Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, August 28, 1908, Image 5

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Vk fUwlmc ros4 aasaaAmrat
h eoartlt-atloa t tk. Stat
of BT.
trthsfta, m h.r.lukftar forth la fall,
U nbmm. to th oloetora of tk Rtaii
of SUferaaka, to votes! poa at ths
TBrl olactlom to kolA Tus47,
Totbii Jr. A. D. leosi
tions two (2), four (4), five (6). )()
and thirteen (It) of Article ls t) of
the Constitution of the Btate of Ne
braska, relatinir to Judicial Power.
3 It KeeolTea r tao terUlatnre of the
Btate of aTekraakai
Section 1. Amendment proposed. That
Section two (2) of Article six (S) of ths
Constitution of the State of Nebraska
be amended to read ae follow:
flection t. (Bapreme oourt) Jalrea:
jorlsdlotioa.) The Supremo Court sliall
consist of seven (T) Judges; and a ma
jority of all elected and qualified Judfes
hall be neceesarr to constitute a
fluorum or pronounce a decision. The
Supreme Court shall have jurisdiction In
11 oases relating to the revenue, civil
cases In which the state Is a party,
mandamus, quo warranto, habeas corpus,
nd such appellate jurisdiction as may
be provided by law.
Section 2. (Amendment proposed.) That
Section four (4) of Article six 6 of the
Constitution of the Stste of Nebraska b
amended to read as follows:
Section A. (Supremo court, Indres,
lection, term, residence.) The Judges of
the Supreme Court shall be elected by
the electors of the state at large; and
their terms of office, except as hereinafter
provided, shall be six years. And said
Supreme Court Judges shall during their
term of office reside at the place where
the court Is holden.
Section 3. (Amendment proposed.) That
Section five (6) of Article six (6) of ths
Constitution of the btate of Nebraska be
mended to read as follows:
Section 6. (Supreme court, judges,
lectloa, term! chief Justice.) That at
the general election to be held In the
tat of Nebraska In the year lo, sp
eech six years thereafter, there shall be
elected three (J) Judges of the Supreme
Court, who shall hold their office for the
period of six years; that at the general
-election to be held In the state of Ne
braska In the year 1811. and each six
years thereafter, there shall be elected
three (J) judges of the Supreme Court,
who shall hold their office for the period
of nix years; and at the general election
to be held In the state of Nebraska in
the year 1913, and each six year there
after, there shall be elected a Chief Jus
tice of the Supreme Court, who shall
hold his office for the period of six
year. Provided that the member of the
Supreme Court whose term of office ex-
Jires in January, 1914, shall be Chief
ustlce of the Supreme Court during that
time until the expiration of his term of
office. And, provided further, that upon
the adoption of these amendments by the
electors of the State, the Governor shall.
Immediately upon Issuing his proclama
tion declaring said amendments adopted,
.appoint four (4) Judges of the Supreme
Court, two (2) of whom shall be ap
pointed to hold said office until their
auccessors shall be elected at the general
-election In 1909, and have qualified; and
the other two (2) shall hold their office
until their successors shall be elected at
the general election held In 1911, and
have qualified.
Section 4. (Amendment proposed.) That
Section six (6) of Article six (t) o( the
Constitution of the State of Nebraska, be
mended to read as follows: , , ,
. Section 6. (Chief Jastloe.1 The Chief
Justice shall serve as such during all the
term for which he was elected. He shall
preside at all terms of the Supreme
Court, and In his absence the Judges
present shall select ons of their number
to preside temporarily. ' .
Section 6. (Amendment proposed.) That
Section thirteen (13) of Article six (6) of
the Constitution of Nebraska be amended
to read as follows:
Section 13. (Judges, salaries.) That
judges of the Supreme Court shall each
receive a salary of $4,600, and the Judges
of the District Court shall each receive
salary of $3,000 per annum, payable
Approved April i, 1907.
I, Geo. C. Junkln, Secretary of State.
Of the State of Nebraska, do hereby
certify that the foregoing proposed
amendment to the Constitution of the
State of Nebraska Is a true and correct
copy of the original enrolled and en
grossed bill, as passed by the Thirtieth
cession of the legislature of the State ol
Nebraska, as appears from said original
till on file In this office, and that said
proposed amendment Is submitted to the
-qualified voters of the state of Nebraska
for .their adoption or rejection at the
general election to be held on Tuesday,
the 3d day of November, A. D. 1908.
In testimony whereof, I have hereunto
et my hand and affixed the Great Seal
of the State of Nebrsska. Done at Un
coin, this 15th day of July, in the year
of our Lord One Thousand Nine Hundred
and Eight, and of the Independence of
the United States the One Hundred and
Thirty-third, and of this State the Forty
econd. GEO. C. JUNK1N.
(Seal) Secretary of Stat.
To th Eevst
Daily low rate excursion tick-
etS to eastern Cities and re-
SOrtS.Northern Michigan, Can-
ada and New England
Ts ths West
Attractive low excursion rates
to the Pacific coast, Yellow
stone Park, Utah,, Colorado,
Big Horn Mountains and the
Black Hills.
Low Colonist R. sites
Daily during September and
October to California, Wash-
ino-trtn Owrmn c-nA Vi,,nHror1c
, . ' ... . ,
of intermediate points.
lrrlg'tsd Fairin Lands
Resdy for Immtdlata
In the Big Horn river valley,
Wyoming, watered by com
pleted canals. Small cash
payment ana terms covering
nine years. Round trip fare
from Missouri River and Ne
braska points, $34,
Write D Clem Deaver, general agt,
Ltniseeker' Informstion Bcteau,
Omaha, for new folder. It's free
rite a brief deHcnption 01 your
proposed trip, and let us advise vou
how to muke it the best way at the
least cost
W..E. Sncthcn. Ticket Agent
L. W. Wakkley, G P A, Omaha, Neb
County Coroner
If. F. SiTtVVf'r
Jackson, Nebraska
R R Time Table
Sioux City, Crystal lAk ft Homer
6 in
7 15m
9 85am
11 15am
1 15pm
3 pm
5 16pm
7 15pm
6 86km
8 80am
10 30am
6 15pm
8 pm
C St. P., M. O.
Traini leave Dakota City at the folio-ring
time :
7:02 pm....... Omaha 5:58 am
10:00 am Omaha 5:13 pm
8:37 pm Norfolk 8:18 am
8:41am Norfolk 5.32 pm
7 :28am..... .Newcastle 9:33 am
, :08 pm a "' ,5:58 pm
7:02pm Omaha.. 7:04 am
3:37. Norfolk 6:32
No. 85 Local Freight 7:15 am
11 " Fassencrer, Omaha
and Lincoln
....12:47 pm
No. 86 Local Freight 2 :25 pm
10 Local Passenger . . 6 :('7 pm
daily. daily except Sunday.
Local Items
Friday, August 28, 1908
Having a good stock of hardware
and tinware on hand, we ask you to
call and see us. Schriever Bros.
Have Elmers make your abstracts.
Hazel Johnson is assisting in the E
& B Lbr yard at this place.
George Gribble come up from South
Omaha Saturday to remain until after
the old settlers picnic.
Why is if that Van sell so much
Breunecffee? Beeause it is the bes
to be had for the money. ,
Postmaster John C Duggan was here
from Goodwin Tuesday on business
matters. He informed us that his
office had just been made a money
order office.
Parties wishing iee cream of the
very best and purest, call on Van de
Zodde. He will get it on short notice.
He sells it by the dish, pint, quurt,
gallon or carload. '
Having purchased an automobile, I
will sell my Marsh three-horse power'
motorcycle at a bargain. This mach
ine is practically as good as new. Call
and see it. G F Broyhill.
Emil Young and wife arrived here
Monday evening from Akron Colo,
where they went last spring to reside ou
a claim. They proved up on their
homestead and returned here to reside.
Wm Minter, of Central City, Nebr,
arrived here Monday evening to visit
old time friends and to attend the old
settlers annual reunion. He attended
the old settlers picnic at Allen, Tues
day. There will be regular setvices as
usual including Sunday school, preach
ing and Epwortu league services at
the Methodist church Sunday. The
interior improvements will all be com
pleted by that time .
Thinking that last Friday was old
settlers picnic day atTekamah, Barney
Gribble. Bert Wood, James jruesion,
J P Rockwell and Chris Paulson took
the early morning train for lekamab.
Yon can imagine their feelings wiien
they arrived there and found that the
big doings was billed for the next day.
Rockwell and Paulson had urgent busi
ness that called them home on the
evening train, but . the balance
of the party, undaunted, remained over
night and saw all rbe sights that the
city of Tekaniar. afforded.
Con Deloughery was arrested Mon
day on a warrant issued by County
Attorney Berrr, on a charge or assault
tue- per.cn of Mrs Agnes Breisch.
Mr mill Mrs Rreisoli live ou a farm
th DploiKrherT rdace west of
JacksoD, and on July 6th, it is charged
in the complaint, tnat ueionguery
came to the Brisch home in en intoxi
cated condition and after breaking up
some furniture in the house made in
decent proposals to Mrs Ureisch, He
afterward tried to Bettle the case uy
paying the injured parties $10,00 cash
and giving them a fat hog, but this did
... it 11. 1 - 4.1...
not soothe their wrath, hence the ar
rest. Deloughery took a contiuuance
for ten days.
August time tells on the nerves.
But that spiritless, no ambition feeling
can be easily and quickly altered by
taking what is known by druggists
everywhere as Dr Shoop's Restorative
Within 48 hours alter beginning to
use the Restorative, improvement will
be noticed. Of course, full health will
not immediately return. The gain,
however, will surely follow. And best
of all, fou will realize and feel your
strength and ambition as it is return
ing. Outside influences depress met
the "inside nerves" then the stomach,
heart and kidnevs will usually fail.
Strengthen these failing neives with
Dr Shoon s Restorative and see now
quickly health will be yours again
Hold by all dealers. .
Effective at an early date, the
Burlington will require passengers
to present tickets to tram men be
fora boardinsr trains at stations
where a reasonable opwrtun'ty
afforded for the purchase of
tickets. The clerical work required
conductors iu connection with the fay
meut of thejarge number of cash fares
ou trains has grown to such an extent
as to seriously handicap them in their
fur more important duties in lcokmg
after the operation of their tains and
insuring the safe trasportation of their
passengers. While conductors collect
25 cents in excess 01 the ticket tare be'
tween stations, they issae a rebate
check good for this amount at any of
the company's stations and consequent
lv there is no penalty involved, tor
several years past there has been a gen
eril increase in passenger travel and
consequent increase in the conductors
nrk in collecting transportation, an
I the management is confident that th
I wisdom and reasonableness of this reg
luiuion will bo apparent to its patrons
Mrs Albert Harrington, of South
Sioux City, visited friends here Fri
Mrs Dr Rhoden of Fremont, Nebr,
was b guest at, the Wm Baughman
home this week.
Mrs Jessie M Little, of Sioux City,
is visiting at the home other brother,
Wesley McFhersoa.
Mts Ben Hall baa moved here from
Sioux City and will reside with her
mother, Mrs Mary Lattin.
Mabel Cheney spent the past two
weeks with friends on a camping expi
dition in Yellowstone park.
John Miles, of this plane, and Ben
Hall, of Sioux City, left last Friday
for North Dakota to "hunt work.;
Judge Stinson on Saturday united
in marriage Thomas Nicholson and
Mrs Daisy Dickson, both of Cherokee,
Drive rheumatism from the blood
with Dr Snoop's Ithenmatio Remedy.
Tablet or liquid. For sale by all
If you want any groceries of any
kind, go to Van de Zedde's. He will
not be undersold. He carries nothing
but the best.
Taul A 8ibley. of Freeport, 111. and
Marjorie M Johnson, of Sioux City,
were joined in wedlock by Judge Stin
son Thursday of last week.
Mrs Wm Clapp and daughter Ma
mie, returned to their home below
Homer Tuesday, after apendeng a
pleasant week with friends here.
Albert Giester, whe tow runs a
3-chair barbershop at Odebolt, Iowa,
came over Wednesday to take in tne
picnio and to visit relatives a few
Anyone knowing the whereabouts of
the heirs of Chas L Pollard, deceased,
will confer a favor by notifying E J
Morrill, Gil New York Blk, Seattle,
If you want any Schram fruit jars,
you will nnd tuem at Van de zedde s;
you had better come quick, as they
are going fast. Sealed automatically,
and are guaranteed.
Mrs Mollie Broyhill visited over
Sunday at Wakefield with the Henry
Kohlmeier family. Her daughter
Verna, who spent the past week there,
accompanied her home.
All kinds of coal, feed and hay for
sale at reasonable prices.
Fields & Slaughter Co.
The oE Bliven, Manager.
Dakota City, Neb.
W P Warner writes from Reserve,
Wis, that he has some mighty big fish
stories laid np to tell when he gets
back. From the looks of the lake pic
tured on the post card we would judge
that there was ample opportunity for
fish stories.
Perfect crystal lenses are superior
to cheap ones, and give jou a better
vision. The duierer.ee iu price is not
to be oompured when the seeing value
is superior. We have them iu all
sizes and kinds.
W 0 Eckhart, Licensed Optometrist.
Chas Voss, of Omadi preoinct, was
a business visitor here Saturday, and
of course he paid the Herald a call.
He stated that his son, Wilfred Voss,
had been re-hired as teacher fn one of
the Thurston county schools at a sub
stantial increase in salary.
Piles helped at once with Dr Shoop's
Magic Ointment. Just to prove it, a
trial box will be sailed on request, by
writing Dr Shoop, Racine, Wis. Itch
ing, smarting, bleeding piles, internal
or external, get quick and certain help
from Magio Ointment. Jiarge box OUo.
Sold by all dealers.
Services at the Methodist Episcopal
church every Sunday as follows:
Preaching, 11 a m; Sunday school, 10
am! Class meetitg 12 m; bpwortn
League, 6:30 p m; Preaohing, 7:30 p
m. Preaoh in Grace church every
Sunday at 2 :30 p m. You are cordially
invited to any and all these services.
Pain anywhere stopped in 20 min
utes pure with one of Dr Shoop's Pink
Pain Tablets. The formula is on the
'25-cent box. Ask your doctor or drug
gist about hi is formula! stops womanly
paius, headache, pains anywhere.
Write Dr Shoop, Racine, Wis, for free
trial, to prove value of his Headache,
or Pink Pain Tablets. Sold by all
South Sioux City defeated Dakota
City in a loosely played game here Sun
day by a score of 8 to 4, The visitors
bunched their hits in the fifth inning
and this, coupled with a base on balls
nd a man hit by pitcher, gave them
runs. Uogan for the Sioux s struck
out sixteen men while Foltz and Mc
Allister together got seven strikeouts.
Everybody is invited to spend the
av and evening in Jackson where the
best time of the season will be enjoyed.
Grand ball in the evening, with the
best of music. The picnio will be
held on the school and hall grounds,
where there is ample shade and shel
ter for any kind of weather. Remem
ber Jackson on September 3rd next
Following is a list of the petit jurors
selected for the fall term of district
court which convenes here on the 28th
day of September: W A Uuernsey,
Henry Gloe. Frank Uoveli, U w uar
lock, Carl Matz, J P Kramper, Henry
Thompson O A Anderson, (Jus Lester,
Robeit McUnde. John Jenkins, i
Currv. John Green, W II George,
Chris Mogensen, W McAfee, W 8 Orr,
Geo Johnson. E II. Gribble, M Bea
mm. Herman Nelson. A Alloway. M
llefferoan and John Iiiukin.
The footprints of dyspepsia have
buen directly traced to the stomach
nerves. When these "inside nerves
fail, indigestion and stomach distress
must surely result, tor this, drug
cists everywhere are supplying a pre
scription known as Dr Shoop s Ilestor
ative. Iirst. these tiny inside stora
ach. heart, and kidney nerves fail
Then gas belching, heart palpitation
or failing kidneys follow. Don't drug
the stomach, or stimulate the neart or
kidnevs. That is wrong. Strengthen
these failing nerves with Dr Shoop'i
Restorative. It is the nerves, not the
organs that are calling for help
Within 48 hours after starting tb
Restorative treatment, you will realize
the gain. A test will tell. Sold by all
Remember the primary election next
Tuesday, September, 1st.
For Sale Second hand single bar
ness. Inquire at this office.
Hazel Becker, of Sionx City, spent
ths week here with Neva Best.
Mrs Jos Lindstrom and baby visited
at the paretnal home this week.
Congressman J F Boyd, of Neligh,
attended the picnio here Thusday.
Gertrnde Fair, of Wakefield, spent
the week here visiting old friends.
Mrs Harriett Walden oame down
from Wakefield to attend the pionio.
John W Gribble oame ap from South
Omaha Thursday to take in ths big
Tod Christopherson and wife came
down from Crofton, Nebr, to attend
the big pionio.
Mrs Marion Skeen and ohildren oame
in from Cody, Neb, Wednesday, to at
teed the picnio.
Willie Rockwell came over from
Boone, Iowa, last Saturday to visit
until after the reunion .
Mrs Geo Carter, of Omaha, spent
a few days here this week at the home
of her father, M O Ay res.
A E Sheldon, of Linooln, was in at
tendance at the pionio, representing
the State Historical society.
Mrs John F Sides returned Wednes
day from a three weeks' visit with rel
atives in western Nebraska and Wy
oming. Jas Fueston gathered in Emil Hicks
Thursday night for shooting off a re
volver. He is oharged with disturbing
the peace.
Swan Olsen, of Walthill, whose an
nouncement for represntative appears in
the Herald, was a visitor to our pionio
Philo MoAfee was down from Lis
Pigeon Creek preoinet home Friday,
The Herald was remembered by him
while here.
A son was born to Dr and Mrs M L
Johnson, of Lead, S D, last Friday.
Mrs Johnson was formerly Miss Eliza
beth Hamilton.
John H Gribble returned Saturday
from a business trip to North Dakota.
Hester Herwig, who accompanied him,
returned also. .
Mrs Robert Orr and daughter Belle,
and Wm Stark came down from Meek
ling, S D, to attend the pionio and
visit old friends.
Wanted An agent for that territo
ry. ,We pay nignest casu weekly.
For terms write the Hawks JNursery
Co, Wauwatosa, Wis.
Just received a ear each of Washed
Egg and Hooking Valley coal, at the
Edwards & Bradford Lumber Co.
Don't wait until it is all gone.
P S Holtsinger, of Pleasanton, Neb,
arrived Wednesday to attend the pic
nic. "Bill" wouldn't stay away from
the Old Settlers reunion if he could.
A purse was found on the Jackson
road Thursday, and the owner ean have
the same for paying for this notice and
calling at the Dakota City postoffice.
G W Goodsell, railway mail clerk on
the Omaha-Chadron line, came np from
Omaha Wednesday to attend the pionio
and vieit relatives at Homer a few days.
George T Woods purchased the old
house on the Herman Bierman farm
just west of town, and will move it
onto his farm and fix it up for his ten
Notice of the guardian sale of a
piece of land adjoining Emerson will
be found iu the Herald. The sale will
be heid at Emerson, Nebr, September
23, 1908.
G L Wood, candidate for state sena
tor from this district, ex-eongressman
McCarthy, and S P Mikesell were
among the Ponoa people who attended
the reunion Thursday.
The innubsgo Indians held a big
camp meeting at the I' Jag Pole the
past week and in the neighborhood of
fifty joined the church. Six 1200
pound beeves were issued to them dur
ing the week, and none of it went to
The Omaha road put a new time
card iuto effect Wednesday morning.
It affects only the Omaha going north
and theWynot, or Ponoa, going west in
the evening at this place. These two
trains will hereafter meet at this place
at 5 :58 pm.
Frank Combs, of Homer, passed
through town Monday enronte to Sioux
City to consult a surgeon in regard to
bad case of blood poison on 111s nana.
The chances are that he will lose one
his little fingers. The infection
came Irom a small scratcu on ms
South Sioux City will have a new
bank in the near future, the date for
opening being set for September 21st.
M O Ay res of this place will be presi
dent, and George J Boucher cashier of
the new institution. I hey already
have their charter, and will either rent
or erect a building immediately
W T Bartlett. land agent, has just
returned from a trip to the Panhandle,
Texas, with glowing accounts of the
crop prospects of that country. He
showed us samples of corn, muo maize
Kaffer cord, and cotton that he gatu
ered while on the trip, and they would
be haid lo b t in ary country. Ue
leaves again for the Lower Panhandle
Tin slay 8eptllst. Anyone wishing to
see that country should accompany
him on the trip.
The speech of Permanent Chairman
Clayton of the National Democratic
convention was an assault upon the
Integrity of President Roosevelt
Clayton was chosen became he was
the personal choice ot Candidate
Bryan for the place. If the Democrats
approve of the Roosevelt policies, why
do they, In speaking officially to the
American neonle. denounce him and
his policies?
On March 14, 1W7, ths state- debt
In round numbers was 11.413.950. July
1st. 1W8. It had been reduced to 542
106. or a net reduction, under ths
present state administration, of 4I
COS. Br the first oVJuly, 190, ths
t III k. nut nt itaM nvovtded the
present Republican gait Is maintained,
Commissioners' Proceedings.
Dakota City, Nebr, August 22, '08.
Board of county commissioners met
as board of equalisation. All mem
bers present.
The following levies were made on
valuation of $2,(19,709.00:
County itenerHl fund S!J ir.!!!
County lirMge fuml , 4 mills
(General mad fund , S mill.
Hnllroait tml sinking fund - mill
Hallroad bond Interest fund 8- mlllt
Special road levies for the redemp
tion of road warrants were made as
follows: '
District No t ( mills
MstrlPt No 1 'mllla
Dlatrlct No IS t mills
The levies in the several school dis
tricts of the oounly were mads as fol
lows: MSTRICT.
IS ,
so ,
88 ,
District No. 1, bond levy
Board adjourned as
.....A mills
equalization, sine die.
Board of county commissioners met
in regular sessien. Present. Ed
Morgsn, chairman: John Sierk and
Fred Blume.
The following claims were allowed:
Chris Sorensen, row! work. District 14. t.1 2ft
mils IVdersen. mine, dlNtrlrt 4 tW O0
Oeorue Tlmeker, nm, dlntrlrt 14 1 fto
U lu-fTerunn. snnio, dlxtrlct 0 100 en
BKinoK rnsD.
fouls lVdernon, brliltro work f 7 60
1U llefrernnn, snmtt 4n IP
Clinton HrldseCu, mime Sono t
ho ad rtTno.
(leo Thncker, rond work 1IA ISO
Johu Tlmcker, snmo ttb ()
Arthur Ky mill, same ft 6"
Hoy KynilU, smno Itt Ml
County treasurer is ordered to strike
the poll tax assessed to O Stamm in
the veer 1899, as he was not a resi
dent of Dakota county, Neb, in said
The road overseers are ordered to
instruct all parties operating traction
entines to replank all culverts and
bridges before crossing same.
Board adjourned to meet Septem
ber 5, 1908. W L Ross, Clerk.
For Sale.
I offer the D O Dibble farm for sale
at $100.00 per acre. It is one of the
bett farm in theoounty, with first-class
improvements, good orohard, good,
feneos, first-class growing crops, and
farm is in first-class condition. Pos
session will be given March 1, 1909.
Locatad two miles southwest of Dakota
City, Nebr. S A Heikes.
A good, steady, reliable boy
to work for his board and at
tend school the coining year.
Apply soon. D. C. Stinson.
District Court Dates.
The terms of oourt for the year 1908,
for the counties of the Eighth Judicial
district of Nebr ska are as follows:
....Feb 8, Kopt 14
....Feb 17, B pt SH
...March . Oct M
..March IS, Nov
..March SO, Nov 80
....April IS, Oct 6
The first day of each term is set for
bearing applications for citizenship.
Report of the Condition of
"The Bank that ALWAYS treali you RIGHT"
of Jackson, Nebr., charter No. C51,
(incorporated) in the state of Nebraska,
at the close of business Aug. 20, 1908.
I.onim nnd discount I liO.ftun 83
OverilniftH.HWuiwIiiiHlUiiHwunHi 8 41
Blinking Iioumm mrulturu unu fix
tures Current ejtpiiiHin nnd taxen pnlil..
Dux from mit'l, Htiitt) unci prtvutu
Itftiikx mill Imnki'm
Tottil ciwtli on luiiiil
8,1)00 00
1,811 U
42,7ft7 0"
M,irt mi
Total t 177.67S 115
Capital xtock paid In I ln.imo 00
Hurnlim fund ,()
llndlvldt'd prolltK 1.477 Wl
Individual depuHlts suh-
jm-t to cli(ck I M),:r.ii iu
iH-iiiaiid (-iTtllli-aU'ii of
deposit 1,075 00
Time curtllk'titt'ii of de
posit , 112.SW 75 lm.ioo SB
Totul I 177,67S 915
Ktatk ok Nkhhakk a, j
County of I'ukoln. . (
1, Kd T. Kearney, easliler of tho alov
mined hunk, do lierehy sw. nr thai thfi
nlHve statement Is aeorrect and trim eopy of
thu report made to the statu Imnklnii Ixmrd.
ai-ikmt: Ku T. Kkaknk y,
O. M. Kkaknky,. Director. Cashier.
B. K. Kkaknky, Klreetor.
HulMciils'd and sworn to iM'fore me this
i.ltii day of AiiKUst,
f mic a f.) Notary l'ulillo.
My commission expires Aiarcu , ivia.
he GOOD hank.
Demand deposits all nvallahle.
l3,nuo,U) more deposits than last statement
ot a penny In had notei (Farmer's that's
Lets than fifty dollars losses In 23 years.
lways hunsry for mors business too US-
II of tho Bank of Dakota City, of
Dakota City. Neb., oharter No. 994, (in
corporated) iu the state of Nebraska, at
the close of business Aug zu, iuu
.onus nml lilHcountH I 124.213 02
Uuiiktnn holme furniture tt lid fix
tures I.""
Curii'iit i'xim'Iim'n mid tuxes puUl.. u,v7U ov
linn from nut I, Htiilo mill
private Utuk iinu Imiiiii-
,IS U.HSrt Nl 57. lift
1,1,1. ,U Z
Total I M.WU W
imitiil stoek mild 111 t .
rildlVllleil prollls O.nns 6
Individual deposits ui-
leet to cheek I w.jw no
Demand eerlllleutes of
Kmw l.3!!
till., I'l' rtltteutes of de
posit mum oiii,iwjz
Total $ H'1,W 1
Stai k ok Nkhhakk a, I hH
l', mill v nf Imkotii. t
I, M.O.A
Ayres, president
do hereliy swear
f.f the ulmve. named hunk
l hut the alsive Hliileiiu iil Is a correct una
I run conv of the report made to the Hlatu
lliuiklliK Hoard. M.ll, AYMKK,
Attest: rre.meni
Harry H. Adair, inreeior.
i:..,. I Kiiuelier. Director.
HuliM-rllied and sworn to licforo mo this
ffith day of August, 1U. .
iHiii.l Notary J'ulille
My commission expires March S, lull
Physician and Surgeon.
Calls promptly attended
Patronize Home Industries buy
Proprietor of
(City Meevt KlGxrELot
Fresh and Bait Meats always
Agent fot Seymour's White Laundry,
Laundry basket goes Tuesdays and comes back Saturdays
IModel Restaurant
MRS. ELSIE PtWELL, Proprietor
Dakota City, Neb,
Good Rooming House in Connection I
Everything Neat and
Meal Tickets (21 Meals) $3.50
Dakota Citvi Nib. j LVyfS
Bonded : Abstracter i
TKIa spates Is
Duroc Jersey Swine...
The Herald for all the News
When it
essBSM "
e . .
Manufacturers of
Gasolene Eninco
Also conduct a general Repair Shop
ona.omw Vnrth Rr
SVU slV t)AVfcAV 've
Opposite Curtis
The Hank
(The good Bank oldest in the county, with customers in many
With twenty-two years successful banking experience (time tried
panic proof,) ample capital, surplus, backing and facilities, it incites
the careful attention of everybody everywhere to its superior meth-1
ods, and the conveniences and absolute safety offered its customers.
It doas everything in banking right, (just a little better than the
other fellow) and very much desires yodb business. One trial that's
all we ask, we'll do the rest.
4 interest paid on time deposits
Distance no bar to doisg business with us. Try, just once.
Kearney's Bank. "The Bank that always treats you rioht"
"Hafe as a Oovernment Bond." Bank of Dakota County.
Less than fifty dollars losses J acesow,
since starting. Nebraska
Write for our Illustrated
' different
WTttti s M M "
: A good Work Harness for ,.$20.00
: Stixrco Bros ilcuV.eTwt!
;4,MM MMHtM ?
your meats of
on hand ; Cash paid for hides.
New. Best of Treatment.
Board and Lodging $4.00
608 Metropolitan Blk.
Sioux City. Iowa
reserved for -
IS New
" " - - - r - - - " 1
Machine Co. i
I "
Sash and Door Co. '
that Always treaty
; e
1 I III I I I I I I t I'M -
Catalogue describing our seventy Z
stvles of Harness. 5