Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, February 12, 1909, Image 2

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    Dakota County Herald
Dakota cmr, mm.
OHX IL REAM, ... Publisher
Count Unnl linn storied another law
ult Against Anna Gould. Cut the
cables t
Trlnl miirrlnFPii may be nil illit If
the trlnl lusts during the lIMIme of
nc of the parties.
The "Young Turks" lire taking up
motoring. Yet they nre fiercely op
posed to outocracy.
According to their t:ix ost,etiineiits
Kew York's millionaires ore geiting
fame under false proteins.
' Scientists now sot up the claim
that paleolithic mnn lived In phlo. If
he did, he wos running for Rome of-
f -
One of our exchanges Informs tin
that "pig Iron Is soaring." Wo can
hardly consider this a fortunate figure
9t speech.
Another reason why Mr. Tuft will
nerer rldo !K) miles on horseback In
one day la thnt there Is it limit to
the supply of homes.
Ab nuef In unmoved by that four-tcen-yenr
sentence; In fnct, ho does
Hot Intend to move for three years If
hla appeals hold out.
That Southern prenchcr who says
he cured himself of consumption hy
playing golf la forgiven. A tun ti hna
tot to have some sort of nn excuse.
Cement shingles are now being man
ufactured by a machine. Little boys
who do not mind their pit pus should
paste this Hem In their stocking enps.
French courts hnve decided thnt the
Princess de Sngan In fit to mine her
children. This Is likely to lower her
In the estimation of her present hus
band. The Sultan of Turkey Is snld to pos
sess a fortune amounting to f:m,
000,000. There nre other ways to ac
cumulate money aside from engnglng
tn the oil business.
It will he suspected thnt several of
New York's rich Pion, If not more,
were guilty of illslngenuousness when
they were answering the questions of
the personal property assessor.
A St. Louis womnn wants a divorce
because her husband makes a noise
like a feed-chopper when he ents. Why
doesn't she avoid trouble by having
his teeth pulled and feeding him
through a tube?
A rennsylvnnla man has died of
heart failure because he almost won
gold watch la a raffle. People who
desire to tnko pnrt in raffles should
lways be careful to first undergo
physical examinations.
When the people of the United
States learn to build houses ns-Europeans
do life will he ussier for the
firemen, insurance companies will not
be in a constant state of terror, and
fewer men will be needed to carry on
the undertaking business.
In Sharon, To., a preacher recent
ly announced that be hoped all the
ladles of the congregation except the
lderly ones would remove their hats.
It Is needless to sny that one inlnute
after his request was made not a lady
In the church had her hat on.
The man who predicted that the
world would i come to an end a few
weeks ago announces tbnt the people
of New York prevented tho disaster
for the time being by getting down on
their knees and praying. It was un
generous on the part of the people of
Kew York to-thus interfere with tho
arrangements of a painstaking propu-
Engllsh-speaklng residents of Simla,
the fashionable resort of India, have
recently promoted a ; Postal-Calling
League which seems adaptable to any
City where society Is loose-Jointed, as
It were, and spread over many miles
Of streets. The principle of the leagu
Is that one may discharge her social
obligations by simply mailing her
cards. Thereby she escapes the or
deal of formal calls aud the wearl
orae Journeys Involved In leaving
cards, keeps sulllclently In relations
With mere acquaintances, and saves
much time that can be devoted to
those she really wishes to "cultivate"
her family and friends.,
No one who hus lived lu close prox
imity to a real farm for a large pnrt
Of the Slimmer especially If his uncle
or grandfather or whoever had the
management of It possessed strong
Ideas of the value of physical culture
for growing boys following, for ex
ample, one of those numerous farm Im
pleineuts over the area or a few city
blocks from sunrise to sunset, prefac
ing this with a couple of hours of the
Inevitable "chores" and following u
with a little more of the same, can fall
to appreciate the great vitluo that such
n institution as a vugrant colony
might huve as a uiornl Influence. The
Ign of hobodom, now applied to the
gate posts at farmhouses, indicating
whether the thrifty housewife keeps a
handout or a dog. or if the festive
woodpile lurks behind tU hedge, would
be then extended so thut on every road
leading to the state would be the
warning portent, probably taking the
hope of a saw. Even If such a farm
as that proposed uever harbored sny
one but the caretaker, and if the ex
pense of acquiring It were as great as
that attending the condemnation of a
Bietro;oIltan suburban park, the Invent
went might prove to be the lest one
ver rondo by the State.
In late years a good deal 'not been
MlJ u Limit the changing seasons, the
trlkltig contrasts but ween our winters
and the old fashioned ones, the skating
UllfbU that are gone, the trials of old
Mttlers, and so on. What are the fets
Is there sny scientific evidence of a
change In thf character of our winters?
Some time ngo the Federal weather
bnroau published n compilation of of
ficial, private nnd semi-official tempera
ture data coining the fifty years ended
with 1!XU. The table disposed of the
theory of old-fashioned winters. It
showed, for example, th;tt at Cincinnati
the menu winter temperature for the
years iSTO-imu was rather lower than
thnt of the. preceding twent.v-flve-year
period. At t'levelsnd nnd St. Iniln the
avernge for both erlods was Identical,
Here Is the table Itself:
Mn winter
Station to MIS II
Mann winter
tern pi-rut nre,
ISTit so
to 1003-4
2 3
20. B
finclnnttl, Ohio. .
Pt. Ixmh, Mo
rWelnml. tilim..
New Orlentis, Iji .
Chlosjro. Ill
N. Itp.Ifi.M, M.
Wimlilnirlnn, It. ('.
i'ii I
Cbirlentnn, H. C
The records of New York City since
1S72 nlso fall to show a loss of rigor
on the pirt of tho winters of the pres
ent day. In fnct, the Instruments for
morly used were calculated to resistor
lower temperatures than these of our
signal service, which ore differently
placed. As to what happened more than
fifty years o;jo. cold science Is ill
e.ptlpjted to coinbnt warm fable and
romantic Imnglnlngs. Here the field
for picturesque contrasts Is free.
Knnrmona Debt Accumulated fcr
(iei-many In Tim. of re.ee.
That (ierninny Is paying the piper
for her vast armaments on land and
sen Is strikingly shown In a paper In
the Atlantic by William C. Dreher.
Since JS77 there has been only one
year In which tho national debt has
not Iteen increased. It now amounts,
according to recent ofllclnl statements,
to 11,013,000,000, or o little more than
the French Indemnity. The debt has
been doubled since 18!K. For the last
eight yonrs government publications
again admit, exjiendltures have exceed
ed receipt'.! by $471,000,000, or an aver
age of $.'.1,000,000 a year. The natlon
iil debt hns already cost the country
In Interest nnd administrative expenses
a bout $:WO,000,000 ; and yet Germany
could have kept out of debt altogether,
ns Prof. Schonz has recently shown,
If the revenue had been increased by
only nltout $12,000,000 yearly.
Thnt a country with so much Intelli
gence, character nnd efllclency as Ger
many undoubtedly has should go on
piling up Its national debt like this
In a time of profound peace Is certain
ly a most astonishing phenomenon, and
some explanation of It seems called for.
If we nsk a bankrupt why he failed
we shall most likely learn that his
Income was not bl enough. If we ask
his friends they will probably tell us
that he spent his money extravagantly.
In the case of Germany both explana
tions would npply the empire has
never had adequate and steady sources
of revenue, and Its expenditures, nig
gardly enough In many ordinary Items,
hove been lavish In the extreme wltb
the army and navy.
A Mortal "Immortal."
It may bo gathered from n:i anec
dote found in the Gaulols that there
was a time when somo members, at
least, of the French Academy shared
New England's former respect for cor
rect spelling.
One day Bolsslor arrived at Kenan's
house with a beaming face.
"Now," he began, Til tell you a
piece of news thot will take down
your crest My autograph has fetched
a higher price than yours."
"Thot does not surprise me," Henan
said, serenely. "Where did you hear
Bolssier then explained that at an
auction a day or two before a Kenan
autograph hod sold for three francs
nnd one of his own for five.
"Let me tell you the reason," said
Renon. "There were threo mistakes in
the spelling of your letter, which is
now lying here on my writing-table.
A friend of mine was at the auction
and made a high bid for the letter,
after noticing the artificial gems thnt
adorned your prose.
"lie brought it to me in order that I
might return It to you. If it got
abroad," concluded Kenan, smiling,
"the public might get a bad iinpres
alon of the accomplishments of mem
bers of the French Academy."
Election In Ilelfry.
Tho, ceremony of electing a deputy
mayor In a belfry, a custom doting
back to mediaeval times, was observed
in tho tower of tho parish church at
Brlghtllngsca. Having climbed a steep
spiral staircase of stone, the jurats, or
electors, established themselves In the
belfry and tho chnlr was taken by the
retiring deputy. Four now freemen
were elected, from each of whom the
ancient fee of It d. wns exacted. The
Iter. Arthur Pertwee, who Is "Record
er," was unanimously chosen ns deputy
niryr and tsk the antique oath of al
legiance to the King and State. The
new deputy was handed his robe and
chain of office, the latter formed of
golden oysters and silver sprats, with a
seal attached said to tie one of the
largest opals in the rutted Kingdom.
Iondon standard.
Interested Hint.
"I don't supimse you take any inter
est In nubile affairs?" sulii iha in,t
to the tramp, who was feeding his
race at the back door.
"Oh, yes, I does, ma'am." reniiArt
the wanderer; "I take a good deal
a' Int'rest in dls 'ere cood rouds mnv.
ment." Yonkers Statesman.
Not So New.
"A chap came along yesterday tak
ing orders for metal mothers."
"What on earth are 'metal moth
ers' T"
"Incubators." Birmingham Age
Ilerald. Clerk Hut you Just bought this nov
el aud paid for It. Customer Yen .
Clerk Then why do you wlhh to re
turn It.' Customer I read It while
waiting for my change. Clevelaud
The less some men work the more
they complain about the way other dim
make inouey.
LI HMf isiiBBB.iB.Bi -"MMaangaVlBnwaatta-v----
"" tMj ww
N'TT F . IViTlO Pi lid V nntimilca.lAitA1 a4 . t A,t I I .... A
Bl! rfVlW' tvXi "f lh,P v,,,,!",e rl1on of which Is now going
II. I on. the l.ViS Clementine edition of Jerome's version of the
I Ttll.ln Lt,i f.l.,,1. I -..v.-j . ,
iiau urrn minjwtru to no revision.
During these tj-f..,. hundred years several revisions of the Eng
lish P.lble In i;, i t. mug Protestants have been made the latest
ociiik me w iiii etiiiinrizea tiy the American committee of re
vision and completed In 1001. l:i, gland was behind the other Christian coun
tries In having a Pible lit her mm tongue. In Egypt, Armenia and Itoine the
people almost from the earliest days of Christianity had read the Scriptures
In their own tongue, but In I-:iu;!iir.tl the Laltn nible held sway.
Tho Hlble as n whole v;is never translated Into Anglo-Saxon, though
metrical paraphrases of me or Its parts appeared as early as the seventh
century. The first of these indie renderings of tbe Scriptures wan made
T.J C'aedmon, a monk of Ki.glund. In the eighth century appeared
Bcde's rendering of the Gospel of John nnd the Lord's Prayer, nnd other
paraphrases made by dlffcr'-nt I'cch-slastlcs. In the tenth century Alfred the
Cjeod latcrllned a Lulln ni;ini:si i ipt with translations of tho Exodus Into
John -WyelllTe's (rulis! lil.ul wns (lie first complete English rendering of
the Bible. A revision of his tianslnllon was published in i:tKH, Just sixty
seven years before the first N ok pi luted In Euroi with movable types wns
published, llctwccn the nppet.rauce of this first English Illble of John
WyclIfTe'S In the fourteenth i iiiti ry and the' publication of Tyndull's Ilih'e
in 1525, tho printing press, making possible the easy multiplication of books,
had been Invented. The first book, finely printed In Europe, was a Latin
Dlble. Before Tyiidiill's Knulitli l'.inie appeared the other European coun
tries Germnny, Italy, France, l landt is, Spain, Holland nnd Bohemia had
their vernacular Bibles In prii t. so England was slow In giving to Its people
the 8crlptnres In a language which they could understand.
The first complete English Bible was the work of Myles Covordalc, an
Augnstinlsn friar. He uuderttok the work at the suggestion of Thomas
Oromwell, Minister of state to Henry VIII. He really revised and se
cured circulation for TynduH's New Testament. The first edition of his
Bible, nppenrlng In 1.1:13. was not suppressed by the government, which
proves thnt the popular demand for the Scriptures was making Itself felt.
The second edition, ready lu 1.1:7, was printed with the King's most precious
license, being the second Bible to receive It. The first to be thus authorized
by the King wns tho Bible edited and published by John Rogers, under the
name of Thomas Matthew, lu ir:'.7. The Matthews Bible was a compilation
Of Tyndall's and Coverdnle's trnnslotloi'K made by Rogers, whoso work was
that of an editor. The notes In the Matthews Bible did not please Crom
well, so he commissioned Richard Tuverner to revise It. Tnverner's task was
te tone down the notes and to Improve the English. Ills revision was the
first published by the Kings printer, yet. despite this, It appears to have ex
ercised little Influence on later Protestant editions.
During the religious persecutions In the reigns of Mary and Elizabeth
many English, both Catholic and Protestant, had to seek asylum In foreign
lands. Some of the Protestant faith drifted to Geneva, where n company of
Oenersn pastors, among th-un John Knox, Myles Coverdale nnd William
Whlttlngham. brother-in-law of Calvin, published what Is known ns the
ZTif y, ,1P W'0I,,",1 M,,K,,',1 ""in It. anil ns King James was
equally dissatisfied with the Scotch authorized edition, tho Genevan Bible
he wns ready to yield to the appeal for another version. In 1011 the Klnsi
James version was published. Thorgl, known as the authorized version it
has never been formally sanctioned by any authority, ecclesiastical or tern
wKi ' r , " UMnrf "f Ki'KHhU Bible," says: "A revision
which embodied the ripe fruits of rearly a century of labor and appealed
U the religious Instinct of preat Chrlsihrn people gained bv Its own I ,er
character a vital authority which could never be secured by any e let o
sovereign rulers. In their work tho men who prepared the King James ve
Ion consnited Tyndall. Matthew. Coverdale. the Great Bible amMhe Genevan
all of the noteworthy Enc Ish rerslot!. v..v,tv.iI. ,
A .....
Ion encountered severe criticism nnd
-union , as a recension of tho English
the mnjenty nnd the simplicity of the
Ninety per cent of the words In
origin, showing the stromr lnfl nonce
ment owing to the deveh: I ot , he 1 ntt ZZt
from the' first English B.bitbat of WycUff as "m" y "1 en" n Z x
tract from n manuscript of the fourteenth century
. t,"1" ,h ,1,1,WnV,n (Ml n'"l of noughtt hevene nnd erthe. forsotho the
erthe was ldll and voyde. and derknessls weren on the far nf S .
the Splryt of the I.or.1 was borne on the watrln ! ,, ?
maad. nnd light was m.ad. And (Jod saw Tho light Ihatu ,W
be departlde the light frotn derknessls. M he le til Wlt ,80
derknessls nlcht: and the erentM .. . 'n,",e ,he 1,sht the
it J
til ,
Abbott Lawreme Lowell, mil lmr, .aw
yer. Eattm professor of the science of
governineiit and dlsilnguishi-il nclmlar.
Who succeeds Charles W. Eliot as pres
ident of Harvard I'niverslty, U n son
of one of the first f.itnllies of Massa
chusetts. The city of Lowell wns named
after his maternal grandfather. Abbott
Lawrence, lie wn born In Boston
ou 1xh in. l.sr.11. a son of Augustus
Lowell and Katlieilne Blgelow Law
rence. Augustus Iiwell was one of
Boston's foremost financiers in his time.
He founded Iiwell Institute, which has
been managed so nlily by the man who
is to sinreed to the helm of the great
Cambridge university. Augustus Ixiw
ell's father left as u mouuinent, be
sides the city which Is named after
him, the Boston and lowcll cacti,
which he constructed under great diffi
culties. I'pon graduation, Prof. Lowell entered
Ilnrvnrd Low School, and before he
took ofT his mortar board there saw a
year's active pructlce in the law offices
of Putnam & Russell. He was gradu
ated from tl.e law school wl'h honors,
and In a pirtnersli'tt with Jinle K. C.
Lowell, n cousin, entered active prac
tice of law. itirln the year IK'.tt this
pirtrei shl'i wan enlarged to Include
Fteacrkk J. S.l.ui.ou. Six years luter,
. ..v. . v . nit- ivinir wames ver-
was revised In 1(120. The Amerlenn
Revised Edition, retains tho statellnoss
King James version lu.ness,
the King James version nre of Snxon
nt Wi7nlifr rr. '
muiiiiiu wn ninad one day."
Prof. Lowell resigned from the firm to
become a lecturer on government ol
Cambridge. For the next three yeorj
he enjoyed a good-sized chamber prao
tlce, but he found time to write "Tht
Transfer of Stock In Corporations," $
treatise which is a standard text boo
In law schools. His books on govern
ment and politics hnve earned for hint
an International reputation.
Yonr Ton sue Tells Talea Even When
It Is Not wif(li(.
Tho Germans hnve a new science
which they call glossology. Tho pro
fessor of glossology are able, they say,
to read a man's character by the shape
and capacity for movement of his
tongue, a Berlin letter to the New York
World says. They do not say anything
about reading a woman's character, but
the presumption is that women are in
cluded. It is not a difficult science,
and Infallibility is claimed for it. All
you have got to do Is to show your
tongue ami the glossologlst reads your
A man with n long ton;ue, It Is as
serted, bos an open, courageous nature;
a short tongue shows a reserved nnd
hypocritical nature; a broad tongue In
dicates a chatty person, ami a narrow
one a selfish person, living only for
himself, and unsociable. A man with
a tongue both long nnd broad Is a
person who is Inconsequent, and a man
with n long and narrow tongue does
not treat truth seriously. A short and
broad tongue Is the sure mark of a liar
and boaster, and a tongue with n point
betrays a man of acuteuess and one
who employs sharp and bitter methods
of speech.
Glossology might tn' usefully Intro
duced Into drawing rooms to replace
character reading from handwriting
aud the usual forms of palmistry.
It Is the opinion of a great medical
authority here that the tongue of a
glossologlst would show distinctly that
he was a charlatan or an idiot.
Ou. Thlna; II. Could Not Have.
Although there was no sort of top
which could be bought and for which
Harold hod expressed i desire that was
not in his possession, he still had his
unsatisfied longings. "I know what
I wIhIi I was, mother," he said one day
when his own big brother hud gone
away and the little boy across the
street was ill.
"Yes, dear," said his mother. "Per
haps you can be It, Harold; mother
will help you. Is It to pluy soldier?"
"No Indeed!" said Harold, scornful
ly. "I Just wish I was two little dogs,
so I could play together." Youth's
A Wan cuu't be Insulted aa a want
nn caa.
The old resident of Alton token the
rlsltor to tho river bnnk In front of
Ihe City Hall nd. pointing ncross the
Mississippi to on Island hpovlly wood
ed with willow, Informs him that there
Is the "Lincoln-Shields Pork." On the
22d of Septemlier. 1R2. writes Wnlter
B. Stevenn In the St. Louis Globe-Democrat,
the stnge conches rnttled down
the long valley through the bluffs of
Alton and unloaded an extraordinary
pansenger list at the Plana Hotel. The
people sitting and standing on the wide
double galleries of the three-story,
hipped roof, wooden hotel, looked and
wondered as James Shields, the State
Auditor, accompanied by Col. White
sldes and several other well-known
Springfield politicians stepped down
from the coach nnd went Into the ho
tel. They were nmnzed when another
vohlelo delivered "Abo" Lincoln, the
lawyer; E. II. Berrymnn nnd William
Butler. About the same time Elijah
Iiott find J. J. Hardin and several oth
ers, well known public men of Illlnolq
drove into town. "Jim" Shields had
challenged "Abe" Lincoln and they
hod challenged "Abe" Lincoln nnd they
were going across the river to fight on
Missouri soil with "broadswords," the
regulation cavalry sobres of the Fnl
ted States Army. Those were the
years of "dragoons" In this country.
As soon as the ferry reached the isl
and Mr. Lincoln was token in one di
rection and Mr. Shields In the other.
They were given scats on logs and left
to themselves while seconds and peace
makers discussed the situation. In h
short time a serious defect In the pro
ceedings on the part of Shields came
to light. The challenge had been sent
prematurely. The mistake Is explained
quite clearly in the Alton traditions.
Lincoln had amused himself and bnd
entertained the Whigs by writing fun
ny letters to a Springfield paper about
the Democrat, and signing his epistle
"Aunt Rebeccn." Mary Todd, who
afterwards became Mrs. Lincoln, and
Julia Jayne conspired to add to the
gayety of the community by getlng up
on "Aunt Rebecca" letter of their own
composition and sending It to the paper
along with some verses which tbev
signed "Cothloen." The letter which
the girls wrote went outside of poll
tics and contained a burlesaue rronosal
of marriage to Auditor Shields. Now,
tlie Auditor, afterward a United States
i S f Sr t- tfr ( fr f f t fr C .t ( f t C
mtv v i j sjj J u VIII l at
The first notes of the Toreador song
called a group of Idlers nnd sightseers
near and cordial hnndclopplng followed
the final note of the gypsies' music, for
there were singers In the band who
knew how to use their voices. The
Fpnco near the cottage afforded n bril
liant Rceno these gala days; there were
always round about fTiose' curious ones
who must have their fortunes told
men as well ns women, skeptics and
believers alike trying for a peep Into
the future through the eyes of the palm
render, tho horoscope Interpreter nnd
the oracle.
Elsewhere In the village were merry
doings anting nnd drinking, all tho
rough diversions of the early days, the
ways thnt men nnd women have ever
sought for whlllng away the time. Be
neath n canopy wore Mistress Madge
ond prim companions In sewing Indus
try, while near the stile Miss Betsy lin
gered for a word with stalwart Hugh.
Crossing the village green In pairs and
groups were others of the comely maid
ens, ond all the small boys of the town,
scorning more serious pursuits, played
merrily at leap frog, quoits and other
robust games.
Within tho public houses were heavy
discourse of the stock, and clinking of
the glasses, and boisterous npplnusc
when ono would make ottempt at w itti
cism. Behind his counter smiled the
rotund keeper; among the tables and
tho benches supple John moved con
stantly with potables nnd lights. From
all tho meadow land and tenant houses
round, the men wero come to share the
village cheer. These moved not at the
notes of nny song from near the Hath
away garden, but burled turlr coarse
faces once again In cup or mug, nud
gurgled coutemplotlvely.
These were momentous days. . The
court was come. In brave array were
courtiers nnd warriors nnd sailors liold,
all picnicking. The servants ran about
n liveries resplendent. Important per
sonages stalked hither and away In
heavy grandeur. Court ladles and their
maids looked on the village nnd the
country folk disdainfully In part, but
some took Interest nnd made acquaint
ance here and there.
The latter, friendly ones, flocked up
to hear the gypsies slug, and when the
song was ended clapiied and sought to
know from members of the bond what
good or 111 future held for them. One
Isitor, a youth, a short and sturdy lad,
with tiearlng and with bronze of otien
nlr ond sea, looked in the faces of the
gypsies and strayed about from place
o place to hear what patrons of the
soothsayers might have learnt.
A gypsy lass made bold to ask him:
Sir, have your future told for cold: a
bright career may wait thee; I'll tell
thee whom for friends to hold, and who
they ure thot hate thee."
"Nay, lass, but ore all the members
of thy company lu sight?" he asked.
All but one maid who readetb
palms," she answered him.
"Then will I wait," he said, "and
see If she can tell me whut I wish te
know. It Is the one who Is the moat
demanded that must know the most,
anil I will wait to have her wer into
the durk for me."
But there were tho.se who were not
to determined, and would buy forecasts
ndlserliulnntely, so she left him and
told others pleasant fibs to make them
smile and mostly spared them what of
painful truth she read that fate was
hohilnj back for them.
Then cme that one to view who had
Senator from three States, and a brn
gencial of two wars, whs a fiery young
man. While Springfield laughed.
Shields began an Investigation. He de
manded of the editor the real name of
"Aunt Rebecca." The girls became
frightened. Bunn, the banker, went
over to Mr. Lincoln's office nnd said:
"We've got Into an awful fix "
'What's the matter?" asked Lincoln.
"The girls hove written some poetry
on Shields," snld Bunn. "Didn't yon
see It In the paper? Well, Shields says
he won't stand It. What shall we do
about It?"
"You go back and when you 'mee'.
Shields tell him I wrote It," said Lin
coln. Shields accepted this without verifi
cation and sent the challenge. The
peacemakers, hurrying to Alton,
brought the true story of the author
ship. The facts come out In the con
ference on the island, nnd the seconds
began the Interchange of notes. Shields
saw the error of the proceeding further
when he learned that Lincoln was not
the writer. For nn hour or more the
writing and exchanging of notes went
on. Meantime the population of Alton
stood In a dense moss on the river
bank looking ncross the channel and
having a good view of all of the move
ments. "Bill" Souther, a newspaper
reporter, kept his eyes on the prin
cipals, lie told that for some time
after the lauding Lincoln nnd Shields
sat quietly on their logs. Lincoln snld
nothing, nnd Souther thought he looked
serious. After awhile something hap
pened, and Souther snld thnt when he
saw It he "nenrly blew up." The bun
dle of sabres had boon laid down near
the log where Lincoln wns sitting. Lin
coln reached out and took up one of
the weapons. lie drew the blnde slow
ly from the scabbard, and Souther snld
"It looked as long as a fence rail."
Holding the blade by the back, Lincoln
looked closely at the edge, and then
after the manner of one who has been
grinding a scythe or n corn knife, he
been lu demand a riot of the gypsy
colors, with burning eyes that melted
Into mischief in n flash, and teeth nnd
lips so perfect one cmild guess they
never would foretell unhnpplnoss.
Ho ran to her. "Now read my pnlm,"
ho said, "nnd I will pay thee well."
"It Is my line," she Answered him.
"The good cause needeth funds, and 1
will tell thee truly what the future
holds for thee.. I pray thy palm be
smooth oud hard, then hnst thou for
tune's high regard. But If it be all
lined nnd crossed, thou shalt thou be
most tempest-tossed."
Together then they snt and, redden
ing, he stretched his hand where she
might see the palm!
She reached to take it, nnd showed a
sparkling goni usm her finger. And
when he touched the gem he thrilled
in nil the nerves that carry shivers to
nnd fro, but whether from her touch or
from the mnglc of the stone he could
not say. '
"Alns," she said, " 'tis lined ond
scarred; thy calling works thee over
hard. But hard means triumph at the
last; thou shalt be rich ere years have
"So rich that I shall own n stone
like that?" he questioned.
"There Is not wealth enough to buy
It 'tis my luck stone, lad," she said.
"Now this line here, a bold, full
curve, denotes a trained ond steady
nerve; it is of Intersections free thou
must a gallant sailor be."
"All but the gallant," he broke In. "I
have never done n gallant thing. The
sailor's life Is one of good, hard toil
and Biidden perils, if you will, but
landsmen nre the
ones to whom are
conduct themselves
offered chances to
with gallantry."
"lliou dost not read thy life and
duties right," she said. "Each time
thou swlugest mid the lofty Ralls or
flyest up and down the ropes thou coin
est nearer to the captaincy, the goal of
thy highest hopes. The stone I wear
upon my finger tells me where thy
thoughts most linger."
A pent of laughter startled them and
they looked up to see more of the gyp
sies, listening. "She hath a promising
subject." whisjiered one. "Aye, he has
a simple hand," the second sold. "Beth,
tell him true," another counseled, "or
he'll haunt your days. Iet him know
the worst and best; clear away the
And they danced nway to other
parts, telling one uuother of their win
nings and of how they had almost been
trapped by some sharp-witted patron
trying to deceive them with false Infor
mation, just to lead them on.
"I read, too, thot thou are In trou
ble," said the girl.
"Thou ore the first to know It," said
the youth, readily, but wincing In her
sight. "How can a man who Is most
times abroad have troubles? Tell me
"Thy trouble bides at home," she
softly sold.
"Theu dost thou truly know," admit
ted the youth. "Now tell me what I
shall do. for I will net louger sail the
" k.
begon to feel gingerly the edge wltb'
the ball of his thumb. By thin time
"Bill" Souther was tremendously In
terosted. Holding the sabre by the
handle, Lincoln stood up and looked
about him. lie evidently saw what he
was looking for In a willow tree sev
eral feet away. Raising the mighty
weapon with his long arm. Lincoln
reached and clipped one of the topmost
twigs of the willow. When ho had
thoroughly satisfied himself ns to the
efficiency of the broadsword he snt
down. A few minutes later the corre
spondence wns closed on terms "honor
able to both parties."
As the boat put bock to Alton the
spectators on the bank were horrified
to see lying prone upon the deck a fig
ure covered with blood, while a well
known Altonion leaned over the figure
plying n fan vigorously. Not until tho
boat was close In shore was It seen that'
the figure was a log of wood and that
the "bloody" covering was n red flannel
shirt Wentworth dropped the fan,
6tood up nnd grinned. .
Lincoln wns G feet nnd 4 Inches, with'
an arm length In proportion. Shield
wns 5 feet (5 Inches, chunky nnd short
limbed. "Bill" Souther marveled much
over the willow tree exhibition, ami
wondered how long Shields could have
stood up against such odds. 1
' 4
sen in such uncertainly as has cursed
my voyages of late. I am a man" ho
said it ns n youngster doth who feels
the blood bounding In him each day
more swiftly than before "i am 11
niiiu; 1 pray thee bid me take my trou
ble by the throat and strangle it."
"Best take it by the bund and plead
with it." she said, "or look it In the eye
and say your Inmost thought."
"Aye, look it In the eye nnd l,
abashed," lie answered, -f cannot say
my Inmost thought without some help.
Is there no firmness or no readiness of
speech writ in my palm, dear gypsy?"
"A plain all curleycues and tails the
owner's purpose always fulls" ah
"A miserable outlook," he snld, and
pet his face.
"But thine hath no curleycues nor
tails, nor anything but well-defined ond
proper Hues a lifeline long nnd red
nnd deep, denoting friendship pod to
keep. Thou lovest ono who is fickle?"
slui asked pointedly.
"I cannot tell," he said. "I mayhap
should have brought herpolin as well?"
"It is not needed now," the gypsy
said. "Come, here's nn nrn.w well de
fined, shnrp-polnted, short and blunt at
end. Wbot is the message fate design
ed by this wnr token us to send?"
"Tho arrow must moan the service
of the king," he said promptly. "I nm
In the navy."
"The arrow means not service." she
returned. "It signifies, rather, loyalty.
Thou are a loyal man?" she asked.
"Always, everywhere," he boosted.
"Then why seekest thou Information
of thy love affairs of soothsayers " she
persisted. '"Tis writ that soothsayers know,'"
he answered vehemently, "nnd I do not.
I connot tell If I am cherished in her
heart or if In my absence I am half
forgot. I cannot even tell If I am
present In her mind when I am near,
for then converseth she most flagrantly
with other nnd less worthy men."
"Less worthy men, Indeed."
"1 deem them so."
"But is thy Judgment much to be
depended on? Thou seemest but a
youth; thy blood is quick to tike of
fense; thy heart protesteth over trifles
and Btnndeth round In way of buffet
ing. When thou nre older, thou wilt;
better know the other sex nnd realize
thnt when thou art most flouted thou
art most regarded when thou seemest
most madly to pursue, shouldst thou
but hesitate, she would ruu unto thee."
"Thou shouldst know women well,"
he said, "but how know I that thon.
sayest true of what my power will be
come with years?"
"The stono upon my finger tells me
all of thee nnd of thy maid who Is so
steeled; how thnt she seemeth firm ns
onyiwall yet that If thou persist she
shall yield."
"Thou wouldst counsel firmness and
good hope?"
"As I know the future and the sex."
"So be it, then," be sold, "but I mucb
fear thou kuowost gypsy maidens only,
and 'tis no gypsy maiden that hath cost
her charm on me."
"No gypsy maiden? Then thy palm
Is wrong. Take back thy fee straight
way and run along."
lie shook his head. "She Is no gyp
sy," he explained, "ourjj a makebe
lleve." Buffalo Express.
(Mrs. Blunder has Just received as
telegram from India) What an ad
mirable Invention the telegram is! she
exclaimed, when you come to consid
er that this message has come a dis
tance of thousands of miles, and th
gum on the euvelope Isn't dry yet.-
Was there ever a uiau who wanted
to he married lu church when hi tlm4
camel '