Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, March 05, 1909, Image 7

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Lydla E. Plnkham's
Vegetable Compound
Vienna, W. Ya. " I f op 1 that I owe
the last ton years of mv life to Lydia
iIM..a(t..j e. l'inkham's ope-
table Compound.
Eleven years ago I
was a walking
shadow. I had boon
under the doctor's
oarebut got no relief .
My busband per
suaded me to try
Lydia E. l'inkham's
Vegetablo Com
pound and It worked
like a charm. It re
lieved all my pains
and misery. 1 advise all suffering
women to take Lydla E. l'inkham's
Vegetable Compound." Mns. Emma
Witkatov, Vienna, w". Va.
Lydia E. lln.Uham's Vegt.tabln Com
pound, m:io from native roots and
herbs, contains no narcotics or harm
ful drops, and to-day holds tho record
lor the largest number ot actual euros
of female diseases of any similar medi
cine in tho country, and, thousands of
voluntary testimonials are on nie in
the Pinkbani laboratory at Lynn,
JUttOOi , 11V111 Wl'lLld! T11U UTO UVVll
cured from almost every form of
female complaints, inflammation, ul-
ceration.displacements.libroid tumors,
irregularities, periodic pains, backache,
Indigestion and nervous prostration.
Every Buch suffering woman owes it to
herself to give Lydia E. l'inkham's
Vegetable Compound a trial.
Ii you would like special ad vice
about your caso write a confiden
tial letter to Mrs. Pinkliam, at
Lynn, Mass. Her advice is free,
Sknd always helpful.
' renaiinaad Absolutely Pur. Mm Wl.
lar.Mt .rowers of cioor, Timatby and Qrasaaa,
OfttB. Barley and ToUtMoc la AmcW.
tl iov. HoaW) op- WISCONSIN, from 34 arras
own to hlHr'i totb Cestnry Alft'f. aarreated
wlthlu t weakiafUraadlai f OO.oo worth ot
Di.liiinr.nt k.f , or at the rata or .33 sr acra.
It the moft orlRlDAl iX book pub.it tied ,nd It
mlt 10 ftn1 fet 1M of remrkalil-f,rni wed mm
plas. I Deluding Alfalfa. ('toTor.ato., or smi 14o and
we aria a package at ftvrm 6ed sever teen by juu
before. I . N .
JOHN A. SALZe CIO CO., LlCroa, Wis.
Positively cured by
these Little rills.
Tlicy also relieve Dla-
tres3 from Dyspepsia, In
digestion and Too Hearty
Eating. A perfect rem
edy lor Dizziness. Nausea,
Drowsiness, Had Taste
In tho Mouth, Coated
Tongue, Pain In U10 Side,
regulate tho Uowels.
Purely Vegetable.
Gcn'uino Must Bear
Fac-Simile Signature
"The Last
ThaOoTftromeot 0 Canada now rives to every
Actual Settlor I BO acra at wheal-growtaa
Iroo aad an additional 160 acre at 13.00
It acra.
Tha 30-1.000 contented American Settler,
snaklm-thalr homm in Weolarn Caaada in tha
best evidence ol tha superiority ol that country.
Thar ara becoming- rich, ffrowinr (ram IS ta SO
fcuahala wheat to tha acra; 60 to 110 bushels oata
ad too buntisls barlar. baaidoa ha vine aplefi.
id hard ot cattle rataad on the pralria vraaa.
airjriac ia an importaat induatry.
Tha crop ot 140D till karat Weatorn Canada la
tha lead. The world will aoua look to it aa ita
n tnlnar which mt imprraard ua
wae tha marnituda o the country that ia
ayailabie for agricultural purpoaoa."
Natioaal Kditorial CofTeapondence. 1403.
Lew Railway Rataa. anad aphonia anil ,-i m n'hM
aurketa con ran It nt. Prlcaa tha Higbeat, cllmata
Laa da ara for aale bi Railway and Land Conj,
eaalf. Daac litlva pamahJetaan 1 mapa amt Iraa.
For Railway Ha tee and ether laioraiattoa apply to
enl Aftnt.
rieaaa aar where ra l thie adTerUaeneat.
W. iy ,o,l.
n r r. km cu.ikB
e COh Dept.
B5, Miuaeapolia, Mlna.
Ililllkled with
Sere Eyes, ase
t l Keep It cn Hand! 1
Keep It cn Hand!
CouifKi and caMf may 9cu9 aay
tnn:tier of ho tailv any lime.
Many a bul c-Jd has Lam avrinj
and much ti, kiraa aod auttriing
n .ru aavrd Lv (Kat nfrar.ni
ot 1'ito Cui. Thee u no:iiig
nteil U break upcougKajidcatis,
liwfl ia no tranchiU cr Kng
bouUdj Uiai ii wiU not !M.
ria frota ooiale or rmrniful in.
At ft II drugiiiU, 23 cU.
1 '1
t PIM.S.
w. u. scan, nuiienntrndent ol Immigration,
Qttaaa, Lanada. or K. T. Ho!m tit L Lu,n
It. St. M...n. and J. M? 5Vl2&i Bo.
lib Walcrtowa, bo. Dakota Autliorued Oovern-
i LJ
Tiirr discount gets cash.
fleUlroad OfTtrrdi qaartrr ot Omm
Per Cant nt Jampa fp It.
"It Is funny bow a triflin tllaotmnt
for caBh will nonirtlnicH work," ro
Into a anion iiiniinircr In SyntPin.
"I had a nmtonirr In Clilcngo one of
the big rallromH Thoy linttti't ben
rery prompt payliig tholr bills with
"The mnn that had them before I
Old was soiling them not thirty days.
He would wait thirty or forty daya
and then have to dl for his money
down through the tlepiirtmonts. trac
ing It up and getting a voucher
"I roKolvod I wouldn't bate similar
trouble with thorn. The first order I
sold thorn Kninptliing was said about
discount for onsh.
" Vertnlnly,' I answered. 'Quarter
of I ier cent oft for pity In ten days.
"They took it. The first month
they sent the chock twelve or fifteen
days after the delivery of the goods.
We sent it hack. After that the chock
always came before the ten days were
up sometimes the eighth or ninth,
but never after tho tenth.
"They were keen after that little
quarter of 1 per cent, all right and
It was that odd fraction that caught
them. I hadn't any authority to name
any discount, but when they asked me
I figured out quick that it wouldn't
pay to offer 2 per cent or even, 1 per
cent. They would think we wanted
the money too had. So I made a stab
at the i4 per cent and won."
"How old is Belle?" "Twenty-four
her last ajx birthdays." The Gossip.
Waiter We careful of the soup, gen
tlemen. It is so hot that it has scalded
both my thumbs. Meggcndorfer Blaet
ter. She The new color Is called messen
ger boy blue. He Who so? She It's
guaranteed not to run. Brooklyn
She I heard you singing In your
t.. i!A T c1tio a
room tins moriiing. nc v, (
little to kill time. She ou have a
good weapon. New Orleans l'icayune.
She Don't you think that her play
ing shows remarkable finish? He
(yawning) Yes; but she was a deuced
long time in getting to it. Town Top
ics. Helen Why, he yawned three times
while I was talking to him. Myrtle
Perhaps he wasn't yawning. He may
have been trying to say something.
"The alligator swallowed him." "An
did they kill the 'gator?" "No; they
thought that swallerlu him was pun
ishment enough !" Atlanta Constitu
tion. "The time, the place, and the girl.
How seldom we see them together."
"And another rare combination Is the
man, the scheme, and the coin." Wash
ington Herald.
"I thought young Tuffy was studying
to be a surgeon." "He gave it up ; he
couldn't boar the sight of blood." "But
he owns an automobile." Newark
Evening News.
Chappy Would you marry a woman
who had sued another man for breach
of promise? Sappy It would depend
largely on how much the jury awarded
her. The Club-Fellow.
Dentist (to assistant) I think I
hoard a patient in the waiting room.
Assistant Yes, but I can't bring him
in. He's turned the key on the Inside.
Meggeiulorfer I'.laetter.
She (at the musieale) Miss
Schreecher sings with wonderful real
ism, don't you think so? He Yes;
yeu can almost see the crack In her
voice. Detroit Saturday Night.
He Your milliner's hill has cost me
last year as much as tho salary of my
two bookkeepers. That Is more than
I can afford. She Well, disehargo
one of them. Fllegendo Blaetter.
Crltlous So this is your picture, "The
Battle," is It? De.Vaulier Yes. War
is a terrible thing. Crltlcus Oh, of
Course but I don't believe it's as bad
as it Is painted. Chicago Daily Novs.
Boss When you told that new clerk
that he'd have to hump himself If he
expected to .hold his Job, how did he
take it? Department Manager He got
his back up right away. Chicago Trib
une. "Women must consider it a dreadful
fate to be old maids," in used Mr. Chug
water. "They do," Josiah," said Mrs.
Chugwater. "Look what terrible noo
dles they sometimes marry to escape
it." Stray Stories.
Distracted Mother (ojienlng the door
of the playroom) What are you boys
making all this terrible racket about?
Her Youngest We're playln' Congress,
maw. We've Just had a message from
tho Pres'dunt! Chicago Tribune.
Scribble What Is Ithymer doing
now? Dribbles Writing aaverllse
ing Jingles for a sausage manufacturer,
I believe. Scribble Poor old HhymerJ
I never thought he would get down to
doggerel. The Literary Page.
lielurniiig Husband Oh, and I say,
Laura, In-fore I left town, Mrs. Hush
Wilson gave ine three enormous pt-ars
for you. I ate one in the train, sat
on another, and gave the third away.
Don't forget to write and thank her!
I'uriit lull..
The papers Hay that snakes nr
fanners' friends," said the man who
had Just come to town with a load of
"Well, you know hie tlH're'H timet,
when a fanner-Me don't want to see,
his friends hi
:le," said the other who
start for home with $
was about to
load of rye. Yonkers Statesman. j
"What a treiiieiKlous following that
statesman has I" "Those are not con.
atltuents, my friend; they are detect-1
hree." Newark News. I
Ua Aimed III,,.
To the unlnltlatod observer some of
the (rymnnstics performed In a game
of football are beyond explanation.
The story Is told of a half-back who
complained to his fa:nll about the In
justice of allowing football players to
wear head protectors
"I should think It was most neces
ary," said his mother, who bad wit
nessed one game with many tremors.'
"Look at the front teeth your poor
cousin Frederick lost!"
"That may be," said her son, stub
bornly, "but look at mo. laid up for
two weeks with a lame foot Just from
kicking a follow' noso-cear!"
Read tha I.abrl.
Under the Pure Food Laws baking
pf.wder labels now show the ingredients
of which the powder Is made.
Those who appreciate the importance
to health and good baking of using a
pure cream of tartar powder will read
tbo back of the label carefully and
make sure that the lugredlnts men
tioned Include cream of tartar.
The food law does not force consum
ers; it merely helps them to protect
(hemsclves. All good housekeepers want
cream of tartar baking powders, ami
will not use alum substitutes in the
food, if they kuow It. As the Ingre
dients are printed on the back of the
label, all vny know the facts.
Good baking powder is one of the
most useful things In the kltch-n ; It Is
easily obtained at any store; the better
It Is, the more economical It Is In cook
ing materials, and the more It con
serves the health of the family.
Newly Arrived Spirit Don't the peo
ple here ever have any amusements?
Pluto Well, we have what you might
call a fire drill once in a while. Chicago
A Cure for Co Id a and Grip.
There is Inconvenience. RuflVring and
danger In a cold, nnrl the wonder is that
people will take so few precautions ag:itnKt
colds. One o two line's Pleasant Tab
lets (be sure of the name) taken when the
first sntiffly feel in jf appears, will stop the
progress of a cold and save a yreat deal of
unnecessary suffering. Drugelsts and deal
ers generally tell these tablets, price 23
cents. If you cannot get them send to
Orator F, Woodward, LeKoy, N. Y. Sam
ple free.
Caller Your little boy looks exactly
like you.
Youngster's Mother Yes; but if he
doesn't get his meals just when he wants
them he puts up exactly the same kind
of face his father dons.
Saiaer'a Seed Produce.
We recently saw a letter from Wm.
t'uderwood. of Tatchogue, N. Y., ad
dressed to the John A. Salzer Seed Co.,
Box C, La Crosse, Wis., that has this
to say :
"I planted Salter's Independence
Corn. I sold 7,000 ears before the first
Sweet Corn of other gardeners around
Long Island was ready to eat. I sold
them as high as $2.30 per 100 ears.
"I planted Salzcr's Earliest Cucumber
seed and first, last and all the time. I
think that Salzer's Earliest are the
greatest I ever saw. They are such
bearers, ai.d so fine."
fhliieup Are floneat.
"You soon learn in China that you
can trust a Chinaman to carry through
anything he agrees to do for you," says
Samuel Merwln, In Success. "When I
reached T'al Yuan-fu I handed my In
terpreter a Chinese draft for $200
(Mexican), payable to bearer, and told
him to go to the bank nnd bring back
the money. I had known John a little
more than a week, yet any one who
knows China will understand that I
was running no appreciable risk. The
Individual Chinaman Is simply a part
of a family, the family is part of a
neighborhood, the neighborhood la a
part of a village or district, and so
on. If John had disappeared with my
money after cashing the draft, and had
afterward been caught, punlshmeut
would have been swift and severe. Very
likely he would have lost his head. If
the authorities had been unable to find
John they would have punished hla
family. Punishment would surely have
fallen on somebody."
Aiming and Hitting.
Mr. Kidder I think a woman's club
to be successful, should aim at some
thing far removed from female suf
frage. Miss Strong I don't agree with you,
Blr. That should be its solo object.
Mr. Kidder Yes, but It's more likely
to hit that object if It alms at some
thing else. Philadelphia Press.
Too Polite to Interrupt.
Police Justice You saw that cock
fight? Why didn't you stop It and arrest
the men?
Police Officer I did, y'r anner afthei
th' fight was over.
Helped Wla. Conpla.
It doesn't pay to stick too closely to
old notions of things. New ideas often
lead to better health, success and hap
piness. A Wis. couple examined an idea
new to them and stepped up several
rounds on the health ladder. The hus
band writes:
"Several years ago we suffered from
coffee drinking, were sleepless, nervous,
allow, weak, and irritable. My wife
sd I both loved coffee and thought It
was a bracer" (delusion).
"Finally, after years of suffering, we
read of Postura and tho harmfulLess of
coffee, and believing that to grow we
should give some attention to new
ideas, we decided to test Postian.
"When we made It right we liked It
,and were relieved of Ills caused ty
coffee. Our friends noticed the change
' fresher sklu, sturdier nerves, better
temper, etc.
"These changes were not sudden, but
relief increased as we continued to
drink and enjoy Postum, and we lost
the desire for coffee. ,
"Many of our friends did not IlUo
Postum at first, because they did not
make It right. But when they boiled"
Postum according to directions on pkg.J
Until It was dark and rich, they HkeJ
It better than coffee and were tenellted
by the change." "There's a Koaaon."
' Name given by Postum Co., Battle
Creek, Mich. Bead "The Bond to Well
tllle" lu pkgs.
Ever read the above letter? A
new one appears from time to time.
fThey are genuine, true and full ol
human interest.
Alfalfa That Vlelda Twelve (atltaara
'The demand for better grass comet
largely from the arid region of the
west and south." says Prof. C. V. Piper,
chief grass expert of the I'nlted States
Department of Agriculture, "and our
work has lieen largely In these sections.
Secretary Wilson Is especially anxious
to establish dry land farming on a Mr
inaneut basis, a ud for this purpose
crops must be found I Hat have sufficient
drouth resistance to be used profitably
In rotation. With this end in view tha
department la making n thorough et
pi oration of the dry regions of Man
churia and China for new grasses and
legumes. Already we have secured many
very promising things, which we are
testing out thoroughly."
Trof. Pler says the greatest su-ess
attended the efforts of the department
with new varieties of alfalfa. Nearly
every corner of the world was searched
during the study of the crop, with the
result that several distinct varieties
were secured which will thrive whera
ordinary alfalfa will jM-rlsb.
"We call it hardy alfalfa." says the
profossor. "and It Is as certain of
growth In Minnesota and the Dakotas
as ordinary alfalfa In Kansas. The re
markable Arabian alfalfa found In tho
valley of the Kuphrates Is proving of
enormous value In Arizona and Call
fornla. whore It has produced twelve
cuttings In one season, three more than
have leen produced by the ordinary
alfalfa. This result Is due to Its rapid
growth, and lis ability to grow lu cool
weather, beginning earlier In spring
and oonl Inning later in the fall.
"Alfalfa Is iKH-oniliig a very popular
crop In the eastern States. Demon
strations of the department have al
ready proved that with projier treat
ment alfalfa can be grown with groat
success In nearly every Slate east of
tho Mississippi river, and It bids fair
to bring about Important changes in
tho agriculture of those States."
How Nation Pall.
If our nation ever falls. It will bo
through graft, dishonesty and greed.
Through these blood is shod, character
ruined, nnd homes broken up. Bev. C.
W. Webb, Baptist, Aurora, 111.
tioil'a Cure,
We cannot explain the healing forces
In life, the working of things together
for good, the unsought friends wlTo
have come to us except that God cares.
Ilov. P. M. Strayer, Presbyterian,
Forgetting: the Paat.
Don't worry ; don't be depressed over
what might have been, but let the dead
past bury Its dead, nnd look forward
lo tho goal, casting your burdens on tha
Lord. Rev. Byron Ilolley, Episcopal
Ian, New Orleans.
The Mystery c( tiod.
No explanation of the mystery ot
God In the form of man can be made,
to the human mind, and therefore It
was not conceived In the human mind.
It was born from above. Rev. R. S.
Hyde. Methodist. Omaha, Nob.
t hnroli Mnalc.
Some of the music I have heard has
made mo feel like hitting somebody or
mashing something. I refer to hymns
Did songs that go droning along and
put nearly everybody to sloop. Rev. J.
A. Milburn. Congrogationalist, Chicago.
tioil'a Sympathy.
The cry for help coming ii-om a hu
man heart never falls to move the
heart of Christ with sympathy sympa
thy that reveals Itself In action. Need
I say that prayer Is the medium
through which yon will be In constant
communication with Illni? Rev. Na
than Ha Hoy. Baptist. Providence, R. I,
The Pro-.
A tnuil-sllugii'g Journal N a disgrace
to any community; yet a pacr that
will iioucsily scl forth the facts In tho
case Is a benefactor to Its constituents.
Tbo press should be tin loader of thfl
best in the community, upholding tha
highest Ideals and supporting the no
blest and best in the civic thought and
life. Rev. Ceo. H. Dean, Kplscopallan,
Lowell, Mass.
Inciimiilete Life.
We play a little game, wo do our lit
tie work ; at night, like children, wt
are called to rest. Just lis a mother
calls her reluctant child and puts him
to quiet sleep for rest, to rlso fresher
and brighter on another morning.
Other creations of God are completed
before they die. but no man Is complete
In this life, for what man ever lives a
full and complete life? Rev. Lyman
Abbott, Congregationalism Brooklyn.
Woman anil Her I'lnr-e,
There is nothing more beautiful than
woman In lror proper place. The
mother has the divine work of chiseling
souls, and It Is far ahead of that of
Michael Augelo or Raphael, for oanva
and marble will waste away. Her chis
eling In the softest of wax become
harder than adamant, and she Is la
her rbxht sphere when she l-j lifting
man up to (iod himself. Rov. Mr. Tar
flow, Catholic, New York City.
Man ('atchlnw.
The preparation which all too many
parents give their daughters Is but a
training cnh-ulati-d to lead In the short
est time possible from the marriage al
tar to the divorce court, l-'rom the day
the daughter enters young womanhood
the sol thought of such homos Is man
catchin','. No arli.'ice Is shunned that
Shall enable the gorgeously ilcol.ci! ut
huntress; ipilckost to ei trap bev vl -tlrii.
Rev. .IoMpli Kraiiskopf, I bbri-.v,
)r-k-il for tl.u oiictrl.
ilt-inrlch I'oiu ii-il was telling how bar".
the old-fashioned com
times. "An old Chi.-;
s were Hone1-
imi,i.ii:i i o,"
: to I. is d:iiili.
he ssld, "culled ti .-lali
ter :
" "What a t'.i v- yo.: -. : , ; ... ;
ting ready for t'-o i . .-: ; '
mo a bit of iHbii!-- ; i , i. "i c i
I'm all ready ' " ftn-c , y: . , .
People really care liilie in- i u I i i -,
peoohes, but ever mnn m hi !i o iic
thinks tie must u;al.c I'le-.n. w..i:.ie
L la au orutor or u b"i:.
Physicians Recommend Castoria
ASTORIA has met with pronounced favor on tho part of physicians, phanna-
ccutical societies and medical authorities. It Is used by physicians with
results most gratifying Tho extonded use of Castoria is unquestionably tho
result of threo facts: . Tho indisputable evidence that it ia harmless?
Second That it not only allays stomach pains and quiets the nerves, lmt assimi
lates tho food: TArf It is an agrocablo and perfect substitute for Castor Oil
It i3 absolutely safe. It docs not contain any Opium, Moiphine, or other narcotic
and docs not stupefy. It is unliko Soothing Syrups, Bateman's Drops, Godfrey's,
Cordial, etc This is a good deal for a Medical Journal to say. Our duty, how
ever, is to exposo danger and record tho means of advancing health. Tho day
for poisoning innocent children through greed or Ignorance ought to end. To
our knowledge, Castoria is a remedy which produces composure and health, by
regulating tho system not by stupefying itand our readers are entitled to.
tho information. Hall's Journal of llcaUlu
- -Hi'"1
ALCOHOL 1 pi c r.L-TT'
- v. JC 1 ,
V & s imtta t in liic rbotf ant r I?ctf uta
Fatj lulo"'cSionnhsandBffldsaf
IVomotcs DigesHonflrf tful
TtPSS and RistYnnt.ilnctHilHur
Opiumorpfune norrfiarxaL
nvi iianiuui',
A tMirforl XiomoAv PnTfYmtflni
Worms .lomulsionsjewrisfl
Rcss aiulLoss of Sleep.
lat Simile Sijnaiuri oT
uuraal e ed under t.
Bxact Copy of Wrapper.
llr auira Jila Hound.
Mrs. Goodsole I haven't seen you, 1
think, siuce last (all. Begging tfiain, an
HufTon Wrati (with a deprecatory
cough) Yes, ma'am. I'm one of de har
blnjaires of spring.
How's This?
W. offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for
.ny rase of Catarrh that ctunot b. cured by
uall . Catarrh Cure.
F. J. CIIKNET k CO., Toledo, O.
We. the unilerilitni-d. have known F. J.
Cheney for the last Mi year., and liellev.
him perfectly honor ible In all busloesa irtna
action', and financially able to carry out any
obllgatlona made by hli arm.
Wholesale DruggM", Toledo, O.
Hall's Catarrh Cure la taken Internally,
acting directly upon the blood and mucous
surface of the Hjelern. Textlmnnlals sent
rree. rrice, lOc. per bottle. Sold by an
llnuremM. ....
Tako Hall's Knmlly Pills tor constipation.
The data uliout llm manufacture of
steel cars in thin country are nut as li-Q-
oite as inislit he (loured, but the Unilway
Ai?e reports the ninulu-r of all steel ears
ordered in l!l"7 to l L'7.si0, and of cars
with steel iimb-rf r;iMie. A i,.V)0.
In all It. forms, amonc all area of
horses, as wall aa dogs, cured and all
others In same stable prevented from
kavinc the disease with . noAn't Dittrm
per Cure. Every bottle guaranteed. Ovei
rKXi.OOO bottles sold last year. OO cent,
and $1.00 a bottle. All drngslsts, or send
to manufacturer, Spohn Medical Co.,
Ooshen, Ind.
The majority of color blind people,
curiously enough, belong to the educated
classcR. of whom no fewer than 4 per
cent have this defect.
PAZO OINTMENT I. (uaraataa4 ta rura say
oasa of ItchlBg, Blind, Ble.dlng or Protrud
ing Fllas la t to 14 day. or m.o.y r.fuBdsd,
The right hand, which ia more sensi
tive to the IoikIi than the left, i. les.
sensitive tlinn tha latter to the effect ot
best aad cold.
Try the Natural laxative, Garfield Teal
It overcomes constipation and regulate,
liver aad kidneys. Sample, sent Upon re
yuett. Garfield Tea Co., Urooklyn, N. Y.
A Japanese town of 'JO.000 Inhabitants
nestles within the crater of an extinct
Paea and Netik Wera Raw Terrlhla
Itching, Inflammation nnd Sora
nut All Treatmenta Failed
Cutlcura Great Snoceaa.
"Eczema began over the top of my
tar. It cracked and then began to
tprcad. I had three different doctors
ind tried several things, but they did
it; no Ksd. At last one side of my face
Ind my neck were raw. The water ran
Out of It so that I had to wear llii'di
rnted cotton, and It was so inflamed
lnl sore that I had to put a piece of
tloth over my pillow to ke-p the water
(rout II. ninl It would stain tho cloth a
lort of yellow. The eczema itched so
Hint It si'i-im-d as though I could tear
liiy fiu-( (ill to ph-ci-s. Then I bejiiin
lo iim the t'titl'iira Soap and Oint
ment, and It was not more than three
niDiillis before it was all heiilcd i.p.
Hiss A 'in 1'earsous, Northlleld, Vt,
lie.-, l'.l, 1!)07."
I 'id ter Uriig &. 1,'heiu. Corp., Hole
I'roj-s. of Cutk-uru Kenn-dles, ilotoii.
Calar avar. aaasa anaaiar ... latlarcaura Uaa aa
' 1 ' - I 1 aaaaaaaaaajam.
! lalllatla II -a
.J Tin iatinl i"i
ajr taiavu.1 sua.al iiaU a.acl IfiM tat Itao.aalal
Letters from Prominent Physicians
. addressed to Clias. H. Fletcher.
Dr. B. Ilalstead Scott, ol Chicago, Ilia., saya: - hare prescribed your
Castoria often for Infanta during my practice, and Cnd it very satisfactory."
Dr. William Belmont, of Cleveland, Ohio, says: "Your Castoria standi
first la Its class. Ia my thirty years of practice I can say I never have
found anything that so filled tho place."
Dr. J. II. Taft. of Brooklyn, N. Y., says: "I have used your Castoria and
found It an excellent remedy in my houGchold and private practice for
many years. The formula la excellent,"
Dr. It. J. Ilamlon, of Detroit, Mich., says: "I prescribe your Castoria
extensively, aa I have never found anything to equal it for children's
troubles. I an aware that there are imitations in the field, but I always
$ee that my patients get Fletcher's."
Dr.Wm. J McCrann, cf Omaha, Neb., says: "As tho father of thirteen
children I certainly know something about your great medicine, and aside
from my own family experience I have in my years of practice found Ca
torla a popular and efficient remedy in almost every home,"
Dr. J. II. Clausen, of Philadelphia, Ta,, Bays: "The name that your Cas
toria has made for itself In the tens of thousands of homes blessed by the
presence of children, scarcely needs to be supplemented by the endorse-,
mcnt of the medical profession, tut I, for ono, most heartily endorse it and
believe it an excellent remedy."
Dr. It. M. Ward, of Kansas City, Mo., says: 'Thyslclans generally do not
prescribe proprietary preparations, but in the cane of Caatorla my experi
ence, like that of many other physicians, has taught me to make an ex
ception. I prescribe your Castoria In my practice because I have found it
to be a thorouchly reliable remedy for children's complaints. An? t"iysl.
clan who has raised a family, as I have, will Join toe in heartiest recom-
T r -i
Bears the
Tie Kind You Have Always Bought
f t I pa jat .
In Use For Over 30 Years.
w --a -
These eplcndid men's
M M I M m IAV4af V
f f .mm m ' t m
m '
there is in shoe leather. Every piece of material is of the
f choicest tannage. The workmanship Is perfect! the styles
are up-to-date. When It comes to service, there is nothing
that equals them In lasting-
ore everything the name Implies. They are "bultt on honor. "
No matter where you look, or what you pay, you will never
find anything that will outclass them in wear, style
or comfort.
If your donlcr will not supply you, write to us.
Look for the Mayer 7 rada Mark on the sole.
FREE Send u. the nsmo
tree, postpaid, a boautltul pictura Ol ijeorge -
ton, sue 13X.JU.
We also mnka Lead Inn
Wasliinuion Comfort Mioea,
Mioea and bpocial Blent
F. Mayer Boot & Shoe Co.
Idas WnMnnWiWil
iW-lWsM TNt O.LTMAT tWKTIlATKa:-;-vrfnafllk.
Th. tar-it, of the Indian railways ara
lowest of toy In the world.
Drown. Bronchial Troche ar a sim
ple and convenient remedy for Bronchial
AfTectioM and Coughs. In boxes 25,
rents, f ample mailed fres. John I.
Brows k Ron, Boston, Mass,
fly so minute a. to be almost Invisi
ble ran three inches in half a second and
was calculated to make no less than 510
.tey. in the time a man could breath,
ou'.-e. A man with proportionate agility
could run twenty-four mile. In a minute.
tor ta. .lgoatur. of Ii. V. CJHOVB tliod th.
World ov.r ta Cur. a Cold la Ono Day. 36c.
Th. claim la made that th. railroad
station at Juvisy, on the outskirts of
Franc, will soon b. the largest In th.
Vra. Win. low', (toothing Ryrap for child
ren taettilng, soften, tba gums, reduces Id
flauunutlou. allays pulu, cure, wind colta
26c a boitla.
File, are not the only things found In
amber. In a bis mass of clear amber,
dla-dgcd up out of the ltnltiu si-a recently.
Iter was distincily visible in its interior
a small squirrel fur, teeth and claws In
tact. Ited, Wrali, Wenrr, Watery Kyea
Itelleved by Nturlna tje Itemedy. t'oni
pouudi'd ly Kxierlenced Pliynlclana. Mn
tlnn iJoenut Smart; Snotties Kya Tula.
Write Murine Kye Iteinelv Co., Clilcsgo,
fur illustrated L'y. lluuk Krea.
Orniany bad ll.i.l.'i suicides last year,
a rule of 'l to imi.OOil inliuliiiants. Tim
tale for Prussia alone is JO; tlint for -.he
I'loviie-e of Suniiiy I!'.', 11:11 for Si hli su ii;-llolsti-in
while in Callinlic nnd IVIisU
1'oM'tt it is only S. I'or Berlin the rule
wns .'It.
S. C. N. U. - - No. 10Iir"o9
atkar r.
M to , Skack tti Mil CMa,
Signature) of
nr., aina.a,a a.W WTTV
shoes represent the best
of dealer who docs not
rho docs not J ; -I
.end you vS'A .-. .! I
Lady Shoe., Martha
Yerma Cuahkin
scnooi anoea.
Th. Reason I Mak. and ball Mora Man'. $3.00
Ii, $3.60 Shoo Thaa Any Oth.r Knnufaoturar
la aataaia I alva las vaarar tha toaafl at iaa naa.
t.mpi.M araaaiaauM ai uaiaaa aaparta aaa aautaa
heanaSari la tba caaalry.
Taa Miaciiaa ft ik tMiaara far taea aart af tka aaaa,
aa. avary atau at ta allag la mrr aartaitat. m
laaka. alUr
Ur ay Ua kaat ikoaai
lla taaw raa hoar car
.V.r. la Um iVm taaaairv.
yaa how carraUy W. L. Cfttatat aSo.
ara aaaaa, yaa vaali thaa aaaaittaaa war aay aol. taalt
aaapa, .1 MlUt , aa. waaf wag ar iaaa aby ataai naaa.
sy UnthoJof Tanning lh$Solt makti thm Mora
Fltxltltmni Lon,$r Waring than amy .tSsra,
haea fur Every Member of tba family,
ai au. lluya, Wainau.M laaaa mm t'tilidrea
Yfr tala hj alio dealra Try whara.
rRIITIftM I saimlna wllhaat W. L Pau.la.
vMUIIUil I iiama ami erica atawiwd oa kottora.
fait Oolar Iralata Daa4 laelulTaly. OataU. auolaS fn
W. L 00UUUS, U7 Soars St., kVacalaa, Masa.
PROOF m tho
We tell you about how pood You'll
fool alter Ukitij a CANCARRT
that niillious of people buy, UKS
and recommend theia But thtt's
talk you buy a box now tak as
directed to-night and get tht proof
in the morning Af'er you know
CASCAKKT.S you'll nevsr bo
without them. gjj
CASC ABETS toe a to for a week'a
liaatmetit. all diujiats. biicat K-Kcr
la tUa world. Alulwn Ui a uiuaio.
rmus nut. SV(i t(l Qmincy. Iliimmit