7 IP iitl A' J.'-.yp m . . ' ' '' I 4 11 ".'A :; How many American women in lonely homos to-day long for this blessing to romo Into their lives, and to bo ab'o to utter theso words, but because of some organic derange ment thia happiness u denied them. Every woman interested in this subject should know that prepara tion for hoalthy maternity is accomplished by the ' uso of VEGETABLE COMPOUND Jlrs. J!:vt';w Gilmer, of West Union, S. C.,v.iites to Mrs. Finkliam : " I was groatly run-down in health from a weakness peculiar to my sex, when Lyclia E. Tinkhani' 9 Vegetable Compound was recommended to me. It not only restored me to perfect health, but to my delight I am a mother." Mrs. Josephine Hall,of Bardstown, Ky, writes : " I was a very great sufferer from female troubles, and my physician failed to help me. Lyclia K. Pinkham's Vege table Compound not only restored me to perfect health, but I am now a proud mother." FACTS FOR SICK WOMEN. For thirty years Lyclia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound, made from roots and herbs, has been the standard remedy for female ills, and has positively cured thousands of women who have been troubled with displacements, inflammation, ulcera tion, fibroid tumors, irregularities, perinrtic pains, backache, that bearing-down feeling, flatulency, indices tion,dizziness or nervous prostration. Why don't you try it ? Mrs. Pinklmm Invites all sick women to write lier for advice. Sho has guided thousands to health. Address, Lynn, Mass. 15 Kintf Illustrated Souvenir Postal Cards ull by nmll prepaid for only 10c. Just wunt everybody Is buying. Bend P. O. stamps. Also laiKQ free catalogue of nheet music v Ihtp you can bur cheap. Address L. C. It KAN, South Omaha. Nh. Two Uncomfortable Beds. An old mountain preacher used to tell of a lawyer a friend of his, who lived at the county Beat of a mountain county. Back in the hills somewhere liTed one of his clients, whom he had occasionally entertained with the ready hospitality of Kentucky. When he left, the client always invited the lawyer to jjojno to see him when In bis neigh borhood. i Business called the lawyer back Into the hills one winter day, and. late In the afternoon he found himself in the vicinity of his client. He decided to accept the often-repented invitation. After inquiry, he found the shack one of the poorest he had ever seen. As there was no sgu of barn or shed, bo blanketed his horse and hitched bins, iu the lee of the house. Ills warm welcome was genuine, but, supper was in uccord with the sur roundings, aud at bedtime he was con ducted to the i loft, which he found bare of beds, but well filled wtlh part ly dried cornstalks, lie was bidden to make his bod ou the fodder. His overcoat furnished Inadequate protection. After a short nap, he wak ened, stiff with cold. He remembered the big fireplace with the backlog, and decided to go downstairs and start the fire. The coals brightened as he stirred them and ndvl"d kindling. The sparks and smoke began their ascent, when the guest noticed a strange commotion at the bnek of the fireplace. This 6topped when the oldest son of the fam ily, covered with soot and ashes, scrambled from the backlog, where he had gone to sleep for the night. Inntrumental Mnalc. That a word may convey vastly dif ferent meanings when differently used Is amusingly illustrated by a . story from the Iirooklyn Life. "Have ye heard me daughter Mona Sing lately?" asked Mr. Dugan, "Both lately and early," said Mr. Ilogaiw "'Tis the fine instrumental music she do make!" "Ve ignoramus! Sure, singing ain't Instrumental music!" indignantly re plied Mr. Dugan, "Kuegan told me It was Insthrumen tal in causing him to move two block away from y-r house." lie Wai Practical. "Young man, you write a good deal Of poetry to my daughter." "Yes, fir." "It takes a practical man to sup port a wife." "Well. It's this way. I have to write her an (icc.islou.il letter, and I'm so busy nt the oliiee that I Just copy the poetry to fill In." The explanation wns satisfactory. Gxcltangc. Jlii mmm $mmm mm Dyrr Don't you ever Intend to mar ry. RyerJ Hycr Not until these walsta (hat button in the hack go out of fash Ion. Bohemian, The Widow Is yo' sho yo' lubs me? Pnnimy Oo'se I's sho. The Widow (suspiciously) Yo' aiut los' yo'r Job, Is yo"? Kxchai.ge. Small Elsie (Jrnndinn, is your teeth (food? Gninduitt No, dear; I haven't any. Small Klk Then I'll let you hold my candy till I come back, Ex change. Fa titer How' do you like your new iinniiua, Elsie? Elsw Well, I won't complain this time, if you will let me choose the next oue. Fllegende Blaet- ter. Old Mnid (la upper berth'of Pullman, ringing Itoll violently) Porter I Torter Yaas, ma'am. Old Mnid I'm quite sure there's a man under my bodl Bo hemian. Waiter Tes, pir, we're wry hup to data 'ere. We cook hevcreythlnk by helectrlclty. Customer Oh, do you J 'then Just give this steak another shock. Exchange. "I pay as I go," declared the pompous citizen. "Not while I'm running these apartments," declared the Janitor; "you'll pay as you move In." Wash ington Journal. Marlon I showed papn those verses you wrote me, and ho seemed pleased. Harry He did? Marlon Yes. He said he was so glad to see you were not a poet Philadelphia Inquirer. "What business Is Miss Gaddle In?" "Oh, she's in everybody's business." "Wholesale, eh?" "Yes, except when it comes to a bit of scandal ; she retails that." The Catholic Standard and Times. "Smoking may not hurt some people," said Mrs. Lnpsllug, "hut it isn't good for a nervous man like my husband. You know it's the Nicodemus in tobacco that makes It so Injurious." Chicago Tribune. She I see where a fellow married a girl on his deathbed, Just so she could have his millions when he was gone. Could you love a girl like that? He Sure, I could love a girl like thatl Where does she live? Puck. At the Dentist's " 'Ow much, mis ter?" "Half a crown, please." "Wot I Why, it didn't take yer half a minute. The lust bloke I went to pulled me all round the room for a quarter of an hour, aud then only charged me a siiillin'." Pall Mall Magazine. Mrs. Nexdore (proudly) rrof. Fort called at our house to-day, aud my daughter played the piano for him. He just raved over her playing. Mrs. IVpprey How rude! Why couldn't he conceal his feelings the way the rest of us do? Philadelphia Press. Thief (acquitted of stealing d watch, to his advocate) I thank you, sir, from the bottom of my heart I have no money to pay you; but here Is the watch; take it; it is the best I can do for you, and I may have another Job for you soon. Fllegcnde Blaetter. Rector Susie, I was sorry not to see your father at church this morning. Susie Please, no, sir. lie went out walking la the woods. Rector Ah, Susie, I'm afraid that your father does not fear the Lord. Susie Guess he does; too. Ho took his gun with him. The Nurso. Mother Just run upstairs, Tommy, and fetch baby's uiglUgowu. Tommy Don't wnnt to. Mother Oh, well, if you're going to be unkind tojyour new little sister, she'll put on her wings aud fly back again to heaven. ' mmy let her put ou her wings and fetch her nightgown ! Puuch. "Do you know the value of an oath?" asked the Judge of an old darky who was to be the next witness. "Yes, suh, I does. One ob dese yeah lawyers done lb me foah dollars for to b.vear to sufTln. Dat's de value of an oath. Foah dollars, sah." And then there was con sternation in the courtroom. St Joseph News. "It's no use," said the young man with heavy-rlmmed eye-glasses. "I can't get this political economy straight" "What's the trouble?" asked the profes sor. "I can't discover whether a lot of people go broke because we have hard times or whotlsr we have hard times because a lot of people go broke." Washington Star. The agent of the tltl"l wooer found that the ambitious American girl hud only $ir.O,UOo a i"-ir. Of course, ho ad vised his principal t withdraw. "But," I:irlsti."l the latter, "I could scrape along on $iriM a year." . "Possibly, but who'd support your wife?" Even love could put forth n argument against this. New York World. Mr. Stubb (in astonlshmcut) Gr:i 'ioiis. Maiiu! That tramp has been sing, lug out in the back yard for the last l. our. .Mrs. Srnbb Yes. John, it is all my fault. Mr. Stub! Your fault? Mrs. Stub!) Indeed It is. I thought I was gliing Liat a dish of boiled oatmeal, uml iiiKtcj.d of tliat 1 boiled up the birdseed by niisiriUe. Chicago Dally News. Meula find liriilii. We give too much thought to our meals, for Instance. Tiny need con triving, ami It Is pleat-nut to have theni si-t temptingly upon u table ou which fresh flowers are arranged and to eat tlieai in a room wherein there is not a fepeck of dust, but It Is not right that our ImmIU'S should he fed at the expense of our MUils or that the dust should bw taken from every led,'e iu our house and left to gather Ihiekly In our brains. Reader Magazme. .Nut I in! ( Thrra. Miss Redd That j-irl turned up her nose at your automobile. Miss Greene Oh, well. Just wait un til she can afford one; she won't notle the einell like t!i..t ! Yonkers State-man. When Should a (itrl Marry t Reason tdiould govern marriage to some degree, although It does not. People in love do not reason. Hero Is where the parents or legal gnnrdlan of a girl can Justify tin Ir ollice by do ing the thinking she is neglecting for dreaming always n more pleasant pas time to one in love. It is a sacrilege for nn Ignorant girl of 10 to become a wife. Even worse for her to assume the obligations and responsibility of motherhood. The av erage girl of IS Is too young to marry, Immature in Ixuly and mind. Far bet ter to wait than to risk the happiness of two lives. Ente nianiauos are ununlly made out of respect and friendship, the founda tions of love, put they miss the thrill aud passion of love Itself. Such mar riages provide n home and congenial companionship for the ninn and woman who hav outlived their Hist youth, with Its burled emotions nnd tender memories, nnd makes for them a sort of Indian summer of happiness. The Ideal time of life for n woman to marry Is from twenty to thirty-five. For a man, from twenty-five to forty-five. Society woman do not -marry young, and who can find nn "old" woman of thirty In society? They are plentiful enough among the 40,'HK), where women marry at sixteen, seventeen and eight een, and settle down to n humdrum ex istence filled with dishes to wash ana babies to care for. Home ought not to be a dull place. It ought to lie the most Interesting spot In the world to the wife and mother. But it Is Impossible for a girl who bus not attained her physical and mental growth to grasj) the true significance and meaning of the home or to. bear its burdens without deteriorating. Some of the happiest marriages are those between iersouB over twenty-five and under thirty-five. They have seen life nnd met interesting people, they are sure of themselves, nnd no 'af finity," were she equipped with mag netic batteries from head to foot, could sparate them. They ore married for If e. Jessie M. Pnrtlon. A FoMluu Ilnnd Mirror. A folding hand mirror, particularly adaptable for use ns a traveler's obser vation glass Is the invention of a Chi cago man. ine mirror wns design ed with the Iden of holding It n few inches outside the window of tho coach, so that the person holding the glass can sec both toward the front and the rear of the train at the same time nnd without FOLDING, MIRROR plnclng the head out of the window. When folded or open It Is neat and attractive in appearance, and can he quickly folded Into a compact form to place in the pocket. The mirrors are hinged together so they can bo folded face to face, with a suitable stop pin for holding the mirrors rigid when open. Medicinal Food. Carrots are excellent for gout, Cranberries correct the liver. Asparagus stimulates the kidneys. Watercress is an excellent blood purifier. Honey Is a good substitute for cod liver oil. Parsnips possess the same virtues as sarfcapurilla. Celery contains sulphur and helps to ward off rheumatism. Bananas ure beneficial to sufferers from chest complaints. , Celery is a nerve tonic; onions also are a tonic for the nerves. Beetroot is fattening aud good for people who want to put on flesh. Tomatoes are good for a torpid liver, but should be avoided by gouty people. lettuce has a soothing effect en the nerves and is excellent for sufferers from Insomnia. Spinach has great icricnt qualities and Is far bettor than medicine for' suf ferers from constipation. The Juice of a lemon Is excellent for sore throat, but should not he swal lowed, but used as a gargle. i kT irsct Embroidered vests of pique and lin en promise to be a necessary adjunct to summer ,sults. As tho season progresses the rage for crochet buttons as a trimming in creases. Cretonne Is' also largely used for waistcoats, bats, parusols, collars and applied effects. A sporty novelty In umbrellas which promises to be jMipul.ir presents Palls of solid leather, with a heavy chenille fringe hanging from The balls are fastened to the stick by solid leath er strups. A dainty parasol Is of dove gray silk with embroidered orchids In the space between each rib; s mo have a border of braided satin ribbon In two contrasting shades along the outside Pdge, whereas inside two laviblii:; ro settes, each repealing the ccbir scheme, are pored ut a short space one Worn the other. Simple little pong"e and tttsore J frocks are oiuanicntcil with bits of trimming or pah ley dtsig-i. bearf ill o SUMMER are appearing with wide silk paisley borders. Quite out of the ordinary was a pair of mules made from pieces of an old paisley shawl, to accompany a "pelgnor" in changeable oriental chif fon. ' Long white tulle or feather boas can be mado up to date by cutting when Just long enough to encircle tho neck, the ends tied in the back with a bow of broad black velvet ribbon with long floppy loops nnd cuds. The box-plait ed ruches of four layers of box plaits divided In half by an Inch band of ribbon to match the suit are very fetching and becoming. All the newest collars have ruflles at the top nnd bottom. A pretty one of plain linen has a fluted ruffle also of the linen an Inch and a half wide above, terminating In a V-shnpe, nnd another ruffle twice this width fitting over the blouse front and back. The more elaborate dressy collars of chif fon have tulle ruflles, with loops of baby ribbon set at regular Intervals. Buttons are a most favored trim ming. They are used not only upon tailored gowns nnd summer frocks, but upon the more elaborate evening costumes. They are oft-times placed (ho full length of the clinging sUirt at one side, in the center front or iu the center back. This line of buttons Is a continuation of the buttou trim ming upon the bodice portion, and Is one of the little tricks employed to give tho much-desired "long-line" ef fect. One of the prettiest fashions of a year of pretty fasnlous is that of threading the skirt of a frock with ribbons at flounce depth. Instead of using the beading which was formerly employed in carrying out this Idea, this present mode demands that ne tual silts be cut in tho dress. These are buttonholed and the ribbon or vel vet Is then passed iu and out. The fullness of the skirt is drawn In to suit the figure of tin wearer, a result which is the reason for discarding the less troublesome bending. The ends of tho ribbon are either tied nt Intervals or aro all looped at tho loft side. KplKrumn hf Kve. A brother Is a mirror that never flat ters. Who cares If a duck of a girl is feather-headed? In tho merry waltz of life we should nil learu how to reverse gracefully. The feminine Intellect topples before time tables aud bauk book balancing. Elfo is a crafty stage manager that keeps luring us on with promises of an encore. A diplomat is a man who knows how to say nothing Iu the most conservative manner. A girl adores a man because ho Is strong, then falls out with him because she can't twine hlni about her little finger. IiiMitninhu Insomnia is not the uncommon fate of the bralnworker, who, after years of continuous mental strain, retires from active life. The real reason Is that mental activity deinaiiils a large supply of blood for tho brain, aud the. blood vessels gradually accommodate them selves to this hirs:o supply. But, when the hard work is over, tin brain docs not always realize that It needs less nourishment, and hence the condition of excessive mental activity, which is vhat insomnia Is. Ioiidoii Mall. Ilrware of lalklai;. That excessive talking Is the cause of many nervous disease and for the increasing amount of Insanity affect ing modern society Is tho Interesting theory cbilsirated before tho Psycho Therapeutic Society Iu London the other night by Rev. B. S. Lombard, a London vicar, who has given the tmlc Jis-t much study. "An enormous amount of vital en COSTUMES. ergy Is wasted In talking," said the vicar. "An excessive talker Is a human vampire, who saps the vital energy of those about him. Teople silimt by na ture seldom are 111. A large percent age of the victims of nervous disease are great talkers, who discuss Imagin ary ailments until tbey get them." Dr. Stenson nooker supported toe vicar In a recommendation that one room be set aside In each of the Lon don hospitals for silent treatment Neither of the gallant speakera par ticularly mentioned the talking pro clivities of women In his argument ugalust garrulity. Gorareflna Plume dat. An attractive millinery, croatton in black and whito, thou which there is nothing richer. In this case the Urge hat with slightly rolling brim Is black chip and the only decoration a gen erous number of beautiful white ostrich plumes. A bat of this type Is always good stylo and may be worn on almost any aud every occasion. Camphor to Cure Cold, One of the most efficient remedies tot breaking up a cold during lbs earliest stage is camphor. When the eyoa begin to water and there Is an accompanying tingling of the nose and feeling of chilliness, place three drops of caxupbar on a lump of loaf sugar nnd place the sugar In the mouth. Repeat this every fifteen minutes till four or five doses have been taken. At the samo tlnio place the feet where they will become thoroughly warm. Tills will usually prove effectual in breaking up a cold If the cold is taken at Its very beginning. For a child but one drop should be placed upon the sugar, and five or Blx doses administered. ) IluDilr Hook Sbrlf. Co to any furniture dealer and twt from him three wooden window shade boxes nnd line them with white tnolro paper and cover with brown wood-colored paper. You may have to buy the boxes, but they will bo only about 10 cents apiece. Have a table in your room and placo these boxes so tbey will rest on the table and ugnlnst the wall. It Is best to sepurute them with wooden boxes of eqwd siz ooverod with brown paper'. This makes a splen did throe-shelf bookcase in which small hooks can be placed. If one cares the boxes can lie covered with paper to match the room. fioirn Trtramlnira. Shall the gown be made plain or shall It tie much trimmed? Both extreme are sought by those who go In for pretty dresses. Should one I unabte to de cide upon a style, there Is the popular plaited or kilted skirt made sulci length with a fitted hip yoke. And thar is tho cutaway coat which buttons wiyi two or three buttons and Is cut away to show tho wulst end belt Tula stylo is very fashionable. The Word 1)1 r a. Tho word diva Is derived from the Italian and mean a goddess or sweot henrt. In Its English uppIWtkin It designates a prima donna that Is, a female operatic singer of celebrity. !f ' V!: J1 ml ALCOHOL 3 PER avttr AcgelnUfIYrpara!onfrAs slmilaiin$thcrbo(famlRffiii!a IUuiSiofioclisaiidJJ(mi3si Promoh?s Di jcstlonfliff rfu! ncss and Kestf ontalns ncitiw Opium .Morphine rtcr Mineral. Not Narcotic. S?nrA Sua' AMrA-Juft-Avsrttnt MMIaWBB A norfact npmpdv PnrTiW.fln: Worms ,l orrvTiisions J'fvcristt ncss and Loss or meer Facsimile Sijftarcrfof NEW YOftK. huaranleed under the k-c Exact Copy of Wrapper, TT Guaranteed" wider the KooJji New York Central Lines ostosi and Return Every Thursday 4 Until Sept 24lh inclusive From Chicago 5 VIA "LAKE "MICHIGAN Fro m St. Louis $33 "BIG FOUR ROUTE" Good for return 30 days Correspondingly lw fare3 to Canada, Adirondack Mountains and St. Lawrence River WARREN J. LYNCH, Passenger Traffic Mgr., CHfCAGO Foiled,' Dalked, Trnn Dona. "I will follow you to the end of th earth !" hissed tho villain In her shell like ear. Iiut the clever girl fooled him she didn't go there. Boetoi Trauacrlpt. TWO CUBES OF ECZEMA. Uaar Had Serrra Alt ark Grand father 9a2errd Tsrinrnla with It -Dm Hr.orerr to t'alenra. "Ia 1884 my grutHlHon, a babe, had an attack of ec.cuin, and after trying the doctors to the extent of heavy bills and an Increase of tho 1 incuse aud Buf fering, I recommended Cuticura and la a few week the child was well. He la to-duy a strong man and absolutely free from the disc-tie. A few yeara ago I contracted eczema and became an Intense Birffcrer. A whole winter passed wltliout once haTliif; on shoe, uearly from tint- knees to the foes be ing covered with virulent aorea. I tried many doctors to no purpono. TUmi I procured the Cuticura Rented lea and found ioitnodlate Irnproveiueut and fluul cure. AC W. UiRue.MS Swrenth Et, Louhwille, Ky., Apr. 23 aud May 14, '07." The world's production of coal In 1900 amwuntrd to ahout 1,10G,3TS,07 short tons. , GimhI News for the Deaf. A celebrated New York AurlNt has ben selected to demonstrate to deaf people that deafness Is a dlseuso and can be cured rapidly and easily In your own home. He proposes to prove this fact by sending to any person having trouble with their ears a trial treat ment of this now method abaolutely freo. We advlno all people who have trouble with their cars to Immediately address Dr. Kdward (ianlner, Snlte 850, No. 40 WcHt Thirty-third streX-t. New York, and they will receive by re turn mull, absolutely free, a "trial treatment." I'BwiUcttrd Trlbate. "Aunt Letty, said her little aepht from the city, "I saw a bearded lady li I dime museum cuce. Sha was a fake, ut you're the rial thing," Mrs. Wlustuw'g 8ootlii.it; Syrup ror Chlld reu toetliliig, eofteuK ilia guun, reaucs tn flamiuHtlen, ullas pulu, cures wlud collo. kJc twttta. The- mil mail bridge which connects Venice with tho mainland ia 12,000 tMl (org. For Infanta atiA Children. The Kind You llavo Always Bought Bears tho x signature of TO SHORE " OR CENTRAL" VIA fCILET fiflTISEPTIO Keeps the breath, teeth, mouth and body1 ontiseptically clean and free from asW healthy germ-life and disagreeable oders, which water, soap and tooth preparation alone cannot do. A germicidal, disin fecting and deodor ana aeouor- r .. ilet requisite f 'Wrros' izing toi ol except celleuce a amy. Invaluable far inflamed eyes, throat and nasal and uterine catarrh. At drug and toilet stores, 50 cents, or by mail postpaid. Large Trial Sample WITH "HtHlTM ND tUTY BOOK SCNT (( THE PAXTON TOILET CO., Boston, Rifasi DAISY FLY KILLED ipfi tu 14 mil mm atatu, ajravi UMI aVl I MdHMSIaa will u4'tU w Ik Jurliyitikaif. tftia4 All dmmimw y l urula aVaswrdw iTO-NIGIlT snrmiTwiwai Save The Package Tops and Soap Wrapaara Iroro 2(W.!ULE.TAMM C0BAX Pioducu and Exchange thara Fraa For Valuable Premhicia 40pe IKua)raia4 Fro catatonia of I J60 arltciaa, AAbTat tU.UK tMkSi iMtU C, &lCMr7ul Iwal Aitants IwM, rU lar Mean MaUaf PtM WIDOWS1"""" N EW LAW obUlMd 8. C. N. U. - Xo. 2D tttoa. HifHicti.(1k I AW IX For Over Thirty Years ' VMSeiarouaaaapaav, ararvoaaarrr. 2935 u I . 1 luuums ai hamTtOuipsoD'sEyiWaly J tin