J)R, C. H. MAXWELL, Physician and Surgeon. Calls promptly attended . VAIOTA OITT, NEBRASKA LOW RATE SUMMER TOURS To tK Paeiflo Cottt Daily low round trips rates to Fort- land, Seattle, Tacoma. SanvFran cisco, Los Angeles and San Diego, slightly utgner to include both Can fornia and Paget Bound . One whole business day saved by our new schedule to the, Pacific northwest. EtiUrn Rttorli Daily low excursion rates to Cana da, Michigan, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Massaohussetta and New York tour 1st resorts ; also low excursion rates to tourint resorts in Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont. to Calordo ftnd Rock. jr NtuntiJnt Daily low rates to Colorado, Utah, Wyoming, lilack Hills and Yellow stone Park. lOOO rmtlia Wetntaal For newly irrigated lands in the Big Horn Basin, Wyo. No cyclones or floods. Water your land as needed Soil is rich. Timber and coal plen- tuuj. JL'rice flU to $50 per acre. Personally conducted excursions 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of each month. Write D Clem Dearer, general agt, Lanuseekers' Information Bureau, Omaha, for new folder. It's free. wnte a Dnei description of your proposed trip, ana let us advise you how to make it the best way at the least cost. N A S McLean. Ticket Agent datiota crnr, neb. It. W. Wakelky, O P A, Omaha, Neb WBtaaBnmmmimmmmmmuommmmmmmmm Rheumatism Do you want to get rid of it ? If so, take Dr. Miles Nervine modified as di rected in pamphlet around bottle. In addition to the direct curative properties it has a soothing effect up on the nervous system by !which the rheumatic pains are controlled, and rest and sleep assured. It has made many cures of this painful disease, some of them after years of suffering, j If it will cure others why not you. If your case is compli cated, write us for advice, it costs you nothing and may save you prolonged suffering. "1 was bo crippled that I could scarcely walk. After having my shoes on for an hour or two 1 could manage to walk by suffering: the pain. Then I bepan to have pains all through my system. My doctor told me I had n acute attack of Inflammatory rheumatism. I read about Dr. Miles' Nervine, boupht a bottle and I com menced to get better from the start and for the past six months have scarcely any pain, - and am able to walk as well as ever." v JAS. H. SANDERS, P. O. Box G, Rockaway, N. J. Your druggist sells Dr. Miles Nerv ine, and wo authorize him to return price of first bottle (only) If it fails to benefit you. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind 2 get immediate relief from Dr. Snoop s Magic Ointment Undertaker County Coroner B. F. Sawyer Jackson, Nebraska 80 YEARS EXPERIENCE Wv's. Designs ''eV- O0PVRIOHT4 Ac. mi t ckotcli und dnncrlntlon mm .in inir ci-r.ih'n froo whotlipr an ' f.1 ..l.ii.T!tl..l. Wh'SCOOit n I'ntcuU r.: nit-: t Humify for tth- utuig imiem.. ,;ur. it tliroi.irli Munti fc Co. receive . i- ..v, w'Mmut clmrue. ill the ' JSasericam ,., . n -i:r lllii'trmed wertly. J.nrire.t clr. i ( i.iit eritMintlt' li'Uiliul. Terms, 'i t - .'ii ru.:it.ii3, L bolu bjrall newsdealers. ,Uo.3C,Bfoadw,KewYcrk .-.....- r Rt v7diiimii'jn. . :. Rheumatism I ha for.sd tried and tested .curs for Rhea, tu tli.ni I Not a roved? that will sUi"iW Ik Smok1 li'whs ol chronic ertppl" nor turn bonr v towthi back to fih aiain. Ttat U impose bl But I eu now nuruly kill pin and ixtmft of ' - I In CeniejiT with a Ctw.mlst In the Cttyof t.m.i..t.f fnMiwI Ik- lt. Inimuliant WltD in- Huooii'i UheumaUc Ramedr wat Biada perfected, dt-paadable lr.crlK,ton. Without that lit uiraHat, I suoonnfullr trattd maoy, UiniMiMiJ RhMinifttiliB:hiiiiiow. at last. Uuiu for oil y euns all curable cam ol this beretofon tnni-h Kiuilrf iliwmia. Thota aand-llka sranular wavtna, iouoa In tLhouinattc Blood atwim to dlwolv aiuu pM away wider tha artion ol tUU ramady a Irwily a loas tuyar whan added to pur watar. Aa& Una. wtieu dluolvd. thaw poltnnous wattot m nu fr. mi tha avstcin. and tha causa ol KheunatttfD Is fona lurerer. Ttiera Is now no ! ned no actual exouas to riBar longer with out balp. i sell, and in coafidetios rnmiinmd Dr. Shoop's Rheumatic Remedv IBllllripfo "ALL DEALERS" R R Time Table SiouiCi;?, Crystal La kt d Homer LEAVE MAT Dakota cut siouxcitt 7:30am 8:20am 9 :30 a m 10:30a m 11:16a m a m 1:15 pm 2:00 pm 8:00 pm. 4:15pm 5:15 p m 5:50 p m 8peoisl trips for parties of 15 or more c st. p., m. a o. Trains leaTe Dakota Citj at the fol loving time : OBTH BOUND. SOUTH BOORD 7:02 pm Omaha 7:04 am 10:00 am Omaha 5:13 pm 3:37 pm. Norfolk 8:18 am 8:41 am Norfolk 0.32 pm 7:28 am Newcastle 0:33 am 2:08 pm "' .......6:25 pm 80NDAT TRAINS. 7 :02 rm Omah a 7 :04 am A:7 Norfolk 6:Vi C B A Q WK8T No. 85 Local Freight. 7:15 am 11 " Passenger, Omaha andLlncoln ....12:47 pm EAST No 86 Local Freight 2 :25 pm 10 Local Passenger.. 6 :07 pm daily. daily except Sunday. Local Items Friday, July 17, 1908. Subscribe for The Herald $1 per year. Mrs Eva L Orr has repainted her residence. James Fuexton put a new shingle roof on his house this week. For Sal Second hand single har ness, Inquire at tuis omce. Goodv. Goodv. Goody, where, at Van's. A big box for 5 cents. Major Phillips was up from Lyons Monday night, returning Tuesday. A pood second-hand phaeton and sin glo harness for sale, cheap. Mrs M Spencer. George Barnett made a business trip to Norfolk last Saturday, returing home Monday. S Cobb and family, of Emerson, spent Sunday and Monday at Sionx City and Crystal lake. A special meeting of the Masonic lodge will be held Saturday evening for work in the Felloworaft degree. Will Phillips and Tat Ureary left' Wednesday on a trip to Red field, N D, to look for work in the harvest fields. Metviu Dewitt and Louis Iiasmusfsen started Wednesday on an overland trip to Narth Dakota, looking for work. The Norfolk line suffered a washout near Winside Sunday and train service on that branch was suspended a couple of days. Ed T Kearney, of Jackscn, was a pleasant caller here Wednesday. He had lately returned from a pleasure trip to California. W P Warner and Boss L Hammond were looking after business matters at Omaha the first of the week, returning to Crystal lake Thursday. Paul Kinkel left Wednesday for St Paul, Minn, on a couple of weeks visit with relatives. He will stop enroute at Laseur, Minn, to visit his mother. Postmaster F W Barnhart and fami ly came down from llartington Tues day to spend a few days at the lake, and also to visit at tbe ltalpu Goodwin home. S A Stinson sends word home from Cororado that he and Mrs Stinson are having the time of tlieir lives. They attended three sessions of the demo cratic convention held in Denver last week, and that everything in Denver is "Uryan lustnow. Mr and Mrs Wm Lahrs celebrated their twentv-fifth wedding anniversary at their home here Wednesday evening. A large number of their German friends were present to enjoy the occa sion. They were the recipients of some handsome silverware as tokens of the happy event. About a dozen members of the Order of the Eastern Star came down from Ponoa Saturday afternoon and visited the lodge at this place. A very pleasant afternoon was spent. Lunch was served at the home of Judge and Mrs It E Evans, at which the Star and Masonio lodges participated. The big Indian celebration at the flag pole, east of mnnebago, was brought to a close Sunday. Nearly the entire tribe of Wiuuebagoes partic ipated in the celebration tbis year, which lasted a week. The Indians es tablished camps at the picnic grounds and remained there during the entire weak. When you have an item of news for the Ilerald you should send it in not later than Wednesday eveuiug or Thursday morning, as we cIobb up tke forms Thursday afternoon. Wa often receive lteris Friday morning after the paper is printed, and the parties send ing them will probably wonder why they did not appear in the paper. I'ain will depart in exactly M min utes if one of Dr Shoop's l'iuk Puin Tablets is taken. Puiu anvwhere. ttemember! lam alwuys means con gestion, blooj preHBur- no'hing else Headache ia blood pressure; tooihache is blood pressure on the sensitive nerve, Dr Suoop s Ileaduche Tahlt ts also called Pink Puin Tablet quick ly and safely coax this Mood pr- stum away from, puin centers. Painful periods witn women get Instant rt li. f 20 Tablets 25o. Sold bv all dealers Oscar M W addell, who has served as industrial agent at the Wiuui bapo Agency for the past two or three vears, has sent his resignation to the depart ment of the iutetior and the same hun been accepted. It is not et known who his successor will be, Mr Wad dell quits the Indian service to take a position with a manufacturing concern at Seattle, Wash, at a more lucrative salary. We hope to see Mr Vadd ll prosper in his new work, as Lie is a born and bred Dakota county boy and has worked himself t; the top of the ladder in the service. Tost cards at Tan's. Have Elmers make yonr abstracts. Melt A Schmied returned Wednes day from his trip to Mason City, Iowa. Jred Hngbert and wife were tip from Winnebago seTeral days the past wtek. You will never get nervous if you drink Breun's coffee. YandeZedde sells it. S A Combs and wife, of Homer, vis ited over Sunday here at the John H Beam home. A son was born to Chas Bnter and ife, of South Sionx City, on Thurs day of last week. H G Niebuhr was in town Saturday between trains, on his way from Pen del to Winnebago. For Sale A grade Poland China boar, weight about 240tbs, 8 months old. Inquire at tbh Dice. A baby boy arrived at the home of Carl Soreson and wife, living south west of this place, on Monday. Mrs Sol Smith and children were in town Tuesday between trains, enroute from Homer to their home at Emerson. Bev Oberholzer and wife expect to visit during the month of August at the home of the latter's parents at Bristol, Ind. Mrs Hannah Walden and daughter Urdene, returned to their home at Pender Tuesday, after a visit her at the Schmied home. , Hal JLUackter was operated on in Sionx City Wednesday for the remov al of an abcess from one of his kinneys. lie stood the oyeration nicely. tiln I)nxr,ai Ann John Ilnnann vr down from Emerson precinct Tuesday looking up their chances for a now school district in their neighborhood. Mrs Chas Jordan, of Homer, was taken seriously ill here last Thursday evening while enroute to Sioux City, and remained over night at the Geo Bouoher home. ' Ada Londrosh, daughter ef Ahsley Londrosh and wife of this place, was married at Pender on Thursday of last week, to Harry Chamberlain. They will reside at Bancroft. All kinds of coal, feed and hay for sale at reasonable prices. Fifld8 & Slaughter Co. . TheoEBliven, Manager, Dakota City, Neb. Edgar Ayres, son of M O Ay res, who has been in Australia for the past year or more, is now enroute Home and is in Seattle. He just recently arriv ed at Vancouver, B 0, by steamer fiom Sidney, Australia For housecleaning time, see what 35 cents will buy at Van's a ten cent package of Dutch cleanser, a bar of hand soap, a bar of tar soap, a scour ing bar. Fifty cents worth, all for 35 cents, at Van de Zedde's. The Odd Felk ws lodge of this place held installation servioes Morday night. S W Foltz was installed as noble grand and Bert Brasfield, vioe grand. loe cream and cake were serv ed to the members of tbe order and the Bebekah's after lodge. Perfect crystal lenses are superior to cheap ones, and give you a better vision. The difference in price is not to be compared when the seeing value is superior. We nave tnem in all sizes and kinds. W C Eckhart, Licensed Optometrist. Chas Moore, a brother of Mrs Geo Pranger, and Mrs Geo Stone, a sister, came down from Coleridge, their old home, Tuesday for a visit at the Pran ger home. Mr Moore returned to his home at Ord, Nebr, Wednesday, while M-s Stone will remain for an indefin ite visit James Hogan and Will Harty were in town from Hubbard Tuesday look ing up the law on the matter of mov ing school houses. It seems that at the annnal meeting last month, their distuct, No 21, voted to move the school house, to which Messrs Hogan and Harty object. In the guardian sale of a tract of 172 acres of land belonging to the Fin ltyson estate, lying this side of Emer son, ex-Congressman J J McCarthy, of Ponca, was the highest bidder and got tlie minors' two-thirds interest for (5.800.00, and will take the other one third at the same rate. V II Amthor, the driver for the Iowa Tank Line who was arrested here last week on a charge of selling uninspected oil, was given a hearing before Justice of the Peace Eimers at South Sioux City Wednesday and was bound over to the district court under $500 bond, which was furnished. Services at the Methodist Episcopal church every Sunday as follows Preaching, 11am; Sunday school, 10 a as! Class meeting 12 m; Epworth League, 6:30 p m; Preaching, 7 :30 p Preach in Grace church every Sunday at 2 :30 pm. You are cordially uvited to any and all these services . Try the new photo studio for your ubinet photos. Our aim is to make as fyie a photo as can be made for the money. We guarantee all our work for satisfaction and not to lade. Our prices are very low, I'.ring this ad vertisement and we will make you six teen cabinet photos for the price of a dozen. Cabinets (2,00 and up. De LrxE Studio, next to 5 and lUo store, Sioux City. Get my "Book No 4 For Woten" It will givn weak women many valua- lilo nnpgen ionn of relief nnd with trii'.tly eiii.fi lential medical advice is 11 in-lv free Khuply write Dr Khoop, fUi iiie. Wis. TIih lrok No 4 tells all about Dr Shoop's Night (Jure and how tlies" sootliinK. hi alintf, antiseptic fup' tiooitoiiHH can be successfully applied 10 collect thi se weaknesses. Write for tlf) book. The Night Cure is sold by all ileali-rs. TLe executive committee of the Pio ne r .ind Old Settlor's association of DtkoU o unty, Nebraska, is hereby called to meet at the court house in Dakota City, on Monday afternoon at 2:3), July 20, 1008, for the purpose of arranging for the nommg annual renn ion, which will be held on Thursday, Auuust 27th, at Clinton Park, Dakota City, Nebr. Everybody is ipvited to attend and lend a helping hand in ar The Herald for all tha aiwa : Honso to rent Inquire at The Her aid omce. Old papers for sale at the Herald office '6 cents per hundred." Subscribe for the Horald, the best paper in the connty. fl a year. Herman Biermann has moved into his new house on his farm just west of town. Osear Sayre, of Waterbnry, visited with relatives here Friday of last week. Mrs M J Bircholl visited from Fri day until Monday with relatives in Sioux City, Having a good stock of hardware and tinware on hand, we ask yon to call and see ns. Sohriever Bros. . Howard Pfalsgraf, who has been assisting at the Barnett saw mill for some time, left Wednesday for Duns muir, California. Bev J Zimmerman came m from Lincoln last Saturday for a visit with his daughter, Mrs O H xryant. and old time friends here. Wanted An agent for that territo ry. We pay highest cash weekly. For terma write the Hawks Nursery io, wauwatosa, wis. The bastardy ease of Mary Bryan against J W Mellon, of Jackson, was continued one week. The case- will probably be Betteled out of court. Having purchased an automobile, I will sell my Marsh three-horse power motorcycle at a bargain. luis mach ine is practically as good as new. Call and see tt. G F Broyhill. Alva Trask and Emma Lebahn, both of Homer, were united in mar tiage by County Judge Stinson Wed nesday, and Louis Kelner and Jessie Sims, both of Winnebago, were mar tied by the Judge Saturday last. A Demorest silver medal contest will be held in the near future in the Salem Lutheran church. The class of six young ladies has been completed, and are bow at work on their respect ive parts. Wait for the date and come and enjoy the evening. The last communion service of the present synodical year will be held in the balom Dakota City Lutheran churchs Sunday July 2Gth. The last quarterly offering for benevolence will be received at that time. The synod of Nebraska meets at Hardy, Sept, 9th. Senator Geo W Wiltse, of Bandolpb, oame down Thursday to spend a few days at the lake with Judge Eimers, and incidentally look over the politi cal situation. Mr Wiltse is a candi date for state senator to succeed him self, and we know of no man in the district better fitted for the place than he is. We will be glad to see you call and have some photos made. We are not particular what kind you have, as we make stamps, postal cards, cabinets, and 40 other sizes. I believe you know we are always the lowest in prices, Call Sunday or any other day, Eozv Studio. 304 Douglas St, Sioux City. Walter Blaokhawk, the Indian who was held here for a couple of weeks, charged with stealing ahorse from George Ashford of Homer, was given his liberty Wednesday and sent to his home at Black Biver Falls, Wis. The Indian was considered weak in the upper story, and his friends on the reservation furnished the money for his ticket . Piles are easily and quickly cheoked with Dr Shoop's magio ointment. To prove it I will mail a email trial box as a oonvinc'ng test. Simply address Dr Shoop, Racine, Wis. I surely would not send it free unless I was certain that Dr Shoop's magio oint ment would stand the test. Remem ber it is made expressly and alone for swollen painful, bleeding or itching piles, either external or internal. Large jar COo. Sold by all dealers. Oliver W Clapper and Bessie Rosen, two youthful lovers, came over from Sioux City Wednesday with the avow ed intention of having Judge Stinson tie the nuptial knot for them, but fate decreed otherwise. Their tender ages 19 and 17 barred them from get ting a license here, Bev Marion John son, superintendent of the Iowa Child ren's' Home, and guardian of the girl would not consent to the marriage and accompanied the disappointed pair back to Sioux City. A cradle roll reception was held in the Lutheran church on last Thursday afternoon when four children were pro moted from the cradle roll and given certificates. A baptismal service was held at whioh seven children were baptized as follows: Theodore Earl Frederick, Goldie Pearl Frederick, Mildred Inez Frederick, Gladys Lc raiue Frederick, Maurice Edwin Nia mey er, Virgil Leroy Wasser, and Wal ter Dwight Oberholtzer. Bev E H Combs of Homer, was present and as sisted in the service. Light refresti- meats were served at the close of the of the program. Heat prostrates the nerves. In the summer one neods a tonio to oil-set the customary hot weather nerve and strength depression. You will feel better within 48 hours after beginning to take such a remedy as Dr Shoop's Restorative. Its prompt action in re storing the weakened nerves is surprix- prising. Of course, you won t gfet en tirely strong in a few days, but each day you can actually feel the improve ment. That tired lifeless spiritless, feeling will quickly depart when using the Retorative. Dr Shoop's Restora tive will sharpen a failing appetite; it aids digestion ; it will strengthen the weakened kidneys and heart by sim ply rebuilding the worn-out nerves that these organs depend upon. Test it a few days and be convinoed. Sold by all dealers. Lutheran Church Announcements. Preaching Sunday morning at Sa lem at 11:00 o'clock, Sunday school at 10:00; O Eat 8pm. Preaching at Dakota City 8:U0p m, O , K 6:30, Sunday school at 9:45 a m, Mission Band at 3:00 p m. A cordial welcome to all. Rheumatic Pains relieved by on of Be. Miles' AnU-Pala FWa. St dotes 2 U, To Rural Delivery Patrons. Tost Office Department. Office of the Fourth Assistant Post mrster General, Washington, D C. Jane 80, 1908. The Postmaster, Dakota, Nebr. Sir! Report has been received at the De partment that rnral carriers are carry ing mailable merchandise as express matter for hire and that there is a lax ity on the prt of the postmasters and raral carriers in the observance of the regulations relative to the carrying of merchandise weighing under four ponnds without the proper amount of postage affixed. Postmasters are enjoined to thor oughly familiarize themselves with section 98 and require carriers to do so, and see that its provisions are strictly observed. No matter entitled to transmission through the mails (ex cept liquid in ordinary wrappings) shall be carried outside of the mails for hire and the postmasters are au thorizod to examine packages for the purjwse 01 ascertaining wnetuer con tents are mailable and if it is found that extraneous matter of no obvious value, or that matter not ordered by a patron has been added to a pack age to render it nnmailablo, earners ill be prohibited from carrying any such matter for hire. Very respectfully, P V DeGraw. Fourth Assistant Postmaster General. As I have been ordered to report any carrier who does not comply with the seotion referred to above, I hope no patron of this offioe will request the violation of this regulation. Tbe postage on all merchandise that is mailable must be paid in full before it can be aocepted for mail. The rural carriers' room is a private office and not open to the public All par cels for rural delivery should be pre sented at the general delivery window of the postoffioe. John II Ream, Postmaster. A New Deal at Winnebago Winnebago Agency, Neb., July 14, 100N. EniTOB HURALD From tlie enrly day of this (treat North west we have known of that Rood man, Father DeSmet, who was welcomed and loved by all of the Indian tribes, from the Mississippi river to the Rocky Mountains. A t times he was storm-bound In some lonely settler's cabin or some Indian enmp. The first mention I hear of this good man 1 in lKM, while he was stopping at Fort Atkinson, Iowa, now Council Bluffs. At that time 1S17 Father Hamilton came to the territory of Nebraska, a missionary to the Pawnee and Otoe Indians. lie, too, passed through all of the strenuous times of tho then unknown west. Rome time about 1870 he came as a missionary to the Omaha Indian reservation. It was my privilege to know this good man, although never met htm face to face, having had business with him by letter. I think he was retired from this work on account of his advanced age. lie was succeeded by Rev. Copley, then by Rev. Flndley, station ed at Plnncbago Agency. This good man died at his post. He was succeeded by Rey. He udder, who was missionary here for the past four years. He left us only a tew days ago, July 11th, the Presbyterian society having transferred thlscharge to the Dutch Reform church. The people came here to continue the good work, and they came prepared to help the' Indians of today. Advanced In education and olvlllsation, 1 they are, there Is more and more to do as the years go by. The orgaululng force that Is here now consists of six persons. These will be relieved In due time by the regular force; who will remain permanently. The party of workers here now are, Rev. vTalter Roe, !.!. t superintendent of missions; Mrs. Walter O. Roe. missionary. Those two are nephew and nelce of E. P. Roe, the nov elist. Mr. and Mrs. Roe have been In this work about twelve years. Rev. Frank H. Wright, evangelist. -M r. Wright has been lu this work for about fourteen years. His father, Allen Wright, was a full blood Choc taw Indian, for many years presldentof the Choctaw nation. His mother was Miss Mitchell, a white lady who went from one of the eastern states as missionary to the Choetaw Indians, She was related to Don ald G. Mitchell, a noted writer. Roth Allen Wright and his yon Frank graduated from Union college, Hchenectady, N. Y., and then from Union Theological seminary, New York City. Will Uurns, student worker, and Henry Cloud, a Winnebago boy, stu dent worker and interpreter, are both Yule tudeuts, the former a reoentgraduate: and must not torgt Miss Johanna Mungs, the housekeeper, for they all depend on her. The church which those people represent Is some times known as the Dutch Reform hurch, because It came to this country from Holland. It Is Presbyterian tn gov ernment and doctrine and numbers among Its members President Roosevelt and Miss teienOould. It carries on four other In dian missions in Oklahoma and New Mexi co, and plans to prosecute a vigorous cam paign among the Winnebago and Omaha ndians, with headquarters at Winnebago Agency. Through the courtesy of Superintendent O. M. Waddeli the party is at presont com fortably quartered In the employes build ing at the government school. May tbe good work be a sucoess. 8. A. Com oh. Real Estate Transfers- W J Hclkniip and wife to IxuU J Oood- sell. lots 11 and IX lu block 6. Jlomer, wd I 1600 T K Browning to Hi-n ton K Hliort, nw! nw4 section 7-v-. wu 4(100 Abble Ijuiipnon to L L lampson and Helen I) i.aiipnon, souin a n-.ui 01 east YSi feet of lot 11 In block 10, orig inal plat of South Hioux City, wd.... John Retter to H W Feldiuan, lots 6 und 0 in section o-x-u, qcu John McKlnney to O A Manning and 11 tl Manning, I-l lot o, section l-s-4K, wd Abble I.ampson to Ii I, f.ampson, lots l&ttl no Hinl .11, nii.o iv 6 ami lot s. block v, orUiiuil piat of South blouxClly, wd. Better Society. Mrs Den says tbtt she wants to get into better society tliau tus country rffords. They bought a $1,200 Louse in town, and on the sume block they will huve, as ueighber, a sulxn keep er and a butcher who whins his wife. They are a hulf a block front a livery stable and one block from a . black smith shop, so I guess thnt society do ings will be brisk around there. No chickeus, no cow, no pig in the pen, no garden, no truck patuu, no wheat iu the mill, and as the boy said, "no nothing," only $2 a day, Now 2 a day is about (G00 a year, holidays and Sundays left out, and lien can not be sure of full 300 Joys' work in a year. Ilia wife won't be able to sell tlO worth of butter, and (50 worth of poultry as she did last year, and buy ing fl jur at $7. f0 a barrel is a diff ei ent thin? from having your own wheat and selling fifty bushels more than you need for flour. Farmers Voice, From July Farm Journal. Patronize Home Industries buy your meats of Wixv JLOrtENZ, Proprietor of Ca-ty Klesvt Klsrko-C: Fresh and Salt Meats always on hand . Cash paid for hides. Agent fol Beymonr's White Laundry. Laundry basket goes Tuesdays and comes back Saturdays DAKOTA CITY- ! Broadway & i i m F, O. 8TANARD, Proprietor Dakota City, Neb. Have retired from the City Hotel and are now located in I st the building adjoining the D. C. Stinson store, where we will conduct a first class, up-to-date Restaurant. We will be pleased to have all our old customers call and see us, as well as new ones. I Metvl Tickets I Everything Neat and New. PAUL PIZEY, Dakota Citvi Nis. Bonded : Abstracter Lawyers TKIa spaoo A JJ N Breeder Dtxroc Jersey Swiivc.. Hubbtvrd, Abstracts of Title A $10,000 Surety Bond Guarantees the acouracy of every Abstract I make JKast Now Our stock of Lumber is bigger and better than ever. And if you are going to build or repair a bnilding of any kind, we want you ty come in and see it; get our prices, and you will find it greatly to your . advantage To Trade With Us. Edwards& Bradford Lbr. Co Hubbard, GEO. TIMLIN, Maiiaeer. a JVST ItENENBBH f Crops grow only in summertime, and require sunlight, heat and water. A bank account, such as YOU should have, grows ALL the time nights, days, Sundays, winter and summer. Start the dollar you now spend foolishly, at work in this good bank, and watch it grow and attract other dollars to it. Get one of our small savings banks, deposit everything below a quarter you get, in it, and a dollar a week besides. You'll be surprised at the result. It just simply PILEL UP. . Ind.p.nd.ne. Comss With a. Battvlc. Aseownt "The Bank that ALWAYS treats you RIGHT" frl "As safe as a Government Bond." Safety Deposit Boxes, oniy $1.50 per year. fff-rW Write for our Illustrated Catalogue describing our seventy different styles of Harness. A good Work Harness for... ....$20.00 AND MANY OTHERS AT RIGHT PRICES Sturgcs Bros. S!Lp.cVy.T.r' NEBRASKA. I Restaurant I I I (21 Meals) $3 .50 I Best of Treatment. ALFRED PIZEY, 608 Metropolitan Blk. Sioux City. lows Is reserved for o r d y k g I I I Mebrsxeksa. I I Successor to Dakota Connty Abstract Co. Bonded Abstracter J. J. EINERQ Nebraska. I ! 44 V y rangiug for tbe big event. 1