To ELnjoy the full confidence of the Well-Informed of tho World And the Commendation of the most eminent physician it was essen tial that tho component parts of Syrup of Tigs and Elixir of Senna should be known to and approved by them; there fore, the California Fig Syrup Co. pub lishes a full statement with every package. The perfect purity and uniformity of pro duct, which they demanJ in a laxative remedy of an ethical character, are assured by the Company's original method of man ufacture known to the Company only. Tho figs of California arc used in tho production of Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna to promote tho pleasant taste, but the medicinal principles aro obtained from plants known to act most beneficially. To get its beneficial effects always buy the genuine manufactured by tho Cali fornia Fig Syrup Co. only, and lor sale by all leading druggists. I't-liiivrmlat aad 'laltaceo. If you Inive a .boy who bus begun smoking too early and whom you wish to cure of the habit, feed hlui 'pepper mints. Iir. O. Clayton Jones of Silver ton, England, writing In the London Lancet, is authority for this simple cure. Dr. .Tones writes: ""To break the moklng habit in a youth there Is noth ing better than peppermint drops. lie cannot smoke with a 'bullseye' In his mouth, and even for some time after It la dissolved tobacco will not blend kind ly with the taste that remains. Social ly the cure muy seem worse than the disease, but from a medical point of Tiew the sucking of peppermints Is far lees hurtful. A common 'bullseye' will prevent smoking for nearly an hour, o the amount of sweets used need not te great." Short-Slft-Med. "Why don't you farmers do some thing to Improve your roads?" I "jVhat for?" f.sked the old settler. "It would Improve the value of yon: farms." T "Yes; and the more value we pet up, the more taxes we nil;;ht have to pay." Washington Stur. 111 CURED IN ONE DAY Munron's Coll Remedy Relieves the Bead, tliront and lungs almost Immediate ly. Checks Fever, stops litsvliarges of the nose, takes awsy all actios ami pains caused by colds. It cures Grip aud ob stinate Coughs and preveuts l'ueumocla. trice 23c. Have you stiff or swollen Joint, no mut ter how chronic? Ask your druggist fur klunyon's Rheumatism Remedy uud see how quickly yon will be cured. It you have any kidney or bladder trou ble get Muuyou's Kidney Kemtdv. Munyon's Vltnllser makes weak men strong aud restores lout powers. o roi after what Liver or Bowel medicine you are using, stop it now. Get a lOo box week's treatment of CAS CARETS today from your druggist and learn how easily, naturally and delightfully your liver can be made ' to work, end your bowel move every day. There's new life ia every box. CASCARETS are nature's helper. You will the difference! m I ' CASCARIffS iof a box for a week's treatment, nil dnierlsis. Biggest srller the woild. Million boxes a mouth. f)W ;ATIOS-HrT.JESlKTINC nT5 WW If lKubui t'r icn tjmple pile. .Tid l orn Ufl I W Bod rHLI. ( KILL K1 CO., 1 Ik 1', . lk JUST DOUBLE 320 ACRES Instead of 160 ACRES As further Inducement to settlement ct the Wheat Kaisinif lands of Western Canada, the Canadian t.ove nmi-nt lias increased the area that may be taken by a homesti ader to 320 acre Ili0freand loo to be purchased at 3.00 per acre. These lands are in ths Brain-raking an-.i, where salxed farming is also carried on with unqualified aucces. ' A railway will shortly be built to Hudson Cay, fcrlnaing the world's markets a thousand miles Bearer these wheat fields, where schools and churches are convenient, dim He excellent, rail Ways close to all settlements and local markets good. "It would take time to o imitate the f revelation that a eitit to the great em pire lying to the North of us unfolded at t every turn. " tlorrespondence of a N alumni Editor, who wsiud Western Canada in August, 1'AIH. Lsads may sl-o be purchased from Railway ?T. l'i'l'L''?V"'K l LOW PRICES AND UN tAbr TERMS. Fur pamphlets, maps and Information as to law Railway Hal. s appy to . I). Stott Superintendent ef Imirlgratloi,, Ottawa, aiiada. or K. T. Holmes. .US J.ckoi 6i.,M. laul, Minn, and J. M. Ma. Ladila-i, Bo HO Uatertown, bo. Dakota Authorized (Joistu lent Events. HM utj where n m this sdrartlaamtnt. GLOVER SEEB ESSES Absolutely Pure, No Weeds LIUJtiLP' fci. (jov, Hoard of Wiiconsm, from 30 acres uttu to SstKr't 2olh Cfiuury Alfalfa, har vested wit In 11 24 wrrks afif r fteed..ttf i,uu cc wiTiii of inrftntirtnt bay, or tit the rate of ir Ifn.iO ir -rm. Hlg t1 raiftloy trm. or end lOo Hi ttiMMi f r 111 if tiiii Atf)f' io It 1. ..tin ..! 11 r t.nsw, (u, U bt. hurt) .t M ll.f tiria AIO Ut"t uy n.n s umnvy to pl trt w itu. 1 f, iiti f 4c ftnil wi -1tl a iwmpU fru. Mvi uoveUjr bufr mven bfum by u. Eh SALZEK SEED CO., Box CN La Crosse. Wit. Coughing Spells are promptly relieved by a tin. glsduM of Flw'a Cure. The regular of this Lunous re medy will relieve the worst form of couehi, col.U, hoane. neaa, bronchiui, ssthma anddi. eai.-s of tite throat aud lunn. Abiolutely free from harmful drugs and oputes. For half a ccniurv the household remedy ia millions of home. At all druggists', 25 eta. mm Tk Tricksters. Tolltleal trlekslera alwf-ys 1t tbeuiselvea away,M said a Conf-reisiimn. Their methods remind me of the two men who wanted to eel) thttr rsrpsea for dissection. These two men, mlaor ably clnd, enlled on the tloan of a tued leal colleP In Ntnv York. "'We are both on the verge of sfsr ration, air,' the sjioVesinan snM. V'o are well on In years, aud It la clear that we haven't uiuoh longer to live. Would you tare to purchase our bodlei for yonr dissecting- room? The dean hesitated. '"It la an odd proposition,' ha mnt tcrtMl. "'But It Is ocrr.slotially done, Sold the spokesman. In an eager voice. "'Well,' said the donn, 'we might ar range It. What prli'e do you ask?' "'Over In riilludelphla.' snld tha rpokesinnn, 'they gave us JJO.' " New York Trlhtiuo. t'nrrrlna; Maternal Instlaet. They look exactly alike, and you drest them exactly alike, Mrs. Higlisnoggle," aid the caller. "IJow can you tell them ipnrt?" "Thnt isn't hard to do,' answered ths mother of the twins. "If I slap Johnny nd he swears a blue streak I know It's Dick." Deafness Cannot be Cured by loeal applications, as they cannot react the diseased portion of the ear. There Is only one way to cure deafness, and that is liy constitutional remedies. Deafness Is caused by an Inllamed condition of the mu cous lining of the Kustaehlan Tube. When this tiilw is Inflamed you have a rumbling sound or Imperfect hearing, and when It is entirely closed. Deafness Is the result, and unless the Inflammation can be taken out and this tube restored to Its normal condi tion, hearing will be destroyed forever; Bin rases out of ten are caused by Catarrh, which Is nothing but an inflamed condition of the mucous surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (caused by Catarrh) thai cannot be cured by Hall s Catarrh Cur. Send for circulars, free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists, 75e. Take Hall s Kanilly l'llls for censtlpatloa. Speculation's Demoralislasr Effect. "How about your gold mining stock old chap? Still pnnniug out well?" "Panning out? No. Next thing tt it, though. It's Petering out." Ohicagi Tribune. Throat Troubles. To allay the irrita tlon that induces coughing, use Hrown'i Bronchial Troches, A simple remedy. Id boxes 2T cents. Samples mailed free John I. Brown 4 Son, Boston, Mass. The seai'vinsnt of t!:3 British Dread nought has a new fcuturc in that it pro jects beams nt llie snmc time in oppos'iti 'liroctions In f ''" '"'inline. PILBS CURED IN 6 T0 14 DAYS PAZO OINTMENT Is guaranteed to eureaay case of Itching, Blind, Bleeding or Pretrud Ing Plies in S to 14 days or money refunded. 60c lie Km-tv. Tcncher Tommy, who was Cleopatra', Tommy Tucker Cleopatra was the col ored woman who used to do our washln', ma'am. Her otlier mime was Jackson. The Herb laxative, Garfield Tea, aids Nature in maintaining the general well being of the body, it corrects eonstipu tion, purifies the blood, brings health. Lost in the Australian bush, near Port Panvin, for five days, cngincer-commandei E. S. Silk was found alive and well by a black tracker. A goodc1ionest remedy for Rheumatism, .Neuralgia and Sore Throat is Hamlins iznrd Oil. Nothing will so quickly drive out all pain aud inflammation. loc i.rnlllude. The benevolent looking old gentleman on the seut in front turned around and spoke to the mother of the little cherub wIiosp sticky linnets had been smearing chocolate creaius on his bnld bed.. "Are there any more nt home like him?" he asked, -vith a genial smile. "Oh, no," she said. "He's our only child." "Thank heaven !" be exclaimed, fervent ly. Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Byrop for child ren teething, softens the gums, reduces in flammation, allays pain, cures wind colic. Joe a bottle. ills Krrtir, "We live and learn," observed Mr. Bicker, glancing up from his pnper. "Some of us do," tmld Mr. Knocker, ncldly. "Have you been trying to Join us?" 'Don't bo funny. P.ut I've found out for the first time thnt the French expression 'burn tie combat' doesn't mean 'war lnrse.' " Cleveland Lead er. Try Mnrlne ne Remedy For Red. Weak. V?nry. Watery Eyes. Compounded by Experienced Physicians. Conforms to the Pure Tood and Drugs Iw. Murine Doesn't Smart. Soothes Kye I'nln. Try Murine for Your Eyes. You Will Like It The Master's Title. Professor Key when head master ol a large London Bchool was oue of th most genial gentlemen that ever tiled that position. He was fond of encour aging fun In his boys aud was not un willing to recount occasionally during class time when anything prompted It the manners and customs of countries he had visited. On oue occasion ha was telling his class about Spain and said: "Do you know, Isiys, that when man attains to eminence there he la not called 'sir,' but Is given the title of 'don'?" One of the boys here called out: "Then, I supixise, sir, they would euil you Don Key?" The gravity of the class was com p'etely upset for the remainder of th afternoon. Strand Magazine. CASTOR I A For Infanta and Children. Hib Kind Ycu Have Always Bought Signature of 6$tf&!c&t Sue la Ia Kama. The YVashingtnn man had taken hi visiting friend up Into the congressional gallery and was showing blm how tha House of Representatives looks when In sesslun. "J "hat mun who has Just taken his eat," he said, "la Champ Clark, leader of the minority." "A stamp clerk, and leader of tha minority?" said the astvnlshed visitor. "Gee! What'a his name?" Chicago Tribune. New York City completes forty-slg new buildings each day, uvergging $13,000 each. Host Aboal Itf Ton voaed to be cheerful, The test is to come. Are you smiling this morning Or moody and glum? Ton vowed you'd endeavor To spread smiles around; What was It? Cold coffee, 1 hear that yon frowned. You vowed to be patient ; Come now and confess, Has she used your ranor To rip up a dress? Ton vowel to be pleasant To nil you would meet: What? She didn't say "Thanks" When you gave tip your sent? Ton vowed you'd oblige, Yet yon growled over much At the friend who came in Just to make n simill "touch." O, these are the tests That our good resolves end. ' Come on and confess. How about it, my friend? Detroit Free Press. The Deadly Hatpin. There ought to be n law that will prevent a ISO-Inch woman from wearing a 12-Inch hatpin, and Jeopardizing the eyes and even the life of every one within sticking reach of , her. In tho crowded elevated cars It Is not unustnl to see men frantically bobbing their heads almut, In n vnin endeavor to get ont of roach of tho hatpins of the wom en In front of them. It Is all very well to laugli nt the victim who goes Into the oiflce with n long scratch on his cheek, and to nsk him if he said to the lady: "Never jnlnd, madam, I've another eye left." It ia anything hut laughable to the victim. A campaign against this murderous but unconcealed weapon has liecn Instigated by the Ber lin newspapers, nnd a number of serl ott accidents are reported from Lon don. A lady there has been permanent ly blinded In one eye and an attendant In a utore has had bin face so lutdly Injured that It was necessary to remove blm to a hospital. There Is much point to the question. In any event, nnd It deserves to t-tick in the public mind An Imported tweed coat is cut Into deep points around the bottom, with a striped robe border finish. Walking gloves In mousiuetalre ef fect are finished with a buckled strap at the wrist that gives them a Jaunty effect. A new wrinkle In sleeves Is to have chenille fringe meandering from shoul der to elbow, so that when the arm is lifted one gets quite a Mexican cow boy effect. Materials Fhow a wider range than ever, cachemlre, heavy crepe do chine and supple broadcloth numbering among the most recent nnd best liked Innovations. Jet buttons are coming bnck Into fashion. Not only are they being used on handsome black gowns, but a new French coiffure ornament consists of a wreath formed of these glittering disks of Jet. Soutache braid, mostly lu extreme ly narrow width. Is used wherever fea sible on both di'CKsy and tailored mod els, In the 8ha;M of collodions, buckle effects, as well as skillfully applied or nameutul motives. For dinner or reception gowns very long trains will be worn, sometime rut quite square across the end and sometimes divided up the center for a little distance, In a luunner suggestive of a mermaid's tuil. Another coat Innovation is the intro duction of exquisitely colored ttllk lin ings In the outwardly sedate long black broadcloth couts. The unfasten ing of the garment reveals a lining of old rose, violet, brilliant green, old 0 blue or some other contrasting hue. The result la an elegance that tits the coat for evening as well as for day street wear. Cord belt aro the latest wrinkle lu girdle. They come In almost any standard shade and are fastened In front with a huge colored stone of bar baric design. The licit Is fully a yard and a half long, the ends hnngln? down In front. Immeasurably convenient to women w'f.o go out In all aorta of weather are the new full-length street coats of serge or worsted which have been era venetted to make them weather proof. They are In dark blues, browns and other colors as well as blnck, and are close fitting and finished with velvet collars, making them suitable coats for clear weather as well as stormy. The Mother's Pari. Roys have to fight baWea to-dhy as their fathers before them. All modern teaching that children should not fight, that boys should lie friendly to each other, Is very well In theory, but the "bully" Is still In existence tmlay and the word "liar" Is answered by a blow In the liest-bred circles. Boys should not get Into fight for the sake of fighting, but every boy has to learn to take care of himself when he starts out in the world, with other boys. , As soon as the mother starts to side with her boy, to show sympathy for him and reprimand other boys for their brutality, she will have to stand for that boy's unpopularity and see hltn grow Into n coward ; but if she allows him to fight his owu battles, even at the expense of a few bruises and WBAPPERS, NEGLIGEES. DRESSING SACQTJES. AND TEA GOWNS. scratches, he will be worth while. The whimjiering child who always runs to his "mother" with every offense has small chance lu the big game of life to come. A Girl's Allowance. The sooner a girl Is given an allow ance, at nny ruto for the small items of dress, the better, as It teaches her to bo careful in detail, the neglect of which so often mars a toilet. The dance or party frock is the first consideration. So many delightful Impromptu occa sions arise that to obtain sullicleut va riety is often a serious dlfilculty. The average girl certainly requires at least two good evening frocks, well cut, and, for the younger ones, of a sle that admits of "doing up." Take, for In stance, satin f nicks. The girl of 17 should be possessed of a smart dance frock In plain taffetas or satin. This, after the Initial outlay, Is a really eco nomical purchase, since after n few visits to the cleaner's It can be turned Into a foundation for another frock. Woman, Lovely Woaisa, Her waist begins Just below her neck. Her IiItin have been pinned off even with the rest of her tiody. She Is usually buttoned up the back, and n round her nock she wears a section of barbed wire, covered with lace. Bhe wears on her bead a blondu haystack of hair, and on top of this a central doino with rings about the same size as those of Kuturn. She la swathed In her gown. like an Indian papoose, and on the end of her feet are dabs of pat ent leather. She walks on stlltllke heels with the export nexs of a tlght rojs dancer. The jKires of her skin are full of tine white jsiwder. Harper's Weekly. For Cleaning Furs. Heat In the oven one-quarter of n peck of bran, place fur ou clean table, take a handful of hot bran ami dub into fur well, doing one part ut n time. Continue tills procesa keeping brnu but all the time until all the fur has heeii gone over, then take outside and shake vigorously until all bits of bran have fallen out. Fur will then look as good as new. The I'lrst Woman Mayor, Mrs. flarrett-Aiiderson, M. D., the newly-elected mayvr of Aldehurgh, Suf folk. Is England' first lady mayor. Mrs. .Vndersoii, who was elected to the Coun cil iast year, haa been au M. D. (Paris) since 1870, In which year she rved on tlie first Loudon school board. She Is a remarkable woman, and she has th.j distinction of being portrayed by Charles Keado lu his "Woman-Hater." The novelist made use of her plucky fU'ht to enter the medical profession as a pari of the theme of his story; and In commenting on the refnal of the innle students to sit at medical lectures v lth her, he made the pcr'.l.ient re mark: "All her troubles ended where her competitors' liegnn nt the public t nt.i!natlons." Hume Notes. lllra Modish Hat. An extremely modish hat In all black Is pictured In the cut. The shape la the corday or mushroom type, In black vel vet, with a long black silk scarf whose ends are finished with deep fringe, artistically draped around crown and falling over brim on left side. To Clean Ail-Wool Fabrics. Shave up half a bar of any good laundry soap, add four tablowpoonfuls borax and a little wnter and melt over fire. Then add four tablespoonfula am monia, put in tub and half till tub with cold water. Insert articles to lie clean ed, let soak four hours. Then rinse in water containing four tablespoonfula of borax nnd four tablespoonfuls of am monia. Do not wring. The articles so cleaned will lie Just like new. Transparent Sleeves. It Is rare to see a sleeve that ia lined these days unless It Is of rough cloth as a iart of the waist fabric. Trana IMirent sleeves are everywhere. They are of net. cbllTon, tllet. tulle and lace and are worn on cold days on the street under a coat. They are conspicuously transparent, however, even lu the house when 1 the coat Is removed. Added to their thin ness and this is the point will be strips of the thickest fur to weigh them down. Popular neslg-ns In Tailor-Mai.. Two distinguished looking tailor muiles are shown in the accompanying cut. The first Is made of elephant gray satin cloth, which tits the figure closely. The front Is draped across the bust, and narrows Into two shoul der straps, on tho edges of which are doth buttons and buttonholes. There Is a curious little "vestment" of gray blue cloth, and above this a tucked yoke of white net aud Jabot of same Tho nil-even are of the cloth luld In narrow lucks. The second suit Is of taupe cloth, the skirt plain ami the coat elaborated with wide aud narrow soutache, button molds and button loops. Hie Greenwich observatory will fcate te be moved. From year to year the magnetic observations made tliers have tfecome less relinble because of the In creasing traffic : and t!i Impending estab lishment of lirge electric works In the Im mediate neighborhood will make It neces sary to make the nautical calculations elsewhere. CHTLD HAD S1XTT B0IL3 Aaal goffered Auaaally with a R4 eald-LIko Ifaasor on ll Head Troubles Cared by Callcura. -When my little Vivian was about lx months old her head broke out in bolls. She had about sixty in all and I used. Cutlcura Soap and Cutlcura Ointment which cured her entirely. Some time later a humor broke out behind her ears and spread up on to her head until It was nearly half cov ered. The humor looked like a scald, very red with a sticky, clear fluid com ing from it. This occurred every spring. I always used Cutlcura Soap nd Ointment which never failed to heat It up. The last time It broke out tt became so bad that I was discour aged. But I continued the use of Cutl cura Soap, Ointment and Resolvent un til she was well and has never been troubled In the last two years. Mrs. M. A. Schwerln. C74 Spring Wells Ave., Detroit, Mich., Feb. 21, 1008." Totter Drug ft diem. Corp., Sole Props, of Cutlcura Remedies, Boston. A youth of seventeen, who hanged him self at Bristol, Fiiiglsnd, painted himself wlhh green from head to foot just before the act Whlskey for Rhrnmntlsm. To one-half pint good whiskey, add one ounce syrup sarsaparllla, aud one ounce Torls compound, which can be procured of any druggist. Take In ten spoonful doses before each meal nnd before retiring. Followed up, this Is a sure remedy. The fact that no death from hydro phobia has been recorded in F.nglunil since 1902 is cited as an illustration of the preventive treatment of disease. Ilfri and Tlavlr Uaakets. Every bee carries his market Lne round his hind leg. Any one e amlnlng the baby of n bee through a microscope will observe that on tin hind legs of tho creature there Is t fringe of stiff hairs ou the surface, tin hairs approaching each other nt tin tips, bo ns to form a sort of cage. Thl Is the bee's basket, and Into It. nftei successful Journey, he will cr.nt enough pollen to last him for two oi throe days. l-riliee y Kulfllled. "That baby, madam,' said thp doctor to the proud and happy mother, "will make his mark in the world some iliy." Note the fulfillment of the prediction. In. less than sixteen years that boy was the scoreboard artist in a great base ball park. 1 For Sprains JPt? ; , , 1-1 , i. Sloan's Liniment is the best remedy for sprains and bruises. It quiets the pain at once, and can be applied to the tenderest part without hurting because it doesn't need to be rubbed all you have to do is to lay it on lightly. It is a powerful preparation and penetrates instantly relieves any inflammation and congestion, and reduces the swelling. Sloan's Liniment ror to ami or PINK Cures (lis skk snd sets as a iirtvcntive l"i ol'.rrs. l.i ;i.:J fivrn oa the toni'ue. Safe fur brood mares snd all others. I:est IMnoy rvnseil. Ucfnt a bottle, S..00 ths doiea. ll.OUsud Siaootlie doen. Sold by sll drufoisie Slid turf cuuds houses, or SPOHN MEDICAL SAVED FROM AN OPERATION By Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Louisville. Kt. "LvdJa E. rink- ham's VereUblrj Compiund has cer tainly done me world of good and I cannot praise it enough. I suffered fromlrregularities, dizziness, nervous ncss, and a severe female trouble. LydiaE.Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound has restored me to perfect health ana kept me from the operatiiitf t table. 1 will never bo without this medicine in the house." Mrs. Sam'i, Lee, 8023 Fourth St, Louisville, Ky. Another Operation AToided. Adrian. Oa. "I suffered ttntold misery from femalo troubles, and m doctor said an operat ion was my only chance, ana 1 ureiiaou it almost as much as death. Lyrtia E. llnkham's Vegetable Compound completely cured me without an operation." .Lena V. Henry, It. F. D. 8. 1 Thirty years of unparalleled suc cess confirms the power of Lydia E. I'inkham's Vegetable Compound ta euro female diseases. The great vol ume of unsolicited testimony constant ly pouring in proves conclusively that Lydia E. llnkham's Vegetable Com pound is a remarkable remedy for those distressing feminine ills from which Bo many women suffer. ;PSESTIHTHEWORLD ti kfiS PRrca mow a other V r-i - I give a lot cf no w sorts for ("wrv .trial with every order I fill. i.T'jriA'.-iiiufti-ratea wan over vVtfcfirveyCO engravings of vogetaoles f 7. -rf- fl-.ri f.nwnrft. Ronrl vnurs anrl . J4': 'your neighbors' addresses. R. II. SKUMWAY, Rockford, 111, ACENTS WANTED ror 4i) jmu Mat liar's Ktilva Iim cured I'ftUrth, i miip, t.'ia. Cuti. Nrte, File. He NUl ou I'llil at IV. Rend l bO tx-Osf for li full aiie jure and IMUBl K yotir Ukhit, bo '( .ltsn!rw i.f J valuaM premium FKrKt 11 ihi rat"? ti. order now write for itnw ti( rttak ( W&fM't Br ti BriM Cn.,1ii8-35tH t Chif I2i MENTION THIS PATER wmmu wutktf T UTiitaiM, 8-11i ariSiatlion Anil mures (or sale. Your elioice of lnw l r ml, t'eroheroa. mine Writs lor lull partiou. Inrito Frank L. Stream, Creston, la. MOTHER GRAY'S . SWEET POWDERS FOR CHILDREN, A! Oors for Frvrrishnesa, I'onnf liialjnn. II a. dar ha, , Htomneji Troubles, TeetklaZ I I a r 4 r r s, sn4 Uralr.7 W orpin. TW Break Calda In M hours. A C all Drurslnta, IbetS, S.mnl. XddtMS, A. S. OLMSTED. La RokN V. Mother Orar, NurMlnOluld- Hotns, RxrYorkUllf. S. C. N. U. . No. 7 19097"" SOD SEEDS V- Htal ous. linn. HUM JM'imtUl i ' ' 1 'i". ; Home-bred stamens, V4.Wj.;w r tf W doors. Iniiiranoe lWV;!v.iC-1l'Amn VN eiirrl-d If desired. is an excellent antiseptic and germ killer heals cuts, burns, wounds and contusions, and will draw the poison from sting of poisonous insects. Trice, 25c., COc., and $ 1 .00. Dr. Earl S. Sloan, Boston, Mass., UJ5.A. (loan's book on liorsas, cattla, sharp ami poultry sent fraa. r-isr oisu mpeb. catabbiul EYE rtVlD. 'NO ALL MOSB AND Mi jl lilSCASCS srnt. txrtress Daid. bt tlia manuf u-tntrr. COMPANY, Chemists, Goshen, Inl