Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, January 08, 1909, Image 5

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February 'Uif j
40 Head of Tops In the Horrt I
----- w
N r d y fit e j
R R Time Table
Sioux City, Crystal Laka ft Homer
Ilubbtxrd, Nabrcxaki
6 am
7 15am
9 30nm
11 15am
1 15pm
S 15pm
5 8(pm
7 15pm
G 85am
8 80am
10 30am
52 am
2 15pm
4 80pm
0 15pm
8 pm
Saturday and Sunday nighU 11
Jistice ?
c, st. p., m. a o.
Trains leave Dakota City at the fol-
hvwing time :
5:5 pm Omaha 8:02 am
10:04 am Omaha 5:13 pm
3 :37 pm Norfolk 8 :8 am
:48 am Norfolk 5.32 pm
0 :33 am
R .T.f rim
....... r
Are You Doing Yourself
MR. FARMER: Are you looking ahead for your son, or if
you are a renter are you looking ahead for yourself? Are you
going to accept this chance for a homestead that Uncle Sam has 7:42 am... "... Newcastle....
made possible for you? Are you dozing over this, while your :0, Pm
. i-i i a t t: t. 4.u :: imibb.
more aieri neignuor is ucuugr uuu t juu icaitic uiai mc un- I io :13 pm Omaha 2:30 am
gated homesteads now being offered by the government in the 3:37 Norfolk 8:28
Big Horn Basin and North Platte Valley will prove to be the
richest land prizes' that the government has yet bestowed on its
citizens ? You certainly ought to know of the present land hun
ger in this country. Now you have the government furnishing
you 80 and 100 acre tracts of land irrigated by the intelligence
C B ft Q
No. 85 Local Freight 7:16 am
11 " Passenger, Omnha
and Lincoln" 12 :47 pro
and financial security of Uncle Sam who has suddenly become So. 86 Local Freight 2:25 pm
the greatest irrigator the world has ever known, who offers you 11.(?"Loc1 Passenger".. 6:7 pm
water with the choicest land at $35 tnl
Local Items
Friday, January i, 1909
$45 per acre in ten annual payments without interest; land that
will yield more in one year per acre than the price of the farm
Do you realize what a "good thing this is m this day and
age? If you do not, let me tell you something about it.
Personally conducted homeseekers excursions first and third
Tuesdays of each month. Write D. Clem Deaver, General
Agent. Landseekers' Information Bureau, 1004 an,d tinware on hand, we ask yon to
- a 1 711a.4... I v.u.4 ui-iiA duu uoi umui -vj - t.j at
rarnam street., umaua, ior uieniiuiu.
No charge for his services.
W. E. Snethen. Ticket Agt, Dakota City, Neb
L. W. Wakkley, G r A, Omaha, Neb
Iloviug a good utock of hardware
! Gray's Fool HIa.ll j
Restaurant in Connection
First-class Pool and Billiard Tables.
Cigars and Soft Drinks of All Kinds.
Meals Served at All Hours.
Everything New, Neat and Up-to-date.
C. M. GRAY, Proprietor.
Dakota City, Nebr.
Have Elmers mke your abstracts.
Subscribe for Thb IIkrald $1 per
Tim O'Connor, of Homer, had bnsi
ness here Wednesday.
Rev W S Oberholtzer is laid tip
witb an attack or the grip.
Chas Beermau wed to Lincoln
Tuesday on a business trip.
Considerable grain is being market
ed htre from off the bottom.
Old papers for sale at the Herald
offlo 5 cent s per hnndred.
L M Leslie was here from Omaha
the first of the week, on business.
Subscribe for the Herald, the best
paper in the oous,y. $1 a year.
Will Hunt was down from North
Dakota last week visiting old friends.
Dave Neiswanger was laid tip a few
days this week with stomach trouble.
The board of cnnunisMoners are in
session, settling witn tne county treasurer.
S II Moore end family returned Sat
urday from a weeks' visit at Orchard,
Jason Tylor, who resided on the T E
lihveu farm the past year, has movf d
to Moiningsido.
Qeo Buckingham and Mrs Ida Col
lins, of Mitchell, H D, were married
by Judge Stinson.
Helen Orr returned to Sioux Fells,
8 D, Wednesday, whers she is a stu
dent at All Saints school.
Why is it that Van sell so much
Breun orffee? Because it is the best
to be had for the inonev.
' Death of a Pioneer
The cruel hand of death has claimed
another prominent rriddent of Dakota
county in the person of Adam J Sides,
whose familiar figure hsa been one of
the landmarks of this vicinity for
nearly half a century,
On Friday evwuing at about 9 o'clock.
January 1, 1909, the tins I summons
came, and as he had been' in failing
health for several years, the end was
not unexpected.
Deceased was bora March 20. 1829,
in Indiana county. Fa, where he spent
the early years of his life on a farm.
Mas mariied August 7 1801, and she
ho had been his helpmate and conn
Modlin Machine Co.
Manufacturers of
Wfi Thank
for your patronage during the past year and hope
by courteous treatment and honest dealing to
morir a rnntinimnrp nf it. Vf pxnprr tn mnw
! into our new buildin?. one block west, this month
o '
Kmmwiede Pharmacy
Dakota Citv, Nebr.
Prescriptions carefully compounded.
if ' '
HmuiI lit .-uili.iut.
pwwgsmtn auHfcM wail
A fino baby girl was born to Mr and
Mrs Win Bierman Tuesday.
Dean Cornell left for Sioux Falls,
S D, Monday to attend college.
George McBeath and family of
Homer, were New Year's visitors here.
Mrs James Cooley and children went
to Wakefield Saturday for a few days
For sale Single harness and buggy,
at ray farm south of Salem churches.
Wm Armour.
0 T Barto returned Saturday from
Wakefield, where he spent a couple of
weeks with relatives.
Emma Frederick returned Sunday
to Dallaa, S D, where she has a situa
tion in a newspaper office.
School reopened Monday after a two
week vacation, and everything is
moving along as smooth as before.
Attorney Paul Pizey returned home
Monday from the hospital, and has
about recovered from the effects of his
A S Mason left Tuesday over the
the Burliugtou for Ctis Colo, to look
over a land proposition with a view of
locating there.
Fred Cornell went to Fonca the past
week to look af'er the harness shop of
his uncle, Ed J Berry, who is in a hos
pital for treatment.
(J E Jones, editor of the Fonca Jour
nal, one of the newsiest exchanges that
comes to our cilice, was a caller at our
sanctum while in town Monday.
Grant Ilolbrook and Katie Peterson
surprised their friends by hieing to
Sioux City Monday and quietly getting
married. Congratulations to tua new
ly .married couple.
Mell A Schmied went to Mason City,
Iowa, Sundav as one of the auditing
committee for the MBA lodge, which
committee is in seHSion checking' np
the business of the lodge.
Mary and Charles Maxwell departed
Sundav, the former to Washington, D
C, where she is atending school, and
the latter to Chicago, where he is a
student at the liush medical college.
Miobael King, of the firn of King-
Truax & Co, owner of the Blenkiron
elevator at thin place, spent Saturday
checkkg up the business. This was
his first visit here since purchasing the
LEA Smith and wife, who are here
from Brandon, Canada, on a holiday
visit spent Tuesday at the home of D
H Eager and wife. Mr Smith was
lormerly auditor for the Edwards &
Bradford lumber oompapy.
About forty invited guests assembled
1 1.1 I f 1 I . . 1 . 171
at tne i-.m wuieyer oai .asn r - d jftouary I7tu.
day eveniog in honor of A E Terry, I
Lottie Orr, who has charge of the
telephone exchange at Winside, was
home to spend New Year's.
Mildred Spencer and Neva Best re
turned to Pern Monday, where thov
are students at the state normal.
Walter Keller and Mrs Etta Shields
of Lemars, Iowa, were married by
Judge Stinson Saturday evening.
Herman Binrlefel d and Mrs Lil
lian Marrical, both of Sioux City, were
married Thursdnj by Rev W 0 Eck-hart.
Miss Grtchcn Bullock returned
home Thursday evening from Crofton,
Neb, where she spent the week with
Frank Niemeyer returned to his
work at Chicago Sunday, after having
pent the holidays with relatives and
friends here.
Mrs Gertrnde Best assistant, cashier
in the Homer state bank, returned to
Homer Monday, . after spending the
holidays here.
Nut, egg and range hard coal, also
all kinds of soft coal in any quantity
you may desire, at the Edwards &
Bradford Lumber Co.
Attorney Frank Berry was here from
Wayne this week looking after the in
terests of his brother in the Berry-McAllister
contest case.
Wanted Au agent for that territo
ry. We pay highest cash weekly.
For terms write the Hawks Nursery
Co, Wauwat.OBa, Wis.
Jack Sallsman, an employe on the
Foye street car line, was locked up in
the county bastile Monday night for
being drunk and disorderly,
Jas Crego, wife and daughter Ethel,
returned Friday labt to their home at
Independence, Iowa, having spent a
few days here with Clyde Crego.
George Barnes was down from
Waterbury Wednesdavi a witness in
Bf rry-McAUister contest case, and
visited over night at the Jas Fueston
The M B A lodge installed officers
Thursdoy night of tlds week. A sup
per, and a program that followed was
enjoyed by the members and their
families. ,
The I O O F lodge installed ollicers
at their meeting JV'onday night, after
which the lodge nnd members of their
families enjoyed un oyster supper at the
home of J V Rockwell.
All kinds of coal, feed and hay for
sale at reasonable prices.
Fields & 8lacjhteb Co.
Tbeo E B liven, Manager.
Dakota City, Neb.
Rev G E Vou Hagen wiites the Her
ald from page, Nebr, that Kev J L
Phillips will conduct quarterly meet
ing and communion services at Dakota
City and Graee M E churches ou Suu-
Gasolene Eii!fca
Also conduct a general Repair Shop
Oasolsns Experts
20S-210 W. Fourth St.
Opposite Curtis Sash and Door Co.
Patronize Home Industries buy your meats ofj
Proprietor of .
Fresh and Salt Meats always on hand . Cat h paid for bidet,
Agent foi Seymour's White Laundry,
Laundry basket goes Tuesdays and comes back Saturday
jCity Hotel!
i Specials on Horse Blankets and Lap Robes J
Strong, Square Wool Blankets $ 1.40
Large, Strong, Square Blankets 1.75
Brown Duck-Lined Storm Blankets 1.70
Heavy Plaid Duck-Lined Blankets 2.00
Heavy, Plain Plush Lap Robes 2.75
Heavy, Fancy Plush Lap Robes 4;50
Very Fine Black Fur Robes, Large 8.75
Very Fine Black Fur Robes, Extra Large .. 10 . 50
twres Biros.
411 Psvrl Street
Sioux City, Iowa.
Abstracts of Title
A $10,000 Surety Bond
Guarantees the accuracy of every
Abstract I make
Successor to
Dakota County Abstract Co.
Bonded Abstracter
1 1
brother of Mrs Ustmeyer, who leaves
next Monday for Wintersot, Iowa, to
reside. A very pleasant evening was
spent by all.
Regular preaching at Salem next
Sunday morniug at 11:00 o'clock.
Sunday school at 10:00. Preaching
at Emmanuel church, Dakota City at
3 :00 p m. Sunday school at 9:45 a m.
Cnristiun Endeavor at 0:30. A cor
dial w elcome to all.
B O Kreamer, of Alta, Iowa, was
here the past weok on a visit at the C
M Gray home . lie was called here on
account of theseiious illness of his
sinter, Miss Elizabeth Kreamer. Mr
Kreamer returned home Tuesday leav
ing his sister muoh improved.
Louis Dif rksng, wife and daughter
Ruby, Henry Uehlerking and wife,
Oeorgo Bates and wife. Fred Beermau,
Minnie Beerman and IMgt'.r Bieriuun
all went to Battle Creek, Nebr, luht
Friday to spend a few days with Wm
Beerman, u brother of i red Beermau,
and other relatives.
While disnianteling an old housn at j
Waterbury reoeutly, carpenters fouud
a crude set of wolds for coining silver
dollars. The molds had not been in
use for tweuty years or more, judging
from ttieir rusty appearance, and the
house where they were found had been
vacant for years. The outfit was
turned over to the federal authorities
for investigation.
Rev Q E Von EI gen left Monday
morning for Page, Nebraska, wberehe
will assist tho Itev W II Bum mell
in a series or special meetings. Ar
rangements however, have been made
for regular services at Dakota City
and urane church during his absence,
ine Kev oit uariook will preacb one
Sunday and the Iter Mr J L Phillips,
the otuer.
This is the gift season. A pair of
new spectacles or eyeglasses would be
a splendid New Year's present. We
can lit you in any style, best giado of
goods, hikI at reasonable price. W C
Eckhart, Licensed OptometriHt.
A widower Mho was married recent
ly for the third time and whose bride
had been married once before, is said
to have written across tlie bottom of
the wedding invitation, "Be sure and
come, as this is no a mature perfor
mance" Stolen.
sellor in all these years survives him.
He moved with his family to Dakota
county in April 1867, and has made
this his home continually since, and
where he leaves a host of friends and
relatives who will remember him for tfTZJL---. TSfl - L TN-T ,,. . a
his kindly ways and genial disposition. VLSTCy AVlGBl. t JLYU CZIjHLG t
Bebidea Him dnvnteil wife )m lnA
four sisters Mrs Sarah Morgan, of I
Ilesbon, Pa; Mrs Kate Lichtenfels, of
Bohver, Pa, and Mrs Milton Foreshoo
and Mrs George Learner, of this pre
oinct. Deceased soived his country during
the civil war, enlistiug in Co II, 200
ltegiment Pennsylvania Infantry in
1863 and served until the close of the
war, and received an honorable dis
cbarge. Deceased's early lifo was a strenuous
one. Before reaching bis majority he
started out for himself, and about the
lirst move he made was to take the
long trip to California that was in
'49 and during tho gold fever that
swept the country in that yar. lie
made the long trip by boat, going
"round the Horn", and it was inteiest
ing to hear him tell his experiences
connected with that trip. He return
ed east ten years later, a wiser, if not
a richer man. The return trip was
fraught with ns much danger and
hardship, if not more, than the tedious
ocean trip going, as it was made over
land, on horseback, oer mountains
and across desert plains iufested with
barbarous Indians nnd wild beast.
and for thousands of miles bare of any
signs of civilization. But nothing
daunted Adam J Sides when he had
made up his mind to do a thing.
The last chapter is closed on a once
busy life one that brings words of
oommeudation from all who knew and
speak of him.
The funeral services were held Sun
day afternoon at 2 oclock from the
Salem Lutheran church, where a large
concourse of lriends and mourners
gathered to pay their last tribute to
the deceased. Rev W S Oberholzer
conducted the services, the remains
being laid to rest in the Dakota City
Herman Lahrs entered the 7th
grade Monday.
Emmu . Oehlerking entered the
4th grade Monday.
Millie Metz of South Sioux Citv vis
ited the grammar room Monday.
School opened in tho grammar room
Monday with an enrollment of thirty-
Myrtle Powell re-entered school
Monday after an obsenco of several
Verna Broyhill is back in sohool
again after a couple of months absenoo
on account of sickness.'
A stove was put up in Miss Wilson's
room Tiieday. The furnaoe refused
to heat thn room suflloieutly.
The cold weather and cold rooms
caused a number of absentees in the
different rooms the first of the week.
Dakota City, Neb.
Everything Neat and New. Best of Treatment.
Meal Tickets (21 Meals) $3.50 Board and Lodging $4.00
Feed Stable In Conrkeciion
Where you can put up your team and feed it when you
have business in town
Dakota Citi Nis.
Bonded : Abstracter
608 Metropolitan Blk.
Sioux City. lows
The 'Stay Szvtlsfaxtory"Ravnge
Services at the Methodist Episcopal
church every Bunday as follows:
Preaching, 11a in ; Sunday school, 10
am! Class meeting 12 m ; Epworth
League, G -.30 p m ; Preaching, 7 :30 p
m, Preach in Grace church every
Sunday at 2:30 p tn. Yon are cordially
invited to any and all these services .
All persons interested in the ooraing
session of the i armers Institute to be
held in February, are requested to
meet at the court house in Dakota City
tomorrow, January 0, 19(9, at 2
oclock p m, to arrange, a program and
make other necessary preparations for
the Institute. Jacob i Learner, Pres
iue iterry-cicAUiHier contest case
which is being heard in Judge Btin
son s court luis week is progressing
rather slowly, and at the time of going
to press live precincts had been re
counted. In Dakota McAllister gain1
ed 2 votf a and Berry lost 1 vote from
the count returned by the eleotion
board; in Jackson Berry lost 2 and
MoAllister 2; in Summit I)6rry gaiaed
11 and McAllister lost 11 ; in Coving
ton MoAllister gained l;in Emerson
Berry gained 2 and MoAllister lostl
The court so far leaves Berry 17 votes
ahead. The count will likely be fin
ished today (Friday),
Kemps Balsam
Will stop any rounh that
can be stopped by any
medicine and cure coughs
that cannot be cured by any
other medicine.
It Is always the best
cough cure. You cannot
afford to take chances on
any olher kind.
coughs, colds, bronchitis,
grip, asthma and consump
tion In llrbt stages.
It does not contain alco
hol, opium, morphine, or
any other narcotic, poison
ous or narmiui urug.
Get Our Free Book Pint
"ii " "
You can't afford to
buy a rmneo until you
know all about a
Monarch. Ask u tor
tha book) STATE VHt
you Intend tobuy.and
we willaend alio a set
ol Measuring Spoon ,
JlallniMr Iron ttanoe Co,
Beaver Dam, WUoontin,
d. Standing on the oven
door is a very slight test
compared with aciual use.
Malleable frames are abso
lutely necessary to bear the
strain. Any range that
will not bear you on its
oven door isn't strong
enough to stand the test
ot use.
rwrnuiiifnt run-
KiiarauUH;! or your
Matte to build hew
triut will m.iu y
tfllllMf. H."tl.lfil tit
momtv ri'tutidt 1.
fTTTLlKwli.' i-mUnii ions: urtps iiyaiuin, nubii iifft
in:h. Hprlui rtin.wtl.ks, Ul. Hp-nUh IrU, HHi, HiAraits
.....lului. Hnuw.iroa.Oruuas.C-laawdtisa. Ar-oM. Iaffu4ll
M.-.. K Mart. Dfl tullv, fktru Tulip. ViUil
Pall-f Tultp. tsia, rrssb Mwua Ihm Uvtoc ttjMluU-t,
i, 4 ute Tulips, .
Wrttc to-day mention thin Paner
U b
U WW soiltli art- NwlK this VkluabU MllMtlo 1
vrrtt f MU. l-tul h4
fa nnaiBaaarauoi m uttsnM. mmmi
ttaf Iwlll TtUip ' TIM rMMH IMU M
I tM -4. la - tm wnm m Nia.
H, W. Buckbei aocuoao, ill.
na kiacklna- all hana ma throughout,
wa, different arraneementa for city or country homes, also for hotels and pubtlc Institutions.
6cc them and they will prove to you that they save fuel and repairs.
Edwards Bradford Lbr. Co
GEO. TIMLIN, Ib'anaeer,
But the same old treatment twenty-three
years young.
The Best in Banking, at the Lowest Cost,
Absolute promptness, courtesy and accu
racy here.
The Bank that ALWAYS treats you RIGHT"
Da,i.l tf Davkottv County, Jtxclcaon, Nabratalta.
The Oldest Bank in the County.