Dakota County Herald DAKOTA CRT, JOIIX 1L REAM, ... FaMUflMV t. nerpont Morgnns 110,250 EThlc ontnlns' no more religion than tbe daln (1.25 edition. Ixmdon Is to have a thonter In mem ory of Shakespeare. All theaters are memorials of Shakespeare. It Is fcignlfleant that no coal dealers r Ice men have Joined the Cleveland movement to lire as Christ would. Tnere are now 2r0,000 words In the English language, hence It Is strange It takes the Indies so long to nay good bye to one another? A California woman has been given divorce because her husband would tiot speak to her. Probably lie never bad a fair chance. Ten years for counterfeiting a $" killl Is two years for each dollar. It Is lucky for the crook that he did not dabble In bad twenties. A man Is charged with stealing an otter cap on a train, which will, of course. Induce every bright wit to point out that he otter reform. A college professor thinks Americans of the future will have Muck eyes. If the habit of calling one another liars Isn't stopped he may be right. A New York woman demands $."0, POO for the loss of her husband's affec tion. It seems to us that this Is bulling the New York love market. If man really Is descended from the bog we expect some fiendish misan thrope to take up the stockynrda cry that "There's nothing lost but the hqaeal." Prof. Ferclral Lowell has discovered water vapor on Mars. Many Amorf cans whose wells were dry last sum mer and are staying dry under the ' now wll envy the Martians. CL.' "s-' Forty magazines of general Interest describe themselves" as "total abstain ers" as far as their advertising pages to. The dryness, fortunately, does not xtend to the rest of the contents. The United States Is taking on n few governors those days who try to make I themselves believe they are presiden tial size. ' They will know more about It when they have governed a while. The naval board of construction has prepared plans for three 'Jd.oco-ton bat tle ships. Ten years ago OXiO-ton bat tle ships were considered enormous. What nation will be the first to luunch the 60.000-ton floating fort? It la explained thnt grand opera can not be made to pay because the grand opera singers Insist on having salaries that are too high. A sad feature of the case lies In the foct that the pnu- Jer grand opera singers of Europe de- mana even nigner salaries thni our ,a , v uicib aio nvm lO uruw. On December 21 the exact moment when the sun turned north In It course was flashed over the wires from the United States Naval Observatory In Washington to all telegraph points In Alaska. Bummer Is so abort In the far north that It doubtless comforts tjie people there to know that It Is ,a-comtn In" the moment the solar tide sets In their favor. Perhaps there would be fewer as sassinations if there were a stronger probability that a murderer would be Banged. It might even be sufficient to make a long terra In the penitenti ary sure. Whatever may be said about the death penalty, the certainty of se re punishment would probably dis courage tne WKing or Human life. At any rate, It would be worth while to make a thorough test of this. Professor Ferrero, the Italian his torian, who bus been giving lectures On Rome In Boston, says that Ameri ca, la a truer heir of the R in inn public than any European nation; that Kome taught the world the principles or commonwealth on a large scale, wnicn only the United States Is vast enough to realize. Dr. Ferrero Is not pessimistic enough to press the parallel to uncomronanie conclusions, but he Sees In our Imperialism, our wealth fcnd our power some resemblance to a grandeur mat declined, although It sever died. For a number of years an effort has been made from time to time to In crease the President's salary from $50, 000 to 1 100,000. The salary has stood at Its prebeut figure since the '70s, aud the generation that has paused has, as every one knows, witnessed such a change in the requirements for living that old incomes will no longer suf fice. In official station, where there Is no escaping to a simple life, the pressure is more serious than else where. Of course the President's house bold is far from being a confined to What 150,000 a year will procure, even as the case now stands. In lieu of increasing his pay mauy Items of ex pendlture which might have been Charged to him have been specially provided for by Congress. In part the Government pays for the pros! dential stables and In part for tbe up keep of tho White House. The $50, wuu a year is merely wiiat passes through tbe President's own prlvato purse. The Senate finance committee bas reported favorably a bill for In creasing the salary to $100,000, and it at-ems probable that the Increase will be made In one of tbe regular appro priation bills at the present session of Congress, fco thut President-to-be Tuft oi'i get the benefit of it. There should be uo opposition to legislation so nianl : fMtly Just and desirable. The editor of the Popular Science Monthly asserts that women teachers re tbe bane of the country' schools. Coy a, b aya, get but little good ttom th teaching of women and turn away from It when they can. The girls, al though they "need men teachers even more than the boys," naturally remain longer under feminine tuition. "The ul timate result of letting the celibate fe male be the usual teacher," lie contin ues, "has lieen such as to make It a question whether It would not be an advantage to the country If the whole school plant could bo scraped." And he ungnllantly refers to the woman teacher as "a spinster, devitalized and unsexed." The characterization of the teacher as "a spinster, devitalized and nnsexed" Is as far from accurate iir tralture as anything can be. It Is a gross caricature of n body of Intelli gent, patient, conscientious womanly women who are discharging a function for which they are eminently fitted. To be a spinster, It should hardly lie nec essary to say, does not Imply that a woman Is devitalized or nnsexed. We do not have to go to any magazine edi tor for light upon that point. The woman teacher Is here and she will stoy here. Her right to a place In the schools Is based on the jossesslon of seclnl talent for the work. The prop er odncntlon of children tip to 14 or 15 years of age Is a task requiring more than mere scholarship and theory. It requires a tact, a patience and a ca pacity to adapt oneself to the Individ ual lent of the child that are as rare In men as common In women. These qualities make women pre-eminently fitted for the Instruction of the young er grades. They will certainly not be found BiiKrfluous In the higher ones. Woman's place Is further assured by the fact that men In siilllclent num bers cannot be got to do the work particularly with young children. They lack the maternal instinct which makes the task agreeable to women. The fact that men avoid that particular work to so great an extent Is as much a result of an Instinctive recognition of their unfitness for It as of an objection to the smallncss of the compensation. The country has nothing to fear from this recent bugaboo of the "feminization of the schools." "Half of life is con duct," and on the "conduct" sldo of education the woman's Influence Is In vulnerable. On the strictly Intellectual sldo her efforts and Influence are Judi cious and effective. Too many great men have proclaimed their lasting debt t9 t'.'.C trail11"? Pf thejr motherr to per mit us to believe that woman loses her characteristic mental aptitudes on merely crossing the threshold of I school. . BRITISH PEINCES. Very Different fnm the King- In F.- einptlon from Um, So privileged Is the King of England In bis exemption from nny and every law that one wonld naturally expect Ms children might do prettv much as they like. But Englishmen have al ways been very Jealous of royal per sonages, and the fact is that princes enjoy very few privileges 'indeed. A prince of the royal blood may be fined, like any ordinary mortal, if his motor car exceeds the legal limit of sieed. The Prlnco of Wules cannot be sued personally for debt. If the debt Is not paid the creditor may take out n sum mons, but he must summon tlio treas urer, not the prince. If the en so goes against the treasurer the money Is paid out of the prince's assets. No child of the King who Is under 25 can marry without the King's con sent. Supposing, however, a prince over 25 desired to marry and the King refused his consent, then the prince could give notice of his intention to .the privy council After that ho would nave to restrain ins patience for a whole year. If during that time either the house of lords or the house of com mons disapproved of the marriage it could not take place. But if both houses of parliament were satisfied the prince could marry the woman of his choice. A prince has not even the right to eaucaie nis own children, ror it was long ago laid down thnt the king hns the care and education of his grand children wlille they are minors. Lon don Telegraph. PRETTY WIDOW ACQUITTED. Her Diplomatic Aninrr Won the .Inry at Once. Mrs. Grace West, a pretty little wld- 0W' was nwlu,ttcd ,n Mercer Court, In Trenton, the other day after sho had told an amusing love story In which the chief hero was Albert Wetzel, a crusty old widower, snys the New York World. Mr. Wetzel told tho Jury, which for tbe most pnrt was composed of widowers and bachelors, that the widow had been entertaining the butcher, the gnx-or, the Iceman and the coal man in her home, and that tho entertainments resulted frequently in disorder. When Mrs. West had her inning elie told the Jurors in n sweet, plaintive. voice thnt Wetzel had tried to play Uo- meo o ner juncc. no would pi ty a violin under her window late at night and then in a loud voice would shout his proHwaI to her to come down and flee with him. On several occhfIo; a Mrs. West told him she had on experi ence in matrimony and that was tuuugu. Wetzel Insisted, and when tho widow locked the front doors to kep him out, he bored a hole in the fence in tbe rear, being too old to climb over it. "OU dear, wont-you wed me? Mr life is a hell without you," was Wet ae'.'s last proposal to h,er, Mis. West i-ald. During the trial she wis asked Just how handsome she thought Wetzel was. Kre replied that she d!d not think lit lit half as handsome n nny of tho men in the Jury box. He acquit tal followed a few moments l.-ier. All ISqalpprd. "No, my daughter, I will not consent to your engagement to a book peddler who doesn't know what he is going to do for a success In life." "Oh. father, you are mistaken. Ills I career Is a'.i nifipix-d out." "How t'.o you know thnt?" "Why. doesn't lie aid I school atlases?" Baltimore American. First Doctor This is u most niya trrloiw case. I can't make anything out of It. Second Doctor llusu't the patient any money? KINO IN THE BACK WOODS. How a Tfrrr York lleporler Wm Ite arilril hy a Ulnar Arbiter, One of the local rejHirtors was sent up State nut long ago to net a murder story, says tin Cincinnati Times-Star's New York correspondent. While plrou oiling around after facts In one of the little backwoods villages ho became ac quainted with the arbiter ologantariira of the town an old maid, full of curt orlty and scandal. lie played her along, for she oozed the very Infor mation he bud been sent to get. The. day that he was ready to start bn'-k to New York she called him Into her little front parlor. "I'm so embar rassed. Mr. IloHfer," she simpered. Mr. Boster breezily liadi; her cheer up. "I have such n favor to ask yon,' said she, twisting In her rhoes. Mr. P.oster began to fear a touch But he was game. "Anything 1 can do my dearest lady." he said. "Well." said sb". looking Into hi eyes wquctlishly. "This town has never before been honored by the presence of n real New York newspaper man. The nearest was a nice-looking young lino who said lie was a reporter, find who bent mother out of n week's board. I feel that your visit here marks a real epoch In Shadevillo's history. In my allium I have the autographs of Ad ifilral Sampson. Admiral Schley, and Gov. Hughes niiil Senator I'latt. Would you lie so kind as to let me have your signature with nn appropriate senli nient?" Tho newspaper ninn signed, right un dor Tom Plait's name. As a kli-d of two-edged sentiment, a venllment that would cut bath ways and leave all hands In discreet doubt as to the writ er's mo, mint', he wrote: "Sweet are the uses of ndverslty." LATE PHOTO OF EMPEROR. t-'rnnel Jnarph of Auntrla-IIanRHrjr Shown In Con I a me of Honter. Here Is the latest picture of Emperor frauds Joseph of Austrla-LIungary. It portrays him In hunting costume. Al- u" A ..-(, . ... ktl -, 1 4 Iri V ' ..' T..1 : nMB-Brfiifir"" forvi.tiHT y V ICS OX. AJGT,R.tK VIENNA though boru in l!0 and the oldest reigning monarch of Europe, having been on the throne since IW 18. the em peror Is vigorous and ardently devoted to the chase. In fact, hunting has been his only diversion since his consort. Empress Elizabeth, was nssasslnuted at Berne. Rating; tho Tie. "I remember one man from my home town," a Western Senator said recent ly, "In the good old days before civil service examinations, whoso Jream of eurthly attainment was a government place. When his party was finally suc cessful he Immediately set out for Washington and was "on the jub' long liefore the fourth of March, hut there seemed to be a hitch somewhere. All through the spring he wns about town Wherever I went I would see . him. striving for or Just after an audience with some dopnrtmciit oillclal. By June he was seedy and broken looking, hut still appeared to be 'game.' ' Finally I found him In the gallery of the Senate chamber apparently endeavoring to kill time. "Well, have you given It up? I ask ed, trying to lie sympathetic. "'Oh. I got the Job, all right.' he re plied wit It a satistieil smile. Tin work ing now.' " Success Magazine Ho lluil llri-n There. Bodrlck Howdy, old man. We nre going on a camping trip soon. Did you ever enjoy a camping trip where yon had to do your own cooking and sleen beneath the stars? Van Albert Nope. Bodrlck What? lo yon mean to Bay you have newr been on a camping trip? Van Albert No. I mean to say that I never enjoyed one. Chicago News. Learning- i:url. A Sunday school teacher had been telling her class the story of tho good Samaritan. hen she atiked them whut the story meant a little bov sni.l- "It means that when i a in in trouble my neighbors must help me." I'ulrer- allst leader. What Kbe l.oved. He If you don't love me, uml If you will not listen to me, why do you al ways take my boxes .f chocolate? SIh- I love chocolates. Mcjgcmlor fer Blaetter. rather VeH? tommy Yi by Isn't there ever a navy of llv unemployed? PAYING FOR A MEAL. It Wm Worth Annul n Shilling t I'lek Those P itte. Colonel Elie Ebeneer Sproat of Hot. olutlonary fame was born and bred In MlddlelMiro, Mats lie was always fond of a Joke and was quick to vlzo an opportunity to Indulge his propen sity, as the foiliwlng Incident Illus trates. His father, also o Colonel Pproat, kept a tavern. One day while Ebenezer was at home on a furlough three private soldiers, on their return from the seat of war. called for a cold luncheon. Mrs. Sprout set on the table some bread anil cheese with the remnants of the family dinner, which her son thought rather n-nnty fare for hungry men. He felt a little vexed that the defenders of the country were not more bountifully supplied. The soldiers, after satisfying their appetites, asked him how much they should pay. Ebe nezer said he would ask Ills mother. He found her In the kitchen. "Moiher," he said, "h iw much Is It worth to pick those bones?" "About a shilling. I guess," she an swered. The young officer returned to the sohllcrs and. taking from the barroom till 3 shillings nnd . smiling genially upon them, gave each man one nnd with good wishes sent them on their wny. Mrs. Sprout soon after on mo in and asked Ebenezer what he had done with the money for the soldiers' din ner. Ill apparent amazement he exclaim ed: "Moneyl Did I not ask yon what it was worth to pick those bones, and you said a shilling? I thought It little enough, for the bones were pretty bare, and I handed the men the money from the till, nnd they are gone." Mrs. Sprout could not find heart to reprove her favorite km for this mis interpretation of her words, nnd then she, too, loved n joke, and so, after nn Instant's glum look, sho laughed and Bald it was all ri'.it. Sir Prospective Suitor Sir, 1 love your daughter. Her Father Well, don't come to me with your troubles. Maud Belle doesn't wear French heels any more. Her husband won't let her. Ethel I said she would low er herself by marrying him. Boston Transcript. Suitor Do yon think, Edith, your father will accept me for a son-lu- awV" She I wouldn't be at ull sur prised. I'apa always goes contrary to my wishes. Smith I declare. Brown, your wife Is the most charming conversational ist I have ever known. I could listen to her talk all night! Brown I have to, very often. , Brahlsen Tapes Yes, I'm fired; dis charged without any reason! Sllksou Thredd Well, you didn't have any when you took the Job, did you? Syracuse Herald. "Mr. Chairman," began the man who Is unaccustomed to public speaking. "I er I er I er " "Well," Inter rupted the chalrtnnn. kindly, "to err is human." Washington Herald. Curate And so, Mrs. Howard, you cotiie to church every Sunday? Mrs. Howard Yes. Mr. Priestley, we're Buch strangers in town yet that we have no other engagements. Brook lyn Life. Mr. Highbrow It was Michelet, I believe, who observed that "woman is the salt of a man's life" Miss Keen Quite true! Young men aren't half so frchh after they get married. Bos ton Transcript. "I like to see a ma take nn Inter est In his work." "So do I. I once knew a mI iceman who was so enthusi astic that It positively pained him to see anybody out of jail." Louisville Courier-Journal. The Minister Then you don't think I practice what I preach, eh? The Deacon No, sir, I don't. You've been preachln on the subjec' o' resignation fur twn years, nn ye hlvim resigned ylt. Exchange. "That man who was here just now seemed to move you a great deal?" "Ho did." "By a touching story?" "No; by throe londs In two wagons, and he broke nearly every piece." Baltimore American. Miss Dudley- She was braggln' about how successful her dinner party was. She saiil it wound up "with great eolaw." What's "eehiw" anyway? Miss Milgley Why, I gfiess that was tho dessert. Didn't you never eat it choco late eclaw? "Which do you think affords greater pleasure, pursuit or possession?" "I don't know." answered the man with a motor car. "possession Is a tine tiling. But I have sometimes suspect ed that the police get more fun out of my machine than I do." Washing ton Star. Playwright (describing play) Then you have a very strong scene when you trample on all the ties of home La flection and . Well-known Actor Cut that out. Playwright But it's a very strong scene. Well-known Actor Maybe so, but I don't picpcse to tramp on any tics. Philadelphia Ledger. The Ilrakeinan'a Advice. Down iu Maine Is a town called Burnhutn, situated on a small branch railroad that Joins the main line at Burnham Junction. One day as the train approached the latter place the brakeman entered the car find in tils usuul stentorian tones went through his regular rigmarole when a station aud junctlou are reached. "Biu-nham Junction!" be shouted. "Burnham J miction! Clinnge cars for Burnham! I-eave uo articles in the car! Buru'um, Bum'am !" Llpphj-cott'a, THE MARRIAGE OF THE FUTURE. By Charlotte Tlx. Industrial conditions of tbe modern heme are such as to delay and often prevent marriage. Since the "home" Is supposed to arise only from marriage, It looks as though the situation were frankly suicidal. So far, not seeing these things, we have merely 'fol lowed our world-old habits of blaming the womnn. She used to be content with these conditions, we say; she ought to be now. Back I to nature- The woman refuses to go back, the home re fuses to go forward, and .marriage waits. The initial condition of ownership, even without servitude, reacts unfavorably upon the kind of marriage most desired. A woman slave is not a wife. The more absolutely a woman Is her own mistress, In accepting her hus band and her life with him, the higher Is the grade of love nnd companionship open to them. Again, the eco nomic dependence of the woman militates against a true marriage, in that tne element of the economic profit de grades and commercializes love and so injures the fam ily. The hlgh?r marriage toward which we are tending requires a full-grown woman, no one's property or serv ant, self-supporting and proudly Independent. Such mar riage will find expression In a very different home. Ixsl ie's. SCHOOL ETHICS UNRECOGNIZED IN BUSINESS. By J. A. How land. I am familiar with an unpleasant tangle in a great business organization where In the beginning just oi.e man was to blame for a slight indiscretion. His Intent was of the best In the matter, but his Judgment was bad. He exceeded his authority in a certain circum stance and became responsible for Involving a large portion of a department In a piece of unauthorized work. The result Is that . dozen mcu in tho establishment are under the fire of un pleasant questioning. Recognizing that the real hea't of the mistake lies with a man, who In doing ids beSst merely failed In his best Judgment, this man hns been shielded from his share in the muddle. But as the ait iiatlon rests, the whole smooth running machinery of a perfected organization has been thrown out of balance Snd harmony. The distinctly practical thing which the young man may do Is to forget the logic of his school days in subterfuge and covering up of his fellows' misdeeds. Let him refuse to have his own errors covered by any one. Let him prepare to take the consequences of his own nets without fear or favor. Let him determine to leave an open record behind him. When he sba'l have proved to his fellows that he has no Interest fn hav ing his own mistakes kept covered that hs Is will-: lng to assume all responsibility for his own acts, clear ing him of any obligation as to sharing the mistakes of NOW. I want no pledge of joys to b No false, uncertain vow; That friend, alone, is kind to mc Who proves his friendship now. Life's changing year Is brief, so brief, And I shall slumber long. When autumn binds the yellow sheaf, And winter ends the song. Then, sweetheart, come to-day and bring Love's flower in perfect bloom ; I shall not care what wreaths you fling To-morrow on my tomb. Andrew Downing. AS Visit urprise "Oh, dear!" said u voice "Un a sug gestion of tears iu it. The young man paused and let it Lj recorded to his credit that lie . ". not seen her face. She was a charming, though obvious ly distressed, little lady, as she stood at the half-open gate. She seemed for a moment taken aback as the light of the lamp fell on the young man's fac -. He had been walking deep In thought, and thought Is a sign of age, and sits, perhaps, awkwardly upon the unaccus tomed shoulders of youth. Observing her confusion, he sought 'o reassure her with u Nnv a bow sugg-jstWe of white hair, even whiskers, unfortunit ly mislaid on this particular nigljt. "Can I be of nny nsslstance?" he murmured. "I don't know what to do," she de clored plteously. The young man endeavored to smile Intelligently. It was the lenst, and for the moment the most, he could do. "I've been ringing for nearly twenty minutes," she complained, "and they won't answer." Her tone created the Impression that the Inmates were sit ting within, wondering what spiritual phenomenon was affecting the noil. "You nre sure It's tho right house?' "Of course "M. This Is f.V Isn't it?" Investigation proved that It was. "I don't often make mistakes," said the young lady; she did not say It con ceitedly rIto merely mentioned It as a fact. "You ar? not, perhaps, expected. ' suggested the young mini, resting ills hand ct' the gate. "Net until to-morrow. I thought I wouh) pay my Sister a surprise visit to-night." "That's the worst of surprises," he began ; then It occurred to him thnt, though true enough. It wns not, under the circumstances, particularly consol ing. He paused. "They must come home sooner or later." she said. "Thank you " The young man received her bow of dismissal with dismay. "But 1 can't leave you." be protested. "You mustn't dismiss me like that." "I ? was releasing you," she sad. "I efuse to be released," he declared stubbornly. Her smile now partook lea wf the nature of an effort. "Thank you." she said. "I wns so o.Traid you would go" "Wh ir we have to do." be -ld brisk ly, concealing his gratification under a great show of energy. "1m to ct Into tho hoiise.' He eyed It as Agamemnon might have regarded Troy. "You can't r Perkins Gltman. SICKNESS HAS wait hrre in the cold" the atmosphere was almost sugjf'.-stlve of a thunder storm, but the dramatic instinct recks little of such "t'ntil your sLsfvr or the servants I suppose they must Le out, too choose to come home." "No," she o freed, placing her fate in his hands with simple confidence, "of course not." "Tho point Is, how to get in." "Yes," sho assented, "I've oeen try ing for ever so long." "We that Is to say, I must break In." "It's not as if it were a Jtranger's house," he said soothingly, In response to her gn?p. "But cen you break in?' "ModPrti window . fastenings," ex plained t?u young man, who had recent ly reaii a newspaper paagraph on the subject, "are simply invitations to bur glars." He Cambered on to the low balcony In frrtit of tbe window, involving him self in n catastrophe of flower-pots as he ld so. Vje girl, with half-frightened ad minnton, observed him extract his kL'Jfe, and by Its menns slip back the crtch of the window. She watched hlin fith whole-hearted admiration such Is the effect of success on the onlooker "CAN I UK OF ANY ASSISTANCE?"' as he raised the window, aud, with a parting smile of encouragement, disap peared Into the house. "Do be careful," she cnlied out, as a noise suggestive of an avert urned table reached her ear. Her warning, Vf heard, was unheeded, for the disturbance assumed mtaolys nile proportions. Her feeling of alarm gave way to curiosity, nud by the nid cf a smni! Cludstoue. which t'-j dragged from the doorstep, she, In her urn, mounted the balcony. "It's all right," gasped the voice of her deliverer, as she peered in at the window, "don't be" h'a voice broke oT tiddonly, and a subdued struggle ap peared to bo taking pluoe "aiarmeo. he resumed presently, somewhat more brathlessly, "I've got him all right." "Got whom?" she asked. In bewilder ment. "If you could manage to r-liir.' In aud light a match , we could see" Climb In? Oh, I couldn't. Yes; all right, If you nil right." A moment later she was by his side, and saw thnt he was kneeling on a prostrate and gasping man. "It's a burglar," explained the young man; "we must tie him iqi. Have you a piece of rope?" Her lack of the necessary article made the girl realize yet more vivid ly lu-r helplessness In the crisis. "Walt a moment." She dartel out of the room, and the sound of a minor maelstrom in the next room gave prom ise of speedy assistance. "Here you are," she said, running Jsr "r M-r others he cannot be criticised if he takes the stami that his own shortcomings are qnlte numerous enough for him to carry on one pair of shoulders. Organization and resulta in business are synonymous. Organization is crippled in Its purpose If that organization becomes a secondary mcchine bent to the covering up of its own organic lrefflcieLcy. A FUNNY SIDE. By Elbert Hubbard. Sickness Is a selfish thing. If you are well, you are expected to work, and give your time and talent to helping other people. If you are sick, you are supposed to be Immune from many unpleasant tasks and duties. Mark Twain Boys he was never wholly hap py excepting on two occasions. One was when he was given that Oxford degree and wore a marvelous red cloak and mortorboard hat; and the other was when he had the measles and expected to die, writes Elbert nubbard in Llpplncott's Magazine. The Joy of holding the center of the stage and having the whole family in trs Just on his account was worth all the pangs. Mark is a humorist, and a humorist is a man who has the sense of rralucs, and to have the sense of values is wisdom. Mark is a great philosopher as well as a humorist. Not only has he testified that pangs aud pains are the attributes of life, not death, and that there Is not pain in death, but he also gives testimony that sickness Is an acute form of selfishness. The sick man disarranges the entire scheme of housekeeping wherever he Is, unless he is in- a hospital. To have his meais served to him in bed he regards as natural and right For once he holds the center of the stage ail danct attendance. Doctors come, nurses run for this or tfcat, neighbors call and Inquire. He Is it. .- HOW T?iE POWER OF MAN GROWS. By Edward Everett Hale. The first living statistical authority said to me not long ago that every man who Is living In any such center of life a you and I live in, controls on the average l,0C0 times as much power as his ancestor did In the year 1800. To speak of such a trifle as steam power, iu the year 1S00 all the steam engines of the United States represented thirty horso power. The last trolley car that passed this church represented more horse power. There is a little illustration of the increase of human power which tho wit of a few men like James Watt and Robert Hare and Joseph Henry have made possible in only one of the In cidents of human life. Try to carry out a little illustration like that, nnd you get some ldeaof what follows on a much larger scale where man, the child, takes for use the physical power intrusted to him by God, his Father. back; "it's a tablecloth. I'm afraid I've upset a lot of things, bu it was so dark." By the aid of this they partly bound, partly swathed, their captive Into a condition of helplessness. lie lit the gas, and gazed at the floor with puckered brows. "I say, you .vive made a mess here. 1 suppose it was their supper. ' Tho girl turned to him with n des pairing smile. "I didn't know there was anything on the table," she said, "until I pulled the cloth off. It Is awful, Isn't it? One thing, Ethel is very good-temeperd." "Well, that's a good What's the matter?" The girl was staring around the room with bewilderment and alarm on her face. "I I," she begnn, and then paused. She took a candlestlcU from the side board and lit the candle at the ?as. "Do you mind just coming to the foot of the stairs," sho asked in embllng tones, "in case " When she came downstairs again she was very white, with two red patches on her cheeks. "There's a workroom up there," sb said, sinking into a chair. "That man was probably working there; that's why he didn't hear the bell." "Working?" queried her companion. "You don't mean " "Yes, I do. You saw the number was '53, didn't you?" "It's not the wrong house?" She nodded dismally. " '53, Claremont road,' I'm sure waa the address, though," she added in self exculpation. "Claremont?" He gazed round the room, and his eye fell on an envelope on the sideboard. "I thought so I wasn't sure. This la Benares rond. Claremont Is the next turning. ' The girl stared at him helplessly. "Whatever shall I do?" she said in a frightened whisper. "That Idiot of a cabman!' she added viciously. "Under tho circumstances,' mused tbe young man, "to explain would be well, an unthankful task." Her fellow housebreaker lwlted at her from the corner of his eye. "But we must." "Do you mean 'must morally? Be cause, if not the man in the next room Is not likely to know us again." The girl looked at him, gna.vlng the knuckle of her forefinger hesitatingly; then she rose stealthily to her uvt. "I hope," murmured the young ma if, as they let themselves out by the front door. "for. the sake of our er host, the others won't be late getting l.ime."" London Sketch. Obeyed lMrertlmia. Jones Did you deliver my message to Mr. Smith? Johnny No, sir. His office was looked. Jones Well, why didn't you -ait for him, as I told you? Johnny There was n note on the door saying. "Return at oneo," so I came back. Philadelphia Inquirer. ' A Kurjcleal Operation. Tbe customer raised ids baud, and the harWr. pausing In the operation of shaving him. Inclined his head. "Sir?" MJIvo me gas," said tbe customer. f. i ll-Hi (ilolie. Y. hen n hiis'.inud rims across nn old love letter lie wrote bis wife, lie iilways laughs, but bis wife cries. A woman's notion of superiority is ti be able to pay for things by check.