Stael, whom Napoleon honored with his lntenso hostility. Probably tho highest-paid women In the United States civil service are two young woman translators of French and Spanish employed at the bureau of American republics. They rec.elvo $2,400 a year. The queen of Denmark ls exceeding ly interested In having women vote at the coming elections. When these elections were held last month, the queen went to a polling place and urged women to exercise the right of franchise. lAIJY lluhy'a Krork, A little empire frock for babies' wear ls one of the new season's offer ings. It has the tlnient, shortest yoke, cut out In the conventional square, which Is daintily Mulshed with bond ing, ribbon threaded. The full skirt is gathered to the yoke and ls trimmed on the bottom with groups of tucks and lace Insertion. The little puff sleeves end In narrow lace frills. It is a i.weet little frock and is entirely new In design. I or liouajk lUuda, Another quaint "farmhouse" remedy for rough hands wa.; made of three parts of pure ah redded beef suet to one piirt of pure beeswax, simmered over the lire until melted, and then poured Into a mold. In applying it dairy maids, whose arms and hands were apt to become very red and chipped after scouring oat the milk pans In cold AC .m m .Hi i tir . iv r weather, were wont to dip their hands In hot water, and then, sitting before a red fire, to rub the cake of soap well over the hands until the pores of the skin had absorbed ths emollient. Fnnhlon Item. A good potato sack will ninlte A very stylish gown, The narrower the better, so You don't by chance sit down. The corset now must he of steel. All riveted before You get it In the antbpie shows. The kind Crusaders wore. The scuttle used to carry coal Now makes the swellet lint. When trimmed with rubber auto tire I'tit on quite plain and Hat. No puffs are larjte enough to suit The coiffure of the spring, Ho feather pillow pinned behind Are now the proper thing, c New York lres. Should (.IrU litis f or C'onraet Au Kvatiston (111.) club hns passed by an overwhelming ntllnnatlve vote the following proposition; "Resolved. That girls should be taught to box." Mrs. Catherine Watigh MeCulloeh, n woman Justice of the peace, Introduced the resolution. Work of the Woman. Mrs. Catherine 1$. Hell, editor of the Cannon, of Cannon City, Colo., besides TUB FROCKS. attending to her household and editori al duties, rinds time to nerve as proba tion officer In her home county, to do the work required of the president or the Hoard of County Visitors, to act ns special agent to the County Com missioners In eases of destitution nnd to be the humane olllcer and secretary of the local Humane Society. She Is a widow with three children. She Is a New Yorker by birth nnd has lived in Colorado less than eight jenrs. The length of skirts varies almost as much, from one season to another, as the shape of sleeveB, and that ls saying a good deal. However, all walking skirts must clear the ground all around this year. The skirts of the new tailored suits for traveling and shopping are all walking length. More handsome suits, In broadcloth, rajah and other fabrics used for "dressy" wear appear with a short train. Many suits are being made this season with one coat, usually braided and In the three-quarter length, or longer, and two skirts. One of these will be off the ground, in trotteur length, while the other, for more ceremonious occasions, will have the graceful short train. Walking skirts are capable of some variation. The short woman should wear hers as long as she can without touching, while the tall woman will look well in a much shorter skirt. Women of medium height will lind a skirt two Inches off the ground an effective length. (lenulne princess gowns should always have trains. This Is nut true, however, of tho seml-prln-cess frocks where the belt destroys the actual princess lines. All evening frocks except those for dancing art being made with trains. HrraU and Muttrr Tlatra. Dread and butter plates are no long er used on formal occasions, but are too convenient to be dispensed with at family meals. They go to the left ol each plato above tho plates, and thi gluss of water to the right. To Pullah Japnnne4 Traya, Clean Japanned trays by rubbing them over with a little olive oil, and then polishing It off with a soft clotb. Mm Nt Ik Mil -I 1 Don't Poison Baby. pORTT TEAES AGO almost every mother thought her child must havo,' PAEEGORIO or landanum to mako it sleep. Theso drugs will produce Bleep, and A FEW DH0P3 TOO MANY will produce tho SLEEP PEOM WHICH I THERE IS LT0 WAKING. Many aro tho ' children who havo tccn killed or whoso health has been rained for lifo by paregoric, laudanum and morphins, each cf which is a nirrcotio product of opium. Druggists aro prohibited from Belling cither of tho narcotics named to children at all, or to anybody without labelling them " poison." Tho definition cf " narcotic " is : "A medicine which relieves pam and produces sleep, but which in poisonous doses produces stupor, coma, convnU. sions and deailu " Tho tasto and cmcll of medicines containing opium aro disguised, and sold under tho names of "Drops," "Cordials," "Soothing Syrups," etc. Yon should not permit any mcdicino to bo given to your children without yon or your physician know of what it is composed. CASTORIA DOES NOT CON TAIN NARCOTICS, if it bears tho cignaturo of Chas. H. Ectshcr. 'TACK r-'oV 'cco2 .7 -1 Il-VH-i'l AL( 1 OUOI. 3 PER CE.vrT AMtclaWcPrrparjlionrurAs sIMailngteRotfanilHftfuii (ifg Utc SioraacLs aadDwclsdl IVoraolcs Dic3ttonXliceird ncssandKestronlalnsnfitor Clpium.Noriilutie nor Mineral. OT Narcotic. - !!; to j( x.Sirmi Aasrf-i Mwi.W- -(Vi.,,Wj;.rr-. hatjnvi titm "-It 6 'Til'- mi Ancrferl Remedy fc-TCorrsnin lion . Sour Siomach.niarTlMC3 Vorras,ror,'ul:;ions.IrvTnsh ncss cndLoss of Sleep. ro.cSir.iite Sij-nafurcof NEW YO !?!". '"tr i 1 i' ',' -J'tlc - Exact Copy of Wrapper. Sniiplftous Clrcani.taac. The grocer had warranted the maple tlrup to be tho ronl stu "It doesn't tnstB liko any ronple simp I ever boiiKlit," said the customer, who had jest wimpled it, "and I strongly sus pect " "Sir!" said the indignant tracer. "I slroiiRly suspect, in Bplte of your guaranty, fbnt it's crennino." How's This? We offer Oni Hundred Dollars Heward fot ny cai-o o( t'nlarrb that canuot e cured liy Hull's Cntarrh Cure. F. J. CHUNKY A CO., Toledo, O. We, tlie un(tirlKne1, have knnnn F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and 'believe him perfectly honorable In all biiHlne trim act Ions, and tluancliilly able to carry out any obligations made by his firm. Wauuno, Kin'nan k Marvin, Whole.iuln llnUKlHtii, Toledo, O. Ilnll'a Catnirh Cure Is taken liitemullr, aetlni? directly upon the blood nnd mucous, surfaee of the Bysteiu. TeatiinnnlnlN Kent free. Price, 75c. per bottle. Bold by all DrnirelHtH. Tuke Hall'a Family Tills for constipation. No Oevuiilnn. rhilnnthropist Ilnveu't yon any lyuv path)' for the unemployed, colonel? Politician I don't know any unem plojed. sir. Kvery uinn of my acquaint ance has been working hard for the last two or three weeks trying to luud a job in WasUiiclon. PILES CURED AT HOME BY NEW ABSORPTION METH3!). If you auffer from bleedluc, Itcblnir. Ulud or protrudliiK l'lles, end me your HildrfK. unci I will till yuu kow to cure youi'Nelf uf home by tho new absorption treatment; Mini will ii !hi xetid some of thin borne treatment free lor trial, wllh references from your own locality If requested. Immediate re lief and permanent cure axiiured-. . tfciid no money, but tell other of tkils oRer. Write toibiy to Mra. M. Huuuuei-s, Box 2, Notre Iiiiuie, lad. tilled l.adle. la Jail. Over in LUiKliiiid tlioh woiiicu who dcnirt' iliv prlvlli;e of voting are wlll ip.S l suffer fur llicir uuvlclliu8. TUl oilier day Lutly Coustauce Lytton, hI U f of l.urd I.j I tun, and a ntiinbcr of other lad!pn of wwulth and fiiKhlon wore Hcnt to Ju 11 becuute they dUluil) ed Uit public pence aud would not 1,'ive Nccurlty not to rcpeut the of fense. In Juil they are teat bed lu tho iiii'imtii, priHuii -tuiiile guruienU and their food I the iJnluett prlHon fare. There la do noed to iuffer with aore iieaN and atiRueos of jointa and inuaclea. A lillle Ilnniliiia Wizard Oil rubbed in will limber them up immediately. lie Could Kruil, .Tlmir.ns Huiley AldrlcU, the pix-t, and u'ltlior of the "Story of a Mud Hoy," hum noted for Lie wit and a very eiiumilna Burt of "happy luiiudence." In U's bioKrupliy of Aldrich, l'erria (jreet Hlet relates tbla Btory : Mf: dellghttnl to tell of bl exjxrleiice In getting bin name rcinntatod In tho votliiK lint of IloHtuu after an uJ''i-e of h j cur or two. Appearing before 11 mliKir niaclHtrnte of the race Unit, us I.mvcli hum, "fotigbt all our tmttlen tinil not up all our drurt rloU." tie m ak I'd his name and oceuputlou, and If he could read. Modently edmlttlut: that be could "a littlo," the Declaration of Independ eece wa handed to blm, aud be wua told to "Read thot." "Hustorra," suld Aldrich, "I wlill 'Wtilu In tho coortte of buiuan tvlntB lie wan allowed to reenter. A llomnllo IXr Keiurdr lomnonnded hy Rxnerteneed Payilelana, ('nnforoui to I'ure Food and Drutra Imw. Wlni KrleiwU Wherever t'Md. Aak Drug. flat, for Murine tCyt Keniedy. Tr Miirlua u Year Kyea. Xou Will Like Muriae l i: vj r ,i, v Letters from Prominent Physicians . addressed to Clias. SI. Fletcher. Dr. J. W. Dlnsdale, of Chicago, 111., cayo: "I vtso your Castorla and advise Its two in all families whore there nra children." Dr. Alexander E. Mlntio, ct Cleveland, Ohio, eays: "I have frequenUjT prescribed your Castorla and havo found It a rcllablo and pleasant ren edy for children.' Dr. J. S. Alexander, of Omaha, Neb., eays: "A medicine bo valuable and beneficial for children as your Castorla is, deserves tho highest pralaa. 1 find it in iiso everywhere.'" Dr. J. A. McClcllan, of Buffalo N. Y, Bays: "I Lavo frequently prescribed your Castorla for children end always cot Good results la fact I U9 Caslorla for my own children.'' Dr. JT. Y Allen, of St. Louis, JTo., eays: "I heartily endorso your Caa tor'a. I liavo frequently prescribed It In tiy medical praetlco, and hav alwaya found it to do all that la clalniod for it." ' Dr. C. II. C'.iddcn, cf Et. Taul, Minn., eaya: 'J!y experience as a prac titioner with, your Cr.rtorla luu been hlslily satisfactory, and I consider il an excellent rcracdy for tho young," Dr. II. D. Bcnncr, cl rhlladclphla, Ta., ero-a: "I havo used your Cas torla r.n a purest! vo la .tho cases of children for yenra past with, the moa( harry effect, nnd fully endonro it as a cafo remedy." Dr. J. A. Boarrsaa, cf Kansas City, SIo., eays: "Your Castorla !s a splen did remedy for c'-IIJrcn, tnown tte world over. I use it in ny practice t-d havo no hecitaacy ia recommending it for tho complaints of Infanta nnd cL'.ii:r:rt." Dr. J. J. idacltcy, of Erooklrn, N. Y., Bays: "I consldor your Castorla aa excellent preparation for children, bc'.zz composed of rcllablo medicine and pleasant to tho ta:to. A cood remedy for all disturbances of th dlgsstive orGans." Hears tho e Hie Kind You Ha?e Always Bought In use For Over 30 Years. TMC Ct RTUlt COM, TT it:; All L. v 2 TOIT CANE II Y fVrn A 11 A MONO OR MT ATril, or prtwtmt imkui f (ft to mm IotM ob. Zn4 fnv pur beautiful dnwrlpttvo tMhttlng, ft'htnvr you Mett tlircfrtm w aenei on approval. Jf you like It, vr w nnii on firitverr, riai- im qui tlia liiwtxt. An I'Kirl nrttmc:it f Tlir OLD R KM A Hi. ft HHIV l DU- I SIGK E3EA0A0ii E Poaitlvrly cored by tueae inline i'liis. Thry alo relievo Dis tress from DyKpepalo, In- illirnnf ion and Too newt f ig 1 1 r r I Eatuiff. A perfect rem l 2 I V t! I cdy tor Dlzzlncaa. Nausea, urowsmem, nun 'ioaw In the Mouto, Coated Toniruo, pain In tlie fildo. TOIU'ID LTVICU. Tboy regulate the Bowels, Purely VcgoUbie. SMALL PILL SMALL DOSE. SMALL PRICE. carters Gcnuino Musi Bear Fzc-Similo Signature REFUSE SUBSTITUTES. j I PILLS. I JUST DOUBLE 320 ACRES Insiesil o! 163 ACRES An further Inducement to settlement ol the Wheat KaiHliic land ol Wtxteru t.anndj. ths 1'uuaUiaa Gorernaient bae incrvased tlm art-a that may be taken by a bomestr-arter tn.UO acres tteirke and loo to he purchairj nt 3.oU per acre. These lands are in the g rnin-rainlng area, nh.-re Bilxed (arm 111 is alao carried on wltb ungualiticd auccess. A railway will shortly be built to Hudson Hay, brlujring- the world's markeis a thouKaud miles nearer thswe wheat tieldK, whers bchouls and churches are convenient, climate excellent, rui. waysciuse to all settlements and local markets fuud. "it would take timm to mttimilatm thm ftvtlationa that a Vfjif to th grmat mm pirm faint to f As North of n untotdmd at mvmry t urn. I'orresponileiice ol a National kalitor. who visited Weutern Canada la AuiiUbl, lVod. Lands may aUo be purcbaned from Rsllwny and l.aod ( nmpunles at LOW PRICES AND ON EASY HUMS. For uamuhletii. rasps aud tulormatioo as to low Hallway Kales apuy to W. I), tnotl. Superintendent of Immigration, Ottawa, Canada, or I'.. 1. Holmes. 11 , lucksoa fet.,.st. Paul, Minn, and J. M. Mu Li hla:i, boi liti VYalertowu, bo. Dakota. Autbotned Uovsru-aai-nt Agents. , llus ! b.n no ssw tkts sdvsrtlMmasi, sour smmi) "l used Cascartta and feci like a new man. I have been a sufferer from dys pepsia end sour stomach for the last two years. I have been taking medicine and other drugs, but could tind uo relief only for a short time. I will recommend Cascarrta to tuy fi lends an the only thni)( for indigestion and suur stomach and to keep the howels in good condition. They ore very nice to eut." Harry Stucklcy, Maucll Chuck, Pa. Pleaiant, l'alatsb'e. Potent, Taut (iood. I)o lioud. Never .iekon, Woakeo ortiripe, 1th-. S0o. Never sold In hulk. I hit kcq uIdo tablet ats.iiped C (.' C. Ouarauteed to cur or yout uiuucy back. Wli Kevere Oitrrallon. ' "I nercr saw anybody tbnt suffered from throat trottlile as much a tny I'm-le tjeorge used to.'' sttid Mis. I Jisli,ii;. "lie bad it ho had that tiually the doctor had to oiakt' mi incision in his surcupbugua inj remove a part of it." ' (iluaa bathtubs are coming Into gen eral use In (Jermany. Tuey are cheaper aud more sightly ibau tlioie of porceutlm. -1 I CARTERS I n T7:" "4 ALWAYS Signature Gf MURIIAV STIKKT. MWtOlM BIT. moouiiy vmwtiia, xour erran m on. uut pnraM mitMns Im ma(vr thn HnvnJ. It lucroeuuwla rla t to iicrrvnt. nnunllr. Writ UHly fr 1etriitlT m l .'-if 4?tY l-.'.vVii il -T llWWI.-,Ti4 -K -ty ','' '. J. j Regard Cuticura Soap and Cuticura Ointment as unrivaled for Preserv ing:, Purifying and Beau tifying the Skin, Scalp, Hair and Hands, for Sana tive, Antiseptic Cleansing: and for the Nursery. Rnlfl throughout thfl world tvpoti Lod4oo. AT rhiiriiTixiuiMt tM ; rriC 6, Hue cip la Pn, Awu It K. Tiiwrm dk Co.. fivduev: 1ml Culrutfa; i'Jiiim, llonj K .og lruK Co.; J Murnvav I. tit . xokio: Riiavilik. lrrfltB. tluaV-tiai i. nous n iaa a'liiai isbsbvsb rto. Afrwa, 1-di.ou, Ltd., Oai Town, ate.: U B.A 1'otifr lirui A ( tiem tp , KV propN., PmiUkm UaT-akuut J'reo, Cuticura ltouktrt on tb feiuu DAISY FLY KlLLERMi I "X ' ''- "f-ltn ".- i.e- bM.f k,, ff,tf , !, - - U ' 3 " '" o"U 6's. rf .-''rA) .-V---. sat H4 f- ear at Mat pfp- aauLa aiiVKRH IMatltl A.. BravlyB,I.T Ml.v TltiN TMia PAI'KR vaaa iimii va aarai 1PILES lU'i VSTcd 't.tuU Curs. Be CO, Dsat, 0 5. Mlaaaaaa Mlaav IIIIIIctedlib T Sere Eyes, use I " i. C. r. H U a, I No. 22 10. I l ! la 1 au frsUi. SX tj -A