Tat Abolish Calld Labor. From Pennsylvania comes the news (hat one branch of chlH labor laajr b abolished, says Technical World Ma ga ll ne. In the coiil mine regions of I'eiMi lylvsula rc employed some 24,000 breaker boys, who tIc!t nut the alate from The coal nt the collieries. The Delaware & Hudson Coal Company haa Installed n niochnnleal alate picker In lta colliery at Wllkcsbnrre and the re port la that It works suoeessfully. Twelve boys and the mechanical spiral alnte pickers now take the place of the three hundred boys who would bo re quired In a plant of that size under the otd regime. The company will probably place these mechanlral pickers In ai! lta other plants. mm a A Hiiro Polallltr. In his tllary, which Is Incorporated In the "Life and Letters of Sir Richard Claverhouse Jebb," the great Greek scholar recorded a flash of hta own wit which la of u most appealing variety. At a dinner at Cambridge Sir Rich ard, then Mr. Jcbb, took In a young woman, who got through the first course with little conversation. Sud denly she startled him by aaylnjr. in the most unprovoked way, while she was still dining with apparent good appe tite: "Professor Jebb, do you think wom en ever die of a broken heart?" . "Perhaps other organs may have something to do with It," he proffered. In reply. The Holy fly. Helen was watching some flies on the window pane, when she called to iler mother: "Mamma, come and see If thla Is the bosom fly !" "The bosoin fly, child! What kind of a fly is that?" "Oh, the one they sung about In church last Sunday 'Let me to thy bosom fly.'" The Circle. lixipj Genua Cleanses tke System E uaUv.Disaels Colds and, iHead acnes duo to Constipation; illy, acis iruiy os n Tjnif nVivn Best forMenvmen and Cluld ren -youngand enejicial Effect Always Ijuv tke-Genuine wklch has ike jull name qj the Com- CALIFORNIA Tif Syrup Co. by whom it is manufactured, printed on the front ( every package. SOLD BY ALL LEADING DRUGGISTS. one size only, regular price 50Pr bottle. All J osier. Pnmple, Booklet an Parlor Oar fla.no TOILET ANTISEPTIC Keeps tho breath, teeth, mouth and body ntisepticully clean and free from un. healthy icim-life and disajreeable odors, which water, socp and toolh preparations iermicidsl. rfi.ir.. fectuif aod doodor. iziuf toilet requisite of exceptional ex cellence and econ omy. Invaluable for inflamed eyes, throat and nasal and u'erine catarrh. At druf and toilet tores, 59 cents, or by mad postpaid. E rJ2 Lirji Trla! Simple 3&it with "huith mo iciuTt" book aiNT rate THE PAXTON TOILET CO., Boston, Miss. fmmmmmsm IJfcTO.NIGIIT 1 Sfif wave m fVn.'.T2injsca,iEif8Water tort mm "He swore he would be her page." What did alio do?" "Turned him down." Itlrmlngham Age-Herald. "Seems to mo you luok younger than ever." "Why not? As I grow older, I become more and more expert lu avoid lug trouble." Life. Nell Maude h;is lost a good friend In .Lie".;. Hello Why. have they quar reled? Ncl! No, they are married. Philadelphia Record. Tho (Questioner I tienr bis wife Is a brunette, hut 1 thought he married a blonde. The Joker He did, but ahe dyed. Houston Post. tlabbleby After nil, n woman's scream la her greatest weapon of de fense. Gertrude Undoubtedly; bow did you find It out? Puck. Mistress Bridget, It always seems to me that the crankiest mistresses get tho best cooks. Cook Ab, go on wld yer blarney! Town Topics. Ethel Sometimes I really think se riously of reniulnlug unmarried. Maud Think only? Why, I Imagined you worried about it. Town Topics. "Why, my boy! did you fall In that open coal hole' "No; of course not. I wnz In here, au' they built a pave ment over me."--Illustrated Bits. The Boy (fervently) You are the first and only girl I ever loved, Ethel, She Ah, what lots of fun you have ahead of you, Freddy! Loudon Opin Ion. lie A fellow told me yesterday he thought I was such a bright fellow. She That's an awfully bad habit. He What is? She Talking to yourself. Life. Ilix 1 always have Dr. Bmdee. When my mother-in-law was nt donth's door he pulled her through. Dlx Which way did he pull her? St. Louis Republic "Who's your Ideal of bravery?" queried the old bachelor. "Is it Gen eral Kiiroki?" "-No," answered the spinster, desperately. "It's a Mormon." The Tatler. "Vou never saw a man who under stood women." "Well, I knew a man once who claimed that he did." "And did he?" "Well; he never married one." Houston Post. Nell I don't suppose Mr. Slllleus lias any vices. Belle VIcia? Why, Ik1 belongs to a irlee club, an amateur the- ntrical society, and writes poetry. Philadelphia Record. Touriorlal Expert (cutting colored man's hair) 'Kastus, your hair. Is Just like voool. 'Kastus Well, yoh didn't spect to cut silk fo fifteen cents, did you? Harper's Weekly. Jim (regarding damage done to luirch by lire) Good job it wasn't a factory. Bill. Bill You're right, mate, Only one man put out of work, and he draws his money. Punch. The Boss What's that? Office Boy I says, you better send ,mit and git a half dozen boys to do my work to day; Fin going to be sick about three o'clock ! Harper's Bazaar. "Yes; 1 am going abroad." "And how are you .going to arrange your ltla- erary?" "Oh, pompadour. think that will be most suitable for travel ing." Washington Herald. Sambo He doctor tells me dat ter eat six wnternillilons nt one time would Bho' kill me. Bambo An' what you gwine do 'bout it? Sambo I gwlue ter die game! New York Tribune. "Suppose women should vote. What would be the result?" "Oh, I don't know," answered Mr. SIrlus Barker, petulantly. 'Perhaps we'd have hand tainted ballots." Washington Star. Slmklus You say that little man vas formerly the lightweight chain plon? Tlmklns Yes. Simklns How lid he lose the title? Tlmklns Oh, he didn't lose It. lie merely sold his gro- :ery and retired. Chicago Dally News. Customer (pointing to the hiero glyphics on hU check) Is that my name In Chinese? Go Long (Chinese la'undry'iiiin) No; 'scliplion. Means "liY ole man; cross-eyed; no tcet'." Customer Er thank you. New York Globe. "I suppose," said the facetious stran ger, watching a workman spread n car, pet from the church door to the curb, "that's the hidi road to heaven you're fixing there?" "No," replied the man, "tliis is merely a bridal path." Phila delphia Press. Professor Stone To the geologist a thousand years or so are not counted us any time at all. Man in the Audi once Great Scott! And to think I made a temporary loan of ten dollars to a ia!i who holds such views! Philadelphia inquirer. . ' " . - Mrs. Exe Good-bj', I'm sorry my husband Isn't in. 1 wish I knew some way of beeping him at home a little more. Mrs. Wye Let him buy a mo tor Car. Mrs. Exe Why, he'd be out more than ever then. Mrs. Wye Oh, dear, no! Mrs. Dasher tells mo her husband bought a motor car n few days ago, and the doctor says he won't bo out for six weeks. Illustrated Bits. All Sltfim Kali. "You seem to need rain very badly." "Yes." answered Farmer Corntossel In a tone of patient resignation. "We've done our best, but It doesn't do any good. We've given one Sunday school .picnic after another, left tho rockln' chairs an' hammocks au' buggies out over night an' painted all the buildings fresh. But none of the things that used to bring rain seem to work any morel" Washington Star.. Had, "What was tho worst crush you ever Cot Into?" "The scramble for the morning mall at the summer hotel." Detroit Free Press. There In said to tie only one rea!!y good husband In town, and his wife la mean to hini. . Charming Hammer Hat, One of the prettiest hats seen this season was worn at a recent outdoor wedding. It was white, soft, laeey straw, the wide i . .... i . until lururu op in a most fascinating manner at left side and edged with a narrow band of hydrangea blue velvet rlhlion. The top was n mass of hydran geas In delicate shades and a large bunch of satin rib bon loops matching the velvet band was artistically fastened at back. Hrfii Economy. Do not Indulge In striking novelties or cheap finery. Buy little v but have It good of its kind. Above all, study becomlngness, for that Is, after all, the sccrot of apinnr lng well dressed. Do not be too keen on bargains. The best Is generally the cheapest In the end; so unless you are sure of your Judgment as to qualities shun sales. On the other hand, do not be need lessly extravagant; the prudent buyer Is she who can supply her needs at least cost, and get good values. Study lines and cuts, have your clothes made by the licst dressmaker your means will afford, and see that PRACTICAL her sewing Is the kind that does not fall to pieces after a wearing or two. Keep everything well brushed scrup ulously neat, carefully pressed, and without frayed ends, and tho little you have will not only last longer, but will look better while it bists. Work of Bnrmeao Bad. Instead of a coming-out party as we know It, the Burmese girl's entrance into society begins when she has her ears pierced. As soon after this as she feels Inclined she selects a husband and goes to live lu a home of her own. The home Is provided by the man, but It becomes his wife's as soon as they are married. All women, young and old, are addicted to the use of tobacco. The women seem to prefer tho very largo sl.e black cigars. Often one meets a woman on the streets of a village with one of these huge cigars In her mouth and two or three more stuck In the holes of each ear. Bar's Summer Salt. Boyish and smart lu a trig little suit ef white and red striped linen, made with bloomers and Uussian blouse. The later differs somewhat from the general run of blouses lu thut the one side of the plain white linen collar con tinues In lapel fashion to end of hem. The little shields are done In blue und tho belt Is white patent leather. Dutch Treat I'lvulca. Dutch treat, or what the English call "going Jersey," Is quite fashionable and takes the form of a tearoom or restaurant picnic, each ordering what la liked Is'st and paying for It horself. princess Henry of pies has made such "picnics" quite the fashion. Of I'anaraa Cloth. A nice sensible shirtwaist suit for a schoolgirl is made of Panama cloth. No lining Is required in the waist un- it 7 ( laij.ji.-w.aju'SM s sii fiii 'i i 1 jrrcgBB.l less It Is needed for warmth, though It la advisable to use a yoke lining of lawn across the shoulders to protect the material. The sleeves, bolt and cuffs as well as the bottom of the skirt are trimmed with braid. Womeat anal Wealth. We are apt to envy the wives of rich men. Bnt the envy ought to be on the other side and Is. The unhapptost, most restless wosien in this land are the idle wives and daughters of the rich. It Is true they have fine houses, carriages and automobiles, One dresses, magnificent Jewels, stately calls upon one another, grand dinners, brilliant receptions, and afl that. But It Is all a veneer. It is merely a mahogany finish upon a base of ordinary, com mon timber. It Is not happiness, but only a pretense of It an extravagant attempt at Imitation of It. The great mnss of women without wealth, who work In their homes, rear their children themselves, cook the meals, mend the clothing and do the thousand and one unending tasks of the busy housewife, need not envy the glistening butterflies of fashion. The happiest women lu the world are the hard-working ones. Not overtaxed drudges, whoso lives are net-essarlly miserable, but the. women whose time and minds and hands are ever occu pied In making the home happier and life for those nbout them sweeter. TUB TROCKS. To put a flue dress on a girl accus tomed to nothing else since birth Is to give no more real enjoyment to her than would bo given to a doll by the same process. But the pretty dress bought by n girl with her own earn ings means a triumph and a Joy as sweet as the human heart can know, That dress Is a part of the girl herself! It stands for her heart, her brain, her bone, her blood. It makes an epoch in her life. It Is the happy culmination of happy usefulness. None who obesrve, even ensunlly, can fall to perceive the growing restlessness among tho women of the great cities. The enormous increase In divorces Is but one symptom. The woman who appreciates her. possible Influence In the home will never fall to find plenty to do, and find joy In doing it. It Is from the home thnt she makes that most men husbands as well as sons form their Ideals of life and fix their aspirations. If she Is Idle, restless and discontented, the home, Instead of being a solid corner-stone of society, becomes a heap of sand, that sinks under every weight of trouble, .v shifts with every tide of passion and caprice. 'There is one great cure for tho rest lessness and discontent of women. It Is In common sense application of mind and hand and heart to useful work. Some women may be happy. In spite of wealth. But It Is possible for any woman to bo equally happy without it. Orauira Banket for Denaert. Nothing Is prettier than Jelly or Ices served In orange baskets or halved oranges with the two sides tied togeth er with ribbon. One way to prepare these baskets Is to draw a circle around the orange, cutting through save for an Inch right In the middle of each side for a han dle. Cut uway the skin along each side of this handle nnd carefully remove the pulp of tho orange from the spaces left. Throw tho rinds Into Ice water so they will not dry out before using. Wipe carefully and fill with any mixture de sired. If one has a very sharp knife the top of the orange nnd each side of the han dle can be cut into scallops with a good-sized circle cut In the center of each. Or the handles can lie left plain and twined with smllax or tied with a bow of paler yellow, violet or green ribbon. Itektful Head Motion. The wouiaii who mast use her brain constantly will lind the pressure that Is soiiiel lines felt In the nerves of the head much relieved If she gels Into tho habit of occasionally moving her head hi a circle. Ix-t the head drop on the neck as far forward lu every direc tion as possible. If dony slowly this will not cause dizziness and will be restful. Inexpensive (Jeueroult yt An absent-minded woman traveling in Mexico borrowed cents of tho Pullman porter to buy a Mexican or chid at the car door. Later, on arriv ing at Mexico City, as the same porter was brushing her coat, she suld with emphasis; 'Thank you, lsirter. And, oh, porter, you may keep the SO cents I borrowed of you this morning for a tip." New Zealand has 2,374 mllees of rail road lu au urea of 101,000 square miles. llanar Plrtnrra Knully. The comic artists who delight In drawing the "henpecked" husband, who endeavors to Icing properly n picture from the top of rickety stepladder, will toon have to abandon the sub ject, as an Ala bama man has de signed an attach ment whereby the picture tan be read ily adjusted from the floor. The AwrsTS the conn. hall(m. , fu8tl110l, to the back of tho picture frame, one end of the cord being connected with a revolving drum. The cord Is short ened or lengthened by turning a handle on the drum. The picture can usually be readily reached from the floor, the dr;::n Is easily accessible and can lie operated to place tho picture In the ex act spot desired. This eliminates the nuisance of removing the picture from tire wall and relying t!ie cord several times before the rl.rjht length Is finally determined. (urn -'lower. Flowers, which to the Japanese mind suggest everything that Is poetical and beautiful, should never he massed In reckless profusion and confusion. If we would only try to follow a few of their Ideals In this respect, we would find It possible to have flowers In our rooms nt almost every season of the year. There Is hardly a household and cer tainly very few women who could not mnnago to save a little to purchase a few blossoms at the end of the week, which, If carefully looked after and given their dally bath of fresh water, and nightly placed where a current of fresh air can roach them, will last an astonishing number of days. One or two carnations of the many beautiful varieties which aro now In the market. If placed lu a vase which shows their long, graceful stems and pale sliver green foliage to advantage, mnke not only a delightful bit of color In the room, but their crisp and refreshing odor Is agreeable to both guest and hostess, and the little touch of refine ment given by theso few flowers makes the atmosphere of tho house distinctly different. A Slmplo Summer Gown. A great many charming gowns are to be noted made for the later season that are absolutely simple In style yet chic and smart In the extreme. Here Is one thnt makes an excellent example and which as Illustrated Is made of tW fa vorite pink In mercerized poplluetto with trimming of black aud white stripes while it Is worn over a gulnipe of very Blmplo lace net. The striped linen on the pink makes an exceeding ly attractive trimming and the gown la altogether a charming one, while It rep resents very little labor. The skirt Is straight, laid In plaits over the hips that are stitched flat to do away with all bulk, and the over blouse Is made without seams, the plaits being laid over the shoulders while It Is attached to the girdle at front and back. The gulmpo In this Instance Is one of the new ones with long moiisqnctalre sleeves, but any one that may lie liked can be utilized, or several can be pro vided with the one costume, so making change of effect. Linen as well as pop 11 net to and also the many silk and wool nintcrlals, that are being so much worn this summer, are appropriate while bor- dered materials suit the design pecu liarly well, as the skirt is straight, fin ished only with a hem ut the lower edge. For the medium size will be required, for the over blouse 1 yard of material 21 or 24, C2 or 44 Inches wide ; for Uie skirt 8 yards 21, 64 yards 22 or 5 yards 44 Indies wide w ith '.VH yards of material 27 Inches vide to trim both. To lie "oonlar. It Is astonishing how much you can learn from peoplo In social Intercourse when you know how to look at them rightly. But It Is a fact that you can ouly get a great deal out of them by giving them a great ileal of yourself. The more you radiate yourself, the more magnanimous you are; the mors generous of yourself, the more you wlli get back. Em One 'Woman's Wladons. Mrs. Newed And you paid only 08 Cents for that hnt? Mrs. OUlwed That's all. Mrs. Newrd Your husband was de lighted, of coiirw Mrs. Glowed I hope you don't think I was foolish enough to tell him I go! such n cheap hit. Mrs. Newed Where would the fool ish part come In? Mrs. Oldwed Why, If I told htm what It cost he'd expect me to be sat isfied with bargain counter hats all the rest of mv ' A TEXAS CLERGYMAN Speaks Oat for (ha Beaeflt of Suffer ing Thousands. Rev. Q. M. Gray, Baptist clergyman, of Whltenboro, Tex., says; "Four years ago I suuereii mis ery with lumbago. Every movement was one of pain. 1 loan's Kidney Pills r-mnv-ed Ibe whole oilllcul ty after only a short time. Although I do not like to have my name' used publicly. I make an exception In this case, so that from kidney trouble other sufferers may profit by my experience." Sold bv all dealers. r() cents a box. Foster-Mllburn Co.. Buffalo. X. Y. Membership Limited. "Your husband sppuds all his evenings it hnm? Isn't he a member of any lodge?" "O, yea j he belongs to the OHer of Thoroughly Reconstructed Husband, but so far as I know he's the oulv member there Is." Ton Can Get Atlen'a Foot-Rasa FREH Write to-day to Allen 8. Olmsted, Le Roy, N. Y., for a KRBK snmpi of Allen's Foot ICase, a powder to sliske Into your shoes. It rures tired, sweating, hot, swollen, sob lug feet. It makes new or tlglit shoe ev. A rertatn cure for Corns and II union. All Drugglsta and Bboe Stores sU It 25c The unlr y. Towne Of course, the scheme Is a good one, but do you think your wife will approve of it? Browne Yes, If by careful hinting I can get her to formulate It herself and make her believe It's her own. Phila delphia Press. Worth lta Weight In Gold. It s PHTTIT'S EYE SALVE, strength ens eyes of the old. tonic for eye strain, weak and watery eye. All druggists or Howard Bros., Buffalo, N. X. (ato IU-iii lu Iter TbuugTht. "Iioks a bit like rain, ma'am," ob served the friendly milkman as he handed lu his morning pint. "It docs, Indeed," replied the ready witted housekeeper, with her gaze fixed on the bottle.- Boston Transcript. WE SF:LI, Gl'N AND TH APS CHEAP tc buy Furs & Hides. Write for catalog 100 N. W. Hide & Fur Co., Minneapolis, Minn. v The pcrt'vi't human figure should be equal iu hcUlit to ten faces. Mrs. Wlnslcw's Soothing Bj-rup for child ren toetlilng, softens t lie gums, reduces In flnninnUMi, alluys puln. cures wind colic. S,ic a hot tic. Necessity for Action. Nan I was astonished te learn that til Billiwink had gone and married that Bprlggina bayj Why, she's a good tea fears older thin be is. Fan I know It, but it had narrowed town to a choice between him and his father, and ibe had to decide quick. THREE CUBES OF ECZEMA. Woman Telia of Her II rot her' Terrl bla . Suffering; Two ilnhlea Also Cnred f ndrura Invalnalile. "My brother had eczema three dif ferent summers. Each summer It came out between his shoulders and down bis back, and he said his suffering was terrible. When It came on the third summer, he bought a box of Cutlcura Ointment nnd gave It a faith ful trial. Soon he began to feel better and he cured himself entirely of ec zema with Cutlcura. A lady In In dhiiia beard of how my daughter Mrs. Miller, had cured her little son nt terrible eczema by tho Cutlcura Bern edles. This lady's little one had th eczema So badly that. they thought the. would lose It. She used Cutlcura Rem edies and they cured her child entire ly, and the disease never came bai-k Mrs. Sarah K. Lusit, Cnhlwnter. Mich.. Aug. 15 nnd Sept. 2. 1IH17 " ALCOHOL 3 PfcK CENT. AVcgelaMe PreparalionforAs slraila lind ilic Rwtf Mdlfctjula ting Uie SttKiiariis wulJJiwclsof Promolcs Digcsllondf etfiir nessjmri Ri'sirnnt.iln? neilhn- Opiuiu.Murpliinc norfutoxal. nuin Altl u I it. JBrfir ifOldDrSMlirnaXR Jfrmpim Sftd jH&Jovm jiiiuSl fiyvtriiiin- , hm.jHU Vibnr! Anprfcrl Itpmcdv forfVmsfaia Hon . Sour Stonuch.utarhoca Worms .CoirvulsionsJfveristi ncss aidjoss or Sixer raSinsle Signamrt of NEW YORK. Exact Copy of Wrappec 1 I IO.HHLI ii;iili.-u If it RffWpd tg XTStttJ, asallar-Vl D8K Thousands of American worrier in our homes aro daily sacrificing thflr lives to duty. In order to keep the home neat and rrctty,the children well dressed, and tidy, women overdo. A female weakness or displacement is often brought on nnd they suif er in silence, drifting alons; from bad to worse, knowing we'd that they ouRht tc havo help to overcomo tho pains and aches which dally make life a burden. It is to theso faithful women that LYDIA EeP.ftEiAEVa'S VEGETABLE CMPOIMB comes as a Innm and a blessing;, as it did to Mrs. F. Ellsworth, of Mayville, N. Y., and to Mrs. YV. P. DoydjOf iieaver Falls, Pa., who say; "I was not able to do my own work, owlnfr to the female trouble from which I suffered. Lydia K. Plnkham's Veger table Compound helped me wonderfully, and I am so well that I can do as big; a day'a work as I eves did. I wish every sick woman would try it FACTS FOR SICK WOMEN. For thirty years Lydia K. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound, made from roots and herbs, has lieen the standard remedy" for female ills and has posit ively cured thousands of women who have been troubled with; displacements, inflammation, ulcera tion, fibroid tumors, irregularities periodio pains, backache, that bearing-down feeling, flatulency, indiges-v tion,dizziness,or nervous prostration, "Why don't you try it ? , Mrs. Pinkham invites all sick, women to write her for advice She has guided thousands to health. Address, Lynn, Mass. ' VT. T Ttonrlaa aaakas Sa4 sails anas men s S.M sad t3.se than nay other aunafartnrer to Uaa world. ba cauM tliay bald thalr shaas, St better, and waar longer Uuui aay -ihrr snaka. 8h. st Ml Prtoss. far tssry IsauW sf the fsmilr, Mm, So yt, , Mai)! CWWita WX.BMfta.a4SSNB4Sf.SS SSi B4t SAen) MmsM k mtUU .t UT trim. W.t. n&t J.0 aU Si MikM .rats tea lata. ! Yaai dee MyMtU Vm jrelM4tit sarTaka BubMUula. TfTl.. Liwu.M iMin. and pries I. Kfttnpw ep bstttftn. 8','t CT.rywti.r.. 6hMs mailrd from factory ts auf art ol 111. world. ClAluifOe tr.e. I. L. DOUQLAs. 117 Spark St., Bivckta. Mm- S. C. N. U. No. 87 1008. n i law riii For Infant3 and Children. Tho Kind You Have Always Bought Boars the Signature of in Use For Over Thirty Years tsitiauiiacM , i-i woin, 'THE DUTCH STANDS TOR ?f fPAlNTQUAUTYlf 1 1 rr is rouNo ONoroN if'f J yUREVVHITELEADggMiiy , ' MADE BY ' M v OLD DUTCH J? A A IF mm eta TXXkf H. J latX sJ bl ttlOl