Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, February 19, 1909, Image 7

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of the California Fig Syrup Co. and thf
scientific sttainmc-nts of its chemists have
rendered Imssible tho production of Syrup
of Figs and Hixir of Hcnnn, in all of its
excellence, by obtaining the pure medic
inal principles of plants known to act most
beneficially and combining them most
skillfully, in the rip;ht proportions, with
its wholesome and refreshing Syrup of
California Fijs.
As there ia on!y one genuine Syrup of
Figs and Elixir of Senna and as the prn
uinc is manufactured by nn original
method known to the California Fig Syrup
Co. only, it ia always necessary to buy the
genuine to get its beneficial effects.
A knowledge of the above facts enables
one to decline imitations or to return them
If, upon viewing the package, the full name
of the California Fig Syrup Co. is not found
printer! on the front thereof.
Til dlferenoe
remember this
It tnty save your life. Cathartics,
bird snot and cannon ball pills tea
Spoon doses of cathartic medicines
all depend on irritation of the bowels
Until Uiey sweatenough to move. Cat
carets strengthen the bowel muscles
SO they cteeo and crawl naturally.
This means a cure and only through
Cascarett can you get it quickly and
naturally. 880
Cascarets 10c boa wnk'i trsat-
Eant. All drurrlsta. Bluest teller
the world atillioa boxus a muotb.
toe wonderfnl, new baeterioletleal preparation, discovered and
Brepared by Dr. Jean ban) at, Director of Hie Laboratory of Agri.
Cultural sticro-Hlol.fr at the t-.eteur InalltnU. I'arla. NOT A
OTUCR ANIMAL, BIRDS, ate, Jet faul U rata and rale. Tha
Strain elw.ya cnotiteitle lo die. Eaallf prepared end applied.
OW MUCH TO USB. Small heuee one lube, ortlii.eiy dwelllia,
ikree tubaa lit rata ara namoroua not lata than aix tubeel. One
r two d.aan tubal for etaitle aaith hay li.ft and yard attached.
Similar quantity nn each 1.1 liifeeted floor of warehouse or
fraaarr fur each 6.0U0 equate faat floor irace. Tovvna or aatatra,
to 1 dotan par af ra inhabited area; S to A tubea per acre for
pen field. Sold In glaee tabee, full direction runnd earh tulie.
I tube 75c i I tubea 11.73, or si .no r j.ien, dcllveied,
' Independent Chemic&l Company
Costs 60c- 13c ptr tort for titd.
UiMtwoniVrfti. trrmnmof tha centurr. Yield Inar from
i to 10 tout or nay per arr and lot of pan tura he-
shlt. ltelmplTrro'r.l.rroi!i,(frowi tuiuiiwaj
nd in 4 wet-ktt ltokt fr th mower again, ami
At on. Urowftftud Honrmlie vfrywhero, '.n eery
farm In Amtrlra, CheapaMdirt; luxuriant a tir
bottom land!-of Furrpt. Bur nr mtaloic f re or
end I Oo n atamp and rsrflTe aatnple ot thin
wonderrul prafs.aliioof Hnlx, the cereal wonder.
Har lev. Ua tM ,C1 overt, Orarie,eto..etf..and oata
uk free. Or end 4C nd we will add a (sample
farm bcwS novelty never eceu t jua byfie.
Box CN La Crou. Wit.
of Wheat Land
in Western Canada
50 bushels per acre hare been crown. General
era ffe trrcater than in any other part ot the Con.
tinent. Under New Regulations It U poawiblc to
secure a Uomratead of 100 acres free, and additional
160 acres at I3.0U per acre.
"The deYelopment of the country has
made marvellous strides. It is a revela
tion, a recrd of coBquest by settlement
that ia remarkable." Kxtract from cor
respondence of a National Kditor. who
visited Canada in August last.
The gTaln crop of 1908 will n t many farmers
f20. (10 to f 25.00 per acre. Grain-raising, Mine I
a-'armina and Dairying- are the principal indus
tries. Climate is excellent: Social Conditions the
beat; Kailw.iy Advantages unequalled: Schools.
Churches and markctH close at baud.
Lands may also be purchased from Railway
Bind Land Companies.
pamphlets, maps and information as to
bow to secure lonest Railway Rates, apply to
W. D.. Scott, Superintendent of Immigration,
Ottawa, Canada, or E. T. Holmes, Jackson
St., St. Paul, Minn, and J. U. MacLachlan, box
no, VVatertowu, So. Dakota. Authorized Govern
Boent Agents.
Fleas ear when jm saw thla advartlsemeat.
TUF Tr FTll ' aTllI,e excel any denutnee
I ad at I ttaa I al in clearuine, whitenmp and
removing tartar from the teeth, becdei deurrying
II gernu ot decay and dueaae which ordinary
tooth preparation! cannot do.
iTlJIT HIAIITU Purine used u a mou'ii-
diiinfec't the mouth
and throat, purifies the breath, and kills the gerr. i
which collect in the mouth, earning sore throat,
'bad teeth, bad breath, grippe, and m jch sick.ieu.
!TJ!P TYC vi'hen inSamed, tired, ecl.e
lis Si tltJ and bum, may be instirlly
veueved and strengthened by Putins,
rATADQU Paxtuvs will destroy the Rcrmi
W I M 1J II I that cause cat-rrh. h-.il the in.
Bammation and stop the discharge. It is a sure
remedy (or uterine) catarrh.
Paxtine is a harmless yet powerful
termicide,diinfcclant and deodorizer.
Jsed in bathing il destroys odors and
leave the body anliseptically clean.
Draft Sialllona
And mures for sale
Your choice of liu
Ik rted. Perelieron
rliire and HHk-luu
nt anions,
lloniH-brrd stfillltina
v.uV ,ii !- . '''.,.;
t'-MI l o i'M, ii' my ktu-
iiio Honrs, jiiiurain'i
carri-d 1' do.lred
: 'it
Write for IVI purlieu
Urs to Frank L. Stream, Croston, la
CnW ri-KiiT.iii.isTi
aUn luubu. i.r .era ..inr... vtlce and I ,,,, lA la
teak WaJ, C1ULL H fcl CO., Klk ralat, . Oak
aW 1FI fsfB Tl ittri
Wore the constant hacking tears the delicate membrane ol throat and
lungs, exposing thera to the ravage oi deadly disease. fWt Cure
goes straight to the seal oi the trouble, stop the cou;h, strengthens
the lungs, and quickly relieve unhealthy conditions. Dec use ol its
pleasant taste and freedom irora dangerous ingredients it is the ideal
teavedy (ot children. Al the first symptoms ci couh or cold ia
the Lttle ones you will save sorrow aud suffering ii you
w A 1. II iiiT la.1
fcarrlrerl . of Drain.
With bis brain smaller by four
ounces than when he fired a bullet Into
his head on April 3, Jacob Kits within
a few dnys will be discharged, cured, ,
from St. Mary's lumpltal, In Urooklyn, I
sn.vs the New York I'ress, II ; ease
tins drawn the attention ot ph. sh'laim
from all parts of the city. TIi his;1
tnl doctors gald yesterday the recovery
was one of the most remarkable on
It was thought that even If Kltis sur
vived lie would lone fight mid taste, ns
the bullet passed through the ''U't .of
tl i- hrnln eon I roll in,; these fens. ' lie
pelted tests. It iwever. have shown hi
ii'.li. litis not ln'cli Impaired mill that
lu taste Is us seiisltiu ns ever.
A bullet plowed t lirouj;!) Itltz'H brain,
fr icturlliR (he r-Knll on lolh sides and
pi. rising tlnoii,;i the frontal lolies. He
lay uuco'.iselnus for several days. A
timior formed between liruln and skull
and pren-ed upon the Injured loin, A
rulilier luhe whs Inserted In the bullet
hole in the ri.nht temple and the tumor
was drained o!T. I'.efore Kits hegnu to
itvnvcr the physicians removed,
th:.:i!h the bullet hole, part of his
brain, weighing In all about four
ouacea. '
Tliere Is more Catarrh In this section of
tlie ruiinlrr than all other diseases put to
(Ti'ther. nn, I until the last few year was sup
posed to be incurable. For a great many
years doctors pronounced It a local dl.eiHS
an. I prescribed '"cal remedies, and by con
stantly failing to cure with local treatment,
pronounced It Incurable. Science lias proven
catarrh to be a constitutional disease and
therefore requires constitutional treatment.
Unit's I'ntsiTh Cure, manufactured by V. J.
I'hen. y & Co., Toledo, Ohio, Is the only con
stitutional cure on the market. It la taken
Internally In dnaes from 10 drops to a tea
spoonful. It acts directly on the blood and
mmnin surfaces of the system. They offer
one hundred dollars for snv case It falls to
cure. Send for circulars and testimonials.
Address : K. J. t'HENKY 4 CO., Toledo, O.
Sold bv Druirelste. 7."v
Take flail's Family I'll Is for constipation.
A Hard (air, Indeed.
A religious note from rnrson Flat
foot's congrt-gntlon, as recorded In the
Chicago Dally News: Tri'sou Flatfoot
Mawnln', Sister Snowball. How nra
Brudder Snowball dls nmwnln'T Sis
ter Snowball lie nni powful bad dls
mawniu', pahsou. De doctah done say
he bare a 'lignnnt ulster on his back,
an' All's 'fraid he atu gwlue ter be a
firin'd lnfiileK
Vliole Dodr Mass of Raw, Dlced-
InK, Torturlnsr Ilnnior llalr All
Ft-11 Oat Hoped Death Would Knd
Fearful SntTerlnts In Despair
Cared by Cutlcara. '
"Words cannot describe the terrible
tczema I suirered with. It broke out
on my head and kept spreading until
It covered by whole body. I was al
most a solid mass of sores from head
to foot. I looked more like a piece of
raw beef than a human being. The
(win and ng'ny I endured seemed more
than I could bear. Blood and pus
oozed from the great sore on my scalp,
from under my finger nails, and near
ly all over my body. My ears were so
crusted and swollen I was afraid they
would break off. Every hair In my
head fell out. I could not sit down,
for my clothes would stick to the raw
and bleeding flesh, making me cry out
from the pain. My family doctor did
all he could, but I got worse and
worse. My condition was awful. I
did not think I could live, and wanted
death to come and end my frightful
"In this condition my mother-in-law
begged me to try the Cutlcura Item-
ed!cs. I said I would, but had no hope
of recovery. But oh, what blessed re
lief I experienced after applying Cutl
cura Ointment. It cooled the bleeding
and Itching flesh and brought me the
first real sleep I had had In weeks. It
was as grateful as Ice to a burning
tongue. I would bathe with warm
water and Cutlcura Soap, then apply
the Ointment freely. I also took Cutl
cura Resolvent for -the Mood. In n
short time the sores stopped running,
the flesh began to leal, and I knew 1
was to get well again. Then the hair
on my head began to grow, and in a
short time I was completely cured. I
wish I could tell everybody who has
eczema to use Cutlcura. Mrs. Win.
Hunt, 13."3 Thomas St., Newark, N. J.,
Sept. 28, 1908."
Totter Prug ft Chem. Corp.. Sols
T'rojis. of Cutlcura Remedies, Boston.
The Right Foot Foremost.
Tutting the risht foot foremost was
an old Roman ordination originally
regulating the entry of persons Into a
house or other building and bused upon
the supposition that the left was un
lucky. A boy was kept at the door to
see that no one entered the house "left
foot first." The phrase quoted Is thus
6eeu to be very nntliiie.
m i.a an
Munyon's Co!l Itpmedy Relieves ths
head, throat end lun-t almost luiuiedlute
ly. C'lieoUs Kevers, Hojn lilmlimgon of
the tioue, take. :ir all actiea aud ji'ilns
caused by colds. It curia Cirlp and 1
minute t.'ousUs and pieviuts l'neuuionia.
Price "oe.
Have you stiff or swollen Joints, no nint
ter how cbroule? Ak your druggist for
Munyon's KUtMiuiatlam ltciu'dy aud ses
bow qnlrkly you w ill lie cured.
If you bare snjr kidney or bladder trou
W get Munyon'a l.duy l(i-ni-y.
Munyon's Vltullter make weak men
strooi, and retures loat powers.
w. wta. w-i m Ts -i natsv P 1. "3
a. i
"Fifty nilles nn hour! Are yon
brave? She (nwallnw li.g another pint
of dust) Vcr. il.'iir. I'i'.i full of grit
Chicago News.
Miss Rlnkels Father always gives
me a book tut my birthday. Miss Tart
ley Vli:it n lino library you must
have. Town 'IVpics.
lioctor You have Kome sort of pol
boh In your system. Fat lent Shouldn't
wonder. What wan that stuff you gave
me? New York Sun.
She Mother never leaves the house.
She simply hates visiting, lie (with
sudden decision ) Will you bo mine,
darling'--Boston Transcript.
"Y'otir town enjoys tlie reputation of
being the homo of two Congressmen,
doesn't It?" "No. It doesn't enjoy it
It has It!" New York Herald.
"lo you know anything about flirt
ing?" "No." he replied sadly. "I
thought I did. but when 1 tried It tho
girl married mo." Boston Globe.
F.thel Iiidn't It seem an age from
the time you were engaged till you got
married? Maud Yes. but Jack and I
managed to siin'e;:e through It. The
Tat I or.
lit Wonder why It is they always
speak of tho "blushing bride?" She
Nothing very remarkable about It, con
sidering Hie kind of men most women
in a r ry . Illustrated Bit s.
Clara That iiinn who Just passed
Avas an old tiaine of mine. Kate In
deed! Wlmt happened between you
Clara Oh. lie flared up one day and
went out. Boston Transcript.
lie And you won't go with me? She
No, I don't like your style. IK
Booh! You're as fuil of airs as a
street piano. She Maybe, but I don't
go with a crank. Cleveland Loader.
Father (angrily) If my son marries
that actress I shall cut him off abso
lutely, and you can tell him so. Leg,'tl
Adviser I know a better plan than
that tell the girl. The Law Journal.
"I suppose your wife was tickled to
death at your raise in salary?" "She
will be." "Haven't you told her yet?"
"No; I thought I would enjoy myself
for a couple of weeks first." Nashville
Yoii go around borrnv. mg money,
and yet you stent to be prosperous."
I am." "How do you manage- It?"
My motto is. 'Always put off till to
morrow those you have done to-day.'
Cleveland Lender.
The Employer Young man, I don't
pee how, with your salary, you can af
ford to smoke such expensive cigars.
The Employe Y'ou're right, sir I
can't; I ought to have a bigger salary.
Cleveland Leader.
"Y'our husband wor a good man," d
clared the sympathetic Mrs. Casey t
the bereaved widow. "He wor!" X
claimed Mrs. Murphy, dashing the tears
from her eyes. "No two policemin cud
handle him." Tit-Bits.
"What sort of an after-dinner speak
er Is BllgglnsV" "One of the kind who
start In by saying they didn't expert
to be called on, and then proceed to
demonstrate that they can't be called
off." Washington Stlir.
James I get a penny every time I
take my cod-liver oil. Thomas What
do you do with them? James Mother
puts 'cm In it money box till there's
enough, and then buys another bottle
of ctKl-liver o'.i. The Sketch.
Bigg.1 1 understand that you encour
age your son to practice on the cornet
Griggs Yes. sir. He's only been play
ing two months, but to-day I bought
the house next door to mo for one-half
of Its value. Brooklyn Eagle.
Wife Billy, dear, I stitched up the
bole In your trousers' pocket last night
after you had gone to bed. Now. am I
not n thoughtful little wife? Husband
H'm ; how did you know there was a
hole in my pocket? New York Times.
Practical Father lias that young
man who wants" to marry you got any
money? Romantic Miss Money! He
gave me a cluster diamond ring studded
with pearls.' Practical Father Yes, I
know. T.ut hn.-j he any money left?
Stray Stories.
Patient Are you sure, doctor, that
this heil:!i food that you have recora
inendei Is nourishing? I loi tor Sure?
Why, I know it. The man who Intro
duced that health food not only lives,
but supports a huge family on It.
Stray smrles.
"lio you ever lose that umbrella of
yours?" asked the maiden. "No, I
don't." replied the man, sternly; "the
person who takes that umbrella will
have to take inc.' "I in I understand
that to be a proposal of marriage or
a threat';" Yiiikers Statesman.
She -What do you want? He A
peimorlh o' puddcu. She Plain or
plum? llo Plain. She Hot or cold.
Ho--Hot. She--Have It 'ere, or tike
it wlv yer? lb---'Ere. She Fork oi
fingers? He (wearily) O blow yer
ptiiMcn! Gimme 'am ! -The Bystander.
Autoist tho lias pnbl boy to bring
assistance' lld you give the farmer
my message, boy? Boy Yep: I told
him titer' wuz four aulobfelers stuck
in a ilt l IT. an' million! git out. Aulolst
What did he say? Buy He said,
"Hooray" an' gimme another quarter.
Mule ;! .
Men are greater gossips than women
There is nothing a man iikes better
than a sin tula I. ami even if this Is not
aiways forthcoming he thoroughly en
joys talking about other folks' affairs.
Get a man at a tea table aud gossip
will not be lacking for a minute. Who
brings all the latest rumors to country
houses If It be not (he men? London
(if course, 110 Ki'tiKlttle man Is tiuhamv
td of his age, hut he regards It us hi
does his bank Htvunnt ; nobody's bdaJ
lievi but hla own.
v, iWflESICAKcj
On January 17. l"il. Benjamin
Franklin saw the beginning of his Ions
life, which fortunately for the work,
had other dimensions than that of
length. In th young and scrambling
village of Boston, whore be was born
In a house opioslte the Old South
street Cluirch, the period of boyhood
was 'shortened by the new country'!
need of producers rather thau consum
ers. Familiar as tho story of George
Washington's hatchet I the story of tho
quaint, precocious child who at 7 dls
eonragetl his father's Idea of devoting
him to tlit church, at 1(1 helped hla
father In tho iinoongonl.il trade of soap
holler and tallow chandler, and at 12
signed an Indenture of apprenticeship
binding himself o serve his brother for
nine years as printer. .
In Philadelphia, when he a; rived
there In 1"!, there were but two print
ers. With one of these, Kolmor, Frank
lin secured employment. Through hla
, I , -,.
wont no .0 mno c,,u,u ir
William Keith, tho governor 01 the
province, w ho promised to aid bin, . and j
Franklin prepared to goto England to,
purchase a pros and types. I p to the
moment of salllnif tho coventor lironi-I
moment of sailing tho governor proin
Isod to supply letters of Introduction
and credit, but the promise was broken.
Franklin, a hoy of IS. found himself
alone hi Iotidoit, where ho easily gained
employment, and where he remained a
yetr and a half.
After this visit In England he re
turned to Philadelphia In 1724, estab
lished himself In tho printing business,
published a newspaper, practiced Indus
try and frugality, avoided the appear
ance of evil, married and gradually
rose high In the esteem of his fellow
Through "Poor Richard's Almanac
he preached to the people. Ho organ
ized societies and clubs; learned
French, Spanish and Italian ; served as
clerk of the provincial general assem
bly for fourteen years and was then
chosen a member of the assembly It
self; was appointed postmaster of Phil
adelphia ; Invented the Franklin stove;
founded a philosophical society; start
ed the movement for an academy,
which eventuated Into the University
of Pennsylvania; organized the'L'nlon
Fire Company: helped In the founda
tion of a hospital; tried to reform the
night watch; secured city Improve
ments ; procured horses and wagons ta
cr.rry the ordnnnce and camp belong
ings of General Braddock on his ill-
fated campaign of the French a:;d In- (
, 1 i-,ii.l tl.o
dian war, ami in every way tilled the,
position or lirst citizen 01 ore .iu.i.n
eiP lmnav!vnnln.
. . - .. . 4 .1... . .... ...t ,,a
When "the province of Pennsylvania.
tim u no- i" I
wished a statement of grievances
against the I'eiins laid before the klna(
they selected Franklin to represent
them. In 170-1 ho was again soniiorm
to London to petition the king for a
. ..... .i 1 tHTK
royai got i'i iinifiii. i .,,..v.v ...
- , 1 1 r. letiAll in 11.1.
a fortnight aner 1110 i'.iiiki "- j
Concord tights. He was ny mm time i (
old mar., but the next two years wen (
nrobnr.lv the busiest of bis long life. In ;
177(t lie WHS OlOt lOU eilto.t iu a.-im., .
and during the revolutionary period (
upon him fell the burden of securing ,
foreign financial aid. It was not untU (
17S." that ho again found himself In
full view of Philadelphia. So little had
the Journey hurt him that he lived to
attend the constitutional convention Id
17S7 and to know that George Wash-
Ington would be the first President of
the republic which he had helped to,
tlie npilllllL
. . . IVnnMI
Wrltlnic I'ste Once I f tl ly the l'oei
Now In Hook !re.
A desk that was once owned by Ed
gar Allan P'X has been on exhibition
for seven', days in tlie windows or 1
Wall sVreet hook store, the New Yolk
Press say. The de.-k Is a small porta-
ble aff",.r of a fashion long out of use,
It la neatly made of mahogany, with
brass mount lugs. That the desk wa
Poe'B there Is said to lie no question,
for Its history has been carefully
traced. The desk was for several
years, after the poet's death, the pror
erty of Mrs. Clemin, Poe'a mother-In-
law. From her It passed Into the band!
of Amos Bardwell llayward, who, wltt
his wife, wetv Intimate friends of Mrs,
Cletnm. Tho desk was sold for the llrsl
time at auction, with several other ar.
tides and books of Poo's In this city
on April 17, P.HNt, bringing about ?100
In tho desk originally w as a vol unit
of George P. Morris' poems and ballads,
a presentation irom tin- uiiwiur iu s-ur
gar Allan Poo, hearing Mr.' Morris' au
tograph. This book was sold separate
ly at the same time wilh the desk am,
brought ?2"i. and eventually found Its)
way into Ili-nry W. Poor's library,
which is now being sold at the Ander
son book salesrooms. At tho Bale ot
- .1 l...- A t.-l
tho third part of the Poor library this
.t i ...t.t. r
Identical book was
hi mi i . tt ilii a it vi
lirst editions of Foe's works, but,
lowing the vagaries of
irii-es. only brought ft.
book auctloi
Suviigrry III i Is iliiHtlott.
It Is no time to say that man can
not, lit civilized Hiii lety, bo guilty o((
cniiiiahiliriin. I tell ym there an
inure eiiniilhnls In New York than In
the Islen of the I'ncllle; mid If to-tlny
you were Hiulilenly to take away ths
support that conies from eating men,
there would lie I IioukiiihIk and thou.
winilH of empty iiiiiwh to-inorrow lo
Mint city Henry Ward Iteecher.
Inly 'I rrhiili-al.
"They nitiHt he linirileroilrt ;ienple In
newspaper olllie."
"I wan In one the other day and
beard a mini tell another to cut oft" Mr,
Kinltli'H inan'K bend .mil kill Mrs
Joiie' Imliy." r.altlmore American.
Inrrraiiliiif Ihr KurTrrlaiaf.
Kiiiiii lliiii'H tho first i:iii);h of rciinn'so
cHtino to rrliiilnalri when thoy mt; how
Itllotlc tlioy nro inailo to haik hy ths
nrtlut vhi "tlrawK front I Iff." Wast
ItiKtou Pout.
fU sort Of way. lie S Bitting along t
Diet It oil Ptirsioa.
Mrs. Grlinhn (11,11, (, visitor !
removing hi wrw) What rtid you brln-.
tint man nut tier to dnmer for, when tb
home Is all torn up and full the wl;
of paint? Besiilos. jo.i'vr loll me a thuit
sand times that he's bore aud yotl don't
like birol
Mr. Gritnahaw 1 know It, my dear.
That's rby I brought him.
A Urnlal from lllath Authorlta.
Pr. II. W. Wiley, Chief Chemist of
the Agricultural Department, has dis
mantled of the Calumet Baking Pow
der Company, of Chicago, that It cease
the publication of alleged certificates
or statement that he had endorsed
the( Calumet Baking Powder, ot report
ed In favor of Us purity, wholesome
tie? or superiority. Such statements,
he says, are false.
Dr. Wiley never served upon a com
mittee of awards, as alleged, no, sign
ed such a report or certificate, nor did
ho ever Indorse the Calumet Baking
Powder In any way. On the contrary,
Dr. Wiley testllled before a Congres
sional, Committee relative to alum In
1 foixl. as follows: "As 1 have said re
1 peatrdly, 1 do not use It In my own
' UOIUI', HI1U Ttl'Mll. Ul'l UOV Allllll IU
1. .. 1 1 1 , ...... .I,,M, In
, ,
""f hnt Dr w d,.mnni1
Ca,umct c houlJ
pbl lent Ions, which are, lit
. .
says, "against the truth," was not com
plied with, although he says be has
done all he could "to stop the base aud
Inexcusable use of his name."
The public will share in Dr. Wiley's
Indignation that his name and official
position should be fraudulently used
to aid In foisting upon consumers a
food compound made from Ingredient?
which the Doctor has publicly declared
to be Injurious. From "National Food
Magazine," Chicago.
Ileeotrntt Ion.
Nan (at th party) You don't know
who he is? Y'ct you nodded to him.
Fan I wsnted liiuj to know that I rec
ognized bim as the man who stepped on
my ivfft whpn 1 was going down ths
stairwny of the elovated railway station
(his morning. Chicnco Tribune.
A Ocuerona Gift.
Professor Munyon hits just issued a
most beautiful, useful and coiiipl"te al
infinite. It contains not only all the sci
entific Information eoncevuipn tltr moon's
phases, in all the latitudes, but bns illus
trated articles on how to road character
by phrenology, palmistry anil birth
month. It also tells all 11 bout card read
ing, birth stones and tli.'ir moaning, and
gives the intcipiotntion of dreams. It
teaches beauty culture, manicuring, given
weights and measures and antidotes for
I'obon. in fact, it is a Magazine Al
mnnne, that not only rcivps valuable In
formation, but will ntTord much ntuuso
ment for every tni'iuber of the family,
especially for parties and evening enter
tainnienta. r armors nun pcniue in nit
nii.n) ,,,.,,,. fim, tU,J A',mnlmc al.
tainments, r armors and people In the
most invaluable.
It will be sent to anyone absolutely
fe jn application to the Munyon Rem.
r!y Company, Philadelphia, Pa.
J ' il !
To 11 uli l.nek,
"Dud always gives John tho best of
it, bectiz he's th' oldest. An' ma hu-
mors Bobby, he, uz bo's tho baby."
I "Ami wlipro tin vnn come In?"
And where do you come In?'
"Nowheivs. I gotta be good.
Cleveland Leader.
Brown's Bronchial Troches are of
ureal service in curing Hoarseness.
1 ' I... I t- T-1. , T I. ..
i.uub, mm ruiv j inini. iu uurn ..i
oer.ts. Samples mailed free. John I,
trown k Son. Boston, Mass.
0( , ,,,, Koi
Rivers When it comes to marrying
sporting mm that blomlu Miss Granstan
rakes the pnlm. ,,,,,,
Lrooks-lukoH the pn m? I should
lulnd is a baaeball
O.lr Oa. "BROMO QtllNIJtE-
fur the slgusttir or K. W. (JHOVK. (d the
world over to l urs a cola in uo usy. tine.
AlmtiHt mm (.nod.
Little Ikey came up to his father
with a very solemn lace.
It true, father," he asked, "that
marriage la
a failure?"
Ills father surveyed
him thought-
fully for a moment.
J "Well, Ikey," he finally replied, "If
you get a rich wife It's almost as good
( as a falln "t Hp.-oTs.
Money Made In Lite Stock In On
j lra, cssmdst.
w. j. Henderson, visiting Seattle,
writes to the Canadian Governtueut
! agent at Spokane, Wash., and says:
I have neighbors living there, and
raising wheat, barley and oats for the
past twenty years, and are now getting
from the same land '-'0 to 30 bushels
of wheat ier acre, 40 to 00 bushels of
' oats.
It was the first week of May when
' I got my tent pitched, but the farmers
all around had finished putting In their
! crops, so I ouly got llf'teeu acres broke
and seeded. They advised me, as It
was late, not to put In much wlist, so
I put In five acres wheat and ten teres
oats, one-half acre potatoes and vegeta
bles. All kinds of vegetables (row
well up there sweet corn, tomatoes,
onions, carrots, peas, beans, cabbage.
My wheat yielded about 20 bushels per
acre, for which I fot 7H cents, others
I mnt Rfl ronty mita f hraaliail ftr. rtimlintii
, - - ' --- - - - ' ' "
! Pp'" crer tor which I fot 33 celts per
1 bushel. You see I was tbree weaks
late getting them In; still I was satis
fied. From my observation, there Is more
J money made In stock, such as cattle
horses and sheep, as prices are blr b for
such, and It coats nothing to raise
them, as horses live the year around
nut on the (Trans, in fact, farmers t irn
their work horwes out for tli winter
uuil they come lu fresh and fat In the
Hprlu. Cattle, live out aeveti or eii;ht
nioiitliK. They mow the prairlu cruss
uiul alack It for whiter ami give out
Uraw. My iielhliora Hold Kteera ut
ft" each, anil any kind of a horse that
ran plow, from $ irdj up. I railed sixty
thlikeiiH ami five jilit, ih jiork, chick
eiiH, butter and pay well and al
ways a good market for anything a
mint raises, so I have every reason to
ho tlmnkrul, besides at the end of three
yearn I net my patent for homestead.
I heard of no botncHtead selling for leas
than JJ.OOO, so where under the sun
I'oulil an old uiuu or young uiuu do
8. C. N. U.
No. 81909.
""" ' " " " " 3
talar siraaasarlolitsTalaslsrcalarsinsssyslbrrt. Oss ISc aarkass ealais all llksra, lady s. la call oetot seller Iks aay artrr fa. taoctnaya
, a, aarasaal wliasal ntsisf ssart trlls lac baa tMaiss-Ms l SiSaSkMU aa Mu Cslefa, HOt'HOH VHVCCO,, Quiney.JII,.-vU
'Iter lb Artist la Sometimes Hsa
tvnetled with Shower af foist.
When the crowd grows particularly
iithusliif tic In a little concert hall In
ie heart or Little Italy, nickels and
Imes and quarter, and sometime
irger coins will flash throufh the
moke-fllled air at the singers on the
nrpeted platform, says the New Tors
orreFpomlent of the Cincinnati Tlmes
tar. These white-toothed, dark-brow-d,
vivid artists never deign to uotlo
:he silver shower while they are sing
log. But at th close of a song, tbey
grab earnestly for these maierltl evi
dences of esteem. For these gifts an
the only pay they get. It sometime,
happens that the crowd doesn't loosen
up readily. In which case the propri
etor hands a number of his particular
friends pieces of money, and at tin
end of the next song there Is a rlol
of "bis bis," and a hail of money on
the smeary stage. The stupors, ol
course, return these pieces to the pro
prietor, who does It again. But ths
other night the men at one table did
not throw the money they had been
given. The singers looked toward then
exoctantly. and they Just grinned Im
pudently. The proprietor came down
to reason with them and they sneered
at him. Ami then the angered artists,
feeling that they wore being deprived
of their rights, assailed the short
change specialists, first with vocal and
later with chlnaware reproaches. Bui
Magistrate Finn let 'em all go nexl
day. "Ixird." said he. In a weary asld
to his court oS'.ccr. "It's Ob! to be an
Prueiu-e of Watrh.
"Carson's tho most absent-minded
chap I over saw."
"What's ho been doing now?"
"This moi::ii:g he thought he'd left
his watch at home, and then proceed
ed to take it out of his pocket to see
If h had time to go home and net It."
This paper contains the advertisement
of tlie wonderful Danyss Virus prepared
by Dr. Danysz of the Pasteur Institute,
Paris. This preparation is lo use all
over Kurope in ridding dwellings and sta
bles in ci Ill's and villages of rats and
mice, and it is now being put on sain
with all dealers In the United Spates,
where Its success will doubtless equal
that abroad.
Si'tll MrrtiiKllnsr.
The Doctor (siiiklag his teeth Into a
white pippin) What a wonderful bene
faction to mankind the npple is!
Tlie I-rof.,SMor--p!,tii'fartion ! Y'ou In
nocent! It's a product of graft, sir
nothing but graft !
Tha Latest Pad.
Anna P. Adams Tstsfrtcol Beauty Jur
tie. 10,000 prizes to those who solve It.
Amuses young and old. Bend 25c to-day.
Hnom 212. SO State street, Chlcaio.
In I'lllaburar, I'erhnps,
"What is an alderman's pay In tils
towu';" asked tho strnnscr.
"I haven't ths slightest idea," answered
the prominent local politician.
"Von don't know whether they get a
salary or notT'
"O, yes: they get a snlsry. I know
what that is. hnt that's all."
You could nbver hope to buy a more stylish or serviceable
shoe than the "Leading Lady." It Is rlcht up-to-date ia appear
K; f mice and fits the foot perfectly from the very first. Besides
k. B a i . , 1 . a (..l.l.
wears much longer than most
made that it lasts twice as long as the average shoe,
and will retain its shape to the end.
Wty buy inferior shoes when, with the soma
money, you can get the "Leading Lady?" Your
tleuler will supply you; tr not, write to us.
Look for the Mayer Trade Mark on the sole.
FR EE-It you will send ns the name
not handlo Leading Lady btioes, wo will send you Iree.pos
puid. a beautiful picture of Martha Washinfton. siie l!ix2l.
Wo aleo make Kotiorbilt Shoes, Martha Waahinston torn
I art Shoes, Yonuu tualilou taboo
School Shoes.
For milEsIP
Wlewnniln Ifirotf1 tti trst bar
ley Lit lit Uuiua. t'ortfcin
It 1 1 It pr.Mliufjsi tlio bvl4wt
fltiiUui lrurlf'jamea,rth.
'( mttA If Uib Wi.r-..iiin Arrlrtll
ttrsmlH)aitl(iu alMaw'sr. Ivtur Kinar
j&fi Birlty tatW'ti thtlis)ta.t. Hisjblnuf.t
-'ij yn'iia on ru 11 wb duixut
'is i itatda do wTwjwUer.
Likdras - rarJkWatoA.ai...
If M BBS I t' -1 -
V((.r - e Jkean.aiaaan
11.11 fi
W 5 j.
Juirn loiia.rOrawpuvwrad Itself wtfh lnry Uilvon. It'a top to tSa
PfclU' t- .atMcUio I titimuil t llO,OWi.tiu.at. It will Oe luurii omrv fr
viU fTJSr
lfcvtl. KTSiryLMKlT U tittsi.lif about It. i- vuri Xnulf MI lew H for IWV, utt
cow l but t ; t tier trr. ! nl; wltfi !' t1rt rrtJii wttbla ! Wtjfki ft
ilinf ami Rnlditm f ifldi iuan t
cajbw i is, wsr.L, caiatui wiiaut uita iw tou gruaa iihmi ircaw
BalMr't tiotb Cantury ulralnnof rlowvr ii1 iimoiSy aeod ft mi all alone la
thsjtr u,loliitP r'Urltr. f onun ihrr ' timr f'an muf gur asUiikuiaV,
lub uiv ar irau iruu n ojua. iiai i orvu xumwautmncm
W kav by all ad da tha larsaat Sad Potato UmU In tho Wort!
no of our oollaro holdo 0,000 Buahala I
' . "f
Or for 10 in tampB) wamail fraaof
m.jjp sniiiun iMiiiar iirnaa
M luillun LAiI.ar (iiKU; VualtH, tbafareal
, jiejinirisj wjuu, uiTsurti asverupi nutti. yiemitic nti. lt atf stt
T goto mart thorewitli.
; ' And If J"U Bud 14 wo ada to
liovur aoeu b you tiaf uro
Cured by Lydia E. Pink
ham's Vegetable Compound
Baltimore, MA "For four years
my life was a misery to mo. I suffered
rrom irrpgiiian
ti(T8, terrible drag,
ping sensations,
extreme nervous
ness, and that all
pono feeling in my
stomach. I hail
Riven tip hope of
ever being well
when I begun to
take Lydia E.Fink.
barn's Vegetable
Compound. Then
I felt as thouph
new life had been
given me, and I nm recommending it
to all my friends. "Mrs. V. S. Ford,
1038 Lansdowne St, llaltimore, Md.
The most successful remedy in this
country for the cure of all forms of
female complaints is Lydia E. Pint
barn's Vegetable Compound. It has
stood the test of years Rnd to-day is
more widely and Buccensfullytiscdtnan
any other female remedy. It has cured
thousands of women who have been
troubled with displacements, inflam
mation, ulceration, iibroid tumors, ir
regularities, periodic pains, backache,
that bcttring-down feeling, flatulency,
indigestion, and nervous prostration,
after all other means had tailed.
If you are suffering from any of thes
ailments, don't give up hope until yon
have given Lydia E. llnkham's Vege
table Compound a trial.
If you would like special advice
vv rite to Sirs. lMnkliam, I.vnn.
Mass., for it- 8!e lias (ruldetl
tliousnntls to health, free ok
The Keasoa I Maks and 8cll More Ken's $3.00
to $3.60 Shoes Than Aay Other Maautsxtorti
Is lu I live ths wasrar She tenant t Ike neat .
nomplateorgarilikiloB at trained sxrtt BJS4 sklilaS
shoemakers Ik the conntrr.
The aelaeUok ot the leathers fkr tars: Bkrt f ttM Ska,
knd vary detail of tha snaking trj ererv devkrtmerit. Is
Km ae inr BV id oaei inoetDaa.r. it ina aa mava.ry.
If I could shma t.ki how c.r.nllT W L. r.tllaa ahoes
Sr Skkd. you would then Bkderatknd wkf they hold tketf
ahapa. it Setter, ud west longer Uua any oik or aaaka.
My Method of Tanning tut Salts mnkf thm Mor
Fltxlbltand ioi.ytr Weartnq than any othtrt.
hoe for F.vrry M ember i.f Itie tetaanlly,
XI era. Hoy a, Women, SI laaes Mnrl CatUdresu
For ante by shoe) denlers eyerywhere.
PRIITInM I None KnuliiB ollhoiit w. L. DonrlM
wHUIIUIl t iibiik "il lrli- siatiiixd BO bottuua.
tut Color I relets Ussd IxolBalraly. OktaJof sssasd are.
W. U DOUULAS. 167 Sssrk St., BracktBS, Msas.
shoes. It Is so well
of a dosler who rfnsu
ana special merit
s7.t ,:l
r $ i
m w-e, m J
.k' SSiYdfM
jf-y "Vim
.r7 1
Cures the sick end acts sis iraventive lor others. Liquid flvea en the
tongue. Safe lor brooil mares and all others, lies! kidney remedy. 50 writs
s bottle, 15.00 the dozen. Sl.00 and 110.00 the doien. Sold by all druggists
and turf goods houses, or sent, express paid, by the manufacturers.
SPOHN MEDICAL COMPANY, Chemists, Goshen, hi.
The parlay ot
your il.-uknw. no
beanla; saay to
barTewt. yielding
IiiNbw Vurk BtatB
121 bushels par
Oar ntm Emporor'Vll
ilam uat I" Die grott
twtoat f tt.ui'tjiiturjr
A Mil fw t atu n r t vk t h e
CmiMsrur biuiMlf. Voa
will wtuU IU lit
Dig Ultvl ptkckgf).
ti lit ton r arfj i itiainlllcvut bay.
V ;,'.fl.'d
all toata aantulait of Hii.ar Klnt ar
and ly food uru.1fr. logcttmr t.iiI)
f(ao(J uru.1fr. togctltar Ts-uti
ftbova ft basikaaa of Para Baad Kawaltv