Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, October 30, 1908, SUPPLEMENT TO, Image 10

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Republican Party Wholly Responsl.
bio for Caring for Old
Democrats Opposed All Friendly Aid
Damning Record Taft Great
Friend of Q. A. R.
The Republican pnrty has Just cnue
to be proud of its pension record. With
the nid of patriotic men from other
parties It waged to a successful con
clusion, the greutcst war of modern
It lias never censed to honor the
officers and men who composed the
victorious army. livery Republican
President elected since tho close of
that war hud boon a conspicuous olli
cvr of the Federal army, with tho ex
ception of President Roosevelt, whoso
brilliant record lu the Spanish wnr Is
a mntter of Just pride to the American
Repnhllean Prnalon E.el"Iatlon.
Republican legislation for the old
soldier, his widow and his minor chil
dren tins been generous and bountiful.
The Invalid Pension Law of July 11,
18(52, and the Dependent Law of June
27, INtH), ore monuments of Republi
can achievement and bear witness to
the country's tend tare of Its soldiers
and Its suitors and tnelr families.
The Act of Juno 27, lS'JO, Is a fitting
llluHtrntlou of the generosity of the
Republican party toward the veterans
of the Civil War, This law was passed
by a llcpuhllcan Congress, was signed
by a Republican President, and through
Its ailuilnlKtratlon there was expended
during tht next fiscal year a total
amount of $iS,7!S,Si0.71. The number
of soldiers receiving tho benefit of this
act amounted to 413,721, while the num
ber of tho dependents relieved by 'this
Act was 17l,''r.!. Tho gain In tho num
ber of pensioners under this Act, over
the previous your was 8,043 and the
gain from June 30, 1800, to January 5,
1004, wiih 4,'.m.
The Kepubllcan party passed tho Act
of April 10, 1008, increasing pensions
of all widows from $8 to $12 per month
and granting pensions without refer
ence to tho value of property or in
come. The Kepubllcan party also
paused tho Act of February 6, 1007,
granting pensions to soldiers by reason
of ago alone, without regard of dis
ability. DimAv, Oppoaltloa Ileeord.
Jr Vrntlo party, jS-smdi has
lirlautijWor pensions!. Its reeor
the patif forty years Is one of oniio-
ition td those men who bore tho hard
ships of war and Jeopardized their
lives that the Union might be preserv
ed. Hero Is a brief Hat of their offi
cial, ndverso Acts lu Congress toward!
the veterans of the Civil War:
In 1S7S a bill paused the House re
pealing ull limitations of time in which
applications for arrears of pensions
should be made. This wns opposed by
a ninjorlty of the Democrats. Tho bill
Increasing tho pensions for widows
from eight to twelve dollnrs jer month
was opposed by the Democrats. Tho
Amputation mil passed August 4, 1800,
was opposed by the Democrats aud vot
ed for solidly by the Republicans iu
the House. The Widows' Arrears BUI,
the Disability 1'enslon Rill were both
fought bitterly by tho Democrats.
In the Forty-third Congress a De
pendent Tension Hill was voted on In
the Senate, the Republicans supporting
It solidly and the Democrats opposing
It by a two-thirds vote. In the IIouso
this bill was voted for solidly by Re
publicans and opposed by a majority
of tho DeiuiKTitts. After it had passed
the Hotwo and Senate It was vetoed by
iTesidont Cleveland, a Democrat. An
effort was made In the House to pass
the bill over Cleveland's veto, tho Re
publicans voting 138 for It and the
Democrats voting 123 against It.
Tills vote tfiowed that twenty-nine
Democrats who had originally voted for
the bill hastened to avail themselves of
the opportunity afforded by the presi
dent's veto, to vote against it. thus tes
tifying their real sontlmruts, while
twenty other Democrats who had dodg
ed the first vote eamo up promptly ami
aopported the veto. The Dependent
Pension bill was bitterly opposed by
the Democrats, the Republicans putting
It through despite the opposition. This
bill, as tho old soldiers well know,
was promptly signed by President Har
rison. '
Democrats IHallke Veterans
To sum up, the following gives the
total of fourteen votes of Congress
upon the most Imitortaut of the various
pension measure presented sluce the
ar, via.:
Democrats for the bills 417
Democrats against the bills (US
Republicans for the bills lOtltJ
Republicans against tho bills. ,. .None
Ths otllclal records of uutlonal legis
lation show that of all tho Republican
presidents U. the war, onlj one bus
Withheld its signature from any peti
tion bill and that was tleneral Grant,
srho 'wt.s forced to decline to approve
flvs of these bills. Tho Democrats have
only lxen lu power for a few brief
yeart since the war. and their presl
flent Grover Cleveland, vetoed 521) n
lon bills. The records show thut
svery iislon low has loon passed by
yteputtlican votes, and every pension
bill defeated has lioen defeated by Dem
ocratic votes every pension bill ve
toed, C20 In number, was vetoed by a
Democratic pn-sldent except live.
The Old Si.Mler. Friend.
The Republican party has kept Its
promises. Through lis legislation there
has been disbursed In tho payment of
pensions on account of the Civil war,
to June 30, 1008, $:!..VS3,503,023.05, and
there were on the pension rolls on tho
last date 0.'I.'),1:!S veterans of tho Civil
war and a total of 007,371 pensioners of
all wars and classes, and on June
30. 10OT, there were approximately on
the tension rolls, 021,000 surviving vet
era is.
All the civilized nations of the earth
combined have not equaled the United
States In Morality In granting pensions,
bounties, homesteads and land war
rants, providing homes, etc., for war
veterans. The appropriation for the
present fiscal year, for paying pensions,
Is $102,(100,000.00 -more than one-fifth
of the entire revenue of the govern
ment. No man who wns not old enough to
le a factor In that great struggle could
give his heart and soul more completely
to the welfare and welldoing of the vet
erans who fought for liberty and right
In the days of '01 to 'Go, than Mr. Taft
lie is the recognized and distinguished
friend of the old soldier and is pledged
to carry out Republican policy In a
generous manner towards the Grand
Army of tho Republic. He has never
been too busy to sec the veteran and
listen with sympathetic Interest to his
Just demand:. Taft, as President, will
be on abiding fast friend to all the
survivors of ait our wars.
Hold Identical Viaws on the Ques
tion of Negro Disfranchisement.
On the question of negt--r disfran
chisement Rrynn; of Nebraska, and Till
man of South Carolina, stand shoulder
to shoulder. Mr. Itryan has defined his
attitude, lu the following language:
"The white man In the south has dis
franchised the negro In self-protection.
The white men of tho south are de
termined that the negro shall be dis
franchised everywhere if necessary to
prevent, tho recurrence of the horrors
of carpetbag rule."
Senator Tillman has spoken even
more frankly, as witness tho following:
"We stuffed ballot boxes nnd we shot
negroes. We are not ashamed of it."
In the south Mr. Bryan poses as the
special friend of tho negroes and as
sures llioni that his election as presi
dent will bo greatly to their advantage.
Senator Tillman also Insists that he Is
their best frleud. Roth of these emi
nent Democrats would prove their
friendship for the negro by robbing him
of his constitutional right a.
That the intelligent igro citizens of
northern states shouUvvote
for Mr.
-Utuis,l;j-iu in spile of bis ope
rd for negroes of tho south Is
open appto'
negroes of tho south Is Blntply
Ucvable. As well niltUt the:
pected to vote for tbX restoration of
.- Taft t'ritrd Unloalaaa.
Whenever the occasion has nindo it
proper for him to do so, William How
ard Taft bus invariably shown bis be
lief in tho wisdom of Justice of organ
ized labor. Not only as a Judge on tho
bench but as governor of the Philip
pine Islands and as secretary of war,
having control of upwards of 30,HX)
Ialiorers employed In tho Panama Canal
Bono, be has recognized tho right of
worklngmeu to organize for their own
protection and advantage. As govern
or of the Philippines Mr. Taft strong
ly urged tho native workingmen to
form labor unions, partly as a means
of inculcating correct Ideals of the dig
nity of labor and partly In order to
gnard against the peril of a vast In
flow of cheap labor from China. La
bor World.
Qompera and Unto Labor.
The prediction that union labor
would resent tho attempt of President
Gonipers of the Anierlcau Federation to
drag It Into the Itryan camp wns freely
ventured early tn the campaign. Now
It Is coming true. Hardly a day passes
without fresh advances from some part
of tho country of serious friction be
tween tho loader of the Federation and
his former suiiorters.
Evidently Gomicra will not be able
to carry out bis undertaking to deliver
the union labor vote to Itryan. Union
la Ivor is Intelligent enough and Inde
pendent enough to Insist upon doing
political thinking for Itself. Milwau
kee Livening Wisconsin.
"When t-lrrtrd, aa I aspect
to be, I Intend to oontlnne my
Intern! In labor. I am foe
giving; lnbor Ita right to bo
pat oa a livel with employing
and other rlaaaea, neither
tlioTt nor below, I ani tor
giving labor a aqaare deal."
William II. Taft at 1'hleaso.
Opinion of aa Indepvniient.
The voters of tho UulUd States will
certainly understand Mr. Tuft by elec
tion day, and we shall see whether they
desire such an orderly advancing of tba
Interests of good government, of honest
and sound progress all along the line,
as he promises for ho Is a transparent
ly honest mau, amply committed to the
Roosevelt policies, and can be trusted to
stand for tbcni with wisdom and
strength. Spiingtlctd Republican.
nryaa Didn't Know,
Governor Hughes vetoed the 2-cent
passenger rate bill Itccaiise a state com
mission appointed for the purpose baa
the matter under Investigation. Bryan
attacks 1 1 untie without apparently
knowing thut there is such a commis
sion. Rit the Idea of Investigating
would Ming him onyway. St. Louis
7lfe ex-
May Change Results fa Certain
Doubtful States.
Should Carefully Examine Record of
Two Leading Parties and Start
Right Real Americanism.
It Is not beyond the range of possi
bility that the first voters in this presi
dent hil election may bold the balance
of power in a few of the doubUul
States. It Is dillicult to ascertain the
exact strength of this -ote, hence It
offers a fertlio Hold for speculation.
An intelligent estimate arrived nt by
tho only authentic data available would
Bccm to establish the number of first
voters in tho United States at this pres
idential election somewhere near three
million. These young men are to cast
their first ballot for President in curly
November. '
There Is also no accurate way of
knowing Just how these votes are pro
rated to the different States. It Is
probably true that the safely Democrat
ic States and the sufaly Republican
quota, add to thut txlenf, of course, Uiu
. .1 ,i ,1 Ml ......
votes in me cieciorui vonege win noi
be liiHuoneod either way, but how about
the effect of this unknown vote lu tho
doubtful States'
Past experience shows that In these
States an Increased suffrage In favor
of one party or the other, from 1 to
4 per cent, niny chaugo the results and
murk the defeat or victory of either
party. It Is tho first votes lu doubt
ful States that is of supreme impor
tance. How will they be cast? For
Democracy, negation a jKillcy destruc
tive of all that is good, and obstructive
of all that Is progressive or shall they
be for Taft and Sherman, who repre
sent the great constructive business
league in America, known as tho Re
publican purty?
Performance Va. Fromlae.
The performances of the Republican
party may well be contrasted with the
obstructive tactics of the party of slav
ery, State rights, secession, antl-expan-slon,
free silver, free trade, government
owners-Ill p of railroads, aud numerous
other foolish and impossible mukesbift
expediences. From tho immortal Lin
coln to.the renowned Tuft, there is one
long ll'no of brilliant achievements to
the credit of the Republican pnrty.
Foremost among these many victories
will forever stand the abolition of
human slavery. Lincoln gave his life
that four millions of human beings
might be set free. He washed the stain
of human slavery forever from the
Btas and stripes. Tho Republican par
ty saved the Union and made this a
free republic forever.
Thirty-seven years later tho cry of
tho oppressed went up from Cuba ; her
people had been ground Into the dust
for four centuries by Spanish greed and
oppression. Another Republican Presi
dent, another American martyr, came
to the rescue of the Queen of the An
tilles, and William McWInley, acting for
the Kepubllcan party, freed Cuba and
put her feet upon the solid rock of
H-nce and hope. Invincible lu war. tho
Republican party has accomplished
great things In time of pence. Only a
generation ago a Republican 8e rotary
of Slate purchased from desisttlc Rus
sia, Us only Kissession on the North
American continent Alaska and in
stead of It being a menace, as it for
merly wns, to the peace of our land. It
now stands as a sentinel .guarding
American Interests lu tho Northern Pa
cific and Atlantic oceans.
Another great Republican Secretary
of Sinie securul for tho United States
the open-door policy In China and thus
guaranteed equal commercial rights for
America In the Celestial Kingdom for
all time. Through a Republican Pres
ident and a great Secretary of War
tho Hon. William Howard Taft the
United States is to-day building the
Panama canal the realization of tho
dream of ages.
When we ai-qulred the Philippines
and Porto Rico we set about to estab
lish public schools uud make education
possible to all those strange peonies.
Now luiudreds of thousands of Filipino
and Porto K Iran children tire speaking
the F.uirllsh language and singing the
songs or patriotism and IreiHlom with
tUclr faces turned to the future a.iJ
Mi fl
their eyes resting complacently upon
the "Star Spangled Banner."
For all time these matchless victories
in war, and constructive statesmanship
In peace, will stand to the credit of the
Republican party.
Known bjr Ita Frnlta.
The Republican pnrty never has had
factions within Itself concerning Issues.
It bus been unanimous in knowing what
it stood for. There is something about
the Republican pnrty that sends things
up above par, and something about tho
Democratic party that - sends things
down below par. Above par Is suu
llght, summer, hope and plenty. Above
par Is the lire light dancing on the
walls of contentment, to the song of
the kettle singing on tho hearth of
plenty. P.elow pur. Hunger and Want
and Bankruptcy hit brooding 'by dead
ashes, while the candle of life gutter
down to the shape of n winding sheet.
A DnidnlDK Itceord.
The people of this country only once
In nearly n lialf century have listened
to Democratic promises. followeH Dem
ocratic advice, nnd placed that party
In power. During that Democratic ad
ministration our national debt increased
a half million dollars each day. Each
day we lost a half million dollars in
foreign trade; farm products decreased
more than $500,000,000. Fear, distrust
and panic paralyzed the great industrial
system of our country ; banks closed
thotr doors; 'business Rouses nsslgued;
thqibalance of trade wis against us;
bois were Issued ; copltal withdrew
mioawerei piuees; iiiuor was lorceit in
to tuiivllllng Idleness ve bad deserted
mills, smokeless fuet$"ies, smmt ma
chinery. What has the Democratic party done
to command confidence that gives it a
right to assume to advise the Anierlcau
people. The Democratic party asks al
ways to bo Judged by the future and not
by tho past. It always asks to be
Judged by Its promises and not by Its
performances. Why should n party
that brought uon us tho horrors of the
Cleveland administration, that went
hysterical over free silver, a party that
has learned nothing in fifty years, that
has forgotten nothing In fifty years, a
party that lias not kept a promise in
fifty years, a parly that has not been
right In fifty years why should this
party assume that with It .wisdom
shall perish from the earth?
The Democratic party always has Its
face to the past and its back to tho
future. It never sees an opportunity
until it Is passed, and never gets on the
right side of tiny issue until It Is set
tled. Such is n portion of the record
of this self-constituted keeper of the
country's conscience, and the country's
welfare, the oft-defeated, discouraged,
disorganized, disgraced, divided, de
crepit old Democratic party. It stands
to-day without nn Issue, without a prin
ciple, without a policy, without a plat
form, without a leader, and without
The first voter should vote nnd vote
right. Ho will vote right by voting
for Taft and Republican prosperity.
thorn Prosperity of tTnlona.
"They ore not gone," replied Mr.
Taft. "Tho labor organizations today
are more prosperous, have more Influ
ence, have more lawful coutrol than
they over had In their lives before. The
American Federation of Labor lias In
creased lu nunilM-rs 100 per cent. The
International Tyixigraphlenl union In
Its annual report showed an Increase
from 2X.000 to 4.lMiO. Theyjiald in
live millions of dollars; they bad $2.10,
0!0 in their treasury and they never
had such prosevty or InHiionce In
their lives and the basis upon which
those organizations have been con
structed are tho legal lines which I laid
down in my lc-al opinions. Therefore,
I claim that there Is nobodpy in public
life that has done more to localize and
give force and standing to lulior unions
than 1 have."
Ilrynn, the t'naate Engineer.
"If you can picture the prosperity
and welfare of 00,000,000 js-ople. car
ried upon a great euglne, with a selec
tion of one of two engineers, both in
tent uisin reaching a certain objective
point, both honest, both determined. I
believe the selection of William II. Taft
would le Hip selection of the engineer,
who, earnestly intent upon his mission
would consult the elements of safety
os danger of truck and would arrive In
safety at his destination. Mr. Bryan,
if selected, would throw the throttle
wide open and with his Impatience and
enthusiasm, would be as likely to laud
us lu the dl'ch as at the station."
Ilcury V. Cuuhuiiu of Wiscouslu.
Bryan Opposed to Giving Nebraska
Volunteers Praise.
It has been charged in the Capital
that on the subject of pensions Col.
William J. Bryan was not patriotic
while a member of congress. The
friends of the colonel dispute the state
ment. But there is another record.
Kvery one remembers the great career
of the First Nebraska volunteers in the
Philippine Islands. That regiment
made u reputation which thrilled the
The Nebraska legislature in 1809
adopted the following Joint resolution:
"lie It resolved by the legislature of
the State of Nebraska, That the thanks
of tho State be hereby extended to the
olllccrs and men of tho First Nebraska
regiment of the United States volun
teers for their gallant conduct on the
field of bnftl'e. their courage In the
presence of danger and their fortitude
in tho hardships of camp nnd cam
paign. "Resolved, That we acknowledge with
gratitude aud Joy the debt the State
owes them by reason of the honors con
ferred, upon it by their valor while de
fending in the far-off Philippines tho
principles of our government and add
ing new glory to our flog. We pledge
the honor of tho State that to the liv
ing shall be accordr'iK worthy distinc
tion, and to tho dead Jnll that can be
given to the dead ff ng memorial
The gotefilor ' Hi i iflska at "tliTt
time was a Democrat he vetoed thjs
resolution, and lateryit was cbarg'M
that this was done on the advice of
Mr. Bryan. On tho ad of May, ISO!),
in nn open letter to the editor of, the
State Journal, published in Lincoln, Mr.
Bryan denied that Governor Poynter
discussed the question with lit in prior
to tho publication of the veto. He
said ;
"I knew nothing of the passage of
the resolution until I read the veto
message in tho newspapers. I approve
of the governor's action, however, and
believe that ho did right In thwarting
a partisan attempt to make political
capital out of the bravery of Nebraska
We call the attention of Captain
Clark and other veterans of the civil
war to this partisan action on the part
of Colonel Bryan.
In no State In the union, except Ne
braska, could such 'a veto and such a
letter have appeared. And It could not
have occurred -in Nebraska except for
the partisan leadership of Colonel
Looking on tho matter ns history that
Is made and canuot be undone, one can
not realize that the governor of Ne
braska would take the action which he
did, nor can it bo realized that Colonel
Bryan would approve it Des Moines
Bryan had a little Past he thought had
been forgot.
But everywhere he wandered it was
Johnnie on the Sint.
When he cried, "I'm strong for honest
nieu !"
Ills Past rose up and wildly yelled,
"Run! Rah! SUteeu to one!"
When he said, "Ijnbor ought to have a
n fair and bonost chance,"
Tho Past bawled, "Yes, but Working
men are public mendicants!"
When he said, "Down w'Ui Trusts that
would the populace despoil !"
His Past observed. "Save Haskel! and
bis friend, the Standard Oil!
When Bryan yodled. "Railroads are a
thing that men should spurn,"
Ills Past remarked unfeelingly. "They're
mighty good to Keru!"
When be said. "I have never sought
my private purse to fill!"
His Past observed, "Except, of course,
from Mr. Bennett's will!"
"I stand upon my record," often Bryan
wold declare,
Aud then his Past would whisper.
"Boys, there niu't no record
there !"
He dodged about nnd In and out, and
when men saw him last
He still was vainly seeking to escape
from little Post.
Bryan ins'sts ibnt he is mnnin-
HSiiinst two Rep'ttiOcans. Worse than
that, lie's runn'-'-: ;vi;ii!:st uliout 8,uM,
IkH) of U.eiu. t);u.:L:i Re
Statistics Compiled by President t
Bookbinders' Un on Prove the
' Assertion.
Striking Contrast Between the Deedr
of the Republican Lawmakers
and the Democratic Leg
islators. One of ths irnes in evety eanvpaljnn
is fliat of labor legislation. All parties
claim to be the friend of labor, and it is
but natural that this would bring eut
the facts.
This year th Democratic party is do
ing more claiming tbnn ever before alone;
this line, and Miis has led James Fecney,
president of Washington Union No. 4,
International Brotherhood of Bookbind
ers, to compile some statistics which,
spenk for themselves. Mr. Fceney is oua
of the best known and most highly re
IHeted labor leaders in the national cap
ital, nnd his word is always acceptor
with those who know him.
Mnnjr Iteeurda Taken.
Mr. Feeney has taken the records of
the various states for the purpose of find
ing out whnt laws have been passed and
by what party tliey were enacted. He bus
taken ten laws, including those creating
labor bureaus, public employment agen
cies, state boards of arbitration; tilsov
eight-hour laws, child lnbor laws (mini
mum age), child labor laws (night work),
women's labor laws, seats for shop girle
laws, nnii-sweat shop laws and laws for
protection of unions.
In every one of these laws bli lubor
union ha furnished the incentive for th
passnge, it being the most vitally inter
ested. Majority la Itepnltllcaa.
Mr. Feeney shows tliot in the cas at
eui'h law the great majority of the state.
which have passed them are Republican.
This is true to a remarkable degree.
For instance, la the case of the eight
hour law. eighteen slates have them, six
teen being Republican states and twa
Democratic states.
Another instance is in the case of laws
protecting labor unions, there being such,
laws in fifteen states, fourteen of which
are Republican.
The following are Mr. Feeney's Af
ore ;
Lnbor Bureaus
X Suites have them,
lid ore Republican states.
7-. are Democratic states.
Public lOmployment Agencies
!" States have them,
l-'t are Republican states.
U are I leinoerutie states.
State Hoards of Arbitration
'S2 States have tbein.
18 are Republican states.
4 ore Democratic states.
Eight-Hour Juws
18 States have them.
.10 ore Republican states.
2 are Democratic states. .
Child Inbor l-uws (Minimum Age)
27 States have theui.
i;$ are Ronublican
4 are Democratic caites.
Child I,tl)or Laws ( .fTght Work)
StntcH linve.th'l
II nt-o lpnwv-rflti
Women's I.nlior Lnv
21 States have the
are Republican
0 are 1 leniocnuic
Seats for Shop (lirls
States have tOie
2:t are Republican
10 are I leinocratie
Anti-Sweatshop Ijiws
12 States have them.
10 are Republican states.
2 are Democratic states.
Laws for Protection of Unions
1." States have them.
14 are Republican states.
1 is a Democratic state.
Seeklnif to .Minima Labor.
From the very beginning ot the cam
paign there has been a concerted Demo
cratic effort to misrepresent Judge Tuft
on questions pertaining to labor inter
ests. His Judicial decisions have been,
distorted, and falsehoods Invented.
In his canvass of the West Judge
Taft has devoted considerable attention
to this subject with good effect. He
has not been apologetic, for there I
nothing in his record Unit needs apol
ogy. He has not beeu on the defensive
because no one on the bench who does
only what the law requires him to do
mods defense. He bus made clear his
position made it clear that it was
helpful ond uot hurtful to labor and
turned buck falsehood and misrepre
sentation. It is one of the many illusions of Mr.
Bryan that lie is the special and only
champion of bibor. What has he ever
done for It? When In Congress he
helped to frame n tariff bill which kept
hundreds of thousands of people out of
employment until a Republican admin
istration was elected and a Republican,
tariff act w?s passed. fie could not
at that time have hit labor a more par
alyzing blow. Philadelphia Press.
An I'prlvlit Judate.
The attempt to make the Republican
candidate out the enemy ot labor fails
In the light f the facts. Judge Tuft
has demonstrated that as a Judgo he
dld what the law required bliu to do.,
and if he had done otherwise he would
have been entitled to no resiect Prom
the labor or any other Interests. Some
of tils decisions have ' provided tho .
sroimd upon which labor organisation.
have protected themselves, and have
boon cited on the lulsir side of subse
quent cases before other courts. J'baW
udelphia Press.
Candidate! Shoald Compare Note.
John Worth Kern, the Democratic
candidate who lost his railroad pass, is
in New York telling people that Roose
velt's "Interference in the campaign has
helped the I lenioorats," while out lu Ne
braska William Jennings Bryan, tiie
other Democratic candidate, is making
forty-seven speeches a day pleading
with Roosevelt to keep out of the Sglat.
Some misunderstanding between Uie
Democratic candidates, apparently.-
Philadelphia Press.
I stnte-4.