Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, June 19, 1908, Image 5

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It's fine care that makes fine
hair! Use Ayer's Hair Vieor,
p new Improve formula, sys
tematically, conscientiously,
and you will get results. We
know it stops falling hair, cures
dandruff, and is a most elegant
dressing. Entirely new. New
bottle. New contents.
Don not chart ft the color of iht hah.
Xormuls with oh bonis
f Show II to you
Ask him about It,
thon do u ho M71
Ayer Hair Vigor, as now made from our
new improved formula, i the latest, most
sciennnc, ana in every way the very best
hair preparation ever placed upon the
market. For falling hair and dandruff it
is me one great medicine.
M.4o by ttio J. O. Ajor Co.. LowslU Xus.
To IKo Pakolf io Coait
Daily low round tnps rates to Port
land, Seattle, . Tacoma. Baa Fran
Cisco, Los Angeles and San Diego.
slightly higher to inclnde both Cali
fornia and Fuget Sound ,
One whole bnsiness day saved by
our new scneauia to.tlie, Jfacmc
CMomgo an4 EmUrn Rturt
Republican convention tickets o
sale Jute 12 to 16.
Daily low excursion rates to Cana
da, Michigan, Wisconsin, Minnesota,
Massachusetts and New York tour
ist resorts ; also low excursion ntes
to tourist resorts in Maine, New
Hampshire, Vermont.
An. Amorloan Tour for
NobrMka. Taaehori
And their friends. Excursion will
leave Lincoln, 4:30 pm June 27.
Will spend three or four days at N
A convention in Cleveland ; thence
to Buffalo, Niagara Falls, Toronto,
St Lawrence river by steamer
through Thousand Islands and over
the Rapids, Montreal, Boston, Alba
ny, down the Hudson to New York,
thence Philadelphia, Washington
and Pittsburg. Ask the agent for
an itineary aud full information or
write the undersigned.
To CoIoriKdo
nd Rooky Huntck.lni
Daily low rates to Colorado, Utah,
V. Wyoming, Black Hills and Yellow
stone Park. Democratic convention
at Denver in July.
IIomatkars R.(k.tm
First and third Tuesdays to the west,
including the famous Hg Horn
Basin and Yellowstone Valley,
where large tracts- of rich irrigated
lands are being opened for settle
ment by the government and ' by
-private companies. Write D Clem
Deaver, Burlington Lindseekers' In
formation Bureau, Omaha ; excellent
business openings in new growing
Write a brief description of your
proposed trip, and let us advise you
Low to make it the best way at the
least cost.
N AS McLean, Ticket Agent
L. W. Wakelky, G P A, Omaha, Neb
A. Ira
19 Years in the Business
Dates made at The Herald Office.
get immediate relief from
Dr. Shoop's Magic Ointment
j' kif HJ'-f''"' '"if Minin free wnptlior au
,Mm 1 r-.t M I'SiBi'inMe Oiiiiniiinlra
.... iu. ll '.iMniitlal. HANDBOOK litiiU
r . f. juronry for Bw-UriuP patent.
y 1:10:1 tliroutrh Mulill A Co. ruuulv.
- -I ,; imllcf. "tout chMn.'o. luttio
' scientific rica.t.
k l.HiwIn' iio'r !lntrnt1 wnclilr. Inrirest cr-
. 1 1. .1 ..f hut .-n'"iul'i ?"urnul. 1'oruit, t'i
j. ir- i..wr ni"i'!bi,U Bo.a tull tiewBflfMlBrs.
Weak Kidneys
Wk ITIdnnn. snmlv ooint to weak kidney
Verve. The Kidney., like the '.Heart, and th
Htom&ch. And thrlr woakiittaa. not In the oimn
Itself, but In the nerve that control and guide
nd (trenttbea them. Dr. bhoop'i Restorative is
a medicine specifically prepared to reach these
1 (utile,
to doctor uie sjuneys ansm.
u a waste of time, and ol money a
If your tack aches or I weak, if the urine
raid, or 1 dark and atrong.li you have .ymptomt
Of Bright or other distreaalna or imiBt-rouJ kid
per dlMtate, try Dr. Bhoop'i Restorative a month
-iacieuoruquia aua ee what It can ana wm
ooluryou. iruggut racomniaHa and eU
I 1
R R Time Table
SiousCitr, Crystal Lake ft Homer
7:30 a m .8:20 a m
9:30 am 10:80am
11:15am 11:60 am
1:15pm ........2:00pm
3:00pm.......... ....4:15pm
5:15 pm 5:50 pm
Special tripa for parties of 15 or more
c, st. p., m. a o.
Trains leave Dakota City at the fol
lowing time :
7:02 pm., .....Omaha 7:04 am
10:00 am Omaha 5:13 pm
8 :37 pm Norfolk 8:18am
8:41am Norfolk 5.32 pm
7 :28 am Newcastle 9:33 am
2:08 pm 6:25 pm
7 :02 cm Omaha 7 :04 am
3:37 Norfolk 6:82
C B ft Q
No. 85 Local Freight 7:15 am
11 " pasoenger, Onn.ua
andLlncoln 12:47 pm
So. 86 Local Freight 2 :25 pm
10 Local Pa8senger..6:07 pm
Local Items
Friday, June 19, 1908.
Subscribe for The Hebald $1 per
year. .
L M Leslie went to Wayne Tuesday
on business.
VVm Armour was here from Sioux,
City on business Monday.
Good seven room honse for rent,
Inquire at the Herald office.
Frank F Haass of Emerson, spent
Sunday here with his parents.
Mary Spencer departed Wednesday
for Denver, Col, over the Durliagton.
M O Ayres was an over Sunday visi
tor at Omaha, with the George Carter
Will Brown was up from Homer
Tuesday, and was a pleasant caller on
the Herald.
Mrs John H Beam and two childre n
visited at the Wm Clapp home below
Homer, over Sunday,
Wm Clapp. Geo Harris, Tim Mur?
phy and Tim O'Connor were here from
Homer on businesi Tuesday.
Mary Robertson left last Thursday
for Linrolu, where she will attend the
state university the coming year.
Frank Phillips returned Wednesday
fiom Chss Hall's place near Jefferson,
D, where he has been helping on the
Lewis Cooley and family came down
from Wakefield Monday to visit rela
tives here and a'. South Sioux City for
few days.
Dr Murphy came over from Sioux
City Mondav evening to se Dr DC
Stinson, who is laid up with au attack
of stomach trouble.
Chas Maxwell arrived home Mod-
ay from Chicago, where he is a stu
dent at the Bush Medical college, to
pend his Vacation at home.
The Turlington yards iu this place
were emptied of cars on6 day last week,
thing that has never been recorded
before since the road was established.
A Demorest Silver Medal contest
will take place in tbe M church in
the near future. Program and con
testants iu next weeks' issue. Look
for it.
Miss Mildred Burkett left last Fri
day for Pennsylvania, to spend her
summer vacation with relatives and
friends in the vicinity of her old home
Mrs Walter Gould and Mis John
McQuilken, sisters of Mrs Steve Joyce,
arrived here Monday from Gilroy, Cal,
to spend the remainder of the summer
with relatives and old time friends.
Clell Maulding, of Whitelake, S D,
visited with tbeJP Rockwell family
from Friday until Monday, while en-
route home from Grand Island, Nebr,
where he had been attending bnsiness
Mrs Mary Armour and daughter
Afrnes, of South Sioux Citv; William
Blacketer and Woods M. llileman left
last Saturday for Julesburg, Colo.
The first two go to visit at the W M
Hileman home, while Mr Blacketer
will look over the country with a view
of locating there.
A bunch of land seekers left here
Tuesday evening on a special tram,
bound for the Texas Panhandle coun
try to look over the country with a
view of purchasing. Among ttirme
going from here were, F A Wood,
Chas Bliven, Geo Miller, Ed Boden-
bender and Wm Biermaun.
Surveyors have been at work the
past week establishing a grade for cp-
ment sidewalks, in oompaance witu
an ordinanoe passed by the board re
cently. Quite a number of the busi
ness houHes are found to be projecting
onto the streets, but not far enough to
warrant ordering them removed .
Omadi lodge No 6, A F & A M at
its regular meeting baturday evening
of last week, installed the following
officers: John II Ream. WM: W L
Ross, S W; Walter Cheney. J W
Charles Bliven, treasurer; Mell A
Schmied. secr tarv: W A Niemever, 8
I); Theodore Iiliven, JD; Herbert D
Woods, tjler. Past Graud Master R
E Evucs conducted the installation
ceremony, and George J Boucher act
ed as Marshal.
S W Foltz received word from his
brother John, who was called to Wo
kama. S D, last week on account of
the fire whioh destrojed Lis home and
seriously bnrued his wife, stating that
he found things as had been represent'
ed, but that Mrs roltz was recovering
nicely from the effects of the burns
Tbe fire was caused by the explosion
of a gasoline stove. Mr Foltz has gone
to work puttiniruD anew aback on
hi homestead to replaoe the one burn
ed, as it will be necessary to Lava a
residence on the claim before he can
prove op, which will ba in September
Have Eimera make your abstracts.
Tbe annual school elcctioa will be
held on Monday, June 29th.
Goody, Goody, Goody, where, at
Van's. A big box for 5 cents.
Subscribe for the Herald, the best
papsr in the county. 1 a year.
You will never get nervous if yon
drink Breuns coffee. VandcZedde
sells it. .
James Cooley and family spent Sun
day on Walker's Island, at tbe Carl
Young home.
Wilt R Adair came up from Omaha
Saturday to spend a few days at hit
old home here with his mother.
S W Foltz now has his blacksmith
shop and machine shed located on his
property south of the Wm Biermann
Thos C Baird and wife were in town
from Omadi precinct Monday, and
were also passengers to Sioux City on
the Foye oar.
Thos 0 Clapp, of Homer, orders his
Herald sent to Townsend, Montana
where he has gene to spend the sum
mer with his son Will.
Judge Welch will convene an ad
journed session of district court here
next Monday, when a decision will be
handed down in the McNamara divorce
All kinds of coal, feed and hay for
sale at reasonable prices.
Fiildb & Slacohteb Co.
The oE Bliven, Manager.
Dakota City, Neb.
ueo j uoucuer left Sunday evening
on a business trip to Kansas City and
vicinity, expecting to return Thursday.
Mrs Boucher and children are visiting
in South bioux Citv. meanwhile.
The new "Handy Shur-on" Rimless
Eye Glasses are self adjusting and
sure to stay in place. We can fit you,
nd want you pleased with the best.
W C Eckhart, Licensed Optometrist.
Rev G E Von Hagen, being on the
the program for the Norfolk District
Epworth League convention, left for
Pender Tuesday the seat of the con
vention and will not be back until
For housecleaning time, see what
35 cents will buy at Van's a ten cent
package of Dutch cleanser, a bar of
hand soap, a bar of tar soap, a v scour
ing bar. Fifty cents worth, all for
35 cents, at Van de Zedde's.
The Misses Esther Ross, Msjorie.
Spencer, Mabel Bouton and Lottie
Orr were elected delegates to the Ep
worth League convention at Pender
and departed on Tuesday evening's
train so as to be present at all sessions
of the convention.
Wm Lorenz, team got frightened at
the street car Sunday evening while
driving off the Nebraska approach of
the combination bridge and one of the
horses was Beriously injured in tbe
Nhoulder by being crowded through
the fence on the west side of the ap
proach. Services at the Methodist Episcopal
church every Sunday as follows:
Preaching, 11 a m; Sunday scbool, 10
am! Class meeting 12 m; Epwonh
League, 6:30 p m; Preaohing, 7 :30 p
m. Preach in Graoe church every
Sunday at 2 :30 p m. Yon are cordially
invited to any and all these services .
A guardian's sale of a tract of 172
acres of land near Emerson will be
held on July 15. The land belongs to
the Alexander Fi"layson estate and is
one of the best farms in the west part
of the county. It will go to the high
est bidder, aud will L.ake someone a
fine farm . See advertisement of the
sale in this paper.
Try the new photo studio for your
cahinet photos. Our aim is to make
as fine a photo as can be jniade for the
money. We guarantee all our work
for satisfaction and not to fade. Our
prioes are very low. Uring this ad
vertisement and we will make you six
teen cabinet photos for the price of a
dozen. Cabinets $2,00 and up.
De Ltjxe Studio,
next to 5 and 10c store, Sioux City.
To stop any pain, anywhere, in 20
minutes, simply take just one of Dr
Snoop's Pink Pain Tablet's. Pain
means congestion Blood pressure
that is all. Dr SLoop's Headache or
Pink Pain Tablets will quickly coax
blood pressure away from pain centers.
After that, pain is srone. Headache,
neuralgia, painful periods wi!h women
etc, get instant help . 20 Tablets 25c.
Sold by all dealers.
The following story was written by
a boy of nine and was headed, "Virtue
Has It Own Reward: "A poor
young man fell in love with the daugh-
er of a rich lady who kept a candy
hop. The poor young man could not
marry the rinh candy-lady's daughter
because he had not money enough to
buj furniture. A wicked man offered
to give tbe young twenty-tlve dollars
if he would become a drunkard. The
young man wanted the money very
much, so he could marry the rich can
dy-lady's daughter, but when he got to
the saloon he turned to tbe wicked
man and said: I will not become a
drunkard, even for great riches. And
as he turned around to go home he
saw lying on the sidewalk a pocket
book containing a million dollars in
gold. Then the young lady consented
to merry him. They had a beautiful
wedding, and the next day they had
If one feels dull and spiritless, in the
spring or early summer, they call it
"spring fever . But there is no fever
usua.ly it is the alter etiect 01 our
winter bubiU. The nerves are mostly
at fault. Tired, worn-out neivea leave
us languid, lifeless, and without spirit
ambition. A few dosts of Dr
Shoop's Restorative will absolutely and
quickly change all of these depressing
symptoms. I lie iteetorative of conrne
won t bring you back to lull beain in
day or two, but it will do enough in 48
hours to satisfy you that tu- remedy
is reaching the "tired spot". Drug
gists everywhere are advising its use
as a splendid and prorop general tonic
It gives more vim and more spirit to
the spoonful than any other known
nerve or consitutionul tonic. It sharp
ens a failing appetite, aids digestion
frees sluggish livers and kidneys, aud
brings new life, strength and ambition
Tet it a few days and be convinced
For sale by all dealers.
Post oarda at Van's.
Floyd Leslie was here from Winne
bago over Sunday.
Mary Eastoa was a passenger to
Wtnnebago yesterday.
Bert Braafield has transformed his
hall into a skating rink.
Old papers for sale at the Herald
office 6 cents per hundred.
w 11 llyan and Jonn Asuiord were
Homer visitors here Tuesday.
Alex Lamere, druggist at Winneba
go, was a business visitor here Wed
John Hileman leaves today for Lis
claim near Wanta, S D, to spend the
Helen Orr came home last Friday
from Sioux Falls, S D, where she is a
student at All Saints school.
Xj W wnite, of woodbine, Iowa
spent the past week here at the home
of his father-in-lay, H W Wood.
Henry Eramwiede's. new house is
approaching completion, and is taking
on the appearance of an up-to-date
Henry Niebnhr came np from Win
nebago 8unday evening and visited
over night with his brother Ueorce
and family .
Wanted An agent for that territo
ry. We pay highest cash weekly.
For terms write the Hawks Nursery
Co, Wauwatosa, wis.
Jan Hartnett was over from Sioux
City several days during the past
week, looking after business matters
and renewing old acquaintances.
Mrs Julius Quintal and daughter
Ida, attended the graduating exeroises
of the high school at Jackson last Fri
day evening, returning Saturday.
Clifford Jndd came over from Sioux
City Sunday and captured the biggest
bass (according to M M Ream's story)
that has been taken from Crystal lake
thisyear. It weighed 5i lbs.
A big, fine looking horse was strand
ed on a sandbar in the river east of
town several days the past week, but
has now disappeared, having swam to
the Iowa shore where feed is ' more
plentiful than on the island. How
the animal got there is a mystery.
The Jackson kid nine came down
yesterday for a game with the kids
here, and after two innings -play
tbe boys here tried to ring in some of
the first nine, but the Jackson boys
wouldn't stand for it, and quit the
game with the soore 1 to u in tueir
Word came here yesterday (Thurs
day) that Bert Foye, son of Mr and
Mrs Jos A ioye, bad died that day at
4 o'clock a m at his home in Union,
Oregon, of consumption. The deceas
ed young man leaves a wife and one
son, aged nve years, me remains
will be laid to rest at his home in
Union, Oregon.
We will be glad to see you call and
have some photos made. We are not
particular what kind you have, as we
make stamps, postal cards, cabinets,
and 40 other sizes. I believe you
know we are always the lowest iu
prioes. Call Sunday or any other
day. Kozi Studio,
304 Douglas St, oux City.
Mrs Helen E Weeks ariived here
from Chamberlain, S D, last Friday,
where she had been taking treatment
at the sauitarium in that place. She
spent a few days with old friends here
before returning to Hose bud, a V,
wher she is serving as asistant post
master. Come with me to Potter and Sully
counties, S D. where you can buy a
farm. I will guarantee that you can
pay for the farm in Hire years if you
will only half try. Do not pay from
tlire to seven dollars an acre rent.
Get a farm of your own and be happy.
Hubbard. Nebr.
Prof J S Josiasseu, of Fremont, Neb,
has beeu elected to the principalship
of the Dakota City school for .he
coming year Several applicants are
being considered for the position of
assistant prinoipal, and also for the
grammar room, and when these are se
lected the corps of teachers will be
After July 1st, all telephone calls
will bo answered by numbers only.
For instance, in calling for a certain
party, either in tewn or on a rural line,
ask for the number given in the book
opposite the party's name wanted.
The new May telephone books are now
issued call and get one.
Neb Clark Automatio Telephone Co,
J McELriiBEE, .Manager.
Weak womeu should try Dr Shoop's
Night Cure. These soothing, healing.
antiseptic suppositories go direct to
the seat of these weaknesses. My
"Book No 4 for Women" contains
many valuable hints to women, and it
is free. Ask Dr Shoop, Uacine. Wis,
to mail it. Ask the doctor in strictest
confidence, any questions you wish
answered. Dr Shoop's Night Cure is
sold by all dealers.
Piles are easily and quiokly checked
witn Dr Shoop's magic ointment. 10
prove it I will mail a small trial box
as a convincing test. Simply address
Dr Shoop, Racine, Wis. I surely
would not send it free unless 1 was
certain that Dr Shoop's magic oint
ment would stand the test, iteuiem
ber it is made exprensly and alone for
swollen painful, bleeding or itching
piles, either external or internal
Large jar 50c. Sold by all Jealera.
The board of county commissioners
were in session this week until Wed
nesilay evening as a board of equuli.a
tion, hearing oompluiuts iu the matter
of the assessment of real estate this
spring, which valuation stands for four
years. The prinoipal complaints were
from Omadi precinct, where the land
values had been materially raised over
that of the previous four yeirYs, and
in several instances where valuation!.
were too high the board reduced them
The valuation of the entire precinct
was cut 12 per cent. One instance
worth mentioning which came before
the board was that of G T Karst of
Walkers Island, who complained of
his assessment being too low, and the
board very graciously raised it to cor
respond with the valuation of the land
surrounding it, whioh Mr Karst said
was worth no more than his.
Atchison Globs Sights.
When a man acts superior, it is
sure thing be is not a superior man.
Some of the new hosiery advertise
ments are very much like Polioe Ga
When a thing really amounts to
great deal, people do not believe
amounts to much.
About everything from physieal cnl
turo to quinine claims to be "Nature
own remedy."
An Atchison man is so squeamish
that he becomes seasick every time he
sees a girl wearing a sailor hat.
The parlor sofa is probably wonder
ing why its friend, the hammock
doesn's get busy, so it can take a vaca
ry the time a m?n is 40 he should
have learned this much at least : That
nine times out of ten he is liable to be
In these days of unhampered flight
of fancy, yon (rill occasionally find a
brand of bacon with a name that
sounds as if it belonged to a girl.
"It isn't right," a man said today,
pathetically and indignantly. A great
many things go on tnat are not right,
and indignation will not stop them.
What has beceme of the eld-fash
ionad young woman whd, when a man
umped at her and kissed her. innuir
ed : "Aow. do you feel any better?
11 a gin asks other girls to come
over in the evening that a youug man
is to call, it is a sign she doesn t care
very much for him.
e have an idea that one of the
greatest joys heaven will have for the
workingman is that it is a place where
no whistles are blown .
When a man's friends praise him to
is wire she looks pleased, if a bride.
but if she has been married amte
while she looks suspicious.
When a woman moves into a house
whioh has been occupied before, she
says; "lou should have seen that
house. I simply had to digit out."
After a woman has been married
about so long she looks at her husband
the way we all look at company who
havd worn out their weloome.
Real Estate Transfers-
lnxnnder McPonnlri and wife to John
Kynn. ne1- neV and iwi ne'i section
D-iM-H, wd I 4000
II Burke and wife to Ida M HulUalv-
er. f tint SO feet of lot T and H In block
f 1'ovlngton Annex to Kouth Hloux
Ulty. wd
nna E Frasser and huxhmid to O
Mhenkhem, lot i In block la, Central
bouth Hloux City, wd
as Allnwny and wife to Thomas Alia-
way. lot IK in block 1. Homer, wd
ary Jordan and huxhnnd to John Jor
dan and I'm rick Jordim. nwij and
n? section -CT-o, wa
A Ahts to J P Abts Jr. lot 10 In block
11!, Covington Annex to South Hloux
City, wd ,
Nonh Itobltitllle nnd wlfo to Mary Pur-
ceii, lot win mock 10s, Covington a '
lie a iu niiuiu fiiuux l-'liy, wu
Albert E Pike nnd wlfo to Henry It
I'IIkMiii. north ti feet of south M feet
of lots SM nnd S4 In block 7, First Ad-
rition to isoutL hloux city, wd
iiirule McKlvemnn to Mrs Marr Me-
Klversnn et nl. undivided Interest
In neS sef section ifi-ilMt, and swH
aw1 sebt
uon wm!i.7, una part of so'
ite1- section HMflMl, wd
Lutheran Church Announcements.
Preaching Sunday morning at Sa-
em at 11:00 o'clock, Sunday school
10 :00 ; U IS at 8 p m.
Preaching at Dakota City 8:00p
m, u o:3U, Hunday school at
:45 a m, Mission Band at 3:00 p m
A cordial welcome to all.
District Court Dates.
The terms of court for the year 1908,
for the counties of the Eighth Judicial
district of Nebr; ska are as follows:
OutnliiR-Vr Feb 8, Hnpt 14
Diikolw Feb 17, Bept SM
Htuntou Mm'ch 1. Uct IS
Cedar March ltt, Nov 0
1 l xon Mnrcu 80, Nov BO
Thurston April 13, Oct 6
The first day of each term is set for
eiring applications for citizenship.
Do you want to get rid
of it? If so, take Dr. Miles
Nervine modified as di
rected in pamphlet around
bottle. In addition to tho
direct curative properties
it lias a soothing effect up
on the nervous system by
which the rheumatic
pains are controlled, and
rest and sleep assured.
It has made many cures
of this painful disease,
some of them after years
of suffering. If it will
cure others why not you.
If your case is compli
cated, write us for advice,
it costs you nothing and
may save you prolonged
"I waa so crippled that I could
eearcely walk. After havinK my shoes
on for an hour or two I could mnnnKft
to wnlk by Buttering the pain. Then
I IxuHn to have pains nil throuKh
my system. My doctor told me I hail
an acute attack of Inflammatory
rheumatism. I read about Dr. Miles'
Nervine, bought a bottle and I com
menced to get better from the star
and for the pat alx months have
scarcely any pain, and am able to
walk aa well as ever."
P. O. Box 0, Itockaway. N. J.
Your drugont tells Or. Miles Nerv
ine, and w authorize him to return
price of first bottle (only) If It fails
to benefit you.
Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind
Physician and Surgeon.
Calls promptly attended
County Coroner
B. F. Sawyer
Jackson, Nebraska
! Fly Time
lis Here
We ixlso Have fxxll supply
Screen Doorc and I
Windows, &lso
X!717 k .B a m
Yours for
Patronize Home Industries buy
Edwards & Bradford LumberJCo.
Geo. Kohlmeier. Mgr. Dakota City, Neb. I
aasM mmmm aaw mmmm mmm smsw mmm
Proprietor of
City Klcsxi Msrkot
Fresh and Bait Meats always on
Agent foi Seymour's
Laundry basket goes Tuesdays
Dakota Citv. Nii. j Xft-Wyfif S 608 Metropolitan Blk.
Bonded : Abstracter i i Sioux City. Iowa
1 ...
Crops grow only in summertime, and require sunlight, heat
and water. A bank account, such as YOU should have,
grows ALL the time nights, days, Sundays, winter and
summer. Start the dollar you now spend foolishly, at
work in this good bank, , and watch it grow and attract
other dollars to it. Get one of our small savings banks,
deposit everything below a quarter you get, in it, and a
dollar a week besides. You'll be surprised at the result.
It just simply PIXEL UP.
Ind.ptndsnes Comaa WltK SK Bsvuk Aeeount
"The Bank'that ALWAYS treats you RIGHT" fctiE.
"As safe as a Government Bond."
Safety Deposit Boxes, oniy $1.50 per year.
Paris Green
We will make quotations on Pari1?
Green to compete with Sioux City
Prices in any quantity desired sf 39
Headquarters for
Dakota City
Write for our Illustrated Catalogue describing our seventy X
different styles of Harness. X
A good Work Harness for $20.00
Slavs City, lawat X
A A A A A A A A A A A A. A 1 i. A 11 A. A A -V -V A A 1 A. A A. A. A A A A A A-AA-AAAAA-SS. A A A
your meats of
band . Cash paid for hides.
White Laundry.
and comes back Saturdays