Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, February 12, 1909, Image 1

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M0TT0-A1I Tho News When It Is News.
Next Executive Pay ft IIle.li Compli
ment to (he Organization In tlio
I n nan ut 7ut; but Refuses to 1)1
CI1HH th Question Of CubillCt.
President-elect William H. Taft
landed In New Orleans shortly before
3 o'clock Thursday afternoon from
Panama and was enthusiastically re
ceived. Mr. Taft made a brief speech heart
ily approving the present lock type
of canal across the Isthmus of Pan
ama. Mr. Toft received by wireless tele
graph the news of the question raised
gainst the appointment of Senator
Knox as secretary of state. He was
Bomewhat disturbed over the situa
tion when he received the news of the
disposition of congress to amend the
cabinet salary law he was Inclined to
take this as a happy solution of the
difficulty. Pending a conference with
Senator Knox In Washington nexlf
Wednesday the president-elect regards
as Impolite to discuss the question
for publication.
Mr. Taft said he should adhere to
his previously announced plan of re
maining silent regarding his cabinet
and also keeping apolntments open
until the last moment' to provide
against possible contingencies that
may occur. Mr. Taft said he ex
pected to get some Information he
had asked to be obtained for him dur
ing his absence.
On the trip from Panama Mr. Taft
made the first draft of his Inaugural
address. This he intends to submit to
certain friends In Washington next
Digamist Receives a Very Itcniurkahlc
Thomas Hanby, a former South Car
olinian, has received a remarkable
sentence In the federal court at HelenX
Mont. Thursday Hanby, convicted on
a bigamy charge, wrjs not only fined
$100 and sent to jail for six months,
but was also sentenced to marry an
Indian woman.
. Hanby's first wife, learning of his
marriage to pretty Mary La Bresch,
a Blackfoot maiden, secured his indict
ment and then a legal separation for
herself. Because of the first marriage,
the second marriage was declared
; Judge Hunt not only Imposed the
sentence indicated, but instructed the
United States marshal to see that the
marriage was carried out immediately
and this was done, a justice of th
peace uniting the couple.
Attempt to Draw it Meets Willi n
An attempt to draw the color line,
creating a new depurture in England,
met with signal failure Thursday at
Birmingham, where an effort was
made to exclude a negro student of the
university from the local skating rink.
The incident aroused a heated con
troversy. The students took up the
negro's cuuse and hired a lawyer to
oppose the renewal of the rink's li
cense. The management of the rink
apologized In court and promised not
to make any race distinction In the
future. '
College in Missouri CIomnI Because ol
u Serious Outbreak.
William Jewell college at Liberty'
Mo., Is closed because of a serious out
break of smallpox among Its students
who number 600. Fifteen students ar
afflicted with the disease and the en
tire school dormitory is quarantined
Guards are stationed to keep stu
dents from leaving hero for theli
homes, and the college gynaslum has
been converted Into a pest house
where the sick are confined. If ther
Is no further spread of the disease li
Is probable that the college will bi
re-opened next Monday.
Druggist Is lilt Hard.
J. B. Hinde. of the Hinde Drui
tompany. of Oregon. Mo., Thursda)
vas found guilty on twenty-one in
dlctments. charging Illegal sale of li
quor under the new local option law
The Judge compelled Mr. Hinde t
puy In cash $1,200 and all costs It
the twenty-one rases.
Sioux City Live Stock Market.
Thursday's quotations on the Hlmp
City live stock market follow: To.
cattle $5.60. Top hog $6.60.
A Double- Execution.
A double execution was carried ou
publicly In Albl, Fiance, Thursday it
the presence of an immense but order
ly gathering of people. There wat
considerable opposition to the execu
Half Million I liar Eire.
Twp bodies were recovered Thurs
day from the ruins of the Wabas"
railroad warehouse at Chicago, whicl
burned Wednesday night with a losi
t $500,000.
Tombs Officials Are Charged WIUi
Daring Plot.
A plot to effect the escape from the
Tombs prison In New York city of
Henry Mercer, who was extradited
from California recently on charges of
fraud, was frustrated Wednesday by
District Attorney Jerome, who caused
the arrest of Joseph A. Shoy, one of
the counsel for Thornton J. Halns In
the recent murder trial; Walter F.
Peck, an occasional visitor to Mercer
at the prison, and P. J. Howard and
John H. Moller. keepers In the Toombs.
Shay was released on $6,000 ball,
the charge against him being felony
In assisting the prisoner to escape. The
keepers were held In $260 bull for
violating the prison rules that all vis
itors must register.
According to Mr. Jerome, It was
planned to have Mercer pass out with
discharged prisoners late Wednesday.
A disguise whs found In Mercer's cell.
consisting of a fur overcoat, a pair ofJ
eye glasses and a cap. A time table
and a roll of money had been taken to
Mercer, who was to have lied to Gold
field, New Outside the prison an au
tomobile was waiting for Mercer. The
police arrested the chauffeur and an
other man. reck is said to have made
a confession to Mr. Jerome.
Mercer made an affidavit stating
that Shay came to him and said a man
named Williamson would call and do
everything he could. Mercer said that
Williamson told him he would fur
nish him a disguise and give him ex
pense money to go to Nevada. The
prisoner stated Shay told him that he
could thank John F. Mclntyre and
himself for getting him out of the
Noiseless ;vn made good.
Max urn Gave mi Exhibition of Inven
tion in New York.
Before a critical audience composed
of gun experts, military men, hunters
and skeptics of various sorts Hiram
Perry Maxim Wednesday at New
York, gave u seiles of demonstrations
tending to show that he can render the
most powerful llllo noiseless without
impairing Its efficiency, and that he
can do away with the recoil almost
Both the noise and the kick are
eliminated by -the same process a
process so simple and so different from
that which "rumor had defined it us
to be almost unbelievable. The inven
tor dlschaiged guns of various sizes
and power, both with and without the
"silencer" attached. He shot car
tridges that have such velocity, and
power that their impact represents a
ireasure'of one and one-quuiter tons
sufficient to knock down the big
gest elephant.
And this test did not take place out
In the Jersey marshes. On the con
trary It wis made in a small room in
the office oY-Bedding, Greely and Aus
tin, Mr. Maxim's attorneys.
locomotlve and Know low Jump tin
Truck. Killing the Engineer.
While plowing through the heavy
("rifts, of snow at Baxter puss, on the
Ctah railroad in Colorado Wednesday
an engine and snowplow, in rounding
a sharp curve on a down grade, plunge
ed over a 30-foot precipice, killing
Engineer J. E. Lane and fatally Injur
ing a Greek section hand. Four other
workmen, whose names are unknown,
were seriously Injured. Lane was still
alive when taken from the engine,
but died without regaining conscious
ness. Big Concern Reorganizes.
Advices Wednesday from New York
are to the effect that the Southern
Steel company, a $20,000,000 concern,
at BIrmin&hum, Ala., which went into
bankruptcy last year, has been re
organized and will resume within a
few days. When in full operation the
company employs between 3,000 and
5,000 men.
Georgia Not in Collision.
The report that the Georgia was In
a collision with another battlesrilp
of the American Atlantic fleet, while
en route to Amerleo, which had been
circulated at Gilbraltar, was not con
firmed. The reports originally were
published by the Spanish newspapers.
Corlx'tt Meets Dowser.
"Young Corbett." of New York,
former lightweight champion of the
world, fought six rounds with "Mull"
Dowser, of Pittsburg, Tuesday night at
Pittsburg. No decision wus given, but
Corbett had decidedly the better of the
To Oust City Orili-lnU.
For levying tribute on Joints uml Il
legal resorts W. T. Harsha. mayor of
Hutchinson, und W. H. Dixon, chief
of police, will be ousted from office
und the city of Hutchinson, Kan., will
be enjoined from exercising the rights
of a corporation.
longboat to Hare Nliriibb.
The managers of Tom longboat,
the Indian runners, announced that
they had decided to accept the offer
of a $7,500 purse for a fifteen-mile
race In DufTalo on February 25 with
Alfred Shrubb, the Englishman.
Dr. llorth)- to Prison.
Dr. I A. Horthy, the matrimonial
agent, accused of using the mails to
defraud, pleaded guilty 'Jit veiuinl.
O., and was sentenced to eighteen
months In the Leavenworth peuiteu
'.lary. 2,000 lk'tH on IMUMCoi..
Two thousand thoroughbred dogs
are on exhibition In the Westminster
Kennel club's annual In Madison
Square Gurder, New York.
Lamp Divorce Suit Can a Stir In St.
I (MllS.
A crowd of 1.000 persons struggled
with the police to enter the court
house at St. Louis Tuesday and hear
the testimony of Mrs. Lillian Hanlan
Lemp In her suit for a divorce from
William J. Letup, Jr., the millionaire
All the standing room was taken
when employes of the Lemp family
told on the witness stand of visits of
women to tho Letup home while Mrs.
Lemp was absent. Mrs. Lemp finished
her redirect examination during the
morning session of court, and after be
ing excused she paid dose attention to
the testimony of the men and women
who had worked about the Ump
Mrs. Ix'iia Corey, a laundress, tonl
of Mr. Lemp moving out the furniture
during Mrs. lamp's absence from the
house. She told of a quarrel about
putting the plant In the house. Mr.
Lemp, Mr.'. Corey testified, said with
an oath: "Iii show her who Is boss."
Mrs. Corey testified she found comb
ings of a woman's hair In Mrs. Letup's
bathroom. Sometimes the hair was
light and sometimes dark. She found
a woman's cuff button there, and when
Mr. Lemp asked her about It she gave
It t.- him. He said he was awful glad
that Mrs. Corey found it.
One afternoon Mrs. Corey saw a
woman In the bathroom. At another
time five or six people were singing
and drlnkii'g in the house. Some of
them were women. They broke glass
es and spilled beer on a rug and threw
chewing gum all around. These things,
Mrs. Corey testified, happened when
Mrs. Lemp was out of the city.
Judge Shield Intimated he would
shield the 6-year-old son, William J.
Limp III., from the throng waiting
to hear him testify.
Covers Country I-'rcitn Ruckle to A;
pnlnch'uDs. Tho entire country between the Iloc
ky mountains and the Applachian:!
Tuesday was in the grasp of a severe
ttorm. Kansas, Nebraska, Colorado,
the Dakotas, Minnesota, Wisconsin,
northern Missouri and Iowa report
heavy snow, high winds and exceeding
ly low temperatures.
Blizzardlike conditions brought the
usual delay to railroad transporta
tion and suffering among live stock.
In the northwest the cold wave was
not so severe as in the west and
southwest, where zero and below tem
peratures are general. The weather
bn v ai -j predicts trie storm will con
tinue. Its movements eastward, causing
a continous precipitation over the
middle states. The snow In the north
ern and central lake regions and Min
nesota andlowa was heavy.
Gcriiiuiiy and France funic to Agree
incut CoiiccriiliiK Morocco.
France and Germany Tuesday sign
ed a far reaching agreement concern
ing Morocco, thus banishing the spec
ter which for years has loomed up In
termittently as the cause of strained
relations between the two countries.
Of more Importance still, perhaps, Is
the moral effect In establishing . a
broad basis- of friendly relations be
tween the two nations, which have
been separated, so to speak, since 1870.
The agreement signed guarantees
the Integrity of Morocco and Insures
pe'-fect allegiance to the terms of the
Algeciras pact. France recognizes
Germany's economic Interests In Mo
rocco, while Germany recognizes the
particular political interests of France
Hang Negro to a Tree.
During a dispute over land J. A. Kes
sler was shot and killed In Hearne,
Tex., Tuesday, by Itolley Wyatt and
Alexander McKenzle, negroes. Wyatt
was captured and McKenzle escaped.
A mob battered down the doors of the
jail and hanged Wyatt to a tree. Pos
ses are looking for McKenzle and
threaten to lynch him.
Talt Tunnel Pierced.
The Taft, Mont., tunnel of the Chlca
no, Milwaukee und I'uget Sound rail
road, the longest on the roost exten
sion of the St. Paul company, was
plrced Tuesday afternoon, marking
the practical completion of one of the
most important engineering events In
the history of railroads In the I'nlted
Eire I'oIIour Collision.
One man Is dead, two seriously In
jured und property Is damaged to the
extent of $3u.(i(i(i as a result of a fire
following the collision of a switch en
gine with a freight train In the Mis
souri, Kansas and Texas rallroud
yards at Mukogee, Okla., Tuesday.
Maine's 1'nioii .lack.
The union jack of the battleship
Maine, which wus sunk in the harbor
(f Havana, wus received ut the navy
department at Washington Tuesday
from Cupt. J. C. Fremont, commanding
the l S. S. Mississippi, now at Guan
tununio, Cuba.
I Un til shock In Mexico.
Another earthquake wus reported In
the vicinity of Collmu. In Mexico,
Tuesday. violent eruption of th vol
cano followed. A ridge of lava t tea Fil
ed down one side of the volcann
An Explosion in Mine.
It Is reported another explosion has
occurred In the Leither mine ut Zelg
ler, III., near Kenton, and three men
were killed.
Ilruce Handy Matties Hie Woman
Whoso IIiihImmhI He Killed.
The final chapter of the l-undy-Aus-tin
murder trial was recently consum
mated In South Dakota Ly the mar
riage of Bruce l'uii.'y, who was con
victed of killing Herbert Austin, to the
wife of Hie murdered man.
It will be remembered that the kill
ing of Auptin by Dundy occurred In
April, 1907, on a larm near Tekniunli.
Tho trouble aroe over Dundy bei-ig
too Intimate with Austin's wife, and
this feeling existed fur more than a
year prior to the futal trage 'y, which
was caused by Austin going to the
Bundy home, without n run or weap
on, to remonstrate v. llh him for break
ing up his homo, which resulted In
Austin being idiot through the stom
ach by Dundy, which ' resulted In his
death. Dundy was attested and had
his trial In Tekatvtah and was found
guilty and sentenced to eighteen
months In the state penitentiary by
Judge Red irk.
It was only a short time ago that
he was released from the penitentiary
and sold his farm and arranged to lo
cate near Belvldere, in South Dakota.
During the time that Dundy was In the
penitentiary Mrs. Austin and her little
daughter lived near Tckumah. Indig
nation ran high In tho neighborhood
where they resided when the report
came from South Dakota that Dundy
anl tho widow of the murdered man
we're married, and much sympathy Is
expressed for the little daughter whose
mother married the man who shot her
AKipted Dii nit I iter Wins Suit for In
terest In I-'.stcle.
The supreme court settled a Cnss
county suit involving J'JS.OOO worth of
real estate that has been a celebrated
cause in that section for year.
When Sarah Nicks was 1) yeurs old,
John Albert Bauer adopted her. agree
ng with her father Hint If he allowed
the girl to remain with them, lie would
give her half the properly he owned
when he died. At that time he had a
son. The glii wus with the Bauers
t r 18 years, but when t'ie son brought
home a wife she left. B.-.-ause sh
did so, Baiter left her out of his will,
giving the property to the son. She has
married since then, and her suit to set
aside the will failej. Then she brought
an action to secure a specific perform
ance of the contract with her father.
The court findtj in her favor, and sV
I to get h-iif, of $5,000 worth of prop
erty, uiostly m'f,i.i-m lands.
Adequate Protection In Case ot Eire
Now Assured.
Construction of the large storage
tank In Wahoo is completed. Till.'
tank, which Is a part of the new mu
nicipal wuter plant, Is on immcieip af
fair. The tank Is set upon the top of
four large steel piles, the lower por
tion of Hie tank being lL'i" feet from
the ground. The tank itself Is 'J feet
Indlumetor and 28 feet In depth, with
a capacity of I no. n no gallons of wat"i .
The pressure which will result from
this elevation will be sufficient to In
sure good fire protection, especially in
the business portion of town, the wate:
having a fall of nearly 200 feet.
Five Business BiiIMIik'h Are Burned ut
Rushville, a town of 1,500 iuhuhlt
tnts, about 125 miles southeast of
Rapid City, S. D., on the Omaha line
of the North western, was visited with
a $35,000 fire Tuesday evening. The
blaze started In Main street, opposite
the hotel, und before it could be stop
ped five buildings had been burned.
Because of the crippled condition of
the telegraph service'on account of the
storm the names of the losers and the
definite losses und Insurance cannot
be ascertained.
Doth Receive Painful Injuries as lie
suit if u Oiinrrcl.
Charles and Joseph Wood, brothers,
aged respectively 21 ond IS, fought a
gun duel with a revolver and sheftgun
ut O'Neill Tuesday, during which each
received puinful Injuries, but neither
was fatally hurt. Doth gave them
selves up to the authorities. The
fight resulted from a quarrel over af
fairs on their farm. Charles Wood
received a load of buckshot In the fuce
at long range and his brother has a
bullet In his body.
Woman Wants Divorce.
Charles A. Dodson, a scenic painter,
now In the county Jail at Lincoln
awaiting a hearing on the charge of in
sanity, was served with a notice that
his wife, Cora Dodson, of filoux Falls,
H. D., had brought suit for divorce
against him, alleging non-support.
Dodson claims to be a cousin of W. J.
Bryan, but none of the Bryans know
anything about him.
I -aw and Order League.
Business men of Winnebago have
organized a "law and order" league
and contributed $250 to be used to aid
tha officers to stop bootlegging and In
the prosecution of all offenders. When
this fund become exhausted another
will be raised. Much concern is felt
because of Indian Agent Kneale's al
leged threat to boyeottihe town be
cause of bootlegging.
For W yinore Waterworks.
It Is rumored that an effort is being
made In Wyroore to capitalize a com
pany for $50,000 to bring water to that
city from the springs north of Blue
Springs. It la thought Blue Springs
will sell a light of way for a main
through the corporation.
Aged Xcbrurtka Woman Read.
Mrs. Martha Barnes, aged 98, the
oldest woman in Madison riunty, died
at Battle Creek Tuesday.
, Convicted of Brlnglnff Row Into
t ' Dry Town.
I The number thirteen has again
I proven to be unlucky, and this time it
Is Charlie A. Johnson who will have a
chance to lt back and wonder If
things would hae turned out different
ly If he had loaded fourteen bottles
Into his grip Instead of the hoodoo
number. Shortly befor the Christmas
holiday Johnson went over to Grand
Island and upon his return fo Central
City was Intercepted by officers, and
the contents of two larpe grips he car
ried were examined Into with the re
sult that a ch irge f biingtag Intoxi
cating liquor Into the l wn with the
Intention of unlawfully disposing of it,
os the officers found that the grips he
I cart 1c I contained thirteen quarts of
m?n. i ,ii3 case wua luscn up -ior
triHl In the dlstii -t court Monday ami
rrftprncd n vrrdlet of guilty.
At't'irrni) cr assaelt.
Trouble Pitmen Bii-inoss Men of
llocu S tiled.
Kit nk H. Dunham, tried on the
(liit'Co of assault upon Arthur Tange
man and of stabbing him with a
screwdriver, wos acquitted by a J'lry.
Dunham Is a business man of Poca
und Tarse-.nan Is the postmaster at
that place. The trouble uuose over the
'oss of a key In Dunham' postofflce
box. The evidence of parties squarely
conflicted on the question as ti who
starter the fight In Which Tangeman
wa stabbed. TatigrmMti declared that
he was stabbed over the heart by Dun
ham and th-it the weapon used by the
latter was a ucrowdrlver. Dunham said
that TuiiEcnuin uttucked him and that
the wound Tangeman received was In.
dieted by a poker which the complain
ant hirr.relf wIcMed.
.Man Wlio ("a In is He l';:s CommlvrVd
Many Crime s Surrender.
"Lust r.:;;ht I i-.ib'ced my mother,"
explained Dick Ardiews. who surren
deiel to the Lincoln police. He de
clared that he saw an aged woman
boarding a ltoek Island train, and
wlilie pretending to help her he ex
tracted $70 from her purse. As ha es
cape 1 he reiuignlzod his mother, who
irot on the train unconscious of her
Andrews asserted this Incident to
unnervi'd him he decided t- surrender
to the police. In'lils confession he nar
rated u number of supposed crimes. He
claimed he hod committed a number
of bank robberies In Nebraska and
eastern states. His story will be In.
vestlgated. ,
Wile of Paul Hl:iitkcns)ili Thinks Ho
Has Met Willi Foul Play.
Paul Ti'unkenshlp. urrent of the Chl
n?". Turlington and Qulncy railway,
llsni eared from Blue Springs under
Ircnm taiiccs wlue'.i mystifies the au
V'lltlrs and also his relatives. An
luOltor of the company who has been
"oing over his accounts says they are
orrect. Mrs. lilankenshlp says a
i' ranger en me to the home and asked
vr bu: at-.il t accompany him to the
station that be might get an express
package. Blunkenship demurred, and
the man induced him to go by promis
ing to reward him llberully. That Is
he last seen of the missing agent. His
vlfe believe he has met with foul
day. Dete( lives at Lincoln hove been
Will lUilid New Ituilroud.
Stoekvlile, the county scut of Fron
tier, lifter ars of isolation from the
iittslde world so fnr as railroad facili
ties are concerned. Is ut last to have a I
railroad. The project now on foot is
ui build un Independent railroad from
tockville to the mnrest point on tho'
"Illghline" of the Burlington, follow
ing tlie valley of Medicine creek, which
is a distance of about eight miles.
Blow for Lincoln Resorts.
for The supreme court dealt a telling
blow to Ninth street resorts in Lin
coln, against which property owners
have been waging a tight for years. In
a decision handed down it sustained
the district court in cloning by Injunc
tion the resort of Bose Kirk wood, lo
cated on the borders of the proscribed
. Indian Attorney Wins.
Hiram Chase, the Indian candidate
for county attorney of Thurston coun
ty who won In the lust election ovar
Waldo K. Whltcomb, has been declar
ed by the court entitled to the office.
The court holds th election wis fair
ly conducted and that the plaintiff
Whltcomb, Is, estopped from question
ing the validity of the election.
Xo Receiver for Hotel.
Judge itaper handed down his de
cision In the case of Mrs. Mary Colby,
who recently filed a petition In district
court asking that a receiver be ap
pointed for the Paddock hotel block in
Beatrice. The court says that he does
not deem it advisable at this time to
appoint a receiver and therefore denies
the application of plaintiff.
Verdlgree Mun Hurt.
Charles Goos, of Verdlgre while at
tempting to alight from a Northwest
ern train at the Union station in Fre
mont, fell, striking his head on the
brick plutforin und, us his condition
appeared to be serious, he was taken
to the hospital for treatment. No seri
ous results are untkiputed.
Roiiacuni Get Verdict.
The supreme court Saturday re
manded the cuse of Bonucum against
Manning to the lower court, giving the
Ut. Rev. Bonacum a negutlve victory.
The case was one in which a third of
an estate was willed to the church.
The heirs objected and Bonucum car
ried the case to the supreme court.
Civil War Veterun Dead.
F. K. Ingham, a civil war veteran,
died at the residence of his son-in-law,
J. W. ftobbins. In I.ypns, He was
82 years of age and up to the past year
was very energetic und uctlve for u
man of that age.
Milldmlll lliisiiii ss Good,
The Dempttcr plui.t. of Beatrice, has
received 600 orders for windmills from
points in Nebraska. Kansas, Missouri
and lowu as a result of lust v.eek'i
blizzard. The plant is working day
und night ut present to fill the vrdrs
Klein, of Gage, offered a resolution
fixing the pay of the postmaster of the
senate at $5. O'.Ms. of Valley, objected
to giving the postmaster more than
any other employe, and as much as
members of the legislature and moved
to amend by making the pay $4 a day.
As amended the motion was adopted.
Friends of other employes may take
similar steps to get salaries adjusted
before the committee on employes or
the committee on accounts and ex
penditures get busy.
Swan and white crane are protected
the year round under the bill.
In tho house Monday afternoort an
attempt to repeal the Hackett law
failed. This measure was passed two
years ago and permits the governor
to remove all officers who fall to do
their duty, nsiie bill to repeal this law
wan Indefinitely postponed.
Sentaor Miller Monday Introduced
tho county option bill In the senate
which will be championed by the tem
perance forces.
In the house Stoecker Introduced a
bill to make the state railway commission-
merely a bureau of corpora
tions. Suit was started Monday In the su
preme court to settle tho judgeship
muddle. The action, a quo warranto
case. Is to decide the eligibility of
Judges Oldham and Sullivan, who are
the appointees of Gov. Shallenberger,
over Koso and Dean, selections made
by Sheldon. The suit Is brought In
the name of W. D. Oldham.
House turned .down committee re
port and decided to Investigate prop
osition for binding twice factory at
Banking committee of house has
waded through the Wilson bill and has
begun to consider amendments.
A bill Is Introduced to divide- the
patronage of the railway commission
In employes and to give the democratic
members so mo actual power on rules
and plums.
After an exciting session the house
of representatives Wednesday passed
Sink's bill compelling hotel managers
to furnish nine-foot nheets. The Ne
braska traveling men urged the pass
age of the measure, while the hotel
men fought It. A bitter contest Is ex
pected In the senate.
The- house saved a day's pay by ad
journing 'Wednesday morning after the
passage of the Sink bill and then Im
mediately reconvened.
Senator Miller's bill abolishing fra
ternities In high schools was favora
bly reported, and It Is expected that
the bill will pass both houses.
The senate recommended that the
bill allowing Carnegie pensions for the
state university be. passed.
'Senator Ransom believes tha,t the
husband who does not support his
family should strike many an obstacle
here below. Accordingly he Introduced
a bill making It a felony for any man
to be discharged, refuse employment
or quit working without the consent
of his wife, y
In the house Humphrey Introduced a
bill making Saturday afternoon a hulf
holiday. '
Guy Green has prepared a monster
petition and will seek to convince the
legislature that Sunday ball Is de
manded In Nebraska. He hus had
thousands of signers.
The temperance enthusiasts Tuesday
hauled their petition to the state house
In a dray wagon. It consists of 125
books and Includes 80,000 names.
Senator King's bill to prohibit
sportsmen from shooting game from
behind blinds was killed In the senate.
Barrett Introduced a bill to classify
all patent medicines containing 1 per
?ent of alcohol as Intoxicating liquors.
The senate passed the Tanner bill
allowing the governor to designate
the paper In each county In which con
stitutional amendments are printed.
At present the secretary of state does
this. The latter official Is a repub
lican. The effect of the bill la to give
the democratic editors all the political
patronage for the next two years. The
bill will pass the house by a strict par
ty vote.
The house passed tho Gates bill
Thursday morning, which wil permit
the establishment of a saloon in the
village of Fort Crook. Tho bill re
ceived 62 votes, after two or three
culls of the house, and voted against
Fries, of Howard county. Is ufter the
man with money who fulls to report
tho same for assessment und taxation,
In a bill he Introduced in the house
Thursduy he provides thut the assess
or shall havo the power to examine the
deposit record of every bank In his
county und the books keep by the
secretaries of ull building und loan
associations. The bill provides the ex
amination shall be for taxutlon purpose
und shull not be made public or made
known In any way.
A delegation of citizens of Grand
Islund interested in the manufacture
of brooms were In Lincoln to boost
for the appropriation providing for the
establishment of a binding twine plant
ut the state penitentiary.
The house members Thursduy Inde
finitely postponed tho Nojei bill,
which requires u license of $;.U0 for
suloons lu small towns. The house
was emphatic In lis stlitude and it Is
sufe to predict thut there wil be no
unti-llquor legislation ut the present
session of tho legl.ilutui e.
Ill the senate the Ellis bi.l allowing
$100 for each county to be rj-nt lu
making tests to secure good sent i urn
was recommended for pas-age.
Hansom's bill, tukir.-x frmn the n
prenie court the iii;ht to n-t uside
death penalties, wi.s passed ly t lie)
Howell's bill, iiienierializlntT con-
gress to expend $."iOO.O(iO.OOO or; iier
and harbor improvi uicnti., wan passtd
by a vote of is to
Among the new blii.- it.) rod nee ' In
tho senate Thursday v i ,,ne Ly
Howell of Do uk us w'.ikii u;i,-ids t'n
liquor luw to permit til" Sio'iit . v c-j'?
of liquor containing i.et in-ne tl.;n,
live per cunt t f itieo'i ii, wuiiin Hue,,
miles of a loetr. jioiii;.;, ( .
amusement parks wice:e the e i m.
upprulsed value In halls, tivn;: an-!
equipment of ut b-ui-t $100,000. The
bill is intendad to permit the use i.f
is.r.:g pui a r. v -..;r.u i r . ui U iy j
amusement purposes, as well as oa
week days. (
Senator Donohoe Introduced a state-'
wide initiative and referendum, law!
which requires a petition of not ltsf
than ten per cent of the voters for '
submlslon of any question to the votera!
that has been passed upon by the leglfl'
lature, and also provides for the Inltll
tlvo In a similar manner. )
Tha drainage bill Introduced by tnf'
committee on drainage In the seoatf
Is Intended to cover defects In present
laws that have been found t exist lit
different sections of the state n here alt
effort has ben made to form drainage
districts. J
The senate decided to participate
with the house In the Lincoln day ob
servance of the Grand Army of th$
Republic, to be held In St. Paul'f
church on the afternoon of February
Nebraska will not spend more than
$16,000 for the Lincoln statue to be
erected In Lincoln as a centenary me
mortal, the house refusing Monday to
concur In the senate amendment In
creasing the house appropriation froth,
$15,000 to $25,000.
The primary system in Nebraska
was remedied Monday by the passage
of the Kuhl rotation bill. The bU
which was drawn by the Cedar county
member, provides for rotation by elec-J
tlon districts. 4
The Taylor antl-dlscrlmlnatlon actJ
which amends the present act by proJ
vldlng against buying as well as sell
Ing at rates discriminative between
localities, was passed.
A bill restricting the university to
95 per cent of the 1 mill levy was
passed. This bill, which Include
$30,000 uncollected taxes of tha pre
ceding blennlum, will give the uni-'
verslty $775,000 during the next two
years. Added tohls amount will bel
$444,000 from other sources.
Bills have been lntr iduced to proi
vide for a bee Inspector, a drug ln'
spector. a dulry Inspector, three Alas-i
ka-Yukon commissioners, six commis
sioners to revise the statutes, and!
hosts of other places. In all such cases
the governor Is to appoint. 1
The bill by Brown, of Sherman, pro
viding that the state land commission
er may give permission to parties t$
work school land for Its pumice of
cleansing properties may have hartf
sledding when the legislature wake
up to what this does. - The Cudahyl
Packing company has a pumice mlnf
lu the southwest part of the stata ana
should this bill become a law thlsflrriTl
or some other corporation engaged 74
the manufacturing or selling cleansersv
would be able to get hold of all of thla
property In the state. One man who;
owns a 40-acre tract which Is under-,
laid with pumice said he valued thh
property at $5,000. i
James Craddock, of Omaha, former
ly pf Lincoln, Is booked for a Job under
Gov. Shallenberger, provided that tha'
bill Introduced by Holmes, of Douglas,
becomes a law. This bill gives tha
governor authority to appoint a state
architect and pay him what he think
Is right and proper.
Nels Johnson, the representative
from Burt county. Is anxious to get fa
vorable action on his bill to require'
tho stump of the assessor upon notes
and mortgages to show they have been
assessed and taxed. ,
Thomas, of Douglas, introduced a,
bill in the house Saturday Increasing
the salary of county attorney of Doug
las county to $4,000 from $2,500. Bui
Introduced a bill permitting screen! In
suloons In, cities of metropolitan olaas.
Nettleton of Clay, introduced a bill
appropriating $5,000 to pay back to
members of soldiers' homes any money
the state may have taken out of thei
In the senate- Wednesday the woman
suffrage bill was ordered engrossed
for a third reading by a vote of IS to
15. The entire morning was spent xx
red hot debate in the committee ol
tho whole. In order to pass the bill
In the senate seventeen votes are re
quired. The supporters of the bill ,
clulm they have another vote pledged.
In the house Taylor and Clark be
came Involved In a controversy over
the -Sink bill limiting the length of
freight trains. I
The Sink bill, limiting the length
of freight trains of sixty-five cars, waJj
recommended for passage late Wed
nesday afternoon. )
The senate Wednesday afternoon
approved the plan to allow the profes
sors of the Btatn university to parti
cipate in the Carnegie pension fund
Ai.er an extended debate in the com
mittee of Die whole the bill was ap
proved by a decinlve majority. '
The Ollls physical valuation bill was
recommended for passage. The bill
provides for the physical valuation of
rnilrowds. . r
In the hous Tuesday the resolu
tion to submit the woman's suffrage
question to a vote of the people was
placed on general file to bo discussed
in the near future. Opponents of the
measure made a desperate effort to
kill It, but were unsuccessful.
The houra pasned the Taylor bill to
compel moi-H's;,.1 owners to pay a tax
on tho amount of their mortgages.
Hefferpan of Dakota county. Intro
duced u bill in the house to make It
unlawful to give toll bridge pusses.
He explained that the bill was de
signed to correct evi's surpoed to
exist in his home county.
Speaker Pool Is the author of a bill
to provide for the maintenance ef in
digent consumptive patients In state
or eonnty h.FPlt:i':i.
Dairymen of the rtate have o'-tllned
two lilili. and th" y have teen Intro
du ed In th" senate ard In t'i 'louse.
One provides for an ! icrea-e In the
n' mbi r of d.r-y Ivoect' v The
fT prohibits tho ce r - 'k or
r, rami for other than i';.';y pur
pones. Ho-r.-seitetive .Tony Howo-'. f
I'ouK'as i"H"it;' ''"rodi'ced In the
V.oir e of i e n t ve.t n bill to seg-
leeute b.. J;!-i::"i o'vl ("li'.'e-io la
.bour ')- (.. '--eiievn v.- r'men.
The iMvstiie provii'o thut .Tnoanese
M-d I'll' -" "t J . "i '; ' oom-
fi.v vit "'i'e 1 p'-- t not
he i"l'i.) I ")e li'-'I'llpg.
(mil.! ; J w the ul'.l wei ev ! ul to
.'Mill e "Vo-"" hi South
'-:'! ' ' ' " ' - nro
er . ' : ' 'i i i.
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IV,,,. :....: ; . , , . , .. , i . w,
' i" III -I I :i:a tn i nm -i; . My
o.-'n! ilai'es ai' n ' "n i'- --
His I'.'i.vs't ! '.'en S'xl 'J'ry tb
Mti;;i! life, taj i.;1. ,-'.lvv