Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, July 10, 1908, Image 5

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nD p u m a vu;n i
& . i ujfPiciau ami ourgeon.
Calls promptly attended
To tKs Pacific Coatt
Daily low round tiips rates to Port
land, Seattle, Taooma." Ban Fran'
Cisco, Los Angeles and San Diego,
augntiy burner to Include both Call
forma and Fuget Sound .
One whole bnsiness day saved by
our new schedule to the, Pacific
Eutirn Raaorta
Daily low excursion rates to Cana
da, Michigan, Wisconsin, Minnesota,
oiassaonussetts and Mew York tour
1st resorts ; also low excursion rhtes
to tourist resorts in Maine, Ne
Hampshire, Vermont.
To Caloraido
and Roelcjr Muiitslni
Daily low rates to Colorado, Utah,
Wyoming, mack Uills and Xello
stone Park.
Homaaaak.ar Raktaa)
First and third Tuesdays to the west,
' including the famous Big Horn
Basin and Yellowstone Valley,
where large tracts of rich irrigated
lands are being opened for settle'
ment by the government and by
private companies. .Write D Clem
Dearer, Burlington Landseekers' In
formation Bureau, Omaha ; excellent
business openings in new growing
Write a brief description of your
proposed trip, and let us advise you
how to make it the best way at the
least oost.
MAS McLean, Ticket Agent
. DACOTA 0111, MSB.
Ii. W. Waeelev, Q P A, Omaha, Neb
Do you want to get rid
of it I If sop take Dr. Miles
Nervine modified as di
rected in pamphlet around
ibottle. In addition to the
direct curative properties
it has a soothing effect up
on the nervous system by
I "which the rheumatic
pains are lontrolled, and
. rest and sleep assured.
It has made many cures
of this painful disease,
some of tnem after years
of suffering. If it will
cure others why not you.
If your case Vis compli
cated, write us for advice,
it costs you nothing and
may save you prolonged
"I was so crippled that I could
scarcely walk. After having- my shoes
on for an hour or two I could manage
Nvto walk by suffering- the pain. Then
I began to have pains all through
my system. My doctor told me I had
an acute attack of inflammatory
rheumatism. I read about Dr. Miles'
Nervine, bought a bottle and I com-
menced to get better from the start
and for the past six months have
scarcely any pain, and am able to
walk as well as ever." v.
P. O. Box 6, Kockaway, N. J.
Your druggist sells Dr. Miles' Nerv
ine, and we authorize him to return
price of first bottle (only) If It fails
to benefit you.
Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind
nil EC get immediate relief from
I ILLnJ Dr. Shoop's Magic Ointment.
County Coroner
B. JF. SaWVer
J '
Jackson, Nebraska
' Tradk Mark
A 11 'in f.
..mng s .ketrh nd description mT
nun our oimilmi free whether an
h..i. Ij it.-nrl
lir-..l l"ll III IT'iriH'My pilieiK II MlU. uniiiuuii.
v tot i" .-.oinrtoitl.n. HANDBOOK on Ptenu
.. .. ir'. iH.t airmirr fur evuriiiR patents.
- ii 1. in "ii turouch M111111 A Co. recslv
r- without cnraa. m iu
:vMt Jlmerlcaij.
nrt.Tilr lllntrnled wephlr. I.rret rl
il..n i f mi? tenlidn 1"urnl. lurnil. SJ
,.iirt..TiolrlllntrnlM wepmr. I.rrei nr.
.. .. iI..m . I hiit r-lenlllln 1..urnl, lurnil. U
. .r: I nr nimitbl, L now uji ino.r.
liNiU Ca.361B,oaaa'' New York
I have found a tried and tested cure
tnatUml Not a remedy tht wtU itmhtenthe
dirtortod llmbi of chronic cripple, nor turn bony
rrowths hack to Beth anin. iun "-j
But I csn now surely kill tha pains end PVW ot
this de plots, bis dist-ass.
Chemlrt In the City of
rw. ...h r ih. lu .t Invmdinni WHn
rni 111.101.. .viHii. vm.v " " M .
Which Dr. Sboop'l Kheumstlo Remedy wt Ja
s perlectod. dnpeudsble prescrlpUoo. Without
t Vi . I j4 irimllunL
lonulr sums sll curshls cases ot tlilt haretolors
ta.i.1. M.d dl&a ThnM aRnil.Hka ra.DUttir
wastM. iuuud lu Rheumatic Blood teem to dlMolvs
and pass swar under the action ol this remedy as
Iroely ss dons surar wuen auuea to pure wswr.
And then, when diiwolwd. thess poitonout wastes
Irwely pas from the syatein. and the cause o!
Koeumattun is sons Jorever. There is now no
.i .-A mtvttm. nu. tA auffer kinr with
out bulp. Ws sell, ud iu conadetios rooummeud
Dr. Shoop's
Rheumatic Remedy
R R Time Table
Stout City, Crystal Lake ft Homer
7:30 am 8:20 am
9 :30 a m 10:30a m
11:15 am 11:50 am
1:15pm 2:00pm
8:00p d 4:15 p m
5:15 pm ...5:50pm
8peoial trips for parties of 15 or more
C, 8t. P., M. A O.
Trains leave Dakota City at the fol
lowing time t
7:02 pm. Omaha 7 :04 am
10:00 am Omaha ......D:lS pm
8 :37 pm Norfolk 8 :18 am
8 :41 am Norfolk 5 .32 pm
7 : 28 am f Newcastle 9:88 am
2:08 pm ..6:25 pm
7 :02 pm Omaha 7 :04 am
3:37 Norfolk 6:82
No. 85 Local Freight 7:15 am
11 " Passenger, Omaha
and Lincoln 12:47 pro
No 86 Local Freight 2 :25 pm
10 Local Passenger . . 6 :07 pm
daily. daily except Sunday.
Local Items
Friday, July xo, 1908.
Subscribe for The Ribald $1 per
Mrs Harriet Walden is spending the
week at the Schmied home.
Ooodr. Goody. Goody, where, at
Van's. A big box for 5 cents.
Lizzie Van deZedde, Joy Bouton and
Pearl Hoover celebrated at Ponca.
Bertha Minter and Mamie and
Freddie Bachert spent the Fourth at
Winnebago .
G W Sayre and sister, Mrs Birohell,
celebrated the Fourth with relatives
in Sionx City,
Hal Blacketer was taken to a Sionx
City hospital Tuesday for treatment
for kidney trouble.
Dick Broy hill captured a fonr pound
blaok bass in the river Tuesday while
seining minnows for fish bait.
Donzella Armstrong, who was visit
ing at tne stanara nomo last week,
returned to ber home at Oto, Iowa.
Henry Schmidt came down from
Wakefield Saturday to spend the.
Fourth and visit relatives a few daya,
J H Burcum was np from Blyburg
Tnesday on business pertaining to the
school district there, of which he a
Hugh McLean, brother of Agent
McLean of the C B & Q, came up from
Lincoln Saturday and visited his broth
er until Sunday evening.
The South Sionx City distillery will
be put in operation about the let of
September, at least that is the an
nouncement of the company at present.
A letter from Ed Phillips, now re
siding at Carnngton, N D, states that
he has been laid np for several weeks
from the effects of a fall from a scaf
fold. Ed Frederick and family celebrated
the Fourth at Canton, S D, with Mra
Frederick's parents. Miss Grace
Dunn, sister of Mrs Frederick, accom
panied them home.
The new "Haudy Shur-on" Rimless
Eye Glasses are self adjusting and
sure to stay in place. We can fit you,
and want you pleased witb tbe best.
W G Eckhart, Lioensed Optometrist.
S A Stinson and wife and Mrs Eliz
abeth Herweg left Sunday for Denver
to see tbe democratic candidate for
president re-nominated and to spend a
couple of weeks outing in t tie mount
Warrants were issued Monday for
Basil Osborn and Hairy McKinley for
assaulting a hostler in the Goodsell
barn at Homer. Osborn paid a
fine of $10 and was released; McKin
ley has not yet been apprehended.
John F Sides and two sons, Earl
and Frank and Grandpa Lindsay went
to Walthill Saturday to spend the day
Mr Sides also assisted in rounding up a
half dozen bootleggers who had come
down from Sioux City to ply their
trade among the Indians .
C M Gray and Sam Bouton drove to
Blyburg Sunday and spent the day at
the fishing camp of Van Cleve and
Gilstrap. They brought back about
300 pounds ol nsb, among tnem Deing
one cat fish that weighed 23 pounds,
and three others averaging ten pounds.
Mr Gray now claims the -title for
bringing in the largest fish of the sea
son. Some of the town kids who have
been in the habit of breaking out
windows whenever they find a house
unoeoupied, got a ohanoe this week to
pay for their fun. They were caught
in the act of breaking window lights
out of tbe Blenkiron elevator, when
the manager, .Roland Orr, got after
them and compelled them to fork over
13.00 to replace tbe broken glass.
Pain will depart in exactly 20 min
utes it one of Dr 8 Loop's Pink Pain
Tablets is taken. Pain anywhere.
Remember 1 Pain always means con
srestion. blood pressure nothing else
Headache is blood pressure; tooinacue
is blood pressure on the sensitive
nerve. Dr Shoop's Headache Tablets
also called Pink Pain Tablet quick
ly and safely ooax this blood pressure
awav from pain centers. Painful
periods witb women get instant reiiei.
20 Tablets 25o. Sold by all dealers.
The Fourth of July was pretty gen
erally observed in Dakota county
Homer drew the usual crowd, who
come there annually to visit and en
joy the sports lurniHued lor the occa
sion. Emerson another nearby town
drew a good many Dakota county
neonle. Crystal lake drew about the
lamest crowd of any place in theooun
tv. many coming from Sioux City to
enjoying tbe boating, nsiuog ana otner
attractions which tbe different parks
afford. A finer day for celebrating tbe
nation's birthday could not be asked
for, and all seemed to enjoy the ooca
sioa to the fullest extent.
Post eards at Van's.
Hare Elmers make your abstracts.
Fred Leedom was np from Winneba
go Monday to see his Pa and Ma.
Jennie and Maggie DeLong of Sioux
City, Tisiting friends here Sunday.
Fred Humbert and wile were np
from Winnebago sereral days the past
wee. . -
Ton will nerer get nerroue if yon
drink Breun's coffee. Van de Zedde
sells it.
Ruth Gray la spending a couple of
weeks at Alte, Iowa, with her uncle D
O Kreaner,
Ed Waldman, wife and eon spent
the Fourth at Coleridge, at Mrs Wald
man's old home.
For Sale A grade Poland China
boar, weight about 240fbs, 8 months
old. Inquire at tbis office.
A roller skating rink, 80x70 feet.
will be erected at Central Park, Crys
tal lake, by Feldman & Brasfleld.
Grant Biggs is here from Hay
Springs, Minn, xm a month's risit with
relatires. lie is a brother of Mrs J P
Mell Schmied left for Mason City,
Iowa, ISunday erening to attend a
meeting of the MBA auditing com
committee .
Chas Bray, wife and two children,
of Sinnx City, were Sunday risitors
with mends heie. Mrs Bray was
formerly Miss May Humphrey.
Quite a number from here attended
thecarniyal at Walthill last week.
ine principal leaturesloi tne occasion
were the ball games and the Indian
Lost On Sunday, June 21, between
Dakota Uitj and Jaokson, a light 00I
ored summer jacket. A reasonable
reward will be paid for its return, by
Mrs J P Rockwell.
Hon J P Latta, of Tekamah, demo
cratic and populist aspirant for con
gressional honors for this district, was
here oyer Thursday night of last week
sizing np theaituation.
Mrs Frank Crane and her mother,
Mrs Whaley, of Wakefield, were guests
at the Jas Cooley home Wednesday
night while enroute home from a Tisit
with relatives at Homer. 1
All kinds of coal, feed and hay for
sale at reasonable prioes.
TheoE Bliven, Manager,
Dakota City, Neb.
Lewis Larson and wife went to Sioux
Sioux Falls, 8 D, Saturday and spent
several days with relatives of Mrs
Larson. Bert Wood assisted in the
Burlington tower during Mr Larson's
For housecleaning time, see what
35 cents will buy at Van's a ten cent
package of Dutch cleanser, a bar of
hand soap, a bar of tar soap, a scour
ing bar. Fifty cents worth, all for
35 cents, at Van de Zedde's.
Orville Mendenhall and wife, who
are here from Humeston, Iowa, visit
ing relatives at South Sioux City,
spent Wednesday at the Geo Barnett
home in this plaoe, they being old ac
quaintances of Mra Barnett.
Jas Cooley, our veteran mail carrier,
went to Wakefield Saturday morning
ta oelebrate at tbe home of his brother
Lewis. II returned Monday morning.
Albert Peterson looked after the mail
contract during Jim'a absence.
Services at the Methodist Episoopal
church every Sunday as follows:
Preaching, 11am; Sunday sohool, 10
am! Class meeting 12 m; Ep worth
League, 6:30 p m; Preaching, 7:30 p
m. Preach in Grace church every
Sunday at 2:30 pm. You are cordially
invited to any and all these services .
Sorce one entered B E Evans' home
last Friday night and., rilled Mr Evans'
pockets, taking a pocketbook which
contained a five dollar bill and some
checks. The pocketbook was left
lying on tic front porch, but the mon
ey was missing. The thief entered
the house by removing a window
At a meeting of the Bryan club at
Peru, Nebr, recently we notice that
tbe dispatches state that W H Patohin,
a former principal of the schools of
thin place, was elected president of the
club The dispatch credits him with
still being our principal, which ia an
error, aa the board has chosen Prof J
S Jcsiassen, of Fremont, to serve in
that capacity for tbe coming year.
Try the new photo studio for your
cabinet photos. Our aim ia to make
as fine a photo as can be made for the
money. We guarantee all our work
for satisfaction and not to lade. Our
prices are very low. Bring this ad
vertisement and we will make you six
teen cabinet photos for the price of a
dozen. Cabinets $2,00 and up. . .
De Luie Studio,
next to 5 and lOo store, Sioux City.
A bunch of eleven ball players styl
ing themselves the Arkansaa Travelers
drifted into town Thursday on their
way to Walthill. They ordered din
ner ler eleven at tne liroadway restau
rant, but failed to show up when the
meal waa ready. Fred Stanard, pro
prietor of the restaurant, went to the
Burlington depot in company wun
Marshal Fneston and settled with the
manager of the team for $2.00.
Get my "Book No i For Won. en"
It will eiye weak women many valua
ble suggestions of relief and with
strictly confidential medical advice ia
entirely free Simply write Dr Shoop,
Racine. Wis. The book No 4 tells all
about Dr Shoop's Night Uure and how
these soothing, healing, antmeptio up
nohitoties can be successfully applied
to correct these weaknesses. rn
for tba book. The Night Care is sold
by all dealers.
Miss Pearl Kryger, youngest daugb
ter of Postmaster L Kryger of South
Sioux City, died Tuesday morning
of tuberculosis, after a lingering ill
ness. The funeral was held Thursday
afternoon at 2 o'clock from the family
home, liev Geo Bray, of Ponua, hav
ing charge of the services. Iutermeut
was in iloyd cemetery, bioux City,
Deceased was for several years ber
father's able assistant in the poatoflice,
and ber genial deposition made her
hosts of friends. The entire commu
nity sympathizes with the bereaved
ones in their sorrow.
The Herald for kit the wkws 1
Subscribe for tha Herald, the best
paper in the oounty. f 1 a year.
Mrs John I olti returned borne yes
terday from a Sionx City hospital.
Geo Eohlmeier spent his Fourth of
July vacation with his brother Chris
at Lyons .
Joseph Clements and wife of Sioux
City, spent a few days hereabouts the
past week.
MrsT F Vaughn, of Sioux City.
visited a few days the past week with
Mrs uollie Uroynill.
Ernest Triggs and family eame over
from Sioux City Saturday and visited
witb relatives hero over nigbt.
The W Bs won the ball game Sun
day at this plaoe from the E ft W
team of Sioux City, by a aoore of 8
Neva Beat spent tbe Fourth and vis
ited witb relatives at Whiting, Iowa,
the paat week, returning home Wed
Mra Ed J Baymond and son Everett
came down from Wayne Wednesday
to apend a few daya with the H Ley
family at the lake.
Wanted An agent for that territo
ry. We pay highest cash weekly.
For terma Write the Hawks Nursery
uo, Wauwatosa, Wis.
The ladies ot the missionary sooiety
of the Lutheran church will serve a
15o lanch at the Brasfleld hall next
Wedneaday evening, July 15th. Ev
erybody come. The serving of lunch
will begin at R :30.
Dennis Finnerty has opened his
Crystal Beach boat yard to the public
and he now has one of the finest loca
tions on the lake for bathing, boating
and fishing, with plenty 01 accommoda
Hons suoh as boats, bait, etc. It is a
pleasant place to go to camp or to
spend a day's onting .
We will be glad to see you call and
have some' photos made. We are not
particular what kind yon have, as we
make stamps, postal cards, cabinets,
and 40 other sizes. I believe yon
know we are always the lowest in
prioes. Call Sunday or any other
day. Kozt Studio,
804 Douglas St, Bioux City.
John Wright nd wife, the last of
the bunch of Winnebago Indians that
were fined for drunkeness and lodged
in jail last week, were released on
Monday after "coming across" with
the necessary $14,60 apiece. This
will probably be a lesson to some of
the many drunken aborgines who stop
on their way home from Sioux City
and make life miserable for the citi
zens of this plsce.
Fred Parker, son of Andrew J Par
ker and' wife of South Sioux City, and
Miss Addie Howard, daughter of C B
Howard and wife of this place, were
united in marriage Wednesday even
ing at the home of the bride's parents
by Rev G E Vonllagen, pastor of the
M E church. The young couple will
go to housekeeping immediately on a
farm whioh the groom is operating
southwest of this place.
Pilea are easily and quickly cheoked
with Dr Shoop's magic ointment. To
prove it I will mail a small trial box
as a convincing test. Simply address
Dr Shoop, Baoine, Wis. I surely
would not send it free unless 1 was
certain that Dr Shoop's magio oint
ment would stand the test. Remem
ber it is made expressly and alone for
swollen painful, bleeding or itching
piles, either external' or internal.
Large jar 50c. Sold by all Jealera.
Sheriff Rockwell went to Walthill
Monday and brought baok Frank Tay
lor, who waa charged with stealing a
horse and buggy at Riverside Park,
Sioux City, the day before. The fel
low broke the buggy near the ceme
tery north of town and came iptolown
and hitched onto one of Liveryman
Easton's buggies without asking per
mission. The stolen property was re
turned to the rightful owners, and the
culprit taken to Sioux City where he
waa held to the grand jury, under $500
bonds. Tsylor is nothing but a kid,
and he claims he was drunk when he
committed tbe crime.
The board of education of the Da
kota City schools has entered into con
tract with the following teachers for
the ooming year: Principal. Prof J S
Josiassen, of Fremont, Nebr; assistant
principal, Miss Anna E James, Kear
ney, Nebr; grammar room, Miss Myr
tle Roberts, of Martinsburg, Nebr;
intermediate, Miss Etta Bauer, of
Fonoa7 Nebr: second primary, Miss
Agnes Wilson, of Lyons, Nebr; first
pjimary, Miss Mae Taylor, of Sioux
City, Iowa. Misses Roberts, Wilson
and Taylor were re-elected from last
Heat prostrates the nerves. In the
summer one need! a tonio to on -set
tbe customary hot weather nerve and
strength depression. You will feel
better within 48 hours after beginning
to take such a remedy as Dr Shoop a
Restorative, Its prompt action in re
storing the weakened nerves is surprbv
prising. Of course, you won t get en
tirely strong in a few days, but each
day you can actually feel the improve'
ment. Tbat tired lifeless spiritless,
feeling will quickly depart when using
the Retorative. Ur B hoop's Restore
tive will sbsrpen a failing appetite ; it
aids digestion ; it will strengthen the
weakened kidneya and heart by sim
ply rebuilding the worn-out nerves
that these orsans depend upon. Test
it a few daya and be convinced. Sold
by all dealera.
Two fellows lookinR for work stop
ped st tbe Fred Beermann home Sun
dav Dicbt and hired out to work for
him for a few days, but aa it was rain
ing in the morning they decided to go
on to Dixon, Nebr. where they had tbe
promise of steady work. Soon after
they had pulled out Mr Beerman's
hired man missed some nionej, about
110, from his pockets and suipoing
tbat the two stransers had ruled bis
pockets, be sent word to Sheriff Rock
well. The two fellows were overtaken
at Goodwio, and brought here by
Marshal Kennelly of Jackson, but be
fore a hearing could be given them Mr
Beerman's hired man found his money,
a ten dollar bill in his room where it
had dropped out of his potket. Tbe
pronecutioa waa mediately dropped
aud tbe prisoners released.
House to rent Inquire at The Her
aid office.
The Masonic lodge meets Saturday
evening. y
Old papers for sale at the Herald
offioe 5 cents per hundred.
Mrs Mary E Nordyke. of Jaekson is
here visiting her daughter, Mrs Mollis
The Odd Fellows lodge will install
officers next Monday evening and serve
Having good stock of hardware
and tinware on band, we ask you
oall and see us. Schriever Bros.
Madious Learner was the first farm
er in this locality to start a binder
work. He began cutting his winter
wheat on Tuesday.
The New State Telephone company
is building a toll line Irom liere to
Omaha, and will establish toll stations
at all towns along the line.
uanota uity'a w U s won a snappy
ball game yesterday from the Homer
Maroons by a aoore of 3 to 2, "What
do yon know about that"?
Word comes from Washington that
Wm Taylor, a former well known reel
dent of this oounty, is suffering with a
severe case of pneumonia aud Is sot
expected to recover.
J W Mellen was arrested and
brought here frcm Norfolk Thusday on
a charge of bastardy, prefered by
aiary uryan. rue parties were all res
idents of Jackson until recently.
J O Buttefleld, of Sioux City, a vet
eran railroad man, was found dead in
bed Wednesday morning, overcome by
gas. uis son, Herbert Dutterneld, is
a brother-in-law of Mrs W P Warner
Papers were served on the Iowa Oil
Tank Line company here Thursday,
the complaint being filed by County
Attorney F S Berry, charging the
company witb selling untested oil.
The hearing will be held today.
The instalation of tbe newly elected
officers of the Epworth league ffill take
place at the M E church Sunday even
ing, it is especially desired tbat every
member of the league be on band to
help make this a decided auooess
Special features and a special program
lor tne occasion.
xne Indian none tnief that was
lodged in jail here a couple of weeks
ago for taking a horse belonging to
George Ashford, of Homer, waa turned
over to tha custody of the Winnebago
polioe Monday and taken to the reser
vation to assist in locating another
horse tbat be had gotten away with
before the Dakota county officers cap
tured him. The red akin seems to be
"batty," and the . county at'orney
thinks that the best thing that can be
done with him is to let his friends send
him to his home in Wisconsin, as that
seems to be their desire. It is evident
that a jury would never pronounce bim
Commissioners' Proceedings.
Dakota City, Nebr, July 6, '08.
Boa'd of county commissioners met
with the following members present
Ed Morgan, chairman, Fred Blume
and W LBoss, clerk.
The board proceeded to settle with
the oounty treasurer.
Board adjourned to July 7th.
July 7th. Board of county commis
sioners met pursuant to adjournment,
with same membera present. lbe
board continued and ooncluded their
settlement with the oounty treasurer.
The settlement shows tbst on Jan-
nary 1, 1908, there was a balance on
hand of $27,871.96. The total col
lections since January 1, 1908, are
$49,718.00. Tbe oredits as shown by
vouchers are $42,006.85, leaving a bal
ance on hand of $35,683.11.
Board adiourned.
W L Ross. Clerk.
The foregoing settlement shows tbe
following amounts on hand iu the dif
ferent funds:
Htnte I 7iK W
Protest-School District No. 11 815 !W
Hcaveuger " "
County General 11.401 lu
County Bridge J.Wo 8
County lioad 71127
Soldiers' Relief SIS 10
Itnllrond Bond Sinking Fund ' 24 es
Kail road Bond Interest 1.47" iu
School Bond 1.44U US
School District 10,400 41
UublMtrd 01
South Bioux City, Sidewalk 67 70
Bond District 4.82S B7
Covington Annex IS W
Covington Judgment 00 18
South Sioux City 424 6S
Jackson Ml M
Dakota City 426 SO
Dakota City, Sidewalk 42 17
Homer 20
Redemption SS 02
Jackson, sidewalk 17 4tt
Emerson 110 Ul
Total balance on band Vt,Wb 11
Seven of the outstanding railroad
bonda were taken up during the first
half of 1908 by Treasurer Manning.
There still remains forty-two ot the
original 144 one-thousand-dollar bonds
that have burdened the taxpayers ol
Dakota county for the vast thirty
years. With a continuance ot the
present economical administration tne
finances of JJakota eounty will soon
show a balance on the other side of
the ledger.
Lutheran Church Announcements.
Preaching Sunday morning at Sa
lem at 11:00 o'clock. Sunday school
at 10:00: C Eat 8 pm.
Preaching at Dakota City at 3 .00
o'clock p m ; Sunday school at 9 :45
m; U E at 0:30 p in
A cordial welcome to all.
nsrswMeC'all Paltrss.oM ta'yrih
si ! ikair irl. scnuscT WMputy
Mra1la Masanlss(TkQiMiiof r.xttaOJhu
tuoicfipi'Mda uUl 80 cants.
I aa iff.ua Wt,i Mnotm. P" V
SEA "1 c..sio.. Lb.. if. '"; n
Mai I'aa. A.i'w IMS McCAU. CO. K.
Patronize Home Industries
Proprietor of
City J&e&A KIrurEs.ot
Fresh and Salt Meats always on hand . Cash paid for bides.
Agent fot Seymour's White Laundry.
Laundry basket goes Tnesdaya and comes back Saturdays v
! Broadway -
r. O. STANARD, Proprietor
Dakota City, Neb.
Have retired from the City Hotel and are now located in
the building adjoining the D. C. Stinson store, where we
will conduct a first class, up-to-date Restaurant. We will
be pleased to have all our old customers call and see us,
as well as new ones.
Meet.1 Tickets
Everything Neat and New.
The Herald for all the News
Whan It
Abstracts of Title
A $10,000 Burety Bond
Guarantees the accuracy of every
Abstract I make
Our stock of Lumber is bigger and better than ever.
And if you are going to build or repair a bnilding of any
kind, we want you to come in and see it; get our prices,
and you will find it
To Trade With
Edwards Bradford Lbr. Co
TIMLIN. Manager.
Crops grow only in summertime, and require sunlight, heat,
and water. A bank account, such as YOU should have,
grows ALL the time nights, days, Sundays, winter and
summer. Start the dollar you now spend foolishly, at
work in this good bank, and watch it grow and attract
other dollars to it. Get one of our small savings banks,
deposit everything below a quarter you get, in it, and a
dollar a week besides. You'll be surprised at the result.
It just simply PILEL UP, '
In clap and one Comss With at Bsk.slc Ascoust
"The Bank that ALWAYS treats you RIGHT" ftt&t5Esa.
"As safe as a Government Bond." - . ; ; - '
Safety Deposit Boxes, oniy $1.50 per year.
Write for our Illustrated Catalogue describing our seventy
different styles of Harness.
A food Work Harness for $20.00
Sturjjco Bros.
buy your meats of
(21 Meals) $3.50
Best of Treatment.
18 News
N Suocessor to
Dakota County Abstract Co;
Bonded Abstracter
greatly to your advantage
411 Pavrl Straxst
Sioux City. lews.