Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, March 05, 1909, Image 5

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No tense In running from one
doctor to another. Select the
best one, then stand by him.
Do not delay, but consult him
in time when you are sick.
Ask his opinion of Ayer's
Cherry Pectoral for coughs
and colds. Then use it or
not, just as he says.
W publish our formulas
W bftnlih tleofco'
from our modtoinos
Wo urf you to
oonsult your
Always keep a box of Ayer's Pills in the
nouse. Just one pill at bedtime, now and
then, will ward off many an attack of
biliousness, indigestion, sick headache.
How many years has your doctor known
these pills? Ask him all about them.
Wade the J. O. Ayp Co., Lowall, Halt.
Local Items
Friday, March 5, 1909
aviog a good stock of hardware
tinware on hand, we ask you to
and Bee ns. Rchnerer Bros.
House to rent. Mrs Rosa Stinson .
Subscribe for The Herald $1 per
Alfred Seymour Tisited relatives at
Homer Sunday.
tr: 1 r?jt .
iutsa Agnes wuson visitea at uer
home in Lyons over Sunday.
Buy a good farm on the Dakota
County bottom. I have it. Eimers.
Ed Bodenbender is on a protracted
risit with friends in South Norwood,
Hay 1 I have one of the finest little
hay meadows on the bottom for sale,
Why is it that Van sell so much
Brenn coffee? Because it is the best
to be had for the money.
Mr? E S Oould, of Mitchell, S D,
Tisited her sister, Mrs Fred Stanard,
a couple of days this week.
Auditor Johnson, of the Edwards
& Bradford Lumber company, was
here on business Friday last.
Jas Hartnett was ove- from the city
last Friday afternoon on business. He
also paid his "regards" to the Herald
A baby girl was born to Louis
Krumwiede and wife Saturday, and
a boy to John F Berger and wife Sun
day. Mrs James Ferrier arrived here on
Thursday from Cnlbeitson, Neb, and
is visiting at the Mrs Mollie Broyliill
Hiram Baker and his mother came
down from Allen Monday evening and
Tisited for a few days with T E Bliven
and family.
Doo McKernan was laid up a few
days this week with the grip, and bis
substitute, Mrs Earl Frederick, carried
the mail on route 2. N
Xelli Kinkt-ad whi i li f'o'n
Atchison, Kans, on a visit with rela-
es, visited last week with relatives
end friends in Sioux City.
Ernest Paulson arrived borne Mon
day from a three months' visit at his
old home in Denmark. He reports
having had a very enjoyable visit.
A crowd of friends surprised Mrs
Henry Biermann, of Brushy Bend,
Tuesday, it being her birthday. A
handsome rooker was presented ber as
a token of remembrance
Fred Parker last week moved his
family to town from the farm, and
they will ocoupy the Harden tenement
house for a few months, or until they
leave for their claim in western Nebraska.
Jas Coughtry and family shipped
their household goods and departed
TueBdav for Lafayette, Oreeon, near
where they will make their future
home. The best wishes 01 their many
friends here go with them to their ne
Iter Groh D D, pastor of St Mark's
Lutheran church of Omaha and preo'
dent of the Nebraska Lutheran Synod
will preaoh in the Emmauual chinch,
Dakota City Tuesday evening March
9th at 8 :00 o'clock p n . An offering
will be received to defray traveling
expenses. Do not fail to hear him
Mrs J Willmann, of Jericho Springs,
Mo, mother of Mrs tleo Kohlmeier,
who has been making her home here
ith her daughter for several months,
as opeiated on at the German Luther
an hospital in Sioux City lust Friday
for the removal of gall stones. The
operation was remarkable from the
fac that one hundred and forty gall
stones were removed, ranging in size
from a walnut down to ooe-sixteeuth
of an inch in size. While the patient
is well along in years, age 63, she
shown remarkable vitality, and is fast
recovering from the operation.
Attorney J V Pearson was here from
Ponsa Saturday.
Leota Quintal .ras np from Winne
bago over Sunday.
Elisha Wiseman is sick with an at
tack of lnug fever.
Chas Bates moved his family to
Winnebago Monday.
George Qribble was np from South
Omaha over Sunday.
Will O'Dell was a business visitor
here from Homer Saturday.
Raymond Quintal has been quite
sick this week with Inng fever.
Jndge It E Evans went to Batte,
Nebr, Wednesday on legal business.
Fred Culbertson left Tuesday for
Texas on a land seeking expedition.
Banker Ed T Kearney, of Jackson,
was a business visttor hers Tuesday.
A baby girl was born to Grant Hol-
brook and wife last Friday February
Ex-Senator II P Shumway, of Wake
field, was a business visitor here Mon
A daughter was born to Theodore F
McGlashan and wife on Friday of last
Jas Harris and son, Ernest, of
Homer, wore business visitors here
Mell A Schmied has purchased the
lots north of his store building for a
residence location.
It is a good plan to take things as
they come. The Herald comes at only
f 1.00 per year, lake it.
Robert Hansen and Sam Nelson left
Tbuisday for Seattle, Wash, where
they will look np a location,
F G Stanard has rented the building
recently vacated by Van de Zedde and
will operate a plumbing establishment.
Lone McDonald and Mr Cashmere,
of Belden, Neb, visited at the Wiltz
Fell z home Tuesday and Wednesday.
Alfred Chaillie on Monday began
moving his household goods to his
newly puurchased farm two miles south
of Hubbard.
Nut, egg and range hard coal, also
all kinds of soft coal in any quantity
you may desire, at the Edwards &
Bradford Lumber Co.
Mr and Mrs Yerter, Mr and Mrs
Daviou and Mies Louise Brow, all of
Sioux City, were guests at the Julius
Quintal home Wednesday.
Mrs Baker, mother of J H Baker of
Allen, formerly of this place, departed
Tuesday for California to join her hus
band who recently moved there
Galen Hatheway, agent for Watkins
remedies, lost one of his driving horses,
Monday. The animal fell through the
ice on Crystal lake and was drowned.
Henry Pearce and Madge Over-
street, both of Anthon, Iowa, were
joined ia marriage Thursday forenoon
by Judge stinson in the county court
room .
All kinds of coal, feed and hay for
sale at reasonable prices.
Fields & Slaughtee Co.
Theo E Bliven, Manager.
Dakota City, Neb.
Ed Waldman has moved into the
Geise property recently vacated by
Alfred Chaillie. Mr Waldman has
boon succeeded as section foreman on
the Burlington by a Mr Huffman, of
onth Sionx City.
Two big loads of furniture arrived
yesterday for the new City Hotel, and
it looks now as if Dakota City would
have a first class hotel again. Mr and
Mrs Debian are doing their part to
accommodate the public .
Robert A Woods departed Tuesday
for his home at La Crossp, Washing
ton, after a three months visit with
his parents in this place. He still has
extensive land interests in Washington
and will put in the summer farming.
Perfect eves cannot be bought at
anv price, but delects 01 vision can ue
corrected with properly fitted glasses
We have them in all styles of lenses
and mountings at reasonable prices
W C Eckhart, Licensed Optometrist
J S Ennis. a former resident of this
county but now located at Atkinson,
Nebr, was a business visitor here oat
nrdav. His family is still located at
South Sioux City whre they will re
side until spriug when they will join
him at Atkinson.
Kemps Balsam
I Will stop any congta that
can be stopped by any
medicine and cure coughs
that cannot be cured by any
other medicine.
II Is always the best
cough cure. Yon cannot
allord to take chances on
any other kind.
coughs, colds, bronchitis,
grip, asthma and consump
tion in llrst stages.
It does not contain alco
hol, opium, morphine, or
any other narcotic, poison
ous or harmful drug.
lieanlar preaching at Salem next
Sunday morning at 11:00 o clock.
Sunday school at 10:00. Preaching
nt Emmanuel church, Dakota Uity at
3 :00 p m. Sunday school at 9:45 a m
Cunstisn Endeavor at C.dO. A cor
diul welcome to all.
The event of the season will be pull
ed off in the near future, under tne
auspices of the Epworth League. The
young people in charge of this event
ure sparing neither time nor pains to
make it an enjoyable and successful
affair. Watch next issue for full an
Genevieve Stanard visited at the
Amelia Anderson home, Dear Vista
from Saturday until Monday. She at
tended a basket social given by Mar
garet Quinn and her pnpils Saturday
eveniDg. whioh was given to raise
funds to help purchase an organ
About (40 was taken in.
Services at the Methodist Episcopal
tburoh every Sunday as follows:
Preaching, 11a m ; Sunday school, 10
ami Class meetiug 12 ni; Epworth
League, 6:30 p m; Preaohiug, 7:30p
m. Preach in Grace church every
Sunday at 2 :30 p m. You are cordially
invited to any and all these services
John II Ream on Saturday closed a
deal with M O Ayres for the building
recently vacated by the Back of Dako
ta City. The building will be lilted
up for occupancy by the postofftoe, and
the building now occupied by the
postofQce will be moved to the ne
location and will be occupied by The
Herald offioe.
Eighth grade examination questions
are now ready and the time and place
of holding the examination will be as
follows: March 22-23, South Sioux
City and Dakota City; March 20-27,
Jackson and Hubbard ; Maroh 29-30,
Homer. Dates lor the May examina
tion will be annonnoed later.
Mary V Quins, Co Supt.
To My Patrons
I have been in business in Dakota
City now for the last flf'oen years, and
during all this timo I have tried my
best to please you all with my goods
and prices,
Now that I am moving into my new
looation. Fifteenth and Broadway, I
will now have to ask you to como with
your pooketbooks, and I will endeavor
to sell to yon for cash at cheap or
cheaper than yon can buy anywhere on
earth. Gash will always be as good
as a liberal discount
Bear in mind that I need the money
to do business witb, and by doing a
cash business I will consequently be
able to divide the profit with yon
For all these fifteen years that yon
have patronized me, I wish to thank
you most sincerely, as no one appre
dates a favor more than I do, and I
will also appreciate a continuance of
the same pleasant business relations ;
but I must ask you to come with the
cash, as I need every cent in my busi
Remember the center table ia our
new store will be loaded with goods
marked to sell at 50 cents on the dol
I invite you to come and see what
we have you will be pleased and will
appreciate it, because I will endeavor
to do the very best I possibly can for
my customers. Your Merchant,
Dakota City, Nebr.
Frank Luzio went to Sioux City
Monday morning
Miss Johanna Mundy was a visitor
at Dakota Ctty and Sioux City Thurs
For Sale Fifty tons of good bottom
land bay, cheap 11 taken soon. J V
Beacom, Hubbard, Nebr.
Myres Hanson, who was taken to the
hospital a few weeks ago, is improving
very rapidly and will soon be able to
return home, whioh is good news to
J N Miller retimed from his visit at
Lake View, Iowa, Tuesday.
Mrs C F Thompson was an over
Sunday visitor in Sioux City
If you want a new U o oream sepa
rator we have them at right prices
Carl Anderson,
Alfred Chaillie moved his household
goods to his farm south of town, that
he recently purchased from Carl Fred
Ernest Paulson, who has just return
ed from a visit to bis mother and other
relatives in Denmark, visited friends
here the first of the week
The hunters are taking advantage of
the high water in the swamp this week
and are "doing things" to the ducks
Try out' "Wunderhose," the best
wearing hosiery you ever put on. We
also handle a large variety of other
hosiery for men, women and children
Carl Anderson
Carl Frederickson is back at work
in the Nordyku saloon, and is as "sassy"
as ever,
Porter Boals was here on business
Ham Thorn nas been shelling corn
for a week past.
Have vou seen those wall cases that
Carl Anderson is almost giving away?
Better get one before they are all gone,
Jas Hartnett was a business visitor
here from Sioux City last week.
Grandpa Thorn and wife went for an
extended visit with their son Coon
Them, last week
Edgar Frederick, of Dakota City,
was here Sunday in the interests of the
Eagle automobile contest. We hope
the next time he comes it will be in
his new automobile.
Jensen Bros shipped a car load of
ce.ttle from here this week and L E
Priest and F Lusebrink each shipped
a of load hogs
Our winter underwear is about
closed, yet we have a few suits that
will go cheap to the first customer
Carl Anderson.
Peter Anderson and wife and Miss
Lyle were Sioux City .passenger Fri
Atlee Smith u improving very rap
Henry Cain took several head of
oows out to bis farm Wednesday,
where he is going into the diiry
Fred Bartels shipped a carload of
sheep Wednesday
Chas Jesoen returned last week from
bis stay at Couucil Bluffs.
Mary Thorntou is now clerking 111
Pelletier's department store.
Duck costs, shirts, overalls and jack
ets for early spring wear, at Carl An
derson s.
Mary Beason was a city visitor last
Saturday .
Marv Timlin went to Jackson Tues
day and remained over .Wednesday to
help her folks move
Mary Quinn visited over Tuesday
night at the Nordyke home
The Methodists will have church
services Tuesday evening, the 9th, and
Sunday school next Sunday at 2 :d0
p m
The infant child of J P Jesson and
wife has been seriously ill but is no
some better
Now is the time you will need rubber
boots, and we have them in all sizes
and kinds. Carl Anderson
Joe Hagan sold a fine black team
Tuesday to Mike Green for (350.
Herman Nelson and wife, of Good
win, viHited atttieuarl Anderson nome
Mrr Cail Anderson was on the sick
list several days last week.
The farmers who weie hauling tele
phone poles were compelled to stop on
account of the muddy roads, lei
phones are very slow coming in th
locality; but they say all good thing
are slow in coming.
Even the young folks can remember when all soda
crackers were bought from an open box or barrel.
At that time they were only used because there was
nothing better.
But now the perfected soda crackers
yj oil (Mta
are a
their moisture and dust nroof nackapes
g - - f Cj
staple 3-times a day food. The fact that nearly
half a million packages are eaten every day in
the year shows the popular appreciation (
2 Proof VI (rfl
Packages I
Eva Graham is on the sick list. ,
Currence Fisher was absent Wed
nesday. Edgar Londrosh was absent Monday
nd Tuesday.
Marie Gardner re-entered the third
grade Monday.
Lyle Olesen has left school to work
Schmif d's store.
The spriug thaw is causing quite
irregular attennunce
Harry Broyhill was absent Monday
on acoount of sickness.
Lettie Ileikos aud Pearl Hileman,
have been absent the past week.
A few in the uluth grade are taking
an "after school" arithmetic review.
The second and third grades are
studying Millets pictures Sower and
Woman Churning.
Graca Powell and Thomas Howard
have re-entered the preliminary grade
after a two weeks absence.
ZThos Doll tw 40
E S Realty, hrldfrc built by contract. UOI 04
A Jordan, road work 175
V orr, Hii'iic T 00
I Oil I I'oilerHun, name 1U 00
Joseph mhkhii. mini) S no
1 rnnk Utitntf. mime II 00
Mike Smith, Hnme ft 50
Hlleumn HriiH, name 6 no
lllcinan Hnw, mime 1 nu
A I'olly. name H 50
DOS MCllKO, Klllllt II) U
Tlion Mciii, Muini' 17
Frank llccncy. name 11 35
Will lunrvan, aint 1 I OO
'hurley round, Name i no
ohn IHicriraa. aitmu 1 mi
HiiirlnnJarrtt,muiie ".' '
I OllnkniiM'ai cl. same
1 i) Hi ITxriiun, aim 0 00
Hartnett Hron, name St 25
(leoruu Wlil hit. name ., I 50
Mrs Ann Smith, claim of $7.44, re
Dan Purdy, c'aiui of $1.00, rejected,
liourd adjourned to meet March
27, 190'.). W L Ross, Clerk.
Official Proceedings of the Board of
County Commissioners.
Dakota City, Nebr, Feb. 2T, '09
Board of county commissioners met
pursuant t adjournment. Present,
John Sierz, chairman; J'd Morgan,
Fred Blume, and W L Boss, clerk.
The following bonds were approved
by the board : Chris Sorensen. road
overseer district Wo 14: Ueo u War
ner, road overseer district No 1.
Resignation of It M Lerke, toad
overseer district No 5, accepted by the
Plans and specifications for bridges
for 1909, as shown now on file, ap
proved by the board, and clerk or
tiered to advertise for bids.
Bond of John J Bachert for rent of
poor (arm and care oi paupers, ap
proved by the board.
The petition of Mell A Schmied for
a reduction of taxes on lot 1, block
141. Dakota City, was granted and
the treasurer ordered to acoopt th
taxes in full from 1898 to date, bul
ance of taxes to be stricken.
The following claims were allowed
P.emaining in tli6 postofilce at Dakota,
Neb, for the month ending February
28, 1909.
Fred HIon Mlm Delia UiWc
1. 1. rtteveimoii ('(iKenimy
Mm 1 J Smith Kardley Johnson
Win hlmpnon Mlm Kathleen Forbes
I'eder l'uilerxon Hunk Irwin J Oorron
Cora FeterMm 1 Mother J one pli Butler
Mint William fvUsr M Uduiiuvo
Fartiea calling tor the above please
y "advertised."
johs u. it i AM, I'oamaiier,
Hurt Kroesen, unpolled an I
KiiwanlH A H rail Ion I l.lirCo, iiiuhh....
Joliutf Hue lie rt, Ixiarillntr piiupom, to
Ui biiplleil on rent for IW
Neb Clark A ut I'lione t o, phone, rent,
claim ill -Vl
Win hlerniHiin, milary and wood
Howard Itockwell, luillllf
J Pltockwcll. milary
John (1 llachcrt, hoarding pinner ...
Hoplila Klermanu, Ixmrdlua priHonem.
Oi-oi nc Wllklux, alnry and expense...
W L Rohm, money advanced to Mm
John II Ileum, mipplicn
(Irani CaMor, countable for election..
Ueo run Wllklmi, cohIi paid Hi' Cru
ller for carpenter work
Fred H Hurry, Halury for 4th quarter
ol lMiM
I'erklli Hron Co, mippllei
Ferkllin Hro Co. uuplle
Hammond A Htephnim. Huppllen
faul 1'lxey, defending Tho JHill and
looking up repair on Homer hrldgw
Wut Bteriuann, uUlase aud arrent vt
Attractive ILoW IRsxtcO
List of letters remaining in the post-
office at Jackson, Neb, for the month
ending February 28, 1909:
Ml mt Mary K Sullivan
J ami's Wlllmau
Mm Keegiiu, care of I'nlrlck llogan
Parties calling for the above will
please say "ttdvertieed."
M J r lynn, reumaster.
TO PACIFIC COAST: Only $26.60 daily March and April.
SEATTLE" EXPOSITION : Summer of 1909, only $50.00
round trip, $15.00 more through California.
SUMMER TOURIST: Very cheap excursion rates com
mencing June 1st, to scenic Colorado, Rocky Mountain resorts.
Big Horn Mountains, Black Hills of South Dakota, Yellowstone
Park. s '
HOMESEEKERS: Only $27.50 round trip to the Big
Horn Basin irrigated lands on the first and third Tuesdays.
Tour tho West and see what is going on out there;
you will be amazed
Write for folders, rates, information, and learn about our
variable route tours embracing all attractive features enroute.
V. E. Snethen, Ticket Agt, Dakota City, Neb.
L. W. Wakkley, O P A, Omaha, Keb
if! US'
hi lr)
fl fin
42 m
4 (in
ft IDI
W 17
VI no
14 K4
4 On
1 f
17 00
18 tf
1 tf
T 6"
XT 00
Report of the Condition of
The Bank of Dakota County,
"The Bank that ALWAYS treats you RIGHT"
of Jackson, Nebr., charter No. 601,
(incorporated) in the state of Nebraska,
at the close of business Feb. 23, 1909.
Ijikiih anil (llHCOiintH I lIS.HAil zn
veiirafl.iiecureilanduiiiecureil 1,UX Hit
itHiikinu house furniture anil nx-
turen 8,0 00
flurront miwiiwi and tax paid.. M Hi
laiA from niii'i. mate anu Drivaie
Intuitu hihI Iwiiikem 62,7IS K4
Total cumIi on hand "'LT.
Total I IW.MI 6
Capital Htock pulil In I ln.onnon
Surplim tunil w
Uiiiilvlileii prom no, v
Inillvliluiil (li'poslU ul-
Ject to check I W,W (M)
Iiemanil ccrtlllcntcH of
(lepo-.ll 75 W
Tim" certlllcale of de-
poult m.fliH yii7u.niojto
Total t IW.8U M
Htatk r Skhbahk a, (
County of luikola. t
I. Kil T. Kearney, cashier of Hie aliovti
i ii lumk. do liereliv MWear that tli
HlMive xliili nt Ihii correct and true copy of
tlie report inmle to the xlnte lianklna Ixiard.
M. SiKAHNKV, Mrector. Cannier
li K. i mHsrv. l rector.
huli-i lilied and aworn to liefore 111 thin
2nd day of March, luuu.
ikai.) Notary Tulillc
My ( (niiinUnloii expire March 4, lldU
"The Hank that ALWAYS IrcaU you
ItKIH I'" han ever pulillHhed. It liow an
aliHolutely clean lint of notuM, worth more
than thulr face, (a llttln accrued IntereM
and not a kIiiuIh had one) inor thaneiiougli
money on hand to pay very dollar dun, and
the Ixnt lot of uUHlomen on earin oar none
If you are not one of t hem. Join tho uroup
at once, lie happy too, and wear luo mnlle
that won't coin on," witn tne rat.
Bubsoriba for the Herald, the
paptr in the county. $1 a year.
MM "M,My
VJ I LLJia"''' capiagehsaters.
... - -
t Specials on Horse Blankets and Lap Robes
Strong, Square Wool Blankets $ 1.40
Large, Strong, Square Blankets 1.75
Brown Duck-Lined Storm Blankets 1.70
Heavy Plaid Duck-Lined Blankets 2.00
Heavy, Plain Plush Lap Robes 2.75
Heavy, Fancy Plush Lap Robes 4.50 ,
Very Pine Black' Fur Robes, Large 8.75
Very Fine Black Fur Robes, Extra Large.. 10. 50
411 Pcsvrl fctrt t
SlauK City, lowav X
""iiiimmiiiniiiniiiuiintiiiiH SAAAA'fc
l Sttxrgca IBroo.