INTERSTATE FAIR OrEMXG DAY MONDAY, REPTEM BEK 7TH. nductxl Rates Promised on AH Kan loads Leading to Sioux City Only Hire Cents Per Milo for Return Trip High Class Moral Show. The Interstate Fair at Sioux City, Iowa, la about to open. The great ex hibition begins Monday, September 7 Tou should be on hand the first day, for It will be one of the big days. It Is Labor day, as you know, and the management of the fair have bo ar ranged the program for the week aa to have some of the most Interesting features come on Monday. The race program on that day will be excellent. The 2:30 pace for a $600 purse comes oft on that rtny. So does also the 2:24 trot for a purse of $1,000. There wiU be two running races, a one-half mile and a five-eighths mile dash, and the great relay race begins Monday after noon. There will be some of the fin est dances In front of the grandstand ail afternoon. The Scots will dance the Highland donees to the strains of the most pirhn ntinir Scottish music, and It is stated that this will be one of the muHt absorbing features of the free shows. Old Soldiers' nnd Children's Day. Tuesday will be Qld Soldiers' and Children's day and no less than 10,000 free tickets have been given away to children, old soldiers, their wives, and widows. The Nebraska Old Soldiers' Drum Corps will play only on this day. In the afternoon some of the good races will be pulled off. Such, for instance, as the 2:25 puce, the 2:2V , trot and two running races, as well as the continuation of the Interesting cowboy relay races. It will be one of the big days of the week. Every exhibit will be In place and judging will begin early Tuesday morning in all departments. Derby Day. . Wednesday will be Derby day the great society day of the week. The entries for this event are unusually large. The 2:13 pace for a purse of 11,000; the 2:17 pace for a $2,00U purse and the 2:11 trot for a $1,000 purse will be pulled off. while the re lny rare will be continued. . In fact, the "classiest" lot of harness horses that have ever been seen In the mid dle west will make Derby day one of the greatest that has ever been seen. Paddy and Prince, champion fire team of the world, will try to break the record now held by them. The award ing of premiums' will continue all through Wednesday. Interstate Day. Thursday will be Interstate day, when there will be an opportunity for Iowans, Nebraskans, South Dakotans and MInnesotans to meet and shake nanaB wun eacn oiner at me greai iair which represents the Interstate terri tory, In which all are Interested. It will afford stockmen and farmers an opportunity to compare the products of the farms from the four states, in cluding all sorts of small grains, corn, grasses, clover, alfalfa, horses, cattle, swine, sheep, and poultry; In fact, everything- produced on the farms In these four great states. Interesting Sioux City Day. Friday will be Sioux City day and the day on which the great stock pa rade will take place. This feature of the Interstate Fair has always attract ed a great deal of attention. The en tire city of Sioux City invariably turns out to see this great event. Not only can the prize winners of the Interstate Fair be seen on that day, but . prize winners from the Iowa and Minnesota state fairs will also parade, as much of the I looded stock from these fairs finds Its way Into the show rings of tho . Interstate Fair. In the afternoon there will be some important races to be witnessed from the grandstand. Traveling Men's Day. Saturday will be Traveling Men's day, and a great day it will be. Noth ing was ever too good for the "knights of the grip." and the man agement of the Interstate Fair have decided to outdo all former attempts at entertaining the "Jolly men on the road." At 10 o'clock in the morning the streets of Sioux City will be ablaze with flags and banners of all descrip tions and there will be three of the finest bands ever seen on the streets cf this city the gateway to the mid mdle west. The manufacturers, the packers, and the big business houses of the city will be represented in tho grand pnrade with floats of remark 'uble beauty. All will be decorated In holiday attire and a general Jubilee will prevail everywhere. It will be a sight to behold and one that every farmer and his family should by all means see. Reduced Rates. ( The most Interesting program out lined above is not the only attractive feature for you to take Into considera tion in deciding whether or not to at tend the Interstate Fair this year. One of the very pleasant things in connec tion with It is the fact that the rail roads have promised to give reduced rates on all roads leading to Sioux City. The faro for the round trip will only be three cents per mile. Tho management has worked hard in or der to secure this reduction. A Clean Show. Remember that the Interstate Fair will be conducted on the same high moral plane on which the state fairs have been conducted during recent years. Not a drop of liquor will be sold on the grounds and no gambling of any form will be allowed. The free shows, as well as those for which ad missions will bo charge, are of a high 'rtlor and second to none of the sim llur attractions at the largest fairs In the country. All exhibits will be on a large ncale. So far more Interest is being taken in the state fairs than in any previous year, and for that reason tho inamu;oment of the Interstate Fair feels unusually confident in saying that the fair at Sioux City will be an out standing one as compared with pre vious shows. Hole! AfcoiniiHxlutlons. Every hotel in iloux City has been i.iuking preparations to care for the mornxjua crowds that are expected e-trly on Monday. September 7. Some ft the hotels have even been remod eled to help care for the people. No li this all. The management of the i'.r hue established a bureau of in- 'rrrntiun with ollices In the Y. M. C A. builoing urid on the fair grounds. lln.te wiio eunnot be accommodated :it ti.o hnirl.H Miould call at one of the ;';.'u' i f this bureau and be assigned i !ph in private families. Every cltl : ii f .)., ax I'ily bus piomUed to aid i. ( l'T the visitors of the Inter '3fe Xair and (jive them the very best ki-cciumoUiftluiig they possibly cai Idle Hloh Kara. There are savages sitting to-dny the porches of the big family hotels of the country's biggest cities. This Is one of the charges that Miss Sonbonls ba Brecklnr Idge, denn of women at at the University of Chicago, brought ngulnst the idle rich In her talk hefore a woman's club. "The same spirit," she said, "that f$&XA makes the savage oe filf Jtcfht deck himself with s BnKcKKNBiiKiE. paiut ana learners makes the rich man load his wife nnd daughter with diamonds and silks and surround them with superfluous serv ants. Luxurious leisure Is held to give prestige. This false Idea is pussed down to the worklug girls. The mere contemplation of such a life of idle ness causes harm. Many girls get to believe that when they marry they should cease to do anything but finger trashy novels and order sorvants. Marriage is really an institution of usefulness?, uud its burdeus should be looked forward to." Han to Teach Trothl olnesa. Teach the truth by being absolutely truthful. Tou have sharp little eyes In your home, seeing more than you imagine, and ears that drluk in every word; minds that think over all that li done and pass judgment on all; so b very careful. If you make a prom ise, however small to your child, keep It faithfully. In this way does your child learn to be a man of his word In after years.' Do not give too many orders, but when an order is given, be sure that it is obeyed. Never permit a child to tense you into anything. If it can have what It requests, give it at once, but if it is "No," then stick to it. But consider it wejl, and do not say, "no" when it might just as well be Aa exceedingly pretty summer hat of white chip, the crown elaborately dec orated with white dottod net arranged In box plaits and encircling which Is a wreath of gorgeous pink roses. On the left side near hack is fastened a black aigrette. For hat trimmings the very last cry is the uncurled ostrich feather, knife shaped aud with the under side a dif ferent color from the upper. For ex ample, white on one side and green on the other, or black and gray are favor ite combinations. The fashion of trimming the hats on the right rather than on the left side is gaining favor, though it cannot be said that tho arrangement is generally be coming. Nodding plumes or tips are graceful, but the heavy bow ef ribbon, with short, closely packed loops. Is de cidedly the opposite In effect. There is a heaviness about it suggestive of any thing but good taste aud not frequently the wearer Is positively dowdy looking in consequence, for this style is only suited to very few faces. Most womea need the aid of clothes that will not de tract from a good appearance. EiAME: The crepe do chine coat is a great favorite. Pompadour ribbon applied as skirt borders a ad waist decorations niuWos a delightful trimming for a dress. The satin coat is an excellent ei- Lample' of the present craze of asso ciating a cloth or veiling skirt with a wrap of satin. Have a pendant or two of unattached chiffon floating about you it makes little difference where and the suc cess of your gown will be established. The empire and the Grecian, are a particularly happy combination for a summer evening gown, the tunic lend ing itself admirably to the long skirt. Not a few charming gowns are shown resting on the ground all around, while on the other hand the walking skirt is short enough to show the aukles, I COOD I.OOKINO AND STYLISH. aV M IT Ba . rz-zv rr y t 7jVt EFFECTIVE SUMMER DOWNS. The three gowns illustrated in the group cut were all very attractive and smart looking, and although these models wire expensive, they could bo copied without dilhculty. The gown at the left of the plate was in tlie model of pale blue linen rajah, trimmed with buttons of the same. The way in which tho bands were used in the upper part of the bodice is worthy of notice, and the yoke, of sheer French mull, with small tucks and insertions of lace, was also unusual In dcslgu. The middle figure shows a gown which could be copied In various soft materials the softer cotton fabrics, such as cotton voile, mull or silk muslin being excellent. The modjl was of mauve incssallue, with handsome white lace as trimming. The third figure shows a frock of cream-colored linen piped with black linen. The scallop design used on the bodice was re peated around the skirt, except that iu the skirt the black piping was omitted. escaping the ground by two to four inches and flaring gracefully at the lower edge. For the more drossy tailor-made suit a now combination of white skirts nnd colored coats is making its appeuranee. The little red golf. Jacket has also re appeared. There It an almost Imperceptible thread of blue In the design of calico which was seized on as an excuse for tha ylvid blue of the linen coat fiat accompanies It. No summer frock is complete without its yard or "two of superfluous chiffon. It is a fad presenting such alluring possibilities to the feminine mind that it cannot be ignored. Not yet has the long skirt come to be accepted for other than dressy wear, yet the makers of fashion recommend it for more constant use and the Ameri can women are adopting it slowly. A new use has been found for batiste. It now makes its appearance in the guise of coats heavily embroidered i.nd braided and worn with colored gowns of crepe de chine, ponee and cashmere. Health and Beauty Hints. Weak borax water is a good denti frice. A foot bath In which a handful of common salt has been placed and fol lowing a brisk rub will often remove a severe headache. Weakness of the heart is indicated by breathlesancss after any slight exer tion and by such evidences of Imperfect circulation as pale fingernails and cold extremities. A harmless bandoline is made from three ounces of gum arable dissolved in half a pint of warm rose water. This will take several hours, and after it is strained a drop of a solution of aniline red is added to give a tint. To use It put on the hair before waving with irons or on curlers. The girl who is going away on a va cation should not fail to take these few things with her as first aid to the in jured; Antiseptic plaster; ready-made mustard plasters; a folded alcohol lamp, with alcohol; a small Jar of bor aclc acid j aromatic Rplrlts of ammonia ; bicarbonate of soda ; a warm set of underwear. For suuburued arms lake two ounces of pure honey, three drams citric acid and one ounce of bay rum or pure grain alcohol, put all together and shake well before applying to the arms. Honey and pure cider vinegar mixed thorough ly will also give relief. Work the mixture well into the hands, w ipe theiu carefully with a dry towel and powder with talcum. Try To MiLe the Ileal Of It. There is scarcely auy one who does not tliiuk but that he hus been unjustly dealt with, either by nature or fortune. If these Individual Imperfections uin be remedied, strive In every legitimate way to help ourselves. If not, make the best of them. It not so much our own actual condition of life that breed happiness as the use which we make of our opportunities. Rome people will be cheery and useful anywhere, and under any livable conditions. Others are correspondingly dismal. Therefore, as a matter of self-convenience, make the best of things, says Woman's Life. A smile and a bright word will lead you to success, when dismal thoughts mean failure. Teacas) Slalna. Teacups, even when carefully kept, sometimes have dark stains at the bot tom, caused by the action of the tanuln In the tea. Halt, slightly moistened, will remove these, but in the case of very fine china sometimes scratchn It a little. Powdered whiting will be found quite harmless aud equally good. FOR MIDSUMMER MORNINGS. No style of suit Is better adapted to midsummer morning wear than the ono Hindu in simple shirt waist style uud uo material suits it better than linen, cotton poplin or soft finished pique. Thbj one combines one of the newest shirt waists and skirts and is closed nt the left of the front with ornamental but tons, the material being linen In one of the blue shades. The plaits lu the skirt give long and slender lines and are stitched flat wed below the hips, so that they produce the desired now clinging effect, while the skirt Is full enough for comfort nt the lower edge. The blouse can be made as illustrated er with a square Dutch neck and elbow sleeves as liked, so that it becomes adapted both to the tailored suit nnd to the gowns designed for afternoon wear, when it properly could be made from thinner and lighter materials. If liked the long sleeves can be gathered at their lower edges lu place of beln; tucked and, In addition to all Its other uses, the blouse can be made of linn or other suitable waistlng nnd worn with nu odd skirt of serge, moliulr or wash able material. For tho medium size will bo required, for the blouse 4 yards of material 24, .HVj yards Vi or L'. yards 4-1 Inches wide; for the skirt U yards or 32 or 5j yards 44 or 52 Indies wide. To Iliol F!fh. If you are overstout, don't use drugs. They may bring on another evil worst than flesh. L'se the tlesli brush. (J.d a square cornered clothes brush of liuinlla liber. At first the skin will be sensitive, hut use the brush gently and steadily and It will not irritate. Pay attention tit the niuseles of the should ers and arms, and especially the back of the neck where that uuslhtly mound of flesh rises. Whenever you can wallt, do so. Imagine that the trolley car engenders disease. Wbeu you feel sleep)', go out In the sunhlu on a a in teresting mission. Do your sloping at night and omit the afternoon nap. Shlrtwalat ('. A shirtwaist cusa hi made very much like an envelop with the flap at out end. it Is made of white batiste, eia broidertKl with an lnftlaj uud the flop huttoiis. It is plain aud cau ba Uui tlored. It la a votectlon for nonwaab able wulsls of fine mitlh. What is Pc-ru-na. Are we claiming too much for Pernna When we claim it to be an free tire remedy for chronic cstarrhf Have we t ha nil ant proof that I'ernna t la real l.y such a catarrh reined yT Let us see What the United States Dispensatory soya of the principal ingredients of Pornna. Take, for Instance, the ingredient hydrastis canadensis, or golden seal. The United Btats Dlspenaatory taya of this herbal remedy, that it i largely employed in the treatment of depraved mucous membranes lining various organs of the human body. Another ingredient of renins, eory dalia fortnosa, Is classed in the United States Dispensatory as a tonic. Cedron seeds Is another ingredient of reruns. The United States Dispensa tory says of the action of cedron that It is nsed as a bitter tonlo and In the treatment of dysentery, and in inter mittent diseases as a substitute for quinine. Send to us for a freo book of testi monials of what the people think of re runs as a catarrh remedy. The best evidenco Is the testimony of those who have tried it. fftevprat Hallway In llnrope. A remarkable mountain railway runs Up to the Virgil terrace on tho Ulwr Elsach In the Tyrol, aud it is the steejst railway known to Europe, fur surpassing in this regard the famous Vesuvius railway with a gradient of C2 per rent, and the Mendel railway with a gradieut of C4 per cent. In the upper Bectloa of the new railway the gradieut reaches 70 per cent, while the remainder has a gradient of 00 per cent. Nevertheless the general structure and brakes of the new railway are said to have less strain than the others, which are not so steep. This Is because Its cars are smaller and because It dis penses with the compensating rope which gives much on the Vesuvlan rail way. The car la divided Into four com partments and two platforms, with the outer compnrtments open and the inner closed. There Is seating accommoda tion in the four compartments for thirty-two passengers. HER GOOD FORTUNE. After Veara Spent In Vain Effort. Mrs. Mary B. H. Rouse, of Cam bridge, N. Y., says: "Five years ago I had a bad fall and It affected my kidneys. Severe pains in my back and hips became constant, nnd v sharp twinges followed any exertion. The kidney MSWry i "Portions Wifey disordered. ' ' flesh nnd gr secretions were bndly I lost grew too weak to work. Thoueh constantly uslne medicine I despaired of being cured nntll I began taking Doan's Kidney Pills. Then relief camo quickly, and In a short time I was completely cured. Ijun now in excellent health." Sold by all dealers. 50 cents a box. Foster-WIUiurn Co.. Buffalo. N. T. A rictnreaqne Hero. Not many months ago the redoubt able lusurgent chief, Boris Snrafoff, a Macedonian patriot, was killed in Bul garia. Snrafoff has caught the public eye not only by his daring insurrections, but also by his romantic and pictur esque personality. A handsome )oung fellow of not more than 30 years, with his red sash, bis long cloth leggings and his small-tas-seled cap, be suggested a daBh of tha mountain brigand as he harried the Turks to massacre the Christians. "We have seen that Europe is In different to bloodshed In Macedonia," he declared. "We will try the experi ment of seeing if Europe will not stir when European capital and European Uvea are made to suffer." Th's popular patriot gained a power ful bold on his followers, and they gave him all he asked, ne pressed his people so hard for contributions that they sold their cattle at ten shillings a head to satisfy bis demands. Her fcoperb Dlmlaln. But there was one young woman In the box party at the theater who took uo pa-rt In the noisy chatter and giggle. With her gaze fixed upon tha stage she watched the progrtsa of the play, in different to the guyeJy around her, except that her delicate, aristocratic, fiuely chis eled features bore a look of weariness, '! ad a scornful suille curved her lips. At last, however, she turned her head slowly aud looked at the other members f the party. Then aha spoke to the elderly matron sitting by her side. "That girl in the blue kimono," aba aald, "thiuka she'a the whole custard I" Chicago Tribune. Alt In the Name. "Here, you!" said the aristocratic own er of the corner building. "What are you putting up this miasly clnpboard shack alongside of my house for?" "Shack not liia' 1" answered the business-like youth who was superintending its erection, with equal arrogance. "This is a shoe shinin' parlor." Truth and Quality appeal to tho Well-informed in every walk of lifo and are essential to permanent success and creditable standing. Accor ingly, it is not claimed that Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna is the only remedy of known value, but one of many reasons why it is the best of personal and family laxatives is the fact that it cleanses, sweetens and relieves the internal organs on which it acts without any debilitating after effects and without having to increase the quantity from time to time. It acts pleasantly and naturally and truly aa a laxative, and iU component parts are known to and approved by physicians, as it is free from all objection able substances. To get it- beneficial effects always purchase the genuine manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co., only, and for solo by all Teading drug gist. PUTNAM Celer stars snis hrlskler ass laslsreslers lass asy slfcar it, ts lie iscksts mIsis aH libera, f hsr Jys say Mr. ..iksal .1,,,., Inu la, Its kaskM-Ha I. to. Blue. ... Ml. C.lsrfc ' Tho Wladora of tho Serpent. "Don lb' Bermuda." said a Cineta natlan, "I heard Mark Twain make a speech about snakes to a group of little girls. The speech was great. The only trouble-was that the little girls could not appreciate It. It flew over their Lends. "I remember the humorist's conclu sion : 'Never wertn a serpent in your bosom,' ho wound up. 'It Is far easier to warm It by placing It under the pil low of an lt.tlmate friend.'" CURED HER CHILDREN. blrla Soffereal with Itchlna; Kcaemn Dabf Had a. Tender Skin, Too Relied on Cntlcnrn Ilemedleav "Some years ago my three little girls had a very bud form of eczema. Itching eruptions formed on the backs of their h.'mds which were simply cov ered. I tiled almost everything, but failed. Then my mother recommended the Cutlcura Itemedtes. I washed my children's heads with Cutlcura Soap and then applied the wonderful oint ment, Cutlcura. I did this four or Ave times and I can say that they have been entirely cured. I have another baby who Is so plump that the folds of skin on his neck were broken and even bled. I used Cutlcura Soap nnd Cutl cura Ointment and the next morning the trouble bad disappeared. Mme. Napoleon Duceppc, 41 Duluth St, Montreal, Que., May 2L 1007." Ho Explained. "now many horss power is ahet" he mirthfully Inquired. The stranded automobillst was work ing over his car. Up came a sarcastic follower of tho plow. "Sixty," replied the automobillst "Theu, by heck, why don't she go?" "Because, my friend, thirty are pull ing each way." Cleveland Plain Dealer. One Thlna; that Will Live Forever, rETTITS Etn SALVE, first box sold in 1S07, over 100 years ago, sales Increaae yearly. All druggiats or Howard Bros., Buffalo. N. Y. Her Generoalty, ne I wish that you were poor, so that you would be willing to marry me. She Evidently I am far more gen erous than you. I wish you were rich, so that I might be willing to marry you. WE SELL GI NS AND TRAPS CHEAP & buy Pure & Hides. Write for catalog 103 N. W. Hide St Fur Co., Minneapolis, Minn. . I'eruianeul Ilecelver. Patience 1 hear Will is going to marry that girl he's been spending so much money on. Fatrlce Yes. He's going to make her a permanent receiver. Yonkers Statesman. Mrs. WIdsIow's Soothing Kyrup for child ren teething, softens tha gums, reduces Id. flnmuintlon, allujra palu, curea wind colic. 23c a bottle. Fearfullr Foir. "I work a foxy scheme on my boy. He'd rather wash the dishes than wash bio hands, so I let him wash the dishes." "What's the foxy part?" "Why, be gets his hands clean." Louisville Courier-Journal. BIT 42 St. Vital Dun ant Tfftrvsaf Hihm aer. 1113 ma-MMlr fur bf Dr. Kiln-, ttrMt !, Rntorw. Iln4 r IT KICK . trial Will, an4 UmiIm. ps. a. B. IUM, u., ui Lr,k abwt rnUateirti, r Soap Hedueva Welajht. Dr. Taft is far too sensible a man to try quack doctors or nostrums to re duce his size. He has not the tem perament of the celebrated Spanish general of enormous size, who drank vinegar until his bulk was so reduced that he could fold his skin round his body. Dr. Flemyng administered soap f6r the cure of obesity. To a patient who weighed 291 pounds ho gave ev ery night a quarter of an ounce of Castilo soap. This simple prescription reduced the man's weight 28 pounds in two years, and nt the end of six years be was brought down to 'his norunil size 200 pounds. Darwin advocated salt nnd suited meuts. Dr. Cheyne, who weighed 44S pounds, reduced him self by strict abstemiousness oue-third, and enjoyed good health till the nge of 72. New York TVop. TOILET ANTISEPTIC Keeps the breath, teeth, mouth and body antiscptieully clean and tree from un healthy germ-life and ditagrceoble odors, which water, soap and lootli preparations alone cannot do. A germicidal, disin fecting and deodor izing toilet requisite of exceptional ex cellence and econ omy. Invaluable for inflamed eye, throat and nasal and uterine catarrh. At drug and toilet stores, SI) cents, or by mail postpaid. Lirgi Trial Sample THE PAXTON TOILET CO., Boston, Mass. The Hunt of portraits, large alia, Itix'JO Indies, worm M rcuta. of lli vuu or Tuft, at vuly hie eaeb lir mall. Also btautlful souvenir poatul rd f ilryan or 'Jaft at 2c each. Try one or mora. I,. C. IjEAN, Boutb Omalm, Ni-b. B. C. N. IT. . No. 301008. v ay i iryiiirifiiriii FADELESS DYES This womnn says that slclt. women should not fail to try Iydift i:. Pinkhn tit's Vegetable) Compound as she did. Mrs. A. Gregory, of 2355 Lawrfnce Ft., Denver, Col., writes to Airs Hnklmm : " I was prncticnlly an invalid for six years, on account of female troubles. I underwent Bt operation by the doctor's advice, but in a few months I was worse than before. A friend ad vised Lydla K. Pinkhn.m's Vcgetnbley Compnundand it restored me to perfect health, such as I have not enjoyed in many years. Any woman suffering a I did with backache, bearing-down pains, and periodic: pnlu,should not fail to use Lyuia PinUham's Vegetable Compound." FACTS FOR SICK WOMEN. For thirty years Lydia E. l'inte. ham's Vegetable Compound, mad from roots and herbs, fins been tha standard remedy for female ills, and has positively cured thousands of women who have been troubled with displacements, inflammation, ulcera tion, fibroid tumors, irregularities, periodic pains, backache, that learw ng-dovn feeling, flatulency, indigent tion,dizzincsstr nervous prostration. Why don't you try it? , j Mrs. Plnkham Invites all sick women to write her for advice, 8ho has guided thonsnnds to heulth. Add re. ltin, .Mass. 1 S1GK HEADACHE Positively eared by tkesa LUtW PUls. j Tney also reUare Da trsas trota Dyspepsia, IM aigeatlaa and Too Heartx Sating, A perteatreiw dy torDlTTlmai, Kinssaj Drowttaess, Baft TastaV ta tha Hooto, OoataA Ttmrae, Psla In tha SldaJ TORPID XJVBR. ItBt lefttlata the BowBia. rnxaiy Vefatabla, I SMALL PILL SHALL DOSE. SMALL FBICE Gsnuina Must Bear Fto-Similo Sigmturt ftEFUSi SUISTITUTEU lytxercisG and Cuiicura Soap Jn the promotion of Sklri Health, Cutlcura Soap, as sistcd by Cutlcura, the grear SkJn Cure, is undoubtedly superior to all other skin soaps because of its influ ence in allaying irritation, inflammation, and clogging; of the pores, the cause of disfiguring eruptions, la antiseptic cleansing, in stim ulating sluggish pores, la emollient and other proper ties, they have no rivals. So. A trio. I.vnaiiii. Ltd., ai Town, te. 1 11.11.1. rittr lruf A t'ti. in. Corp., 8ot Prop,.. rUeta mrfuultfi CuUout a ttoolt ou Cue uf tU baaa. la c.ld wtlrr bolter ..v . w i,. iiuim OOJ&VTHVti KUJSSM I Cwrr raatw iawtu tiwiJMMa I CARTtflfS CplTTLE CARTERS fTHK DUTCH Yt T .POYPAINTtRVVa STANDS FOR f I PAINT QUALITY) I I IT IS TOUND ONLY0N f "fClk I V PURE WHITE HAD! ' W JgjJ I ' ' MADE 9Y ""k'l M OLO DUTCH ,VX f riw u eui Sold thrnnirhnot the world. rie?ott Londoa.fflL'aili.t, Ruedttla rail ; Aurtrfc. tin, H. Towna Co., Hydney i In Ha, p. It. PauL ( uk'iittai t hlna, ilooa Koo( lruv Cu.1 J.paa, Itaruva. 'I'.iKiu ! Kuuii. Krrtn. Havuill