Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, August 13, 1908, Image 5

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e hllrwUf propoa4 unmtBtit
th eoBMltntiea of th Stat of Vo
fcrmaka, as harainalta art forth la fall,
la anbrnlttoa to tbo olootora of tk Btatt
f MtbrMkt, to votod pom at tk
aaaral alaotloa to hold TaaaAar,
Toaaboi Sra, A. . II (Ml
tlonitwo (2), four (4), flvo(t), sl (
ana thirteen 111) of Article Ik ) o
tho Constitution of th Stata of No
bruka, relating to Judicial Power.
a It Baaolvat k tao XjarlalatuM of tat
tat of Vabraakai
Section 1. Amndanl wmdomA. Thai
Section two (2) of Artlcl aix 6 of th.
vonsututlon of tho Stat of HiDrum
t amended to read aa follow:
Section 1. fSaavomo ovarii ladroa
Jnrladlotloa.) Tho Supremo Court ahal
Jorlty of all elected and qualified Judges
ahall b necessary to constitute a
quorum or pronounce a decision. The
Supreme Court ahall have jurisdiction In
all cases relating- to the revenue, civil
cases in which tho state Is a party,
mandamus, quo warranto, habeas corpus,
and such appellate jurisdiction as may
be provided by law.
Section 2. (Amendment proposed.) That
Section four (4 of Article six ' of the
Constitution of the State of Nebraska be
amended to rend as follows:
Section '4. (Supreme court, tadfea,
election, term, residence.) The Judges oi
the Supreme Court shall be elected by
the electors of the state at large; and
their terms of office, except as hereinafter
provided, shall be six years. And said
Supreme Court Judges shall during their
term of office reside at the place where
the court Is holden.
Section S. (Amendment proposed.) That
Section five (5) of Article six (6) of the
Constitution of the State of Nebraska be
amended to read as follows:
Section 5. (Supreme court, jodfea,
election, term; chief justice.) That at
the general election to be held In the
state of Nebraska In the year 1901, '-'
each six years thereafter, there shall be
elected three (S) Judges of the Supreme
Court, who shall hold their office for the
period of six years; that at the general
election to be held In the state of Ne
braska In the year 1811, and each six
fears thereafter, there shall be elected
hree'(S) Judges of the Supreme Court,
who shall hold their office for the period
or elx years; and at the general election
to be held In the state of Nebraska In
the year 1913, and each six years there'
after, there shall be elected a Chief Jun
tlce of the Supreme Court, who shall
hold hi office for the period of six
years. Provided that tho member of the
Supreme Court whose term of office ex
pires In January, 1914, shall bo Chief
Justice of the Supreme Court during that
time until the expiration of his term of
office. And, provided fuf ther, that upon
the adoption of these amendments by the
electors or the state, tne uovernor snail,
Immediately uoon Usulnr his proclama
tion declaring said amendments adopted,
appoint four (4) judges of the Supreme
Court, two (2) of whom shall be ap
pointed to hold said office until their
successors shall be elected at the general
election In 1909, and have qualified; and
the other two (2) shall hold their office
until their successors shall be elected at
the general election held In 1911, and
have qualified.
Section 4. (Amendment proposed.) That
Fectlen six (6) of Article six (6) oC the
Constitution of the State of Nebraska, be
amended to rend as follows:
Section 6. (Chief justice.) The Chief
Justice shall serve as such during all the
term for which he was elected. He shall
preside at all terms of the Supreme
Court, and in his absence the Judges
f resent shall select one of their number
o preside temporarily.
Section 5. (Amendment proposed.) That
Section thirteen (IS) of Article six (6) of
the Constitution of Nebraska be amended
to read as follows:
Section 13. (Judges, salaries.) That
Judges of the Supreme Court shall each
receive a salary of $4,600, and the Judges
of the District Court shall each receive
a salary of $3,000 per annum, payable
Approved April t, 1907.
I. Geo. C. Junkln, Secretary of State,
of the State of Nebraska, do - hereby
certify that the foregoing proposed
amendment to the Constitution of the
State of Nebraska Is a true and correct
copy of the original enrolled and en
grossed bill, as passed by the Thirtieth
session of the legislature of the State ol
Nebraska, as appears from said original
bill on file In this office, and that said
proposed amendment la submitted t the
qualified voters of the slat" of Vobraska
for their adoption or rejection at the
general election to be held on Tuesday,
the 3d day of November, A. D. 1908.
In testimony whereof, I have hereunto
set my hand anil affixed the Great Seal
of the State of Nebraska. Done at Lin
coln, this 15th dsy of July, In the year
of our Lord One Thousand Nine Hundred
and -Right, and of the Independence of
the United States the One Hundred and
Thirty-third, and of this State the Forty
second. GEO. C. JUNKIN.
(Seal) Secretary of State.
To the Eevst
Daily low rate excursion tick
ets to eastern cities and re
sorts.Northern Michigan, Caif
ada and New England.
To the) West
Attractive low excursion rates
to the Pacific coast, Yellow
stone Park, Utah, Colorado,
Big Horn Mountains and the
Black Hills.
Low Colonist R.aits
Daily during Septernber and
October to California, Wash
ington, Oregon and hundreds
of intermediate points.
Irritfeted fevrm Lands
Raavdy for immediate
8ttlem)it '
. In the Big Horn river valley,
Wyoming, watered by com
pleted eanals. Small cash
payment and terms covering
nine years. Round trip fare
from Missouri River and Ne
braska points, $34.
Write D Clem Deaver, general agt,
Lanuseekers' Information Bureau,
Omaha, for new folder. It free
Write a brief description of jour
proposed trip, and let ua advise you
Low to make it the beat way at the
least cost.
W. E. Snethen, Ticket Agent
L. W. Wakeley, Q P A, Omaha, Neb
County Coroner
15. F. Sawyc
Jackson, Nebraska
R R Time Table
Sioui City, Crystal Lake ft Homer
6 35am
8 80am
10 30am
15 pm
C, St. P., M. ft O.
Traina leave Dakota City at the fol
loving time !
7:02 pm. Omaha... .7:04 am
10:00 am Omaha 6:13 pm
3:37 pm Norfolk 8:18 am
8:41 am Norfolk o .3i pm
7 . 28 am Newcastle 9 :88 am
a!o8im 6:25 pm
7 -02 nm ....... Omaha 7:04 am
3:37.. Norfolk 5:32
C B ft Q
V RS T.nial Freight 7:15 am
11 Passenger, Umaua
and Lincoln 12:47 pm
Ntf 86 Local Freight 2 :25 pm
10 Local Passenger"..:''? pm
AiU. dailv except Hunuay.
Local Items
Friday, August 14, 1908
W E Snethen is the new agent at
the Burlington deot.
WUnche Robertson is citrkiug is
the'S A Btinson's store.
For Sal" Second hand single har
ness. Inquire at tuis ouice.
A fine baby boy atrived at the Bert
Powell home Tuesday morning.
A good second-hand phaeton and sin
gle harness for sale, cheap. Mrs E M
Lizzie Vandezedde and Minnie Whs-
mund visited over Sunday at Homer
with Carrie Hannen.
Why is it that Van sell so much
Breun coffee? Because it is the best
to be had for the money.
M O Ayreshas ordered an uptodute
four cylinder Knox Tonneau automo
bile which he expects here this week.
A new adding machine has been
purchased for use at the court house.
The old maohine was traded in on the
new one.
The contract for painting and 11 par
ing the M E church has been let to
sylvanuus Harden who began work on
the same Tuesday morning,
The Broyhill family held a family
reunion on Sunday, there being twen
ty members of the family present.
our generations were represented in
the gathering.
Parties wishing ice cream of the
very best and purest, call on Van de
Zedde. He will get it on snort notice.
He sells it by the dish, pint, quart,
gallon or carload.
Mrs Inea Lillie and two childreu de
parted Thursday for their home
at Maxbass, N D, after . spending a
month here with Mrs L.'s parents,
Judge and Mrs D 0 Slinson.
Having purchased an automobile, I
will sell my Marsh three-horse power
motorcycle at a bargain. This mach
ine is practically as goo4.as new. Call
and see it. u r uroynui.
The last Quarterly conference for
this year will be held by District Su
perintendent Kev V h. Tindall, on X n
day, Aug 21st, at 4 o'clock in the after
noon . , Let every member of the board ,
be present if possible.
Died Aug 7, the infant daughter of
Cyrus and Mamie Hoffman, of South
Sioux Citv. ltev Von Uagen was can
ed in to officiate at the funeral and the
remains were laid to rest Saturday
iu Logan Park cemetery, Sioux City,
Iowa.. -
The ladies of Hubbard have planned
a pionio to be held on Tuesday, Aug
nht 18th, to raise money to build cem
ent walks around their chnrch prop
erty. All are invited to come and en
joy a day of sports arranged for the
Miss Georgia Niebuhr attended the
session of teachers institute at Pender
lant week, she having accepted a
school near Pender for the coming
year. She was acoempanied
home bv I
her cousin. Helen .Niebuhr, w
who will
spend the week here.
The board of county commissioners
were in session Tuesday as a board of
equalization, but as the returns from
the state board 01 equalization naa not
been teoeived they were unable to
make the levies for the coming year,
and adjourned until the 22nd.
Everett Easton was here from Oina-
a a ooupie 01 uays tuis wee tiqiuub
is brorher. Ed Easton. He miured
his hand recentlv. necessitating tue
mputation of one of his fingers, while
working in the U P shops, and is now
on tne road selling Btoca. ioou auu
talking politics.
Sundav" morning will be given over
to the children at the the M E church,
at which time the pastor will preach a
chemically illustrated sermon to the
children and receive a elms into full
memberaiiio ot the church . It is espa
cially desired by the pastor that all
mothers whose little ones are-on tue
cradle roll should be present with thei
babies, as oertinVatt-s of tnrollment
will be given out to all those present,
A up; nut time tells on tue nervts
But that spiritless, no ambition feeling
can be easily and quickly altered by
taking what is known by druggints
everywhore as DrShoops Itentorative
Within 48 hours alter bcgiuning to
use the Restorative, improvement will
be notioed. Of course, full health will
not immediately return, lhe gain
however, will surely fullow. And best
of all, vou will realize a"nd feel you
strength and ambition as it is return
iuir. Outside influences depress first
the "iuside nerves" then the stomach,
heart and kidneys will usutlly fail.
Strengthen these failing neiveswith
Dr 'Shoop's Restorative and see how
quickly health will be yours aguiu.
bold by all dealers. x
Mrs Lucy Ohmit Lai returned to Ft
Dodge, Iowa, to reside.
Subscribe for the Herald, the best
papr id the county, f 1 a year.
L E Wilson, of Sioux City, waa a
guest at the U 0 Slinson home last
Chris Larson came over from Ute,
Iowa, last Friday to visit his brother,
Lonis Larson .
Cleae op your yards and get every
thing in tip top shape far the Old
Settlers picnie.
Judge V 0 Stinson is fast regaining
bis health, and is able to attend to his
official duties again.
Hazel and Venus Scurried n tamed
home yesterday from a three weeks'
visit at Spt ncer and South Omaha,
Drive rheumatism from the blood
with Dr Shoop'a ltheumatie Remedy.
Tablet or liquid. Sold by all dealers.
If you want any groceries of any
kind, go to Van de Zedde's. Ho will
not be undersold, lie carries nothing
but the best.
Old Settlers picnio'at Clinton Park,
Dakoiu City, two weeks from yester
day, Thursday, August 27th Will
you be there?
Mrs E A Osburn, daughter of Mrs
Esther Harden, arrived here Thursday
from Brooklyn, N Y, to visit her moth
er and other relatives.
It J. Stinson, Mrs Belle Winn and
Mrs Inez Lillie and two children apent
last week with relatives in Pigeon
Creek precinct, the E J Way family.
If you want any Schram fruit jars.
you will 11 ud them at Van de eddes;
you had better come quick, as ther
are going last, healed ttutomalicslly,
and are guaranteed.
All kinds of coal, feed and hay for
sale at reasonable prices.
. TheoEBliven, Manager.
Dakota City, Neb.
The Herald acknowledges receipt of
mi invitation to the sixth annual ieun-
on of the Tioueers and Old Settlers
Mociatioii of Burt county.Nebr, whioh
will he held at Tekamah on Angus.
Walter Xiebuhr atrived here last
Friday from Douver, Colo, where he i
now in the real estate business. He
returned to Denver Tuesday, after
pending a few days here and at Pen
der with elatives.
J TKnepper and family hve rented
the City Hotel, and have opened it to
the public. Dakota City has been
without a hotel for several mouths.
and we can appreciate the fact that
we will now have a first class Losteleiy
Perfect crystal lenses aresnperior
to cheap ones, and givejou a better
vision. The difference iu price is not
to be compared when the seeing value
is superior. We have them in all
sizes and kinds.
W O Eckhart, Licensed Optometrist
B J Stinson, brother of Judge D C
StinsoD, left Wednesday for Lyons for
a short visit with relatives before re
turning to bis home at Dalton, Ohio,
He is in the rural mail service there
and is taking his annual fifteen day
leave of absence.
Piles helped at once with Dr Shoop's
Magic Oiutment. Just to prove it, a
trial box will be a ailed on request, by
writing Dr Snoop, liacine, Wis. Itch
iog, smarting, bleeding piles, internal
or external, get quick and certain help
from Magio Ointment. Large box 50o.
Sold by all Juniors.
Services at the Methodist Episcopal
church every Sunday as follows:
Preaching, 11a m ; Sunday so'.iool, 10
am! Class meetiug 12 mj Epworth
League, 6 .80 p m; Preaching, 7 :30 p
m. Preadn in Grace church every
Sunday at 2 :30 p m. You are cordially
invited to any and all these services .
Pain anywhere stopped in 29 min
utes rure with one of Dr Shoop's Pink
Pain Tablets. The formula is oh the
25-cent box. Ask your doctor or drug
gist about this formula! stops womanly
pains, headache,' pains anywhere.
Write Dr Slioop, Racitie, Wis, for free
trial, to prove value of his Headache,
or Pink Pain Tablets. Sold by all
Contractor W Q Merten drove over
from Sioux City Saturday in his tour
ing car and spent an hour or so with
friends here. When he cranked his
machine preparatory to leaving for the
city the oar started up suddenly and
came near running over
him, and tie-
fore he could get to the levers to stop
the machine, broke down a row of
hitching posts, in front of Schriever's
. 1 . 1 1 A 1 .
hardware store ana strucs: a team mm
was hitched there, badly damaging
the buggy. Considerable excitement
as created, but no one was injured.
Mr Merten came over Sunday and
made good the damage done by the
fraotious maohiue.
The ladies of South Sioux City have
called a meeting to be held in the
town hall iti that place on Friday,
August 21st, to arrange plans for
fixing up and beautifying the cemetery
at this place. People have been in
the habit ot burying their dead here
and then neiflectinir the craves aftervl
wards, and us there is no fund to draw
from with whioh to pay for cleaning
and caring for the lots some of them
are sadly neglected. It is urgently
requeste that all interested iu this
matter attend the meeting, which will
be held at 2 o'clock in the afternoon,
and lend their assistance in devising
a plan to properlv care for the ceme
The footprints of dyspepsia have
been directly traced to the stomach
nerves. When these "inside nerves
fail, indigestion and stomach distreBH
must surely result. For this, drug
gists everywhere are supplying a pre
scription known as Dr Shoop's Restor
ative. First, these tiuy inside stom
ach, heart, and kidney nerves fail.
Then gas belching, heart palpitation,
or failing kidneys fullow. Don't drug
the stomach, or stimulate the heart or
kidneys. That is wrousr. Strengthen
these failing nerves with Dr Shoop's
Restorative. It is the nerves, cot tho
organs that are calling for help.
Within 48 hours after starting the
Restorative treatment, you will realize
tho gain. A test will tell. Sold by all
Frank Orr left yesterday for hi
claim neir Phillip, S D.
Fred Duensins and wife went to
Homer Monday to visit relatives
J H Baker spent Sunday at Lincoln
and attended the Epwertu Assembly
The Dixon-Dakota county medical
association meets at Jackson, August
Will Berger purchased a new trao
tion engine this week for his threshing
Earl Critohfleld, of Omaha, spent
few days here this week with eld time
If you don't gossip about your tronb
le, probably you won't trouble the
Herman Wasmund left Monday for
Bed field. S D, to work in the harvest
and hay fields.
Miss Inez Hawkins, of North Bend,
Nebt, is a guest this week of Miss
Georgia Niebuhr
Adam Sides has been quite sick the
past week, having suffered a hemor
rhage of the lungs.
Mrs U M Spencer this week erected
neat monument on her lot in the Da
kota City cemetery.
Louise Kegel meyer, of EiouxCity,
visited from Monday until Tuesday
with Miss Genevieve Stanard.
A Cinnamon bear, a ooupie of "da
goes" and a tiu horn, was the -attrac
tion on Broadway yesterday evening,
Mrs Joe Haley, Mrs Sol Stevens and
Miss May Thomas, of Morningside,
vixited at the Mrs W I Broyhill home
Fred W Koschinn and Clara M
Eberhne. both of bioux City, were
married Wednesday afternoon by
Judge Stinson.
Scott Rockwell returned the first of
the week from Dallas, S D, where he
went to look np a claim, but failed to
find one to suit.
Mrs John Foltz left last Friday for
Wokama, S D, to hold down their
claim. Mr Foltz will remain here and
work at carpentering.
Mrs Wm Clapp and daughter Mamie
came up from Homer Wednesday and
re spending the week-et
fr and Mrs A U BakerV
the homo of
Earl Frederick, who went to Red
field, S D, recently to look for, work,
writes home that there are half a doz
en men there for every job.
Aioh Easton returned home Thurs
day evening from Omaha, where he
has been atteuding the Creighton col
lege. He fiuished the eouree iu phar
macy and is now a full fledged drug
gist. Mrs Martha F Adair has been se
riously ill the past week, with Bmall
hopes of her recovery. All her chil
dren have been with her this week
with the exception of her son Edward,
who is in Alaska.
A fellow giving the name of "Riley"
wbs arreeteJ for drunkenness by Mar
shal Fuestou Wednesday. Judge
Stinson fined him $3.00, but he could
only dig np $2.00, which was finally
accepted, aud the prisoner released.
Mrs Saloma A Edson, mother of
Mrs John Olbrey, died at the home of
her daughter in Decatur. Neb, on July
26th, at the age of 73 years, 5 months
and 17 days. Death resulted from
apoplexy. Deceased resided in O ma
il i precinct several years before mov
ing to Decatur.
N A S MeLean, formerly station
agjnt for the Burlington at this place,
oame up from Seward, Nebr, Saturday
and packed his household goods fir
shipment to that plaoe, having accept
ed a position as assistant in the station
there . He reported Mrs McLean and
that wonderful new baby of theirs as
getting uloiig nicely.
Grand Mass meeting and political
rally at the court house Wednesday
August 19, at" 7:30 p pi. Come and
hear the issues of tho campaign ably
discussed from the local option point
of view. W S Ritchie, of Omaha, will
be the "water wagon" orator on this
occasion. lie is an able and forcible
speaker and everybody no matter what
his political views may be out to hear
him. v ,
Every person owning or occupying
property-in town is requested by the
town board to cut any and all unsight
ly weeds growing on or around such
propei ty The town should be thor
ouirhlv cleaned up for Old Settlers'
day. Unless this matter is attended
o at once the board iU nave the
work done and charge the expense np
to the property. Paul Pizey, Clerk.
When a man falls in love with
another man's wife, that's affinity, but
when a man falls iu love with your
wife, that'. different. If voa stand
on the comer and make uglx remarl
about another man's daughter, thats
fun, but when it happens to be your
daughter, that'a scandal. It makes a
lot of difference wh- sa wife or daugh
ter it is, and which way you peal the
The state board of equalization, af
ter raising the laud assessment of Da
kota county 10, deoided to strike oil
the increase and so notified County
Attorney F 8 Berry on Monday. Mr
Berry went to Lincoln last week by
order of the county board, to protest
against the raise in the assessment,
and after fully explaining the situi
tion to the state board that body de
cided that the raise would be unjust
to the taxpayers of this county and ao
oordingly reversed the order. Mr
Berry deserves much credit for his
prompt action in this matter, thereby
saving the taxpayers several thousand
dollars a 'ear for the next four years
A good, steady, reliable boy
to work for his board and at
tend school the coming year
Apply soon. D. C. Stinson.
Real Estate Transfers.
John AreiiHilorf ami wife to K A H I.br
Co, lot 2o Kiel -.'1 In block . ity Audi
tion lo Sou III hloux (lly, wil
Kl T Kenruey niul wife to Henry Kbel,
n!a wetloii Ja-Llt-S, wil . , I
Miiry Court to Kil T Kearney, n1; ne'i N
mel e'j xw'HIel of wet lull
:u: niul loin 1 iiik! 1 in neetiou 2. nil
til 2tM, Wil 2760
JS liaeon unil wife to lien J iVvoe,
. lot s. u ami 10 In lilork 12. oriirliuil
tUttt ot buutli hloux City, wd 23X)
Good Races and Sports for th
Old Settlers Picnic.
The amusement committee has af
ranged for some good raoea to be held
en the date of the Old Settlers pictno
August 27, 19X)8, at the track adjoin
ing Clinton Park, Dakota City, Neb
A free for all, purse 150. and a county
trot, purs 140, besides a ooupie of
Rood ball frames will furnish the af
ternoou's sport. The dance in th
evenlug will be the closing feature of
Uia day.
Officer of the Association.
President Barney Orlbble.
Vice 'President John W. Hazle
Secretary S. A. Combs.
Assistant Secretary Hair II
Financial Secretary A. H. Baker.
Treasurer Geo. T. WoodH.
Historian M. M. Warner.
Executive Committee Lewis IT
Armbrlght, Thos. Ashford, MtchaH
Heacotn. Aaron Llnafelter, Marlon
WlRle. Wm. Graham nnd John Uless
Officers of the Day.
Marshal J. V. Rockwell.
Asslctant Marshals H. C. Hansen
Wm. rtlermann, Captain Wm. Luther,
James Fueston. J. M. Brannan, l'an
Purdy, Teter Shearer.
Badftes Mrs. Fannie Crozler.
Memorial S. A. Combs and John H.
Invitations W. L. Itoss and Mary V.
Privileges Harney Gribble, Geo. T.
Woods. A. 11. Balwr.
Transportation R. E. Evans, M. O
Ayers, J. J. Elmers.
Speakers Harney Gribble, V. r,
Warner, R. E. Evans and J. J. Elmers
Register Mrs. Fannie Crozter, H. P,
Crozler, Mary Easton, Blanche Hamil
ton, 11. I). Wood.
Amusement M. O. Ayers, Dr. C. II.
Maxwell, M. M. Ream, W. H. Mason,
r. 11. J. Leahy, A. J. Nordyke, Geo. W.
Membership Mrs. Ida Gribble, Mrs.
Mary tTlrltz, Anna Bartlett, Evarista
Ryan. Mabel Rockwell, Mrs. A. P. Do
ran, Kate DuKgan, llrldgle HayeB.
Grounds 11. D.. Wood, Harney Grlb-
le, S. A. Stinson. Henry Krumwlede,
II. Ream, Gustav Herger, G. F. Broy
hill. Geo. J. Boucher, A. H. Baker. II.
Crozier, R. L. Broyhill, W. L. Ross,
Geo. Kohlmeier. J. J. Elmers, Emmet
Hlleman. Alfred Challlle, R. E. Evans,
P. Rockwell, .Paul Plzey, John
Reception Mr. nnd Mrs. Thos. Ash
ford, Mr. and Mrs. C. J. O'Connor, Nell
Combs. Margaret Murphy, J. M. King,
)avld Clapp, Mr. nnd Mrs. Daniel Hart-
ett, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Ledom, J. P.
teacom, Mary Timlin, Mr. and Mrs.
red Rlume, Mr. and Mrs. Herman
Stolze, Geo. H. Haase, F. S. Berry,
Minnie Harrigfeld, Nellie Heeney, Mr.
and Mrs. Aaron Llnafelter, Mr. and
Mrs. Philo McAfee. Mary Renlnger,
Rebecca Kno. Martin Voss, John C.
Collins, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Duggan, Mr.
and Mrs. Michael Beacom, MaKgie
Twohig, Mary Curren, Matt McKlver
gnn, James Casey, Mr. and Mrs. Ed T.
Kearney, Mr. and Mrs. Fr.n!c Pavey,
Helen O'Neill, Bonnie Barry. J. J. Ry
an, Mr. Holer, Mr. and Mrs. E. K Wil
bur, Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Church, Llbble
Savldge, Beatrice Blessing, George
Wilson, Herman Fonts, Mrs. Mary R.
McBeath, Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Neis-
wanger, Perle Stinson, t,nzanetn a.
Haase, Mr. and Mrs. Harry H. Adair,
Mrs. W. L. Ross, Mrs. Etta M. Spencer,
Mrs. Nellie Mason, Mrs. Eva L. Orr,
Lillian Orr, Mrs. Alice Side5, Mr. and
Mrs. L. H. Armbright, Paul Plzey,
George W. Learner, Mr. and Mrs. Oli
ver W. Fisher, Mrs. Tina I. Brlden
baugh, Fred Beerman, Jr., Henry
Hiermann. John C. Dlneen, Mr. and
Mrs. J. M. Pinckney, S. P. Mikesell,
Jerome Hollman.
Teachers' Institute!
A very interesting and instructive
session of institute work was held here
this week under the supervision of
County Superintendent Mary V Qninn.
She was ably assisted in the work by
Prof U S Conn, of Columbus, an in
structor of wide experience, both in
wchool and institute work, and Miss
Nellie Mae Schlee o Peru, ho is
also an aide institute worker, especial
ly in primary work.
The attendance was above the aver
age, aud all seemed to enjoy the en
tire session, iielow is a list of those
who had enrolled up to Wednesday
Anna Burtlett
Ktto Himor
Mury Chirk
Anna llneen
Alice IViiiumy
Marie Uootlffllow
Helen Hotiau
Neva Best
R. B. Clark
Nell Combs
Lora piiKirun
Kdlth Kouts
Helen Mraniri'r
Mabel Harvey
Helen Harty
Ida Jep
Rulieera Knox
F.va Klimeur
Clul re Lnpxlcy
Katie Mitchell
Alice Mnludy
Margaret Murphy
Mary McKenna
Alice O'Neill
Katherlue Uulnu
Helen Rockwall
Myrtle Robert
Carrie Stone
Mary llinlln
Kmma Wilkin
Agnes Wilson
Grace Hurvey
Qertrwlo Harty
Lucy Jone
(Susie Knox
Cora Kin
Orvllle iJike
Lizzie McUlaslian
Loralim Murphy
Mao Mutfulre
Helen O'Neill
Margaret Ciulnn
Owen Rockwell
Bess Robertson
Oonevleve Hlonard
Minnie IStone
Will Teller
Mattlu Wemlte
Buffalo Bill's Wild Wast
Will exhibit at Sioux City, Iowa,
Thursday, Aug 27, with three open
air melodramas and a host of reckless
horsemen on western bronchus. There
will be a srenuine atmosphere of the
onen plains and rugged frontier life in
i i ;.I 1 . 1 I. U,.ff.lrt
Bill's Wild Wet and GongrwBH of
Rctueh Riders of the World. There
will be scenes of peace and brutal
warfare combined in auenio femtuie.
A holiday at T-E Ranch, which will
show the pasttimes of the plainsman
hnd cowboy and will end in a vigorous
lndiiH attaok upon the whites, a re
pulse and final route of the red men
the battle ot Mimruit Bpriygs win ne
the leading feature of the entertain
ment. Iu this scene one of the deotd
ina conflicts in Indiau warfare will be
reproduced, with ISultalo liill re-enact
ing the role which he originally played
. . . ... .i . .i.t i
iu tlia. buttle tne ueaiu, at uia uauua,
of Chief Tall Bull and the utter defeat
of the Iudians Htill another type of
western warfare will be illustrated iu
the grunt train hold-up in which the
the famous bandit-hunters ol tne
Union l'acitlo will ba shown in conflict
witll desperado- who liave rtbbed au
express car aud "held up" the pasBcn
erers on the train. Iu every way the
exhibition will be a departure in open
air enter! aiumeut aud at every pur
formauce Buffalo l ill will be in the
saddle at the Lead of his company
directing the performance.
Patronize Home Industries buy your meats of
Proprietor of
Fresh and Bait Meats always
Agent fot Seymour's White Laundry.
Laundry basket goea Tuesday! and comes back Saturdays
r. O. STANARD, Proprietor
Dakota City, Neb.
Have retired from the City Hottl and are now located in
the building adjoining the D. C. Stinson store, where we
will conduct a first class, up-to-date Restaurant. We will
be pleased to have all our old customers call and see us,
as well as new ones.
Mctvl Tickets (21 Meals) $3. SO
Everything Neat and New. Best of Treatment.
Dakota City. Ntm. I .'nWVPrC
Bonded : Abstracter
istractcr 1
TRt apcKO Is
A. F; Nordyltc!
Brsadtr e
Dtxroc, Jersey 3wifiLeJ
HubbKrd, NebrtKaUth.
Every dollar spent for palntine. coatinsr or renlacimr vonr roof Is
Afowev Patch that you can avoid if
which requires no coating or painting
is mado of Asbestos, an indestructible mineral. Cannot rot or rust,
resists fire and is not affected by pases, acids, heat or cold. Its first
cost is the only cost That is why it is the 'cheapest-per-year"
Roofing. Easily applied by anyone.
Asbestosidb is an Asbestos Siding for buildings and the
, most economical, aurame ana
Ask for samples and prlo
217-231 clysourn st.
Milwaukee, wis.
The Bank
(The good Dank oldest in the county, with customers in many
states.) ,
With tventy-two years suaoesaful banking experience (time tried
panio proof,) ample capital, surplu, backing and facilities, it invites
the careful attention of kveeydodv everywhere to its superior meth
ods, and the conveniences and absolute safety offered its customers.
It dons everything in banking right, (just a little better than the
other fellow) and very much desires yodb business. One trial that's
all we ask, we'll do tie rest.
4 interest paid on time deposits
Distance no bar to doiag business with us. Try, just once.
Kearney's Bank. "The Dank that always treats you right"
"Hafe as a Government Bond." Bank of Dakota County.
Less than fifty dollars losses Jacksow,
since starting. Nebraska
Write for our Illustrated Catalogue describing our seventy
different. styles of Harness. '
A good Work Harness for $20.00
: Stixreo Bros
on hand t Cash paid for hides.
r -
608 Metropolitan 61k.
Sioux City. Iowa
rsrved for
i if m i is
you use J-M Asbestos RooBTNQ
to preserve it.
easily applied Biding Known.
that Always treaty
411 Psatrl Strsst
Slovx City, lewak.
. vtOHt