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About Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 19, 1909)
V BIG FURNITURE BARGAINS rr u Wc carry a big stock, well assorted Furniture and Carpets at prices that are very reasonable. The goods advertised in your paper are just as represented, if not, we will refund purehase price. MATTRESSES COTTON TOP. A heavy layer of cotton on ex celsior. No. 4 tick, a heavy grade of tick. Sizes, 4-6x6-3, price $250 REVERSIBLE. A heavy layer of cotton felt on top and bottom of mat tress, with a thin layer of excelsior throughout the center. The tick is No. 6, which is strong and durable. Special Price 35 O COMBINATION MATTRESSES. A heavy No. 7 tick, in grey stripes, made with a heavy layer of cotton on top, bottom and ends, with some excelsior in center. Special Price . 500 COTTON FELT MATTRESS. Made of cotton felt. Covered in good grade of tick. Full size. Special Price 700 $12 Value, "Leader" Cotton Felt Mattress, made from full 55 lbs fine white cotton felt, best grade satin finished tick, 6j in. box, full size. Special price 098 $10 Value Extension Table, Hardwood, 6ft extension. Special Price 750 $2 Dining Chairs, Golden Oak, Solidly constructed. Fine finish. Special price. 1.29 $225 Iron Beds, Full size, colors green and white, strong. Special price 169 $14 value Combination Bookcases. Solid oak. Golden finish. Large com partments for books. Roomy writing desk. Special Price 995 THE ANDERSON FURNITURE GO. MAIL ORDCBS PROMPTLY FILLED 5?1 COMBINATION of EKiroc JJersey IBrcd Sows sxt Hxibbeird, Nebr exalts Monday, February 22, 1909 4-0 Head f Choice Sows and Gilts Selected from the Peerless and Woodale Herds, sired by such j 1 Tl tr i 1 T1 A. T 1 T1--1 i. ( T ' noiea rsoars as Jvant-De-ceai, .ureaunaugiii, ivuueria s Jim, Missouri Gold Finch, Red Jim, Beacom's Ideal, Ruby Critic, Masterpiece, Crimson Critic, Improver's Chief, Ougburn's Choice, Ohio Chief Primrose, King Moats, Mammoth John, and Nebraska Banker. i Bred to Ruby Critic, Rexall Chief, Crimson Notcher, Pleas ant Hill's Jumbo Critic 1st, and Beacom's Ideal, for March and April farrow. No postponement on account of bad weather, as sale will be held in seated and heated tent, one block north of depot in Hubbard. Sale Starts ait 1:30 P. M. Sharp Free dinner served in the tent at 12 o'clock. Terms! A credit of 10 months will be given on good bankable notes, drawing 10 interest. Auctioneer F. F. LUTHER. Clerk ED T. KEARNEY. A. J. NORDYKE J. P. BEACON Owners NOTE All bogs to be shipped, carefully crated, and placed at depot in Hubbard free of charge. No crates furnished for bogs to be hauled away in wagons. Be sure to come iu time for dinner 7H 71 jr Color Hair Aycr's Hair Vigor, as now y made from our new improved nula, does not stain or color hair even to the slightest . Gray hair, white hair, ; hair is not made a darker. But it certainly f - 1 ! ! 1 : - KI oc'o Slop lulling nan. iiu ' I - 1 A. question aooui inai. it'ri rrt change the color of the hair. 1" uers formula with uob bottla 0bow it to your dootor Aik htm about it, than do aa ha aay I ndeed, we believe It will stop every case cf tailing hair unless there is some very unusual complication, something greatly aH:ci:!ig the : general health. Then you shai'l ' consult vourunvsicisn Also ask him atcut the new Ayer's Hsir Vigor. ' h7 1 10 J. O. Avaa Oa..LowaU. Hal." V BUCiBEE'S SEEDS SUCCEED! SPECIAL OFFER: Mala to halla Haw Baataraa. A trial will luake yuu our paruuuienl cub turner. Ptire COlleCtlOtl IU4UKnTartl.a:Ut. 11 the MiMl ; 1 t splendid ; Oaioa. 6 mm vanu- I tLcti it lippr;.iiwHin Hull TaneUei la aU. Write to-day; Mention this Paper. I SEND 10 CENTS . 1 Iam- kP tuutsn tuid Mckici tod rclv this va1uahl 1 ' o - 'vlro, l4.Hui!iul .et and Plant liokv Pj. . el. ftbou. tit litmt VWittiM of beeds, flntlts. lc L Undertaker County Coroner li. l Suwyor Jackson, Nebraska 1 t KB V! IS2 '-Kit OOG-GOS Fourth Street, SALE Local Items Friday, February 19, 1909 Having a good stock of hardware and tinware on hand, we ask you to call and see us. Selmever Bros. Louis Wil kins was a via'tor Lere a short time Tuesday. Ed T Kearuey was here on buninrss from Jucksou jeslerdty. Buy a good farm on the Dakota Eimers. county bottom. I have it. Paul Pizey and wife are littiog np their new home preparatory to bcyin housekeeping. 'Why is it that Van sell so much Breun coffee? Because it is the best to be had for the money. Thos Debian, the new proprietor of the City Hotel, moved his household goods over from Sioux City Thursday. Fred W Dormaa and Mata U 8cbroe- der, both of Emerson precinct, were united in marriage Tuesday by the county judge. Watch for Van de Zedde's sale bar gains, as lie lias a lot of goods that he is going to close out before he moves to Lis ne location. Judge Stinson on Wednesday per formed the marriage crrmony which united Nicholas K Liewer and Msrv E Kerwin, both of Emeriton. The E & B Lbr comptny this week moved their building whiuu btood near the Omaha dpot to Foje'd park, una will fit it up for a summer cottage for their employes. Corumuunn services will be held in the t'aleru English Lutheran church Sunday morning Feb 21st. The offer ing for benevolence vill also be receiv ed. Communion at Dakota .City in the afteruoon. Mies Owendolin Rockwell, daughter of Sheriff J P Kockwoll and wifo of this place, was joiued in marriage on Wednesday of this week to Frank XUeiian, 01 ronca, wno formerly was employed in the Doolittle barber shop in this place. The ceremony was par formed in Sioux City in the Cathedral of the Epiphany, and was strictly pri vate. After a short wedding trip to Omaha they will go to housekeeping on a farm near Ponca. Sioux City, Iowa 1 House to rent. Mrs Rosa Stinson . The Foye line was opened for busi ness again Thursday. Alex Nixon, of Hotter, was a busi ness visitor here Monday. Bert Brasflfld has taken np his resi dence at Crystal Lake park. Subscribe for the Herald, the best piper in the county, fl a year. E J Smith and wife, of Homer, visit ed Saturday night at the H P Crozier home. Channcy Joy, business in the Monday. of Sioux City, had disirict court here Judge Kennedy, of Sioux City, at tended the session of the district court here Monday. Robert Woods is nursing a sore hand, tue result of a small scratch which be came iufeoted. James King and Oeorge Blessing, t wo of Homer's business meu, were in town Tuesday. J B Rossiter, of Emerson, is acting in the capacity of stenographer for Judae Guy T Graves. Orville A Roe and Miss Cora Kelly, of Omadi precinct were joined in mar riage Saturday by Judge Stinson. Mrs R E Evass and daughter Anna arrived home Wednesday from their visit with relatives in Pennsylvania. U S Marshal Warner was here from C mail a the fore part of the week at tending to some matters in the district oourt. Nut, egg and range hard coal, also all binds of soft coal in any quantity you may desire, at the Edwards & Bradford Lumber Co. Clyde Crego has severed his connec tion with the Doolittle barber xbop, and Cliff Peterson is now wielding the razor there as extra mau. Mr? John Foltz, who has been quite sick for the past two weeks, was re moved to St Joseph's hospital Tuesday to undergo an operation for appendi citis . George Kohlmeier returned home Suuday evening from a two weeks' trip to Jerioo Spriogs, Mo, wheie he was called to attend the fnneral of a brother who died recently . The fixtures for the bank and drag , store have arrived and are being put in place as fast as posible. These will bo two elegant business places wlnn completed and oooupied. Fred Dueui-ing arrived home last Friday from a ten weeks' trip to his old home in Germtny. He enjoyed the trip immeusly, but he founl a vast change after his twenty five years absence. The Special Lincoln teivice which was to have been held at the M E churcli Sunday has been postponed until next Suuday the 21, when the entire program as arranged will be carried out. Remember the big combination Duroo Jersey sow sale of A J Nordyke and J P Beacom at Hubbard, Nebr, next Monday, Feb 22. They have some &a offerings in this sale and you suouid not miss it. 8 A Stinson and D M Neiswanger returned home Sunday from their bus mess trip to Minneapolis. They start ed from here Mouday evening, a week ago, and were snow bound three days wLnie on tue way up. Perfect eyes cannot be bought at any price, but defects of vision can be corrected with properly fitted glasses We have them in all styles of lenses and mountings at reasonable prices. V C Eckhart, Licensed Optometrist. 1 j uasey was down from near Ponca Tuesday transacting business lu re. He also paid The Herald office a pleasant call, and added his name to our rapidly increasing subscription list, which will enable him to get all the news while it is news. A J jNoruyse ana J I' licaooni are this week advertising their big Dnroc Jerrey bred Sow Salo which will be held at Hubbard on Monday, February '22 ud. If you havn't received one of their catalogues diop them a card aud get one. And don't forget to attend the big sale. Services at the Methodist Episcopal church every Sunday as follows Preaching, 11am; Sunday school, 10 am! Class meeting 12 m : Epworth League, 6:30 p m; Preaching, 7:30p ip. Preach in Grace church every Sunday at 2 :30 pm. You are cordially invited to any and all these services Subscribe for Th Hkrald fl pe year. J V Pearson, of Ponca, transacted legal business here Monday. J 8 Browning and Sam Bhort were here on business from Sioux City Mon day. Leo O'Connell and Nellie Crowe were married at Emerson last Wednes day by Rev J Burke. Mrs James Cooley and children spent a few days the past week helping care lor her sister, airs Ueo Wbaley who is seriously ill at her home in Uomer. Jos Clements and wife arrived here Friday evening of last week from their claim near Otis, Col. They report very little snow in Colorado during the recent bliezsrd. Now would be a good time to drop in and settle np your account, as I can uso every cent that is coming to me. Your promptness in this matter will be greatly appreciated. J, Van de Zedde All kinds of coal, feed and hay for sale at reasonable prices. Fiixps & Slaughter Co. TheoEBliven, Manager. Dakota City, Neb. Lee Armour, a former Dakota coun ty boy, son of Wm Armour, arrived here last week from Shoshoae Colors do, with his wife and will spend a few weeks visiting relatives and old time friends. Regular preaching at Salem next Sunday morning at 11:00 o'clock. Sunday school at 10:00. Preaching at Emmanuel church, Dakota City at S :00 p m. Sunday school at 9:45 a m. Christian Endeavor at 6:30. A cor dial weieome to all. Considering the bad condition of the roads, the dance given in the new Ayres-Erumwiede hall last Friday evening was quite liberally attended. The music was not np to the expecta tions of the committee, owing to the fact that part of the orchestra, the harpist, was snow-beund at Norfolk. and an "ump-ta" organ was used to fill the vacancy. HIGH SCHOOL NOTES 1$ EDITED BY THE SENIOR CLASS Mv- Rev Von Hagen, Robert. Evans and Gretchen Baughman visited the High school room Friday afternoon . Nearly all the pupils from the coun try were absent last week on account of the roads being drifted shut. Mable and Myrtle Ronton went to Elk Point Tuesday to attend a wed ding at that place Wednesday. Esther Learner was absent Wednes day. Charles Fisher was honored with a position this week that no one in the High school has ever had. It was act ing as best man at a wedding Wednes day morning. This Friday the members of thj second division will give a program whieh promises to be very interesting. Lettie Heikes has been absent this week. Margaret and Hal Bridenbaugh re turned to school Tuesday after a wrek's absence. Miss Wilson will give a short Wash ington's program at 2 :80 Monday after- on. Barbara Neiswanger was not able to get home from Homer until Monday evening on account of the storm. Oeorge Sanford was taken sick in school Tuesday, but was able to be in school the rest of the week however . On accout of the thermometer rang ing from 55 to 57 degrees, the second and third grades were dismissed from 11 :30 to 1 o'clock Wednesdav. Elda Bridenbaugh re-entered school this week after a week's absence fol lowing the blizzard. Lavern Strong left last week for his new home but returned with his moth er on account of the snow in the north; he is visiting the schools this week . Currenc- Fisher has been absent since the storm. Glints from tht Sloan, Iowa, Star. Even the most truthful of men some- imes find it convenient to suppress a part of the truth Some men "get religion" evervtime their liver gets out of rler. You seldom find a man bo bereft of honor that he will not occasionally re- spend to an appeal to confidence in his integrity . Few people are broad enough to un derstand that, what may be exquisite pleasure to them may bo the depth of boredom to others. A man without imagination misses most of the delights and many of the annoyances of life. Some people find their greatest en joyment in life in making life misera ble for others. The boy who has not enough "gin ger" in his make up to sometimes de sire to do wrong, seldom develops into man with enongh stamina to do right. Some people believe it is impossible to be good without being obstinate. A crank is a man who proposes a re form before the people are ready to accept it. No man ever becomes a leader who is not able to both give and take hard blows without harboring bitterness after the fight is over. For Sale. Springers and fresh cows. Good onus. j al XiAiiRY. Jackson, Nebr, Subscription Bargains Xihe lie rev Id cvnd New Idea Magazino $1 30 Sionx City Daily and Sunday Journal 5 00 without Sunday 4 20 to rural route patrons ,, 3 50 Lincoln Daily News to April 1. 1 20 Kansas City Weekly Star. .. . 1 IN Ion a Homestead 1 40 Eighteen Months In the Pen Eighteen months at hard labor in the penitentiary at Lincoln, Nebr This is the sentence that was imposed upon l horn as Doll, by Judge Guy Graves, at the session of district court held here on Monday. Doll entered plea of guilty to the charge of burglar ising tue depots at this plaoe and Co burn Janotion on the night of January oiu. Alter going through both depots Le made his get away and was afterwards captured at Kansas Citr aud brought back for trial. . His plea of gnilty made short work of the trial, wuicn was only a matter of formality Deputy Sheriff Biermann left Wednes- day for Lincoln with the prisoner and will turn him over to the warden of the penitentiary. C E Doolittle ac companied the deputy sheriff on the trip, as a guard for the prieoner. following are other eases which were disposed of, or in hiou decrees were rendered: A II Riokman vs W H Ryan etal Plaintiff to show cause during this term or case stands dismissed. Chas O'Connor vs Mike Waters, ad ministrator of the estate of Patrick O'Connor deceased. Finding and de cree for plaintiff. Margaret Adams vs Joseph A Fore et al. Dismissed at plaintiff's costs. WHRyan vs J A Blondell. Set tled, and dismised at costs of plain tiff. Martin Neilan vs John Dougherty et Decree granted as prayed, costs taxed to plaintiff. In the matter of the estate of Levi Bruce, deceased. Sale oonllrmed nd deed ordered. Amanda Fueston vs W C Orr. De fendant defaulted. 3 L Voss vs W B Palmer et al. De fendants defaulted ; judgement and de cree as prayed, costs taxed to plaintiff. Vina Muane vs Jacob Shine. De fendant defaulted. B E Short vs Vera Cruz Sugar Co. Defendants defaulted; judgment and ecree as prayed : costs taxed to plaint iff. Wm Lister vs Rsanna Duncan and ames Duncan. Judgment against defendants revived as prayed. Wm V MoNamara vs J J McAllister and Julia McAllister. Plaintiff re quired to file bond for costs within ten days or case stands dismissed. There being no jury work at this time the jury was excused until May 17, the date set for the adjourned term. Judge Graves will be back Saturday, however, to hear a few civil cases that are awaiting trial. Ladles' Aid Luncheon. The Ladies' Aid society of the M E church will give a lf$ luncheon at the home of Airs W L Ross on Friday even ing, February 26th. Luncheon will be served from 5 to 8 p m. MENU Lettuce Sand witches. Creamed potatoes. Pickles. Delicious cake. Pineapple sherbet. Coffee. Everybody cordially invited to at tend. Notice of Administrators Sale Notioe is hereby given that in pursu ance of an order of the Hon Guv T Graves, Judge of the District Oourt, f Dakota Uouuty, Nebraska, made on the 21st of November, A D, 1908, for the sale of the real estate hereinafter mentioned and described, there will be sold at public vendne, to the high est bidder, for cash, at the front door of thrt Court House, in the City of Da kota City, in said County, on the 25th ay of February, A D, 1909, at 11 'clock, A M, the following described real estate to-wit: w I of nw i acd the i of bw i seo 26,the e i of nw J of sw and the sw i of the sw i seo 23, all in Township 28, Range 7 e, Dakota county, Nebraska, and lot 18 block 13, nd lots 1-2-3 4-5-6-7 in block 18, and ots 2-3-4-5 in block C, in the illage of Hubbard, said county, or so much thereof, as is necessary to pay the debts against the said estate. Said sale will remain opeu one hour. Dated this 2T day of January, 1909. Patrick Dugoan. Administrator of the estate of Henry Rooney, deceased EO YEARS fl US Track Mark Designs OPVRiaHTS A.C. Annnn ...lli-g a nUplrh and mm qiil-kljr iMH-ri,-iitt anr tMMiiton free wniMner au iivniilKm n prwhahlr litiloiil nhl. C'oniniultlra l..n .iri.-lly ?"i,rlitNtfnl. HANDBOOK on Pnlanla iii tri'f. 01 1ac atram-j for nui'iinnK patanta. I'.,. .-111:1 iuitn ihrufttth Miinii A Co. recslT -m il n-inco, without ciinrue, lu lua Scientific Jlmericatt. K lnnil.n-iiolf fllnatratfirl wfpHr. T.oraeat nr. iilnO. li "f an? 'lenuUrt Journal. Trruia. S3 a f r: inir nuinilia.aL Bold brail nawwlealera .""?!& Co ,B"- New York .. ..m,... T tr PU Waablnalun. D.U. agazine IF YOU'VE GOT a little more money than you ned for every-day uses, that't liable to find iti way to Wall Street some time "for goodness' sake" in vest I 5 cents of it in the March liVERYBODY'S and find out how much chance you've got in ' the big iellovvi' game." Your 1 5 cents will pay you back in $ $ f,. For sale by all newsdealers W. I. I5EHEE AUCTIONEER 707 Neb. St., Sioux City, la Lrive Stock. Farm Sales uo not lorget tuat I will do your work and do it right. Phone fer dates at my expense, Auto 2810. Charges reasonable. Public Sale! Frank Davey, of the Valiey Fair Stock Farm, Jfcxckaotif Nebr, Having sotd his Home Farm, will, on Thursday, Feb. 25, 1909 Sell at public auction all of his Horses, Mules, Cattle, Hogs, Farm Implements- Etc. Etc. Etc. This will be by far the largest sale of the season. Col. E. E. Shackelford and IPraitiLlk EDavey Owner. Jackson, Patronize Home Industry buy your m?ats of Wm LORENZ, Proprietor of Dity Meat Market Fresh and Salt Meats always on hand Cash paid for Hides and Pelts Agent for Seymour's White Laundry. Basket Tuesdays and comes back Saturdays DAKOTA CITY February & and & March Specirxl SVcxtes Very Cheap to Washington, Oregon and California. Daily dur ing March and April, only $25.00 for one way colonist tiekets to the coast, good in through tourist sleepers. Through Service. Daily through standard and tourist sleepers to California via Denver, Scenic Colorado and Salt Lake City; through train via direct northwest line to Spokane, Seattle and new "North Bank" Columbia River scenic line to Portland. Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exposition. Seattle, summer, 1909. Very attractive rates next summer embracing the whole coast tour, the grandest railroad journey in the world. PLAN NOW. Ask the Agent for rates, variable routes and 1 attrartions of the coast tour. IIIUHIH mm CONCORDEAlTHARNBSa. MUARKAilOXS&auJkNXSTSJ Specials on Horse Blankets and Lap Robes Strong, Square Wool Blankets $ 1.40 Large, Strong, Square Blankets 1.75 Brown Duck-Lined Storm Blankets , . 1.70 Heavy Plaid Duck-Lined Blankets 2.00 IIevy, Plain Plush Lap Robes 2.75 Heavy, Fancy Plush Lap Robes 4.50 Very Fine Black Fur Robes, Large 8.75 Very Fine Black Fur Robes, Extra Large.. 10. 50 I Sturjges Bros AAAssAAsVAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAsAaBaAsBsA Be It Resolved: That during 1909, I, we, and you, will patronize "The Bank that ALWAYS treats you RIGHT" at Jackson, Neb., if never before, just once to try. We believe it to be Safe Sane and Sound, thor oughly up-to-date and with better service and methods and rates than we can get elsewhere. So Say Wc AH of Vs "As safe as a Government Bond." "Always Hungry for more business." personal property , including Cnl Put MnPAhn knna T W AlAVWMWf ilUVliVlitUl O Ed T. Kearney, Clerk. Nebraska. goes on NEBRASKA W. E. Snethen, Ticket Agt, Dakota City, Neb. L. W. Wakklkv, O P A, Omaha, Neb mhii aia m a wlWaiatV CARRIAGE HEATERS. HAEAJOKttftIANT 411 Paavrl Str..t Slows Clty Iwaa. f.