Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, December 11, 1908, Image 7

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Ex-Senator M. C. Butler.
Dytprpnia h Of tin Caused By Catarrh
f the Stnmai'h I'vruna Itclievci Ca
tarrh of the Stomach and It Therefore a
Itemedy for Dyxptptia.
I Hoti. M. C. Butler, U. 8. Sen
i ator troni utu Carolina for two
( terms, in a letter from Washington
f I). C, writes to the Peruna Medicine
f Lo., as follows :
I " can recommend Peruna for
j dyspepsia and stomach trouble. I
J have been using your medicine
ilor a short period and I feel very
much relieved. It Is Indeed a
' wonderful medicine, besides a
good tonic."
CATAKIUI of the stomach is the cor
rect name for most cases of dyspep
sia. Only an internal cttarrh rem
edy, such as Peruna, is available.
Pe runa Tablets can now be procured
Ask your Druggist lor a Free
Peruna Almanac for 1909.
Not Mentioned by Ilerodotua.
Xerxes was meditating upon bis good
luck in having been made king by his
royal father in preference to the eldest
"Still," he said, "if the succession had
been determined by a primary election I
would have (tot it just the same. Nat
urally everybody would have marked an
X opposite my n.iuie."
Subsequently, however, the Greeks gave
him the double cross at Platira.
Take LAXATIVK BROMO Qulataa Tahltts,
Druggists refund money If It falls to cure.
D.YV.UllOVE'S Blsuatur lnch box. 25c.
"Wasn't yo-ir wife awfully lonesome at
that mountain resort while you were
spending your time fishin? for trout?"
"O, uo ; she found a place where there
was a splendid echo, and she enjoyed
nothing belter tliau to go there and carry
on a conversation with it by the hour."
Chicago Tribune.
Mrs. WIiinIiiw's Soothing Kyrup for child
ren teething, si.fteus the gums, reduces lu
fluimnntioti. ulluys pain, cures wind colic.
2oe a bottle.
Tuo Alphabet.
The. great Phoenician alphabet, tho
parent of every form of European
writing and of the scripta of Persia,
Arabia and India as well, owes but
little to Egypt. It Is true that iu the
construction of their alphabet the
Phoenicians uinde use of certain hier
atic characters found in their trade
dealings with Egypt, but this fact In
no way detracts from the glory of the
Invention which belongs to the "Yan
kees of antiquity." New York Ameri
can. The quartz lamp is the latest electric
lighting apparatus. It is a mercury-vapor
lamp with a quartz tube in a glass
globe, and resembles an arc lamp in gen
eral appearance. It is to be used as a
ingle lamp at 220 volts, and has a rat
ing of 3,000 candles, consuming 0.23 watt
per candle power. Its life is given at
1,000 hours, and an advantage claimed
for it is that it is unnecessary to replace
any electrodes '
When Children Were Made to SmoVe
It may seem striiue th.it there was
period In English history when ju
venile smoking was enforced ollki.illy,
but it Is nevertheless true. The diarist
Hearne, in writing of tho Plague of
London, says: "Even children wera
obliged to siuoak. And I remember that
I beard formerly Tom Rogers, who was
yeoman beadle, say that when he was
a school boy ut Eton that year when
the plague raged all the boys of that
school were obliged to smoak In the
school every morning, and that he was
never whipix-d so much In his life as
be was one morning for not siuoak
Good Dlventlon l-'ollenra Illarht Foot.
Indigestion and the attendant dis
comforts of mind and body are certain
to follow continued use of Improper
Those who are still young and robust
re likely to overlook the fact that, as
dropping water will wear a stone away
at last, ho will the use of heavy, greasy,
rich food, finally cause loss of appetite
and Indigestion.
Fortunately many are thoughtful
enough to study themselves and note
the principle of Cause and Effect In
their daily food. A N. Y. young woman
writes her experience thus:
"Some time ago I had a lot of trou
ble from indigestion, caused by too rich
food. I pot so 1 was unable to digest
scarcely anything, and medicines seem
d useless.
"A friend advised me to try Grape
Nuts food, praising It highly, and as a
last resort, I tried It. I am thankful
to say that Grape-Nuts not only reliev
ed me of my trouble, but built me up
and str .ngthened my digestive organs
SO that 1 can now eat anything 1 de
sire. But I stick to Grape-Nuts,"
There's a Reason."
Name glveo by Postum Co., Battl"
Creek, Mich. Head "The Itoad to Well
Hie," In pkgs.
Ever read the above letter? A
new on appears from time to time.
They are geaulne, true, and ful.
I human Interest.
oJerinond FszSUs
Men slicnild restrain themselves from
tmhrhllcd appetite nnd passions. ltev.
V. K. Carpenter. Methodist-Episcopalian.
A urn; n. III.
yacrrilnrsti ( Mnrrlnare.
It Is not so much man-lane, hut tho
snfTediicsx of marriage, which must be
ffcojCiil.cil. - I'nrdiiMl James Gibbons,
Ilonmn Catholic. Itultimore.
NiKIiim.-iI Itrllulon.
A religion maUes a nation. Tho nu
awer to China Is Confucius; to India Is
Ituclillm ; l.i l i:i..'( EiiroK is Christ.
Kcv. V. I'. Crafts, Itaptist. Washing
ton. (aoilM Help.
We can always liml those who will
help us where we arc strong, but I Iff
h'lj.s us where we are weak. Pee.
George Thmiiiis Howling. Episcopalian.
Holding OMioc.
A mean, little politician may have to
proslilnle all his virtues to hold oMice;
but a fcrmt man with convict Ions und
IKitrlotlsm need not do so. Kev. M.
E. Harlan. Hlsclple, ISiWilyn.
Mnklnit llenu'H.
Knowledge of right will make a hero
of the frailest. The one who realizes
that he is right with God can bathe
his hands iu the marlyr flame. Kev.
Hr. While, Itaptisl, Macon, Ga.
II:; ;;;..- i lollies.
There Is not enough religion in many
homes. More P.lhle reading and more
praying would help keep happy iminy
an othonvl'-e unhappy lnnu Hev. U
. Zimmerman. Lutheran, lS;iltiiiioi.
Tint Spiritual World.
The spiritual world is co-extensive
with creation. It lllls all space nnd in
terpenetrales the physical world. We do
not go to It ; we do not bring it to us.
Wo are already in it. Kev. W. K. Dent
ley, Episcopalian, New York City.
The llninliiiiv.
What a striking synilKil of God's love
nnd forgiveness is tho rainbow. In the
"how In the cloud" we see- mercy and
h(l)o, written large and beautiful, on
the very symbol of wrath and Judg
ment. Kev. James Avery Norris, Pres
byterian, Glen Cove, N. Y.
I'nltli nml I'cuvcr,
A man's power is measured hy his
faith. His creed is his point of lever
age, it makes all the difference In the
world ns to what a man believes. To
those who follow Christ, His word Is
the court of last appeal. Rev. 3. G.
Neil, liuptist, Philadelphia..
Illusion lit III liolit-inlll.
Tin Catholic church is to-day tho
only well organized power for religious,
political and economic peace. The gift
of peace was given her from above,
coming down from the Father of Ltght.
Kev. Hr. Mai-kln, Koman Catholic.
New York City.
aii anil Man.
The true relation between us and God
Is the relationship of character. We
are His children; that- Is the deepest
fact of history. As we grow In good
ness we come to understand, little by
little, the divine goodness. Kev. J. P.
l-'orbes, rnitarlan, Itrooklyn.
Then mill Xovr,
A few years ago competition was the
Fpirit of the churches; to-day the spirit
is federation. Monuments of. the old
method are seen iu multiplied churches
In communities that ought to support
but one or few. Kev. 1). (). Mears,
Presbyterian, .Albany.
What l.lfii In.
Meat nnd bread, toil and worry, get
ting and spending Is that nil there is
to life? No! Life is more than meat,
li ml the body than raiment. To truly
live is to truly realize, in thought nn.l
feeling, tl truths of the Spirit"
Love Keauty Hi;e Faith. Kev.
Thomas It. Gregory, Cuivei-sallst, New
York City.
True Woraliln, w
God may be worshiped as an n!
f tract, an oinnijioteitt somethlrg, and
Filch worship may lie only a dreamy
and dreary mysticism. The true wor
ship of God is that of the hum-in mind,
which lovingly and reverently seizes
hold of or broods upon the divine na
ture. Kev. Hr. Harrows, Presbyterian,
Oberlln, Ohio.
Infill! .IlIKtil'4'.
God's justice gives to 1 1 1 alike tho
privileges of the gospel, lor God is no
respecter of persons. God's love to
man and His goodness to the race
prompt Him to offer to man the privi
lege of soiiship lo God in Christ. Man
lias power lo accept or to reject this
gospel. Kev. A. C. Kmltiicr, Hisciple,
Is Angeles.
We cannot be sellish with our life's
power and live. No life, however rich,
Is rich enough to keep the power of life.
We must spend It. We have minds,
power of thinking and reasoning. It
Is our duty to search for the precious
truth ai:d lo give It to the service of
righteous, human progress.-- Kev. F. II
Grlllin, t'nltarlaii, I'.r-iliitree, Mass.
I'vei' I i There,
When I gits ter glory
Hon't want no harp to tune,
lie- 11 '- i" r l!v V see
Ef possum's iu d? niiMin !
I lei .-.I . li' .. IS -l In ri. li r.
I-'. ' '-;" ' II.
An' (ley shiily mils' be possums
Fer (hit hungry man ter "true."
I'd sum-, i.ii I.". t ' -1- cook urn,
Ef he'd If! me ill de gate.
An' he'd never mo' f.-el lonesome
Wid n posnim oa de plate!
Atlanta t'liimiitiiiion.
'I lie ItiiliiiK I'naalon.
Servant (to woman at. the door)
The mistress was took very ill last
night, and can't wo uny one. Them's
my orders.
Woman Yes? Will you please say
that Miss & -, the dressmaker, Is at
the door?"
Servant (after a brief absence) Yoq
art to walk upstairs, mum. Answers,
Cooking Wfthnnt n Fire.
The liay box, or tireless cooker, can
no longer be regarded as an experi
ment. Thousands arc In practical use
In private homes and the government
carries them on all marching expedi
tions. These cooker may bo niado at
home, and If well packed with Insulat
ing material give good results.
The construction of this cooker Is
simple. The packing Uix should be
about four Indies larger in every direc
tion than the vessel used. Tho vessel
should be of tin or enamel, with a tight
cover. Line the box with several
thicknesses of paper or asbestos.
Spread over the bottom a thick layer
of hay, crumpled newspaper, or sim
ilar material, tightly packed. The
cooking vessel lo placed on the cen
ter of this and the spaces between It
and the sides of the Ihix packed tight
with hay or other material. A thick
cushion or pad of proper size should be
taado to cover the top of the can, and
a wooden cover for the top of the box
Is necessary.
Vegetables or meats to be cooked are
first placed In water and brought to n
boiling point; when they are removed
put the vessel Into the cooker, put the
covers in position and the food will
rook slowly but thoroughly without fur
ther attention. A fowl, for example,
put into tho vessel after having been
boiled for ten minutes will, after ten
hours In the cooker, be most delicate
ly cooked.
Model Iluatutnd Teat.
Chicago contains at least twelve
Women who believe they have model
husbands, and they do not use the term
hiodol ns meaning a small Imitation of
the real thing. They had an exhibition
Iho other day at which the husbands
proved their right to the title. The
Dual and supreme test was given when
the men were called upon to fasten a
twenty-four-button embroidered shirt
waist; the waist was decorously put
on n wooden dummy, so that the men
might lie in no way embarrassed. Two
of the hushnnds fastened the waist in
two minutes and seven seconds without
pulling off a single button or tearing
any of the embroidery. They will have
to enter Into a subsequent contest to
discover who Is tho inodelcst model
lushand of the lot.
Sorrjr He Came,
To one who is in the rolo of host
there can he no more bitter rebuke
than to have any guest, or even chance
caller, go out from tin portals with the
feeling that he Is sorry he came that
he Is depressed rather than uplifted,
laddcned rather than gladdened, and In
a mood of discord rattier than har
mony. For all iiersnnnl association
Should leave behind It a lingering
charm, as of something sweet and gra
cious. When a meet lng does not do
this some ono Is to blame. Home Chat.
ThliiK Hnve I'lianared.
No longer do a ring, a thimble, and
a piece of money answer for a fortune
telling cake for girls. No, Indeed ! Tho
day Is long past when marriage, spln
sterhood and rich Inheritance were the
only careers open to tills sex. A twen
tieth century cake must have a tiny
glass bottle standing for either a doc
tor or a trained nurse, a little china
doll meaning a teacher, and as many
other symbols as the Ingenuity of the
hostess may devise.
Patin bands and buttons are freely
used for tailor-mades.
One of the novelties of the season Is
cloth for evening wear.
It Is a noticeable feature of the gir
dles that they all fasten at the side.
It 1-4 a fancy Just now to line fur
coats with brocade lu the shade of the
single buttons at prices curreut la
f (hF.-tinW
omen-ccncC- te -(qt?
Jewelry departments are not at all itn
tisual. The American Ileanty waistcoat adds
a smart touch to a Mack coat suit.
Dog collars come In links of solid jet
or In links studded with cut Jet bead.i.
Long, full wraps for evening and aft
ernoon are niado of old-fashioned bro
cade. One fad Is the employment of black
chiffon with colored cloth and silk
Rets of boa, muff nnd a fur toque
to match, nre to be tho latest thing Tor
It Is not Improbable, on account of
the high collars of the new coats, that
less will be seen of boas.
Tan shoes sro nioro fashionable than
ever before, and ooze and suede .ro
more popular than the calfskin.
Hlack net Is placed rter vests of bor
dered black chiffon and other material
with such touches of color.
neaaljr After Thirty.
Everything In creation reaches Its
perfection at maturity, and a woman is
at her best when she becomes a wom
an. Knowledge, experience, poise, are
all gifts of the years between 25 and
40 a woman thinks more deeply, feels
more deeply, and Is more lovely than
at any other time. The era of the gig
gling girl Is gone; her passing Is re
flected in romance, which no longer
concerns Itself with simpering maidens
of 1C. On the stage, which Indicates
the fashion In femininity ns in fripiery,
the lending man and woman of yester
day have become the Juvenile and the
Ingenue of to-day. No dramatist ex
pects his audience to take seriously the
love affairs of very young people. That
woman nt tains her, greatest henuty
after she Is ,!0 is a fait recognized by
all artists. We have no half-grown
Venuses or Victorias or Dianas. Tho
young girl Is a promise, a bud, a shal
low pool. The best friend, comrade,
wife Is the woman who has blossomed.
To Prevent I.lnt Sticking;,
When pieces of felt are pasted to the
bottom of ornaments that are to stand
on a polished surface, euro must be
taken that the surface Is not damp or
tho varnish fresh, or the lint from tli"
felt will stick to the wood and bo worse
than the scratch. This happens quite
often In tho slides of old mahogany
desks. The unsightly mark on tho top
can only bo removed by scraping gently
with a piece of line sandpaper and then
rubbing up with sweet oil and vinegar
Do not scrnpo hard or the varnish will
be scored and the surface of tho ma
hogany ruined.
The Modern Sylph.
Since the demand for figures of
sylph-like proportions, the numerous
Tight clothes nnd Indigestion cause
red noses.
A hot hath taken at night affords
refreshing sleep.
High-heeled boots are known to cause
spinal complaints.
A little salt under tho tongue will
stop noso bleeding.
A raw egg swallowed will detach a
fishbone in the throat.
Slep with the window well open and
you will awake brisk.
The yolk of an egg broken up In rose
water Is a trusty shampoo.
If people laughed more they would
all be happier and healthier.
Kalt on fingers when cleaning fowls,
meat or fish will prevent sllppiifg.
Don't eat your meal quickly ; this
causes Indigestion and a red nose.
Headache will often yield to a foot
bath without other treatment. Try It.
Equal Quantities of lemon juice, lis
terlne and glycerin make an excellent
mouth wash.
little vinegar added to butter and
corset Arms have enjoyed an unusually
busy time, for eorsefst have become
longer and higher than ever. The lat
est Paris models reach to the knees.
and are lxned as far down ns possible.
Those nre complete failures If not made
to measure. The fact that one can not
sit down In them Is a mere detail.
Sl)ll.h Kvenlna; Hat.
A niagiilthvtit creation of white hen
gallno. whose wide brim is edged with
a band of black chiffon velvet, nnd
trimmed Inside of that with narrow
white soutache braid put on In design.
On top there Is a group of handsome
while and black ostrich tips. A hat
of this sort Is lovely for wear with
deeoIctte frocks.
An Kxeellent Hal Shampoo.
First, boil a pint of water. Add to
tills a third of a cake of pure white
soap, shaved line. Poll this until' tho
soap is melted. Pour mis mixture into
a jar before it thickens and let it cool.
To Hhampoo the hair put a couplo of
tablespooiifiils of this paste Into warm
water, and when it is dissolved apply
to tho hair and rub It Into tho scaln
several times. Then rinse the hair well
in clear, warm water.
I pi anil llonna,
".Matrimony has Its tips and downs,'
remarked the scanty haired benedict
"What's the answer?" queried the
confirmed bachelor.
"It keeps tho wife busy trying to
keep up appearances, and the husband
busy trying to keep down expenses,"
replied the other, with a largo-ojion-face
liu!i IIiiHoiii (hiilra.
It Is quite the fashion now to have
mahogany or dark oak chairs with
woven rush bottoms. These nre dura
ble and effective, and nro widely used
for dining room, sitting room and men's
sugar Is
Don't expect physic and tonics to
keep you well If you nglet the laws of
health and hygiene.
A mixture of white of egg and red
popper is good for neuralgic headache.
Apply It to the base of the brain.
Too much food of any kind is never
good for tho complexion. Fruit Is good,
but it should be eaten In moderation.
Every night the housewife hhould
rub cold cream into the base of bur
nails To avoid the Injurious effects of
sweeping and dusting site BUouhl al
ways wear gloves.
Wash the face In tepid water, rub
tho skin thoroughly with a Turkish
towel and apply u solution of three
ounces of cologne and half an ounce
of liquor of potash. Follow this with
u tepid soap bath.
! he three "It's" of the worker should
be Kegularlty, Hest and Kecreatlou.
Spasmodic bublta, iiever letting no im,i
not knowing how and wheu to play,
uavfc killed more business women taap
all their bard work.
an excellent remedy for
Whiskey tot Lane Baek.
The Increased use of whiskey for lame
back rheumatism Is causing considera
ble discussion among the medical fra
ternity. It Is sn almost Infallible cure
when mixed with certain other ingre
dients and taken properly. The fol
lowing formula is effective : "To one
half pint of good whiskey add one ounce
of Torls Compound and one ounce
Syrup Harsaparllla Compound. Take
In tablespoonful doses before each meal
and before retiring."
Torls compound Is a product of the
laboratories of the Globe Pharmaceuti
cal Co., Chicago, but It as well ns tho
other Ingredients can be had from any
good druggist
A I moat HeooBrilr4 t It.
The Moors were preparing to leave the
"We might as well go, anyhow," they
said. "The Americana will be here pretty
soon looking for souvenirs."
Hastily gathering up their trinkets,
they departed, only regretting tbat tbey
couldn't take the glorious landscape along,
Mow's This?
We offer One Hundred Dolltri Reward for
any caw of t.'etarrh tbat cannot be cured by
Hall'i lat.rrh t'nre
K. J. fllKNET ft CO., Toledo, O.
We, tbe undersigned, here known F. J.
Cheney for the last 15 yenrs. and believe
aim perfertlv honorable In all buslneaa trana-
action, and flnanelally able to carry out any
wuiicaiiunx mane or ins nrm.
WAi.nio, Kinxam A Martin,
Wholesale In-uncht. Toledo, O.
HaU'e Catarrh Cure la taken Internal!.
artlnK directly upon the blood and mucous
iirfaoe of the ayalem. Testimonial aent
free, price, 75c. per bottle. Bold by all
Take Hall'i Family rills for constipation.
New York ilerra.
The Jewish community of New York
Is now the largest In history or tra
dition. It represents 10 per cent of
the entire Jewish population of the
Tho cow tree of Venc7.uii Is a natural
dairy. Its sap Ik very similar to milk
and la used ax such by the native.
for tbe elf-nature of K. W. GROVE. Uaed tbe
World over to Cure a Cold In One Day. 25c.
llaa'i New Lid.
There Is a new belfry covering for
tho up-to-date man. It arrived from
rarls and Is called the King Edward
hat. This masculine headgear is built
on the lines of the feminine flower pot
lid and Is blocked to resemble the hel
met tbat the man who pounds the psvs
ears. The hats are made of the same
snaterlal as the ordinary black derby.
Instead of a ribbon bow on the band
a buckle clasps it. Several people who
arrived from Paris recently wore the
new lid. They say the King Edward
bat was Introduced to France on the
king's rece-,t visit.
. No Feat ot Any Further Trouble.
David Trice, Cory don, la., says: "1
Was In the last stage of kidney troubb
lame, weak, run down to a men
skeleton. My bad
was so bad I conic
hardly walk and tin
kidney secretion
much disordered. .'
week after I begai
using Doan's Kldne.
Pills I could wall
without a cane, am
as I continued m;
health gradually re
turned. I was s
grateful I made a public statement
my case, and now seven years ba
passed, I am still perfectly well."
Sold by all dealers. 50c a be:
Foster-Mllburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y.
& buy Fun & 1 1 ides. Write for catalog 103
N. W. Hide & Fur Co.. Minneapolis. Minn.
Never Met One lie to re.
The buller, tired of having nothing to
do, liml gone out to I lie Nliibles to com
mono with the coachman, nnd wns nosing
around in Ills t;iul diKnilied way.
"My word!" he exclaimed, looking with
some curiosity at nn Implement he had
just picked up. "That's the biggest unfe
ty razor 1 ever saw. How do you put
the blades iu it, .Inwge?"
"Safely razor!" howled the coachman
"Yen bloomiii' ill t . tlial's) n currycomb!"
II cat-11 u. It,
Caller drying to lie i-nni'iliiiientrirv)
I noliee one iiltprestiug peculiarity aliiillt
your lit t ! Imv. He is :iiii'...Im rti i-t.
Mrs. Si riickd.vlc (with n frosty 1c:imi
In her eye) Xol at nil, Mrs. IligliNouie.
His le-s are j'lnt as straight as uny-
i A . m t- r
i i r im
ij i vfl wc!:jr it ij in ki & nuf s'.irw tjisk'
for K.t. rnli, 10 tn 50'". more moner fr (rnu to aliip Knw Fur. anil ll!ih to nnthlil t
Ml Ut lli.ll.ll. V. rile lor l'riCO J.i.L. Ml.rkl'L K..lUipr Sliii.nin.1,... n...l .1
' I'llir lnij. Holt Unlit oil Hit ul.j.i te'.r wnl'.-n llluilrtllni ll ur In m!. .Ml
( I Tn.iit h 1. 1,. Ilniiti, Ini. (Uiik I iwi. H. br lu li. i.. md ti, lni1l, . ..
.lu Il ..r.1!.r:nc...Md,.. T...,rr r.r., 1 1 JV H i.l.. u,m,i
J.ul.tul K..b.. out H ,..,.l.r H;l.,.. l.mr tlr..utnm..li.eu,, 110 ..T l-tll.. M,i, ,..t
SilHaii4l'uiauBauilittiklt.ni:a. Aadcntfe UriM., Ueat. Ill atUuaiwlU.MUuk
Half tho world's coflfue auprjly come
from I'.rnzil.
tLp MiiiTtn nttma
wAm'fm Dr. Marlcl's Preparation
VVUMtlN Ika atauilara Itriarily. uip,u,i,.u)
"i ui fur lioal 11.11, T U "
KHFM II PHI u t o., a V. IM l., M. T, tll
Keep It on Hand!
Couyfis riJ coltU may trite any
meniLec U ih family any limsi.
Many a ImJ c4J hu been verted
and much mad aulfehnf
haa hrea Mvtxl ty ih proaipl uw
oj f'uo'i C-ura, JiHfeianudiing
ji lie it u break upcotigfa aad cokit.
1 hef h no biuartual of lung
trouble thai .1 Will not leliera.
r ic from opiatea or narmf ui io
graiienU. (uie (ur ciuidren.
At all drutgUU, 25 cU.
'IT Terrible ftehlao: Rriema-Babr's
aterlaa XV mm Terrible Soon Kb-.
tlrele Cured hr ( alleora.
"Eczema appeared on my son's face
We went to a doctor, who treated him
for three months. Then he was so bad
that his face and head were nothing
but one sore and his ears looked ns if
they were going to fall off, so we tried
another doctor for four months, the
baby never getting any better. His
hand and legs bad big sores on them
and the poor little fellow suffered so
terribly that he could not sleep. After
he had suffered six months we tried
a set of tbe Cutlcura Remedies and
the first treatment let him sleep and
rest well; in one week the sores were
gone and In two months be bad a clear
face. New he Is two years and has
never had eczema again. Mrs. Louis
Reck, R. F. D. 3, San Antonio, Tex.,
April 15, 1907."
Part of the jiajf(,e wedding cere
mony Is the buraiiiu of the discarded
toys of the bride.
PAZO OINTMENT la f uaraatted to cure any
rase of Itchier, BUad, Bleeoiat; or Protmd
Ins Pllee la 6 to 14 dajra or money refunded.
Horrors ol Politlea.
"Then you knew something of It nl
ready?" said the chairman of the noli Il
ea t ion committee, much chagrined.
"Yes," answered the nominee, "Isaw
Sn Intimation of it in the newspapers. In
fact, gentlemen," he added, with a broad
smile on his sunny face, "I had a printer'i
iukling of ft." Chicago Tribune.
Clrenlar Ambition.
Slocum Curious fnd that Poxley. the
baseball pitcher, has taken up, isn't it?
He's building an airship.
Gofaat No ! it'a nerfuctlv nnlnrnl tT
thinks he can make one that will de
scribe a shorter curve than anybody else's
machine." ' ,
May fce permanently (nevcomcrjy richer
ff- an ivr. '
fl V X. 1 f- I . .
oii aaiy so tnai assistance toi:
turc may be gradual) ji?peniWufi
vAcn ho (ovtcr neetJotl a tJc licst Jj
femedics.whcn required, Arcto cssv'.C
oure arwl not to nularA t'nc itctivt.
nl functions, vliicK mur.t depend u!i;
tafttely upon proper nout idunect,
proper efovt,ua rifcKt living fcfttetsty.
lo get its behejtcial cjjects, o)-cyi
vuy wie jjfimiuc
manufactured ty Die
Fig Syrup Co. oniy
eue sue only, regular price &0f per Bottle
Positively eared by
Muse lilttl fills. .
Tbay also rent. Slav
tows troa Dytpepila, In
dJfcatloa aad Too Hearty
BMtag. A perfect ren
a4y tor Dizziness. Naoaoa.
DrowBtneaa. Bad Taata
In th Umth. Coated
Tongue, Pala In the Side.
torpid LTVXR. Tnay
regulate Ue Bowels. Purely Yerttla
Genuina Must Bear
Fao-Simile Signaturt
of Wheat Land
in Western Canada
Sflbualtela per acre ha re bwn grown. r..-n r i
averatfu irrrater than In, uny other pdri nl tin. i ,.n-.
tini-nt. Uudi-r New RfKulatlniw it I- ii1;.- t
futurea llmnmlead ill luo ocrca tree, and adilid n.il
loo acrin at $J.lW iwr acre.
"The development ot the country h;n
made m.iryclluuH alriilen. It is n r. vi;i
tinii, recird ol omqw-Ht t,- M'ttii-in. ;it
thut n remarkable"- fcxtrart ir-mi im'- 1
rcMii.nili-iue ol a National lCiliUir. win
vibiU-U Canada in Auvuhi. last.
Thii ifraln crop ot 14iW will n t nianv Mi-n.-t
rw.cio to US.OO per acre. Grain-rauic i. M .
l-.irnilnif aad Dairyitir are the irin.- I mhw-
ti n s. Climate Ih excellent: Sk-u! Con.l i .-n. ' i
l-M: Railway Advantauvit ihu-iii 'il: s
L-hurL-heii uud markets clime at haa.l.
l..-inda may also be purchaM-d Imni Kaiiw.iy
ainl I. and Companies.
p.-imivhleiH, niaoa and iuforniaiwi ;is to
now to secure loet Hallway K.i'.s, ;i-.y i
. I). Scott, Superintendent of Ii,ii.er.-ti..n,
('tuna, Canada, or h. T. liulm. s, u; l.uU-ii
hi., hi. I'aul, Minn, and J. M. M.i, j ,-!,! ., .
id, Wulerlnwn, ho. UaLota Autbo.iied Coitr.i
uicut .Audits.
l'lune.ur ohars jna law Dili silriM lincoient.
S. C. N. U.
No. 501008.
-m mm.
'i " i rn ii m a
'l trUil all lilntli of blrvnd rema1tpa whfrh fmit
in tlo uia any guU lu t Iikvo fiMiinl i ha rnri.i i'. ig
a I I k fc, Alylm-awnn full f pimiiUi m n ttlK
li' ui. A (Ler biakhig CaMcnrdta limy alt u-f i mn
foiitiitiiiiitf .!) u of itittin auU rtK-itiiiiofMHlii'tf
ihmu l luy friaiida. I fal nna when I ri n iht
pf.riilni;. Jlu(t M hava a oitanea (a rwuuiUia4
Caauarwla '
rrad C. WUMa, 14 tlv Bl., Nawark. N. J.
Plaaaan, Palataala. futaut 1 a-Va QxA DaQoo!,
Ifavar tiiuaaa, Wkan or lirt. lm. be Hk, Nm
au!4 la aula. Tlia ganmua fcabla aaipii CVU
ktarattlaa4 la aara ar yuur auutiay bat: a.
8tarliog Karnady Co.. Cbicaeo or 1S.Y. MS
tl U R mn
V US' 1 ft t ia.lt t IT"U