Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, March 26, 1909, Image 7

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    aHimit iiij njW-aiinawawi nss imwm m .n r-i mm ii imm inlniij-r - r' iini iiiiiiiiiiiiiwciriniiinirin rm ni Hniinwimn mm m i iwiii i itss wi n ns I !
from womnV rdlmonts nro Invited to -write to the names nntl
addressee luie jpcn, for jtositivo proof that Lydia E. llnklmiu'a
v cgetaiuo i oiiiiHiiuia docs cure ieiuaio ills.
Tiriior llotnnve!.
Chir-agc, III. M i. Al.oi.a Sperling, 11 L.mg
(ton Strivt.
l.liidley, lnd.Mrs. Mst Try.
riimleV. Kn.-.''-ff. Ko-IIh, tiilToril I:immi.
Heotl. N.Y.-Mr. s. J. H;iri.. r.
Cnrnwullvine, N.Y."- Mr. Win. V'Mi"lit.oTi.
ripeinnatl,) .!' W.K llou-li,' i::..-t iw At
Milwaukee, wi.Mrs. K'uiiia luivo, t.. lt
St., jrmai1.
Vhnrrn of t.lfn.
South Tloml, ln i.-. Mrs. l'ru I I erti i, 10)1 8.
I.afilVOtte M'rent.
K0.1I1, Kontii.-Wy.' Mrs. ! :,n IlnlViml.
BnoklleM, M.j.V Jin. Koah LouMinioiit, V".)7
8. M-irkot t.
rut ers. in, N.J. i "Ivi. Vm. S niervil'.e, 1!
Hamburgh Avcuuo.
riiil:i.l.'liilIn, Ps.. Mrs. K. E. G.irrott, 1107
North U.fimt Street.
EtWMkura, WIs.-.M.-s. Carl Tl.ililko.
Mnfrplfv TronMes.
Woreoster, Miss. Mrs. Dohjlva Cole!, 117
S'lllltl.'ltO M -""t .
Indl.insioli, lorl-Mrs. A. P. Anderson, liftf
K. I'lHlt Blr.'cl.
P!? Him. I's-Mrs W. P.. Pooler,
twitter Station, 0..Mi s. Ahomi JTnnlhatir.t
tin.-i!intl.l)i..-Mi9. II. 11. .M:uM,k:L, 'Jljj
tlilbert Avetill,'.
MoKvlorn, Oliio.-wMrs. T,co M;in's, Iiox l.",l.
lc witt villa, X.Y. Vm. A. A. iil.-.
Johnstown, N Y,-Mrs. lloiuur N. Seaman, 108
I'.. Mln Htnct.
Burtouviow, lil.ilr. I'otor IjRngenbahn.
AvnM Operation.
Famfntf dd, Mil. -Mrs. ,1... 11. Kandr.
Adrian, Un.brini V. HVnrv, lloulu No. 3.
Indianaitolls, Inl.r?Boadie V. I'lper, 2d South
Ad'lWn Street.
ImlsrUle. Kj.-Mrs. Sain Iio, Fourth Si.
South Wm ll'trl.or, Mntiie.w Jin. Lillian
Rnbulns, Ml. Dvort Unlit Htntion.
Detroit, Mich. Mia. Frl.vln Itoaeuau, Mt
Moldrum Avenuu, German.
Organic ll)iArnraentt
rloxter, Ills.xMr. M iry Ball,
loonier, Ind.-Mrs. KllzsWond.Tl.F.n. Vn.4.
Hellonrno, lawn. Mrs. Clara Watoriuaim,
K. F. D. No. .
Bsrdstown, Ky. Nfrs. .Tosoph flail.
Lewlston, Miilne. Mrs. Henry Oloutlor, B8
Oxford Strent.
Minjl";iiolii, Minn. Mrs. John O. Moldan,
2115 Second Str,;ct. N
Bharr.roirfi, Mu.-Joeio 11am, R.F.I). No.
Box 23.
Marlton, N.J.Mn. Geo. Jordy, Route No. 3,
Box 40.
Choter, Ark. Mrs. Ella Wood.
Oollla, (la. Mrs. T. A. Ciihl..
Pendleton, lnd.Mrs. May Marnhall. R.n.44.
Cambridge, Neb. Mrs. Nellie Mimlandcr.
Painful fVrlnHs.
Oonhen, Ala. Mrs. W, T. I'hIIou. Route No S.
:iil,-i,T.,, Ill.-Mrs Vni.Tully,4'.'. Oc ti-nAT.
1' iw 1'i.v.', Mirlt Mrs. Ktnma' lllaper.
l'lusliin?, Ml,:h.-Mrs. Hurt 1."U, K. 1M.
No. i : rff of I. A. Hanlorn.
rofr.M-vllle, Mi s. Mm. S. .1. denes.
Cincinnati, Ohio. Mia. Flora Ahr, 13C2Krtit
Clevolai,d, Ohio -Miri Lll Sto'jer, t,-,19
1 let ATcnue, S.K.
Wrsli-yTlllc. l'a.-Mis. MaKale Fster.R F 1). 1.
lyeiilnrK,Tenn Mrs. l.ue ililiiard, fl.lt.U
H a; ilild, o. lr s. Maymo WiuUlo.
Herrin, III .w'rs. 'A.a. i'i,lkel.
' in:hi'Str, 1ml. Mrs. Mar Ileal.
P lMd.-Mrs. Win. (terl.ih. H F. TV No. 1.
baltiuioio, Md.-Mi. V. 8. I'ord, I.ans-
downe Street.
Roxliury, Maxs.-Mr.FranclsMerklo,1.1 Field
Clm lifil'ile. Mo. Tisa Anna 'Vall:ire.
Ouvsvllle. Ohto.-Mrs. Kila MU lia. l, 11 1' fi.
Ua)tnn, Ohio. - Mrs. Ida ll.ilo, Box Na-
tlitnnt Military ll'iiue.
Lehanon, I'a.xMrs. Man y L. Itlttle, 233 I.oL
man Htn-et.
Pykes, T-n:i. -Minnie Hull.
llutroit,Micu. Mrs. Louise Jung,332Chcstnul
Ovarian Trouble.
Vinc -nnes, Ind.-Mra. Sj l. B. Jerauld, COS T.
Tenth Suei t.
Gardiner, Maine.-Mrs. 8. A. Williams, It. F.
Ii. No. 14; Box
rhiladelphla, I'a.-Mra. Chas. Roell, 2407 IT.
(iariiot street.
Feninlo WeaUnesH.
Willluiantie, Conn. -Mrs. Ltla lKinoyan, DoS
WoodMile, Idaho. Mm. R.T'hol .Tohnson.
Rockland, Maine. Mis. Will Young, 0 Col.
iiinbia Avenue.
Peottville. Mich. Mrs. J. Q.Johnson. R.F.fl J.
liavton, Ohlo.-Mrs. F. It. Smith, 411 Klin St.
Frle, Fa -Mrs. J. 1". Kndlleh. It. F. Ii. No. 7.
Beavor Falls, Pa.-Mrs. W. P. Boyd, 2100
Svonth Avunuo.
Fairetiance, Pa. Mrs. I. A. Dunham, Box 151
Fort Hunter, Pa. Mrs. Marv.Tane Shntto.
Fast Karl, Pa.-Mrs. Augustus l.yon, K F.D.2.
Mouua, W. Va. Mrs. Luirua Wbeatou.
NerTnua Prostration.
Oronngo, Mo. Mrs. Mae McKuight.
Cunulen, N.J.-Mr. Tillle Waters, 451 Liber
ty Sirei:t.
Jos"ih. Oregon. Mrs. Alios ITufTman.
Philadelphia, Pa. Mrs. John Johnston, 210
Birgel Street.
Christiana, Taun. Mrs.. Mary Wood, R.F.D.
No. 3.
Peeos, Texas. Mrs. Ada Tonne Eci'leston.
GrauitevUle, Yt. Mrs. Chas. Barclay, K.l'.D.
These women are only a few of thousands of livinr witnesses
the power of Lydia 15. 1'inkham'g Vegetaldo Cbmpound to cure female
diseases. Not ono of these women ever received compensation in any
form for the vxso of their names in this advertisement but are will
ing that we should refar to them because of the good they may
do other suffering women to prove that Lydia K. I'inkhain's
VeRetable Compound is a reliable and honest medicine, and that the
statements made in our advertisements regarding its merit are tho
truth and not liing but the truth.
ASoiith Da kotaMoiieyMalver
E - . . ...
ISII'ROVKMKXTS: A seven-room house with good cistern. Barn 68x82,
holds 150 tons hiiy, 0 head of horses and 100 head of cattle. Granary, 5,000
hu. capacity. Tool house. Two good wells. One windmill, pump and tank.
East half fenced in two parts, west half all under one fence. Fine grove of
young trees on three sides of the house. It can't be beuten In the United States
lor a monoy-makiT. Prion Is rljilit.
The following crops per acre were raised on the above place last season:
Durum wheat nveraBed U5 bu., which at 90c brought $22.60 per acre. Bar
ley averaged 27 bu., at 55c or $14.85 per acre. Blue Stem wheat averaged 18
bu. at $1.06, or $19.03 per acre. Flax averager 16',i bu. at $1.55, or $25.54 per
acre. Oats averaged 35 bu. at 4Cc, or $16.10 pir ucre. Only 240 acres under
cultivation, balance virgin Kod.
What the other fellow can do you can do.
If this is too large, come up and let me fit you with a smaller farm.
110SS E. PARKS, Lily, South Dakota
I want every clironln rheumntle to tnroir
iwnr all medicines, all liniments, all
planers, nnrl qlve Ml'NVON'3 KI1EUMA.
TLSat RF..MKDY n trial. No matter what
your doctor may eay, no matter what
your friends muy Bay, no matter hqtr
rrejndlced you may be against all adver
Ised remedies, go nt onee to your drug
gist and get a bottle of tba RHEUM t
llBM REMF.HY. If It falls to give sjinS.
faction, I will refund your mon-y. MunyoD
Remember this remedy contains no sal
icylic a"td, no opium cocaine, morphine or
other harmful ilrucH. It In put tip tinder
the guarantee of the Pure Food and Drug
For aa!e ty all druggists. Price. 25c
pleas say yoa saw liiu atavsrtlsoiursra
tat this Dame
This Trade-mark
Eliminates All
in the purchase of
I'.iii.t materials.
It it an absolute
guarantee ol pur
ity and quality.
For your own
protection, see
tli.it it is on the side of
every keg ol white lead
you buy.
1M2 Tn.t undine in tori
30 ft Bowels
Biggest organ of tho body tho
bowels and the moat important
It's ot to be looked after neglect
means suffering and years of
misery. CASCARETS help
nature keep every part of your
bowels clean and strong then
they act right means health to
your whole body. i
C S.SCARKTS iocs boa lor a week 'a treat-
n:r-iiL. All drutrpi. litc.krfcl seller m
v tilt '.roild alilhou boacs a month.
sVJ Best Cuug.ll Syrup. 1tesCood. Ii
71 1 in time. Si. 14 hv drue n'.sts. fl
Orluin of lloic'a . nines.
Ppaniels were so tnl!ed because tlsa
original breed of tills typo enrue from
Spain. The? Jllcnlielm spaniel got bis
namo from nienlielm palace, where
tills dog Frst gained popularity lu the
time of tlio great Uuke of Marlborough,
Iu the same vny the King Charles
Bpauiel owes Us name to the merry
monarch. Fox terriers did not gain
their names from a likeness to the fox,
but from the fact that formerly thej
were used in bunting foxes. Many
jenrs ago they were sent by their mas
ters down the fox's burrow to draw
and kill their quarry. It was In those
flays a saying that a good fox terrier
never came out of a burrow without
the fox. He either brought out tils
prey d"e:id or new-? came out alive hlui
lelf. The bulldog used to drive cattle and
wus trained to meet the rushes of his
enormous charges by gripping them in
their most vulnerable spot the nose.
Thus in time ho became known na the
bulldog. The dachshund is a German
dog, and, as his name indicates when
translated, was used for hunting
badgers. Hence his name badger dog.
Among hunters in the i'atherlutid this
breed is still popular, although, as a
rule, they are now too delicate to face
such a ferocious fighter as the badger.
Spitz dogs are so named owing to
their sharp noses. This is also a Ger
man name, spits meaning sharp
pointed. Another name for this breed
Is Dalmatian dog. because his native
home wus In Dnlmatln.
Ills (rails Idea.
Forsigaer Why do you osll it a
marr" election ?
Native We call it that, mister, 'causa
that's the way w got primed fur a real
Thousands of country people know that
in time of sudden mishap or aocident
Hamlina Wizard Oil is tbs best substi
tuto for the family doctor. That is why
it is so often found upon the shelf.
Hereafter all til h1i in onstantino-
p'. must be kept in shops, paved wilb mar
ble (which is ctc-sp there), or wilb
plaques of so-culled Mall a atone.
lied, Wekk, Werry, Watery Ers
Relieved by Murine Fy Remedy.
Compounded hy Kaperlenred I'liyslelans.
Conrorma to l'ure Kood and Dru I-a vs.
Murln lKreBt Smart; Soothes Kyt 1'aln.
Try Murine In Your Kyes. Ak Your Druggist.
lie Wai,
"You're a traveling man, I presume
Mr. Wsltles," ventured the new bote!
..lerk, with an affable Buiile.
"Yea. sir." said the big. bearded ath
1,-te who bad j'it registered. "Do I look
m in mm am.
Nt;iM'(::(I(J Mews, tin lending tfchnV-ni jmbli.ntMm In the
I's ilril Stiilc" iUvcti-d lo Hip encinceiir professinit. reviews at t
length the l'tmnnm cann situation m'mI tells why. In it opin
ion, the luck plan Is preferable for r'he rnnni I'ttlicr tlntn lite
f.?i i I M'M-levcl Tii,. artli lt' Is w ill'i fur the 'Jc i:eial jnihlie as
l!J)'vl tvoll fiti1 ,,ti!'!iinii ,n..l irli-i I., elinr ulii.lile In Ml'M!I i'i tli
essential finis in the contrivers unit the inula points of the
m!n;i til questions involved, 'l'liat Ihe doclsion iu fnvnr of n lock ciltnti
three years r.go wits tu.nle 'In oi:f.niilty with tb.e weight of the lu'st en
ginocrlug 'pl!ion" is the nssurtince given M (lie openlntf of the rev' w.
riiglin erliig News iiss.'i-ts Hint no American engine. -r of high priifeslon:
stantling Inis lent his iiimic to the ct'.in' it Igti imnlnvt the lot 1; plan of coll
et rucl ion. The review pr icictls lo a cot siilcrutlim of the re;rt of the board
of engineers, which made an t Miiuiiiittlon of einidillons on the Isllmnis, nnd
takes tip (me by one the arguments neili st the lock tvpe of canal. I'or con
slruclioli iiiutie Ihe eiiginet'is on the isthmus "make nn estint.itc of over
$ltMi,(H:(),cM) as the minimum excess for cost f a sett level over Ihe lock
canal," it Is stated. This does i,o, include carrying on Hie work by the gov
ernment nnd sanitation, amounting to perhaps $;!.tKHV10 mutually in ml'M
Hon. 'I'licie are oilier ,Klliioi al cost cliarges nnd physical pi-il-lems eou
nectetl with the proposed chan.; which niijinint t foni'bift'ilo ti-Xic.jtite,
Dwelling upon physical problems In llio wnj of coiistrih flin; il.e iv,5nl.
Kiiglneeriiig News points rit thai, u'l hough the culting of tn fort; .r.i'e
lKvk connecting the octvns seems v. simple malter lo the layiuan. the.V are
unsolved dilllcuities in the way of a sea-lt-vel canal. The danger f watdt
along the sides of a long stretch of ennnl through soft iuagiuires M dwett
upni, when considered willi rchitioti to a rainfall of twenty liichel or more
in one month. Parts of the eld Fretx h ditch, it is said, actually Oiled w ith
silt ami mud through such causes.
Three virtual canals would lie recessary, the review says, r-ilnuld n sen
level route lie chosen one for the canal proper and two othcrsi one on either
side, for diversion of the flood wuhrs. That a sea-level ejnl Is possUi'c.
given unlimited money for construction and lime. Is ndv.itted, but it Is
argued that such n construction would never be profitable.
Concerning the (hitim lake and dam proposition, the PjnIow says: "We
can testify from aclual personal observation nnd study CT the ihnn site nnd
of the borings and pits that the (iatnn dam will be n .ife and permanent
ns any structure ever reared by man. Yet it is needles for us to say this
in view of the emphatic approval of the tlnni by fie hoard of engineers
which has visited Ihe Isthmus, and which Include .'he highest authorities
on dam construction Hint could be found anywere."
Turning to a consideration of the locks themselves, the Knglncerlng News
writer poK;is out that tho "sen-level agitation is n. '"allacy" in assuming that
there is sfinething objectionable or dangerous to n vessel in passing through
n canal leek. "The delay," it is slated, "of a couple or Iiouih or so renulrerl
to pass through the locks Is no argument agalns': the lock system, for this
delay in itself a mere (rlile lu the course of a voyage lasting itself two
weeks or more will be more than made up hy tho faster 'lime which ships
can make when sailing through the broad open channels of Inke Htitun, as
compared with the netvssnrily slow rate of sailing through a sea-level canal."
As for the danger in a lock ennui, the review points out that the Man
chester canal has four locks and Ihe Sanlt Ste. Marie canal passes through
Hie g eatest lock in the world the greatest eannl traflie known. F.lahorate
provltloii lias been made in the designs for the l'tuniina locks agalnsl acci
dent and the locks indeed will lie In duplicate, so ns to make ono available
in Case of damage to the other.
Concerning the possibility of the lock canal being damaged by earth
quake, the Hngiueering News iints to Hie fact that some pieces of masonry
lu Panama City have lioeii standing since the eigtheenth conlury unharmed
b quakes, it is admitted that eartlniuake shocks nro possible lu the cnnnl
sr.ine, but It is shown also that any shock severe enough to damage the locks
probably would damage also the great Hambon dam, an essential feature of
a sen-level canal. Other arguments are brought forward going to show that
the lock canal will not only pass nil the truflic for which It is designed, but
that there will be actual gains iu carrying out the lock project.
aaxlm'a nine Muffler, Showing Tar
hlne Velnrs, and How Altnetaed.
Patents having been obtained on it
n vnenty-four countries, Hiram Percy
tlgxliu gave u demonstration and ex
planation yesterday of his silencing
novice for rifles liefore a large number
of representatives of newspaper and
Biientilic publications, lly the use of
n sandbox target the inventor made
it series of experiments by tiring va
riety of rifles, ranging in power from
I twenty-two-ealiher up to the liew
Kpringllold thirty-calil-or military rifle.
They were 11 red both with and with
out lite "silencer," and the spectators
or perhaps It might be better to say
inilitors utiirvehHl at the effect of tho
'irtle device. It is said scientific tests
show that 00 per cent of the noise of
pxplosion Is eliminated.
The "silencer" is a metnl tube about
Reven indies long and an inch and a
quarter in diameter, which enn he fas
tened quickly to the end of a rifle
barrel which hn'l lieen provided with
a thread for tl'Hi purpose. Hitherto
those who did ivit know Mr. Maxim's
maxim's IUFIH MtrrLEB.
secret had an Idea there was a valve
in the "silencer" which stopped the
rapid escaiie of the gases from the
end of the barrel. It is these gases
which cause the noise in firing. The
illustration pictures the rifle muliler,
how it Is attached to Hie gun, and ulso
elves a cross section of the muliler
showing the chambers which catch and
whirl the sound waves.
Mr. Maxim explained that the prin
ciple used iu stopping or slowing up
the gases Is that of a negative turbine
and the process, in effect, is the re
verse of that used in driving boiwls
with a turbine engine. There Is a hole
through the center of the "silencer'
large enough to permit the easy pus
aage or the bullet. As for the gaxes,
they are given u rapid rotary motion
by the device, which prevents tUelr es
cupe until this motion has died down,
Mr. Maxim used the simple Illustra
tion or a wusn nasiu. ny giving a
rapid rotary motion to the water it is
prevented from escaping through the
vent at the bottom until the motion
slackens, when it
While the water is
the vent is open so
Ject would be able
freely wthoiit being
escapes slowly.
revolving rapl-ily
that n small on
to puss through
retarded in the
sugniesi degree, -j lie invention was
passed aioiiiid the room compelte and
in cross section fur Inspection.
It Is declared Unit the velocity of
the bullet is not lessened in the least
degree, its the gases have done all
their work on the project lie before they
reach Hie "silencer."
(iems Vary t.rciuly In Stae,
Sbsue and lluullt-.
When the pearls are taken from the
dead fish they are first sorled accord
ing to size. This is done by passing
tliem through a set of ten small brass
sieves, called baskets, with meshes of
varying sl.es. Pearls of the lirst class
that are perfect both In sphericity and
in luster are called aid. Those of the
second class, that to the average ob
server seem funnily without flaw, are
nnitari, and most of Hie pearls wo see
in Hie west and on general sale come
under this head. Of the third class,
call niasaiiku, are those that are
somewhat Irregular in shape and a
trifle olT In color, but that are valuable
for use in clusters and are largely
used by eastern artificers iu mountings
of various sorts. Kuril! Is tho double
of twinned pearl, which, when of good
luster and sulliclently freakish shape,
Is sometimes enormously valuable. Iu
this class the most wonderful speci
men on record is the great Southern
Cross pearl, which is in reality nine
pearls naturally grown together and
forming a perfect cross an Inch and n
li till long. It was found off the const
of Western Australia in IST-i. Many
seed pearls and rejections, ealleel va
dlvu, are generally ground Into chtt-
nniii, and used as an Ingredient in a
favorite sweetmeat. From China also
conies a heavy demand for seed pearls,
and in India bushels of them literally
are nsel in the decoration of idols and
sacred images and of weapons as well.
Preventing- rnlnt Troubles.
It's easy enough to recognize the
symptoms of poor paint, after It has
been on awhile - after Its Inherent ten
dency to crnek himI peel and scale :id
blister, etc., lias developed Into trouble.
You know these pi In t "diseases" usu
ally Indicate ndiillot :il Ion or substitu
tion In t'm paint inalerl.'tls. And you
know the only rcim-dy Is repainting.
A Utile knowledge of pnint ami
ptiliitliix requirements, nnd how to
make sure of the purity and quality
of materials, would present all trouble.
Bnd snve Ihe big extra expense of re
painting; Jufit as a proper knowledgo
of simple heiillh-laws. ami observance
of them, prevents sickness.
A complete painting guide. Including
ft book of color schemes, specification
for ali kinds of pulutlm: work, and nn
Instrument for detecting adulteration
In paint materials, wi(h directions for
using It, can be had free by writing
National I-ad Co.. umvi Trinity p.idg.,
New York, and asking for llouseown
er's Painting Out lit No. 41V
A very simple guide lu the purchase
of while lead (the only sure and safe
paint material) Is the famous "Iiutch
Hoy Pnlnter" trademark; that trade
mark is ni absolute guarantee of purity
aud quality.
Her I'rlrttds.
Nan U.n'.i.'t' a pretty girl, tlon't you
think V
Fan Slit- is.-d to be biautif'll before
she found it nut
The Ferllnsta of a foinniauder aa lie.
rrllx-it by lllmae-lf.
How the commander of a modern big
American battleship enn feel is dis
closed in the following, taken from a
letter written by such uu ollteer :
"There are more than !HH men on
tills ship, and on the theory Hint an
official of the government Is a servant
of the people I am the servant of these
(.(Hi men am) am bound to see that they
nro kept In food ami clothing and base
ball bnts ami abundantly supplied with
ot t utiti Hon. Perhaps I should feel more
Independent If I didn't have to listen
resiectfully to the orderly every time
he comes In and makes one of ids In
finitely numerous -epni tt ami put men
In Jai' when I don' w.nil to.
"Some of these !HM' men look Here
dignified nnd Indepe'i lent than I feel.
I wonder whothcr i look dignified and
ll. dependent. I suppose I ought to do
so, for lo swing a sleel mass .i(H feet
long successfully around like a monster
and to iiiuke l.'.ooo tons writhe around
the corners of narrow channels Is
something of an art. after all, and one
tioi possessed by many of the inhabit
ants of the globe.
"Wit, t nil that swinging of steel mon
ster- around there go the responsibility
and the knowledge that If the ship runs
aground the whole civilized world will
be aeiiia luted with It Inside of twenty
four hours."
When Ynn Pal nn Heavy Storking
do your shoes pinch, and yviir f-et swell
and perspire f Sprinkle Al'hn's Flint K.
Into your shoes, nnd net lustunt reiief IWit
thing to use when wenrlng ruliliers. Try It
for Ounrliu: 1'iiitlcs and ttieiikln In New
Shoes. Sold Krervwliere. 'J.'tc. Sample
KI!I-;K. Address. Alien S. Olmsted, L Itoy,
N. T. Accept do substitute.
Fortunate is the woman who remem
bers that frowns beget more wrinkles
than smiles.
One of Hie first tasks a man gives
tils wife is lo hereafter carry on all
Ihe correspondence with bis kin folks.
Of what use Is II to have a wife, lie
Hrgucs, unless she will relieve a mno
of all the letter writing to his kin.
Still Striiuitlliin;.
"t'nele Hiratn, have joii ever written
any iiiugnxiue atones';"
"N no. not yet. dear: I have only
tt-rittcti stori'"' f"" iiMi.'i-'ities."
PAZO Ol NTMKNT Is guaranteed to eure any
rase of llehlr.g. Blind. Weeding or Protrud
ing Piles In H to 14 days or money refundod,
P.ritish capitalists have ninilied to the
Turkish government for n concession
covering the oil lields of Hitgda 1 anil Mosul.
A Cough, Cold or Sore Throat, re
nuircs itniie'ilint , attention. Itrown's
Bronchial Troches always give relief. In
boxes 2Ti cents. Samples mailed free.
Joliu I. Itrown & Son, Hoston, Mitss,
The Date's seem most jihliaod to sui
cide. Their average is 250 self-murderer
a million persons n year.
for the signature of E. W. OltOVK. lased tha
World ovar to Cure a Cold lo One Day. -Cc.
-1. v
...1 J''
J 0
.iP S
t yfcy
AVcsediWc Prrpanillon hVAs
slmllsMHiP ilx- R'odanf rncrjuhi
ling Ihe Siomadis oMJjwclsaf
"sasasasssav la
TromoiVs Dialion-CVfruJ
nessann Ivesi'.ContainsncitUvr
Opium.Mnqihinc nor Mineral.
Not Narcotic.
AV.7f Srrri"
jix.Stma e
v r : i
,, ".M.VI-
It tmoiu.tlSiit
(.'it, r.trr T
muBf'tn thmn
Anprferi rtpmcrlv fnrPimnM
lion , Sour Smr,inch.DtarrtM
rvess and Loss of Slei?.
Facsimile Signature of
i..r w
For Infanta and Children.
Tlic Kind You ilavo
Always Bought
Bears tbo
For Over
Thirty Years
'r- ...,.) ..nrL.ptllpKOOftS'
a- ' ir IfUUIOJllt-i'i
Exact Copy of Wrapper.
..aasaiin tA -j r j - v. j rv'jisii
Br mm lni Usf mm hi mm
tms ccstmis easeairv. New voas errr.
S'S""" iimnii
-' -
In all races the man's brain averages 10
per cent heavier llum the bruin of tn
Mr. Wltislow's (toothing 8) rup for rtilld
ren teethlnit, softens the gums, reduces lu
fliiniiiintloti, allays pulu, cures vtlnd colic
iie bottlo.
Oil, 'I 4 I.UHf.
Hp ITi bet 1 steal a kiss from you.
Kho And I'll bet you two kisses you
Mexico I.nnd. Hest agricultural and
timber hinil In neptilillc. l'rlect J:l tier
iicio.s. Address ltonry liciiliani, Cisco, Tex.
Messina's end slops the pieturesipie pa
rades of the bandits from nearby mountains.
Cnre That Cold To-tlny.
Nearly all druggists nnd dealers now
have iu stock Hune's Plensant Tablets
(laxative) for ColcN and Hrip, and they
will break up a cold quicker thnn any oth
er remedy. A trial will convince you, ns it
Itns thousands of others. Avoid KtilTerlng
nnd save doctors' bills by ordering to-ilay.
2."i cents a box. Sample free. Address
Orator F. Woodward, Ie Itoy, N. V.
Taking Nn l.liierftes Mrlttt History.
"I think, l.yetirgiis." said the young
professor's wife, nn slip leaned fondly
over th cradle of their firat born, "we'll
have to name hiiu after you."
"Yen," responded the young professor,
"about 20O years after uie. Ilia Dame,
my Ueur, will be Solon.
i-, ' . "
Cnn he hanrlted very eaetty. The steli arensrisl.and all ottii
ins.laule. no m.ii.r now -etprawwi. b.-ih inim Having s
I.IULIO IllSl l.MCl-.K Cl KK. OIta
Act. on ttis blood and ei ple e.rms
all term or ulMt-mppr. remixly erer known ror mares In r
Onti hot lie aiisraiitee.l to eure un.riM KVensl a bottlat Sfl
Viuiinrn or , nitKiffrean,i ii.msoii.n, or went iprs par
ni.nnluf-oiirs. iOowp now to poiiiiioe inroaw. uur
.t'.tl tiorea reuiatljr lo !Ntnu8 tiralra vears. ,
SPOHN IWEDICAL COrssnlstssailsttsristafbis, Cosher), lndn U.8.sU
Chllii n Ia ol Itreadfnl Sore, Itcti
Init, Irrltuttiist Humor (or Two
Mont lis MKlo Sufferer In Terri
ble rilukt Cured by Cutlcura.
"My six year old daughter had the
dreadful disease called hives for two
months. She became n fleeted by play
ing with children who had It. Hy
scratching she caused large sores
which were Irritating. Her body was
a complete sore, hut It was worse on
her arms nnd buck. AVo employed a
physician who left medicine, but it did
not help her nnd I tried several reme
dies, but without avail. Seeing the
Cutlcura neinedies advertised, I
thought I would try thein. I gave her
a hot hath dally with Cutlcura Soap
and anointed her hotly with Cuticurn
Ointment. The first treatment relieved
tho itching and lu a short time the dis
ease disappeared. Mrs. (J. I Frldhoff,
Warren, Mich., June SO and July 13, 'ON."
Totter Drug & Client. Corp., Sole
Trifiis. of Cutlcura Remedies, Hoston.
l.ualnu; JVo Opportunity.
"Now that we're to be under civil ser
vice," said the crossroads postmaster,
"aud I mny have to take an exainluntion
some day, I'd better be picking up all
the information I can."
Thereupon he proceeded to read all the
postal cards. Chicago Tribune.
A ppNsitnist needs Garfield Ten, the
Herb laxative which regulates the liver,
corrects count inn lion an J brings good
health and good spirits.
The l'laj wrljiht.
Ho said: "To make a successful pluy
Is easy, ns I liuve found it;
Take any scandal that comes your way,
And scribble some words around It."
of Wheat Land
in Western Canada
50 buhflft pt acre have hrcn grown. Gneml
Teratft (rrvntrr than m any other part o Ux Cafe
tim-nt. I hi tier New KfiruUtiono U powibU
tvitrv a HmnoNtra:. n( loOacrefclrve. and addltiafcaft
loo acrtr at $J.iA pr a.
"Tho devi'1fnmnt of the tyxintry haa
made m;irr(.UtHm ht riilH. It m a rcTl
ion, a rvcid cH coeniui-t by fwtllcment
that i"i retnarkall." Kxtrart from cw
r"pmdnco of a Ni tkm.il KUitor, wlu
vibitfd Canada in An trust I ant.
Thn rraln cnp of 10M will n t many farmai-A
f2).4K to $Z.0O por acre. Grain raUm, Mlaa4
K.irmlnir and D.iiryinir art tht principal .mdr
tricH. Climate In cxocllcnt: Hiciat C'ontlttiimt thm
hU Katlway AtWantairci unequalled; SchoaS-v
chtircht- und markets di at hand.
Land may ulfto be purchaned (rum Railway
nd Land Coinpanit'M.
EamphlctH, niapa and information aa t
aw to atvure hmrat Kaitway Katea, apply t
W. D. Scott, Superfntcndrnt of Immir rarton.
('(tna, Cniiarta, or l. l. Uolmrj. us Jackfii
St,,. St. Paul, Minn, and ). M. MacLarhlan, B
no, Vntcrtumi, bo. lJakuta. Auibo.ueU Govra
Ojrnt Aycnts.
FreaM lar whin yoa aaw thlt at)Trtlam.nt.
- J Per SsLrei't cataloi par I2. EK!S."
Lai rest trowers or seed potatoes and early
vet otsbles in the worlil. His catalog fiae i ar,
sand lOo tn sumps and recciiva catalos and
loookaintfls each of onions, carrots, celery,
radishes, 1500 lettuce, rulablaa. turoiDa. lao
kl parsley, ino tomaioaa. too melons, lawtl
iJoliarmlnf flower seed s, in all io.ooa karDals.fi
asiiy worm pi. uu or anr man a diodat. ur. El
ond 20o and wa add cue kf. of Earllaat If
r"eep O'Dur Sweet Corn. J
SALZER SFE0 CO.. Bo CN La Crosse, Wis. II
S. C. K. tT. -
Nu, 13 1U09.
Oic of the itapcrfcaitf Duties of Physicians end
ins vveii-imormea 01 tne vvona
13 to loam ns to the relative standing nnd reliability of the leading manufactur
ers of medicinal agents, as the most eminent physicians are the most, careful as to
the uniform quality and perfect purity of remedies prescribed by them, and it is well
known to physicians and the Well-Informed generally that the California Fig Syrup
Co., by reason of its correct methods and perfect equipment and the ethical character of
its product.has attained to the high standing in scientific and commercial circles which
is accorded to successful and reliable houses only, and, therefore, that the name of the
Company has become a guarantee of the excellence of its remedy.
appeal to the Well-informed in every walk of life and are essential to permanent suc
cess and creditable standing, therefore we wish to call the attention of all who would
enjoy good health, with its blessings, to the fact that it involves the question of right
living with all the term implies. With proper knowledge of what is best each hour
of recreation, of enjoyment, of contemplation and of effort may be made to contribute
to that end and the use of medicines dispensed with generally to great advantage, but
as in many instances a simple, wholesome remedy may be invaluable if taken at the
proper time, the California Fig Syrup Co. feels that it is alike important to present
truthfully the subject and to supply the one perfect laxative remedy which has won
the appov.il of physicians and the world-wide acceptance of the Well-Informed,bccause
of the excellence of the combination, known to all, and the original method of manufac
ture, which is known to the California l'ig Syrup Co. only.
This valuable remedy lias been long and favorably known under the name of
Syrup of Figs and has attained to world-wide acceptance as the most excellent of
family laxatives, and as its pure laxative principles, obtained from Senna, are well
known to physicians and the Well-Informed of the world to be the best of natural
laxatives, we have adopted the more elaborate name of Syrup of Figs and Elixir of
Jjenna as more fully descriptive of the remedy, but doubtless it will always be
called for by tho shorter name of Syrup of Figs and to get its beneficial effects always
note, when purchasing, the full name of the Company California Fig Syrup Co.
plainly printed on the front of every package, whether you simply call for Syrup of
Figs or by the full name Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Benna as Syrup of Figs and
Elixir of Senna is the one laxative remedy manufactured by the California Fig Syrup
Co. and the same heretofore known by tire name Syrup of Figs which has given
satisfaction to millions. The genuine is for sale by all leading druggists throughout
the United States', in original packages of one size only, the regular price of which
is fifty cents per bottle.
Every bottle is sold under the general guarantee of the Company, filed with the
Secretary of Agriculture, at Washington, I). C, that the remedy is not adulterated or
misbranded within the meaning of the Food und Drugs Act, June 30th, 1906.
Louisville, Ky.
Sai Francisco, Cal.
U S. A.
London, England.
New York, N. Y. flj
lilt a traveling womun?'