Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, February 12, 1909, Image 3

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Tlie earthquake which took place lu Calabria anil
Sicily must be regarded as the most devastating catas
trophe recorded In the world's history. It Is stated that
some 200,000 lives have been lost, and It la Impossible to
realize the number of persons left homeless and destitute.
The above sketches arc founded on photographs taken la
the various districts affected, and give a vivid Idea of
the misery and horror of the disaster.
Coqucllii, greatest of French actois.
Is dead. Indefatigable as always, he
was preparing for the leading part In
a new play by Edinond Uostnud when
the eml came. We can Imagine the
sense of loss of the French people by
recalling our own feelings when Joseph
Jefferson died.
I. Ike Jefferson, F.enolt Constant
Ooquelin bad become air Institution.
Ills long and successful stage career,
begun in the prime of a former genera
tion and continued so far in the life of
Its successor, was calculated to diffuse
a sort of Impression that he always had
been and always would be. Securing
the first prize In comedy at the con
servatory in 18."!). he made his debut In
the following year at the Comedie
Franca isc.
The last opportunity Americans had
of seeing Coqui'llii was when be made
his tour with Sarah Bernhardt. It Is
no secret that he was dissatisfied with
the Impression produced-on American
audiences, who manifested their pref
erence for the divine Sarah unmistak
ably. With the exception of Cyrano
none of his roles seemed to appeal par
ticularly to playgoers over here.
Yet says the Chicago Inter Ocean,
he might have anticipated that. Woin-
an, romance and tragedy are universal.
Man and comedy are national. The
comedian, on going to another country,
lias to overcome a host of national con
ceptions to make himself acceptable.
Few nations boast of their tragedy as
distinctly national. But all make that
claim for comedy. It could hardly be
otherwise. No nation believes that an
other has a real sense of wit and
M. Coquelln was, of course, a come-
dian In the best sense. It Is unfortu
nate that the word has lieeii Veducrd
lu this country to serve chiefly as the
designation of farceurs. The fountains
f tears and laughter lie dose together;
and the great comedian Is the real
brother to t lie great tragedian. No char
acter of tho drama Illustrates this bet
ter than Cyrano, one of Coquelln's fa
vorite roles. Cyrano has a poignant
suggestion of tragedy all the way
through. It Is a trick of the actor,
whether one smiles or sighs.
There Is something especially pa
thetic In the deutn of a great actor.
Ills Is a doubtful Immortality. The
jxet leaves his books, the sculptor the
chiseled marble, the statesman bis la
The Mournful Woman
o o
o oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
NCK there was n woman who gloated over tho most melancholy
topics of conversation, believed laughter a sin, recreation a
waste of time and fresh air a menace to health, and found her
grentest delight In attending funerals. "I hope I'll be as beau
tiful a corpse as that," she would remark, ns she stood beside
the bier of some friend. ,land It won't be long now; It won't
be long." Everywhere she went this sad sister carried on at
mosphere of gloom. Depression filled her mind,- fairly embalmed her per
sonality and exuded at every mental pore. She was a perpetual wet blan
ket to everybody, and her friends dodged her like the butcher's bill or the
rent man.
By and by she actually made herself believe that her liver, heart and
other economy were out of kilter, and at ence she acquired a library of
home-doctoring books and devoted herself to study. The more she studied
the more certain she became that she was on tho quick road to the giive.
She Just knew that she had every symptom In the calendar of diagnosis.
About every ten minute of the day she dosed herself with one of the
seventeen varieties of medicine she needed to ward off aliments, and getting
out of bed every hour of the night to take her tonic soon trained her so
she couldn't sleep at all.
Then she had a simply be-eutlful time picturing herself In a lovely
rosewood casket, lined with pink silk, and a gilt-edged prayer hook in her
hands with the floral tributes banked in the parlor bay windows, while Dr.
Snoozuni prayed sonorously for "our dear.departed sister," her friends sniffled
Into lace handkerchiefs (they always take their Tery best to funerals) and
the choir sang "Nearer, My (Sod, to Thee."
For hours and hours she used to He awake worrying which dress to be
laid out In and what kind of a tombstone to order. By and by she died
Most anyone who thinks about It hard enough can die. Chicago Journal.
for a witness to future generations.
The great actor, who surely ranks as
an artist with other artists, leaves only
a name, which the years will make
more ghostly. Nothing becomes more
InconwNptetithil than a dramatic tradi
tion to the world that faes the proscenium.
World (inverard bjr artrldir Roi,
llnllot Roi, Hand Ilos and Jury
"The world is governed by three
boxes," said an American wit of a cen
tury ago, "the cartridge-box, the ballot-box
and the bandbox."
Between the first two of these great
governing powers no one questioned
the natural alliance; hut that the sex
whose box was the bandbox should
also claim a right to use the ballot
box was, in his day, undreamed of.
Half a century later, during the Civil
War, Horace Greeley, the famous edi
tor, held the same opinion.
"Madam," he said, bluntly, at a pub
lic meeting, to the pioneer Suffragist,
Elizabeth Cndy Stanton, "the bullet
and the ballot go together. If you
want to vote, are you ready to fight?"
"Certainly, sir," replied the quick
witted lady, to the delight of the au
dience. "I am ready to fight Just as
you have fought with my pen."
Not all the early women suffragists
would so readily have countenanced
warfare, even In Jest; for a notable
number of them were Quakers, or of
Quaker ancestry, to whom force was
abhorrent. In the Society of Friends
tlie rights of men and women have
been always absolutely equal ; so that,
as I.ucretla Mott declared, It seemed
but natural to wish to counsW and act
with men everywhere on even terms,
as she had always done In Nantucket.
One Quaker philanthropist, Abhy
Hopper (iilritons, who had never been
Identified with the "woman's rights'
women, yet acknowledged with demure
humor that, although she talked little
about her rights, she had "been In the
habit of always taking them" when sht
Onco, however, she failed to take
very important one when slin wua mini
tnoned to do so. She had a singularly
ioia aim firm handwriting, easily mis
taken for a man's, and often signed
business communications A. II. Gib
bons, so that she one day found her
self, as a citizen and a tnxnaver. im
perstlvely required, lu the name of the
uiw, io lurnisu reasons wny she shoul
not serve as a Juror.
"I know of none," she wrote serene
ly at the foot of this formidable docu
ment, and sent It back. But the off!
clal who read this annarentlv lmnoi-ii
nent response must have Investigated
me recora or ins correspondent, nnd
found a reason; for A. II. Gibbons,
householder of New York, was excused
rrom service in that fourth box, so Im
portant In civilized communities th
Jury-box. Youth's Companion.
Orlwln of Domlion,
The origin of domlulea has been at
trlbuted variously to the Greeks, the
v ninese anu jews, hut a l'arls contem
porary has discovered that the ever
popular gamo owes its Invention to the
Benedictines of Mont Cassln. Two of
ine oruer were sent Into lengthy re
treat, and they hit upon n method of
whlllng away the spare time without
infringing the rules of silence by play
lug witli square stones upon which varl
ous dots were marked. While perfect
nig menisci ves mey perfected or rather
evolved the game, and were accustomed
to frequentlly repeat when placing lu
me i-vtMiuig psauus rrom vespers, espe
cially the first, that Is Fsalm 109.
which lieglns "IMxIs Domlnus Domino
meo." When the retreat was over
game wus soon known In tho convent.
Then Its fame spread to the village and
lieyond. 1 he verse was reduced to
word "Domino," hence the name as
have received It.
Tlie iiihii who is libera! with nrom
lses Is apt to Im miserly wheu It cornea
to making food.
It Prt ThiM the
Hare Ilried III ltratlom.
Maybe It is a sign of age lu Seuatoi
Depow that he should undertake a de
fense of his reputation as an after-din
ner speaker. But he did the other
night, at a semi-public dinner, where
he was known personally to most of
the diners, says the Cincinnati Tlmea
8tar's New York correspondent. De
pew let it be known that he felt al
ready the charge often made against
him that he told old stories and cracked
Jokes that had earned retirement. "If
my stories are sometimes old," said
he, "at least they are my stories, and
no one's else. The fn't Is, the news
paper I the ruin of the modern after
dinner speaker. A gvnl story Is taken
up, sent broadcast, ascribed to any one
of a thousand sin-akers rather than the
one who had originated It, and if, In
the end, he ventures to tell his own
story n second time, he escapes hissing
only Itccausc of his auditors' good na
ture. Let me Illustrate by a cae In
point. Years ago I was asked to speak
st a certain dinner. 1 sat down and
thought. In (he end I Invented sev
eral stories, among which was oue of
the fanner who asked the transporta
tion department of n railroad for four
freight cars to ship frogs In. "The
summer hotel down at tho point,' aald
he, 'has promised to take all I can
catch. And from the racket taeni
frogs out In my ond make, I reckon I
?an ship four -ars full and leave enough
for next year's crop.' But a llttlo later
he revised his order. 'I dreened my
pond and I found th.it two bullfrogs
and n tree toad had been doln' all the
hollerlnV Well, that story was well
liked, because It Illustrated a point I
wanted to make. The papers printed
It. At the next dinner I attended, the
speaker who preceded me told It as his
own. I've henrd that story an aver
age of twice a year slnco then, and I
have neor told it a second time. And
yet that was my story. I made It.
The nevspaers have destroyed mo as
an nfter-illniier siK'tiker."
A guilty conscience makes cowards
of us all. but a clean conscience makes
heroes of men. Bev. W. V. Hlnes, Bap
tist. Iicxlngton, Ky.
Gratification Is only n temporary
teasing and superficial sensation. Grat
ify one wish and It ouly begets a big
ger one. Bev. J. H. Hobhs. Episco
palian. I'tlca, X. B.
Truth changes Its garments to be In
harmony with the age, but Its spirit
never changes. nev. J. Hale Larry,
Congregational 1st, Providence, B. I.
Ilnlldlngr Character.
Creed Is necessary In the building of
the character. It must dominate a
man If his character Is to be "built on
a rock." Bev. A. P. Wedge, Baptist,
Lowell, Mass.
The Living- Church.
The idea of n living church Is not
n soulless corporation, but a body with
faculties and powers, able to receive
and assimilate truth and communicate
It to others. Bev.. J. It. Stevenson,
Presbyterian, New York City. x
Applying taod'a Law.
The laws of the state are applica
tlons of the law of God or of the law
of nature, which Is divine, and no hu
man law is Just that does not rest ou
these solid foundations. Bev. John I
Belford. Boman Catholic, Brooklyn,
X. Y.
Rmlnru of Life.
Tho business of life Is to become
Godlike In character. Thought, feeling,
will, tho three powers of intelligence,
are the potencies whose right of devel
opment will bring that result. 'Ber. T.
Rdwatvl Barr, People's Pulpit, Milwau
kee. Wis.
The greatest danger that faces out
nation to-day Is not the ponlblllty of
a foreign Invasion, but the lethargy
and Indifference of our citizens to the
welfare of the various municipalities.
Bev. J. II. Mcllvnlne. Episcopalian,
Pittsburg, Pa.
Salvation Is the gift of God in Christ
and is free to all who will take Hie
way of life. But to take Ills way
that Is a more vital and practical mat
ter than Is commonly understood. It
means to live the Christ life, sharing
Ills Ideals and purposes, and thus corn
lag into Ills likeness. Bev. E. A. Han
ley, Baptist, Providence, B. I.
The Will of Mil.
The sovereign will of man Is the
mightiest force In human life; It Is the
absolutely fundamental power in per
sonality, the executive of the Individ
ual life. Every man is a small army
of faculties, but the will Is the com
mander, the pilot that runs the ship,
who can bring It safely through the
stress of weather and wave to its des
tined harbor. The will Is the king on
the throne of the soul! We are not
led Into right relations to God in our
religious life through the feelings or
the Intellect ; it is not what a man
knows, or what he feels, but what he
wills to Io and do, that makes him a
Christian and a man! Bev. Cortland
Myers. Baptist. Brooklyn, X. Y.
All In the Family.
"Those two girls are ns devoted to
each oilier."
"So It appears."
"And yet they love the same mim."
"Oh, Impossible:"
"Not at all; the man is their fa
ther." Birmingham Age-Herald.
No 1 for New Stle.
"They can't drive my wife Into any
of thetie new-fangled, slim-Jane styles
of dressing."
"Independent, eh?"
"Weil, It ain't so much that. Rha'i
SS Inches round the waist."
Little Nephew Auntie, did you mar
ry an Iudlau? Aunt Why do you ask
such silly questions, Freddie? Llttla
Nephew Well, 1 saw some scalps on
your dressing table. Fllegende Blafr
Opinions of Great Papers on Important Subjects.
talking again, and almost every time sho
talks she groans up a grievance. This time
It Is the awful discovery that the Ameri
can wife in the average American home Is
nothing more nor less than a H L-A-V-E.
What do you think of that! The real ob
ject of Mrs. Oilman, like a Urge number of her sisters.
Is revealed In her protest agalust the ownership of one
woman by one man. She makes no protest against the
sole proprietorship of one man or many men by one
woman. It is all the other way. Apparently sho Is vast
ly Ignorant of the fact that human society Is a complex
rganlzatlon, in which the husband has a duty to the
wife, and usually does It quite as well as the wife does
kr duty by her husband.
If she and her sisters in the cause of "economic Inde
pendence" for woman are anxious to earn tbelr own II v
lag It is safe betting that 00 per cent or their husbands
will be glad to get rid of them.
If she is honest In her demand for- "the iwwer of se
lectleu" of a different father for each of her children,
acceralng to her whim of the moment, why doesn't she
aailgrate to Tibet, where sho can have as many hus
bands as ah wants, and display her economic Independ
nee by supporting them? Such talk as hers is dan
gerous to rubllc morals and an Insult to every hnppy,
ure American woman who has a husband nnd a home.
Chicago Journal.
HE bill to raise the salary of the President
F I to $100,(HH) a year and of the Vice President
I I to S25.000 is the revival of a plun often dls-
nll..,i if nlat rvlvM fm,in!i rluon m-tth tJie
allowances of other "rulers," a form of ex
pression that would have been resented a
few years ago. What tho Kings, Emperors
and Czars receive is, however, of no Imixirtance. The
ne question for consideration and settlement Is whether
the present salary Is sufficient to remunerate the occu
pant of the White Houso for the services he performs.
There can be no disagreement over the fact that the
President should not be obliged to pay the expenses of
entertainments whose giving Is a part of the seml-soclal
bllgatlons he is under.
When the salary was fixed, first at S25,(KI0 and subse
fuently at $50,000, the obrloua purpose was to make the
fflce the best paid In the country. It long ago ceased
to be that. The nation has entered) on a new era In
which the best services command Ia,rge rewards, itH
there Is no doubt that Mr. Taft, In the practice of his
profession, could easily earn more than the presidential
alary. Another view Is that the salary, considered in
Its relation to the wealth of the nation, Is .ilggardly.
Tno real point, however, seems to be that It Is not
a sum which permits the maintenance of the dignity of
the ofllee without tho exercise of extreme cure, and, un
less the Incumbent practices reasonably rigid economise,
he will have nothing at the end of hla four or eight years
of service. There seems to be a aense of obligation to
our ex-Presldenta. It la frequently argued that the na
tion should take care of thorn. A much better way would
be to pay them enough, so that they may take cart of
themselves. St Louis Bepublic.
HE buff men of the nation, encouraged by
& W A I the success of the pura foed law, have aet
I I seriously about the bustaess of securing the
now Is that we are feeling the bugs of the
land on Impure, adulterated and ineffective
poisons. The parts green that la doled out
to the Industrious potato bug often contains leu than
half ita bulk of arsenloua oxide. The bug eata merrily
away without serious discomfiture, and laya eggs on the
arithmetical progression system that obtains In bug
dom. Meanwhile, makers of Insecticide and fungicides
are growing rich off the praceeda of their dishonesty.
And also meanwhile, the bug experts are reviled because
of the ineffectiveness of their prescriptions.
The proposed law makes it a misdemeanor to manufac
ture adulterated or mlsbranded Insecticides or fungi
cides In any territory or the District of Columbia, and
such products are shut out of Interstate commerce. Bg
amlnatlcns are to be made by the Department of Agri
culture, and dishonest products are to be confiscated
and their makers prosecuted. Foreign frauds are to be
rigorously exiuded. The entomologists ars on the rlghfc
track. The bug Is entitled to pure poison and should gat
It. Minneapolis Journal.
PICTURESQUE atory, which may be fact
I or fable, found Its way by cable from Moa
AQl I cow the other day. It related how the dy-
S Uk I ftmr nllliilna all tta ttktu
11IH U1I4I iSU(t & w A k . u .... ut k. a... w
tune from the banka In the form of bank
notes nnd had it Incinerated In hla presence.
Then he summoned certain starving rela
tives and congratulated them upon their escape from the
evils of wealth.
PetrofT waa plainly a dramatiat who had waated his
life In making money by other means. Ills little climac
teric si-one was good, but his theme Is aa old aa the In
stitution of property. Millionaires always have been re
gretting the evils of riches and singing the praises of
But there Is none who voluntarily puts away tempta
tion no. not even Mr. Carnegie none embraces the
blissful state of penury. Even this philosopher Petroff
postponed his wisdom to his deathbed, a fact which
raises his play up from a melodrama to the plane of
satiric comedy.
Though the half-starved poor relations In the audience
might pluct- It atlll higher, as tragedy. -Chicago Tribune.
Uses Found fur Material tinea Sent
to the Scrap Heap.
Unexpected methods are sometimes
employed in the production of books,
ays the New York Hun. A striking
case In point is the dark, mysterious
past of certain paper-covered detective
romances sold on trains nnd news
stands for 15 cents. Each volume eoii
talns three dime novels combined Into
cue connected narrative.
These curious combinations are is
sued by a firm which gets out detect
ive stories in pamphlets as well ns in
beek form. It occurred to the pub
lishers thnt they might utilize some of
their fiction a second time. After a
little experimenting It was discovered
that three dime novels similar in plot
could be combined into a fairly read
able book if the Individual stories were
connected by a few Ingenious para
graphs and had some of their chapters
Another Instance of fiction worked
over lately occurred wheu a firm resur
rected somebody's stories popular ten
years ago and cut them down from
00,000 words to about HO.OOO, in order
to fill a certain number of pages in a
aeries of complete stories appearing
Still another novel literary operation
Is that which was recently performed
n a hundred uncopyrlgbted English !
love stories of the type recording the
affairs of an impossible heroine who
finally marries the mill owner's sou
after going through vicissitudes un
heard of in real life. The pages are
touched up for Americans by convert
ing the Strand Into Broadway and
moving the Ijim-asier cotton mill to
Lowell. Mass.
Sometimes standard novels are Issued
In cheap reprints which reach the pub
lic with koiiio of their parts left out.
In order to compress them Into vol
umes which have a uniform number of
pages the work Is pruned of many de
scriptive passages and minor Incidents
not likely to interfere with the main
A different case Is that which In
volves a change sometimes made neces
sary lu a page of text when a book
reaches the electrotypu stage. Tlie re
viser keeps In mind the exact number
of words ns he writes In the uew mat
ter, taking palus to have Just so many
Syllables on the lust lino of the plute.
It becomes a little more difllcult If the
last line Is part of u sentence at the
top of the next plute.
This kind of work was made neces
sary last year when a publisher de
cided to reprint some cheap novels
front plates lie had used live years be
fore mid lu putting tliciii on the mar
ket a second tlmo thought it advisable
to make changes lu the text where the
local references seemed out of date.
'Plit last example has to do with po
etry. Verse at the bottom of pages in
some iiiagu.lueM is nfteucr u matter of
nicasureuieut. The appearance of Just
one stanza docs not mean thnt hard
luck overtook tlie poet lit tlie end of
the fourth Hue and starved his muse
Into silence. Not Improbably other
Uiu.uN were part (if the poem, but
unfortunately for the pt the exigen
cies of a small blank space at that
time made it Impossible to consider tlie
respect due tho whole comiHisltlou.
One poet who has studied market
conditions turns this method of select-
lug verse to good account. A little be
fore publication day h calls up en the
Mm f"te m
jH5fH; Jhm t?m?ktf fe
4-. ? - 71 j '" X yyiWf:P
Being treated as ordinary criminals and forced to adhere closely to the
prison routine has not diminished the enthusiasm of Miss Chrlstabel Pank
hurst and her mother, sentenced to ten weeks and three months, respectively,
for participation as leaders in the suffrage demonstration In the British House
of Iyords. Educated and refined, they bear the prison drudgery with a forti
tude that has astonished the officials. Never do they complain or in any
manner Indicate that they suffer or are humiliated by their Imprisonment.
They declare that upon their release they will be more effective than ever In
their crusade because of their martyrdom.
phone the various magazine ofllccs
where he is known personally and asks
If they need any "fillers" or could they
use a sonnet or a stanra on this or mat
timely subject? This sounds like an
eagy way to dispose of poetry and It Is,
but only for the man who Invented the
That peculiarly American Institu
tion, professional baseball, has long
suffered from a reputation for bad
manners. The following, quoted by
the (Vmgregatlonallst from a letter
written by an American League official
to a player who wanted to get Into
the league from the ranks of the ama
teurs, is worthy of wide perusal. The
letter shows that the standards de
manded In the higher levela of the
business world are getting to bo de
manded lu tills, the national sport
Since you have naked me what ob
stacles stand In the way of your be
coming a professional baso-hall player,
I will frankly reply :
You are charged with frequently be
ing ungentlemanly In your conduct. It
Is said that you are rude und rough
with rival players, that you use coarse
language, sud that you have been sus
pected of efforts to spike buse-runners.
If there charges nre true, there is uo
sport in which you should be allowed
to appeur, and If they are untrue, you
should do everything in your power to
prove their falsity. It Is absolutely
essential lu the sporfs of to-day that
a player should I' as much of a gwi
tlemsn as the average business man la.
You are charged with bad habits,
practiced wheu you are not on the dla
mond. No player can be trusted In
Important games whose habits are bad
He needs to keep his Ik sly and his
mind lu the prime of condition for the
work ahead of htm. If lie does not,
his nine will certainly be the sufferer
In the end. Not all tho players with.
bad habits have yet been eliminated
from the national leagues, but their
numbers are growing smaller every
Lastly, I am Informed that you ahow
an unwillingness to obey orders. It
this Is true, you would not make a
good soldier, and a player la as much,
of a soldier, so far as orders are con
cerned, as a man In uniform Is. Obe
dience to orders Is one of the highest
essentials of a player's character.
Her Carreetloa.
"Father, I wish I knew why they
laughed at my corrected sentence In
English class to-day!" exclaimed a high
school girl recently. Her father looked
up from hla evening paper and asked
what the sentence was.
"Well, Miss West gave us each a sen
tence to correct, and mine was, 'I west
to the tonsorlal parlora to get a hair
cut.' "
"And bow did you correct it?" asked
the father.
"Why, I corrected It the only way
you could correct It, of courses and
Miss West just doubled up laughing
when she read It, and then she read It
aloud, and everyone In the class shout
ed. They didn't know It was my sen
tence, but I did."
"But what did you writer'
"Why, father! What would anyone
write? I wrote, 'I went to the ton
sorlal parlors to get my tonsils cut,' at
course !"
Th Ideal School.
If you want to make a nation of
"bookies," by all means cram the boys
and girls In your schools with plenty
of arithmetic, but If you would rather
have a nation of good men and women,
then train your children to love all
that Is beautiful In nature and In art,
all that Is noble In life or In death.
The school of the future will be a
beautiful building In a beautiful gar
den. Clarion.
The girl who smacks of freshneas
gets a geod many smaeka.