Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, January 08, 1909, Image 7

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    Joaa Waalaa't Be Tkere,
"I canna' tear ya Una, Nancy," a
good old Scotchman walled. "Ye're too
aid to work an' ys couldna' live in tbe
almshouse. Qln I die, ys maun marry
nnltJier man, whall Veep ye In comfort
In yer auld age."
"Nay, nay, Andy," answered the good
spouse, "I could na' wed antther man,
for what wad I do wl' two husbands In
heaven?" Andy pandered lone over
this; but suddenly his face brightened.
"I hue It, Nancy 1" he cried. "Ta
ken auld John Cltniens? He's a kind
nan, but he la na' a member o' tbo
kirk, lie likes ye, Nancy, an' gin ye'll
marry him. 'twill be nil the same In
heaven John's na Christian."
mm 4
HI Crade Method.
Man With tba Bulbous Nana But donl
you believe In guaranteeing bank depos
its? Mnn With the Bulging Brow Don't I?
By George, I was one of a committee that
served notice on a bank president one
that if his hank busted we'd tar and feata
4f him!
How's This? v
We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for
any raw at I'atarrb that cannot be cured by
Hall's Catarrh Cure.
V. J. CHUNKY A CO., Toledo, O.
We. the unaai-slgued. bare knows V. t.
Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe
him perfectly honorable In all business trans
action!!, aud kaaaclally able to carry out any
obligations made ay his firm.
YVAt.aino. Kinxa & Maitim,
Wholesale Druggists. Toledo, O.
Hnll's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally,
acting directly upon the blood and mucous
surfaces of tbe system. Testimonials sent
free. Price, 75c. per bottle. Sold by all
Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation.
- t -
t.irl Tauter" Llfe-saviutf,
A course In life-saving has been In
stituted nnioug the women students of
Columbia University for the purpose of
making then) as adept ns men In res
cuing drowning persons. They receive
the regular life-saving drill, including
the grips and breaks, towing to ahoro
and artificial respiration. A fully
dressed girl is thrown into the water at
one end of the swimming tank, ami
other girls are obliged to re; cu- !;r
from the opposite end and take her
tack, which Is already done In 57 sec
onds. This new departure in co-education
has become immensely popular.
It buy Furs & Hides. Write for catalog 103
N. W. Hide & Fur Co.. Minneapolis, Minn.
Hla Working Capital.
"What a strikisg looking man yau bar
for a driver of oae f your coal wagons,"
observed the customer.
"Yes," said the dealer; "he used to be
"How came he to drift Into this kind of
"Well, he aaid he waattd some job in
which he could use his vocabulary."
Vast la LAXATITB BtOMO tttMINll. Look
for tba slffsaturs of K. W. QROVB. Used the
World over to Cure a Celd la Ons Day. 25c
A College Education.
"Now that your son's in college, I
luppose he'll be getting exclusive ; he'll
e getting into the Four Hundred."
"Oh, he's more exclusive than that!
He's on the nine already." Philadel
phia Press.
Itched and Baraed Terribly Conld
Not Mara Taaaabs Wltaoat Pleaa
Cracking; Sleep Impossible Cull
eura Sooa Cored Ecaeaaa.
"An itching humor covered both my
hands and got up over my wrists and
eten up to tbe elbows. The itching and
burning were terrible. My hands got
all scaly and when I scratched, the
surface would be covered with blisters
and then get raw. Tbe eczema got 4o
bad that I could not move any thumbs
Without deep cracks appearing. I went
to my doctor, but his medicine could
only stop the itching. At night I suf
fered so fearfully that I could not
sleep. I could not bear to touch my
hands with water. This went on for
three' months and I was fairly worn
out. At lust I got the Cuttcura Reme
dies and in a mouth I was cured. Wal
ter H. Cox, 10 Somerset St., Boston,
Mass., Sept. 25, 1008."
Potter Drug & Chera. Corp., Sole
Props, of Cuticura Eemedies. .Boston.
I.rftnl Note.
A London city man recently wrote to
a lawyer In another town nuking for
Information touching the standing of a
person there who had owed the Lon
doner n considerable sum of money for
a long time. "What property has he
that I could attnch?" wns one of the
questions asked. The lawyer's reply
wns to the point. "The person to whom
you refer." lie wrote, "died u year ugo.
lie has left nothing subject to attach
ment except u widow." Punch.
Will ctop any coufjh tliat
can be stopped by any
medicine and cure ceunhs
tlial cannrt be cured by any
other merickie.
It Is a! way the best
eo'jrjji cure. You cannot
cllord to ts.Ua chances on
or.y o:hcr Uxid.
cou(ibs. coifis, bronchitis,
firip, asthma nnd consump
tion in first steles.
It does not contain alco
hol, opium, morphine, or
or s
nny oiuer narcotic, poison
ous or barmmi arua.
( hliirxe Slatenimin n All Are XV Gi
mme to I'rrni-h It In China.
The Chinese nuilmvsnilor to this
country. Wu Ting Fang, surprised his
hearers the "tlu-r nlIii when. In speak
ing In-fore a meeting In New York to
further Presbyterian missions in China,
he sahl :
"The (Jold.-n Utile Is the best rule we
run preserve. It was stated negatively
2T centuries ago by Confucius and still
holds good. If wo observe It we can do
no wrong nnd Justlre will prevail. I
hold to this view: If nny one I'rcsby
terlnn, Kpiscopnilan. Methodist. Unita
rian or Itoiuau Catholic, or Jew, or
Buddhist, or Confucian, or Mohamme
dan holds n ehnrch or mission or does
good work for the benefit of mankind,
esiKH-lally for my countrymen. I think
I ought to give to him my hiiiiiliie sup
port. There nmy be adverse criticism,
but I don't cure. I'll do what 1 con
sider right. 1 nm in this country to net
for my people and I welcome nslstance,
not only from my government nnd your
government, but from my people nnd
your people.
"In this mission school you are cur
rying out a tenet of Confucius, thnt nil
people should be educated nnd bene
fited, without regard to race, creed or
color. In Chin. i we tolerate nil re
ligions, although our national creed is
"The Chinese do not object to your
missionaries, because they urge Chinese
to embrace Christianity, nud Christian
ity teaches them to become better. The
tremble Is that now nnd then persons
who become converts commit some of
fense, are arrested and then tell the
missionaries they have lecn arrested
on account of their religion. The mis
sionaries believe them, take their part
and undertake their defense.
"This is the twentieth century, an age
of service in all countries. I nm glad
to see so many movements like this
mission. I am gad, too, to see that my
countrymen are receiving better treat
ment lu all parts of this country."
"He's a sociologist, Isn't be?" "I
should say he Is. He can entertain a
whole room full of company." Detroit
Free Press.
"That prince didn't pay his hotel
bill." "Must be a bogus prince." "That
doesn't necessarily follow." Louisville
Ifohblns I didn't think you had nny
idea of marrying the widow. Newly
wed I hadn't; It was an Idea of hers.
Saturday Sunset
Mrs. Jawhack Do you know I came
very near not marrying you? Mr. Jaw
buck Sure but who told you about it?
Cleveland Lender.
"I live In a state where there are
absolutely no divorces." "Indeed I What
State is that?" "Tho state of single
blessedness." The Tatler '
"A young man has telegraphed me
that he has Just wedded my daughter."
"I hope he's a good, practical man."
"I guess he is. He wired me collect."
Louisville Courier-Journal.
Celestine And has Mr. Tryor's church
such a small congregation? Hilda
Yes, indeed. Every time he says "Dear
ly beloved" you feel as if you had re
ceived a proposal. The Bohemian.
Tom Belle Is a strange girl. She
doesn't know the names of some of her
best friends. Maud That's nothing.
Why, I don't even know what my own
will be a year from now. Boston
Employer Why were you discharged
from your lust place? Applicant I or
good behavior. Employer What do
you mean ny man Applicant im-y
took three mouths off my sentence-
Cleveland Leader.
Miss Knox What was it you said
about Miss Gldday? Mr. Goodley I
said her uge surprised me greatly. She
doesn't look thirty, does she? Miss
Knox No, not now. I suppose she did,
though, at one time. Stray Stories.
Lady I've been expecting a packet
of medicine by post for a week and I
haven't received It yet. Poslolllce Clerk
Yes, mudam. Kindly fill in this form
and state the nature of your com
plaint. Lady Well, if you must know,
it's biliousness! London Punch.
Goodurt You didn't actually tell him
that I didn't think him much of a poet?
Wiseman Sure. Goodart Oh! I
wouldn't have had you do that for the
world Wiseman Nonsense. That
doesn't hurt him. It only makes him
pity you. Catholic Standard and
"Wo find the prisoner not guilty by
reason of insanity." "But the ulea was
not that of Insanity," remarked the
court. "That's just the point we made,"
rejoined tho foremnn. "We decided Hint
any man who didn't have sense enough
to know that an insanity pica was tba
proper caper must be crazy." Phlladcl
Dhla Ledger.
One Iteason.
There may be two reasons for a
thing, both equally true, and It may
be the height of folly to uttribute the
effect to both. A gentleman to whom
art was a strange thing usked n friend,
to whom the ways of Its votaries were
more familiar:
"Why docs Coiineray t-tund oh" and
half-shut his eyes when he looks at
the p let lire lie Is painting? I was Id
IiIh studio the other day, and he made
me do it, too."
'That's simply explained," replied
the other. "I id you ever try to look
at them near to, with your eyes wide
oien? Well, don't; you can't stand It"
Will Be Tutitfbt Thrift.
Children attending elementary schools
in Devonshire, Kugland, are to be
taught the virtue of thrift. The use of
the savings bank Is to be explained to
them and lu every sthool lu which a
post ollice savings bank Is not available
the educational authorities recommend
thut a "penny" bank bo established.
Many a man who isn't a coward Ul
afraid of the consequences.
Spider's Wowderfal Bilk.
The astronomer after the experience
of many years has found that tho
spider furnishes the only thread which
can lie successfully used In carrying
on his work.
The1 spider lines mostly used are
from one-fifth to one-seventh of a
thousandth of nn Inch in diituiet.r, and,
In addition to their str.'-ulh am. elas
ticity, they have the peculiar property
of withstanding groat thanges of tem
perature, and often when measuring
the sun spots, although the hr.it Is so
Intense ns to track the Icons of the
micrometer eyepiece, yet t'.te spider
lines are not lu the least Injured.
The threads of the slik worm, nl
tlur.gh of great value ns a eoinniT
clal product, are coarse ard rough
compared with the siKt of tiie spider
that they cau not be used In such In
struments. Spider lines, although but a fraction
of a thousandth of an luc'a In diameter,
are made up of aeveral thoinand of
microscopic streams of fluid, which
unite and form a single line, nnd It Is
feecnuM' of this tliHt they remain true
and round under the highest nnni.'y
ing power.
An instance of the durability of the
spider lines Is found at the Alleghany
Observatory, where the oune set of lines
in the micromoter of th t.'-ivslt Instru
ment has been in we sluv IS."..!.
Kidneys nadir Injured and llrnllh
Seriously Impaired,
William White, U. It. man, 'Jul Con
stantino St., Three Rivera. Mich., says:
"In a railroad collision my kidneys
must hae been hurt,
us t passed bloody
mine witli pain lor a
long time alter, was
weak and thin, nud
so I could not work.
Two yea is after 1
went to the
hospital uud remain
ed almost six
mouths, but my case
The mine passed in
voluntarily. Two mouths ago I began
taking Doau's Kidney Pills aud the
Improvement has been wonderful. Four
boxes have done me more good than all
the doctoring of seven years. 1 have
gained so much thnt my friends won
der at it."
Sold by all dealers. COc a box. Kos-ter-Mllburn
Co., Buffalo, N. Y.
Point Crcrruled.
His Wife Alplicus, do you think it la
right for you to gamble in wheat?
He Why not, Alvira? I'm the breads-inner
of this family.
Mrs. Wlnslow's Snotlilng Syrup for child
ren teething-, softens the Riiina, reilnres In
flniniiiutiiiii. nlluya pulu, cures wind colic.
25c a bottle.
A In rm I nr.
Mrs. Uhihiaus 1 see from tke faahlea
plates that gowns are sot to be worn so
long oext year.
Mre. Pneuritch Gracious! My husband
a-ill have a fit. I never wear a gowa
more than once or twice even now !
PAZO OINTMENT Is (uarantstd to cure an?
case of Itching, Blind, BlrsaMcg or Protrud
ing Flics la 0 to 14 dajs or money refunded.
Arsnoe rialo SaTed Alfoaao Caae
Not So Fortunate.
The huge state coach in which King
Edward rides to open Parliament
weighs four tons.' It would have
weighed nearly six if certain high offi
cials had had their way at tbe corona
tion. They wanted to line the vehicle
with plate armor as a precaution
against possible bomb throwers. But
his Majesty objected.
Hence it happens that the only dif
ference In this direction between It and
any ordinary coach is that it Is pro
vided with steel shutters, which,
though Invisible to tbo ordinary ob
server, can be Instantaneously raised to
mask the windows wheu desirable.
Other monarch s, however, are not so
Indifferent to dangor In this respect.
Klrg Alfonso, for instauce, had all his
state and private carriages armor
plated immediately after his attempted
assassination in Pnrts In lfK)5.
To this be owes his life, as does also
Queen Bna. Tbe bomb thrown by the
anarchist, Morral, on tbe occasion of
their wedding at Madrid exploded Im
mediately beneath the coach In which
they were seated. 1
But Its steel, plates withstood the
concussion aid the young couple were
uninjured, although the bersos were
blown to pieces, together with no
fewer than twenty-three innocent by
standers. In this respect Alfonso was luckier
than was tbe Czar Alexander of Rus
sia, who first Invented this style of
vehicle. On March 13, 1SS1, he was
driving In St. Petersburg la a sledge
lined throughout with turee-quarter-lnch
steel plates when a bojab was
thrown by a nihilist. The explosion
that followed was terrific.
But tbe Czar wns unhurt and, think
ing the danger was over, he leaped
from the window, only to be instantly
slain by another bomb, thrown by a
second nihilist, who himself was killed
by the same explosion.
Complete ItecoTery from Coffee Ills.
'About nine years ago my daughter,
from coffee drinking, was on the verge
of nervous prostration," writes a lyouls
ville lady. "She was confined for thf
most part to her home.
"When she attempted a trip down
town she was often brought home In a
cab and would be prostrated for day
"On the advice of her physician she
gave up coffee ami tea, drank Postuiii,
and ate (impe-Nuts for breakfast.
"She liked post urn from the very be
ginning and we soon saw Improvement.
To-day she is In perfect health, th
mother of five children, nil of whom are
fond of Postuiii.
"She has rei-overed, M a member of
three charity organizations and a club,
holding an ollice In each. We give
Postuiii and Grape-Nuts the credit for
her recovery."
"There's a Reason."
Name given by Postum Co., Battle
Creek. Mich. Read "The Roud to Well
ville," lu pkgs.
Ever read the above letter? A
new one appears from time lo
time. They are genuine, true, and
full of human interest.
seemed hopeless.
pa a !
t - ' ., ., llJ
Types" t Kemlnlaltf.
Charles It. Barrett, an educator
known throughout the Middle West,
Classifies American women Into "types,"
desirable nnd undesirable. He says:
"The type of American woman most
In the public eye Is artlllcliil. Insincere,
extravagant ami selfish. She Is an un
solvable proiosltlon. She will tyran
nize her husband and love a dog.
"This typo demands consideration on
the ground of set only. She has re
ceived such attention by reason of sox
thnt she Is siolled, ovcrpjeeued She
does i-'it recognize merit or worth ns
qualifications necessary to herself. She
is nervous and proud of it. She lacks
repose and poise, having much the dis
position of a spoiled child. Incapable
of gratifying her ambitions alone, she
is dependent on the intellectual or
financial worth of father or husband to
get a place In society. S'u likes a
palatial home, but lucks nppreelntlou
of how she gets it or who maintains it.
Bhe seeks recognition and admiration
solely from the rating of worldly pos
sessions and the IntluciKo she com
mands through the position of father or
"There Is also the 'line and dandy'
type the victims of faddism, the imi
tators of the rich and fashionable, the
frivolous, tho butterfly, t!v giddy, the
gossipy, the self-deceived type, posses
sing possibly the Intellectual coloring
of a seminary ; the undisciplined, the
unambitious, the unstathmcd type that
needs to bo moored to some of the re
sponsibilities and substantialities Of
"These types do not represent the
womanhood and motherhood of our
country. The one that does represent
it is sensible, sincere, economical and
charltnble, nnd baa little regard for the
extravagance and artificiality of her
Dlno I'orUi-d S:lk.
A stunning visiting gown of. Copen
hagen blue corded silk v. 1th empire
skirt mid short-waisted blouse. On tho
latter there Is a plastron effect of silk
boautifully embroidered in silver
thread. A bow of black satin caught
with n buckle of brilliants furnishes an
attractive fiuish. Worn with this cos
tume Is a striking hut of black satin
and plumes.
Muffs are gigantic in sl.e and in
Cloth top boots agalu are to be in
Paris declares that all hats must be
Squirrel pelts are in great demand
for linings.
Startling effects in millinery are now
Many skirts are unllned, and cling
as never before.
Dlrectolre lint scarfs come in colors
to match any hat
New veils are so long as to be al
most cumbersome.
Touches of color smarten many cos
tumes of neutrul tint.
Net and luce are the most used waist
materials of the season.
Two faced cloths are much In vogue
for long automobile coats.
Louis XVI. designs are most popular
among coiffure ornaments.
The Russian Cossack rap Is one ef
the leading turban shapes.
New turbans are roomy, coming
down on the head to the ears.
Boots with uppers lu harmony with
the costume are much affected.
The dlrectolre glove is laced np tbe
Sides Instead of being buttoned.
One of the newest fancies Is for stiff
linen collars, trimmed with color.
Many new dancing frocks are made
of tulle, embroidered with beaswerk.
The simulated button bole, elaborate-
ly worked, Is seen on every variety of
Net waists, lined with China silk,
have tucked fronts and bn ks and long
The most fashionable coats are al
most perfectly straight from shoulder
to hem.
The extremes In hat, null and
coiffure sizes were never more pro
nounced. Smart Hat of Felt.
A feature of the millinery Is that
the designs harmonize with the cos-tumi-s
worn. The dressiest bats are of
velvet, moire, Kotln, faille or ottoman,
and are profusely trimmed with
plumes, aigrettes, choux and Ikws of
silk or satin, etc. Bnndenux are almost
entirely discarded, nnd the hats are set
firmly on the head, the hair being so
nrrnngod as to nfford a good support.
The smart hat shown nlwve was a blue
felt, trimmed with brown and white
aigrettes, emanating from a steel
.buckle stndde.l In folds of blue velvet.
Women's Deterioration.
"Women should i'.ot copy men In
dress, manner or Idras, but should bo
like the women of itilonlal days, who
could sew, cook ie ul care for the
home, and who had an abiding faith
In tluir husband," declared Rev.
William Hayes Lea v I'll, I). I)., president
of Westminster Col'ege, Fulton, Mo.,
In his address at tne recent banquet
of the Society of Colonial Wars, held
hi St. Louis.
"Few. women of to-day," he said,
"would leave their homes, their
friends and all the attractions of life
to follow their husbands Into a for
eign land as did the women of colon
ial days. Modern influeuces have had
a deteriorating effect on women; they
have destroyed much of the attractive
ness of women.
"The home Is the plnce for women
unless it is absolutely necessary for
them to leave it. I do not believe any
woman should enter the field of busi
ness and take a man's place unless
conditions require that sho should do
so. I am not a believer In woman's
rights as ( woman's rights are known
today." '
Hnlea fur Slt-lc Ituom,
Every woman ought to acquaint her
self with the generalities to be. ob
served In caring for the sick. Io not
sit on the edge of the bed, sway back
nnd forth in a rocking chair, or rattle
the leaves of a book or newspaper.
These things aro often annoying to n
well person.
Never speak to the patient of Ills
symptoms; neither go to the opposite
extreme and appear disinterested. A
person ill appreciates and craves sym
Cultivate a light touch, n low tone
of voice, and a light step, but do not
go about stealthily on tiptoe or wlils
Ier. The patient's curiosity Is sure to
bo aroused and he becomes resiles-).
See that the hinges of the doors lire
well oiled. Open nnd shut them noise
lessly, but not slowly.
Do not.attempt to do tho patient n
good turn by rending aloud to him until
be is well along on the road to re
covery. The exertion of listening Is
wearing when one is weak.
Table Appointments.
Fruit trays are made with very high
Sonio are incased lu Quo wicker.
Bonbon dishes are made In novel
Shallow sliver dishes aro used to
hold olives, pickles, aud cheese.
Miniature forks aro used for numer
ous purposes.
They are graceful and dulnty.
The straw for drinking soft drinks Is
now made of silver and found on nil
modern tables.
There are wine coolers of silver and
porcelain. ,
Fine platters hold egg cups.
Pierced silver trays are used for
various purposes.
Quaint milk Jugs have a pitcher to
A great many of the tailor-mades of
tbe day are being made with two skirts,
one short and the other long. For the
woman who makes one or two suits do
duty throughout the season, it is a a
economy. Some of tbe costs that go
with short cloth suits are to elaborate
with braid that they deserve more than
n (mowing in pincea wnere wanting
skirts are permissible. Given a modish j
long skirt and the coat may literally go
to mill and to meeting most acceptably,
SoItTt geranium red cashmere and
make the skirt with Inverted plaits, but
press the plaits from waist to hem to
give a straight effect. Havo the plaits
broad, slightly broader at tho hem.
Make the waist with a rounded yoke,
small tucks on each shoulder, splice
the material from tho yoke to the bot
tom of the dress waist and torn under
the edges to make elongated V-shnp-nl
oMiilngs. Run the nllover net tinder
those openings there should be three,
n broad one In tho center nnd one nt
ench sld then lace them across with
narrow red silk soutiu he and tie at tho
top with small bows, having tassel
ends. Lace the sleeves from tho shoul
der to the wrist, and have narrow strlpi
of lace beneath. Narrow males of tulla
at the top of the collar and wrists will
lie needed.
Cnrron till for Mama.
Bums nr.d scalds are more likely tt
happen lu the kitchen thnn In other
parts of the house, so It Is well to pro
vide for the special use of the domes
tics a bottle of carron oil a mixture of
equal parts of Unseed oil and lime wa
ter and also a supply of soft linen
rag or lint for their special use In ease
of emergencies. A clean, air-tight tin
should be used for storing the band
ages, so that they may not get soiled.
The cnrron oil relieves tho pnln of
burns and scalds at once. Tho lint
should be soaked In it nnd laid on tho
wound, to exclude the nlr, that healing
may begin as soon as possible.
Ilollina- 1IOO b'arwa at One.
If one would be familiar with all th
latest electrical novelties, he must
make a tour of the kitchen of a big
Atlantic liner. The automatic egg
boilers, like those on the Lusltanla aud
Mauretanln, are able to' cook 200 eggs
at once, a clock arrnngement causing
the basket containing the eggs to hop
out of tho water nt any half minute up
to six minutes. Another novelty is a
self-dumping oyster cooker for stews.
At the expiration of a given time the
cooker pours its contents Into a soup
plate nnd automatically shuts off the
Fur on Neckwear.
It Is quite the fashion to put fur oil
some of tho smart pieces of neckwear
that are worn with elaborate gowns.
The sketch shows one of the best
models. Tho collar band Is of Irish
lace, with frills of old pink chiffon nt
top and bottom. The long, full Jnlwt
is of the pink, and Is edged, like tho
stock, with narrow black fur. There
are loops of pink satin ribbon down
tho center, held in place with an oblong-
gilt buckle.
Cull rite Urea Wives. '
Annette Austin Is u writer who be
lieves that college-bred women are bet
ter fitted for the duties of life, whether
as citizens, mothers or wives. She has
a very Interesting article In one of the
magazines. In which she tells of respec
tive Instances without names of wom
en who aro occupying prouiiuetit posi
tions in life. One young woman gradu
ate of Bryn Mnwr, for Instance, was
offered n European fellowship In ro
mnnce languages, but gave It up to mar
ry a rising- business man. She consid
ers the secret of mnrrled happiness In
tho ability of the wife to keep up with
her husband, to grov ns ho grows.
IlnlTa fur Sliort Necks.
Surely every article In tho realm ot
fashion may bo so modified that It will
be becoming to almost every woman.
For Instance, the lovely neck ruffs,
thnt were the despair of the short
necked woman, nre now fashioned in
a way that she may not only wear one,
but find that it suits her. Iu tbe front
from ear to ear the ruff is quite plain
and flat, a fold of ribbon or a strip
of fur, perhaps, while tho back portion
Is augmented by the conventional ruf
fling or frilling, a bow in the back be
ing the finish.
Low Bewlnsl Cnalr.
A woman who sews a great deal of
the time has found thut her back does
liot bocuuiO so tired if her chair Is
low, or If she has a stool upon which
to rest her feet. It is surprising what
a difference the comfortahle position
makes and how much more work sho
can do.
Should tho arms become weary, she
puts a cushlun In her lap. On this
she rests her elbows, changing the posi
tion of her sewing, thus giving both
arms and eyes a chance to recover.
I. oat I Seven Million Children.
The birth rate In the United States
lu the days of Its Anglo-Saxon youth
was one of the highest In the world.
In the course of a century the pro
portion of our entlro Kpulatlon cou
slating of children under tho age of
10 has fallen from one-third to ono-
quarter. This for the whole Uultad
States Is equivalent to the loss of about
7,000,000 children. ' ' '
I look Pe-ru-na.
Peruna Drug Co., Columbus. Ohio.
Gentlemen: I can eheei-f:il:v iv, ,nn
uii-nd IVi-uua os an effective 'cm- l,.r
couk'.is nnd colds.
ou are authorized to use my pli..i
Willi lestimoiiinl in any publicniion.
Mrs. Joseph Hall Cliasc
SOI Tpntli St., Washington, 1). C.
Could Not Smell Nor Hear.
Mrs. A. L. Wetzel, 1023 Ohio St., Terr
llaiite, lnd., writes:
"When I began to take your racdieiuo
I could not smell, nor bear a church
bed- ring. Now 1 can both smell and
"When 1 began your treatment my
head wuh terrible. I bad buzzing aud
chirping noises in my head.
"1 followed your advice faithfully and
look Peruna as you told me. Now I
iiiiKht say I am well.
"I want to go and visit my mother
and see the doctor who said I was not
long for this world. I will tell him it
was Peruna that cured me."
Peruna la manufactured by The
Peruna Drug Mfg. Co., Columbus, Ohio.
Ask your Druggist lor m Free
Peruna Almanac tor 1909.
Ca7 3 I
Tormontlis 1 tisd rrsnt lmnhlewnhivtnmiirh
ami lml all klmU nt biticOiil. Mr lui'v-xt ls
bonn n.'iusUr Ma sra,-n crsai. mr h ml, liRviue
a liml iniiir. Two Btio a frivml r-nti'ii-inl-,l
C,itr-lt sit-l mttor uinit klim I cmu hiIoiil-Iv sui
cli-t r-Oly any Hint lliair ttnvs millrnly t-tire T inc. I
Otnrffttra luft you kunw liml I sliAll r--iiiMi.,uil
klttm to n-r nl iiltcrtttc f lorn such tr.ultlr."
Clim. II. IIMpotu, lit E. Hli St., N.w Vuik, N. x.
Plxnnmit. Pllil, Pnlonl. Tsits Oootl. UnOno.1,
Knvnr bW-kwii, Wattkmi fir Url. ldd. tM. 60e. Knver
koll III bulk. Th sonnittM Inhlob klnmnU U C U.
'-tiuaninteed to curs or yuur luuuay buck.
Sterling Remedy Co., Chicago or N.Y. jqB
Positively eared by
taoae tattle Pills. .
Thar also reianv Dta
tress from Dyspepsia. lav
digestion and Too Re arty
taxing. A perfect rem
tdj tor Dlzzlaera. Kansas,
Drowsiness, Bad Tasta
la ths Mcratlt. Ooateft
Tongae. Pals la tbs Bids.
regulate tne Uoweta. rarely Tegetabl.
Genutna Must Bw
Fo-Simi! Signature
Instead of
As further Inducement to settlement of the
Wheat Kalslnr landa of Western Canada.'tha
Canadian Uorei-nmeut !iaa Increased the area
that may be taken by a homeattrader to 320 acres-
lbOfree and 160 to be purchased at f 3.00 per acre,
These lands are in the Brain-raisins' area, where
mixed farming la also carried on with unqualiticd
A railway will shortly be built to Hudson Ray,
brlntlnB the world's market a a thousand miles,
nearer these wheat fields, whera schools and
churches are convenient, climate excellent, ra 1
ways close to all settlements and local nmrVeta
good.. '
"it would faAa feme to assi'mc'ate f Ae
reieations that a vimU to rAe grmat mm.
pirm lying to tho North of us unfolded at
Editor, who visited Western Canada iu
August, 1'AlS.
Lands may alio be purchased (mm Railway
nnd Land O.mnnniea at LOW PRICES AND
ON EASY TERMS. For pamphlets, nias und
Inlurnitttlun as to low Railway Rates app y to
V. D. bcott, Superintendent o( Immigration,
Ottawa, Canada, or E. T. Holmes, HI Jicksou
St., St. i'aul, Minn, and J. M. M;u La.Jil;i:i, !u
lib Watertown, So. Dakota AuiborucJGcvi.ru-'
meat Agents.
1'luaM .ay wbars yna ssw this adfsrtlMment,
Wo will net you 22 to 26 cents
straight through for your Muakrats
aecordinglo No. of kits. $1.00 each for
prime Skunk, broad atrip, included. All
k i ads or rur. booming. Writs for price
Drawer 26, Ooawa, Iowa.
II allllcled wilb
Sore Eyes, ass
' HELP ,XB,,T " 'v'
' o'nuFN DrMartePsPrcDaro.loa
. Yl Ul'lLll I ke Mamls'-d ltpmedy. (xl rru'uv
I Nm fnp bMik ll)lrr I'wr W Nteu M
rUEKt l! DIUO CO.. CO W. --4 hi, fc. T. Cllf
Throat and Lungs
fteti jut the protection ocnit coU
And diacAie tht it oUiued tvum
Puo't- Cure, it you hv cotiyh
ot colli, ilight or trrioiUi begiu lilt
ing Piw'iCure today nd ro-tim-e
ua'il you r wel. Cure ih
wi le it ii frrth, vvh-a f 'v :Jc
of Puo't Cur m-ty lo l t fr ytu
Will ucer). Kamotn . cau
tury, He!il t.le. V '- !wii
Ofuatet and itanaf ul mgroriuli.
Al all drugsuU', 25 cH.
" t ' 1 t (
;,"' v i 7y
J s
L;,,,;, .
G04 TENTH ar.ff M
gjj Best For
C. C X. V. - Xo. 2 l'JOtl.