A Hair Dressing 'cu wish a high-class hair t -Iri-ssins, we are sure Ayer's f Hair Vigor, new Improved for-j- ir.al.a, v, ill greatly please you. 1 1: Lesps the hair soft and b smooth, makes it look rich and luxuriant, prevents splitting at cn03. And it keeps the :p :rce from dandruff. D-xi n( chanre I he color of iht half formula wlthueh bottla Show it to your ijers Aik him bent it, than do ha aaya y t tv: same time the new Ayer's Hair Y.rtr is a strong hair tonic, promoting C i p. jwth of the hair, keeping all the t; r . c' the hair and scalp in a healthy ' . )i. The hair stops falling, dan t. 'sappcars. A splendid dressing. PLrAN NOW To tK Paolflo Coast Very low round trip rates commencing June 1st for at tractive Coast tours, only $60 ; slightly higher via Shasta Route and Puget Sound. To ChletKg ift Etxat Republican Convention excur sion tickets at low rates in June; also summer excursion rates in connection with con vention and Summer Tourist rates to eastern resorts. To Colorado snd Rooky Mountains Daily excursion rates com mencing June 1st to Colorado, Utah, Wyoming, Black Hills, Yellowstone Park ; great Dem ocratic Convention at Denver in July. Homaaaakara' Rates 1st and 3rd Tuesdays to the west, including , the famous Big Horn Basin and Yellow stone Valley, where large tracts of rich irrigated lands are being opened for settle ment by the government and by private companies. Write D. Clem Deaver, Burlington Landseekers' Information Bu reau, Omaha; excellent busi ness openings in new growing towns. Write a brief description of your proposed trip, and let US advise you how to make it the best way at the least cost N A S McLean, Ticket Agent DAT. OTA CITf, NEB. L. W. Wakelev, G P A, Omaha, Neb A. Ira. Davis Auctioneer Emirion, Nsbr. Fa.rm and Stock. Series 19 Years in the Business Dates made at The Herald Office. PILES get immediate relief from Dr. Shoop's Magic Ointment. 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE J la Track Mark Designs Copyrights Ac. ilia R i-Uelrh mid dpncrlptlon nmr .m ni:r fjpllllnn freo wliM lir BO r,.;t. '.:..fl.lMMnl. HA'IDeOOK Oil Hllt . i . 1 1 ( d r ..t-Mii.. fur vt ar.lifi Utttelit.. ' ... . ...I. ni.ni.ihl rofiinillnloA. Scftstffic flmwicati. l.ini.ii'irlT lllllMniti'.l k!. I.nt Cll . i.i;..ti i f Miir .'ieiiti:l.i loiiriml. Ternn.fJ . I. 4 ... mli. l. tfuid b. j.il nawa(1aler i.f, wtttwui ennrua, iu mo r-ViN Co.3C1B'o,i,''- New York .. . .wii.wV V St. WahlUiituu. 1. C. Weak Kidneys ' Ttf tfarvet. The Kiilneyi, Ilka ths '.Heart, ami ttis Stomach, find their weaknw". not i the own ltaulf. but in the uervts that control and auiile and strengthen them. Vr. thoop Kestoretlve It mdtdue specifically prepared to reach thije controlling nerve. To doctor the Kidneyt alone, ta futile. It U 1 waU ol time, aud ol money at Well. If'your back arhea or Is weak. the urine Scald, or U dark and strong. It you have symptoms rit hriaM rr ..,., H tiff nr 4allfferOU. kid- rey diaeaae. try Dr. Shoop's Restoratives month -jameu or uquia ana tee wnai it cau auu nui 4o tor jou. liruggUt recommend and tell lr. Shoop's EuOstoratiuo iBntejan w h.&.LSAA.' j r3 - r w 1 ' - . "ML DEALERS" R R Time Table Siou CHJ, Crystal La ka ft Homer LEAVE LEAVE jakota cut Biocxcrrt 7:30am .8:20am 9:30 am 10:30 am 11:15am 11:50 am 1:15pm 2:00pm 3:00pm,. ...4:15pm 5:15 pm 6:50 pm Special trips for parties of 15 or mora C, St. P., M. ft O. Trains leave Dakota City at the fol lowing time : WORTH BOUND. BOOTH BOTJITD. 7:02 pm Omaha 7:04 am 10:00am Omaha ......5:18pm 3 :37 pm Norfolk 8 :18 am 8:41 am Norfolk 5.32 pm 7:28 am Newcastle 9:33 am 2:08 pm........ 6:25 pm BUKDAY TBAI58. 7 :02 ddi! Omaha 7 :04 am 3:37 Norfolk 5:32 C B ft Q WEST No. 85 Local Freight" 7:16 am 11 " Passenger, Omaha and Lincoln" 12:47 pm EAST No 80 Local Freight 2 :25 pm 10 Local Passenger.. 6 :07 pm daily. daily eicept Sunday. Local Items Friday, June 5, 1908 L George Haase was down from Emer son over Sunday. George J. Boucher went to Lincoln Wednesday on business matters. - Miss Mary Hiersch went out to Win Strong's Tuesday for a few days' visit with Miss Ethel Strong. Emma and Martha Ewald and Gena Beck, of Sioux City, weie Sun day visitors at the Wm. Lorena home. The windows in the front of the sa loon building have been lowered, in compliance with the law in such mat ters. Cecil McNiel, of South Sioux City, attended the dance here Friday night and visited with Miss Genevieve S tan ard Saturday. Having a good stock of hardware and tinware on hand, we ask jou to call and see us. Schriever Bros, Da kota City, Nebraska. Henry Ostmeyer, one of our most prosperous farmers, was in town Tues day on business, and from now on will be a reader of The Herald. Harry Hill was down from Allen a few days last week rusticating at Crys tal lake. He, with a party of two or three more from Allen, will erect a cottage at the lake. The relatives of Mr and Mrs Emmett Gribble met at their si acious home in the Salem neighborhood Saturday evening and helped hem celebrate their fifteenth (crystal) wedding anni versary. AorjroDriate memorial exercises were held at the Dakota City cemetery Sat urday forenoon at eleven o, clock by the GAR post of 8outh Sioux City, in honor of their departed comrades. Bev Geo F Mead delivered the memo- nai address. An.ong those who attended a ball "ma Frederick", Bslnd Blanche Robertson, Frank Orr, Jake Sides, Kitie Ream, Ailoen Stimon and Myrtle Barghman. Itonier defeated Hinton, Iowa, 1 to 0. Georcia Niebuhr, Ruth Hamiltion, Mildred Soencer and Tenuie Tennaut enme home Wednesday from Pern, Nebr.. where they were attending tut state normal school. Miss Tenunnt, whose home is in Gordon, Neb , will Rcend a portion ot her vaoatlou nt the Henry Wood home ueie. . James Fueston, town marshal, cap tured three hoboes who were attempt ins to steal a ride on the Burlington treight going through here about noon Tuesday. One of them was released, the evidence being insufficient for hold ion him. the other two drawing a nne of $3.00 each and costs. Members of tlia Eacrle's lodflre came to the rescue of one of them, and tne otuer one lain out his flue in jail. The Burhneton made a change in its time card Sunday. Train No 10 coinor north in the evening, arrives here at 6:07, and connects witu tne O'Neill passenger going west at the junction north of town. A platform has been build there to acoomniouaie passengers changing cars either way. The train fr6m O.Neill haa ben changed to connect there with the Lincoln train going scutb, also. The question of issuing a saloon license to Alfred Ohallie by tue vil lage board of Dakota City was de cided in the district court by Judge Graves Wednesday, the case having been appealed from the jurisdiction of the town board by tne remoustrators to the petition. Judge Graves dis missed the petition of the remonstrat ors and the license was issued as pray ed for. and the drought that has pre vailed in this community is a thing 01 the past. ; At 8 o'clock Wednesday evening, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. V. V, naerer. occurred the marriage of thci only daughter, Giaee II., to Archie Couchtrv. on of Mr. and Olrs. james Conehtry of this precinct. ILe wed diuir was a quiet, simple affair, and was witnessed by only a few friends ol the family. At the appointed hour the wedding couple took their places in the parlor uud the solemn and im presiive wor Jh were spoken by R"V G. A. ileith, M. i;. pastor at the Omaha agency, Neb , uud a cousin of the groom, thru niiule two nappy hearts beat as oue. The newly wed ded eouplo will immediately g to housekeeping on the A. 1. Una Be farm recently vacated by W. 1. Broynill. This couple is too well and favorably known in this locality to need any In troduction by the Herald, and the best wishes of their entire acquaintance are heartily tendered them in their new relationship. Some handsome and useful presents were reueived by the bridal Dair from their relative and friends. Ilave Elmers make your abstracts. Subscribe for Tee Herald $1 per year. - A. T. Daase was a business visitor at Emerson Thursday. A new niano Braces the Lome ul Paul Einkel and family. Goody, Ooody, Goody, where, at Tan'a. A big box for 6 cents. Subscribe for the Herald, the best ppr in the county, f 1 a year. Miss Ida Quintal wenl to Jefferson, S. D., Tuesday, on a visit, returning Wednesday. Sylvia Francisco, of Hubbard, is a guest at the Sheriff Rockwell home for a few days. Gretchen Bullock came home from Blair Saturday, where she attended school the past year. Bert Wood and Jay Robertson were ont and built an addition to the EJ Morgan home last week. For Sale Sweet potato plants, and both early and late cabbage plants Wesley McPherson, Dakota City, Neb. Prof W H Patchin left Saturday noon for a few weeks' visit at Lincoln and Peru, Nebr, with old school asso ciates. Mrs John H Ream and children vis ited at the S A Combs home below Comer a few days last week, returning home Sunday. Mis Mary Nordyke was down from Jackson from Fiiday until Wednesday visiting at the home of her daughter, Mollie Broyhill . Sheriff Rockwell and sons Scott and Howard, and Guy Stinson took in the ball game at Walthill Sunday, Hub bwd being the victim. Perle Stinson left Monday for Max baes, N D, for a few weeks' visit with her sister, Mrs Geo Lillie, and to lcok after her farm in that vicinity. Mrs Elmer Robinsorf and children left Saturday for Chetek, Wis, where tbey will make their future home, Mr Robinson having secured employment there. Blanche Warner, of Avalon, Mo, youngest daughter of L M Warner and wife, arrived Here juonay xor a visit with relatives apd friends in Homer and vicinity. Mrs Chas Jordan returned to her home at Homer Thursday, having spent the week at the Feldman home at Crystal lake. Mrs Feldman accom panied her home. The new "Handy Shur-on" Rimless Eye Glasses are self adjusting and sure to stay in place. We can fit you, and want you pleased with the best. W C Eckhart. Licensed Optometrist. Rsv VonHagen and family went ovtrto Morningsiae xuursaay 10 at tend the big demonstration given iu honor of Bishop Lewis, who returutd from the Baltimore conference that morning U S Marshal Warner. U S Revenue Collector Ross A Hammoud and Clerk of the Federal Court George H Thum- mel, came up fr'm Omaha Tuesday evbtiiug fur a few days fishii gat Crys tal lake. ' For housecleauing time, see what 35 cents will buy at Van's a ten cent package of Dutch cleanser, a bar of hand soap, a bar of tar soap, a scour ing bar. Fifty cents worth, all for 35 cents, at Van de Zedde's. About seventy-five men employed by the Burlington railroad, the first of tne wees were putting cuuers uu mo track between here and Homer. They had a bad stretcfi of track there that never had been ' ballasted. A freight eneii e was derailed there Saturday. Services ut the Methodist Episcopal hurch every Sunday as fcdlows; Preaching, 11a m ; Sunday so jool, 10 am! Class meeting 12 m; Epworth League, 0:30 p m; Preaching, 7 :30 p n. Preacu in Grace church every Sunday at 2 :30 p m. You are cordially invited to any and all these services . Try the new photo studio for your cabinet photos. Our aim is to make as fine i photo as can be ,made lor the money. We guarantee all our work for satisfaction and not to fade. Our pries are very low, ltring this ad vertisement and we.jvill make you six teen cabinet photos for the price of a dozen. Cabinets $2,00 and up. De Luxe Studio, next to 5 and 10c store, Sioux City. To ston any pain, anywhere, in 20 minutes, simply take just one of Lrl Shoop's Pink Pain TabletX fain means congestion Blood pressure hat is all. Dr SLoop s Headache or Pink Pain Tablets will quickly coax blood pressuie away from pain centers. After that, pain is arone. ueaaaoue, neuralgia, painful periods wi h women etc, get instant help . 20 Tablets 25c. Sold by all dealers. The Sons of Herman of the North east Nebraska district will hold their annual picnio at Pender, Nebraska, June 8, 1908. The exercises will be- cin at 8 o'clock am, with march by Sons of Herman led by west roint Cadet band. Oflicers addresses at 2 o'clock p m . In the way of sports and amusements there will be a ball game, foot races and a merry-go-round. The festivities will be closed with a gran I ball in the opera house in the evening. Wm Lahrr, of this plae, n president of the day. Evervbody.is invited. If cue feels dull and spiiitless, in the snricu or early summer, they call it "spring feve- . lint mere is no lever usually it is the after . effect of our winter habits. The nerves ure mostly at fault. Tired, worn-out netves leave us lanauid. lifeless, and without spirit or ambition. A few doses of Dr Shoop's Itestorativo will absolutely and quickly change all of these depussiug symptoms. I lie i.estoraiive oi course won't brinsr you back to full healh in day or two, but it will do enough in 48 hours to satisfy you that th remedy is reaching the "tired spot". Drug- ffihts everywhere are advuiug its use as a splendid and promp general tonic It gives more vim and more spirit to thesDoonful than any other known nerve or consituuonai tonic, it snarp ens a failinst appetite, aids digestion frees sluggish livers and kidneys, aud bring new life, strength and ambition. Teat it a few days and be convinced. For aale by all dealers. Post etrds at Van's. . The Herald for ALL the mews t Mrs Bert Beatty is qnite sick at her home in Bly burg. Old papers for sale at the Herald ofSoe 5 cents per hundred. Myron 8awyer, of Sioux City, was business visitor here Wednesday, J E Easton went to Omsha Monday, where he is serving as federal jury man. You will never get neryons if you drink Breun's coffee. VandeZedde sells it. Henry Ostmeyer is having his three laree farm houses painted. JBBubb, of Homer, is wielding the brnsh. Joseph Quintal left Tuesday morn ing for Elk Point, 8. D ., where Le has secured work. Mrs Joe Lindstrom and baby eame over from Sionx City Sunday and vis ited at the Wm Lenox home until Tuesday. Frank Niemeyer returned to Chica go Saturday evening, where he is em ployed in a drug store, and studying pharmacy. Delbert Flemming aud Eittie Nedahl, both of Sioux City, were joined in marriage Wednesday by Judge Stinson. Mr and Mrs Dave Neiswanger and daughter Barbara, visited at Lyons from Thursday of last week nntu Sun day with relatives. Wanted An agent for that territo ry. We pay bigness casu weekly. For terms write the Hawks Nursery Co, Wauwatosa, Wis. 1 S A Ayres and wife aerived here from Los Angeles, Cal, yesterday, on a visit at the M O Ayres home, the two gentlemen being brothers. A card from Addie Sides, mailed at Newcastle, Wyo, on the 2nd, leaves the family all in good health, and all enjoying the trip to the coast. E D Wigton, of Lyons, formerly ed itor of the Sun at that place, was here a short time Wednesday on business. The Herald acknowledges a fraternal call. Chas Ostmeyer has purchased a I500C residence in Mornisgside, and will take up his residence there next year. He has rented his farm to Geo Madsen. All kinds of coal, feed and hay for sale at reasonable prices. Fields & slaughter Co. TheoE Bliven, Manager. Dakota City, Neb. The village board met Tuesday eveaing and passed an ordinanoe re quiring all sidewalks built in the future to be of cement. The ordi nance will be found in this issue of the Herald, and applies to that por tion of the town designated in the or dinance. We will be glad to see you call and have some photos made. We are not particular what kind you have, as we make stamps, postal cards, cabinets, and 40 other sizes. I believe you know we are always the lowest in prices. Call Sunday or any other day. Kozs Studio, 301 Douglas St, Sioux City. Quite a few of the old soldiers en joyed the special eervioe at the Metho dist church Sunday morning. The choir furnished special music, tne male quartette composed ot Messrs Sides, Wood. Pizy and Orr, sang a very appropriate piece for the occasion. The church was nicely decorated with flags. Weak women should try Dr Shoop's Night Cure. These soothing, healing, autiseptic suppositories go direct to the seat of these weaknesses. My "Book No 4 for Women" contains many valuable hints to women, and it is free Ask Dr Shoop, Racine. Wis, to mail it. Ask the doctor in strictest confidence, any Questions vou wish answered. Dr Shoop's Night Cure sold by all dealers. D Van de Zedde returned Tuesday from Omaha, where he went Suuday with the party of excursionists from Sioux City to attend the W O W ini tiation. where over 1,300 candidates were made members of ths order This order is getting to be one of the most substantial insuranoe societies in the country. Piles are easily and quickly checked with Dr Shoop's magic ointment. To prove it I will mail a small trial box as a convino'nsr test. Simply address Dr Shoop, Racine, Wis. 1 surely wonl, 1 not send it free unless I was certain that Dr Shoop's magio oint ment would stand the test. Remem ber it is made expressly and alone for swollen painful, bleeding or itching piles, either external or internal, Large jar 50c. Snld by all Jealers. ADVERTISED LETTERS Eemaininar in the postofflce at Dakota Neb, for the montn ending way 31, 1008. Mrs Wm Wallace, Weltmere Institute, DrDwight Wilcox, Victor Stenger, Mrs Teuny Larsnn, Ira Lewis, Mrs Kate Jackson, T G Hall, Fred Harding, Wm Ueily, Frau Oeorg Gadke, Lyman Gilbert, F W Grubb, G A GlnUon, Edward Ferry, Mrs Casey Boutb. Parties calling for the above please say "advertised." John ii. 1eam, l OBimasier, List of letters remaining iu the post- odiee at Jackson, Neb, for the mouth ending May 31, 1908 Mr Edd Uahn, Margaret Gaughan, Mrs Wm" Zeno, Geo Sherman, Mr P E Nispel, Chas Huggard. Parties calling for the above will Dlease say "advertised." M J Flynn, Pestmaster. In the Sand Hill Country, Swan Lake, Neb, May 28, 1909. Editor ot Dakota County Herald- Dear Sir: As I promised befcra I left Dakota City, I will write you a few line about the country we have passed over on our western trip. We are now at Swan Lake it is about a mile long and one-half mile wide and is full of fish. It is entirely surrounded by sand hills. I suppose you and the friends would like to know about our trip and the country hereabouts. The face of the country until we got near the Elkhorn, is about like the western part ol vm kota couaty. but when you cross the Elkhorn you really enter the great American desert. So many have crossed it that it seems silly to write of it. We camped about one-half mile west of Ewing. It is the same everywhere, but the grass grows good. The most noticeable thing here is the dam on Caoha creek, which can be heard for a mile. We followed np the oreek bottom, which is level and not good for anything but hay. The rest is sand, generally covered with a short coat of grass. Twenty miles up the hills nearly disappear, and there is meadow land many miles in extent that has practically gone to waste. They haul some hay to O'Neill, 24 miles. I was offered the best for CO cents per acre, with buildings, all fenced and two flowing wells. The water comes to the surface if given naif a chance. A flowing Weil costs here about (20. The water is trying to find its way to the surface all over. Much of the rolling land is awaley and the very high places are sandy leaving very little farm land, as it either drifts or drowns . Abont thirty-five miles from Ewing the country grows dryer more sand and less valley, but lots of hay; good for stock and not much else. May 29 Arrived at Duff, Nebr, and are at M S Mansfield's. The country between here and Swan Lake is very rough and sandy. Glints from the Sloan, Iowa, Star. A wishbone is a mighty poor substi tute for a backbone. Everyone likes to see the "other fel low" roasted in a newspaper. Dainty hosiery has no quarrel with with the wind which blows a skirt. The astute politician hews close to the line of the old adage: "Honesty is the best policy. Most men are wise enough to t rasp an opportunity, but few kuow enough to let go ot a dilemma. When a girl is iu love she tries to hide it; when a married woman is not in love, she also tries to hide it. As the world views it, the well bal anced man is the one who does the most for himself and the least for others There is plenty of room at the bot tom for thebau who quits striving be cause he imagines he has reached the top. When a man cannot get into trouble enough through his own efforts, he can always find an obliging friend who is ready to help him. The man who never made an enemy should be transplanted to heaven he is a nonentity of absolutely uo use on earth. i' , Many a man (or woman) has gone to the devil yearning for , the sympathy hich might have saved him, simply bee use hi outward bearing seemed to repell the expresion of sympathy. People who have lived togeth r the greater part of a lifetime without beit'g able to understand each otlier, are ready to pass snap judgement ou a stranger at the firr-t uieetiug. District Court Dates. The terms of court for the year 1908, for the counties of the Eighth Judnnni c.-istrict of Nebr. ska are as follows: fuinlliK Kol8. Sept 14 lmkottt Keb 17, Srpt 1 stmiton Miik-Ii 2. K-t W (Vdur March lrt, Nov li i(in Miirch !H, Nov W) Tluii'sum April lit, Oct 8 The first duv of each term is set for tearing applications for citizenship. Real Estate Transfers- J W Hn.legrove nnl wife to 11 K Ev- nn. block 21, tc. xi. i. i. . . ' ll l ul 75, lmkolu Ulty, qcd I 6 00 Ch V Oxtmeyor and wife to dhrlst O NeUon, a? nKN, sectluii 2V-z--w, wu . . p Mnrla Herman nnil IiumImiihI tq The Homer Htnte mink, west wucei ui lots 1, 1 unci 8 In block U, Homer, wd.. lOnO Lutheran Church Announcements. Preaching Sunday morning at Sa lem at 11:00 o'clock, Sunday sohool at 10:00; C Eat 8 p m. Preaching at Dakota City 8:00p m, U . o:au, ounuay scuooi at 9:45 a m, Mission Band at 3:00 p m. A cordial welcome to all. Undertaker County Coroner B. F. Sawyer Jackson, Nebraska V)R. C H. MAXWELL, Physician and Surgeon. Calls promptly attended DAKOTA CITT, KEBBA8KA SEEDS I W f ! Unlvtraal Pramlum OHnnllh all rt.r BLUE RIBBON CULLLUIIUH ComprlM It brlMl HMIM1M, " nm WiBuiDf bU, ! bor!ot Uttnn, 14 am . HubiIudi Tomato. II Luacioui HMoa II, II IM f Mwim il uHt km) I h. wu Itu 14 la mm ot )u mT llua4. BUSINESS BUILDER SEND 10 CENTS tku f.ourktkU aollMttaa at UU. f lUiul u4 lutnMtin If .tf.lh.r . tsar with mi " I WtH. WritT-Da, AUIloiTitfM luieoirss 4R Ml BlraM aoeapoao, iluhois I IV Din I ft mi B..AV Don r'jrsr ii -f Fly Time is Here We cvlso have Screen Doers ctsid Windows. Fly FJctc -Yours for i in i on 10 ii l i unworn, a at Kiwitawi nmnr ! Lill H lima w mauiuiu uumuui I Gpo. Kohlmeier, Mgr. Patronize Home Industries buy Wm LrORJERJZ, Proprietor of City Mesxt KlsrJket Fresh and Salt Meats always on hand . Cath paid for hides. Agent foi Seymour's White Laundry, Laundry basket goes Tuesdays and comes back Saturdays HA KOTA CITY- PAUL PIZEY, : Dakota cm,... j Lawyers Bonded : Abstracter ! : SOMETHING 4 For good old Dakota County some Good Safety Deposit Boxes. "The Bank that Always treats you Right" has had made for it, some fine steel boxes which will be rented to our customers, for only $1.50 per year. They are large, roomy and you alone carry their key. Fine place in our good vault for your valuable papers. - Hand in your name at once, that one may be reseryed for YOU. The supply is limited the de mand already great. , 1 ISamk. qf Detlcotai County Time for that Tornado and Hail Policy now. ftVJEEsk, I Call here, for the GOOD eompanies. I Paris - We will make v quotations on Pari? Green to compete with Sionx City 4 Prices in any quantity desired if LESLIE'S DRUG STORE Headquarters for ICE CREAM SODA Dakota City n mm 1 1 mk23imM' mi ATT A S Write for our Illustrated Catalogue describing our seventy different styles of Harness. A good Work Harness for $20.00 AND MANY OTHERS AT RIGHT PRICES Sttxrrfco Bros SIlJcuV ,oCi T f t!fTlfTftfTffftft?T?il!iHfrniininiii fill iif w J I I I I &x. full aupplylfcf all descrlptio rvs I I I Business- in Dakota City, Keb. your meats of NEBRASKA - ALFRED PIZEY, 608 Metropolitan Blk. Sioux City. Iowa NEW a COMING Green Nebraska b. r