Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, March 05, 1909, Image 4

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Dakota County Herald
Official Paper of the County
Subscription Price, $1.00 For Year.
a, weekly newspaper published at
Dakota Cut. Nebraska.
Permission bae been granted for the
rannmisBion of this paper through the
nofein as second-class matter.
Telephone No. 48. '
I Items of Interest
from our Exchanges
Salit items in Sloan, Iowa, Star:
Can Larsen, of Jaokson, Nebr, riait
ed Lis parents here last week.
Albaton items in Sloan, Iowa, Star:
Robert McFarland passed through
town Monday enroute to his new home
at Ilubuard, Nab.
Winside Tribune: A Dakota City
cirl. who recently joined a theatrical
troune nlaying "The Devil," is sure in
"The Devil's" clutches now. She mar
ried him,
Newcastle Times: Mr Balsey, of
South Sioux City visited Harry Smith
last Friday.... Harry Smith, of South
Sioux City, is spending bis vacation
here with hispirenti, Mr and Mrs OF
Tender Republic: Rev J L Phillips
and son. Jesse, were down from South
Sioux City last Monday and bought
span of colts from L D ltolph which
the expect to develop into a floe
driving team. '
Lions Mirror: J Warner and
wifn of Cheyenne Agency, S D. are
s udiDg this week iu the M M War
ner hoce....M M Warner and
wi'e went to Grand Island Monday to
attend the State Editorial Association
Thurston items in Pender Repnblio
W W Pounds was a passenger to Hub
ba rl last Sunday . . . . M rs Albet t Nash
and daughter were Pander callers last
Saturday.... Lew Peary enjoyed
visit from his brother John, of Iowa
last week.
Sionx City Journal, 28: Something
over 100 gallstones were removed from
Mrs J Willraann, of Jericho Springs
Mo. at the German Lutheran hospital
yesterday afternoon. The operation
occupied almost an hour, abd some of
the stones removed were as large as
walnuts. Owing to the age of the
pitient, 63 years, her condition is still
doubtful. Last evening she was re
ported as resting easily. The opera
tiou is regarded as remarkable. Not
in rears have so many stones of such
size been removed by Sionx City phyai
cians. Tbe patient now is being fed
entirely on fluids.
Ponca Leader: Mrs H H Hart enter
tained at a six o'clock dinner Friday
evening In honor or Airs J M King,
W F Mikesell took advantage of tbe
lt-gal holiday Monday and went to
South Sionx City to visit his mother,
Mrs Julia Mikesell....Mattie Wendte
of South Sioux City came borne Fri
day evening to visit home folks. She
returned to ber school work Monday
morning.... Mrs Chas Barber and
daughter, Sadie, returned Tuesday
fmm vlmit near fjohnrn and Uakola
City ... . Mrs J M King returned to her her and beat her over the head
hnmn at uoiner oamraav moruiDK i mo uuu ui
after a short visit with her sister Mrs J
R Pomerov.... Friday noon the Jady
Uachers cave a nicnio dinner at the
nlinnl honsa in honor cf Mrs J M
King, a former fellow teacher. Fri
dav evening Mrs J R Pomeroy enter-
tained the teachers and a few friends
at a five o'clock lonch in honor of Mrs
King. The time being spent socially
Sioux City Journal 1: Mrs J Will
mann, oi Jericno cpnngs, aio, irum
whom over 100 Gallstones were remov
ed Friday, is convalescing rapidly. . . .
The Consumers Ice company win on
ish harvesting ice today. The last
cakes will be hauled over the runways
into the houses. The harvesting of
ice this winter has been difficult for
Sioux City ice dealers, and the crop
promises to be exceedingly short.
The Consumers Ice company reports
that the houses have not all been filled,
but that work must stop because of the
noor aualitv of the ice. The weather
during the last month has been par
ticularlv hard on the ioemen, for dur
ing most of the cold snaps snow fell,
bich srreatlr hindered tho woik, ana
during the thaw periods the surfaoo of
the ice was unsafe because of the
mHinff mow. For several weeks ice
enttinor was suspended altogeter be
,j .
cause of warm weather.
Emerson Enterprise: Mary Ryan, of
Jackson, spent a few Jays at borne
this week ....WO Merteu and family
have moved to their new home in Sioux
Citr . . . . Milh r Bros of Horuick, Iowa,
have purchased the Geo Cook farm 8
miles northeast of Emerson paying 153
per aore. They moved out the tint of
the week.... Mrs trod Htolze passed
away Sunday at the home of Herman
Stolzo. She had been in poor health
for some time and of late had suffered
greatly from asthma and complies'
done. Tbe funeral occurred Wednes
day from tbe the Lutheran churcb
conducted by Rev E V Nusbaum and
was largely attended by sorrowing
friends and relatives. Maria Stolze
was born Jan 23, 1839 in Dahlen, Sax-
onv. Uermany. Hue was marriea to
Fredrick stolze in Germany, in lo(4,
They came to . America in 1870 and
first lived in Chicago. Since 1883
thev have resided in Err ergon. Three
sons, Herman, Charles and Henry and
her husband survive her death. Mrs
Stolze was a model wife and mother,
her memory will long be cherished by
her relatives and friends.
Sioux City Journal, 2: Suffering
from a gunshot wound in hi right arm,
self inflicted while out rabbit shooting,
John Chriatophersou, the 16-year old
sob of T Griatopherson, of Crofton,
Neb, arrived at St Joseph's hospital
yesterday for treatment. The muscle
of the right arm were torn away, hut it
is believed the arm will be saved. Last
night the boy was renting easily after
the wound had been dressed.. Although
Dakota City is a convenient place in
which to get quietly married, develop
ments in the district court of Wood
bury county indioate the marriages are
not always successful. Divorce pevi
tions were filed by Mrs Clara Johnson
and J A Westoott. The jonnsons
were married in Dakota City on
Dec-ember 21, 1908. Mrs Johnson
. . ..at . t - A. J
savs lutu wnnin ft wee iverwru
ber husband, 11 li Jounson, assauuen
mi. r
a revolver, nne claims
that he has since brutally assaulted
her with his lists and weapons, and
that on January 16 ahe became afraid
to lit with him and left him. Be-
cause she threw flat irons at him, tried
to hit him at long range with glasses
and shied chinaware in his direotion
with no small decree of accuracy J A
Westcott asks for divorce. Ihe west
cots were married at Dakota lity,
Neb, April 19, lftOD, and lived togeth
er until Jnlv. 1608. Tbe wila is ao-
cused not onlv of exercising her throw
ing arm, but of calling the plaintiff
vile epithets in the presence oi others
and threatening to kill.
ahead of the old hand binder. Don't
let some old fogy Ull yon different.
Come in and se j me. Tom E O'Con
There will be an entertainment in
Patrick's hall Mar 17. The program
will consist of a lecture, music, etc
An admisuioa of 25 cents will be
charged, the proceed to go toward
paying for a new organ recently pur
chased for tbe church and which will
arrive here in time for Easter.
TlWt Happy Old Age
Save deposit your savings here at 4 interest, and
when Life's afternoon draws near
You Will be Happy and Comfortable
lavoWaori, Nbratk
"The Bank that ALWAYS treats you RIGHT"
"As safe as a Government Bond."
"Always Hungry for more business."
F M Hall, of Norfolk, was a guest
of Geo Miller several days last week
narveSchmetzor went to Walthill
Wednesday on business.
Miltoa Foreshoe recently sold
team of draft horses to a party in Sioux
City for the snug sum of 350.
A nurse has been secured to care for
Mrs Theodore McGlashan who is quite
Bernard Boals and George Bates
recently unloaded a car of brick at
Wood s park, which will be need iu
the construction of their new barn this
Salem is somewhat startled in the
report about onr neighbor, Ed Boden
header, leaving so mysteriously for
Cincinnati, Ohio. Best wishes Ed.
The former correspondent of Salem
will not appear till the ground-hog
days are over.
If the legislature of Iowa passes the
law to impose a heavy tax upon bach
elors, it might be well for a oo a pie of
Salem s young men to keep close
watch of the proceedings.
We learn that Harry Brown has been
selected as honorary vice president oi
tbe Inter State Live Stock Fair at
Sionx City,
Clav Armhright left Tuesday on a
land iuspeotion and sight-seeing trip
through South Dakota .
Chester Heiki-s and family are mov
ing their belongings from the John
Sides farm to the Mikeflell farm
"Salem Center." Charles Heikes has
taken up "bachelor quarters" at tbe
Sides farm which he has leased for
several years.
H Wesley Brown left Tuesday for
his home at Herrick, S D.
The W II & F M sooiety met with
Mrs Horace Dutton today.
Guy Sides and wife spent Sunday
with relatives at Homer.
Glen Armour and wife welcomed
little daughter to their home Monday
Sam Bridenbangh has the plans a!
mad for a fine new residence which he
will erect in the spring, on the site of
the fcue they now occupy.
I W Fisher, manager of the Lake
side Dairy farm, believes he has a
right to the "Muranthan Cup," an he
made his trip last week in 8 hours and
24 minutes, breaking all previous reo-
orda by 6 hours, 18 miuutes and 151
Are ou looking for a threshing ma-
chino, a sewing machine, a washing
machine, even an automobile as a pre
mium? Tbe Herald is not giving anv
audi away : but it is giving to it's sub
scribers a weekly newspaper that is
full of news. It does not need to print
several columns to fill space.
James Coughtry and family left
Tuesday for Lafayette, Oregon, where
they will make their future home.
Wheeler Coughtry left Tuesday night
with a car of household goods.
John Nixon sr ia just getting around
after a bad attack of congestion of the
Jas Allaway sr, who has been sick
for the past week, is better.
Bessie church is at school again
after two or three weeks absence with
a cold.
The new long distance phone is in
charge of Audrey Allaway and he will
soon have in a cozy booth and be a
full-fledged oentral girl. Ail the fel
lows have ordered their wivs not to
patronize this phone line for some rea
son. Audrey says they "can go to
thunder 1" the men.
Judge R E Evans, of Dakota City,
was here on legal business Monday.
Dave Neiswangor, of Dakota City,
was a caller on the stores here Monday
in the interests of his dry goods house.
Sam Heikes, cattle and hog man of
tbe "hub," was calling on the farmers
in this vicinity Monday.
Wm Wallwav sr and Wm C Wall
way, two prosperous farmers of Emer
son precinot, wera- transacting bus!
ness here Monday. They wen gnesta
at the Theodore CJurtis home.
J A Fuller, head field man in Ne
braska for the Standard Oil company
was here Tuesday and Wednesday
straightening out matters for tbe com
Auditor Johnson of the E Sc B lum
ber company was here the first of the
We hear that the Combs oonnty
bridge went out Tuesday evening
The wreck ia lodged in Nels Smith's
field. We never saw the old creek so
high before.
Big Injun Big Thunder, was drunk
on our streets Tuesday and was ar
rested by Marshal Purdy. Where do
they get booze in this "dry" town?
There is lots of sickness for many
miles around here, and Dr Stidworthy
ia kept on the go night and day.
The Standard Oil company shipped
two span of mules here from Omaha
and are running the oil wagon them
J W Davis, who has been on the
sick list, is able to he out again.
Marion Curtis has been sick for the
We carry a big stock, well assorted Furniture and Carpets at prices that are very
reasonable. The goods advertised in your paper are just as represented, if not, we
will refund purehase price.
MATTRESSES COTTON TOP, A heavy layer of cotton on ex-
celsior. No. 4 tick, a heavy grade of tick. Sizes, 4-0x6-3, price $2.50
REVERSIBLE. A heavy layer of cotton felt on top and bottom of mat
tress, with a tnin layer ot excelsior throughout the center. The tick is No. 6,
which is strong and durable. Special Price t
COMBINATION MATTRESSES. A heavy No. 7 tick, in grey stripes, made
with a heavy layer of cotton on top, bottom and ends, with some exce sior
in center. Special Price ;
COTTON FELT MATTRESS. Made of cotton felt. Covered in good
grade of tick. Full size. Special Price
$12 Value, "Leader" Cotton Felt Mattress, made from full 55 lbs fine white
cotton felt, best grade satin finished tick, S in. box, ull size. Special price
5iu value extension labie, Hardwood,. 6ft extension. Special Price
$2 Dining Chairs, Golden Oak, Solidly constructed Fine finish. Special price.
$2.25 Iron Beds, Full size, colors green and white, strong. Special price
$14 value Combination ISookcases. Solid oak. Golden finish. Large com
partments for books. Roomy writing desk. Special Price 995
0O0-0O8 Fourth Street, Sioux City, Iowa
First Publication Feb 12 4w
In the (list rlrtcourt of Dnkotaronntr. No-
Louisa Priestly )
John H. Priestly )
To John H. rrli-stly, non-resident dpwml-
nnt: You will take notion that on the 1st
day of Puhruary, A. I. lflotf, the plaintiff In
the anove cause, IiOulHit Priestly, llled her
Di tltlim nitnlnst you In tho otllre of the
clerk of the district court of Dnkota coun
ty, Nebmska, the object end prnyer of
which nre t lint she le granted an absolute
divorce from you on the ground of deser
tion. You are required to answer said petition on
or before the 2tttb day of March, A. I). IKK.
Dated this 8th day of February, lmm.
Ijohisa Pkikhti.y.
By her attorney, J.J. McAli.ihtrk.
past week.
Tbe Harris brothers, Ernest 3, Al
bert, Arthur and Richard, in Tuesday
purchased the J B Arteaux farijp on
Omaha creek, 3 miles northeast of
here. We congratulate you, boys.
This is one of the best farms in Omadi
precinct. 1
The White Elevator Co organized
Monday with a paid up capital of
$10,000. The officers are : C J O'Con
nor, president; J 11 ltockwell, vice
president; Oeorge Thacker, treasurer;
A D O Connor, secretary . The shares
are $J0 each. .
Rev Tabor, of Newel!, Iowa, held
regular services Wednesday in the
Danish Lutheran church. The nest
regular service will be April 4tb, by
the same pastor.
The Farmers Co-Operative Grain
and Elevator company is about ready
to organize, having at this time se
cured 54 signers for stock. Tbey ex
pect to erect a first class elevator, and
handle grain and stock.
Wycoff Endersby has moved back
to this place.
Mrs Beth Barnes fell and sprained
her wrist quite badly a few diys ago.
Nels Smith got a shot at a wildcat
Suuday but failed to kill it.
John Nixon ir is entertaining tbe
mn mmmm mmmm mam mmm mmmm mmmmm mmmm
" - -c ' ,
Dakota Citv. Htm. Xt&Vy 6f S 608 Metropolitan Blk.
Bonded : Abstracter sioux city, iowa
loATiiDnAV onroiAiol
: on I unutti ornj.HLo i
8ek.ttirdek.yt Naroh 6tH
Calico 6c per yard. 10 lbs Sugar ...... for 50c
Butter 23c per lb.
Stxturdewy. MaroK 15iK
3-lb Cans of Pears, Peaches and Apricots 15c per can
1 Gallon Pail of Syrup. 35cts
Ham 13c per lb
IS. A. Stinsoni
I Dakota City. Nebraska J
Mrs Albert1 Breiaob is visiting her
parents, W O Amick and wife near
S P Leis returned Monday from a
week's visit with relatives at Murctock.
0 K Hefferuan loaded 2 cars of
baled hav this week which he shipped
to Dan McQrath at Newcastle, Nebr.
H ci liyan bad a load oi cattle on
the market lust Friday.
Born, to Mr and Mrs Ed Rush, Feb
27, '09, a son.
The Frank Davey sale here Thurs
dav drew a large crewd and everything
told well. Mr Davey aad tamiiy on
Monday, packed their household goods
and shipped them to dioux City, their
future home for the present.
The basket sociable held at Marga
ret Qninn'i school near Vista, last Sat
urday evening was a suooess. Some
thing over $39 being realized.
M M Hickey departed Monday for
Tusoon, Ariz, with hopes to benefit his
The annual spring moving oom
menoed hero Mar 1st. Alex Qarner
and W O Amiok and families moved to
Newcastle; Frank Kennelly and f ami
ly to tbe T j U Donuell farm near
Watorbuvy; A J Mitchell to the M J
Duggan farm near Goodwin; II Dugan
and family moved here Tuesday
from Allen to their new home reoently
purchased from Frauk Davey; Robt
Thompson moved to Mrs Catharine
Twohig'a farm near Vista.
Rev Fr Byrne, of Ponoa spett Satur
day with very Rev MoOarthy,
Margaiet and Eflle Ryan returned
the last of the week from an extonded
visit in the borne of their sister, Mr
Horrell Johnson, of Colorado Spring
Thos Ilartnett and brother Will are
in Omaha this week.
John Ryan purchased a tins team
of Norman mares at Kingsley, Iowa,
last week.
Mrs Sarah Iledgos airived here
Tuesday from Lead, 8 D, where she
soont the winter with her daughter,
Mrs J E Corcoran. She is on her way
to Weethope, N D. where she has
property interests and where her son
Thomas resides.
Use Liquid smoke to our vour meat.
it Is as much ahead of the amok boose
mtlhodMtlio medera self binder U
First Publication Feb, 28 4w
Order of Hearing and Notice on Petition
for Settlement of Account.
In the county court of Dakota county,
State of Nebraska, (
Oonnty of Dakota, i "
To John Van Lent, Joseph Van Lent,
Frank Van I-iit, Henry Van Lent, Anna
Van Lent, Ida Van I' lit, Anthony Vau
Lent, Bernard Van Lent, and Maria Van
Iient, and all persons Interested in the es
tate ot Henry Van Lent, deceased:
On remllnn the petition of Imlse Van
Lent, praying a II mil settlement and allow
ance of her account filed In this court on
the -intli day of February, lui)9, and for final
discharge as executrix.
It is hereby ordered that you, and all per
sons Interested ill said matter, may. and do,
appear at the county court to he held in and
for said county, on the jN)t Ii day of March,
A. 1). I1H), at 10 o'clock , m., to show cause,
if any there lie, why the prayer of the pe
tlouer should not lie granted, and that notice
of the pendency of said petition anil that
the hearing thereof lie irlven to all persons
nterested in said matter by publishing a
copy of this Order In the Dakota County
Herald, a weekly newspaper printed In said
county, for four successive weeks prior to
said day of bearing.
ikai. bounty Judge.
Marie Kalliher visited with friends
here a short time the first of the week
Mrs Conrad Wolf and sons, Ernest
aud Eddie, returned home last Satur
day evening aftor a several weeks visit
with relatives at Silver City, Iowa.
Will Hecney was able to return
home last Saturday evening from
Sioux City where had been doctoring
tor neuralgia the past week.
Uuite a number oi cuanges ire
taking place here this spring. Among
those who are moving are NichoUs
SimmonB to the farm recently ooenpied
by the Asseniuacher family; Mr Assen
macher will move his family to a frni
near Herrick, S D, and Conrad Wolf
will move out on the place fanned last
year by Frank Spencer.
Katie Simmons returned home last
Saturday evening from Yankton, H U,
where she visited her sister, Mrs Zse
trow for about two weeks.
L P Rasmussen and family have
moved from the Connors farm to one
south of Nacora which Mr Rasmussen
recently purchased.
Matt Assenmacher and Sam Well
ington left on Tuesday for Herrick, S
D, where they have purchased farms.
Their families will join them later.
The youngest child of Mr and Mrs
John Zastrow is reported to be quite
sick at the present writing.
The rural telephone line has finally
been sufficiently repaired as to enable
the patrons of the line to call up Emer
son for the first timeiu a month.
Chai Peterson wai a west-bound
passenger last Sunday afternoon.
For Sale.
and fresh cows. Qood
J M Bakkv,
Jaokson, Nebr.
Public notice is hereby giveftslbat sealed
bids will be received at my otuoe until li
o'clock noon on the S7th day of March, lHOSt.
for the building and repairing of such
bridges as may be ordered by the county
commissioners of Dakota county, Nebraska,
during one ytar Immediately following exe
cution of the contract with the successful
Plans and specifications are now on file
and may be seen at my ottlce.
The general character of the work will lie
of pile anil stringer bridges, all wood, uud
steel "I" iK-niu and channel joists on either
wood or steel caps on piling, piling to ho
red cedar. Also fill and AO foot steel spans
with steel piling, (see plans and specifica
tions.) The number of bridges to be determined
by county necessities, and their location to
le In Dakota county as may be determined
Koch bidder must accompany his proposal
with a certified check for 1im).ii. payable
to the order of the chairman of the county
commissioners of Dakota county, Nebraska,
as a guarantee that he will enter Into a con
tract for the building of such bridges and
making such repairs as may he ordered dur
ing one year Immediately following the
Blgnlng of the contract.
Huch check to lie forfelte 1 and held as
liquidated damages should bidder refuse
to enter Into a contract within ten days
after award Is made to him.
The right is reserved to reject any and all
bills as may seem to the best Interest to
Dakota county.
Dated at Dakota City, Nebr., this 27th
day of February, lMKt.
l!y order of the county commissioners of
Dakota county, Nebraska.
W. L. KOHS, County Clerk.
Oil Into Butlnitsfir Yourself
will mtksyou ateniy. ThslUOKisthsonly
two-piece, salf-biodiog, telf-lock
inf, water-proof, f roil-proof . sani
tary, dry-air block made. Takes
Us material aad is mads quicker
than any other block. IVritt to
day and Irt ut Ull yeu all about it,
and how ym eaa miaka from (it aoie
iMooixn daj-lhat roa rk. Birlu
ttvarliat (a aackeoualr. M la rlrat
Interlock Block
Machine Co.
4tk a4 rest Us.
ii ii ww
of the Dank of Dakota City, of
Dakota City, Neb., charter No. 994, (in
corporated) in the state of Nebraska, at
the close of business Feb. 23, 1909.
liOansand Discounts I 135,815 72
Hanking house furniture and fix
tures S.5O0 nn
Current expenses aud taxes paid.. 70 AO
Due from nut I. state and
private lauks and hank
ers 174. 450 S
Cash fl.iioi 19 HO.SOi 47
Total t 21,018 79
Capital stock paid in I JO.rmo no
I'lidlvlded profits 4.749 CT
Individual deposits sub-
lect to check I SO. 251 20
Demand certificates of
deposit 4.768 SO
Time certificates of de
posit 109.2M 61 194, gt li
Total I 218,018 79
Static or Nebraska, (
County of Dakota, (
I, M.O. Ayres, president
of the alove named hank, do hereby swear
that the aliove statement Is a correct and
:rue copy of the report made to the Htate
Hanking Board. M. O. A ykkh,
Attest: President
Harry H. Adair, Director.
leo. J. Houcher, Director.
Niilmerllied and sworn to before me this
tth day of March, lu9.
(8RAI.I Notary Public.
My commission expires January 27, 1911.
a little more money than you need
for cvery-day uses, that's liable to
find it way to Wall Street some
time "for goodness' sake" in
vest I J cents of ic in the March
EVERYBODY'S and find out
how much chance you've got in
" the big fellows game."
Your I J tents will pay you back
in $ $ $.
For sale at Schmied's News-stand
NortK - Western Line
One Way second class colonist tickets will
be on sale daily. March 1 to April 30 to
Portland, Seattle, Tacoma and Puget
Sound Points. Proportionately low rates
to points in Alberta British Columbia, Idaho & Montana
Through Tourist Cars Daily, Minne
apolis and St Paul to Pacific Coast Pis.
Special Ilomcseekers excursion tickets will be
on sale 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of March and
April to many points in Montana, Noithern
portion of Idaho, state of Washington east of
Ellensburg and Wenatchee and also to
Kootenai Section of British Columbia.
If yon contemplate
otuer information cjill on
Division Pnss'r AkI, Omiihn.
a trip no matter
or address
where, for rates and
Anent, Dakota Citv,
Abstracts of Title
A $10,000 Surety Bond
Guarantees the accuracy of ever
Abstract I make
Successor to
Dakota County Abstract Co;
Bonded Abstracter
J. J. E I M E R S
Stands Lilio a Siono Wall
Turns Cattle, Horses, Hogs Is Practically Indestructible
ri I l I li i T 'I' T T T iflf"
. - . ZZ IZZ ' : '. !Z
Buy your new fence for years to come. Get the big, heavy wires, the
hinge joint, the good galvanizing, the exactly proportioned quality of steel
that is not too hard nor too soft.
We can show you this fence in our stock and explain its merits and
superiority, not only ia the roll but in the field. Come and tee as and get
our prices.
Edwards& Bradford Lbr. Co
UEO. TIMLIN, ytmaeer.
Patronize Home Industry buy your m eats of
Proprietor of
City Meat B&a,rket
Fresh and Salt Meats always on hand
Cash paid for Hides and Telts
for Seymour's White Laundry. Basket
Tuesdays and comes back Saturdays
goes on