DAKOTA' COUNTY EIRALB, MOTTO All Tho News When It Is News. VOLUME XVII DAKOTA CITY, NEB., FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1909. NUMBER 25 M CURRENT HflPPEIilllG!'1-1-1 FAITHFUL CHRONICLE OF ALL IMPORTANT ITEMS. TAFT MADE A MASON PRESIDENT-ELECT GIVEN .MAS. TEH Dl'XiHEE AT CIXOXXATI. Highest Authorities of Seventeen Ktutcs Assist In the CercmonU-w llltcbeis-k Confers with Next Executive uml Then Goes East. William H. Taft, president-elect of the United States, Is a master Mason. The Impressive ceremonies which brought him that distinction In Cin cinnati, O., Thursday, were conducted bjr Charles S. Hosklnson, Ohio grand master. The highest Masonic authorities of seventeen states witnessed Mr. Taft's admission into the order, as did the members of Kilwinning lodge, of which Alfonso Taft, father of tho president-elect, was a member, and In which Charles P. Taft was inducted under the auspices of his father. Scottish rite cathedral was the scene of the ceremonies. Its main floor and gallery were filled when the distin guished candidate arrived.' The pro cedure, which culminated In the dec laration that Mr. Taft was a Mason, oc cupied thirty-five minutes. Mr. Taft received many greetings on a new plane of fellowship as he was escorted from the hall by the committee hav ing in charge his initiation The experience of being declared a Mason at sight was not ended with tho afternoon session of the grand loilgo. Mr. Taft witnessed during the evening the regular form of inltlatloiv-of a member. Frank H. Hitchcock, at the request of Mr. Taft, came to Cincinnati Thurs day from Chicago and, after his con ference, left for Washington. That they discussed the undecided post of secretary of the treasury was admit ted, but beyond the statement that no decision was reached, no information was obtainable. The suggestion that the place likely will go to Chicago, or further west, was made. WOMEN CLASH WITH POLICE. Suffragettes Make a Demonstration In London. The suffragettes failed in Ixndon Thursday In their attempt to present premier Asquith with a resolution of the Women's Freedom league declar ing for the continuation of the mili tant propaganda for suffrage. They first attempted 1o march in proces sion, but the line being broken up by the police, they mingled with a crowd of the curious, who had gathered to Witness the scene, and sauntered sin gly towards Downing street. The police, however, completely blocked all entrances to the thorough fare and twenty of the more militant suffragettes, who tried to break through the lines, were arrested, charged with Interfering with the po lice. For a time there was a scene of great disorder, the women time and again throwing themselves valiantly against a double line of police, only to be forced back, or If unusually persist ent, to be haniod over to constables, who marchod them off to the police station anid cheers, hoots and hisses from a throng. BANKER FOFXD GUILTY. Pittsburg Financier to Serve Term In Prison. W. W. Ramsey, former president f the German National bank, Thurs day was found guilty as indicted in connection with the recent graft ex posure at Pittsburg, Pa., The Jury returned a sealed verdict, which was opened when court convened. Ramsey Was accused of bribing Councilman J. P. Klein by giving him $17,600, for which Klein was to secure the passage of an ordinance making the bank a depository for city funds. Divorce for Mrs. Lemp. A decree of divorce, with alimony of ff.OOO a year and the custody of her on, was awarded Mrs. William J. Lemp, Jr., known as the "Lavender lAiy," by Judge George Hitchcock In the circuit court at St. Louis, Mo.. Thursday. The decision followed a ensatlonal trial, which lasted more than a week and cloned Tuesday last. Heart Is Sewed Vp. With five stitches in his heart hold ing It together, Albert Johnson, a 81-year-old colored man, of Philadelphia Is alive in the Pennsylvania hospital, following an operation in which the ut was sewed together by Dr. Francis P. Stewart. Sioux City Live Stock Market. Thursday's quotations on the Sioux City live stock market follow: Butch r steers, $5.60. Top hogs, $8.20. Radium Institute for Germany. A gift of $32,600, recently made to Heidelberg university, will be applied U the foundation of the first radium institute In Germany, In connection with a cancer institute In Heidelberg. Death In Explosion. Three persons were burned to death nd four fatally injured Thursday by hf explosion of a keg of mining pow der In a coal miner's house near Col Uiers, W. Va. ISBB. to a Plaila fro i shed Throng. A greater crowd than usual gather ed at Westminster Tuesday for the state opening of parliament by King Edward, who was accompanied to the function by Queen Alexandra, the prince and Trlncess of Wales and oth er members of the royal family. A day of bright sunshine and the fact that this wns the first public appear ance of the king and queen since their return from lierlln were largely re sponsible for the outpouring of the people who lined the route to Buck ingham palace and gave the sover eigns an enthusiastic greeting as they passed in procession with an escort of the guards to the house of parlia ment. Another and a greater crowd had assembled In the Immediate vicinity of St. Stephens. These people were curi ous to see what would be the outcome of the threats made by the unem ployed and the woman suffraglstf to Indulge In demonstrations. The police at this point were out In force and ready to deal with any disturbance. The house of lords, when their ma jesties appeared, was filled with peers and peeresses, members of the house of commons, diplomats and other rep resentatives of the official and social life In London. Ambassador Ueld and J. Rldgeley Carter, secretary of the American em bassy, wre in the diplomatic section. King Edward's speech from the throne contained no surprises, and as had been anticipated, the projected legislation forecast by his majesty Is largely social in character. The king opened with a graceful allusion to his recent visit to Berlin. BERLIN RIPPER STILL FREE. Continues Ills Attacks on Women In Streets. Murderous attacks on women on the streets of Berlin continue, and the criminal has not yet been arrested. Two new cases occurred Tuesday morning, and both women were slight ly wounded. This brings the aggre gate since the beginning of these "rip per" outrages up to 22. Five attacks were made upon wom en Monday evening In the eastern sub urbs which brought the day's total up to seven. One of the women was se riously Injured, but the others' in juries were slight. Many persons de clare they have seen the criminal and the descriptions tally In most cases, leading the police to the conclusion that one man Is responsible in every case. Witnesses of the attacks, how ever, have confined their attentions largely to assisting the injured women, allowing their assailant to escape. Sev eral arrests have been made. CRIME OF FIEND STIRS CITY. Revolting Deed Causes Sensation In Marseilles, The discovery of a revolting crime, recalling In detail the case which oc curred in Paris in 1907, has caused a sensation' at Marseilles, Francs. The body of an 8-year-old girl, torn by 28 knife wounds and further muti lated by burns, has been found In a populous quarter of the city. It was learned that the child had been ill treated before being killed. A man who had ben living with the girl's mother, who is a widow, has been ar rested. Munler and Suicide. A man known as "Pap" Johnson, a notorious Jointist, or keeper of an Il licit saloon, shot and killed Mrs. Fran cis Swltzer at the woman's home In Lawrence, Kan., Tuesday and then committed suicide. No motive for the tragedy is known. Johnson lived at the Swltzer home, which was in what Is known as the "bottoms." Man Demanded $7,000. Armed with a revolver In one hand and a dynamite bomb In the other, a man Monday at Kansas City, Mo., en tered the home of Lawrence M. Jones, president of the Jones Bros.' Dry Goods company, and demanded $7,000. By a ruse Jones overpowered the man, who was . arrested. Haskell Case Postponed. Owing to the sudden serious Illness of State's Attorney James Hepburn, Judge Strang, In the circuit court at Guthrie, Okla., Monday again postpon ed his decision In the Haskell-Mac-Reynolds seizure case until March 1. Judge Strang announced that there would be no further postponements. Dud Wreck in Illinois. Illinois Central train No. 206, south bound, fromSt. Louis to New Orleans, was wrecked six miles east of Mur physboro, III., Monday. Six persons are reported to have been killed and about thirty injured. Owing to brok en telegraphic communication the de tails are lacking. Philippine Bund Arrives. The Philippine constabulary band, composing over eighty members, which will lead the parade in Wash ington on the occasion of the Inaugu ration og President Taft, arrived San Francisco, Cal., Tuesduy on the army transport Buford. King Ofs'iis Parliament. A greater crowd than usual gath ered in Westminster Monday for the state opening of parliament by King Edward, who was accompunied to the function by Queen Alexandria, the prince and princess of Wales and oth er members of the royji family. lUmliquuko Shock lu Alaska. A upeciul from Skagway says an eurthuuoke was felt there Tuesday morning. No damuge was done. OVER 5,000 LIVES LOST. Many Persian Tmvtia Wiped Out by Earthquake News was received In Teheran, Per sia, Wednesday showing the violent earthquake recorded on January 2S at almost every scientific observatory In the world where seismographs are In stalled had Its location In the prov ince of Luristan, western Persia. Sixty Tillages in the district were wholly or partially destroyed, and the resultant loss of life is placed between 5,000 and 6.000. This Information was conveyed in belated reports to the government. The districts of Burujiird and Selahor, In Luristan province, were the centpr of the greatest violence and here the heaviest casualties occurred. Several villages are reported to have been completely er.gulft-5. The destitute survivors are Heclng into the town of Burujurd, whence appeals for assist ance are now teaching the govern ment. They report having lost practi cally all their herds, and about 10,000 head of tatt'.c rerlshcd. HEKCFED BY I.I I E SAVERS. Mcmls-rs of t'rrw of Wrecked Schoon er Are Saved. The four-masted schooner Miles M Merry, bound from Uctston to Norfolk, went ashore early Wednesday near Moriches. L. I. The crew of twelve men were taken off in breeches buoys by a crew from the life saving station. The Merry ran on the beach within a few hundred yards of the life saving station, ljust befoio daybreak, less than a quarter mile from the place where she ran ashore lust year. When first sighted by life savers she was between the beach and a sandbar off shore a'.id finking rapidly. The officers appar ently were unaware of their danger, 'ilthough the weather was clear. DUAL TRAGEDY. Voting Man Shoots Girl mid Then Kills Himself. While speeding along In a taxlcah In Reading, Pa., early Wednesday Stel la Rocktashel, aged 18 years, was shot and killed, and her companion, George E. Kraut, a telephone Inspector, 20 yeers of age, after directing the chauf feur to hurry to the hospital, turned the revolver that killed the girl upon himself and sent a bullet Into his heart, dying almost Instantly. Whether there had been a quarrel, or the two most notoriously bloodthirsty of all been-- definitely determined. Lewis Becker, the chaufTeur, was unable to throw any light on the affair. NOTED WARRIOR IS DEAD. Geronimo, the Famous Apacho Chief, Passes Away. Geronimo, the noted Apache Indian chief, died at Fort Sill. Okla., Wednes day, where he had been confined as a prisoner of war for a number of years. Geronimo was for many years the most notoriously blodthlrsty of all these Indian chiefs, and for over a quarter of a century, in the territory of Arizona and surrounding country, he waged a ceaseless warfare against the whltes, and was the terror of every white man, woman and child in the whole southwest. Blow for Lincoln Fans. All the Sunday baseball measures were killed In the state senate at Lin coln, Neb., Wednesday. This makes It Impossible to secure Sunday base ball In any form at this session of the legislature. Lincoln fans were agitating for the bills and thousands had signed petitions. JuMinese Immigration. According to a report by Chief In ipector John Sargent, of the Immigra tion office, issued in Seattle, Wash., Wednesday, there have come Into this country at that port during the last six months 652 Japanese men, women and children, on all the steamships ply ing to Seattle from the orient. Like a Fiendish Crime. Evidence believed to indicate a fiendish crime was found Wednesday when the unconscious form of Ella Glngles, an Irish lacemaker, was found In a room at the Wellington hotel. In Chicago. The girl was bound securely, suffering from laudanum poisoning and apparently had been assaulted. Oklahoma Bank Robbed. The bank of Oklahoma, sixteen miles south of Muskogee, Okla., was robbed early Monday, and the sheriff and a number of deputies, with blood hounds, have started for the cene. No details have been received. To Hunt Down Redskins. Lieut. Berlin, of Mexico CUy, Mex., has been ordered, with fifty infantry men, to penetrate the territory of Qul nana Roo and locute the Muya Indians who have been attacking settlements and small detachments of soldiers. I'lireqiiitcd Isvc (lie Cause. Lorenz Stroebel, disappointed In love ended his life at Ogden, I'tuh, by cutting his throat. Ills parents reside In Omaha, Neb. Vandcrbilt Fined for Contempt. Alfred Gwynne Vunderbllt, who bull ed for Europe ufter he hud been nul poenued to serve us a Juror in the su preme court, was fined $250 in New Vork Wednesday by Justice tltiy. lira at Garrison, Neb. Fire, started by the explosion of a lump, swept the west hulf uf Garrison, Neb., Wed tie. day, causing a loss of $50,01X1. Four store wire burned. The village is without file protection. NEBRASKA STATE HEWS i CITY OFFICIALS DISAGREE. Mass Meeting at Fairmont Grows Out of Assault. A mass meeting of taxpayers and citizens was held In Fairmont for the purpose of determining on some defi nite action In connection with the n isundcrstanding between the; city council and Mayor Hall. The meet ing grew out of a trial where Will Lot trldge, a temperance saloon proprietor, was found guilty and fined $50 for as sault on Rev. John Gallagher. Several weeks ago three council men contract ed for the services of a secret service man to secure evidence against Lott rldge. The evidence was secured and $100 of tho detective's remuneration wuspatd by the three counellmen, the expecting to be reimbursed out ofliie city treasury. Mayor Hall, however, refused to sign the warrant. He appeared In his own defense nt the mass meeting, and stated that he would not sign the warrant unless pre sented with a petition signed by 85 per cent of the voters of the city. Lottrldge appealed the cuse to the district court after Judge Bennett pronounced a fine of $50. His bond was. fixed at $300, but because he was unable to get a signer, he was com mitted to the county Jail at Geneva. GAMBLERS FIXED. Case Against Several Putties Arrested lit OrtI SettliHl. The alleged gamblers, who were ar rested at Ord a short time after waiv ing examination at the county court, decided, to plead guilty. The affair was a sort of a compromise all around. Three of the men pleaded guilty on condition that the other two would bo let off. Those who pleaded guilty were Arthur Hall, Butehle White and Fax Hughes. They were fined $100 each. The charges against Frank Crow and Charles Masln who had been ar rested with the gang were withdrawn. Ko action was taken' in the case of John Turner. Charles Strom, who act d as decoy and assisted the officers In the arrest of the gamblers went to Dakota last week and it was rumored that he had been hired to clear out and not appear with his evidence in the district court. Accordingly County Attorney Davis swore out a warrant and telegraphed for his arrest. He received a message by wire, that he was In Jail at Dallas, ft. D but as the case had then been settled he was at once released. WILL CASE DECIDED. Old Soldier Declared Insane and Be quest Sot Aside. The Frederick will case was decided the first of the week by the state su preme court, the decision of the lower courts being upheld. This case has created more popular Interest than any other In the history of Valley oounty. Mr. Frederick was In the sol diers' home at Grand Island at the time of his death and willed his farm and about $1,500 In cahh to Miss Edith Robblns. Tho will was contest ed by the family on the grounds of undue Influence being used and a plea ot Insanity was also entered. The supreme court In giving its decision considered the old gentleman Insane and therefore the will was set aside. A new hearing will be asked for. YOUNG GIRL DISAPPEARS. Missouri Senator In Omaha ScarclUng for Missing Daughter. J. W. Peck, of Westboro, Mo., mem ber of the senate of that state, was In Omaha hunting for his eldest daugh ter. Miss Nellie Peck, aged 19. The young woman left her home two weeks ago to visit the family of W. A. Slmp klns, at David City, Neb. She stayed at the Slmpklns home for six days and left for Omaha. She wrote home from Omahathat she had arrived and would register at a certain hotel. No record of her can be found at the hotel and no word has been received from the girl since. The missing girl Is stylishly dressed and of average height, with brown hair. Dominican Sisterhood Academy. The terms of the proposed transfer of the vacant convent property at Hastings to the Dominican sisterhood of the Catholic church, to be used for an academy, have been approved by all persons and officials concerned. The academy will be for boys and girls and will be ready for use at the begin ning of the next school year. Racing Date Fixed. O'Neill has been readmitted Into the North Nebraska short shipment racing circuit and the following Initial dates fixed: Norfolk, August 4; O'Neill, August 11; Neigh, August 18; Pierce, August 25; Crelghton, September 2; Stanton, September IS; Madison, Sep tember 22. The purses were left at $809. Grafton II us a Small Fire. Sunday night the alarm was given that the general merchandise store of Mrs. M. B. Halney had taken fire at Grafton. Owing to the prompt aid of the people and the excellent work of the fire extinguishers the Humes were checked before a greut deul of damage was done. lira uf Butte. Butte hud a disastrous fire Mooday. Odd Fellows' hall, one of the lui Rest in the town, being destroyed. Tic fire Was caused from a defective Hne. The Leslie restaurant also was burMd. He roic efforts saved the Hotel Oxford and Graves' general store Both caught fire many times. Closed (mi a Judgment. The Walton saloon was closed at Norfolk by Constable Flynn to protect two vncovered Judgments obtained by Hauler Bros. & Co. SAVES LIVES OF ClULDKEZT. Faithful Bulldog Drags Them Burning Home. Bursting In the door when neighbor! helplessly t watched the cottage burns lng, Jack,' a bulldog, at Omaha Satur-j day, saved the lives of thiee little girls whose protector he Sad been slnOe their father wan killed on th railroad two years ago. j Mrs. Mary Smith, the mother, was out nursing, and Klla. aged 16, was getting supper ready, while Mary, aged 4, and Jessie, 18 months, were on the bed when the flames broke out. Jack, who was outside, suddenly threw him- self against the door and seized Ella by the dress and dragged her out.' Seized with panic, neither she nor the' neighbors who rushed to watch the) tire made a move to save the younger children. Jack, after barking furious ly at the men and women, who paid no attention to his cries of alarm. rushed back Into the house and drag-j g-i out Maiy by her nightdress. By' this time the doorway was a mass of. flumes. The faithful dog, however,) :e:iped through the window and reap peared at the door with the baby. OXF. KILLED; EIGHT 1IVRT. Throe Pas-cuKcr Couches Icavo Ralls on tho Missouri Pacific. One passenger was killed and eight others Injured, some of them seriously, when three coaches of Missouri Pacific passenger train No. 104 left the rails at Union, a rmall station forty miles south of Omuhu, Sunday. I All the Injured persons and Thomas I'arnum, the dead stockman, were In the smoking car, which turned on Its side. The water tank crushed Bar num's skull and he was dend when found. Amos McNamee, with whom' Bamtim was conversing, narrowly es caped a like fate. j Although the weather was Intensely cold, the injured did not suffer greatly,' being cared for In the warm coaches which didn't leave the track. Seven physicians were hurried to the scene. None of the Injured, it is believed, will die, The wreck Is said to have been caused by spreading rails. TO COXTROL WHEAT PRICES. Farmers of Three States Organize a Combine at Hustings. An organization of the Winter Wheat Growers' association of Kansas, Nebraska and Oklahoma was complet ed Saturduy at Hustings at the close of a three days' muss meeting of farm ers of three states. The purpose la to control the price of winter Wheat. About 200 farmers signed a pledge agreeing not to sell their next year's crop for less than the price to be fixed at a delegate convention, except after thirty days' notice to the directors and failure to get the agreed prloe. A fund of $500 was raised to push the work of organization. ELECTRIC LIGHT FOR A RANCH. Proposed Also to Make Electricity Do Farm Work. j Lloyd Rude of Sunol, is perfecting an electric lighting and power system for th'e Booth ranch and also the en tire valley between Lodge Pole and Sidney. He expects to harness the waters of tho creek with a wheel of his own Invention, which will drive a 300-horse power dynamo. If this proves a success It will only be a short time until all the volley will plow their ground and thresh their grain by electricity, while the farmer's wife will do her washing and churn her butter with this Invisible power. Xebruskau In the Tolls. Benjamin Murquls, formerly a farm er and horse dealer near Oshkosh, wa4 arrested In Kansas nn Information, furntJHied by the Commercial National bank of Ch.'.ppell, claiming he owed that Institution $20,000, and that pari! of the sum was illegally obtained. He says his obligation to the bank is $15,-' 000. i Shooting Affray nt Br comer. During a fight at the Harder A Peterson saloon at Breemer between, Victor P;te.son and John Smith, Smith pulled a gun and shot at Peterson, one bullet striking him In the forehead, glancing upward and out, making 4 dangerous wound. He has a good chance for recovery. Klooinflcld'K First Homicide. The first homicide In the history oi Itloomfleld took place In the Maxwell billiard hall and rastuurant Friday morning at 10 o'clock. Mike Eaffley, generaly known as ."Dig" Mike, a la borer, was stabbed In the heart by Herman Sorey, a young man man, who came from Missouri Vulley, la. Child Fatally Burned. The S-year-old child of Ray Elwooo living two miles east of Harbine was so severely burned while playing with fire in the house during the absencs of her parents that she died. A S-year-old daughter of Mr. El wood's was also badly burned but will recover. Want a National Park. A move is on foot at Beatrice by t number of citizens to have a national park established on the late Daniel Freeman farm west of the city, which Is the first homestead in the United States. Cannon Sells Nebraska Land. A transfer of lund recorded In West Point shows that Speaker Joseph G. Cannon, of the national house of rep resentatives, has sold 1,100 acres own ed by him in that county to Ferdi nand Xovuk for $o4,0U0. Fanner Attempted Suicide. John Appleyard a well-to-do farmei living four miles west of Edgar, at tempted to commit suicide by shoot ing himself lu the temple with a $ calibre revolver. While the wound Is dungerous it Is though that he will recover. Perishes In the Blizzard. Herman TuVlor, a prominent stock feeder residing a mile south of Plain view, perished in the bllzinrd. He went out lo tui'c. for hi stouk and evl- dent'y beci tns e.':!:aastcd. Nebraska Legislature 4V Nebraska will not spend more than $15,000 for the Lincoln statue to be erected in Lincoln as a centenary me morial, the house refusing Monday to concur In the senate amendment In creasing the house appropriation from $15,000 to $25,000. The primary system In Nebraska was remedied Monday by the passage of the Kuhl rotation bill. The bill, which was drawn I y the Cedar county member, provides for rotation by elec tion districts. The Taylor antl-dlscrlmtnatinn act, which amends the present act by pro viding against buying as well as sell ing at rates discriminative between localities, was pnssed. A bill restricting the university to 95 per cent of the 1 mill levy was pnssed. This bill, which includes $30,000 uncollected tnxe of the pre ceding blennlum, will give the uni versity $75,000 during the next two years. Added to this amount will be $444,000 from other sources. Bills have been Intr duced to pro vide for a bee Inspector, a drug In spector, a dairy Inspector, three Alaska-Yukon commissioners, six commis sioners to revise the statutes, and hosts of other places. In all such cases the governor is to appoint. The bill by Brown, of Sherman, pro viding that the stato land commission- 1 er may give permission to parties to work school land for Its pumice or cleansing properties mny have hard sledding when the legislature wakes up to what this does. The Cudahy Packing company has a pumice mine In the southwest part of the state and should this bill become a law this Arm, or some other corporation engaged In the manufacturing or selling cleansers, would be ablo to get hold of all of this property In the state. One man who owns a 40-acre tract which Is under laid with pumice said he valued this property at $5,000. James Craddock, of Omaha, former ly of Lincoln, is booked for a Job under Gov. Shallenberger, provided thnt the bill Introduced by Holmes, of Douglas, becomes a law. This bill gives the governor authority to appoint a state architect and pay him what he thinks is right and proper. Nels Johnson, the representative from Burt county, is anxious to get fa vorable action on his bill to require the stamp of the assessor upon notes and mortgages to show they have been assessed and taxed. Thomas, of Douglas, introduced a bill In the house Saturday Increasing the salary of county attorney of Doug las county to $4,000 from $2,500. But Introduced a bill permitting screens in saloons In cities of metropolitan class. Nettleton of Clay, Introduced a bill appropriating $5,000 to pay back to members of soldiers' homes any money the state may have taken out of their pensions. e In the senate Wednesday the woman suffrage bill was ordered engrossed for a third reading by a vote of 16 to 16. The entire morning was spent In red hot debate In the committee of the whole. In order to pass the bill In the senate seventeen votes are re quired. The supporters of the bill claim they have another vote pled?"'. In the house Taylor and Clarke be came Involved In a controversy over the Sink bill limiting the length of freight trains. The Sink bill, limiting the length of freight trains of sixty-five cars, was recommended for pu-sHage late Wed nesday afternoon. The senate Wednesday afternoon approved the plan to allow the profes sors of the stato university to parti cipate in the Carnegie pension fund. Af.er an extended debate In the com mittee of the whole the bill was ap proved by a decisive majority. The Oll.s physical valuation bill was recommended for passage. The bill provides for the physical valuation of railroads. In the house Tuesday the resolu tion to submit the woman's su ft rage question to a vote of the people was placed on general file to be discussed In the near future. Opponents of the measure made a desperate effort to kill It, but were unsuccessful. The house passed the Taylor bill to compel mortgage owners to pay a tax on the amount of their mortgages. Heffernan of Dakota county, Intro duced a bill In the house to make It unlawful to give toll bridge passes. He explained that the bill was de signed to correct evils supposed to exist In his home county. Speaker Pool Is the author of a bill to provide for the maintenance of In digent consumptive patients In state or county hospitals. Dairymen of the state have outlined two bills, and they have been Intro duced In the senate and In the house. Ona provides for an Increase In the number of dairy Inspectors. The other prohibits the use of milk or cream cans for other than dairy pur poses. Representative Jerry Howard, of Douglas county Introduced In the house of representatives a bill to seg regate the Japanese and Chinese la borers from the American workmen. The measure provides that Japanese and Chinese must not work In com pany with white men and must not be employed In the same building. Howard says the bill was evolved to eradicate conditions existing In South Omaha, where Japanese laborers are employed In the packing houses. A bill was Introduced in the house Thursday to expel fraternities from the schools and colleges of Nebraska. The sunute killed the woman's suf frage bill. The bill permitting the state university to accept the Carne gie pension funds was passed. The house killed a bill appropriating $2,000 to mark the Oregon trail In Nebraska. A number of women, mem bers of the Daughter of the Ameri can Revolution, urged the pussage of the bill In the senate. A bill was Introduced to establish a state prlnteiy at the Nebraska peni tentiary. Among the bills Introduced by Sen ator Bartos is one to make mutual fire Insurance companies poy to their de puties and agents soliciting insurance the $- fee which is claimed lu their reports to be ail thut Is allowed in the way of commission For Just a few minutes Thurso, the bouse stood for an appropriate of 11,000 for the distribution of ho cholera cure and then It killed t bill by Indefinitely postponing It. Kl len and Armstrong Insisted on favo: able action on the bill, but Taylor Custer wanted to know why the mon Could not be paid nut of the appr-.ipri. tloi for the last blennlum. In committee of the whole the sea ate recommended to pass tho Bnnnlnj reciprocal demurrage bill, which bU been agreed upon by the J-ilnt com mlttees. Tho standing committee' amendments were agreed to. A Din by tuner or Seward, prof vldlng for an assessment of real estati every two years Instead of every four" years was indefinitely postponed. 'j A bill by Tlbbets of Adams, amend lng the descent law, was indefinitely, postponed. j On standing committee reports, the bill by Senator Howell. Introduced al, the request of John 1). Ware of Omaha. providing for a commission form of government for cities of 10,000 popu lr.tlcn and over, wus Indefinitely post poned. After an exciting scrap and a call of the senate, "Bryan's citizenship" bill passed the senate Monday. Tn vote Mood 17 to 14. At first It looked as If the vote would be 16 to 12, but Senator Miller made a valiant fight for the bill and Anally saved It. Senator Ransom led the democratic revolt. The measure Is designed to create n department of political sci ence and citizenship at the state uni versity, and It was believed that Bryan would be-named as the head of the department. 1 Chaplain Wurlleld Monday created a sensation ry directing a prayer against the Sunday baseball measures. He) asked providence to turn the member against such legislation. The Sunday baseball men are angry and accuse thg chaplain of lobbying without being! registered. I The finance committee has allowed $14,000 for salaries and $15,000 fori general expenses of the railway cornJ mission, which Is $4,000 less for saW rles and $5,000 less for expenses than! was allowed by the legislature of two! years ago. ' 1 A decision has been reached by thV committee not lo grant the Increased appropriation for the labor bureatj! asked by Commissioner W. M. Mauf pin. which also Includes a raise in th salary of the commissioner himself. r or tile iiiioiu ui uuiiu io.uu buildings the committee allowed 3, fuel llirhts and enelne house exDensi $7,000; Improvements, repairs of capU tol building, $6,000; employers' wage, regular, $15,000, but out of this item $70 a month is to be paid for a Janltof selected by the governor for the ex executive office and mansion; extra Janitors during the legislature, $1,440; Incidentals, $3,000; repairing roof, $1,200; steel celling In eapltol build ln4s,'$rrQ0; -Complete .wiring, of capitol building. $1,600; two extra firemen' during the legislature, $J60. The Judiciary committee has recom-. mended the Leldlgh bill fixing the sal aries in the office of the clerk of thf supreme court. As amended befortf reporting it provides: Salary of clerkj $4,000; deputy, $2,600; two assistants, each, $1,000; deputy reporter, $1,8001 assistant, $1,200; second assistant $1,100; deputy librarian, $1,000. . I All the Sunday baseball measur were killed In the state senate Wedi) day morning. This makes It lmposi 1.1a in napiir. Stiinilnv hnatm1l In AlV lorni bi nun ntmnioii vi win ieKBiaturjf. Lincoln fans were agitating for tn bills and thousands had signed pnj tlons. The house Wednesday slaughter' Kelly's bill to establish an agriculture school at Cambridge. The school be located In the North Platte court) After an acrimonious debate by house members the Sink bill restrict! the length of freight trains to si: five cars was defeated by a vote oi to 61 The senate passed a bill which msjfj ruin Nebraska's divorce Industry. Thei residence period Is Increased from sljj months to one year and the applicant must swear that he or she Intends tff reside In the state far at least five years. In case of doubt the dscrajj may be withheld. The house passeS a bill Imposing penalties for the PUPJ llcetlon of false pedigrees of flva stock. Case, of Frontier, Introduced a bt In the house providing that befof marriage licenses shall be Issued at plicants must have a certificate frot some physician stating they are 80 afflicted with tuberculosis or any rati tal or physical ailment. 4 The finance committee, which hM practically completed the salary bill,' reduced the salary of the deputy eecrt), tary of state and the deputy state J perlntendent from $1,800 to $1,500 4ns nually. The engineer at Mllford indus trial school was decreased to $800 a year, and the : Increased from $380 to The assistant state veterir $200 a year, was cut bookkeepers In the office of the lai)3 commissioner were Increased frofn $1,860 to $1,600 a year each, and tn recorder In the same office from $1, 000 to $1,500, and two clerks were cut out. Increases were made In the ap proprluAiona for the district and su preme Judges In accordance with the constitutional amendment. Shoemaker's bill to define specifical ly the Jurisdiction of district courts and Justices of the peace was killed. The railroad committee killed the bill knocking out the 2 5 -cent extra charge made by railroads when cash fare Is paid on the train. A bill by Groves, of Lancaster, has been recommended for passage by the Judiciary committee. This bill pro vldes a penulty for any saloonkeepef who permits treating In his saloon. Ths lIU wus umeuded so that If a saloon keeper is convicted three tiroes for permitting treating he shall lose his li cense, ami it Is made mandatory upon the excise bourd to revoke the license. The committee on public lands and buildings made its report recom- mending one $100, (lull building for the Kearney normul school, one to cost $100,000 for Hunting, $10,000 for the Koidlers and Kuilnrs' home at Grand Island, uml $10,000 for repairs to the Imlutitriul home at Keurney. ; Rulnes, i.f WcbuW'i-, would amend the Slocuiub law by abolishing all sa loons within four miles of any univer sity, state farm, or normal school, and within two and onu-half miles of ttuy military post. The bill, passed, would, effectually niuke Lincoln dry. ' from flQQ, farm hand waj $420 a yeaj, larian, a out. The two)