Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, September 04, 1908, Image 5

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fauowla yrBoao Mnlant
eoaatltvtioa er taa atata of IT,
raafca, mm b.riIWT rrt forth la full
u an gniroi 10 laatora of taa Staw
1 itmtt, to ko Tot4 nyoa at tot
nwi oiotiB to a.id Tuitar. Ho
TMBbot Sra, A. 2. ltOSi
tlorn two (2), four (4), flra (6). alx ()
tnd thirteen (II) of Artlclo n 6) ot
ho Conitltution of tho Stata of Ne
braska, rvlatlne; to Judicial Pqwem.
Bo It Beaolvaa kr tko Xf-Ulatare of tki
' Stale of Vobraakai
Section 1. Aatondaaoat propootd. Thai
Baotlon two (2) of Artlolo alx (6) ot the
Constitution of tho State of Nebraska
Da amended to read aa foliowsi
Section S. (fBatonto court j Jara
nrleAlotlom.) The Supreme Court abal
ConMit of aeven (7) Judaea; and a ma
jority of all elected and qualified Judget
nan do neceaaarj 10 coniuiuie a
Suorum or pronounce a decision. The
uprema Court ahall have Jurisdiction In
11 casea relating to tho revenue, civil
easea In which the atata la a rartr.
mandamu, quo warranto, habeao corpus,
ana auch appellate Jurisdiction aa may
be provided by law.
Section 1. (Amandmaat propoaed.) That
Section four (4) of Article six ') of the
Constitution of the State of Nebraska be
amended to read aa follows:
Section 4. (Supreme court, Jndrea.
lection, term, realdeaee.) Tho ludxes of
the Supremo Court ahall bo elected by
the electors of tho atate at largo; and
their terms of office, except aa hereinafter
provided, shall be alx years. And said
Supreme Court Judges ahall during their
term of office reside at tba place where
the court Is holden.
Section S. (Amendment proposed.) That
Section five (5) of Article alx () ot the
Constitution of the Stato of Nebraska be
amendnd to read aa follows:
Section 6.' (Supreme eomrt, Jndgee,
election, term) etuel jnatioo.) That at
the general election to be held In the
atata of Nebraska In the year 1W. ar.
each six yeara thereafter, there shall be
elected three (J) Judges of the Supreme
Court, who ahall hold their office for the
neriod of six years: that at the general
lection to be held In the atats of Ne
braska In tho year 1811, and each aix
yeara thereafter, there ahall be elected
three ($) Judges of tha Supreme Court,
who shall hold their office for the period
of alx years; and at the general election
to be held In tha atata of Nebraska In
the year 1913. and each six yeara there
after, there shall be elected a Chief Jus
tice of the Supremo Court, who shall
hold his office for the period of alx
yearn. Provided that the member of the
Supreme Court whoaa term of office en
plres In January, 1914, ahall be Chler
Justice of tho Supreme Court during that
time until the expiration of his term of
office. And, provided further, that upon
the adoption of these amendments by the
electors of the State, the Governor shall.
Immediately upon Uaulng his proclama
tion declaring said amendments adopted,
appoint four (4) Judges of the Supreme
Court, two (2) of whom shall be ap
pointed to hold said office until their
uccessors shall be elected at the general
lection in 1909, and havs qualified; and
the other two (2) ahall hold their office
until their successors shall ba elected at
the general election held In 1911, and
have qualified.
Section 4. (Amenaxaeat proposed.) That
Section alx (6) of Article alx ( o( the
Constitution of tha State of Nebraska, be
amended to read aa follows:
Section 6. (Okiaf Justice.) The Chief
Justice shall serve aa auch during all the
term for which bo waa sleeted. He shall
preside at all terms or tha supreme
Court, and In his absence the Judges
? resent shall select one of their number
0 preside temporarily.
Section 5. (Amendment proposed.) That
Section thirteen (13) of Article six (6) of
the Constitution of Nebraska be amended
to read as follows:
Section IS. (Judges, salaries.) That
Judges of the Supreme Court shall each
receive a salary of 14,600, and the Judges
of the District Court shall each receive
a salary of $3,000 per annum, payable
Approved April I, 1907.
I, Geo. C. Junkln, Secretary of State,
of the State of Nebraska, do hereby
certify that the foregoing proposed
amendment to the Constitution of the
State of Nebraska la a true and correct
copy of tho original enrolled and en
grossed bill, as passed by the Thirtieth
session of the legislature of the State ol
Nebraska, aa appears from said original
bill on file In this office, and that said
proposed amendment is submitted to the
Qualified voters of the state of Nebraska
or their adoption or rejection at the
feneral election to ba held on Tuesday,
he 3d day of November, A. D. 1906.
In testimony whereof, I have hereunto
set my hand and affixed the Great Seal
of the State of Nebraska. Done at Lin
coln, this 15th day of July, In tha year
of our Lord One Thousand Nine- Hundred
and Right, and of the Independence of
the United States the One Hundred and
Thirty-third, and of this State the Forty
econd. GEO. C. JUNKIN.
(Seal) Secretary of Stato.
r dh......
To tha Etvst
Daily low rate excursion tick
ets to eastern cities and re
sorts.Northern Michigan, Can
ada and New England.
To tha Wast
Attractive low excursion rates
to the Pacific coast, Yellow
stone Park, Utah, Colorado,
Big Horn Mountains and the
Black Hills.
Low Colonist Rswtee
Daily during September and
October to California, Wash
ington, Oregon and hundreds
of intermediate points.
Irrigated Favrm Lands
Ready for lmmdUlc
In the Big Horn river valley,
Wyoming, watered by com
pleted eanals. Small cash
payment and terms covering
nine years. Round trip fare
from Missouri River and Ne
braska points, $34.
Write D Clem Deaver, general agt,
Landseekers' Iuformation Bureau,
Omaha, for new folder. It's free
Write a brief description 01 your
proposed trip, and let us advise you
Low to make it the best way at the
V. K. Snethen. Ticket Agent
L. W. Wakf.ley, O P A, Omaha, Neb
County Coroner
B. F. Sawyci
Jackson, Nebraska
R R Tim Table
Sloui City, Crystal Lake A Homer
6 am
7 15am
9 85am
11 15am
6 35am
C 8t. P., m. a o.
Trains leave Dakota City at the fol
lowing time :
7:02 pm ..Omaha.......5:58 am
10:00am Omaha ......5:13pm
8 :S7 pm Norfolk. 8 :18 am
8:41am Norfolk 5.32 pm
7:28am..... .Newcastle ......9:83am
2:08 pm..
... . 5 :58 pm
7:02pm Omaha., 7:04 am
3:37 Norfolk 5:82
C B ft Q
No. 85 Local Freight" 7 :15 am
11 " Passenger, Omaha
and Lincoln 12:47 pm
No. 86 Local Freight ......2:25pm
10 Local Passenger,..6:07 pm
AaUr. daily Axnnnt Snndav.
Local Items
Friday, Sept. 4, 1908
Having a good stock 'of hardware
and tinware on hand, we ask yon to
call and see as. Schrieyer Bros.
Have Eimers make yonr abstracts.
Ernest Triggs and family will retnrn
to Sioux City to . reside the coming
Why is it that Van sell so much
Breun coffee? Because it is the best
to be had for the money.
Wm Taylor and Mrs Lena L Wick-
ham, of Sioux City, were joined in
marriage Friday last by Judge Stm-
Charles M Corkery and Alta Joseph,
both of Sioux City, came over Satur
day to have Jndge Stinson tie the nup
tial knot for them.
Doo McEernan finished his cement
sidewalk Tuesday, in front of the Pe
terson plaee, which he recently pur
chased for a speculation.
Fred Schriever's window display in
his hardware store Old Settlers day
was something handsome, and many
oompliments were heard on the artistic
Parties wishing ice cream of the
very best and purest, call on Van de
Zedde. He will get it on short notice.
He soils it by the dish pint, quart,
gallon or carload.
Having purchased an automobile, I
will sell my Marsh three-horse power
motorcycle r.t a bargain. This mach
ine is praotioally as good as new. Call
and see it. Ct F Broynul.
John Scupelheimer was captured
by Marshal Fueston Tuesday morning,
in an extremely intoxicated oondition,
and was taken before Jndge Stinson
who gave him fire days in jail in which
to sober up.
The new health-ray lens is superior
in .that it transmits all the chemical
rays with the light rays. The inventor
claims for it dearer vision and the
health of the eye preserved.
W O Eckhart, Licensed Optometrist.
M O Ayres and Oeorge J Boucher
have secured a location for their new
bank at South Sioux City on the alley
just north of the post offioe. This will
make a fine looation for the new insti
tution. Work on the new building
was begun yesterday.
Albert Shortley and wife arriv
ed here Wednesday from Spokane,
Wash, and will spend a few weeks at
the Riohard Shortley home. Mr
Shortley Is enroute to St LoniB, where
he goes as a delegate to the conven
tion of International Broth'eihood of
Electrical workers.
A narty by the name of Will Tysnn
broke into the Carpenter store at Vista
Sunday night and purloined what
small chance had been left in the
rawer, and a 22 revolver. IT then
took a horse belonging to Thos Jones
nd rode to Sioux City where he left
the animal and made good his escape.
Tbe horse was found and returned to
its owner by Sheriff Rook well Tues
day, but no trace of the thief oould be
obtained. ,
The secretary of the Fremont Com
mercial club writes the Herald that
an excursion , will be run from that
place to Sioux City Wednesday, Sept
9th, over tk-e Burlington, and that they
will stop here about 1 o clock p m for
short time to exchange courtet-ies
with the citizens and butineas men.
A band accompanies the excursion and
a short serenade will be given. All
who can should be at the depot to
greet the Fremont people.
It's a pity when sick ones drug the
stomach or stimulate the heart and
kidneys. That is all wrong! A weak
stomach, moans weak stomacu nerves,
always. And this is also trne of the
heart ar.d kidueys. The weak nerves
are instead crung out for help. Hi is
explains why Dr Bhoop's ltestorative
is promptly helping stomach, heart and
kidney ailments. Tbe Kestorative
reaches out for the actnal cauxe of
these ailments the failing "inside
nerves". Anyway test the Kestorative
48 hours, It wen't cure so soon as
that, but vou will surely I now that
help is 00 nuo g. Sold by all dealers.
News comes from Longbeach, Wash,
of a romanlio wedding which occurred
there August 11th. The principals in
the affair were Harry A nart aud Mits
Ida Maxwell. The two young people
fell in love and became enpayed sever'
al years ago whilo young Hart was at
tending school in Chicago. 'Ike girl's
tarent who live in Memphis, Tenn
objectad to the match and took their
daughter abroad for a year. She was
afterwards married and divorced, s
the report goes. The two met again
at Longbeach, Wash, and renewed
their love for each other. In four
hours after the meeting the wedding
j ceremony was performed
The board of county commissioners
meet Saturday.
Mrs Homer Skeen departed yester
day for her home at Codv, Nebr.
F Walner and wife, of South Sioux
City, welcomed a son to their home
Leonard Boss went to Lincoln Wed
nesday to spend a few days seeing the
sights at the state fair. .
Mrs Will Eckhart returned yester
day from week's visit with old
friends and acquaintances at Wayne.
If yon want any groceries of any
kind, go to Van de Zedde'a. He will
not be undersold. He carries nothing
bnt the best, y
Nut, egg and range hard coal, also
11 kinds of soft coal in any quantity
you may desire, at tbe Edwards &
Bradford Lumber Co.
S A Combs, of nomer, is offering
for sale his private collection of Indian
curios. It is one of the finest private
collections in the state.
Among those who attended the
street carnival at Emerson Saturday
were, A T Haase. J P Book well, Lizzie
Van de Zedde and Minnie Wasmnnd.
There will be ne services in the St
John German Lutheran churchx at
Salem before September 20tb, Bev
Koolen being in attendance at synod
in Illinois.
If yon want any Schram fruit jars,
you will find them at Van de Zedde s;
you had better come quick, as they
are going fast. Sealed automatically,
and are guaranteed.
J Howard Heine, of Fremont, Nebr,
who has been camping at Crystal lake
for a month past, last week purchased
an acre lot ol lienry wood and will
build a cottage there next spring.
All kinds of coal, feed and hay for
sale at reasonable prices.
Fields & Slaughter Co.
ThkoEBliven, Manager.
Dakota City, Neb.
Jos Barnett and wife, of Duncannon,
Pa, arrived here. Tuesday 'for a visit
with Mr Barnett s brother, Wm Bar
nett, and other relatives. Ihey had
been to Deadwood, S D, to visit their
son. Wm Barnett.
Married, at the M E parsonage on
Monday by Rev Von Hagen, Baymond
Larison and and Miss Sadio Miller,
both of Pierce, Nebraska . These hap
py young people expect to go to house
keeping at once in Pierce.
Guy Stinson, catcher for the Dakota
City ball team, caught one on the end
of his fore finger in the game Sunday
whioh will put him out of the game
for the balance of the season. It
broke the bone just back of the knuck.'e
Services at the Methodist Episcopal
church every Sunday as follows:
Preaching, 11 a m ; Sunday school, 10
am! Class meeting 12 m; Epworth
League, 6:30 p m; Preaching, 7 :30 p
m. Preacb in Grace church every
Sunday at 2 :30 pm. You are cordially
invited to any and all these services .
A special rate of 50 oents for the
Daily State Journal from now nntil
after election is the best newspaper
offer made. Send 75 cents if you
want the Sunday also. No matter
what other papers you have been read
ing you should take advantage of the
Linooln Journal's cut price offer.
An exchange remarks that a religion
that will make .a man pay bis debts,
tell the truth, speak well of his neigh
bora, and work every day to support
bis family, is good enough to live on
and to die by. Anything short of this
is a sham and fraud, and the party
who has it has mistaken stomach
trouble for religion .
Bev W S Oberholtzer writes from
Bristol, Indiana, that he will be home
in time to hold services on Sunday,
Sept Gth, as follows: Preaching in
Salem church at 11:00 am. and in
Dakota City at 3 :00 p m. He writes
that he has some fish stories to tell
that wouldn't look well in piint,
coming from a preacher,
A clever, popular candy cold cure
tablet called JPreventics is being
dispensed by druggists everywhere.
In a few hours, Preventios are said to
break any cold completely. And
Prevention, being so safe aud tooth
some are very fine for children. No
quiuioe, no laxative, nothing harsh noi
sickening. Box of 48 25c. Sold by
all dealers
Mrs M Gnstin, wife of Norman Gus
tin, a distant relative of Alfred Sey
mour, died at a Sioux City hospita-
unday afternoon cf typhoid feverl
aged 25 years. A grief-stricken hus,
aud aud an infant baby are left to
mourn tier untimely death. The re
mains were taken to the former home
of the deceased at Bridgewater, Novia
Scotia, for interment.
George Eohlmeier, manager for the
Edwards & Bradford Lumber Co, at
this place, departed Wednesday on a
vacation trip. He will stop at Lyons
nd Brownvule for a few days, from
there he will go Jerico Spiings, Mo,
where on Thursday of next week he
will be joined in marriage to Miss
Johanna Willmann. George's many
friends here extend their hearty con
gratulations to these young people,
and a welcome awaits their arrival
Following is a list of the petit jurors
selected for the fall term of district
court which convenes here on the 28th
day of September: W A Guernsey,
Henry Uloe, Frank Uovell, U W uar
lock, Carl Matz, J P Kramper,llenry
Thompson O A Anderson, Gus Lester,
Uobeit Mcliride, John Jenkins, T
Currv, John Green, W 11 George,
Chris Mogonsen, W McAfee, W 8 Orr,
Geo Johnson, E II Gribblo, M Bea
coin. Herman Nelson. A Allowttv. M
Heffernan and John Hiukin.
Tickling or dry Coughs will quickly
looseu when using Dr Shoop s Cougl
liemedy . And it is so thorougly barm
less, that Dr Shoop tells mothers to use
nothiug else, even for very youug ba
bies. The wholesome green leaves and
tender stems of a lung healing mount
ainous shrub give the curative proper
ties to Dr bhoop's Cough Hemedy It
ealms the oough, and heals the sen si
tive bronohial membranes. No opium,
no cloroform, nothing harsh used to In
jure or suppress. Demand Dr Bhoop's
Ac: pt no other, 8old by all dealers
The Herald for all th stWB 1
For Sal Second hand single bar
ness. Inquire at this offioe.
Word comes from Chioago that Wll
lie Nieraeyer has taken unto himself a
The little baby ot Fred Krumweide
and wife, living near Jackson, is seri
ously III.
Mrs Geo Pranger spent a few days
the first of the week with her mother
at Coleridge.
Grace Wasset and baby went to
nornick, Iowa, Tuesday to visit
friends ft few days.
Sergeant Bluff's ball team came ever
Sunday and trimmed our ball team to
the tune of It to 3.
Misses Gwen Bock well, Perle and
Bessie Stinson attended tbe loap year
ball at Jackson Monday evening.
Wanted An agent for that territo
ry. We pay highest cash weekly,
For terms write the Uawks Nursery
Co, Wauwatosa, Wis.
Jacob Learner went to St Paul, last
Sunday to see the sights at the Minne
sota state fair, and to get a glimpse of
the "peerless leader, W J Bryan.
A purse was found on the Jackson
road Thursday, and the owner ean have
the same for paying for this notice and
calling at the Dakota City poatoffice.
Orpha Burwell was made fish of by
Judge Stineon Thursday when he
joined her in marriage to Sam W
Mackrill. Both were from Defiance,
Mell A Schmied went to Lincoln
Tuesday morning to see the sights at
the state' fair, and he consequently
missed an opportunity to vote at the
Notioe of the guardian sale ot a
piece of land adjoining Emerson will
be found in the Herald. Tho sale will
be held a Emerson, Nebr, September
23, 1908,
John F Sides leaves today from
Omaha with John McKinley, a federal
prisoner, whom be will take to Boise
City, Idaho, He will be gone about
ten days.
Sam Gone and wife came over from
Salix last week to attend the old set
tlers picnic and spend a few days with
relatives on the bottom. They return
ed home Tuesday
E B Wilbur has again entered the
newspaper field, this time in Draper,
S D. The new paper is democratic in
politics, and is the only democrat
paper in Lyman county.
Dave Neiswanger andS A Stinson
and wife left for St Paul, Minn, Mon
day, where they will spend the week .
Mr Stinson will lay in his fall and
winter stock of goods while there.
The Foye car took a load of enthusi
astic democrats over to the Bryan
meeting in Sioux City Wednesday
evening. Home ol tn;m got so enthus
ed that they missed the car coming
Mrs Chas Sundt, of Brushy Bend,
had the misfortune to fall and break
her arm Tuesday. Only about a year
ago she fell and broke the other arm,
and had juBt barely recovered from the
injury. ' j
Bev G E Von Hagen and family
have gone to Lake View, Iowa, to at
tend the 25th wedding anniversary of
Mrs Von Hagen's sister, Mrs W M
Hamilton. They will be back Satur
day evening.
Lev Willey, motorman on the Foye
oar, received a telegram Thursday
afternoon stating that his brother,
John Willey, was dead at his home at
Havelock, Iowa. He left at once
for his brother's home.
Henry Erumweide has purchased
tbe corner lot just wast of his residence,
Mell A Schmied purchased the old tin-
shop building which adorns that corner
and will move it onto his property just
west of his grocery store.
James Farley, from near Vista, who
passed an overdrawn check on the
Al Cbailhe last Thursday, was down
Wednesday and fixed the matter up.
The cheok was made for $27, and with
the costs amounted to $32.
Pink Pain Tablets Dr Shoop's
stop headache, womanly pains, any
pain, anywhere, in 20 minutes sure,
formula on tbe 25c box. Ask your
ruggist or doctor about this formula
it's fine. Sold by all dealers.
Glen Armour has purchased a 45-
horsepower gas traction engine to do
his threshing, plowing and other farm
work. Some who have witnessed it at
work say it drills right along with a
gang plow consisting of six plows.
John Welker, of Homer, dropped in
Monday and renewed his subscription
to The Herald and will therefore get
all the newa while it is new" for anotn-
er year. Mr Wellker is canvassing ior
the Jewell nursery and is meeting wit n
Jay Bobertson missed his footing
while boarding the Burlington freight
Wednesday morning and bis leg struck
the corner of the depot platform. He
managed to get aboarj but his leg was
badly bruised and skinned during the
J M Davey, of Ponca, was hero
Wednesday looking after business
matters in this county. He advanced
his subscription to The Herald to 1909,
and incidentally remarked that The
Herald was the best weekly paper that
came to his home.
"To prevent saltcellars from l!Com-
lug damp and lumpy, when filling
them put in ten to twelve pieces of
rice," says Woman's noma Companion
for September, "llnswill not come
through the holes in tho cover of the
salt cithers, but will break the lumps
of salt and gather the moisture; thus
the salt is always dry and fine."
Drive rheumatism out of the blood
with Dr Shoop's Rheumatic Bemedy
and see how quickly paiu will depart,
Bub-on's never did reach the real dis
ease. Bheuraatism isa't iu the skin
It's deep down it's constitutional
Getting rid of the pain, is after all
what oounts. That is why Dr Shoop'
Bheumatio Bemedy goes by word ot
mouth from one to another. And
herein lies the popularity of this reme
dy. It is winning defenders every
where. Tablets or liquid. Sold by
all dealeri.
No Primary Returns.
up to the time or going to press
nothing definite could be learned as to
the outoome of the primary election,
owing to the fact that the canvas of
the vote will not be made nntil some
time today. Fred 8 Berry, repnb
lioan, and J J MoAllister, democrat,
each had no opposition and of ours
were the respective nominees of their
patties for the offioe of county attor
ney. Edwin Morgan, the only aspir
ant for commissioner from this district
had walkaway. J W HsKlegrove is
in the lead so far as can be learned for
the nomination of representative of
this district ever Swan Olsen. G L
Wood and G W Wiltse are running
neck and neck for the nomination of
state senator from this district. Not
more than one-third of the nsual vote
was cast.
A Clean Fair.
It will be well to once more remind
our readers of the fact that the Inter
state Fair, to be held at Sioux City,
Iowa, September 7-12 Inclusive, will
be a clean fair. We are assured by F
L Wiriok, secretary of the fair associa
tion, tbe board of managers of the fair
and Sioux City's best business men.
that there will not be no liquor sold on
the fair grounds this year, that no gam
bling will be permitted, and that all
the attractions in the way of free shows
and amusements will be of ft high
order, fit for anyone to see and enjoy.
The state fairs have already begun,
and judging from those that have been
held so far thore is more interest being
taken by stockmen, agricultural ma
chinery manufacturers and other inter
ests ho usually exhibit at these shows,
than has ever been manifested before.
From this and from the faet that Sec
retary Wirick has put forth greater
efforts than ever to make the Interstate
Fair "bigger and better than ever" it
will be a show that will surpass all
previous shows held at Sioux City. It
will be one well worth going to see.
I he program for the six days is one
of the finest that anyone oould wish
for. The great Parknr Carnival Com
pany is going to make a record for its
fine shows at Sioux City and the many
free attractions, including the Scottish
dances and the Scottish music, will be
ouperb in every sense of the word.
The live stock exhibits will be lar
ger than ever and better than usual.
The small grain, the grasses the corn,
and garden products will be more nu
merous than usual. Unusual efforts
has also been made to seoure a fine dis
play of general horticultural and or
chard products. All sorts of farm
machinery will be on the fair groun3s,
including one or two milking machines,
which according to Secretary Wiriok,
are already creating much interest
The race program, as we have hereto
fore stated, is the finest in the North.
west, and the mile broncho relay race
will be one of intense interest from
start to finish. Get ready and atteud
the great 1908 Interstate Show
Bemaining in the poatoffice at Dakots,
Neb, for the month ending August
31, 1908.
Mrs Paine Balldtna Mist Emma McKown
W 8 Coinut ChrUt Hally
Ioyd Duryea Klary T Huurgont
Mm L A Finney
Parties calling tor the above please
say "advertised." '
John H. Ream, Postmaster.
- ..For Sale.
I offer the D 0 Dibble farm for sale
at f 100.00 per acre. It is one of the
best farm in theoounty, with firBt-claes
improvements, good orchard, good,
feneos, first-class growing crops, and
farm is in first-class condition. Pos
session will be given March 1, 1909.
Located two miles southwest of Dakota
City, Nebr. S A Heikes.
Real Estate Transfers'
F B Buckwaltcr and I) B Htldwortliy
and wlfu to llnipli J Norn, a tract
ot land beginning HO feet cast of the
northeast corner of block 4, original
plat of Honinr, thence north Nu feet,
thence east to centerof Umahacreek,
thence south aloim channel to point
eant of iH'ginnlnK, thence went to
nlace of heiflnnlnir. wi I 400
Minn McKnlght and huxhand to A L
White. iieV4 section is-w-n, wn i
Stella Williamson to Mlna MvKnlKht,
lie1:, Beet Ion 15 W-A. wtl BXU)
Jas Lawrle aud wife to WM Oilman,
lots 1 and 'J In Mock 102, aim lots 1U
11 and 1 In block 7, (JovliiKton. wd.. 1
11 W Wood and wife to J If Hulne,
Dart of section (1 acre) wil.,..i. 1SB
J J Klinors and wife to Harry H Perry,
lot l In block ll, Uentral Houm Bioux
tllty. wd 100
klrst Publication Auur, as Iw ' '
guardian's SALE.
Notice Is hereby (riven that In pursuance
of a lleenxe for the sale of real estate K rant
ed by til" district cynrt of lloiixlas enmity.
.Nebraska, on Marcn 3, iww, in me mailer
of the Application of Carrie Klulaysou its
Kiinrdiari of Walter Annus Klnlnysou und
Albert Alexander r iiiiiiysou, minors, km
license to sell reiil estate, Docket loo. No.
il, there will Ix-lsolrt at Armour s prow
tore on the southeast corner of Main and
Hirst streets, In the town of Kinerson, In
Dakota county, Nebraska, on the ztrd any
f NcplomlM'r, ltnis, at 11 o'clock, at ui at
public vendue to the hltthcst bidder, the
rnliowiDK iiescniM'u rvm ckuliu siiuuie in
Dakota county. Ncbrnsk, to-wit:
Tho undivided two-thirds (K Interest In
the south west quarter 1H) section twen-tv-slx
(Mil. townshlD twenty-seven (27i.
rantte six (l) east, and that part of lot (1), ot
KcLlnn thlrtv-llve 016). townshlD twenty
seven (S7, raime six (fi) east, lying east of
the Chicago, Ht. I'aul, Minneapolis A Omaha
railroad truck, free from the dower interest
herein of Carrie Flnlayson as widow oi
Alexander Klnlnysou, deceased. That the
terms of sale are one-half I '4) the purchase
price In cash and the balance on three 1:1)
years time, with Interest at 6 per cent, per
annum, to be secured by note and inorlunue
on the premises sold, Huld sale will remain
open one hour.
As guard Ian of Walter Angus Klnlnysou
and AIIhtI Alexander r inlay son, minors.
I hereby agree to sell and convny the re
maining undivided one. third (' Interest
the real estate ulsive dee lined to tue
mrchaner at said guardian's sale at the
same rale aud.upou the same terms.
r. mill riM.Aisor..
For further particulars see or write James
W. Hamilton, Attorney, Koolil 2oi Omaha
National Hank I'.ulldlng. Omaha, Nebraska
Flrnt publication Mt-pt 4 Sw
Order of Hearing; on Petition for Ap
pointment of Administrator.
In tliu county court of Inikotu county, Ne
Kiiiti- of Ni'linihku. Pitkolii County, bh.
To VVIilii-liiilim lliiimiMilriftir, Wultur O
IliiKwK'iilMirKKi', Vliilu HuiKcnUTKcr, Otlo
(I. lltiKUi'iilH-rKxr, A rlli u i' V. lIuKKuiilwrutir
KlIlllUl'l K. HlUItO'lllK'rKl'r, Mill f.. MllKKl'lt
Imtuit hi. (I Irf'im 1 1. HiiKiO'iilMiiucr. anil to
nil IllTHIIIIH IlltlTt'HU ll III UlU UhlttlU Of (IttO
litiiiruiilKiKtr. tlm'i'UK'il :
On ruudlnu lh nt tlilim of WllliPlminu
IIiiuwnlNtrui'r DruvliiK that tlii'iidnilnlslni
Hon of mtlil MMtute Ix Knintcil to Wllliulmliia
IIiiKUi'i l'rtT u ftilinlulMlriitrlx,
It U lii-ri'tiy oi'Jurtd Unit you, anil all
Pithoiih InU'i t'Hti-d In mild matter, may, anil
Uo, appi'iir Ml mo couniy conn iu 11 ni iu in
anil (or milil county, on thu Iflluil iluy of hrpt
A. 1. 1mm. ut 1(1 o'clock a. in.. to'Hliow
eiiuxo, If any thur lw, why tho prayer of
the putltloimr Hliouhl not lie Knu.ti il, ami
that iioIIch of thu pendency of aiilil petition
anil that thu lieiirlnn thereof Iw nlven to all
pumoii. 1 n tu rented 111 aulil matter liy put
llnhliiK a copy of thu onlur In the lmkotn
fliiuntr Heruld. a weekly ncwuuiiDer print
eil In .alt! county, for three .uuuu.Nlve weeks
prior to .nia any ot n wiring.
WltixMn my huiid, and Heal of aald court
t - D. '. KriHUOM
I KAL County Judge
Patronize Home Industries buy your meats of
Proprietor of
Fresh and Salt Meats always
Agent fot Seymout'a White Laundry.
Laundry basket goes Tuesdays and comes back Saturdays
IModel Restaurant
MRS. ELSIE P9WELL, Proprietor
Dakota City, Neb.
j Good Rooming House in Connection f
Everything Neat and New. Best of Treatment.
Meal Tickots t2i Meals) $3.50
Dakota Citti Nie.
Bonded : Abstracter
TKI psa.eo
A 3 FJ
Breeder nf
Duroc Jersey Swine
zhc Modlin
Manufacturers of '
Gasolene Engines
Also conduct a general Repair Shop
Gasolene Experts
203-210 W. Fourth St. SIOUX CITY, IA.
Opposite Curtis Sash and Door Co.
The Bank
(The good Bank oldest in the county, with customers in many
With twentv-two years successful banking experience (time tried
panio proof,) ample capital, surplua, backing and facilities, it invites
the careful attention of everybodv evervwuekk to its superior meth
ods, and the conveniences and absolute safety offered its customers.
It doas everything in banking dioht, (just a little better than the
other fellow) and very much desires iour buuinets. One trial that's
all we ask, we'll do the rent.
4 interest paid on time deposits
Distance no bar to doiag business with us. Try, just once.
Kearney's Bank. "The Bank that always treats you bioht"
"Hafe as a Government Bond." Bank of Dakota County.
Less than fifty dollars losses Jacksok,
since starting. Nebiaska
Write for our Illustrated Catalogue describing our seventy
different styles of Harness. X
A good Work Harness for $20.00
Sttxrrfco ISroo.
on hand . Cash paid for hides,
Board and Lodging $4.00
608 Metropolitan Blk.
Sioux City. Iowa
la reserved for
r d. y Ik e
Machine Co. j
that Always treaty