Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, February 05, 1909, Image 7

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1 bf,7,Z
M ,
I'eruna I rnjr Co., Coin minis. Ohio.
(Jentlemen : I hnvc used I'erttna and
find (lint i' cannot be equaled as a
tonic, a well ns a care for coughs,
col ils and rntixrrh.
Yon arp ntithnrized to us my photo
with testimonial in any publication.
.!oph II. Chai,
S04 Tenth St.. Wnxhinifton. P. C
Cold anJ La Grippe.
Mr. V. Happy. Hardin, Hay Co.. Mo.,
writes: "I run safely recommend l'nira
as a renipily that will aire all catarrhal
"It was of great benefit to nie, as it
cured me of catarrh of the thront. and I
took a very had cold and had In grippe
last February. It settled in my throat
and lungs. I took three bottles of I'eruna
and it cured me.
"1 highly recommend it to nil who ire
lick, and I am glnd to add my endorse
ment to that of others."
Pc-ru-na for ColJs.
Mr. Ii. TlifTord Fita'. Jr.. 21)2!) Fast
Marshall St.. Kiclimond, Va., writes that
when he gets a cold be takes I'enma,
and it soon drives It out of his system.
For several years he was not entirely
well, hut I'eruna completely cured him.
People who object to liquid medicines
con now secure I'eruna tablets.
For a free illustrated booklet entitled
"TIip Truth About 1'erunn." address The
rerunn Co., Columbus, Ohio. Mailed
The Reason I Make and Soil More Men's $3.00
& $3.50 Shoe Than Any Other Manufacturer
ti biennis 1 glT tht weartr the btmeflt of lh moit
c ore p let org Ml cation of trained tzperU tnd ftkiUcd
hoara&keri 1b th countrr.
The Mlm.tion of the leather! for each part of tfci thee.
and every detail of the makiBff In every department, It
looked after bv the beet ihoemaWi In the ahoe industrv.
11 1 coma mow you now carerauy w . i. uougiae enoee
llv W. L. Doueia
are nade, yon would then nnderetand why they nold their
shape, lit bettor, and wear loncer than any other nuke.
My Method of Tanning the Soles makes them More
Flexible and Lotitr Wearing than arty others.
Hhiift for Every Memher of tti Fmnlly,
leu Hoyt.Womeii.M aud Children.
Fnr oalp hy slioe dealer eTerywhere.
PflMTinW 1 Non inutile without W. L. Dnnpla
vHUIIUil 1 name and price stamped on bottom,
fiat Color Eyelet Ueed Exclulvely. Catalog mailed fret.
W. U DOUGLAS, 167 Spark St., Brockton, Maw.
Ths great est eras
Of the osntury.
Sama erow
ererywhera and
yields from 12 to
18 tons of hay,
and lata of pasture
besides per acre.
Largest growers
of Clovert.Al.'alfa,
Uialltvt tol atendlaf
purrLaeoratro! or
remit 10 and cot
ot of ronarbauia
farm peed atvmiM,
including Billion
farm to gt 9 taxi
with. r
Lectin A. SalzerSeed Co.1
One gets it by highway men Ten
of thousands by Bad BoweU No dif
ference. Constipation and dead liver
make the whole system sick Every
body knowa it CASCARETS regulate
cure Bowel and Liver troubles by simply
doing nature's work until you get well-
Millions use CASCARETS, Life Saverl
CASCARETS loc a box for a weetc's
treatment, all driiRBists. lliKRvnt seller
in tlic world. Milhoo boxes a month.
Tin- IScsl I in pol't
'1 HoI'M'N - $1IKP.I)
eacli. Hi III -liri-il
lr ttt d Ions is) to
tiam. Al I ors ar
rauti'd siimiil ii iid
sure ureulers. I! tfr
t nc e Any I auk iu
t'KKHTON, i O V A ,
Per Salzcr's catalog page 129. 1
Largest growers ot seed oat, wheat, barter.
I iweliz.cum. putatoea. erassea and cloven ami I
I tai m aredi in Hie wnrld. bit catalog fi ee : or.
Ike nil 100 in mm pi and lecsive kampia of N
riinton Uoiur Uius, yteiding lOtona of hay
per acre, oata. apeltz, barley, eta., eauly woi lb
9 1 0.OO of any man's money to gut a .tart with,
and catalog fi ee. Or, send 14c and we add a
anipie farm teed novelty never aeen before
I r TJU. (AL2ER SEED CO.. Boi CD la Crotu Wit.
rtTRRif WRiTiNa to ADvr.nTiKE.na
V please say yea saw the aiKerilseuieu
is, slua iransPi
Beware of the Cough
that hanfe on persistently,
breaklne; your night's ret and
exhausting you with the violence
of the paroxytms. A few doeen
of Pieo's Cure will relieve oiv
drrtully any cough, no matter
how far advanced or serious.
It soothes and heals the irritated
suifetrcs, clears the clotrgt-rt air
pits ages and the cougU disap
Al aU druggUu. 28 eta.
Biljion $
&&JMvt&k&JM7 Timothy ft Grass
fm I I, L I 1 I ,.i i i a j i i li l a I J I If K 1 I I nt)Ki Mlii i. i I ik.k 'imm
ii t i,i mi i ii-i riafiii H ir hi1 " ' 11 1 1 tr'--rr II
(are for (are.
Don't you trotiMn trotiblo
Till tronlilo troublea yon.
Ion't yon look for trouble ;
It trouble look for you.
Pon't you borrow orrow ;
You'll aurely have your almre,
lie who drr-am of sorrow
Will find that sorrow's there.
TVm't you hurry worry
Hy worrying lout it come.
To flurry N to worry;
'Twill miss yon if you're mum.
If rare you've got to enrry,
Wait till it's at the door;
For he who runs to meet It
Takes up the load before.
If minding will not mend It,
Then better not to mind;
The best thing In to end it
JtiRt leave It nil behind.
Vlio fenreth hnth forsaken
The Heavenly Fnther's side;
What He hnth nndi-rtnkeii
He surely will provide.
Then dou't you trouble trouble
Till trouble troubles you;
You'll only double trouble,
And trouble others, too.
-The Observer.
What Influences Men.
Mrs. Cnrric C'linpuinti C'ntt
rtent of the Hqim! KufTrnKe
, prcal
Viilon, does not In nny way suit tin descrip
tion usually lifted hy chivalrous men
to woninn suirrngials. Far from being
a plnln-vlsiigetl, badly-gowned, rnther
ptiglllHtle person, Mrs. Cntt Is nlto
gether chnrmlng, n dollglitfully wom
nnly womnn nnd quite Interested ns to
the style nnd beauty of her dresses
and hats. Nothing In the world so in
censes Mrs. Cntt ns for n person or
a newspaper to mix her personality
with her nropngandii.
"6ne of the Inost brilliant writers
on woman suirrngo." she remarked
hot long ago, "Kills Meredith, of Den
ver, has this to say nbout n certain
phaso of enfranchised women, nnd I
wish all nien who discuss the subject
would treat It as a tract. 'It is." says
this caustic chronicler, 'u singular
fnct that men seem tumble to consid
er the abstract quest Ion of voting
quite apart from lis personal hearings.
For Instance, a well-known Denver
writer laments that, since the disas
trous year of 1RD3 he has seen upon
the streets of Denver tbo sad faces of
Unloved woman. Roth before nnd
since that time the sad faces of un
loved and unlovnble. men have not been
nbsent from our thoroughfares, but
who ever thought of such a thing ns
disfranchising n man In order that he
might be rendered attractive? So
crates would never have received even
honorable mention In n beauty show.
Yet this sort of thing Is accepted se
riously, nnd men are Influenced, not
by arguments, but by the personality
of the one who represents them when
h Is n matter of woman's enfranchise
ment.' Yet 1 question If n Judge ever
thinks whether the pleader before him
Is good to look on or the opposite, or
whether his collar Is clean, and his
face showing the effects of morning
oap. It Is his brief which counts.
That is nil women ask, that their brief
be given respectful audi diligent medi
tation." Trifle to Know.
That persons who do not wish to
lose their hooks, mark their name not
tn the title page only, but on a cer
tain ll.ed page In a hook ns well.
That what Is known as steel wool
Is an excellent cleaner for sinks,
kitchen utensils, wood floors and for
rubbing down paint.
That shiny clothing will look much
better If the shiny sjxit is rubbed light
ly with fine sand paper and then
pressed on the wrong side.
That In starting a hem on the ma
chine, the needle will be less apt to
clog If a piece of paper is placetl un
der the needle nnd sewed through for
nbout two Inches before going tin to
the hem. The paper Is later pulled
That kerosene is nn excellent polish
er for rubbing tip furniture. It may
he applied with n soft, woolen rag,
rubbed In well and later dried off with
a clean piece of flannel.
Embroidered I. Inert Collar.
Tut straight line collar Is considered
more stylish ftian the turnover one
It has been worn hy those who dress
In the extreme of fashion fur two win
ters, but It Is gaining In popularity
now. The Sketch shows the kind that
can be embroidered at home. .It is
made of flue linen, with wide wings,
and finished with a full bow and ends
of old blue rntln ribbon, heid with a
dull silver, buckle. The streamers are
finished with bnlls of white crocheted
The Clever (ilrl.
It's rather hard on the ' I who
Is clever to feel that she Is regarded
by the majority of men the sort of
men In whose henrts lurks the old
fashioned Idea that it woman Is some
thing of a household chattel as some
thing that should be seen and not
heard. Perhaps, however, writes Knrl
Kramer, It is Just because she Is clev
er that she enn rise nbove this mascu
line prejudice nnd keep right on In her
own way. It takes a clever women
to live down n man's prejudice. Then,
too, poor little girl, she can't help be
ing clever, and, on tlu- whole, the clever
girl Is one of the best In the entire
category of the fair sex.
She's never tiresome, always enter
taining nnd companionable, and makes
the best kind of n friend to n fellow.
Her cleverness helps him over bad
places nnd herndvlce Is always good.
Phe's the girl thnt appeals, first to
n man's brain and Intellect, nnd then.
If he Is a real man. to his heart, which
she holds, even ngnlnst himself. She
Isn't nlways conspicuous for benuty,
this clever girl; she Is often rather
mm m 1 mm
The garment on the left-hand figure shows the fashionable combination
of materials. The coat Is of sealskin, so soft and pliable that It clings to the
form like broadcloth or satin. The broad revers nre of a chiffon broadcloth,
in a matching shade to that used for the skirt, which Is pavement-gray. The
buttons, which are of old silver and perfectly flat, have a rim of Jet. The
hat Is of gray felt, faced with seal nnd trimmed with a band of the same
fur and uncurled ostrich feathers.
The gown on the figure at the right shows the vogue for sotin used as
a trimming. The material employed for the costume is a pigeon-gray Princes?
broadcloth. The skirt is tight nnd narrow and the coat tits so as to em
phasize the short waistline. In the back It comes to within two Inches of
the avor nnd sloped gracefully up In the front. The broad revers and deep
cuffs are of black satin, being without canvas as a stiffening, which allowed
theiu to fall In soft folds. The hat Is of black satin, trimmed with soft gray
silk uud black quills.
plain than otherwise, but when It hap
pens, ns It frequently does, that she
combines beauty with cleverness, sh-
has pretty nearly everything her own
way. She Is ever well-polsed and never
appears offensively learned nor boldly
aggressive. Neither Is she retfrlngly
shy. She lets her cleverness he re
spected rather than known, nnd at the
apropos moment she shines forth like
a brilliant light. In the household
she may seem rather like n caged
bird, but when the right man appears
on the stage of life, her fluttering
ceases, nnd with the stendylng Influ
ence of real love the clever girl Is
transformed Into the clever wife and
mother, and because her home affairs
run smoothly her husband Is satisfied,
devoted and proud, nnd her children
rise up to cnll her blessed nmong wom
en. May the clever girl never Brow
less. The Cynic.
A bachelor, who Is kuown among his
friends snd their children as being al
ways In the happiest spirits, singing
gnyly nnd whistling the newest songs,
recently took unto himself a wife.
Hearing the news the Syenr-old
daughter of n house to which he goes
frequently, asked her mother doubt
fully: "Won't Mr. Smith sing or rfclstle
any more, mother?"
"Why, of course." said the parent,
wondering. "Why?"
"Because married people don't seem
to sing much," quoth the cynic, sadly.
An Old Itemed?.
A remedy that has stood the test of
years hi a family noted for their hair
Is made from sage and greeu tea. This
has been known to stop falling hair
nnd bring buck the natural luster wfien
all other means have failed. Put sage
and greeu ten In the proportion of uu
ounce each In a preserving kettle and
cover them with a quart and a pint of
boiling water. Cover tightly and sim
mer unMI the liquid Is reduced one
third. Let It stand In the pot for
twenty-four hours, then strain and bot
tle. Wet the hnlr with the lotion every
night and tnnssnge well Into the roots.
Care should be taken to dry the hair
thoroughly, otherwise the ptllow wll)
be stained.
Batka the) Bi-ea.
. It Is an excellent plan to bathe the
eyes with the lids wide open. T do
this a bright silver coin should be
tossed Into a bowl of clenr, cold water.
It will, of course, sink to the bottom,
nnd when the face Is plunged Into th
water the eyes should lie firmly fixed
uion the glittering silver bit. Then
let the eyes be kept open and the head
gently moved from side to side. The
men and women who will persist In
this dally bath will soon find that
their eyes are brighter and stronger
and It will preserve the sight beyond
what Is supposed to be Its allotted time
Women Help Colleajes
A new scholarship has been estab
lished at Ilowdoln College, the Annie
E. Turlngton scholarship, for which
Mrs. A. Webster King gave $5,000 In
memory of her sister, the object being
to assist some deserving student
through college. A fund of $3,000 has
been established by Mrs. .Tames Druni
niond and Mrs. Charles F. Dole and
daughter In memory of the husband
nnd father, Mr. James Drummond.
Care of the Teeth.
A primary requisite In keeping the
teeth clean Is a suitable brush, adapted
to the form nnd position of the teeth.
For babies the very best brush that
can be made Is n piece of soft linen
wrapped around mother's finger nnd
dipped Into a glass of water. When
the gums are Inflamed it Is soothing
nnd comforting. For children a small,
soft brush should be used up to nbout
the tenth year, then the stlffer brush
substituted. Many complaints Incident
to childhood could be readily averted
by mothers tenching them the import
ance of the dally care of the teetb
and mouth.
Ornament fur Hnlr.
The hair ornaments of this sea sou
are unlike those that girls have worn
before. This metal fillet, with gauze
wings, Is probably the most popular ac
cessory to the coiffure. The wings are
of gold gauze, ornamented with crys
tals. They are mounted in front of a
thin gold fillet which fits neatly over
the top of the head.
As Inconsistency,
A womau will criticise another foi
being too fond of dress, yet she will
wear herself to a frazzle to set a bet
ter table than her neighbors.
The first steam engine used In Amer
ica was brought from England la 1758.
oathera. Alberta la a Might? Onod
No stronger or belter evidence can
be given of the merits of a country
than that which conies from the testi
mony of the settler who has determina
tion to succeed. This is why we re
produce the following letter, which
speaks for Itself. These people were
Induced to go to Western Caundu
through the solicitation of a Canadian
Government agent, who secured for
them low railway rates.
Carmnngay, Alta., Canada, Dee. 13, '08.
Mr. C J. llrouguton, Couadlan Govern
ment Agency, 130 Adams street.
We had audacity enough to tackle
the proposition of buying four sections
of land In Southern Alberta, thirty
miles enst of Clalruholm, nnd heading
up on the I.lttle How, and our two b.vjs
each got a homestead adjoining. We
fenced three sections nnd the two home
steads aud built a house, ham, corrals
and granary and have since enlarged
some of these buildings. We hve
broken 200 acres of land, which has
bceu sowed to oats and wheat. During
the severe winter of two ynrs ago
the whiter wheat killed out somewhat
nnd our crop yielded only ten bushe s
to the at re, but the spring wheat went
24 bushels to the acre. In this coun
try we must be prepored for storms
and cold, at times, 20 to 30 below eero,
yet on the whole the winters are mild;
and while there are exceptional crops.
It Is fair to say that the average
farmer can depend on havlnj a yield
In avernge years of from 20 to 2-"i
bushels to the acre for spring when;
and whiter wheat In our Immediate
neighborhood yields from 2T to 30 bush
els to the acre on the average.
We have now quite a bunch of
horses, over 50 In all. about S50 sheep,
after having sold 140 for mutton this
fall. We have 20 head of pure bred
registered Shropshire, which lire worth
$20 eneh. The average price received
for mutton sheep was $5.00 nnd a little
over. Pork brings 5 and 0 cents a
pound. We have about 30 head of cat
tle oi our ranch now, and Inst winter
they picked their entire living from our
pasture, running to the struw stacks
for shelter at night
The Increase of land valuo hns been
extraordinary. Our land four years
ago cost us a little less than $0.00
nn acre. We have sold one section for
$15.00, but we would not sell any more
for less than $23.00 per acre, ns we ex
pect the rnllrond within four tulles of
our rnnch within the next IS months,
Southern Alberta of Western Canada Is
a mighty good country for any nn or
woman who loves outdoor 1 1 A) and who
wants to get good returns for their la
bor nnd Investment.
We have been pleased with cur treat
ment from the Canadian government
and can heartily commend Southern
Alberta as a splendid country In which
to locate.
Yours very truly,
An Object Lesson.
"Miranda," said the mlstres, "you
are a good cook, and 1 Just know that
you are too good for na to keep any
length of time. Some man will come
along one of these days and Influce you
to marry him."
"Oh, no, mum," answered Miranda
fervently. "I've lived with you nnd
your 'ushand too long to want ever to
get married."
There nre two conclusions to be
drawn from the reply of tlib faithful
servant. One Is that she was loyal to
her employers; the other is as It may
be. Chicago Post.
How's This?
We offer One ilutnlreil Iinllara Reward for
any cats of l.'ularrh tliat i-auuut be cured 1J
Hull's Catarrh Cure.
K. J. CM K.N KY a CO.. Toledo, O.
We, the unilerNli;up(l, linve known F. J.
Cheupy for the last 15 years, snd believe
him imrfectly honorable In all biiliie trans
iit-tliins and tliiaui'lully able to carry out
any obligations riiadr liv Ills Arm.
Wai.oi.no, Kinxan It Mabvim,
Wholesale DrujjtsUta, Toledo, O.
Hall's Catarrh Cure U taken Internally,
acting directly upon the blood snd mucous
surfaces of the system. Testimonials sent
free, price 76 cents per bottle. Sold by
ail Druggists.
Take Hall's Family I'llls fur constipation.
New York, wilh 4,000,000 population,
had been adding to its total In the three
years preceding 1!K)5 at the rate of 100,.
000 a year. Philndtdphia. with a little
leaa than 1,5(MI,(mmj population, had in
creased at the rate of litl.OoO a year.
Do not neglect constipation, for this
condition poisoim the blood nnd lends to
chronic ill henllj). Garfield Ten, the mild
harb laxative corrects constipation, keepa
the blood pure, and the hcnltu good.
Omlnsluim ui jti(or-.
Periandvr had taken rlinrje of the pop
ular amusements of Corinth nnd hud sup
pressed the majority of them.
"August tyrant," suid a delegation of
Society leaders from the gulf shore drive,
who had called to protest against his high
handed action, "may we ask why you
bava done this?"
"1 havt done it, iudiea," said Perian
der, "because, in my capacity as one of
th Seven Wise Men of Greece, I think It
best. Good morning."
For be did not deem it prudent to tell
them that in watching their card games
be bad detected symptoms of a tendency
to invent the game of bridge whist. Chi
cago Tribune.
Tbs carcass of the avernge borte yield
COO pounds of meat, a shown by tke
observation of the French horse butcher.
Csltr nre fassbriglilrrssiilsler rtsrslliasassflier-rs. 0i I Oc sactaet talon sll Hants, fkei ays la call w.lti aelltr Itss ssr elaar are. Tsitsser
Sal isiistil ntsi(iss siail. Viiil4lMbtttisklsl Hssieili.BUsvS as HU Calais. JOJi'KOE VH VC CON Qmtnty, UtimJZ
" Do you know of any woman who ever received any
benefit from taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com
pound?" If any woman who is suffering with any ailment peculiar
to her sex will ask her neighbors this question, she will be
surprised at the result. There is hardly a community in
this country where women cannot be found who have been
restored to healthy by this famous old remedy, made
exclusively from a simple formula of roots and herbs.
During the past 30 years wc have published thousands
of letters from these grateful women who have been cured
by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, and never
in all that time have we published a testimonial without
the writer's special permission. Never have we knowingly
published a testimonial that was not truthful and genuine.
1 lere is one just received a few days ago. If anyone doubts
that this is a true and honest statement of a woman's experi
ence with Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound write
and ask her.
Houston, Texas. " Wlicn I first lcjrnn taktngr Lydia E. Plnk
hnrn'i Vegetable Compound I vras a total wreck. I had. been
sick for three years with female troubles, chronic dyspepsia,
and a liver trouble. I had tried several doctor's medicines, but
nothing did me any good.
"For three years I lived on medicines nnd thought I would
never get well, when I read nn advertisinent of Lydia U. Pink
ham's Vegetable Compound, and was advised to try It.
"My husband got me one bottle of the Compound, and it did
me so much good I continued its use. I am now a well woman
and enjoy the best of health.
"I adviso all women suffering from such troubles to trlve
Lydia 12. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound a trial. They won't
regret It, for it will surely cure you." Mrs. Bessie L. llicks,
810 Cleveland St., Houston.
Any woman who is sick and suffering is foolish surely
not to give such a medicine as this a trial. Why should it
not do ner as much good as it did Mrs.' Hicks.
tar amine
,3tWtliiltiffus nr in ftxt.
"JL 1
1'ii.i(iiri,'.N m i
&i?$. bors
S :S -K- i!kv tr-W?1-
8P0HM MEaiGALCO..ctbtairtBsriocUtsl Qoahen, tndn U.S. A.
write to
Wa alao
.inofi, manna wa.mnipua
Comfort ohoaa aud Yarraa Cu.uioa
F. Mayer
.-. .... ... 1.1.11 h.u uii'inix 1 1 1 : : t the
' -uiilctiis mi- omiprlli J to run up a g'lM
ill of from J ).(") to ST.'.ihm) more thai
Whisker for Colds.
To ono-Ualf pint good w dinkey, arid
one ounre syrup arsHpnrllla and one
ouiue Torls compound, which can be
procured of any druggist. Take in tea
ajioonful doses before each meal anil
In-fore retiring. Immediate reaulta al
ways follow tbla treatment.
The telepliuutt Uireetones of the current
Issue in Sew York City would make a
Bile seven onil a quarter mi Irs high, il
ilaced one on (lie other.
PAZO OINTMENT Is fuiraateed to eure aa
raws of lu ting-, Ullad, Uleedlng or Protrud
ing I'llss la B to 14 days or moat refuaded.
With the exception of Britain and
America, there are 110 two countries in
the world where the wile Is of equul
Hrs. Wlnxluw's Hootlilnif Hjrsp for child
reu teething, softens the gums, reduces lu
Us niiini tluti. allays palu. cures wind colic.
Uc a bolt la.
Kucu Hut What lla Wanted.
"A hunter m-t out out day to hunt,
and a pant her set out at the auuie time
to eat," tttld the lecturer.
"'I uiUHt have a fur overcoat,' auld
thu hunter.
"'1,' nn id the panther, 'must have a
"Some bourn Inter, In a lonely wood,
the panther and the hunter met
"Aha," kiiUI the hunter, pnyly. level
ing his gun. "here la my fur overcoat."
"And he shot, but the panther, dodg
lug behind a treo, paraped unhurt.
"Then tho pnuther niHhed forth be
fore the buuter could reload.
"'Abu,' here's uiy dinner,' said the
"And he fell upon the hunter and de
voured hi in.
"Thus each got what he wanted, tho
hunter getting bis fur overcoat and the
panther getting Mh dinner.'
"fsifUa b taMidltxl tctj eMlty. Th ulrlt ar eutxl, and all others In
- -.-ll smineMavljl, no nmttrr how "r Tpmp ii," kept from hart air thm dia
V WM',li br U"1" MI-HNtt Ltyl'lD t'WTJvBPKR C'UHK. Otv on
Malil. nu mattrr In
riuijluoltuoe IwolTey win.
11 utmist 01 mm fuller, iwit miiieuy over hdowd inr niaroa in Toaj.
ftlit I ""v'" BimnnuiTu w fimtinn rsan, mr iD'fi iXHliet r nna
XZt tO(lnMnnr(1ruKtrtiandharuMilultrM.urMnxpnaaaid hy
Jf 1 nianiiinnttirara, Cut nhown bow to nmilttoa throat. Our trim
Nwiklrt tVlYua wWUTtlllnir. IsOral airenta wantead. lArtnaat sasalltaaa
SCHOOL SHOES without seams-think of
Hsoamlass school shoes! They sr
stroiiK nnd sturdy, have scnmluss uppers, tough
soles and doublu k-aihor loos. Hy tar the most
durablo and lasting shoes obtainable.
"Special Merit" Seamless SchoolShoes "uear
like Iron." They wear just twice as long aa
ordinary shoes with seams.
M nlo In all styles nnd sizes, for every dsy and
Sunday wear for hoys and girls.
V.kt.r ,lnnl.. will .,.nl., .. l7 .
us. I.00L lor thu Muvnr
Trade Mark on the sole.
FRFRrU you will arnd th, nam of a
df.I.r who IOJ not li.njlr. hp.iml M.Ht
a, hool sho. mm will ti-nd you tr, poM.
paid, a haautlliil plctura of ;aorca Off Marths
WaalilrtKton.alM IftxJS. but whIUl plcturs
maka Leading lady Shoaa.
Boot & Shoe Co.
Positively red hf
tkea Llttte Pills. ,
They also MM Daa
Mas from Dyspepsia. Isv
U gestloa and Top Hatrqr
Eating. A perfect reta
efly tor Dimaeaa, Kansas.
Drowsiness. Ba4 Taatt)
la tbs MotjUi. sjoataa
Tongue. Pain la tbs Bids,
Toupin Lrvra. nm
regulate too Bowels, Purely Veritable.
Genuine Must Bear
Fao-Simila Signaturt
Big Crops
In 1908
Aaolher 60.000 Settlers from the Valletl Slates
320 acres si Isss Is EaCII SETUH-ltf Trss
nssmleas est 160 el $3.00 tr acre.
"A vatl, rich country enaf a contanraat
pnmpttout people. " kxtruct from oormpond.
enceot a Natuui.il Editor, whose visit to Wetter
Csnads in Augu-t, I'Vd. was au Inspiration.
M my hare p.iid the entire enst of their Isms
and had a balance ul Iroiu J10 00 to SJO.UU pr act
aa s result '-f nacror.
Ntiriuir Wheat. Winter Wheat, Oats, Barter.
Ia snd IVa ara tbe principal cr-tps, smile toa)
Hit vi as n brine-1 perfection tha best Csttls
tint have ever be a d on tlM Ctiicaro asarkat.
K:l-ndld Climate. Schools and Churchea in all
localitl.it, railways tou.h ruiMt of lb net Had dis
tricts, and prices lor produce ara always food.
Lands, way sl-o or punhaaed lium Ksilway ul
Laid Companies. Pur pamphlets, maps and io.
loraiation reiardinif low railroad rateaapfiyts
V. U. Scott, Suierintendrnt ot Immirrslloa,
Ottawa, Canada, or K. T. Holmes, J15 Jacksoaj
St.. St. Paul, Min snd J. M. MacLacblsn, Dos
lib Wslertowo, x.Diil.uU Autboriicd Uonciua
Bicnt A.ents.
Vlaaae aar abart yna saw this arlrartliamaat.
8. C. N. U.
No. 61900.