Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, February 05, 1909, Image 4

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    Dakota County Herald
Official Paper of the County
toil B. AV, FCBL18KIH.
Hubdcription Frice. $100 Ter Year.
might to be appreciated enough in
goiliog jour trail delivered to yeur
door to keep the road clear. Tbe
government doe not require the ear
ner to miovel bdow or endanger the
life o( himself or team to eerre bia
a weekly newspaper published at
Dakota City, Nebraska.
Permission has been granted for tbe
ransmiasion of this paper through the
mtiie as second-claw matter.
Telephone No. 43.
We're In a Hurry
Even when a newspaper is growing
like The Lincoln Daily News, its pub
lisliers ard not satisfied bat want
thousands of farmes and other state
folks to be reading it, and the quickest
way is to make a cheap trial offer
iu the hope that you will like the paper
and keep on taking it. This offer
l. tn tbm all. oqIy 25 cents for a
daily newspaper from now until the
clone of the legislature April 1, 1909.
We stop it then unless you send in
money to renew it. Don't pay your
motif v to strangers for any newspaper
Bend direct to the papr or hand it
o tout postmaster. The Lincoln
Daily News is always a lire one, but
int now during the legislature, you
will act a dollar's worth for your trial
quaiter, and if you decide thon to not
May with ua we're the loser, but we
want iou to try it. even if we do lose
money on yonr trial. If you don't say
that The News is plainest, fraukest
and fairest Doner vou know of, we
mis our BtieM. No nasty medical ads,
no Manor ads. a Daner for the whole
family. Watch your man in the legis
Mure. The Lincoln Mews will print
th trth about him. The sooner
you end in a quarter the moe papers
you will get.
out it.
For Sale.
and fresh cows
J M Bakry,
Jackson, Nebr.
m. m
0 .mjimLmwwMW&MW)amm
No more diphtheria ia reported.
Dulcie Leedom has boon on the sick
Mrs Geo Timlin visited at the Green
borne south oMown Wednesday.
Rubbers, overshoes and rubber boots
for this sloppy weather. Oarl Ander
Minnie Rastnuasen was a Sioux City
passenger Saturday.
Miss Sadie O'Conuor is here for i
visit with her sister Mary.
W J Cezik, of llolstein, Iowa, visit
(! Friday at the Chiisteusen home.
For Sale Fifty tons of good bottom-
laud hay, cheap if taken soon. J P
Beaoom, Bubbaid, Nebr.
Tbw groundhog was able to see his
hadow all day Tuesday.
The carpenters are making good
Headway no on tbe Lutheran church.
The liana Anderson dwelling is pro
gr.'Hmng nicely.
We want batter and eggs, all you
can Dring us. Uarl AndersoD.
Ham Nelson and Herman Renze are
within $4,400 of making a trade of
Keazes town property for Nelson's
typhoid fever is raging in the fam
ily of Thomas ilartuett. It is sin
oerely hoped that it will not prove ser
u..C Thorn and Carrie and Myers
Hanson were passengers to Biouz City
Wednesday morning.
now is your cnanoe to save some
money by iuvosting in a duck f ur-liued
coat, as we are going to close out stock
of coats before spring opens up. Carl
Mra Mike Farrell baa been en the
eick list the past week.
Carl Frederiokson was a county seat
visitor tue nm or the week.
Roy Wi!my and Chas Pounds drove
over to Waterbury Tuerday witu the
inteution of buying out the saloon at
taut place. Roy, you had better farm
Overalls and work shirt in all
grilles, at Carl Anderson's.
linns Nelsen has about made a doul
vui the Mra Thornton residence.
5 P fioacom attended the Geo Bles
1U4 Log salo at Hosier Monday, aUo
Uuurge Nordyke sale at Allen Weducs
c iv.
'f hire will be rpecial services iu tho
Lutheran church tiuuday, February 7,
Ed Jensen spent over Sunday with
friends in Biouz City.
Frank Davey bad a load of cattle on
the market Monday which brought the
top price.
Mrs Catharine Twobig enjoyed a
visit from her daughter, Mra Joe Davey
and baby, of Ponca, last week
Very Ret P F McCarthy returned
from Omaha Saturday, and remained
iu Hubbard nntil Buuday where he
oelolrated mans on account of the ill
ness of Rev Fr English.
Matt Byrne and wife, of Sioux City,
were Jackson visitors Monday, tbey ex
poet to go to Los Angeles, Cal, soon.
John P Davey of Emerson had busi
ness here Tuesday.
John Ryan returned Saturday from
few days visit in Omaha.
Alfred Demaray and wifo received
word last Saturday of the birth of
daughter at the home of tueir son,
Louis and wife, their first born, at
Ihlen, Minn,
Monica Hartnott was ill the pant
week threatened with typhoid fever
but in now much improved.
Born, to William Garner Jan 29th,
Diod. Jan 29 '09, the infant baby
boj of T U Sullivan and wife.
Andrew Hodgins who ia a traveling
salesman in tbe Dakota's for the Na
tional Art and Crayon Co, Chicago
is fcpending a few weeks vacation with
his parents, Mr and Mra I bos Hod
gins, Vista.
Mrs J A Heath and children depart
ed for their home at Bemidji, Minn,
Monday, after an extended visit with
relatives here.
Lanra M Jones departed for Sioux
to spend the remainder of the week
with friends there.
Mra B F Sawyer is spending the
week in the home of her daughter Mr
E W Nordyke at Sioux City.
Margaret Boler departed Tuesday
for Omaha to spend a few weeks with
her sister Mary.
Chris South and Frank Davey at
tended the Nordyke sale at Allen
Born, to Mr and Mra John T Daley
ceo l, u'J, a daughter.
Died, Feb 1, '09, Thos FarK.y, of
isia. ftebr, at tne borne of bis nephew
J i' WaUb, after a lingering illness
The deceased was one of tbe very
early pioneers, coming bere in 1857
and was about 90 years old. The
funeral was held from the Catholio
church at Vista, Wednesday morning
and was largely attended . Rev Felix
McCarthy celebrating Reqaieum mass
interment was iu at John cemetery
not been an inch of snow airce she
went there and that they don't fuel the
cold there as they do hern.
Dorcas ladies give their basket sup
per Feb 12, in Woodman hall. Come
nd help tbem celebrate Lincoln
Mrs Rue Altemus returned to her
home near Dakota City Monday after
a week's visit at tbe home of ber par
ents, James Allaway and wife.
Walter Smith went to Sioux City
Sunday night returning Monday.
Ben and Will llolsworth brought
down two car load of fat cattle Sunday
for Monday's shipment.
There has beeu some of the residents
of district No 9 exposed to coots gious
disease, therefore the school is closed
for this week awaiting developmnnta.
Eva Kinnear, teacher. Later Ihere
was only two days vacation.
Mrs U A Monroe and Miss Berth
Monroe were the guests at the D L
Allen home in Sioux City several days,
returning home Tuesday.
The children of "Dump" Thaoker
who were sffloted -with diptheria and
also Mrs Tom Baird are setting well
and will soon be let out of quarantine.
Will nud Henry Walway, of Enereon
precinct, went through town Wednes
day on their way to the Chas Ostmeyer
Miss Cora Midriff returned from
York, Nebr last week. Small pox
being epidemic in the college, she
thought best to come home. 25 cases
had developed.
Alex M Nixon was a Sioux City
passenger Tuesday evening, returning
We were pleased, as were all his
many friends, to Bee the smiling face
and grasp thj fist, of U S Marshal W
P Warner, on tbe strees of Homer
Friday of last week Willie O'Dell
started out with a 22 rifle to kill a rat,
but before he left the house while
standing near bis sister, Mrs Dan Ear
rift, in some way tho rifle was die
charged and the ball entered ber leg
between the knee and ankle. We have
not heard how serious the wound is.
Mr and Mrs Lee Clement went to
to Danbnry Thursday to attend a fami
ly reunion at Mr Clements' parents
home, after a week's visit Mrs Clement
will return to Homer, but Lee will ao
company abrotherto Pipestone, Minn
for a visit at tueir old home.
at 2 p m, Dr Luddeu of Lincoln, aeo
lutury of the ttoard of Home Missions,
ill preach, and will also add reus the
yuuug people. Rev Nuabaum, pastor
Wm Evans will move to Sioux City
next week to reside.
We still have some wiuter under
wear that we will aell at a disoouut
rather than carry it over. Carl Anderson.
John Howard and wife and Mrs Dan
Uartuett were among the Sioux City
sboppers luesday.
Dick Myers, one of Hubbard's for
nirr business men, is reported to be
stiiouBly ill up on his claim in South
Have you tried that new brand ' of
coffee at Carl Auderson'a, "Millard
L. barm 7 if not you are misaing a
chance of having the best coffee for
. the mouey ever sold ia Hubbard
Mrs Leedom and Mr and Mrs Thorn
left Monday morning for Lake Park,
I )wa, for a viait at the borne of Mr
Mitchell, a brother of Mrs Leedom
aud Mrs Thorn.
Mrs Tobin returned to ber borne in
South Sioux City Tuesday eveuiug
A team of heavy work horses for
ai!u, cheap aa dirt. Carl Anderson.
The blizzard which raged bote last
wet k did considerable damage iu this
locality. Windmills were blown down
and train service waa suspended on
account of the snow drifts. No mails
came, aud the rural carriers found it
impossible to make the rounds
Grandma Thornton ia Buffering quite
aeverely from an attack of rheumatism
Superior grain drills, and a full line
of Moline and Rook Island farm ma
chinery at Reuse & Green's.
Tbe rural carrier on route 1 came
near getting a horse killed Monday in
trying to get through the auow drifts
to serve uis patrons, uei oui ana
break the roade for jour carrier; it
Farmers Institute at Dakota Friday
and Saturday, don't forget.
Mrs James Fueston op me out from
Dakota City the forepart of the week
snd visited a few days at tho Glen
Armour home.
Sam Heikes recently lost one of uis
best work horses, caused from blood
Fred Cnlbertson is laid up with a
slight attaok of facial paralysis
H Wesley Brown, of Herrick, 8 l.
is here on a visit aud will remain until
after thesale of Janes Fisher, who re
sides on his farm.
Miss Mildred Hileman one of Salem's
former most popular young ladies was
joined in marriage to Wilbur Allen on
Wednenday of last week, at the home
of her parents in Julesbuig, Col. Mr
Allen is a prosperous young farmer
near Jubsburg, where the happy
duple will make their future home.
We extend congratulations in behalf
of their many Salem friends.
Mrs Rue Altemus visited relatives iu
Homer the past weok.
"Theodore MoGlashan reoeutly spent
several days witli relatives and friends
at Lawton, Iowa.
Addie Sides unfortunately got his
thumb nearly sawed from hit hand
having got it to close to hii coru' she!
ler while in opperation.
Oueof Chester Heikes' bost draft
horses waa badly cut about I he legs ou
Tuoxday of last week.
The family of W L Strong will ie
move to their new home at Wilmont.
Minn, next Tuesday,
joiiu .lessen, oi Uliuton, lowa, is
visitiug at the Simmons homo.
Nellie Heeney returned to her home
here Monday evening, after spending a
few weeks iu Sioux City with friends
Matt Atseumacher aud Johu Vobs
were passengers to Lmerson last Sun
Miss Luoy Anderson went to Emer
son last Sunday where aho will visit
her sitter.
Mae and Rose Heeney and Alice De
maray visited at the home of Frauk
lleenty, in Emerson last Sunday.
Lawrence Assenmaoher was on the
sick list the first of the week.
Charlie Schwartz surprised his
friends here by going to Sioux City
last Saturday and being quietly mar
riod to Miss Marie flinch of that place
Congratulations are in order.
Mrs Frauk Heeney and little dauoh
ter of Eraersou vinited at the Heeney
borne bere tbe brut of tbe week.
Mrs Charley Peterson waa quite sick
a few days recently.
Hans Johnson has been confined to
bu home by a severe cold tue last few
James and Joe Heeney and James
Smith, of Hubbard, are hauling corn
to Emerson tbeso days.
Fred Wood waa a between train visi
tor iu Homer Saturday,
Mra Dr Burke waa a Lincoln visitor
for several days returning Tuesday,
Will Learner and wife were Sioux
City shoppers Tuesday morning.
Mra John MoQuirk in writing to
friends in Homer tays the weather is
flna in Lima. Montana, that tliara had
Official Proceedings of the Board of
County Commissioners.
Dakota City, Nebr, Jan. 30, '09
Board of county commissioners met
pursuant te adjournment. Present
John Sierk, chairman; Ed Morgan
Fred Blume, and W L Ross, clerk.
The following bonds were approved
by tbe board :
Burt Kroesen, contract with count
for furnishing supplies.
John II Ream, contract with county
for oouuty printing.
Louis Pederoon, road overseer dis
trict No 4.
Daniel Hartnett, road overseer dis
trici No 9.
Andrew u Anderson, road overseer
district No 8.
Claim of B F Sawyer, inquest on
Uooilaell, f lii.80, rejected.
The following claims were allowed
John H lti'inn, Ixinrtl ot health 1 8 T5
Scth 1 KiiriiKH, Hiime 4 en
Jiimen Klynn. hhiiiu 4 AO
V 1 Hmllcy, hhiiiu I eo
l'urklim HroH (In, indue 21 ii
Dr V H KrHiichere, treating K K HufT-
miiii, claim 1150 75 00
.NchniNka Institution Kcvhltt Mimli'd
t-lolhliiK for juyiw and Htiyrp Ml 00
J H Smith, nrruNtltiK Henry NuKt-n,
cliilin P.60 5 On
J H Smith, nrrt-HtinK Mnrtln Koiiih-h-
wy, ehtliu tUjo 5 00
Board adjourned to meet February
27, 1909. W L Ross, Clerk.
Notice ot Administrators Sale
Notice is hereby given that in pursu
ance of an order of the Hon Gny T
Gravesi, Judge of tho District Court,
f Dakota Uounty, Nebraska, made on
the 21st of November, A D, 1908, for
the sale of the real estate hereinafter
mentioned and desoribed, there will
be sold at publio vendue, to the high-
ent bidder, for cash, at the front door
f th.4 Court House, in the City of Da
kota City, in said County, on the 25th
day of February, A D, 1909, at 11
o'clock, A M, the following described
real estate to-wit : w j of nw i acd tbe
e ft of aw J sea 26,the 0 of uw t of aw
1, and the aw i of the bw i see 23, all
iu Township 8, Range 7 e, Dakota
couuty, Nebraska, and lot 18 block 13,
and lots 1-2-3 4-5-6-7 in block 18, and
lots 2-3 4 6 in block C, iu the ilia Re of
Hubbard, said county, or so much
thereof, hh is neces(ary to pay the
debts against the said estate. Said
sale will remain open one hour.
Dated this 27 day of January, 1909.
Patrick Duuuax
Administrator ef the estate of Henrv
Hooney, deceased
Klmt publication Jan X! w
The rollowlnv extltniite of exDcnscH v
tnmii' for the year 1WU:
IHiunty Ki'iii'rul fund JKi.mn)
Oounty hrUltie fund lo.iion
county roBti iuiiu ni.irnu
luturoad ihhui mtikinu fund
ltitllroml Ixiiid lntirt fund H.KKI
ltoud dUtrlct liidehluduxHH fund IO.Oiu
W I. Ho8, County Clerk,
411 5th St., Sioux City, Ia
Lrive Stock.
Farm Sales
Do not forget that I will do your
work and do it right. Phone for dates
at my expense, Auto 2810. Charges
C6e Ilcr&xld svnd
-New Idea Magazine. ........ .$1
Sionx City Daily and Sunday
Journal ,
without Sunday. ............
to rural route patrons ........
Linooln Daily News to April 1.
Kansas City Weekly Star". . . .
notice a steady increase in business
TU"E have just taken our Inventory and find everything satisfactory. We can
Irom year to year, which is certainly gratifying. For this we thank the people of this community and surround
ing country. Gradually we are learning the lessons we were taught at our mother's knee: "That in unity there is
strength." How would property in Dakota County advance in price if each and every one of us sent our dollars to
another state, thus impoverishing our own county and building up some foreign corporation, who does not pay taxes and
who does not help support Our schools and our churches.
The answer invariably would be; with no towns and no Rural Mail Delivery, all farm property would decline.
Does not it stem then to be the side of reason from a financial standpoint to buy from your home merchant, when you
are able, nine times out of ten, to buy fully as cheap, after deducting freight. Your home merchant is e'.ways anxious to
please you, and when you receive anything from him that is not satisfactory, he is more than anxious to exchange with
you or give your money back, without expense to you.
Ilf I. . A . .
vve wish 10 siaie at tins time tnat during the present year no effort will be spared in our
competition. Owning our building, buying goods in large quantities and paying Cash, puts us in a
at the very lowest COSt. In this connection we wish to offer you a special cut on all our
endeavor to meet all
position to sell goods
and also to apprise you of the fact that our Spring Wash Goods have commenced to arrive
Toiles, Seersuckers, English Cambrics, Galateas, Linen Bordure, Chambras, Etc., Etc.
These goods are priced from 2 to 3 cents per yard less than elsewhere .
These Prices will be in force dxirinjj tke Month.
We have about 3 dozen Ladies' Percale wrappers
ranging in price from $1.00 to $1.75, that we will
sell during this sale at
We have a large assortment of Sample Hosiery
that we are going to cut the price in two. You 1-2
will buy them at just 2 the market price price
In order to close out our Men's and Boys' Sweaters
we offer you your choice' at XofF
In Men's Fleece and Wool Underwear
Price, 50c 00c 75c $1.00 and $1.50
will sell at 39c 49c 59c 79c and $1.19
In Women's and Children's Underwear a reduction
will be given of t 20
We have six or seven dozen small size Men's and
Boys Caps that we will sell, your choice for . . . , 25c
On Men's Dress Shirts a reduction will be given of . . .15
We will deduct 25c from each pair of Men's Pants,
during this sale.
We have a splendid assortment of Wool and Novelty
Dress Goods for women and children, ranging in
price from 15c to 75c per yard, that we will sell
during this sale at a discount of 25
We make the following prices on 1
which vare regular from day to day
Dried Peaches, 10c and 15c per pound.
Dried Prunes, 10c and 12' per pound.
4 Crown Raisins, 10c per pound.
Dried Apricots, 15c per pound.
Tomatoes, 10c, 12c and 15c per can.
Standard Corn, three cans for 25c
Full Cream Cheese, 20c per pound.
Tea, 40c and 50c per pound.
Saturday Specials
Saturday, lebrnary 6th we win make the following
special prices:
10 lbs of Sugar, 50c 4 pkgs Excello Breakfast Food 25c
' Saturday, February nth
Kerosene Oil, 11c per gal. 9 Bars Laundry Soap, 25c
Saturday, February 20th
4 cans Standard Corn 25c 3tb carton of Crackers for 20c
Saturday, February 27th
Searchlight and Birds Eye Matches 3c per box
4 packages Zest Breakfast Food for 25c
3 dozen Clothes Pins for 5c
S. A. St in son
Stands Lite a Stone Wall
Turns Cattle, Horsis, Hogs It Practically Indestructible
I'm" i i i m i iiii' inr
Buy your new fence for years to come. Get the big, heavy wires, the
hinge joint, the good galvanizing, the exactly proportioned quality of steel
that is not too hard nor too soft. ... j
We can show you this fence In our stock and explain its merits ana
superiority, not only in the roll but in the field. Come and see us and get
our prices.
Edwards&. Bradford Lbr. Co
(iE0. TIMLIN. Vanaeer,
Large Boned
Poland China Stock Pigs
M. Waters,
Hubbard, Neb.
Fcfeftxctry iJ and March
Special Rates
Very Cheap to Washington, Oregon and California Daily dur
ing March and April, only $Z5.UU lor one way colonist ttekets
to the coast, good in through tourist sleepers.
Through Service. Daily through standard and tourist sleepers
to California via Denver, Scenic Colorado and Salt Lake City;
through train via direct northwest line to Spokane, Seattle and
new "North Bank" Columbia River scenic line to Portland.
Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exposition. Seattle, summer, 1J09. Very
attractive rates next summer embracing the whole coast tour,
the grandest railroad journey in the world. PLAN NOW.
Ask the Agent for rates, variable routes and attrartions of the
coast tour.
W. E. Snethen. Ticket Agt, Dakota City, Neb.
L. W Wareley, G P A, Omahti, Neb
fe ma
y -
j A
red. - Sow
February 22, '09
40 Heart of Tons in the Hei rt
JI. FJordy ke
Dakota Citm Nsa.
: Abstracter
608 Metropolitan 61k.
Sioux City. Iowa
Abstracts of Title
A $10,000 Surety Bond
Guarantees the accuracy of every
Abstract I make
Successor to
Dakota County Abstract Co;
Bonded Abstracter